Scientist Man Explains Terminator: Genisys

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Having a cybernetic organism replace Ringo would be pretty cool.

They could call it Terminator: Revolution 9

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/Creedelback 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2015 🗫︎ replies

Remember when there were only two Terminator movies and they were both great?

👍︎︎ 115 👤︎︎ u/aidrocsid 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2015 🗫︎ replies

Ah man, I do love these guys.

I would also recommend this one on Prometheus

👍︎︎ 63 👤︎︎ u/Pokemon_Name_Rater 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2015 🗫︎ replies

This was great. I want to see them do more of this for other ridiculously convoluted plots.

👍︎︎ 86 👤︎︎ u/llTehEmeraldll 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2015 🗫︎ replies

Nice Life Preserver.

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/cybercuzco 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2015 🗫︎ replies

This video is just so dense---

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/wrathfulgrape 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2015 🗫︎ replies

Fork in the brain

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/ZZR0CKYZZ 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2015 🗫︎ replies

For whatever reason I really enjoy their style of humor. Getting their own jokes wrong, jump cuts that interrupt their own sentences, mispronouncing movie titles, etc.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/aksumighty 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2015 🗫︎ replies

I would like to see them timeline the movie Primer.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2015 🗫︎ replies
hello and welcome when discussing Terminator Genisys there are several key years you need to keep in mind ready 1965 1973 1984 1985 1995 1997 2004 2007 2017 2029 and 2032 you got it let's begin hello young man why that's a mighty big life preserver you're wearing i'm scientist man and i heard you have some questions about the new film terminator genisys 1965 that's the year Sarah Connor was born and we have 1984 that's when the first Terminator showed up to kill Sarah Connor when she was 19 years old okay so she's 19 and 1984 but I thought in Terminator 3 they say she was born in 1959 let's move on our next stop in our timeline is 1985 that's when John Connor was born all the way to the events so 1984 is when the original Terminator was sent back in time to kill Sarah Connor right correct okay now I've seen the trailers for the new movie and Arnold's olds that's 1984 buddies why is he old well there's actually three Arnold's in the new movie there's digital Arnold 1984 Arnold is middle-aged Arnold in 1984 and then there's old Arnold in 2017 see in 1974 someone sent a liquid terminator back to kill 9 year-old Sarah Connor for some reason and then someone presumably the resistance sent a terminator the t800 model backed up to protect Sarah in 1970 so okay so the the t800 that befriended Sarah Connor as kid killed the terminator that was sent from the future it's a 1984 well technically Sarah Connor killed that Terminator he just beat a bomb Sarah Connor shot him in the heart with a big big gun okay so they killed him so wouldn't that stop everything from happening that's what they were trying to accomplish in the first movie anyway I'm sorry next question okay and you mentioned something about 2017 well in 1984 since 1974 t800 Arnold from 1998 Morgan Adams oh that time mr. Sarah Connor could travel to 1997 which was the original date of judgement day before changed to 2017 this is the original date of Judgment Day yeah but that shouldn't be where a time line starts really that without that would be an alternate timeline so you maybe maybe you should use green for this well but no this is the original time I guess it continues on in there so it's a 99 1997 is Judgment Day yeah or the original Judgment Day but now everything's changed as well but 1995 is when they stop Judgment Day right right yes and Judgment Day gets pushed pushed back or push forward whichever way you want to look at it to 2017 one of the key factors is is that John Connor becomes a digital robot wait what Judgment Day has now been moved to 2017 that's right well the events of Terminator 2 and three have been erased from time okay so those movies are pointless so they travel from 1984 it's in 2007 yes even though Sarah Connor wants to go to 1997 but Kyle Reese tells her no because while he was being traveled back through town something called @e 5000 is the living embodiment of Scotland's John College digital Miss into his face which turns him into a t 3000 and that disrupts the timeline which causes Kyle Reese to have memories from the timeline that didn't exist before what year did John Connor get turned into a robot that would be 2029 like like most timelines are Arnold from the third one kills John Connor in 2032 I killed you oh my god it's the last date that we need to remember 2032 2032 yeah make that blue cuz that doesn't happen now no it doesn't happen it doesn't matter really we could also erase the timeline of Claire Danes career because once she appeared in Terminator 3 it ceased to exist this is the stuff we used to chemically neuter dogs so we travel they know the dates of Judgment Day in 2017 right what so I'm assuming they go back you know week a month before it happens no I actually even though they have a time machine they go back just a few hours before it starts leaving them very little time to prepare talk to the hand do you have any more questions little boy one thing to keep in mind sir is that everyone has a time machine John Connor in 2017 as a time Arnold has - a time machine a nine - Skynet has a time machine in 2029 and oh my god so Skynet is gonna send a robot back to 1984 no I'm not saying that at all oh my god what are you saying saying the resistance at some point why is it in 1995 I'm just writing on the outside of the circle oh okay this is just extra room I have to write okay listen so because the resistance screwed up the whole timeline and now Sarah Connor and Kyle Reese are in 2017 they have John Connor and he could grow up to look just like Edward Furlong so the resistance is going to kidnap Sarah Connor and Kyle Reese send them back to 1984 erase their memories and have them fall in love meet up in a shady hotel room and have sex at the exact time and second that they did before even down to the exact moment that Kyle Reese ejaculated and thus create the exact same John Connor down to the very sperm and very egg that were used it's at the sperm and the egg no that's a little worm crawling into an apple okay it's unrelated well in the new movie if Sarah Connor and Kyle Reese stay in 2017 then John Connor is not going to be born so then the future resistance would not even know about John Connor so they wouldn't even think to send a future Sarah Connor in Kyle Reese back in time dinette since they failed in killing Sarah Connor in 1974 should have just sent another t1000 back to 1973 her [ __ ] just send a t-1000 back to when she was an infant you know [ __ ] defenseless babies are so Skynet attempts to kill Sarah Connor in 1974 correct a terminator attempts to kill Sarah Connor in 1984 they attempt to kill John Connor in 1995 correct and they failed every single time for being called terminators they're not very good at terminating people they're they're tryin a turn all of your questions have been great so Doctor Who in 2029 what sends robot John Connor I don't know you're talking about when you say doctor who can you refer to him by his proper name the T 5,000 the living embodiment of Skynet Cyberdyne so when Matt Smith sends John Connor robot John Connor from 2029 to 2017 what why does he do that it's because the T 5,000 is aware that the resistance might win so he sends zombie robot John Connor the T 3,000 stupid name back through time not to 2017 to probably I don't know 2014 to develop Cyberdyne industries which works on three things making a mimetic polyalloy liquid people so the T 5,000 in this timeline what he knows the Judgment Day is not going to happen I think so he sends a robot back to somewhere around John Connor not just a robot he says it's John Connor robots somewhere in here T 3000 to make sure that so it's the same sort of causality loop like what we're doing Connor wants a great ending for no reason a mimetic polyalloy which is like the most [ __ ] amazing thing a time machine and an operating system you think John Connor himself being a t 3000 could just like into a computer system and launch nuclear bombs for a scientist you sound very biased on your opinions on all the well you know I I have to be honest with you I root for Skynet when I watch these movies mainly because I just want to see a bunch of bad actors get burned up in a nuclear fire I think that's it I mean do you have any more questions well not so much questions I'm just kind of thinking about what they're gonna do with the next movie because in this one it ends with with Kyle Reese and Sarah Connor they're in 2017 but they need a time machine to go back to 1984 to ensure that John Connor is born and I'm guessing if they do that then you know the events of the second movie and the third movie those are going to happen again right and we're just gonna reset the timeline we're just gonna reset the whole thing in which case there is no Doctor Who in the future there is no robot John Connor back here we're just going to reset all of those items and put everything back into place in which case that there will not need to be a terminator sent back to 1960 or to 1974 part no I'm sorry I wasn't listening can you repeat all that well one of the real things that's going to happen in the next film is John Connor is going to send himself not as a robot back in time to 1965 to replace Ringo Starr and the Beatles like [ __ ] it that's what I would do I wanna hold your hand I wanna hold your hand copyright beetles well I I think I think what they alluded to at the end of Terminator Genisys is that Cyberdyne is starting up again that's when a robot from the future Sarah Connor and Kyle Reese and they're living happily in 2017 with their manservant pops okay they're going to be pregnant but it's going to be with a girl and then she's going to be the leader of the human resistance in the future they're gonna put a twist on things Joan Connor Joan Connor so John Connor still alive robot John Connor zombie robot John Connor is still alive twenty thirty nine twenty thirty nine the new war starts because John gone Don Connor is simply starting Cyberdyne industries of launching nuclear missiles and creating a robot nightmare world that exists in 2039 and the leader of the future human resistance to kill both a sound other ten Mars who's now 2781 billion T 1 billion mimetic polyalloy nuclear fusion monster that is as big as the Sun and this mimetic polyalloy nuclear fusion monster can devour whole planets and then everybody shoots at it with a gun do you have any other I mean I'm sure you have a lot this is speculation but it's definitely going to happen okay okay at some point John Connor takes the sports Almanac and starts betting on horse races and making gambling bets on sports teams and it becomes the most wealthiest man in America no you're confusing that with a difference franchise what you're talking about the Indiana Jones series [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,457,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Terminator: Genesis (Film), red letter media, scientist man, explains, Science Fiction Movies
Id: JXJiSZhA5cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2015
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