Schlatt Builds the WORST City Ever (Cities: Skylines)

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how's it going boys my name is schlatt and welcome back to the vaude channel today i revived some classic j schleck content i'm playing city skylines it's been like a year since i played this game a whole lot of content has come out i haven't streamed it in a minute uh and it was just a fun time playing it so uh with any further ado here's the vod enjoy do you guys remember and i i guarantee you most of you will not save for maybe five or ten people in the chat but does anyone remember saturday morning skylines on youtube the youtube streams every saturday it was either saturday or sunday i'd go live and uh and i'd play city skylines to maybe 100 people 200 people tops wtf i came to see the big guy in chat thank you chills [Music] thanks for the ten dollars but yes no if you're saying yeah ninety percent of chess line right now you guys don't remember that [ __ ] what you probably do remember is the second wave of city skyline stuff like bunk and me beep and the youtube videos you know the ones that actually turn into youtube videos but the chill like you remember the the copyright free ice cream thank you president barack obama surely you guys don't remember the uh the the copyright free jazz playing in the background and [ __ ] ah all right well good news for you because we're going back into it we are playing city skylines and it's not just because xqc has been streaming it but those streams have been very funny um mainly because of the donations uh almost entirely because of donations who the [ __ ] is this twitch new is that ben shapiro [Music] jesus christ all right so i'm turning off the music we're just gonna get into it now i haven't played city skylines in a good year or two might even be close to two years you know um thank you ben shapiro for that uh donation appreciate it daisy is better than skylines listen we'll get into daisy soon i'm sure you guys saw the you saw that right that's an old old starting soon screen i revived i actually had to re-render it with all the new texts and stuff because i i lost some of the files but um yeah oh dude i got the coolest [ __ ] ever you guys know archie who edits the yard and all that fantastic editor he put together some be right back screens for the dayz streams i don't know if i should show you yet what the [ __ ] was that was that jesus i think uh i'm gonna try that one again hold on it's my birthday [ __ ] happy birthday kanye west um okay that's funny as [ __ ] the kanye one's good they have a weekend one there's a weekend one that like harmonizes and it sings in like [ __ ] vocoder or whatever it's super funny um i have to pay a couple hundred dollars a month for the ai tts so you guys better use it [Music] any further ado [Music] oh my god [Music] it's so good it's so good to be back on city skylines you have no idea if i can make orange rhyme with ben and are born in a [ __ ] i can make orange rhyme with bananas dance for getting the staff of madness for me we'll be taking that pillow i [ __ ] love this i love it already thank you exclusively plastic that's a that's a [ __ ] old-school sips reference fantastic all right let me know what you see in three two one all righty all righty we're in we're in [Music] this is big it's a good day for us i do have all the dlc i'm pretty sure all of it this should be balling hell you let's [ __ ] go that was knuckles this should be balling hell yeah let's [ __ ] go well what do you say boys we just hopping into city skylines what do we got um any suggestions for uh for maps [Music] dust ball seven lakes prussian peaks hmm that's looking good i haven't seen any of these like all i remember are these you know 10 or so the originals [Music] and bring back don't get me beat oh bro all right frosty rivers oh christmassy that would go well with the entire state of texas freezing over however [Music] i'm feeling something like nice you know like i want to do something tropical almost what is this farmland flats could we get away with fisher enclave can we get away with it [Music] you think we could get away with it nah that's a bad map come on now come on now azure golf fitbit i think did you think of the video every otk stream ever i haven't watched it i'm not sure what you're talking about i think the texas speech is struggling just a little bit dripping what was kanye saying to me tripping straight i think it might have censored what came next uh it he was he was going to say dripping straight turkey balls i don't know what that means he meant i voted slot 2020. you were running thank you obama i appreciate that looking for someone who can give and get to infections oh my god remember these donors you've been threatening me with it they stream the same way i threatened at hospital except i fall out through what's the deal big guy i'm so sorry i'm so sorry obama oh jesus i gotta find a map and i gotta start i gotta find a map and i gotta [ __ ] start i got president obama talking to me why don't you guys like fish your enclave it looks like the best one green peaks i'm doing green peaks [ __ ] you we're getting into it green peaks [Music] ah it is so good to be back on city skylines you have no idea you have no idea you actually don't have a single idea about how like how like nostalgic this is even for me i don't even know about how you guys feel but uh this is this is a this is a good time for me oh look we gotta move ramy up there hold on remy's gotta my fellow americans but stop my fair my fellow americans [ __ ] stall thank you obama [Music] all right oh man ah we're back in it so cool so cool now i i why is it all scary music playing right now build them a nice hospital just like i did obama listen to me i don't know what kind of hospitals you've been working on but the last couple ones haven't been too fun they haven't been too fun listen i know i saw what you did overseas to that one hospital isn't that funny that the the ominous music starts playing just as the obamas don't know start rolling in that's just funny to me i think i think that's funny sneak snake how you doing bro how you doing my guy good to see you good to see you in the chat now there's so much dlc that's been added to this game uh since i've last played it that i really don't know what to do or how to even start what i traditionally did was make i'm not sure you guys remember this on stream but i i used to make like nut sack cities so you drive in and it'd just be one big loop up but up and up and up in the shape of a nut sack do you guys remember the nut sack cities that's all i knew that's all i knew but uh what even what type of road is this a three-way one-way three-lane one-way does that even big guy glad to catch you on the birthday keep doing the thing man that was the watch mojo voice i'm pretty sure game slot i'm back out my coma waking up on your sofa when i park my balls slightly scratch your car you [ __ ] idiot you spelled kanye wrong so it did in the default voice these people dude you are crazy alrighty alrighty tell you what i have no idea how to how to do this so we're just gonna do what i know best which is make a big fat nut sack how about that we start with a big fat nut sac boys balls balls balls balls balls is the uh is the tts voice too low it feels like a little bit too low compared to the game volume and stuff i could turn it up a little bit i'm pretty sure at least tts overlay i'm gonna put it up by three decibels i hope that's not way too [ __ ] loud oh geez okay all right nutsack time uh [ __ ] why do they not have here's what i never understood where's the three lane road where's the one-way three-laner they never like you don't even you're not even allowed to use it this guy suck his own dick and cheeseland and live to tell the tale in cheeseland it's a highway it's this wait it's in here no it's not no three-lane highway am i crazy am i insane there's not it does not exist it does not exist highways highway ramp please recreate the incident that occurred on september 11th no dude come on now sure i may have done some unspeakable things to the people within the kundals hospital but we will build that better man i love joe biden oh i'm saying venom is obama's banned from one two three four five you're saying it's this one that's a four-lane highway you dumb [ __ ] it's a four-lane highway [Laughter] all right all right all all right i'm just gonna do a two-laner i guess that's all i [ __ ] can do brandon shut the [ __ ] up obama plus rashoo [Music] i'm a commie bastard who has come from children for my large house addiction oh oh why is there eerie music playing i'm so unnerved oh okay two laners we'll do two laners this will turn into a two-laner we'll do a free-form road what do you say boom i just missed it why is this what is wrong with the music help me kenny i'm lost [Music] 40 minutes 65 winchester 450 400 black powder express 400 magnum 450 400 nitro express 400 jeffrey nitro express all right all right the nut has been built this is a horror game man march 11 2020 to 947 about to give me an erection obama prison comstock elon musk also go and a few crazy best starts okay what did i usually do there's no there's not sec mars trolling there's there's there's need for residential roads this is every this is like the same as every playthrough i've ever done in city skylines boom just regular one-way roads that you could go between this that i'm really happy for you and imma let you finish but that is the greatest drug of all time can i get some of that egg cockeyes and ring to it i'm so scared what the [ __ ] is my daughter oh god i'm just trying to build a city here guys come on you got to cut me some slack i don't know why your daughter's on tick-tock kanye you got to be a good father you know you could probably enable some like parental controls or some [ __ ] you know quit being a comey and give us big man back i'm not a commie hassan you're you're really one to talk about that huh you're really one to talk all right so we need power right we got to start with power and then we got to start with water as well and i think uh i think that if we do wind turbines that is far too expensive right we need to start out with something bad the people of america want bike and maybe i know they want bunk and me b but i don't know where bunk and or me beeb are i don't know where they are [Music] hey big guy just wanted you to know i finally gave my wife that lettuce work anyway i am ben chaparral and i endorse the chalets with channel thank you ben appreciate it all right let's let's see hypothetically speaking i were to blow up a certain hospital in syria how would i do that a wardrobe were to blow up a certain hospital hypothetically why is there horror music playing voice obama this is obama the first have an important message to tell the public all right we're putting the power [ __ ] over here right up against the right up against the water and you know what we're just gonna start busting not to democracy set up a batman go blow up another hospital what oh hey long time fans since 30 subs not a funny donor but i just want to say you've been a huge inspiration in my life and even helped me pick my career ex back oh you talked in your old discord server thank you so much for what you do drew thank you i appreciate that bro i'm happy to have helped you find out what you want to do [ __ ] that mike this is no thank you gotta respect the equality right you've got to make a cussy highway free thikasi [Music] former president and force that you do you laugh you lose with me we're pulling up we're pulling water from right there and we're going to spit it out there how are you watching somebody's coast liberal player game about being a common dictator brothers touch crash wow soon soon oh we're talking about misery there ain't nobody who can comfort me by giving it to put my mouth on it like her let's make porn and watch it freezes puffs reese's puffs i'm having a stroke am i having a stroke am i having a stroke can we start marking lands for uh for residential movement please why is there why is there horror music playing this is not the city skylines that i remember i don't understand woman is key that comey bit invite is kind of suss oh thank you ben i think okay all right sex city the ultimate getaway can't get better than the nutsac city that's so true people are going to love living in my nutsack my fellow americans they challenge us is fun some syrians told me he was funny and look what happened i'm also spending way too money on this [ __ ] hello fellow americans i love blowing up civilian hospitals selfish [ __ ] suck myself i feel like pathetically we firebomb a hospital in syria no no no no no no no no no uh okay i broke up with my wife first lady mitchell and i want to hook up with you i'm good obama i'm all right make sure to make sure that my it's me president obama with my good friend kenny hello bro where's his name why the [ __ ] all my kids i don't think that i don't know i don't know why your kids are on tick tock i see city free the cussy top 10 moments when sled made cussy city love it oh okay all right we're good right we're good oh [ __ ] the the water pump needs power we got to wrap that all the way back okay now it's doable boom okay so uh we're actually not doing too bad are we this is uh this is producing power this has just been filled with power and uh oh hope hope i hope everyone in the chat twitch prime's display okay not doing too bad we kissed under the fire the burning civilian hospital i bought myself live streaming on instagram you [ __ ] there's commercial need now i love balls big ones just like i love children's hospitals hey obama let's have gay sex mls have gay sex oh you can do it in the portion i'm so excited to watch my favorite streamer justin's trapper play city scots and sometimes i sweat so much my balls stick to my thighs now my day's on [Music] second what if it wasn't on my nerves what if it wasn't on my pulse goblin what if it wasn't on my car i didn't even know we had plankton hospitals i didn't even know we had plankton please come to my house and smash my wife oh this guy knows how to blow up a civilian hospital [Music] this is true go go boom boom hog champs oh oh i think we're done i think we're good no i think it stopped my fellow americans now if you just hate it when your cat wakes you up like this meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow number 15 we watch sled have an aneurism over text-to-speech [Music] i gotta pay i gotta listen guys i gotta start taking this seriously i guess i mean nobody knows why you're a doctor on tick-tock you should have treated him better okay first of all what are we calling our city why the [ __ ] are you in that in my bed obama okay i was too busy setting fire to select city hospitals in custody city obama town he seems to be just help me spot this chasing me back here can you all want to go jellyfishing with you hey guys so recently spawned bob harass kenny and this is so sad please share is that critical all right so we need industry now right this city looks like my balls after i put them in a waffle iron yes there's going to be another ball americans i regret to inform you michelle sat on kenda's hospital killing everyone inside holy [ __ ] obama hello sledding welcome back to streaming and a very well welcome back to hell seven nope the sevens those are sweating balls weak balls are heavy big balls on a sweater already boston i'm building a second nut ladies and gentlemen we shed hey obama it's not the proper response to airmen is striking a civilian refugee camp there's a second nut i bought the second knot we're gonna use it for industry over 50 [ __ ] dollars on this so far no not resisted kenny we are going to bomb a civilian hospital oh you are this is going to ban me where's the ted taxing sky accident i'm going to be banned okay all right we'll do we'll do this we'll go perpendicular nuts how about that you want to do perpendicular nut sack boys with perpendicular action oh yeah this is going to work guys sat on stream for two [ __ ] and got nothing done because he was busy laughing at a hospital i'm i'm not laughing at the hospital that's the last thing i find funny i can feel my face when i'm with you and i love it i'm getting higher so i can't forget the crime the payment committed against the civilian hospital you gotta stop bro you gotta stop watching the sucks i am the west i'm building i'm just building all i do is build we see this skelet performing a peculiar task his normal environment consists of destruction and mayhem but here he appears to be uncharacteristically constructing a city in the form of a giant not highly peculiar behavior [Music] okay thank that was it that all right that's where i draw the line that was uncalled for that was uncalled for okay so this right nut will be the re will be the industrial i reckon right we'll have some industrial areas popping up over here and uh you know they'll be just a little commute you know if you live over here you gotta go maybe around the left nut sack and then circle back around this one to get in oh you know what there has to be an easy circle mechanic here there has to be something like this everybody's got to be able to circle back i mean the real has it i just wanted to come and help sloth dp's team to make more money because i i'm actually a super capitalist that's right [ __ ] the poor thank you hassan thank you what's up i i knew it deep down bro i knew deep down what you were into hospital [Music] okay guys we're making eight months of no cancellation it was a good run [Music] okay all right guys we are making progress the need for industry is going down and uh and everything is looking good inside obama town [Music] i'm feeling good i'm feeling good oh also my fellow americans my dad for blowing up 42 people not my finest that was not called obama 192 million seven hundred thirty three thousand two hundred one guys vamping a civilian hospital really speaks on a cell called situation in america guys [Music] why is eminem got to get into it man we got to grow our city to uh let's see we need 500 people basically to become a little hamlet then we can start paying we could start charging taxes and [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i have no money left [Music] i have no money left hold on this isn't good number 15 this guy knows how to blow up at children's hospital dude it wasn't a chill this is true how do i get more money i'm a big guy it's a big snack but date today and he lets you just as much as the blowing of a civilian hospital in connors afghanistan hey you're welcome i might just stop responding to him at this point [Music] weekend when schlott goes you spelled it wrong dumbass not gay though you spelled it wrong okay what else do we need i'm just going to speed it up i'm going to speed it up we're going to get more people living here there's all right the demand for residential is going up we'll add another layer to our city we'll get more people moving in how does that sound good we liking this ashland parker tweets so what's your favorite hashtag tuna hashtag brand hashtag discuss in the chat everybody this book yeah what that i was doing oh my god tts is happening city is like the juicy underboob of new york just want to get all up in it the hustle the bustle the creamy moist core center of the ball and give it a good squeeze my fellow americans we will build two tall towers when is the question call me cause the money craft streams coming back [Music] each flat is me hasn't are building cracker city i can see my cracker mansion from here let's meet up after stream so i can bend you on my cracker bed okay we're about to reach little hamlet status everybody which is a great thing for the city i think i think the city would really benefit from being a little hamlet which means we can tax them ah and once taxes start rolling you don't wanna know what's going on you don't want to know what's going to happen it is absolutely disgusting that the woke mob made its own are no longer hot and [ __ ] give the green back her [ __ ] boots also this is almost as bad as the time obama bomb the children's hospital don't don't worry about the m ms man hypothetically let's just say you and me to the fusion dance from popular anime dragon ball we would in turn become the number one super conservative super power on twitch help i'm trapped in the barrel of jizz in the background i know this ain't you with me y'all let me out let me out let me out that's jen don't say okay guys we did it we've become a little hamlet hey i love you streams thanks kanye all right we got a garbage service now uh i think we could put a lamp hello americans wait wrong guy by announcing what you have just said i can conclude you're [ __ ] stupid welcome to watchmojo and today we'll be counting down our picks why is it oh this [ __ ] blew me harder than i bullet that hospital you know i love blowing up possibly guys guys i'm gonna turn off the [ __ ] texas speech which that city be looking so damn fun just makes me wanna blow up a civilian guys welcome to watch mojo and today we're counting down our top 10 ways to get banned on twitch for real holy [ __ ] okay we need a we need to a landfill right like we'll just pop one in right there no then the garbage trucks start coming out and then they pick up the garbage and everything's good weekend i just want to say i love the street you spelling [ __ ] wrong don't let me all get [ __ ] on [ __ ] you slap which one let me subscribe to your main channel i can prime sub to it i can sub normally and which one answer my question about why okay anyway my mods are my mods are suggesting i enable uh number 15 slab visits buckingham palace on march 5th at 800 tom oh yeah baby that's what i've been waiting for that's what it's all about okay oh the queen just got comforted dumpstered [Laughter] all right guys the mods so [ __ ] cord the house down let's just say i'm feeling yes but slay mama the mods are now mon are moderating every message that comes in a monkey and took a picture of it for my album [Laughter] [Music] guys guys get your get your uh [ __ ] tickets punched you're here before the band were you here because this is the last stream that's going on on this channel take me back go whoa whoa we take me back to sip 11 2 000 one year yeah oh my all right so uh we have to do some health care now as much as it pains me to set up health care for civilians uh because i don't think it should be my responsibility i have to or something um and so i put a little hospital down to like a little first aid kit the first aid center and we got to make an elementary school as well once we get the funds to do it i mean we're we're losing oh we're actually gaining money look at that look at that that's fun that's fun we're gaining money now guys it's fun [Music] okay how much do we need for this school ah it's 10k okay what is going on here not enough workers all right we're probably gonna need some more uh residential soon so what should we do i mean should we should we just keep this nut sack theme going should we build on the other side should we build on the other side of uh of this river how's the building doing okay we're fine landfill usage garbage processing status cemetery usage we don't even have one okay good we're good i i mean like is there anyone opposed to having maybe three nuts in one scrote surely i mean surely it's not too frowned upon maybe four nuts in one ball one ball sack maybe maybe no no okay that's fine oh my god a moment of [ __ ] peace and quiet to watch mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 worst cities to live in number 10 nutsacks it yeah i mean you're not wrong 30k sub veteran again hey do you have any plans of bringing back opened also do you have a way to write longer letters i have a lot i want to say since weirdly enough you've influenced a good amount on my career choice thanks man thanks drew open ttd might come back at some point i feel like i'll play it on the alt on this channel soon enough uh but i can't guarantee when that's gonna happen uh i will say though that i need another nutsack and uh if you really wanna do like a long-form thing i have a p.o box let's say you've been a naughty girl even thank you ben now if you've been a naughty girl that means you would require punishment yes now if i provide that punishment that would make me daddy correct that that would make me bad hello oh he's finally lost his mind jesus christ okay so a third nut sack coming in i think i think what we got to do is uh make another highway and bear you need to bear in mind guys i have no idea what i'm doing but i think what needs to be done is we make a road that comes out from here and then goes all the way around and then is now over here how does that sound yeah do you say you think you think that would be the best way to to make this city or something my fellow americans hello can i get a soda for president joe biden any sodas any sodas in chat for for good ol uh uncle joe ah okay s soda you know you're unpopular when your imaginary friends won't even play with you anymore that's me with these [ __ ] text-to-speech voices all right i'm just gonna do you know what what the [ __ ] oh this isn't good can i do this maybe [ __ ] i'm just trying to build a road man oh this isn't good [Music] all right whatever whatever whatever we're fine we'll do this boom just a side just just one running perpendicular you know and it'll stop here and then the other the the third nut will begin building how about that what do you say so now it goes this way so we have a little clockwise action going so now this one has got probably gotta do one of these am i right am i right in this boom uh i don't know if i thought this through hold on yeah all right we could get away with this just a big old nut right here i have i'm out of money i'm out of money this is perfect because i have no money [Music] left ah okay i don't want to put residential on the industrial area but i mean if we have to we have to uh considering i've got no cash left oh you know what no no no no no i forgot about this can we make it guys would you rather it just be daytime i feel like it's a little dark is there a way ah that should do it yeah yeah this is just easier to see it's more pleasant we'll do that thanks for being here everybody this is uh this is a real fun time for me coming back to city skylines for the first time in my life now look oh these people tweeting about a monorail the mighty monorail would be my choice of vehicle if i could choose any vehicle in the world that sucks why would you ever want to ride something that well look i might be biased having spent so much time using new york city publicly let's say a white boy is busting a down sexual style does that inherently make it so he is goated with now that's a good question obama i don't exactly know i haven't given things like that i don't usually give things like that much thought however i think we do tax residential real high we raise taxes just to 11 you know maybe maybe we raise them across the board to 10 what do you say about that guys you guys are my you guys are my financial uh my financial advisors you know top four members of the sleep deprived podcast number one ariana grande number two john f kennedy number three skrillex i don't think any of those people are in the podcast okay we should be able to get over this once we have enough money you think we could go more guys hold on i mean like i can't say no to my shareholders you guys are the ones funding this this entire project surely maybe a little eleven percent you feel a little eleven percent contest good in the morning but not as good as pete's group kim kardashian come on man uh okay um let's start getting residential in here we need a couple more roads and then uh then we can start doing the job surely slot revisiting older content means we'll get every five minutes the water rises too right oh yeah man we'll do that tomorrow i'll hit up uh i'll hit up my business partner guys i'm not gonna i'm not gonna lie to you we're not making money quick enough i can't even [ __ ] build roads around here this is going up to 13 14 i'm raising taxes to 14 i'm sorry it's not my problem i need more money and i get what i want boom i always get what i want twitch takes 50 so you should too oh hold on wait that's it it'll only go up to 29 but i think we could get away with 15 for now you know watch someone be tweeting all upset about the tax situation i'm looking for a hashtag apartment or hashtag house in the city anything we'll do please pm for further contact oh dude we should have some like house flippers come in and just like completely ruin or like try to repair all these houses uh but like just fix it with like duct tape and [ __ ] like most house flippers do i know what's wrong too much affordable housing that's so true the affordable housing it's like almost a myth you know for keeping me entertained while i do my taxes stay rich big guys oh taxes i forgot about that the city needs an ice cream truck honestly i kind of agree let's get uh hold on let me get some residential in here real quick let's get some more people in these houses some more houses to begin with and then then we can think about an ice cream truck are ice cream trucks even in the game because i'm not gonna lie i would love an ice cream truck would absolutely adore having an ice cream truck in the uh in the city maybe a little mr softy you know a little mr softy truck you guys like mr softy we probably need to get power connected to these guys okay okay do a little interim solution right here ah okay ah we've been streaming for an hour how do i make an ice cream truck i'm changing obama town to nutsac city guys i think it's the right play all right and then it's quite simple actually right we just kind of connect we do this howdy there slide i've been watching you build this fun hamburger gotta know where do i buy my second amendment boomsticks i've got plenty of terminating my crops over here honestly i don't have my supposed to project my family listen i get i get you need to protect your family sir and i get that you're uh you've moved in oh my god what's going on here tax is too high what the hell really oh [ __ ] people are complaining i guess i better do nothing oh man the city continues to grow as long as there's need for residential boys i don't see a problem with these high taxes need for industrial is starting again wow okay as soon as these money as soon as the money dries up that's when we can we can think about changing the policy but uh but right now minnesota well baby let's go let's get this city lit i just wanted to say you should make your lamb chops bigger i need a place to stone my template and i'm all about my lamb chops are about as big as they can get i'm not gonna lie to you uh oh wow okay this is a problem every house is now complaining about the taxes guys we have to lower them a little bit maybe to 11. just for a second we'll just lower taxes for a second can you imagine complaining about 15 taxes 11 taxes 11 11 that's awesome you imagine what's up kenny shut the [ __ ] up it always cuts off the ending we don't need schools as far as i'm concerned because this is all very stupid people industrial and if we get schools then they're not gonna want to work there anymore and now we're a worthy village and now we're a worthy [ __ ] village good we can afford a police department i think that's kind of necessary surely just we pop one in the corner here you know yeah one right there that's fine maybe a fire department right next to it just in case there's any problems the long arm of the law reaches the city i feel safer already why would you move into a place that didn't have one to begin with why would you move into a city that did not have a police force or a fire department can you tax if there's can you tax higher if there's if there's schools that might be something to consider that might be something to consider as it stands currently i don't have enough money to build a second fire station so that these will kind of be the dregs of society living over here all americans let's get [ __ ] up on that good cushion i'll call you they're not leaving no one's leaving my city hey we're good we're getting [ __ ] up tonight patrick's cheeks taste nice i drink with ace squibber next like a prick he just wants my dick thank you spongebob that is really nice of you don't listen to the tax haters don't listen to the taxation my son we have finally managed to recover the soul of your summer and turn which the pope cast into hell we appreciate your help in containing the artifact but please consult with those in future before hurring outside help sacramento continue where to go that's available for the conflicts of its own what the [ __ ] it's like a 50 50 chance whoever's talking to me at any given moment will have a stroke and die while they are talking to me and it's kind of unnerving don't listen to the tax haters thanks a son hassan's full message said don't listen to tax haters keep raising them i myself am tired of getting canceled over buying luxury goods and then only thing that can stop me is higher taxes that's so true if hassan has less money everyone is happier i think that's how that works right everybody [Music] all right look the city's expanding pretty nicely i'm i'm generally pretty happy with how this is turning out what'd you guys say would you would you live here guys would you live here [Music] you've been asleep for five years you have a family wife and kids you need to wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up all right hasn't i can't believe you came i came i know thanks thanks assan for that little tidbit uh i'm just mapping out the uh you know the residential areas i hate doing the grid cities i don't like doing grids i think it's all stupid i like my nutsacks what a great city i like having lots of public transportation options and here it is possible i don't have a single bus what are you talking about charles i don't believe in public transportation what's going on here well traffic jam there's the mayor of this humbleness city he had appropriate legislation to keep this damn lab rolled out of the stand there you've all floated to texas and run the whole state knowing my kids going to some marbles too hey listen i'm doing i'm listening we're getting it done we're getting it done there's going to be how about this you don't want your kids going to a liberal school how about they go to no school how about i never build a school in the entire city would that work i understand i understand so simply raise taxes on the goal this guy figured out how to explode a town of people to build a giant that sac city current stay out of this i was thinking about why so many in the radical left participating speed running the reason is the left's lack oh man all right look at this we're we're bringing in money we're doing i think we're doing good are we not doing good right now are we not in a good spot let's check the city vitals we'll look we're going to need a little bit more electricity soon a little ice cream will make everyone forget about their tax problem exactly that's what i'm saying that's what i'm saying sewage is good landfill is good we're doing fine we're doing fine everyone's employed at these shitty ass factories like what's going on here what is this frank's fish stick factory it's got three uneducated workers out of three that looks good to me it looks like it looks like a budding town like this ready to wear limited goods unlimited hold on [Music] it might be a little bit of a monopoly being built here frank's fish stick factory any more industrial plants in this baby all look like it's no work the waiter needs to be undrinkable the water needs to be undrinkable look we're not as a fellow new yorker where does the line between upstate and downstate new york exists uh westchester and westchester is upstate now this is clean water right even though we have the power plant right next to it i think i hope water's doing fine we're gonna need another power plant soon though um and also we might need to map off some more industrial which is fine because we have the space i think we're gonna be chilling for a bit here boys this is this is looking good you know i'm generally pretty happy yep that brown water means it's clean i don't know what you're talking about let's look into more electricity options um okay we can do another one of these coal power plants once we get to twenty thousand dollars uh and i saw a message in chat saying 12 is the absolute highest we could tax these [ __ ] so we're gonna do it we're gonna raise taxes to 12 and then speed up the game a little bit and see what the [ __ ] happens we got a nice a new budding city everybody this is what we're talking about this is what it's all about thank you everybody you're subscribing thank you for the donations we're doing good we're doing good is this clean call i don't know it probably is not it's probably regular coal [Music] oh man kathleen young tweets when is our city going to build a school of its own [Music] yeah drive drive away drive away you dumb [ __ ] leave my city forever never come back wait where did she just go what is this and she goes to the hospital oh man yeah it's pretty funny oh new service remember to have a look at your newly unlocked service unique buildings huh there's some unique buildings but they're all locked okay why would he even tell me i have unique buildings unlocked if none of them are are unlocked that's silly that's just a little silly this is looking great splat but i don't see you creating a whole new zoning area for my house that's right you need to accommodate my favorite communist or i will break my dick in half right now i listen zoning who cares about zoning am i right or is it or or is it something we can maybe take advantage of and maybe draw our own lines could we draw draw our own city lines and determine who exactly is in what zone charlie is the best one i'm telling you man those are [ __ ] good [Music] i just sent a letter to myself hashtag mail fail dumb hashtag lonely is this not the same oh it's just a different kathleen i thought i thought for a second that me destroying her house had sent her into a psychotic rampage where she starts uh sending mail to herself hey we're a tiny town not bad not bad we can do a little gerrymandering now that i think about it let's get uh let's get another power plant in here all right we're doing good now uh our electricity should be all the way up perfect we don't need any more power we're going to be good for a minute we need more residential is what we need okay [ __ ] guys we might need to uh we might need to expand to across this bri this uh this this river here and maybe do something that's not so nutsack related behold the lord came with many thousands of his holy ones to cut judgment upon all and to convict all the ungoly of all their ungolden deeds which they have done in an ungodly way shut the [ __ ] up awesome [Music] [Music] what the [ __ ] is this what is that supposed to be [Music] oh maybe it's supposed to build itself or something i don't know [Music] you all do not understand the reality of my needing to suck on ox feet this fact does not care about your feeling calm down ben calm down all right uh so we make a little shift yeah what if we just build a [ __ ] yeah let's do it let's do it how do we get across there that's the uh that's what i want to know um this is gonna get real messy real quick but what if we just did it like a little super highway [Music] like one of these maybe boom okay it's a little bridge ski and that'll go all the way up jesus christ is an expensive renovation george bush don't scale about nassau city people excellent thank you i'm still confused as to what this is people are like visiting it uneducated adults obviously want to go to the soviet promenade [Music] boom we're just gonna do that all the way down all the way down one oh we're out of money again that's awesome okay out of money we need some time we need some time okay well it looks fine it looks fine like that i don't think there's an issue we could zone off uh a bit oh [ __ ] dude we need a lot more residential this entire thing could just be residential i reckon you know [Music] yeah i think we get away with that yeah that's fine it's looking good excellent excellent okay just a little bit more and we're good perfect guys i don't think this is a problem you guys are criticizing me a lot for how this city looks i don't think it's a bit of a problem at all i think it's a i don't think it's a single problem yeah i love socialism i love high taxes i love the shadow government i love the vampires i love the lizards i love the intitus i do everything they tell me i listen to the great destroyers mama been following okay we'll zone off a little bit more for industrial and then we might we might be good for a while you know we could put this puppy in fast motion again perhaps because uh we got no money left yet again put taxes on 29 just for a little bit and look i don't know i don't know if that's necessary it would be funny if we it would be funny if we did it though let's be honest it'd be really funny look at how much [ __ ] money that makes holy [ __ ] i have to say i kind of like earthquakes what are you [ __ ] talking about they're not even tweeting about the high taxes this is incredible whoops justin message to myself hashtag mail fail hashtag said hashtag i'm so lonely hashtag mitchell took the kids hey obama how you feel they kim took my money and the kids and george bush all right so the taxes are back down to 12. we've just given ourselves basically five thousand dollars with no problem whatsoever like everyone everyone was just okay with that for a second everyone was just okay with it did you notice no one complained no one complained and we just sucked we just sucked some some life force out of them and you know what they're not complaining about this either this whole situation we're pulling water from oh god not a great place to pull water from it looks like but uh who cares okay we could probably do with i hate to say it boys but we could probably do with a uh we could probably do with a little uh school maybe a little school a little school criminals reported avoiding retina scans with contact lenses experimental hashtag pre-crime division to compact combat crime pre-cogs hashtag future echo god we're getting up to some cool stuff at the nutsac city what do you guys say about that [Music] do you think uh do you think the dregs over here deserve uh healthcare do they deserve it no all right they'll have to go across town it's fine or maybe you know what what would probably be the biggest kick in the nuts what if we put every every public utility over here so they have to drive up they got to jerk off the shaft a little bit they got to do a little stimulation and maybe you know what we put a toll road on both bridges how about that oh we got a new building what a nice a few both on that city can you put it into my many house no spongebob i'm good i'd rather not is a nice shift i'll give you that oh my god look at how look at how nice this place is it's beautiful hey there dello what's it like in nutsac city i'm a thousand miles away but maybe someday i'll touch your kitty okay it did okay there's a fire at ready to wear limited and that good's unlimited there's like three companies that are in this town please can i get a double pepperoni thin crust well done and the sprite please sure god we are polluting the uh the river quite a bit fishing industry hold on fishing industry introduces fish farms and fishing harbors set up fishing routes to catch different types of fish should we make a fishing district poop water fish nice yeah what if they could what if they like fish all the [ __ ] up fish out of there you know like right here listen listen guys guys right here right here perfect water delicious water right here oh look at all the fish that are going to be in there can you imagine [Music] besides brown water is the new it's like yeah it's like the flavored water that all the kids are into it's like sparkling ice you know there's a little bit of tang to it okay i gotta figure out what is this production shape what the [ __ ] have i gotten myself into i've never [ __ ] with this at all in the history of me playing this game and i've probably got like a good hundred hours it's so exciting to live in a city occasionally threatened by disasters why would you tweet that jesus these guys are nuts these guys are nuts and nuts okay so the district area what's the district button this one no it's landscaping this one right yeah here we go okay so this will be left nut you know i'll make a little left nut here of course uh it does not include the middle tumorous nut but it has to do with everything around here include this either i reckon probably not you know yeah yeah it's fine everything everything up to all the [ __ ] i'd say that's fine for left nut left nut okay perfect now can we do we can do policies for this oh my goodness district policies look at this district policies left nut power usage energy conservation is important and the best way to do it is by installing energy meters and buildings ah smoke detector distribution uh pep band no way listen this town was the perfect way to bring back masculinity and hate of the work left with this goalie it's set of balls and gorgeous shaft you are so basic how about the left side is just because let's be real everyone likes their left not more am i right guys [Music] what if we uh what if we do all the good policies for left nut and then maybe right nut gets the gets the [ __ ] you know you know they're good and bad yeah i like that and you know what right nut can even include the cancerous uh industrial tumor that is brewing between them yeah i like that i do like that willow square nah dude you're the right nut [Music] i almost didn't even care to spell it right and how about this let's make it real let's make it real bad for the rights for the right numbers i can draw perfect balls on a city because you should name the shaft neighborhood shaft and shifting how about this [Music] the right side school's out the citizens will prefer working over high over education and only a small portion of the eligible citizens will go on to study that seems good to me okay so now we're basically guaranteeing that that they stay dumb uh what else can we do where's the pet band yeah we'll do that too no pets either and no smoking and maybe like parks and recreation now now we don't need that we don't need that fishing license oh how about this okay so right nut is is getting all the [ __ ] uh while left nut can get parks and recreation and then we can go ahead and put a bunch of nice parks down right plaza with trees perhaps maybe a small little like tennis court oh man a community tennis court what do you guys say to that huh oh look how happy everybody is now i love making people happy can we add a small park perhaps yeah i reckon we can oh my god that's a that's a small park looks like a pretty big [ __ ] park to me man at a small playground for the children you know maybe right here yeah here right there everyone's gonna be so happy and now look policies we can do can we get a line under the nuts and call it gooch we'll give them a fishing license we're given left nut a good old fishing license i don't know how that will work out yet but that's a great idea uh this road this one road and you know what all the all the power stuff almost the uncanny valley of the city will call it gooch gooch gooch [Music] all right and now if we if these guys are fishermen now it's in here right so where's the fish one right here perfect okay you can build a fishing harbor oh wow wait what's the problem oh i thought it was telling me that the water's bad or something the water's great i don't see any problem with the water uh it looks like conditions are optimal for salmon in this lake or river and so what we'll do is we'll we'll put some up right here boom perfect [Music] or something you know yeah they could just turn around [Music] okay and now what i don't know how this works someone's going to have to advise me on how exactly the fishing uh center works caroline got [ __ ] well we don't need the power line anymore to be honest we can actually probably get rid of them right it's not letting me though what the hell did i just do why can't i delete anything guys page up oh it is good to have some nerds in the chat thank you very much okay fishing route incomplete now we give them a little fish route question should we tell them to do a little fish route in the poopy water to pick up some funny little fish yes getting a lot of positive feedback about the poopy water fish no okay it's a bit split it's a bit split look i don't know i'm just thinking if we find like a really cool fish or something it's not gonna be a problem will it [Music] fish with arms maybe look i'm in the business of making money if what's going to make us money is not going to have it in the [ __ ] is there a poll check poll all right what's your chat saying wow 76 of you say yes uh so let it be we are going fishing here and there's nothing you can do about it boom perfect the boats are out and about [Music] wow he's going quick fishing is a lot quicker than i remember i'm losing people nah that's fine i'll build more houses we can we can we can uh spruce up the little shaft now i think all right yeah now now we can give him a reason to go up the shaft a little bit because we do have a lot of money this works well you know and we'll do that one vein you know that one vein you got yeah perfect you ever been hit by a cart no but my social media manager for my plushie account was today [Music] water pollution and fishing if the water is polluted the fishing boats won't catch fish and fish farms stop cult guys why didn't you [ __ ] tell me about that why did we why why right now i gotta fix the fishing route this is ridiculous guys what are we doing you didn't no you didn't know you didn't know great we gotta delete the [ __ ] route dang it okay let's do this again okay we'll build a a nice little like you know we'll a work around you know i don't do it that'll do it your citizens are unhappy try placing parks well who's unhappy i think that's a big question we have to ask is it the right nut people or is it the left nut people okay it is overwhelmingly the right nut people who do not like it here but i maintain there is still a lot of demand for residential if you look on that green bar still a lot of demand so it's not anything i have to worry myself with on that note we can uh we can start building this this big shaft you say boom this will be a great city too i think this will be a grid we'll do a little excel spreadsheet if you want ah okay what do you say now on this main road i think it's a bad idea to have an intersection every every block you know and so what i suggest you get rid of this little tip right there [Music] get rid of that little tip and then we can do uh do another you know the mid-size road right there boom okay now what we'll do is we'll have we'll just have the residential roads go in between it you know one of these excellent excellent boom look at that you tell me people i want to live there honestly this is how texas suburbs are built just long straight aways and no trees actually does look like a [ __ ] that's impressive screaming down the halls breaking jostlers in my pants feeding the ends watch where you go i clap cheats when it gets cold thank you eminem how are you holding up man i heard you've been doing some political raps my boy how's that working out for you another build one select great analogy to the difference between the left and the right with the left being much cleaner craftier and overall better while the right is full of indicated scum not worthy of clean waiter all dems thank you thank you obama [Laughter] alrighty people are into it i say we just uh we just start with it up here you know we're going to need some power lines but in general i think we get away with uh getting some some residential areas up this shaft a little bit what that uh what the guys say we should name it shaften i kinda [ __ ] with that a priority should be getting power there though [Music] so maybe we do that no power required no well this is the shaft listen we gotta treat the shaft with respect you can't just fondle the balls you know you gotta you gotta do some stroking how do we feel about this boom magnolia district i don't think so man just seen your best of 2021 video thank you for all the laws in the podcast you've helped cheer me up during a real year as i lost my grandfather much love big guy i hey thanks man um it just kind of [ __ ] with me how you're talking about that serious subject while shadow the hedgehog was uh was reading it but uh i'm sorry that happened i'm glad i could help having a clean city with great outdoor opportunities is a privilege thanks i know what side tweeted that one all righty now we can fill out some more commercial areas what do you say would people uh care if we put the commercial here i don't think they care i don't think anyone would [ __ ] care you know just some small businesses around the uh around the tumor i like that i [ __ ] with that okay yeah we're doing good [Music] i think the shaft should get some emergency services as well if you want my honest opinion i think we should have you know some kind of service over here so we'll do fire we'll do uh we'll do police and then you know we'll give him a medical i think that's fair it keeps the shaft happy that's makes a little sense you know gooch shopping district oh what if the gooch was a little shopping district could we uh hold on do we have the zones unlocked for that no we don't it would be cool to have a little high density commercial zone a big mall you know i just signed a petition to build the hashtag school in our city thanks piper i really love proactive citizens [Music] where'd she go oh so i blew up her house so she started playing [ __ ] tennis right next door you dumb piece of [ __ ] ah all right oh boom town hey not bad not bad airport areas transport ferry walking tours bus okay so we unlocked public transit essentially right essentially [Music] any way to raise taxes i think we should would you guys mind if i uh put off this music would you mind too much you know maybe played something else put that down to 70 maybe even if we're feeling a little crazy i'll play some of my music you know i think it's time you chose not to make second-class citizens out of i recommend right not because they're being uppity take me down to the nutsac city where the left side's great but the right side's shitty take me you want me to listen to chuckle sandwich while i my you want me to listen to my podcast oh is there a new chuckle sandwich that just came out should i just react to the chocolate sandwich instead dude i what i kind of want to do is get that double dip those double dip views in i want to react to the best stuff i just i just posted so after we're done after we hang in throw up the towel for uh for now on on city skylines i i reckon i'll just watch that and then the video will be schlatt reacts to best of schlatt [Music] it'll get a lot of views dude the vods channel is [ __ ] crazy have you guys seen how many views it pulls it's a lot it's a guy it's doing really well honestly the long form content like i don't know if you guys noticed this but the vod on youtube has half the views the actual video does from that jenga stream do you guys remember that you guys did you see that [ __ ] the vod blew up because it was like an hour long two hours long and youtube loves those long videos man you dump as many ads as you can on that youtube will push that forever you guys remember that pyrocynical video that had like that was like eight hours long like yeah no [ __ ] that's gonna be blown up no [ __ ] that won't leave your goddamn recommended for 10 months i haven't watched the video i refuse to watch an eight-hour video i say that and i uploaded a [ __ ] 12-hour vlog of me reacting to video game high school hey what are you gonna do we should put a park in here what is this botanical garden my goodness let's [ __ ] do it let's put a botanical garden in for the for the head for the tip of the little chef we got here boom wow look at this and you know what we can do to make left nut even more appealing hold on i think it's in here somewhere what kind of trees i think i have a tree brush pine small beach no no no no no yo tommy in it hello my friend how are you tommy head mod tuning in here [Music] tommy do you like my my emotes i have schlatt lull that was the default emote they gave me i don't know if the other one got approved but that was the only one they let me have for like a week it was just schlatt lull [Music] oak let's just do oak oh my god is this what i think it is nice [Music] and some more trees i don't even know if it's working is it working i think it's kind of working you know it's kind of working yeah it's working okay holy [ __ ] someone died wait time out there's been a death oh look at this the trees are actually just dead if you put them down here [Music] someone's actually perished here at the [ __ ] pancake international someone died someone died at the pancake store bro that's bad that's bad we got to figure that out where's uh where's dead people storage is it oh my god people the bodies are [ __ ] piling up look at this [ __ ] where the where the people services is is it not under the trash bin icon [Music] healthcare probably right no wait yeah cemetery okay where this is gonna be [ __ ] up but we're gonna have to we have no other spot for it [Music] yeah you know i kinda knew you were friends with ludwig mize keith etc but it's your cereal and chips tier list that made me suck you're funny guy keep being funny hey thanks man what do we got here dino oil okay [Music] yak yakisoba jubilee oh that's a funky looking car honestly i'm kind of [ __ ] with left nut city even though that i did have to put a cemetery right next to a landfill right next to two coal power plants um but hey we'll we'll make it why why are people dying at the food establishments why is that happening oh good [ __ ] song dude the vod will just be me doing this to no no music just complete silence [Music] all righty guys the city's doing good we're making we're making money people are generally happy on the left side there's a hashtag weird smell coming from the apartment next door what does a hashtag dead person smell like sophie the dead person is in your house it's in the house it's not next door it's in the house my friend you have a dead person in your walls [Music] so man this city is coming together i'm telling you that boys tommy in it thanks for the prime sub man thanks everybody who's just subscribing we have almost 500 subscribers on this channel it's kind of funny [Music] this is what this is what it looks like man when you have a thriving city don't look at that part you turn around oh my god everyone's just having so much fun up the shaft even look people are walking isn't this what it's all about you know you see those [ __ ] tick tocks people like oh cities cities need to be walkable well look everyone's [ __ ] walking sure we don't have any public transportation that's probably the reason why they're walking but hey we're doing good this is one champion sound yeah he's staying we're bout to get down get down the hottest in the world right now just dust it down and pin us down and penistown thanks kanye [Music] yo i am ty how we doing it's so good to see you man oh my god look i'm placing trees down look it's me placing trees down whoa look how many trees there are now it's like a hairy shift it's like jack manifold oh my god we're having so much fun we're having so much fun how do i get rid of this how do i get rid of the brush okay what should be at the top here tommy please don't be saying those things in my chat [Music] oh a trash can hey guys did you know if you have twitch prime you can subscribe for free that's so true guys if you have twitch prime you can subscribe for free to the channel it's so good you hit that subscribe button if you have amazon prime what should we build oh great oh my god i'm not even gonna i'm just gonna stop talking i think and just play the music how's our soviet promenade doing over here oh my god it's on fire wait no it's not the water tower right next to it's on fire now question everybody why is the soviet promenade why is the soviet promenade not have the soviet where's the promenade is basically what i'm trying to say that's that's a fun juxtaposition a burning building right next to the soviet promenade i mean like where there's like supposed to be trees is it pollution is because of pollution hey slot loving the stream you know with the new airport expansion you can build a huge airport and pave runways right through neighborhoods really hey big man love your music taste and love the stream too have a great day 07. thank you my friend we did have airports unlocked did we not oh my god looks like it's all locked we don't have it unlocked but i'm saying we should we should definitely look into that whole you know like tarmac in the middle of a busy town i think that'd be a great idea personally personally i think it'd be funny but you know it's all it's all about what the shareholders think you know should we can we start cremating people no shame what else can we do see i always get to this point in city skylines where i have a couple of supple nut sacks or i suppose what is one nut sac with many supple nuts in them and then you know they kind of just do their own thing but like i can't scale this i can't scale this it's already as erect as it'll get [Music] the forest service has stated that there is a risk of an imminent forest fire in the area residents are advised to avoid forested areas it's one tree the forest fire is raging in the area that is one [ __ ] tree what are you talking about [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] where are you going where are you [ __ ] going the fire's not out [Music] okay you're back why did you do that oh my god dude [ __ ] stupid stupid california moment you know i'd never lose train wrecks moment god damn it did these houses used to be bigger or is this just what they looked like oh my lord dude i love that i plant five [ __ ] trees and then a forest fire starts it's like yeah yeah no [ __ ] you for trying to make your city look nice [ __ ] forest fire starts this is this is not a forest is this a forest to you is this a forest really jeez i i tried one thing one thing to make the city look presentable stupid ah [Music] it's still it's still warning me about the [ __ ] forest fire [Music] hey thanks for the inspiration and laughs for these past few years uh thank you dude appreciate that is our fishing thing making any money there's only one fire is raging in the air another one leave campsites and tree houses immediately put it out what the [ __ ] is that thing mini fire engine where'd the big ones go why are you driving away am i am i am i going crazy so glad to see the 2020 target simulator by the way if you draw an airport zone the terminals will unlock now look under zones if i draw an airport zone oh okay what if we just make right not an airport zone free wi-fi oh you know what no no i know who's getting free wi-fi that's right let's give some more nice uh nice things to left nut oh oh allowing recreational use of controlled substances attracts more tourists slightly increased tax income moderately increased tourism slightly reduced crime rate hey blaze up left not also some free wi-fi [Music] that's awesome alrighty now a fishing license where is the airport option for zones these are policies [Music] zone drawer is this oh this is a district so what's the difference district zones zone am i am i dumb am i missing something oh hold on i i evidently i was missing something should i be doing this elk airport [Music] i don't know what i just did i don't see an airport though guys there's no airport being built there's no problem here now we can put down a terminal oh now where's the uh where where is the [ __ ] airplane [ __ ] now is it here no it's a small warehouse what am i doing oh it's this right okay modern airport how do we rotate oh my god [Music] tip airport i don't guys i already made this an airport i paid like 30 000 bucks for it oh god [ __ ] [ __ ] okay erase okay oh god dude we [ __ ] that up why'd you make me do that you guys made me do that has anybody seen my grandma i left my window open by accident hashtag elderly here we go boys airport zone being built all right fawn international airport here we go this is what it's all about okay glad i could catch the stream man have a good one what's up bandito carly dude oh gee name right there i remember you okay 130 grand [Applause] all right well we got it astral what's going on boys thank you so much for the raid i hope your stream was good it's most [ __ ] up where's the tarmac where the where are the airplanes guys okay we need an aircraft stand now let's just get rid of that for now you know there's more stuff we could do right we do one of these oh we don't have any money oh my god this [ __ ] is eighty-five thousand dollars [ __ ] [Music] guys tax is going up 13. [ __ ] it [ __ ] it [ __ ] it [ __ ] it [ __ ] it oh just for a minute just for a minute 29k 30. 31. 32 [Laughter] people aren't upset yet okay icon starting to come up switch them back oh okay back to 12 back to 12. a swift 20 000 cash injection what are we thinking oh [ __ ] we don't have any power left why don't we have any power we need more electricity all right i'll show you just one more plant [ __ ] i put it right here right next to the cemetery delicious delicious texas pov this is a slight low moment holly finch tweets yeah man no [ __ ] way you just tweeted that [ __ ] holly holly finch bro we need to build some schools oh my god jeez all right let's bring it out let's figure out this airport situation maybe oh god okay uh residential i'm adding more residential just all the way up the shaft why not let's do it boom listen i get she's i guess she's really thrilled about weed being legal but that is there's better ways to express that about the [ __ ] schools we can't have this [ __ ] yeah maybe honestly maybe maybe left nut does need a school or something i'm about there's a nuke about to be dropped on my on my [ __ ] office oh all right let's do it let's make some private schools boom elementary oh my god the high school's so big and for why [ __ ] you know put the high school right here high school education you know they get their ged all as well all right so oh [ __ ] we're out of money again bummer [Music] now we can raise taxes surely to 14 no one would get upset at that now we have schools in the area [Music] you guys are doing fine with the taxes don't even worry about it there is a bit of uh a full landfill over here gooch might have to invest in some more garbage services [Music] all right let's figure it out recycling center no we're good let's do a regular landfill thank you maybe even two of them all right even the airports got trash all right so what's next any skyliners what is next on the uh to-do list for this airport [Music] pierce why is everyone tweeting that you're at work you're at work man oh i spoke too soon pierce is going home and is about to blaze up he is he is walking home quick he's really excited about this oh man all right so runways and taxis okay [Music] what is this what are the different oh there's different oh there's different styles huh ultra modern style just report meteor will strike the city in the near future residents should seek shelter immediately if any is available immediately [Music] oh [ __ ] oh my god oh my god that's the worst possible thing the airport is on fire and the meteor destroyed the [ __ ] the meteor destroyed the fire department go go [Music] what is going on what is this [Music] don't don't fix the don't fix the residents fix the [ __ ] airport [Music] are the roads [ __ ] [Music] oh my god oh my god go the other way oh my god no no [Music] please please please please please please please fix please go across the street please go i spent 130 000 on that oh my god oh my god okay fix it where are you going where are you going [Music] please thank you thank you thank you [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] is my building okay oh my god dude the the meteor struck the most sensitive part of the penis it really did just that was a just the tip [ __ ] moment right there holy [ __ ] are my water lines [ __ ] up no it just is conveniently not oh my god dude is this building okay will it go back to normal it was me i did it thanks obama for doing that it was me i did it he says i appreciate that thanks jeff can't play for the five dollars this is the second worst thing to ever happen in an airport he goes [Music] hey it's coming back oh my god dude thanks dijon ttv for the six gifties average day in the uk guys there's one thing we have to do i mean just to rebuild you know we just got to rebuild the city right that's the only way we can do it i think we need to make some money you know we need a little cash injection i think the taxes can just go up to 29 really quickly and then we can get a nice little cash injection as people get upset and eventually stop paying but they pay for a minute you know we made a good fifteen thousand dollars all right we'll we'll put him back now back to 12 back to 12. it's like nothing ever happened they don't even remember it what the [ __ ] is that luck what the [ __ ] is that luck what is the luck what is the luck dude i swear to god my heart stopped my [ __ ] heart stopped as that [ __ ] meteor fell james married thanks for the raid brother hope your stream was well hope it was uh was fun i am not having any fun right now i've been spending all this time building a nutsack city with three nuts one tumor in the middle that uh remains unchecked and this the tip of my shaft the tip of my dick the tip of my little pp gets [ __ ] meteored it just it just comes out of nowhere now usually when you usually when you have something like that you know you get a meteor strike it oh you know it's coming to the city oh it hits this [ __ ] patch of grass no and i just spent 130 thousand dollars on this literally all my money and it almost burned down so [ __ ] up [Music] now rosemary scott's grandma's jumping out the [ __ ] window we got to fix these roads up my god dude ah [Music] how do we even fix that the airport's just gonna have a [ __ ] crater next to it now [Music] now i get why people are upset about getting circumcised because you have no choice they just took it they just violated my penis violated it i didn't ask [Music] can we have a meteor lake uh honestly that's the only thing we can do at this point i fear we got to make the best out of a shitty situation everybody and i think the way to do that is uh to make a little meteor lake that's funny though isn't that funny all of our services all of them literally every single service we provided to the people in this city was destroyed by a meteor it hit the exact spot where all three of the public utility buildings we put down were the exact spot [Music] it's like the worst it's the worst possible spot for something like that to land dude i guess there's a reason though [Music] how do we get water in here is it this [Music] oh my god [Music] you're [ __ ] kidding me you're [ __ ] kidding me what did i just do what did i just do what the [ __ ] did i just do oh my [ __ ] god [Music] how the [ __ ] do i stop it [Music] oh [Music] hey hey man we got a lake wow all the trees are back now too oh oh is this what biden meant when he said build back better jesus [ __ ] christ [Music] spelled back wetter [Music] guys i'm not sure how much more this game i could [ __ ] take [Music] i don't think i could do it i think that might be it for city skylines for a minute [Music] i know i'm losing money what am i supposed to do [Music] taxes [Music] oh man jesus christ what a time you know we like to have fun around here this is a schlatt lull moment if i've ever seen one any slat lollers [Music] this is my first schlotz stream and i'm on the floor laughing this whole stream has been a bang i'm glad you enjoy it man but i'm not laughing do you see me laughing [Music] what are they even reporting to anymore oh there's just fires raging throughout the city [Music] jesus christ emma jackson tweets saw a sign no pets allowed i'm in total dismay what was the ad mayor thinking hashtag i hate this city leave then leave i don't want you here [Music] man i think we're done with city skylines for now we did all right did we not did we not do okay guys [Music] we did all right
Channel: jschlattVODS
Views: 893,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jschlatt, Schlatt, jschlatt stream, Schlatt stream, jschlattvod, schlattvod, jschlattvods, schlattvods, Schlatt Vods, livestream, highlights, jschlattlive, jschlatt live, Schlatt full stream, full stream, just chatting, city skylines
Id: LBAGDx8v3Ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 1sec (7741 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 08 2022
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