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[Applause] boys you ever argued with someone online about important politics and then all of a sudden they call you an npc and god knows i can relate i spend all day on twitter being angry at people who have more money than me so i decided to play the one game that's all about fitting in spy party spy party is literally a game about pretending to be an npc you're at a dinner party and you're controlling one of the characters you have to go around the map completing a set of tasks like swapping a statue or bugging the ambassador all the while your opponent is watching the crowd with a sniper rifle if he sees you do a task you're basically boned so you gotta be slick almost as slick as the transition to the sponsor today's video is sponsored by status survival baby state of survival is a zombie themed survival game that's free to play on android and ios the apocalypse is struck and it's up to you to save mankind develop and customize your very own settlement to your liking recruit awesome heroes like ernie and train troops to complete missions and fight enemies i'm not gonna lie i can't stop looking at this guy something about those big quads those broad shoulders fight against zombies and experience the exciting storyline of the explorer trail where you can venture into unknown areas and unlock hidden secrets and now you can take part in the elite survivor squad event after an unidentified cause put the settlements into the biggest danger yet the dev team started searching for the strongest players around to form the elite survivor squad i've been invited to join and i built my own alliance big men incorporated it's just a bunch of big guys i'm also challenging you to join the adventure with me the top three contributors in the event will get tons of prizes and will be honored in the hall of fame on the game's official site click the link in the description to download stay to survival now and if you're new to the game use my creator code j schlatt sos to get a starter pack with a rare hero and 2 000 biocaps if you download the game using my link you'll also be entered into a giveaway where 30 lucky people will win a 50 amazon gift card thanks to state of survival for sponsoring and enjoy so i called up my buddy ludwig and we ran a couple games on his stream so basically there's all the characters that you picked and they're computer-controlled characters and then there's you and your objective is to complete all your tasks or actually two of the four tasks in the top left swapping the statue if i memorize all the statues and then i see one changes so right now you just contacted the double agent you said banana bread ludwig i was hoping you didn't actually hear that it's no it's actually very audible why do you keep saying it you've already seduced there's no way you'd go for the wheelchair guy after everything you said about him what the metal sarcophagus season yeah encased in yeah that that whole spiel i see you got the the laser on him i can literally murder him at any moment hold on ludwig before you take the shot no you're stalling me you're stalling me because you're about to win i'm not foolish i'm not foolish i would not pick wheels again i'm not gonna be wheels don't be wheels i'm not gonna i feel like you're gonna be wheels i'm not gonna be wheeled all right i trust you if you say you're not gonna be wheels i believe it wow that's a small man you see that small guy by the statue yeah yeah yeah the tiny guy holy crap he's incredibly small so you saw him so you were in the room with him then right you weren't in the other room if you saw him how much time do i have you have a minute 30 left i actually don't think i'm going to win the timer's getting pretty low you could check your watch to increase the time oh i could but now you see now that won't work because you're just gonna you're right it won't work but you could have at some point talk me through it walk me through the mind of schlatt all right okay behind the scope of a sniper rifle it's [ __ ] wheels [ __ ] it wasn't him it wasn't him wasn't him it was i can't say it was close it was a bad shot you murdered him it was a good shot i hit him well okay it was i didn't have a lot of confidence because he's sure added in aluminum it just feels like sarcophagus of metal happy that you killed a man shrouded in aluminum because you thought it'd be difficult more than sad that you missed the spy i am kind of happy i pulled that off there are a lot of people around them there were a lot it was a good job those wheels were he was burning rubber i don't know if it plays because now i i really want you to walk me through your thought process on who you might think is the spy so like what are you looking for right now out of curiosity i'm looking uh i'm looking at the statues i'm not gonna lie to you okay so you should have seen one of them change are you this guy who are you sass of the uh the asian guy that you were last time no that'd be dumb would be dumb would be dumb if that was you it would be dumb look at the clock it's all aiming at this guy's head uh well i i would i would ask you to look for more information before you shoot at least why is that i just feel like you might be making a mistake here and i don't know like you said banana bread and i looked to see where the ambassador was yeah and he was with that guy well no no no no no no no no schleich and i know for a fact that that guy was on the other side of the no of the of the balcony i swear thing happened no i swear see you got the wrong idea you got the wrong idea am i going crazy you're going crazy here you're going crazy crazy no that's not the guy hey out of curiosity how much time do we start with the [ __ ] two of them how much time do we start with at the beginning of this round what the [ __ ] they look exactly the same they're wearing the same thing yeah the studio ran out of money i told you they had to have the budget cut and they just added twice oh my god that's that's [ __ ] up that's [ __ ] up i don't know which one is which oh this is [ __ ] nope oh wow why did you kill that one [ __ ] you oh [ __ ] you i should have sat on his right side you stood right on top of him i did i did i'm talking i was i was gloating a bit i'm a little nervous ludwig i'm getting it down all right that's what i'm never only a few games in we're only a few games in and this guy this guy's got it you figured out that you don't have to swap the statue and now i have no way to find out who you are exactly i think there's one thing i can do to figure out who you are though what's that well you know call it a gut feeling good good shot man i dodged all the aluminum i don't know how you how you knew i didn't even start playing yet yeah well honestly it was just a gut call a gut read a soul read yeah it was a small read yeah it turns out that people do the thing you expect they'll do most of the time uh all right i'm gonna give you a hint here the guy i pick i think i look the most like in this game that's my hint to you really yeah okay i think you're lying to me no i picked the guy that i think i resemble the most and then you can read time well i'm not telling you to still read one or the other i just my guy felt like a cartoon character oh my god i'm insulted that you thought that's who i picked that was funny that was funny i was hoping you would think no way would ludwig make such a dumb joke hey what's up youtube all right were you a gym guy no not really i've met you in real life yeah you're talking like i was just starting to get into it oh that's nice we had we had uh we had lunch with fit mc who is an insane guy during yeah i think that's a bald person thing yeah it might be slime got bald and has been insanely into working out at home then again you did you did get bald and and it seems like that actually didn't work because now you're in a turtleneck i have a good strategy for this round because i think i've seen i think i've beaten you on most i don't think you've taken a lot of good shots is what i'm to say i haven't taken a lot of good shots bird man man bird titty man kitty titty bird man man bird kitty man you just called out nine things birdman man bird kitty man titty titty can i tell you something what it is easy to distract you what do you mean bird man man bird bird man yeah man bird yeah titty man yeah and kitty kitty well is it still teddy teddy still is titty titty you're trying to don't tell me your wheels my guy's walking around don't tell me your wheels ludwig i just saw it i just saw i just saw wheels what are you doing what's up where are you going get out of here call me crazy but i saw birdman man bird turn into the titty bird hey look i think i think you sitting in the sitting look i get i get he's a little shorter but i still got a shot on him i don't i don't know what you're talking about i think wheels is a cool guy i see him right there i think he's like it might be you ludwig i think i think i don't think you can get anything i think you gotta i think you gotta understand that as you weave in and out of these people but soon enough fluttering you're gonna run out of gas then you're just gonna be stopped i think i think at the end of the day you just have to understand that wheels like has a hard enough time [Applause] [Laughter] i couldn't i could have kept weaving and bobbing i've written a lot of stories i've written a great story about pierresis what's that it's a p shyness like when you're too nervous to pee in public oh okay there's a there's a lot of support groups for it there's a whole foundation you ever written about the ma situation though the ma oh my god he fell for the oldest trick in the book oh my god he fell for the oldest trick in the book my balls oh my god i'm suspicious of someone can i tell you that who are you suspicious of well you've got that you've now i see you guys so you've got the laser i do on the small man i do yeah please tell me why you've got the laser on the small man well you know i honestly when we started in this game i was like no way right right no way does schlatt big guy pick the smile i'd never and the weird thing about the small man is that the ambassador's ass is about eye level right and so the animation for him to touch her ass is it's it's visual did you see did the small man make a move he made him he made a gesture i think you have some time to yeah to figure out who it actually is i can't tell you almost strained my my muscles reaching for that one we're reading plato tonight i can't tell if you're dating me [Music] roosevelt i was tunnel vintage you were you're completely tunnel visioned in on him i'm still upset can i can i tell you because i think he grabbed her ass and i don't think he bugged her so i think it was just sexual harassment i would expect nothing less from a man that tall can i tell you i'm suspicious of someone who are you suspicious of i'm not loving wheels right now why's that he just is moving a little funny doesn't wheels always move funny yeah he's just moving a little funnier than usual well i'll tell you one thing [Laughter] you you have what wheels doesn't but you lack what he has which is obviously his tight aluminum frame which would have blocked the bullet the sarcophagus the sarcophagus he's like king tut in a way you know king tut i don't think you know king tut i'm gonna hit you with what does tut stand for bhutan common i will never question you again there are certain things ludwig that i just know about the hindenburg for example okay uh the enumclaw horse sex case that's that picture that i sent you no no no no no no that's that's different the the horse sex case uh was it was a boeing engineer who brought himself out to a ranch and enum clung got himself [ __ ] to death by a stallion [Music] um the uh the last bit of knowledge i know i know quite a bit about is is actually king tut and the egyptians yeah you know i would play i mean are you what's up no no sorry sorry sorry yeah you're good hello v1 me and spy party you're not gonna win spy party it's a waste of time to even boot it listen i've been practicing that's not true you haven't been i've been watching streams i've been watching tutorials i will beat you in spy party this time you actually want to do a 1v1 yes all right i will do it but we'll make it interesting 20 gifted to the winner fine all right easy okay easy okay you drinking yeah i got a two liter of pepsi with me okay so you can't be any of these people i don't think you have the ability to drink and move around maybe i'm just not controlling the spot yet are you trying to prove me wrong no i'm not controlling the spy no way you waited that long i'll tell you what you haven't done yet i haven't even attempted that statue was that the game that was your best one yet have you been practicing that that was so good i told you bro i've been practicing that's all i've been doing i think i have an idea who of who you are here you do yeah why is that because when you were drinking i i predicted that you were walking without touching your mouth because i think you're a righty and so i think you're someone walking in a straight line and there's only one person doing that and they were also in a circle that just said banana bread impossible uh-huh impossible it's simply not me possible it's simply not me ludwig whales baby hey boys get in the chat we're the biggest offline twitch stream on the show thanks very fun having you on again very great very great appreciate it always happening buddy yeah for son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] man son of a [ __ ] dude he went [ __ ] wheels on me [Music] you
Channel: jschlattLIVE
Views: 4,608,063
Rating: 4.9775281 out of 5
Keywords: jschlatt, jschlattlive, jschlatt livestream, schlatt, livestream, twitch, jschlatt twitch, jschlatt livestream highlights, alex botez, rajjpatel, rajj patel, austin, austinshow, rajjpatel twitch, austinshow twitch, love or host, rajjchelor, rajjchelorette, love, dating, i went on a dating show, chess, i love chess, jschlatt love or host, schlatt love or host, schlatt rajjchelor, schlatt rajjchelorette, schlatt botez, schlatt minx, jschlatt botez, jschlatt minx, justaminx
Id: 8HP9zgdY6Cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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