Schlatt's $10,000 PO BOX (ft. Mizkif & Alinity)

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how's it going boys my name is schlatt and welcome back to the vods channel last friday i unbox ten thousand dollars worth of packages from my favorite streamer in the world miss kiff oh my god the packages were so cool i had so much fun unboxing them it was such a great time enjoy the vod ladies and gentlemen how are we how are we feeling we doing good uh we got a big day today here's the thing i'm gonna go on a little speech a little diatribe of my own i'm gonna say something i want to uh i've wanted to get off my chest for such a long time and then we got a ten thousand dollar package on boxing now i don't know if you guys know who ms kiff is um but he is a uh i signed him to the org that i own otk [Music] he's mine he's mine and he's here under contractual obligation to uh to be in the call with me as i open ten thousand dollars worth of packages he sent i pan the camera over oh my goodness there's so much stuff going on so much a lot of packages a lot of fun to be had tonight i guarantee it's going to be a good one so stick around find the right spot am i centered ah i'm scented of course i've got my michigan hoodie that i thrifted um and the neck rips a little more every day [Music] yes of course you guys will notice uh some of the items that we purchased last time the first stream i did back here on twitch was uh was another of these uh ten thousand dollar unboxings and uh it it opened the door to a load of possibilities i mean look at this we got it we got a nice tiger that's my friend now that's my friend we talk we there's a 55 gallon drum of lube back there that i haven't been able to open because tommy bought it and then didn't include like the tool it's supposed to come with like a wrench that you open it with um but hey whatever did i ever get the nft no no i didn't the framed nft that tommy innit claimed to have spent thousands of dollars on which was most of the budget never showed up [Music] why would it [Music] why can't you afford proper clothing is this not proper clothing is it cringe i don't know let's do something fun let me give a little let me give it a little uh little diatribe how about that let me get up on my soapbox [Music] so [ __ ] the stream yada yada this is the first stream i've done and the first video you're seeing i guess uh of me as a verified man i'm verified on twitter that is right that is right listen i'll give you the rundown of my uh of my story of my timeline if you will uh on the whole verification thing it was i think it was late october it was october 27th if i remember correctly 2020 so we're over a year ago at this point i mean this is when the elections were going on um and i got verified then on that day i remember it remember it very fondly i was eating chicken my mommy had cooked it my mommy had cooked me chicken and i was eating it and i got the notification that verified had followed me that's how it works that's how it still works you know but then seven days later i got unverified they took it away from me um and and they never told me why you know i never got an email or like they never they didn't even tweet at me which i mean it feels like you know twitter maybe you tweet at them like hey you lost a check mark no i just woke up one day and the check mark was gone clean slate clean slate why why [Music] to this day they never told me why they never told me why it happened they never told me why they ruined my life essentially because i was i was all high and mighty because i was one of the first people to have gotten verified in the community and so uh it was a really big moment for me and subsequently a really huge embarrassment when i lost it [Music] now i could guess right if you wanted me to guess why i lost the verification check mark i could probably tell you why you know because this was right around the election uh i was i was feeling really good about myself and so i kind of just tweeted that i had won the election in a landslide victory landslide victory that i had won the election i had actually gotten all the states i don't know if you can see but i beat biden who got zero and i beat trump who got zero and i had gotten 538 electoral votes i then doubled down and said this i won this election buy a lot um now look i don't know if it was this i don't know if it was this that you know made them take it away from me because obviously you know verified accounts can't be tweeting misinformation or they shouldn't be you know especially when it's a a topic this sensitive [Music] but then i did some stuff that i regret um on november 3rd i predicted that the queen would die on november 25th a couple weeks down the road it didn't happen i want to be completely clear this never happened the queen is still alive and well alive and well need i remind you [Music] then i tweeted a picture of me and my gun um unprompted i guess uh and i also then said that british people would be getting three days off soon which i'll be honest [ __ ] up of me [ __ ] up of me to do i shouldn't have done it by the way have you seen my trigger discipline either way i i reprehensible reprehensible actions it was around that moment that they took it away from me um and i you know i i kind of get it i guess i get it but dude [Music] this music is not this music is not the mood my stream deck is screwing me right now what the hell oh i got the sad music on now guys this is this is the moment where you got to get sad and look they removed it shortly after that and it was a it was a rough moment for me because i bragged i bragged i was the first like i said it was the first person in my circle in any circle really to have gotten verified and um i was also just the first person to lose it you know you hear all these stories like oh yeah pewdiepie blocked the verified account and they took it away from no one loses verification right it was sad it was sad but then you know i i but i wasn't giving up you know because verification was something that was very important to me as a human as a creator you know like how do you know if it's the real me replying to your tweets how do you know you don't know it could be [ __ ] jambo bot posting the umpteenth photo of my stupid [ __ ] cat and you wouldn't even know the difference you wouldn't even know the difference and so the past year i've been working on a strategy to get re-verified i've been working i i i've been trying to make the most noise possible and that all started shortly after losing the check mark not sure if you guys remember a uh certain tweet from from the company jim shark you know the the the uh the clothing manufacturer i think they make clothing i don't know what they do either way there was a tweet from jim shark and i tried to take advantage of it and here's what happened you guys remember this right i mean you remember this blow this up whoever gets the most liked comment will put on a billboard in times square hashtag gymshark billboard they tweeted this not knowing what would happen you know i'm probably sure i'm probably like they're probably like oh yeah we'll get we'll get a tweet with 10 000 likes on it maybe i replied i like men [Music] and to this day i'm i'm pretty sure this is one of the top like tweets in history it's got 680 000 likes 680 000 likes but no but no because at the time there was a there was a smear campaign against me and corp's husband got his song up on the on the billboard um even though mine has has surpassed his and likes by what what's that 150 000 so i i won in the end i [ __ ] won in the end yo miss thanks for the raid dude i'll be ready for you in a second i'm just going on a [ __ ] little speech going on a little speech here just give me a sec [Music] so that's the thing you know that was my first thing this was a couple months after losing the check i knew i had to work my way back up the social credit totem poll to get these to get this check back because everyone else started getting verified at this point you know mine was i was the domino that started toppling everybody else and so i don't know if you uh remember this one um which probably didn't help my standing with twitch i actually successfully predicted the death of prince philip you guys remember when that photo came out of him looking like a [ __ ] goblin in the back of an s-class and uh and i tweeted i reckon april will be an interesting month and then on april 9th the dude [ __ ] died i'm not sure if that helped my my chances of getting verified or if it hurt it either way it was pretty [ __ ] funny since then we've also uh you know i also have gotten arrested uh for speeding in a lamborghini i was go i was going i think six miles per hour over the speed limit and the dude got me maybe it was nine god for a bit i was going nine miles per hour over the speed limit in a lamborghini um i was following traffic like actually following traffic it was it was actually [ __ ] ridiculous ridiculous there was a car in front of me a car to my left and right and the cop just saw the lamborghini and it's like nine over i think it was 54. i was going 54 and a 45. [ __ ] kill me shoot me right there officer [Music] and now we did something even cooler than getting arrested i bought we crowdfunded successfully in a hundred thousand dollar statue of a monkey with big fat nuts big fat nuts he's actually sitting in uh in the garage of espan's house right now he's uh i haven't been able to find a moving company that will move it it's crazy you think like okay well moving companies move [ __ ] i have phoned personally like at least five or ten of these [ __ ] companies and they don't want to touch this thing [Music] uh he's 800 pounds and he's worth a hundred thousand dollars and the statue is not insured so uh if they [ __ ] up then i'm gonna ruin their lives [Music] i'd ruin them i'd ruin their lives um oh there's a fly [ __ ] i got you but [Music] somehow we did it and i don't know if you noticed a couple weeks ago i cleaned up my whole presence you know my bio was like sanitized it was [ __ ] like bleached almost i had on youtube i got a call with it with a with a social media expert who was a cool guy and he had me do all this stuff like oh yeah your bio needs to say this your buy needs to say content creator you need to link all the accounts you have my youtube my youtube about section he had me changed to official youtube for twitter user jay schlatt we were in the call for an hour and he was giving me all these tips he linked my my google trends profile all that [ __ ] and uh and i i was like thank you man we did everything we had to do everything he knew in his power in his plethora of information on how to get verified because he had gotten people verified before this dude amaranth can you believe this amaranth was who referred him to me amaranth [Music] and so we did this whole thing we did this whole spiel i put in all my info i cleaned up my accounts i requested the verification and 10 minutes later it got denied they [ __ ] denied it immediately it's not it's like it's like no one even [ __ ] looked at it and i given up all hope i changed my bio back to the the classic businessman i removed all that stuff from my uh for my bios and uh and about sections and all that i had given up i'd given up i really had um i was like there's no way this is gonna happen at this point um it's just a it's a pipe dream you know i'm just gonna be that one dude apart from maybe slime cycle at this point who hasn't gotten verified uh and all these people all these [ __ ] losers like eddie burback are gonna look at me and be like oh looky look what i have and what you don't like he wasn't like he wasn't in my boat a month ago god [Music] i don't know why charlie isn't verified he should be he should be but luckily luckily my company that i own pulled some strengths with twitter gaming apparently gotta apparently gotta pull strings to get verified and you know we took him out to a nice dinner or something i don't know what happened he sucked it sucked a couple dicks or two but our marketing guy somehow just dm'd me he dm'd me one night a couple nights ago saying congrats on the check and i was like what did you send me money maybe or something but no i go to my twitter at and i'm verified i have to check and now i'm back now i'm back and you know what there's nothing that's gonna [ __ ] stop me now i'm gonna start replying to everybody you guys remember those those like those those accounts that would tweet at trump the second he responded like the the [ __ ] like krasenstein brothers or whatever that would like stroke each other off in the replies of donald trump tweets so [ __ ] annoying i'm gonna be like that i'm gonna start contacting every account i know every verified account just because i'll see it i've been tweeting my wordle results in hassan every day he's getting [ __ ] pissed [Music] it's just fun it's just good to have it back you know it's good to have it back and i don't know if there's anything you know like i'm gonna clean myself up you know i know what i did last time and it's not gonna happen again [Music] i have no idea how that got there hello [Music] no threats no nothing all right completely sanitized i'm going to be the ideal citizen from now on believe me and also at some point this tweet will hit 1 million likes it will it will maybe even from from this stream right here maybe even from this video right here [Music] guys the queen is not going to die on march 11th at 9 32 in the morning i'm joining the discord mskiff where are you dude let's do the package on boxing yeah man where are you miss kiff join the voice channel [Laughter] it's time to unbox everything man [Music] he dm to me give me three minutes he says [Music] oh alinity will be with him oh that's a twofer okay well we got three minutes what are we doing yo holy [ __ ] christian k thanks for the 5 000 bits [Music] much love to you from an emt in l.a told my last patient to sub to you too bad he died in my arms what [Music] well i hope you guys are having a lovely evening we're just waiting on miss kif uh he's on the phone he's doing a little phone call perfect time to take a call you know when we had this thing to do calais live thanks for the 10. i need to know do you remember shalonic was that one of the jack box videos oh i love those such great memories from those ah [Music] how we doing what did you guys do today alexia thanks for the 13 months it's always crazy when people have like 13-month streaks which mean which basically means that they subscribed a year into me not having streamed for a year like and that didn't stream for another year it's just fun just fun to me ah i gotta pee i might have to take a little pee break [Music] not yet though not yet though we'll figure it out do you guys like that story time was that good maybe i'll turn that into a video um [Music] i figure i'll get all my content out on friday oh my alt just got uh just got the check for affiliation which means i will be a twitch affiliate on schlatt soon which is big news for everybody um i can now double dip into uh my fan base and have them subscribe on two different channels [Music] which i'm pumped about we're just waiting boys we're waiting surely he's gonna show up hey thanks guys thanks for all the subs thank you for the twitch primers thank you for the crazy streak some of you guys are on um i know a couple users who have like [ __ ] 48 plus [Music] dang our calcium schlatt can you let us know what your favorite couch-up moment was for 10 months dude thank you for the sub um favorite couchshot moment was probably uh that episode where where trevor and brett pretended to be james and alex um it was called something a little inappropriate but uh hey it was a good time when trevor spilled the ice cream in the back of the car i was like don't beat me it's up fun one it was a fun one p heightner thanks for the three oh four dollars and 20 cents hey schlatt do you want to be in my short film no [Music] no no i don't brett thanks for the 500 bits i'm in your walls hey listen i've got very thin walls very thin i mean there's probably a lot of [ __ ] in there [Music] link is bad thanks for the 500 bits bring back crazy mike it is right there i did take it home from new york it'd just be a [ __ ] trying to set up right now let me see if i could do it uh what is it video capture device um is this it [Laughter] oh man [Laughter] wait why is my do i have both of my chats on oopsie great can i set up the funny mic would that be doable let me see it definitely would be doable audio input capture you got you guys got a brace for [ __ ] impact here this is gonna suck hello this is way too loud i can already tell it's the [ __ ] funny mic everybody all right mrs ready miz is ready to get in the call so i'm gonna get rid of that and i'm gonna get rid of that okay uh so yo hello hey hey guys dude what's going on man welcome to the show this is my show it's my show on spanish marcus what are you doing are you talking spanish hold on oh she probably can though you can yes can you speak some spanish alinity i raise my volume i'm on my real mic okay i don't know how can you keep talking don't write me faster all right that should be good right so you're good volume you might have to turn yourself up i think i'm i have you up all the way don't worry me about so lucky though i'm all the way up there we go all right now you got the camera on i'm gonna try and should i have your camera on stream i mean i don't really like being on stream that much but yeah you can we're ready here you're here okay just give me a second i'm very nervous dude who cares it's twitch chat i'm so nervous they're [ __ ] i'm so nervous did you buy it i can't make him louder he's already you're very already very loud that's so it's so been done window was there like a theme on the things you bought him random [ __ ] that twitch clap check like did shout out late [Music] slamming me obviously we [ __ ] drank before this yeah oh you guys are drunk yeah just a little dude you know why i didn't answer you we were drinking upstairs really you were drinking upstairs without me oh awesome sorry dude i got really nervous on stream so i had to do it yeah no i get that i totally understand uh where you're coming from i'm so nervous right now i'm just such a nervous person in general look i get it is really popular but you can talk to her dude she's very popular hold on okay you guys should be good [Music] la la la we did it everybody all righty so ms you bought me ten thousand dollars worth of stuff that's a lot of money i did yeah you did you did a whole stream about it actually cool dude i'm really excited and you're going to love the gifts oh lenny tell them i have no idea what it is actually i wasn't here to buy them lenny was not here for it i gotta lower my music i'm sorry there's so many technical difficulties going on right now this is so crazy all right guys he's up all the way he's up all the way use your volume wait schlatt you want me to bring out my mute yeah yeah sure [Music] [Laughter] really no yeah you can you can do you wanna come on swats stream he's getting nervous i'm so nervous and you'll break the ice all right i'll just turn myself down what would dude schlatt has minecraft viewers what would they think of a mute yeah well i mean like what is your music cause he banned all the minecraft viewers so it doesn't really matter what they think what is a mute diddy actually though he probably has made new accounts oh i mean like they need a parent's permission what's a mute so a mute is like a girl that can't talk shlap she's my mute oh she's awesome wait she said dude i'm such a big fan of jade schlapp from dream s p holy [ __ ] oh that's awesome that's what you said really wow so you're racist huh all right should i bring the call sure laser i'm going to bring you in might cancel with currently left yeah wait i have to do a new one i think schlatt she's a very big conversationalist okay she's great okay laser can you talk for us she's a mute she doesn't talk she said ao oh she types laser can you put on your cam whenever you're ready i'm so confused yes it's the omg it's the jay schlatt from the dream smp schlesinger mute i talked her okay oh okay okay yeah i've heard i just restarted my pc and then she said omg it's the j schlep from the dream smp so what what are mutes what what is the idea of a mute okay so you know minx yeah think like the opposite of minx okay so this girl's very quiet she's nice to hang out with and she's entertaining okay minx is entertaining she just talks a lot oh she said one second all right okay dude she needs to buy a new pc dude i gotta piss real bad i gotta go the bathroom like oh go just make me full cam okay i can be the mute well until she gets here what do you do they dance that's actually exactly it why did i hire laser you're actually really good at this wait but i can't talk that's right you'd be the worst mute ever you'd have to like stuff like an apple in my head in my mouth or something well i didn't get him an apple so wait lasers talking everyone shut up okay she said hell yeah so you wanna hang out or gnaw she'll chill chill can you use the green screen background so schlatt can just throw you on the screen chatting chatting chatting chatting okay he's gonna do it oh god i'm so excited okay do you want another shot yes let's do it i would be a terrible mute i just i just like to talk i think saying stupid [ __ ] suits me better than not talking are you okay yeah you sure eleni people like you for the fact that you talk and you're you're funny and entertaining not just from my body i don't think they like you for your body at all they just use your only fans to support you [Laughter] nice all right all righty you're ready you're ready you're ready i'm back that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me i said nice things about you all the time sorry guys i say no no you don't want to see him that's a really good one so what's uh what's going on what up good is the dude she's coming dude and she's really excited she's like dude this is the schlep from dream smp i know oh my gosh this is great oh i got to teach you a new remote it's called bat chat just start opening things why don't we start opening things well here's the thing i only stream to make youtube videos and people are going to see this and be like what is what is on the screen do you want a thumbnail yeah we should do a thumbnail hold on like uh charlie's angels type [ __ ] i don't know how it goes miss get the [ __ ] out of the frame wait what no i was waiting for him to say that i was waiting for him to say that i was waiting for him to say that i need my sidekick you're like my sidekick what i'm your psychic i'm your sidekick come here sit down sorry schlatt looks like i'm staying man [Music] perfect such a good thumbnail cut you off that's okay that's okay thanks guys this will be this will get so many views where is this where's the girl we're waiting on man dude she can come whenever you want slap we can start this baby up all right let's start it let's start it up i want to see what people got you listen i hope you don't mind i'm gonna turn your camera off okay there's too much going on in this on the screen right now that's okay yeah you can turn this off i'm so sorry guys listen okay listen wait why do you give a [ __ ] because i care about the youtube video man i care about that oh okay then do your thing man do your thing content i don't care about the stream i mean [ __ ] all could happen on this stream i just want to make a good youtube video out of it oh okay all right dude what's going on chad my name is mr beast and i'm here with carl carl say something hi i'm carl today we're gonna be making a video with jay schlatt yes this is going to be so fun now i have a big i have it like there's like a good 20 boxes here it's actually like the stuff here is actually bigger the boxes are bigger physically than what tommy got me last time um uh so i'm assuming that you got some heavy hitters in here dude yeah i got you a baseball bat you got me a baseball bat oh my god i could play baseball you said you want to be a heavy hitter man i got you all right well let's begin [ __ ] damn that's heavy what is this so that's mr beast's new chocolate company really yup why not apw oh jesus yeah that's the code you have to use to get the chocolate not my [ __ ] address no we're good it's like a grill or something i have no problem telling make me a grill get my murder weapon out march 11th that's a nice knife thank you i'm very into knives and not and sharp paraphernalia dude i love sharp things i love witty people i do murder crumpet where are you what the [ __ ] is this man it's a grill it's not a grill grills are bigger than this dude [Music] why are we doing it let's see what is inside okay so for reference the first thing that tommy innit bought me was this 300 coaster that made the perfect toast if if this is what i think it is yes i got you a brand new computer it's not a [ __ ] dude this is a [ __ ] this is legitimately just a like a panera bread toaster [Music] those are the ones we have with like the hotels yes where you like put your toast and it goes on the other side yeah the free continental breakfast [ __ ] toast i actually talked to artisan builds and they made you a pc and it's a toaster heavy man it's hitting against my leg it's sven's old pc enjoy enjoy man enjoy oh dude that's actually so [ __ ] heavy oh my goodness so that was like seven thousand dollars in the budget seven thousand dollars yeah no way like a thousand i'm gonna put this i'm gonna prop this up real quick no i lie a lot lindy okay wait schlatt can we be like really high up in the top left corner uh i think i don't talk to later dude you are not ugly for youtube okay you've been my number one now for months because of the things i say not the way i look you just said it now oh you're right yeah people click your videos because they think you have a very good personality yes personality so i'm assuming you put bread up top and it's like a little conveyor belt that goes all the way down and then the thread just slides out on the bottom yeah so i got you that because i saw in your last video that you got another toaster and you got it from some dude named tommy who used to watch my streams i was like [ __ ] that guy you're gonna get a better toaster from me and that's usa made damn it i appreciate it i appreciate i love my american-made [ __ ] so how much bread do you eat that everybody's sending you toasters no he's gonna make bread listen it's not how much bread i eat well it's not a bread maker no it's a bread winner it's a bread toaster it's totally bread you need the bread already made to put it in there no you don't what are you talking about you have to have the bread to make the bread yes so he has it because he eats it he doesn't eat the bread that's money oh he bakes his money in there yes he bakes his money in there that's an nft maker oh i need one of them right so this mints nfts yes wow schlep do you think lindy can make it only fans stop uh yeah probably i told you are you considering making one elini uh i um perhaps you know i'm dude i'm telling you lily people don't like you for your personality they like you for your body you told me earlier that it was the other way around i'd rather not talk about these things on twitch okay we'll talk about it on tech talk yeah it's plugged in uh wait our camera has been there how long has our camera been on i just put it back on okay oh god i came i saw huge flat your mutton chops look fantastic today i have it dude i haven't shaved in a minute either shake oh it's actually [ __ ] making noise do you hear this because you haven't only fans wait let me hear do you hear this the silence of a night i can't hear anything is that a [ __ ] oh that that's my [ __ ] clock yeah nice it's my [ __ ] clock yeah yeah it's pretty cool actually so yep okay so it's definitely heat it's it is definitely hot in there and then uh okay so you hit the dial here crank that [ __ ] up dude that's so [ __ ] cool you just put bread in there and it pops out the bottom time out i'm i'm doing this i'm doing this right now i'm getting bread he just has bread like chilling around him dude i'm telling you otk makes a lot of money yeah it does we have so much money that we have to burn it can you just give it to me you have enough money you have an only fan i mean so how much is this first of all first of all how much did you pay for this i think like a thousand that was seven thousand dollars this was not seven thousand dollars no you're lying if you said this is 7k 100 maybe it was it was like eight how much it was 905 okay i'm doing a bread doing one one piece of bread that's a litmus test you're immune she's a little what is it called minecraft oh ch slap by the way my mute is ready to look at you for you to look at her time out the bread's going ooh look at the bread slowly going getting toasted there's no way it toasts it does what do you mean there's no way there's a thousand dollar toaster better [ __ ] they have those there wait it's gone it ate it okay i see it still it's gone all right now we wait you know that reminds me it reminds me of the brave little toaster when the toaster go when uh the toaster i forgot his name like ludwig or some [ __ ] he like goes into the conveyor belt and gets eat it this is just regular bread it didn't actually toast at all [Laughter] did not do [ __ ] it's warm yeah it's warm did you crank it all the way up yeah i mean there's only a button there's a button for top heat and bottom heat do top heat go here oh here's what the thing is here's what i think happened i think i have the conveyor belt up all the way wait on the red put it on the red yeah you have it on the white put it on the red oh i got it yeah yeah there you go okay so the conveyor belt was on the setting where it goes too fast to toast it alrighty i feel like i'm reacting to a slap video okay so we're going to sit here for an hour it happen not about a drink this is good toaster stream you're not you can't lie i mean this is intense i wanted i think we're all eager to figure out what is what that bread is going to look like it's gonna be very dark it beats our content for the day yeah we were just shocking ourselves until you're gonna call ourselves wait schlett while this is going on if you want to look real quick my mute's here oh oh wow so that's her go ahead talk she doesn't talk she has a little massage oh like you oh i get it wait so is she is this like a 3d like is she in vr right now yes so she's in vr she can never talk i have to take her on walks twice a week really and she seems pretty fun she's gone no i think she's trying to do like the minecraft thing hold on oh she has a minecraft setting oh oh the stream has ended she has a very old computer i think she needs new pc she streams longer than you this bread is gonna come out so [ __ ] it's it's going so slow man we gotta try it i think the middle is the right setting dude it's gonna come out toasted yeah i'm very excited for this might burn but that's okay burn bread is really yummy welcome everybody to the otk toastathon starring jay schlatt miss kiff we also here have validity tonight for her personality tonight we have jay schlatt getting ready to toast the bread will it come out burnt crispy or toasty lily how you feeling ah toasty melody's feeling very toasty i think high 75 degrees i think this bread will come out absolutely [ __ ] up this bread will this this is going to be bad is it smoking it's really red yeah it looks very scary in there jim i'm not going to lie to you it's going to be burnt to a crisp [ __ ] it smoke okay it's smoking it's smoking i'm speeding up we can see the smoke actually [Laughter] the highest setting and the lowest setting and you're good for a nice toast it smells like absolute [ __ ] flat you have to take a bite you have to take a bite you have to take a bite otherwise you're gonna get canceled because you're wasting food yes do not waste food i can't eat this yeah you have to take it back i eat this this is fun this is a hockey puck try it you're going to get cancelled if you don't eat it you're not you are i'm going to wear pants if i don't eat it food you know there's children in africa that are starving yeah but something about a house with a roof and a blanket or something yeah so you watch my streams yes so pretty much all we need is a blanket and life slap but you can eat that toast yeah yeah let's go yummy honestly it's not as bad as i thought it would be i'm gonna try it with the uh middle setting on how about that this guy's toast yeah right in the middle will be perfect all righty all right let's do it again one last 12. one last go we have about 25 more packages we do we do this is a great first one though honestly that was pretty good toast even even as charred as it was it didn't taste bad dude it looks fantastic it looks great i mean you're lying when you say that i lie a lot it's my job [Music] dude i could just do it a [ __ ] toaster stream this is so entertaining you're killing it man i'm having so much fun look at that little toast go this is actually interesting in the conveyor belt to how all right flat this one's not going to be as burnt dude it's nice it's not this is this is going to be i think this will be a solid piece of toast i will say it's going to be a good piece the 300 one that tommy got me that was entirely in japanese that just [ __ ] knew it just knew how to do it right right this required some this required some jimmy whacking you know you got this you got this it's gonna be done right now oh it's still a little bit okay there's some browning on it there's some browning i'm gonna do one more man i think that's a perfect toast if you ask me no yes yeah i'm with you i'm with you i don't like it i like it a little soft still like a little brown but still a little soft just warm i'd prefer to be a little a little more toasted than this really yeah that's perfect right there you see what he eats dude he's the one that's like all burnt that's what he likes he's crazy good piece of bread that's fantastic that's fantastic do you guys have some butter at the otk office or could that not come out the budget no no no yeah okay schlatt is eating bread right now as another bread going through the pipe will it be perfection i do not know toast is almost through do you like really like bread is this what because i don't know the reason why people send you toasters do you think i [ __ ] know tommy just sent me a toaster one time and miz was like oh yeah i'm just gonna send him a big a better one i have no idea like there's guys i'm not that means i'm not this into bread that i would like do this on my own time but that he thinks you're toasted or you're toasty or let's see it i don't know i saw you like bread no it's getting [ __ ] charred again bro i don't know where the i don't know where the oh it's coming oh okay it's burned it's a little burnt dude that's gross oh god no that's killed that's killed i gotta do another one dude sweat what is this man i have to try i have to get the perfect piece of bread we paid a thousand dollars for this miz of my money i have to get the perfect piece of bread do i not he does take your time man we'll be here all right it's on setting five right now [Music] uh what are you uh what are you guys up to we're literally waiting for you to to do this i'm not really too sure we have amaranth on the other monitor sorry we're a little distracted yeah we're sorry about that we're just a little bit busy she uh no i understand just changed into a new outfit after i gifted her subs that one does look good it even has grill marks on it that's a conveyor belt yeah yeah i think that's pretty good i would eat that toast with a little butter though yeah i don't know how you're not gonna have butter i don't know i'm [ __ ] this one up too it's [ __ ] it up you say we're all thinking man okay i'm gonna go to the bathroom i'm putting another one in so i really don't have time for this like i mean like we have 25 other boxes i mean i'm really busy like what do you mean you don't have time for it yeah i mean i have like other stuff to do like go to bed in like six hours so i'm kind of busy the problem is this isn't bad that is bad that is bad toast that's bad toast [Music] okay so it's now in between five and six [Music] i didn't eat dinner i'm gonna be honest with you i didn't eat dinner yeah okay that's fine so we're just gonna eat dinner real quick we'll hurry up we'll eat dinner real quick yeah uh we'll figure this out uh we'll figure this out um so you excited for all the other packages we got we got a lot of good stuff yeah dude oh man there's so many boxes that we should get soon very soon we should get to so many boxes soon oh oh miss miss miss is that not [ __ ] perfect is that the one you already made i can't tell anymore it needs a little modification it needs a little modification i'm putting another piece of bread in put up another put up another put up another what if i do a double we're going to do all these unheard of unheard of two at the same time yeah that's good [Music] we'll be perfect we'll be perfect i think that's what we need man turn the lower heat off [Music] no oh [Music] that one's got to be good that the perfect piece of toast right there look at the [ __ ] marks on it both sides look fantastic that's not bad that is not bad this may be it this may be it listen we can do another that oh that other toaster only did one piece of bread at a time if these two come out good oh [ __ ] you put two in while you were gone yeah that's right oh my god oh it's so it's perfect you can probably do like ten at one i shouldn't give them yes i'm sorry wait you said i could do ten at once no no no oh my god that'd be so cool that's such a good idea [ __ ] i'm sorry me and my ideas you know i don't even know what to say to this at this point like what what commentary could i even give like am i supposed to be like this is fun this is miserable we can delight the the cheer emo to the toasts i don't give a [ __ ] about it it's like they're having a nice suntan you know he's already gotten the perfect toast i'm from new jersey i see people doing this [ __ ] all the time i don't need to see more of this wait i don't understand the new jersey reference i don't know i just said i'm from new jersey because i'm supposed to say that every few sentences oh yeah i'm not really sure what's going on hey listen from being new jersey let's let these two let's let these four toasts finish up and then we'll move to the next thing okay well we'll let this finish up he's right he's right um so yeah that's the first gift out of 30 that i got for you um it's very nice the toaster oh the grill marks man they're really good that is actually wait for it oh oh my god all perfect too perfect those are perfect these are all perfect that's the perfect toast that's the perfect toast that's good man that's the perfect toast that is pretty good i can't believe you eat them just like that though can i get butter cool all right now let's put cheese on those let's make some grilled cheese [Laughter] oh if you're leaving get me tequila please okay let's go ahead like i'm watching greek all right all right all right honestly i [ __ ] love toasters this might be a new hobby of mine wait till he finds out i got him three we're gonna be here for six hours buying and training the best toasters honestly i'm down for it i'm down for it hmm all right you bought me three toasters because this is gonna be so fun okay okay there's another box i gotta take my headphones off i don't have much range oh god i'm gross nah it's okay true you don't give a [ __ ] i respect that so much about you next one you talking [ __ ] while i'm getting the box huh you talking [ __ ] well i'm getting the well i'm getting a box well i have my head yeah you're talking [ __ ] about me was that cool no no no we're not talking about you dude we just said that we love the toasters oh oh wow this is a it's got some stuff in it man oh [ __ ] that's not a toaster it's not a toaster this straight up just says it says tungsten [ __ ] all right open these open these up with these open this jewelry it's really heavy tungsten cube one and a half inches one kilo one kilo why this is so [ __ ] small surprise that's where half your money went wait are you serious yeah that's three thousand dollars this is just a very heavy cube w for the [ __ ] chat yes that is three thousand dollars right there there's nothing what there's nothing all too special about it what is tungsten is it even used for anything uh you melt it and you make whatever you want to make with it do you toast it yes you put it in the toast oh my god put it in the toaster and see what happens no it's going to ruin the toaster i'm not going to do that i don't know how else would i demonstrate how heavy this thing is uh drop it [Music] that is [ __ ] that is really heavy bro it's it's like surprisingly heavy very solid thank you for that you're welcome dude that was literally three thousand dollars to the budget no it wasn't this this one i now and you're probably thinking miss kiv this was 15 on amazon schlatt it was legitimately i think three thousand dollars of the budget is it returnable i mean the shipping is going to be expensive um okay next one atomic rhino smelling salts what is this smelling salts is this like what athletes oh god wait this looks [ __ ] scary canoe said it's fine knut said it's fine yeah just take it come on i don't th the label does not look the label does not look that safe try it try it try it you're the one that tell us not to say drugs really yes why not live a little plus it's on stream that's good content don't okay okay take the salts just sniff sniff sniff don't take it i would take it just sniff i got these from florida what the [ __ ] is in it that's ebola it's like farts and now you have an erection don't put a cap on it what is that [ __ ] what what what was it wait do you have an erection no i don't i never do let's [ __ ] go welcome to otk feel the horn atomic rhino ammonia it's just ammonia you you bought me a thing of ammonia merry christmas thanks so much i've heard those aren't good for the skin what ammonia oh god it's still in my [ __ ] nose dude you're ripped up now for content though it's good it's good wait a second i bought a pair of these i bought a pair of these for my jenga stream last week these the drunk yeah these are the [ __ ] drunk goggles ooh so schlatt the reason why i got you this is so that you can huff ammonia then put those on what the [ __ ] stop it that's not even funny i'm not i'm not gonna be doing that [ __ ] dude don't be such a [ __ ] come on we have asthma gold on our org okay we are fine with brand problems holy [ __ ] wait this is actually you look like you in front of me i see two mischief heads that's terrible i'm so sorry about that take those off take those off i don't know i like this i'm seeing two valinity too oh you're fine then nice [ __ ] medusa okay so there's two packages in front of you right now i did not get you that wait i did not get you that i didn't get you a wrench what is this what is it i don't know i didn't get you that though it's for changing your tires we heard you had a low tire low battery oh it's for the lube enjoy [ __ ] lube yeah [Music] wait so he did get lube he there's a giant loop thing over there are you gonna play like spin the tail on the donkey like go ahead and try it we should put it in like a big tub and do like lube wrestling and amaranth will be here tomorrow yes oh my jesus christ i love my job holy [ __ ] it actually works it actually works it actually works dude i stuck it right in i stuck it right in and it twisted that is [ __ ] incredible all right that's not going to happen man i something to do after you leave oh dude those those drunk offs are [ __ ] terrible well wait a minute let me just open the loop now you want me to let's see what's inside okay maybe it's a cat it hissed as i twisted it maybe it's conrad's pants i can't hear anything but uh it could be my mute [Music] i think there's lube in there i don't know it is called a lube jug i wonder what's in it i can't move it put myself in there like pretty cool shall i dip yourself in there and get baptized what the [ __ ] why does that look like it's not working but it worked it worked oh jesus [ __ ] christ stick your dick in it what am i even supposed to do my hand isn't even going to fit in it [Music] i just said stick your dick in it [Music] it's too far down the liquid stick your penis in it far i wouldn't be able to hmm you're phallus put your faucet in it taste it yeah you got to put that in the oven now wait use that as butter put it on oh it's [ __ ] dripping it's [ __ ] dripping you want me to put this on the bread did you say put on the bread and eat it and then put it and eat it no i'm not going to [ __ ] eat it that's the food come on no you're not pulling that on me dude who cares come on just a little taste you eat fast food dude all right what's worse fast food or bread with lube on it no no i'm not gonna [ __ ] do it it's edible dude it is edible look elimination eats it all the time yeah it is you put it on the parts and then you you know dude she eat that [ __ ] like winnie the pooh man all right it's nothing [Music] [ __ ] i actually don't know if it's that far or not oh it's salty it's salty yeah bro that's a that's a jar of soda's [ __ ] that wasn't rude this has been sitting in the office for like it's been sitting in the office for a month now i don't i need i wish i had one mom made a whole nother jug i wish i had another person here to pour it into like a container and then [ __ ] with it it has not gone away it is not going off my fingers it sounds like really good lube yeah it sounds good that's some high quality blue right there do you want it i can i'll arrange it i'll come with like a little cup and borrow some of it this one's just an envelope did you send me like a like a little uh little gift card or something bro this isn't [ __ ] blues clues i didn't send you that [ __ ] from amazon yes you did oh [ __ ] from amazon stickers from brick new jersey you know that place [ __ ] yeah i know brick you know brick i'm bricked up bro in new jersey you can open it okay i'm opening it i don't know what it is who is that you know who that is don't tell her your dad no it's i used to it's ted nippinson that's ted neverson yeah it's the guy that does a podcast with him oh yeah he seems pretty cool that's literally 10 wait so he looks so he looks cool alinity yeah do you think he's a nice guy would you say no no do we like him or not would you say would you say you're a big fan a big fan i don't know i feel like i'm getting baited into something no he's he's strong that's the twitch ceo yeah oh i can't even get it off the i want to put it on my new toaster we love the twitch ceo here yes we love the twitch ceo i already went on a trip recently to cancun you did so did lenny well i think she got partnered did you really i can't get the [ __ ] partner like eight nine years ago that was the quickest nine years ago that had nothing to do with the cancun trip well thank you for this this is fantastic i appreciate it you're welcome man i'm gonna put it on this does the sticker actually work it looks really scary i couldn't get it off the i couldn't get it off the [ __ ] paper okay another small-ish package give me a three thousand dollars that's the soviet killer oh i don't know why chad is saying that dude his chat's toxic you don't know what it is yeah okay this one's from ebay oh god i just said he was a cool guy why are you guys doing this to me i don't know who that is it's my podcast buddy oh it's just literally a podcast okay okay okay is this just a jersey it's not just a jersey go ahead and open it up okay he's from jersey oh a jersey from jersey uh i get it but wait there's more [Music] okay i didn't send this this is my twitch chat i asked them and they said they this dude named chairman kidding me what dude i swear they wanted to send it i watched the towers fall you [ __ ] who's it who the [ __ ] signed it what is it signed no i no i think it's like terrible you guys this is so horrible i think it's the dude that killed bin laden signed oh the dude that shot him yeah signed a assigned announcement american jersey this is so awesome this is so awesome what the navy seal yeah he's the one that signed it well um i put it on but i don't think i ever want to see it again that's awesome man you're saying what we're all thinking you say what we're all thinking man [Music] all right that was the most controversial thing i ever got you you sure oh my god everything else is gonna be smooth sailing all just a bunch of cubes and toasters cubes and toasters okay all right i'll take your word this next one better be good [Music] this is exceeding this is a huge package and it is exceedingly light exceed anything light excuse me i don't know what it is it could be some pedialyte pedialyte oh i need that dude you're gonna give yourself a vasectomy if you keep that up flat no the box is huge you cut too close to your [ __ ] show us what the [ __ ] is this show us the bible now the bible is bigger he wrote a book no asthma gold is the only [ __ ] thing in the box wait what the [ __ ] that's been called legends asmin gold notebook this book belongs to and then i guess that's where i put mine in i i really just got it because i wanted to see what it was it's just a book it's just for writing it's it's actually even the lines you're supposed to even the lines you're supposed to write on are like this is it's like a low quality it's like blurry nah that's cool man i think that's good i think that's good well you know i have been looking uh to start start a gratitude journal so this is this is very good it's good to see you write the names of your subs oh oh true like banner space five who just subscribed with twitch prime if he hits that purple subscribe button and hits subscribe for free that's right that's right that's right i have amazon prime that's what you got to do everybody we know that that's right we know that that's sick all right [Laughter] schlatt you banned 90 of your chat they can't do it oh she left okay he's upset he's a big one he's getting a big box okay movies candy i have no idea what's in any of these boxes by the way i don't remember any of this what are you talking about right but i don't remember it dude i don't know anything describe the smell of this box yeah uh cardboard moldy no it doesn't smell moldy there's a lot of like [ __ ] there's these like rappers around this is actually huge ah what the [ __ ] is that yeah what is that it's gonna be hard to get my painting the mona lisa maybe did you get me like a nice painting because i only have like ten thousand dollars and i don't think the moana would be like a fake like a print a reprint of the morning lisa it could be a picture of amaranth does she sell those oh yeah oh yeah if your question is does she sell it the answer is yes is it justin bieber who is that who is this i don't know what the [ __ ] oh it's some um oh it's bts dude it's bts it's bts yeah yes it's supposed to go right next to the pope oh oh my god wait there's like 10 of them oh i forgot how many of these [ __ ] things did you get is this this there's 10 of them i got you every single member dude oh my god that's so kind and thoughtful of you the whole crew they are lifelike they're actually that thin irl i gotta find my favorite i found him ah [ __ ] will neff yes yes yes that's kind of cool yes yes it's him what is his name the jungle book oh my god it's like a life-sized thing like a that's pretty cool that is really cool next to the pope come on the collab we always wanted oh damn he's tall he's really tall maybe put him far farther away so we can see his head now pour them farther back so we can see his head can you hear us put him farther away so we can see his head like can he hear us i don't know i don't think he can further away so we can see his face face further away wow so there's like how many people are in bts slot can you put him further away so we can see his face i mean his crotch is really cute but i want to see what he looks like it is pretty cute [Laughter] wait oh [Applause] wow god thank you so much i'll have to put all these guys up damn i do like this i'm gonna start doing this dude pokeman started that oh really started what that's okay i can steal pokemon stuff yeah i do it all the time yeah hey guys you talking without me that's where i got the hair stuff from we are literally talking without you all right let's continue let's continue i know there's other stuff that are really good but you haven't opened it yet [Music] [Laughter] someone oh dude schlatt someone said to put the jersey on him i'm not no no i don't think put the jersey on the pope no no okay no oh my god that would be funny no maybe nothing not funny it's a hat that that says show me that butthole [Music] elena do you want to have yeah you can have this nice it's a trucker hat wow okay dude nice oh dude double snaps double snaps on the back do you see that double snaps i mean you gave me ten thousand dollars that's a good hat how much was this uh 780 nice for the double snaps you're a fan of them too no no my chat said to get this for you and i had no idea what it meant oh you don't know what it means is that a place yeah it's a place in washington there was a uh yeah yeah yeah so if you google alinity actually you know what just google mr hands just google mr hands mr hands yeah mr hands [Music] m claw horse sex case yeah so mr hands was a was a bowling engineer who took himself out to a ranch in enumclaw washington and got himself got himself [ __ ] to death by a stallion alinity we i just saw the picture you saw the photo look he's yellow oh the other one can you please does he even only fans close and please is it only hands sure he would have if he was alive to tell the tale what is this [Music] [Laughter] dude you're a streamer now yeah oh dude probably receiving that [ __ ] jersey you just gave me that was very pogers you're welcome man welcome to the pogger science [ __ ] the w community [ __ ] the w community um the only time a patriot takes is this is not for me you're bullshitting i did not buy this for myself just because i thought it was funny it's not no you bought this there's video proof of it yes you did i own an org i would not do that you bought it for me you bought it for me [Music] yes yes we got juice too that is vodka wait a sauna is that shirt throw it away hassan has this one yes throw it in the toaster no don't do that it's gonna and i'll be dry let's see what else there is i just watched the video of a streamer burning their house slide can you take that out of the toaster please miz what is with you getting me absurdly heavy [ __ ] real trap [ __ ] enjoy alcoholics trapaholics can't even know the empire oh okay there we go [Music] wait i don't know what this is well it's it's absurdly heavy whatever you whatever it is okay this is a certified hood classic oh is that a kilo of cocaine wait that was let's go to validity should i go the next one yeah okay okay this one's in a weird box you know they really shouldn't be because they're all from amazon well like i had my assistant like put tape on it and [ __ ] god you brag a lot she could have put it somewhere else okay it's packed nicely pack welly well big money monopoly hey like play money yes dude yes is it magnetic because it'll probably fit on the on the whiteboard it is magnetic big money baby okay okay huge money now i can finally pay attention in the uh otk meetings yes exactly dude exactly whoa dude yo right taking benjamin right there oh [ __ ] big money yo wait we're coming up it's just big coins now focus the [ __ ] camera focus the [ __ ] camera you gotta cover the rest dude the camera's focusing on the bts guy obviously i know i know it's hard not to he's so handsome open your palm look at him is that john f kennedy that's canoe that's not a [ __ ] canoe thank you thank you for all this money you're welcome dude oh i just raided you with 26 000 viewers you're welcome again okay next package we don't need that much money we already make too much let's be real way too much we just throw it around you can put it in the toaster [Music] you're welcome for the host oh lol is this a carl jacobs pillowcase it's a carl jacobs bag isn't that nice a bear that's really cute it's really cute there's no handles on it i think you should open the coke by the way open the coke the coke thanks for thanks for this yeah you can put the kilo in there you can put the kilo in there you can put the kilo in there you can put the kilo in there but show us what's in the kilo first well am i allowed to if this was supposed to go to you you can have it it's okay oh i can have it had enough of you're [ __ ] kidding me it's more tungsten you got me more [ __ ] tungsten not only that shot that was another three thousand dollars you no no miss you didn't oh it's three inches wow that's so cool you didn't spend the entire budget on tungsten did you i almost did try that seven thousand dollars more w's in chat come on oh my god dude i'm like that one is really big i'm scared to put this on the toaster that will dent the toaster it will not work anymore it will ruin the toaster dude throw it at the bts guy no first of all i would never do that in a million years second of all i couldn't even throw this if i wanted to cancel come on i couldn't even throw it if i wanted to is it that heavy i'm gonna drop it on the toaster yeah not the toaster dude he's already made a [ __ ] [Music] this is heavy huge is it like the heaviest huge test all right can you see the light refracting on that most like my head jesus okay all right you got me another cube bro thank you you're welcome man can i even open this uh yeah open it sure come on bakari streams all right brothers are there am i gonna see titties on my stream i hope so it's what we've been waiting for oh thank god they're covered not for your eyes just for mine oh wait i didn't get you the one that has actually so is this supposed to be like a body pillow thing no these are both pillow cases these are both pillowcases you just didn't send the pillow wow yes i didn't or did i send the pillow you might have maybe you put the 911 shirt inside there yeah maybe obviously all right last thing in this box surprise surprise [ __ ] the best gift for you he's gonna like this one oh i know what this is is this like more drugs you sent down it you'll learn the emotes one day but open this for now there's a little string on it you actually got scared [Laughter] you're such a [ __ ] what that was 700 [Laughter] uh it was from etsy that's pretty i mean yeah it is the perfect gift for me i love spiders you're welcome man you're saying you're buying what everyone's thinking man i didn't i'm buying what everyone said about listen listen i might have i might have flinched a little bit i it was on it was on it was a little surprise it was a little surprise okay dude idea grab that spider thing and put a tungsten cube on top of it see if it breaks what uh oh drop it on the box yeah i wanna see where am i even gonna okay oh bro okay i'm dropping it on the [ __ ] spider box wait another one no i just wait oh boo don't put that in the video didn't break man not worth i didn't see this i know you didn't i did i think it's i hear zoyle i hear sending i had like seven people upstairs there's a party at my house there is i think so i hear sears oil and senny oh wow those are the people i want to party with yeah sorry here we're here man joe biden toilet paper it's because you ran out we actually we have no toilet paper at the office when you need to go always wanted to wipe my ass true oh it's three ply oh my goodness damn it's three points oh smell the inside it smells like ice cream oh man that smells like soda dude isn't it pretty cool this is pretty cool this is not the reply though this this will be the most uncomfortable thing i ever put my put in my ass is it rough it's rough man it's rough this is not something i've ever put in my hands the text you're talking about [Music] toilet tissues oh yeah now this sucks thank god you got me so many thank god man thanks for all that what is this you know the worst part it was made in china what is that [Music] um oh it's garfield [Music] open it [ __ ] christ what the [ __ ] this is supposed to be garfield i don't know that maybe there may be some weed man [Music] oh it's breathing oh jesus okay oh he's soft that is not garfield man that is not him that's just not him dude you gotta fluff it up just throw it a little bit just give it a nice little shake well look at him bro that's stoned jambo [Laughter] he's a gentleman he wakes up from his from a long nap my god well that's terrifying sorry about that dude i'm sitting him down right here should i drop the tungsten on him yes maybe that'll be the new thing anything you buy i just dropped the tungsten off uh-huh oh [Music] is he fixed toaster broke we got you another artesian pc it's fine nice awesome uh okay well i'm gonna send him back down here he kind of buckled i i feel like he buckled under the weight of that cube [Music] no it looks kind of cute though he is cute he looks kind of clean do not turn the toaster on all right yeah that poster is kind of [ __ ] up i wish i didn't i wish i didn't do that okay thanks for him i appreciate it i'll take good care of him man jambo and him are gonna get along okay next one rush this was rushed [Music] i have no idea what that is you have no idea what this is paid for rush shipping on it though i did looks like it oh there's a sticker that says do not use blades to open why would they put it there too late why would they put that in the inside not in the outside yeah they shouldn't have put that in that spot that was kind of okay might as well just not tell me you don't want me to tell you no i want to know tell me what's inside it i don't know what this is champion sports 24 feet oh okay i know what this is so schleich you know sometimes in meetings we can't just all decide on one thing yeah okay and you know how sometimes in meetings we forget each other's names yeah so i got this do you know the parachute thing when you're a child where you just like lift it up and everyone runs under holy [ __ ] is that what this is yes dude yes oh my god it's huge yes and now it's like icebreakers wait where everyone would oh [ __ ] dude you have to do [ __ ] with that oh my god the [ __ ] nostalgia this is bringing me i know dude i know that's awesome i can't do it it's huge this is no have you never used this alone they didn't have us in colombia no we don't have those things in colombia you don't have fun in colombia anyone else confused in the chat they have those kilos though we have kilos there that's fun yeah that's fun oh dude i feel like everyone in chat knows what the [ __ ] this is how is this not a universal thing it's an american thing so it's universal yeah it is no you're right well thank you dude we should totally actually use that like i'm not even kidding we're going to use that knotters this box this [Music] i miss the rage [Music] how many of these did you get me matthew i bought you all the uh malfunction jambo u2s take him take him take him oh there's another one is there more is there a third one cool is there more no that's it there's three of them in here okay wait till next box no no you didn't get me more than you didn't buy me any more than this did you see i don't actually remember oh my [ __ ] god i feel like i got you more than that i kind of remember getting more okay well i'll open them up all right now bro that is vile that one looks really gross you're gonna fluff it up like even nice that's kind of cute oh yeah um okay that's minx at her new house they look like mixes cats honestly no they don't makes this has two black cats wow oh i'm colorblind this will be my thing how emery has the kirbys yeah that's good that's almost [ __ ] up that's the most [ __ ] up orgy you'll ever see i did that one last week it's really fun yeah you can't say that on that channel oh dude i'm sorry my viewers don't even know what sex is just stop i'm bad it's okay i wasn't talking about sex it's just um we're playing it's a game to call the island oh dude this one is this one is oh my god yeah that one's neck snapped there he goes i wonder if i got you more than that i think i did cat don't tell him i don't know if i did keep opening box well this one [Music] this one came this one came in a youtubes box did you buy me a youtubes i don't know like a plushie or something it's you no you only gave me ten thousand dollars i wouldn't i would waste your money oh you're saying buying a plushie would be a waste if it's not yours or now what did i buy you oh i know what this is it's the pillow for the carl jacobs thing oh good friend thanks man i just completely wasted your money yeah this was a waste i already have so many of them but you know like if you were to receive this miss kiff in the mail you'd be so happy right like a body pillow yeah so soft man they're all sold out i think i probably feel less lonely at night with one of those wait put in the toaster no dude i i don't think i'm gonna touch a toaster anymore i feel like i feel like we've gotten up to too many shenanigans with the [ __ ] toaster no i agree okay i all agree um so now i don't know if um i don't know if you're trying to be slick with this next thing you bought me uh like oh you know like i have to open the box and then i'm surprised at what it is but um i just wanted to see myself [Laughter] it's just a tire yeah someone linked it in chat and we had extra budget so i just wanted to buy it so someone linked it in chat and you're just like [ __ ] it we'll get him a tire yes they just yeah they don't show it up to the door like this like they straight up just put a tire on the door that's so stupid it smells really good but dude take a hit of the ammonia and smell that [ __ ] i'd rather not i don't think i'm gonna and then take that and put it in the toaster and put the tire in the toaster man i wish my [ __ ] headphones had a longer cable than this [Music] one you know i need to send in one of the ones i have well i have 10 i gave him 10 000 and stuff i didn't buy him headphones i'm a bad friend i'm a bad friend oh uh what is happening upstairs did you guys yes extension audio cable i didn't find it in a female voice did anyone else just hear moaning scott did you hear that oh wait you couldn't hear that you didn't have the wireless headset dude i'm not kidding you i legitimately just heard mowing instead of jake is someone moaning in your house upstairs yeah oh what the [ __ ] is this man ram horns [Music] am i supposed to be like cosplaying myself today dude it'll blow up on tick tock man oh jesus it's in that it's in that shitty like plastic hold on i'll get it i i have seen many tick tocks of people who probably have these exact ones in fact we found out how to get them from one of the quick talks really yes oh you just put this around your [ __ ] head well that's bizarre okay [Music] oh [Music] is this right oh no that's not right um the other way around that on the back the other one in the front no no you see the part with the thing put that in the bag like this yes no that's there i go is this from star wars i don't know but turn it around turn it around hold on with that in the bag this might be it yeah yes yes you got it i think yes you got it dude nice man i'm gonna be me on tick tock now holy [ __ ] dude meta you're you on tick tock now that's crazy congratulations schlatt thanks you won dude my tag schlatt has like a billion views on tick tock it's crazy you believe that i know i go through sometimes too and i'm like holy [ __ ] yeah it's terrifying it's the next part of the outfit big mama undies what the [ __ ] is this with every flat tick tock big mama undies are there are you kidding me i wouldn't even know i wouldn't even i wouldn't even know if you're lying but these seem a little bit absurd if they're too big we'll give them this oil can you try putting them on yeah please oversized bloomers they look like they fit they'll probably fit me yeah i've been getting up there you look good can you give us a 360. [Music] not bad let's go i feel cute now i feel cute i like this bro you're like from honolulu i like it genie in the that's just a vile it says rub me on the [ __ ] lamp save it save it for the next otk party don't don't use that here don't use that here yeah don't save it for the next 50k party unless you want to no i'll save it i'll save it oh man i'm feeling so cute right now dude you really know how to please me no one's ever said that to me either me neither my dick doesn't work wait yours doesn't either no man what do you think that is we're both young [Music] dude send me that ammonia [Music] i could i mean you did you did do the dick pills that i received i didn't yeah i went to your office and stole them you know i stole his pills yeah he did the horny goat no it was like something even worse it was some walmart horny goat weed bro i need better headphones alrighty there's a lot of boxes man is this get is i think we're getting to the end but holy [ __ ] you want one of those otk things it's not very heavy though sure but then they're gonna think i'm an otk that'd be cool sure i you know what i'm trans i'm putting on my [ __ ] no way yep yo yo dude how the [ __ ] do you open this it's too much wow keep your money up not your funnier okay yo yo this is humongous humongous what do you want to swap oh is it just is it just a block of styrofoam no no no there's something inside of there i think it's some time steam okay okay holy [ __ ] that is [ __ ] sick is this white foot it's king kong he actually likes it yes it's king kong holy [ __ ] wait is this a wooden [Music] bigfoot carving oh [ __ ] yeah it's bigfoot yes wait what is it why'd you say oh [ __ ] large garbage i call it king kong i'm a dumbass that's not king kong man it's an amphibian it's phoebe woof that's actually [ __ ] sick dude that is pretty cool that's right really cool i appreciate it i appreciate that's the first gift you actually like i pre you know what no i appreciate that dude you should put it on top of the lube [Music] well no and the toilet i can't really i okay i can't really get back i can't even [ __ ] like bro okay okay now we have to do the tungsten test on top of the monkey [Laughter] no dude slat why do what you told me to no one listens to me you're my boss man you run my org oh yeah nah that thing's pretty [ __ ] cool honestly you deserve it cool i knew it wouldn't break them i knew no didn't break at all chad easy clap we're all okay okay there's three there's three more boxes okay three more i'm just gonna [ __ ] speed run through i'm taking my bloomers off chad time him speed run chat come on where's my butthole hit [Music] ah that feels like home [Music] dude thanks so much for coming you are awesome you know that yeah i know it's more [ __ ] styrofoam man yeah i think that one's just styrofoam no it's not no no okay it's got something in it was this a kitty oh yeah yeah yeah it's just a cat no [Music] do you like it why is there a hole in it's jam hole what the [ __ ] is this bro this is off amazon what is it i'm sorry i'm just trying to wrap my head around what it is i i actually don't know and i don't remember why we got it but i just remember it is a thing oh it's for tissues you put tissues in it and then the tissues come out the end that's ridiculous i don't know pretty funny pretty funny joke man i'll give you credit there's a good one i'm i mean it'll definitely fit let's be real that'll fit fits everybody but soda okay uh i wish i had tissues i don't uh think i do though two more boxes it's big this one's big oh for [ __ ] sake it's heavy i don't didn't we get him sand i'm doing it without even listening chad can we get him sand i remember we literally got him some sand is this it's got to be the sand i remember this two it was a [ __ ] another one of these cubes it'd be a lot smaller no it's not a cube i think it's just sand i'm pretty sure we got them what is this what is it i think it's a cube oh my [ __ ] god listen man i get i get 10 000 bucks is like tough to spend but you couldn't have even got like cat food maybe okay none of us have called the thing for the pillow and put it over that that won't fit up oh actually carl hold on no love you carl i don't want dog food i appreciate the sentiment but do we really only have one more gift yeah oh i actually [ __ ] forgot yeah there's one more i thought that was it honestly i thought that was it for a second dude we chat we got him sand there's no way the sand isn't showing we got him sand didn't we no we got the sand that's gotta be the sand i swear to [ __ ] god on my dead grandmother if this is what i [ __ ] think it is it's your dead grandmother it's not my dead grandmother stop it that's not funny rip grandma miss it it's breaking on the bottom because of how [ __ ] heavy it is the cardboard can't even support it bro let your grandma out man come on that's my grandma's not in here she was a little bit bigger than that i mean she kind of got frail at the end [ __ ] sake is this another is this another cube man no i wouldn't do that you wouldn't you say you wouldn't but you totally would this is something you do i don't want to [ __ ] stab myself there we go [ __ ] sake for [ __ ] sakes for [ __ ] sake it's a wooden box okay hold on no i'll get it i'll get it it is so unbelievably heavy man is this someone else's grandma like well that's what i'm saying like my grandma wasn't this heavy it got rough at the end dude i can't even i don't even know how to [ __ ] express how heavy this [ __ ] thing is this will this will break the toaster like straight up break in half oh we'll find out ow oh it's on my dick okay okay okay i don't know what this is this is it this is it the big boom bang okay that's just more box i thought that'd be an opening what is this miss jacob it's just more [ __ ] tungsten it's just more [ __ ] tungsten you absolute prick how much money did you spend on this it's it's screwed in with a [ __ ] box so i think the other ones weren't three thousand dollars i think this one was the three thousand dollar one are you being serious when you say you paid three thousand dollars for this no i'm not serious you pay three thousand dollars i didn't spend a dime yeah we're gonna be here for a minute let's make some toast i would but the toast is [ __ ] where's the toast genuinely i think the toast is gone or crushed under everything that's the last box so i didn't get you sand i thought i got you sand what do you mean [ __ ] i spend too much on cubes what do you mean you got [ __ ] sand i i thought i got you sand but i guess i didn't get you any sand oh [ __ ] i'm i'm pathetic maybe they're sand in this now i [ __ ] up why would you okay so would the sand have been funnier than the tungsten it depends how heavy this thing is i actually don't remember i could have sworn i got you sand but that's okay bought me ten thousand dollars of a one toaster and three tungsten cubes right the budget didn't have enough money for the sand right yeah well that makes sense makes sense 42 pounds this thing throw the cubes out of the second story window where's tire 2 you're going to buy me another tire next po box next one oh right yeah i'm gonna let you i'll give you 10 000 more dollars [ __ ] me dude so here we have schlatt opening up the final cube chat he's uh 42 pounds on this one of a cube can i look up like the [ __ ] amazon listing it's on amazon right you bought this on amazon yeah i think so so go type in cube and then go to from highest to lowest price and you'll find it it's right there it's right there it's actually right there i'm looking at it right now tungsten cube two and a half is just nine hundred dollars no it was three thousand dollars that the nine hundred dollars one is the one you opened up in five minutes this is the one you're not kidding the four tungsten cube biggest size 3 500 [ __ ] dollars man why why would you why man t tours no man listen i'm not trying to show the [ __ ] amazon thing that's that shows where you live man just look it up hmm i'm thinking about this hmm oh you're frozen are you frozen like that you're scaring me hello hey almost i got two more screws left man two more screws one more i could just rotate it away it's just another cube man it's just another cube like that's that's the whole i can't even get out of the [ __ ] box i don't even know how to so it's 40 pounds like that's a very heavy weight yeah no [ __ ] it's a [ __ ] heavyweight oh it's out you just birthed the world's largest baby okay now take it and drop it on the toaster i'm not gonna drop i should i should drop another toaster this is no [ __ ] joke dude this is no [ __ ] joke should i toaster it yeah it'll destroy the toaster i won't even be able to use the toaster dude who cares man listen you could just uber eats everything i could you're right i also have a chef all right sasquatch okay dropping a 40 [ __ ] pound tungsten cube on a toaster oven because that's what we do alrighty you ready yeah yes unplug the toaster such a good [ __ ] idea such a good idea honestly very smart very very insightful that was a good idea chat please hit the purple subscribe button and subscribe for free using amazon prime yeah if you have amazon you can subscribe for free right miss kiff boys that's right you can subscribe for free right now using twitch prime and subscribe to a guy who streams once a week for two hours here we go ten nine eight seven six five four three oh [ __ ] two one [Music] ugh [Music] it probably still works bro wait what that just dude the cube fell and it tore up the carpet dude tips doesn't watch it doesn't matter show me show me show me show me show me tips isn't i watching know i i'll i'll check in chat no tips i'm watching okay [Music] oh i see it yeah that's a whole there's like you see wood on the oh [ __ ] well it's a write-off it's a write-off it was for content you know yeah it's a write-off dude the repairs will be a write-off um i don't know why you did that i think that was really stupid of you no no i mean that was all your idea for the record i wanted i wanted to know that that you told me to do i feel like that was not a good idea you told me to do that it's fine we'll just put some [ __ ] ramen noodles in it and then put glue in it and then like shave it and then paint it that's what they did right but i told you to drop it on the toaster maybe like we'll put like a like a small fruit in the hole and then pour like rice and then glue and then sand it yeah i don't know what you're talking i watch home improvement i actually know how to fix it but i'm not going to do that i'm very busy but listen you did a good job schlatt you did a great job yes and yeah good job yeah clap the trap and thanks miss kit for coming on uh tips is here i'm out okay we're gone we're gone
Channel: jschlattVODS
Views: 565,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jschlatt, Schlatt, jschlatt stream, Schlatt stream, jschlattvod, schlattvod, jschlattvods, schlattvods, Schlatt Vods, livestream, highlights, jschlattlive, jschlatt live, Schlatt full stream, full stream, just chatting, mizkif, alinity
Id: nDeXCdaUvYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 34sec (7594 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 31 2022
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