Schlatt DRINKS and DRIVES (American Truck Simulator)

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how's it going brothers my name is schlatt welcome back to the vodge channel today i took to the open road and played some american truck driving simulator now this was streamed on my alt channel and uh a lot of it is just chilling and me listening to music and and enjoying the time with the audience so if you're watching on this channel you're probably missing out on most of the experience so make sure you're tuning in to the twitch stream to watch the streams live and enjoy [Music] how we doing boys we ready to truck [Music] i can't see a single thing with these glasses the monitors are all completely black i think the big guys crashed the stream the [ __ ] thousand redemptions of the big guys crashed it [Music] and what are you gonna do [Music] listen fun day today i figure we'll just do a little bit of uh bit of driving you know it is truck month after all some about trucker's been in the news i have no idea why but uh maybe we don't talk about that now look let me tell you something [Music] i used to play american truck sim all the time about a year ago before i moved to texas uh i left the wheel behind but recently after going to going back to new york for a bit i uh i picked it back up took it took it back home with me in a big old suitcase in a big old suitcase i look like i'm from texas don't i you like my hat it says hard dude this steering wheel is so small for my big man hands i also have to have it up like raised up so i'm like i feel like i'm like a you know how every woman drives like this i'm just kidding every old lady just kind of like [Music] so that's i'm gonna drive that's how i'm gonna be driving about to go in boom nope boom now what are we seeing i've played the game a little bit you know i played the game just a little bit where did you get your hat that [ __ ] is awesome thank you i got it at a hat store somewhere in austin it's uh it really is awesome i got i got a i've got a ton of them too and i gave them to uh my friends for christmas [Music] it is it is like the perfect hat you know i really do look like i'm a texan now especially this with the with the [ __ ] glasses [Music] all righty mods i see i see uh uh a pending thing what's the deal with this let me do this is it not working welcome to watchmojo today we're counting down our top three funniest moments in america history number three still let's actions in 99 number two album hospital experience number one 911. thank you for watching watch mojo all right a man we're behind the wheel boys we're behind the [ __ ] wheel of our big rig truck simulator man gonna be a great time oh it's a fantastic time have a good one it's fantastic time we're gonna have today tell you that much admittedly i'm not on the best steering wheel this isn't the best uh this isn't the best thing but hey i i listen i would i would put the shades back on but it is nighttime in game and so it just wouldn't make sense you know i gotta take a job i'm not just driving around doing nothing maybe do a little quick job see i'm i'm in it for the big for the big money maybe a 36 000 job boys what do we feel about that 19-hour drive i reckon i could do that oh yeah this is this whole stream's gonna get dmcad but it'll be on the var channel and we'll we'll replace some music and all that listen i'm doing it i'm doing the 36k job it's got to be done [Music] so feel free to just uh you know feel free to chill out as uh as we do our little driving i got some jobs to do got a 36 thousand dollar offer on the table oh okay am i hooked up already oh my god look at me i'm carrying a little forklift oh a tractor i'm carrying a tractor okay [Music] let's get out of this hmm all right all right needle right i said you will toss her to your p.o buck shouldn't work by saturday they tell you you sent the toaster to my p.o box obama that is very kind of you thank you thank you so much i'm just i i will admit no no actual playlist today it's just uh i did song radio from uh from that oh god i forgot the turning radius is a bit funky on this vehicle please [Laughter] oh lord get me let me out [ __ ] i gotta put her in reverse boys we're not off to a good start [ __ ] [ __ ] the [ __ ] okay okay okay no no we're good now we're good now this is why i drive tiny cars [Music] all right the big turn there we go all right we're on the road ah we did it are you guys proud of me we've done it we've done it now we just got to not crash pick a lane shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up alrighty here we go ah once i get the ropes then we can then we can start hanging and having a good time all right but for now i gotta learn how to drive this big rig it's been it's been a good year since i have surely i'll get over into the right lane that's the truck lane headlights good call thanks ben shapiro for that hong kong he says appreciate it guys listen i i'm i'm figuring it out okay you don't have to get on my ass but the headlights i know i know back when i had a shitty honda uh i'd sometimes forget to put the headlights on oh good song i would often forget to put the headlights on my blinker's still on oh man can i put the music ladder is it is it at a good volume right now it's good [Music] guys don't get on my ass about the blinker please i'm trying my best out here turn up the music it shall be done hold on i'm pulling over to the side of the road there we go so you don't simulate a plane in this game that would be good for the american people reminds me of 911 that was not a good day for you truck driver simulator i'm not doing fight simulator opening no he come on man there's a reason i'm not doing flight simulator ah [Music] dude that yellow you guys see that yellow mustang [ __ ] a that's the exact kind of car that i uh that i got arrested for uh street racing with him allegedly listen it's your fault if you get a bright yellow vehicle of course the cop's going to go for that one [ __ ] let's just get over real quick hey stratus what the [ __ ] you doing bud where's your cold beer at well i'm for sure some beers and changed some game okay listen i'm not drinking and driving man it's not it's not a good idea maybe at some point you know once i get once i get some more hours under my belt we do it but right now it's just not not too smart that that truck is very close do you see him it's almost an accident right there ah thanks anonymous for the ten dollars a nice wide turn right there so good [Music] see i would play this with like an xbox controller but it it just wouldn't be the same [Music] it is good music see this is what it's all about this is what streaming is you do nothing right you just do nothing and listen to copyrighted music what's in the truck we're transporting a tractor right now thank you mikasa for the prime oh falling asleep at the wheel already jesus can i put my brights on oh no [Music] howdy their partner driving like a true texan i see are you doing buckle tigger you're having a good time in truck sim so far i always have a good time in truck sim you know that thanks for the tim bro wtc thanks for the prime let's get over this [ __ ] guy's going too slow hate trucks i hate trucks on the road oh yeah now you get over for me so i have a question should we turn on police officers might be a little interesting because there's so [ __ ] many of them yes all right i'll do it i'll turn on cops traffic offense all right so now we get now we get arrested and fined heavily for going too fast but there is one way there's actually a way i remember seeing that family guy show funniest [ __ ] i've ever jesus christ looking over at the text is uh pretty dangerous i'm a head of state you're like a head of cabbage about to get smacked by my stimulus package amen i'm the head of a street it's not a real trucking experience unless you're high on crystal meth thank you for that can we get a gofundme for my crystal meth fund damn we got a lot of driving left to do hey welcome to watch mojo where today we're counting down our top 10 ways to get your cdl rev it cuts off this [ __ ] bot cuts off it's annoying to get your cdl revoked what is that is that like a big rig license and dude every time i look over at the at the tech side just start drifting i start drifting into the into the [ __ ] median commercial driver's license yeah yeah yeah thank you for driving for your american brothers by the way my wedding is next week and my sister just sold it to get married hopefully don't make it just don't brush didn't you mean she had straight hey look man congrats on the sister marriage tell you brother trucking down this here got jumping line driving for my freedom american here right here let's [ __ ] go brother hey listen i might not be able to attend the marriage i gotta deliver this tractor real quick 900 miles left and this won't be too bad i should get out of the left lane though [Music] some [ __ ] with the bmw is going to come speeding through and uh try and break check me like every bmw owner would have i honked the horn yet i got the horn right here bit of a [ __ ] ass horn i get the little [ __ ] model you could not have chosen a better game to play amen amen dude i love driving i actually really like driving i should start drinking honestly [ __ ] it i should start drinking what if i started drinking switching the song let me find one i like oh oh dude classic i'm gonna put you know what i'm pulling over boys i gotta bust this i gotta bust this music a little louder oh all right we'll get back on [Music] should i be drinking and driving everybody should i do a poll get over [Music] my girlfriend and i broke up i'm sorry i didn't know what to do fortunately i just downloaded american truck simulator amen i miss her so much uh well you know what listen now it's just you and the open road baby as it should be i'm a big proponent of going on drives when you're upset you know did i what did i just do holy [ __ ] rihanna is one of my favorite crash vehicle offenses i just hit something for this game sorry oops i just gotta find a thousand dollars now my purse is down at 35. listen i'm a big fan of going on drives you ever upset you ever just want to like drive 100 miles per hour on an open highway with a lot of traffic and swerve and listen to [ __ ] bones and suicide boys i think you should do it i think every man is entitled to that thanks 10 napkins for the prime guys i thank all of you but i do start drifting tanks for days desiree pure jank thank you guys still got like two-thirds of the tank left we're doing we're doing fine okay i'm gonna learn how to turn a little better let me get back in the right thanks i heart bj's you just cut me off [ __ ] i need your insurance detail sorry wait 91 of you said i need to drink [ __ ] i'm adam i'm at my office i don't even have alcohol here that's alive about the alcohol part i definitely have it so here's what i learned because when i played this game uh back about a year ago there was cops all over the place and i'd always get fined for going over the speed limit you don't so if you pass a cop and you're just on the shoulder you're just driving on the shoulder going 90 it won't count as you being on the road so it's not it's not a road violation and so i just drive a hundred miles per hour on the shoulder with my big [ __ ] rig and and no one no one crashes into you like you got the whole shoulder to yourself [Music] i still can't believe i saw this girl with you much at universal cities last week she was globbing up a churro alive her number one no go ahead no go ahead no go ahead jesus bit of an accident as i was saying that there's no one ever on the shoulder it's a bit of an accident jeez we are on the west coast right now this isn't these aren't east coast drivers but it definitely did look like an east coast accident oh jesus see the second bro the second i look over i drift kanye thanks for that man uh i still can't believe i saw this girl wear your merch at universal studios last week she was glopping up a churro i i have her number now see this is what happens when you're a truck in the left lane these [ __ ] [ __ ] just all right fine i'll get over i'll get over oh oh i'm gonna make it i gotta make it easier to see so i don't as a woman am i allowed to drive 140 miles per hour while blasting some good move no no you shouldn't be driving at all what's going on big guy hey how you doing cut off my wife you just cut off my wife michelle and i do it again i'll gladly pay for a thousand dollar fine for hitting her car 750 miles left to go boys man so i think you do have to get like gas you have to get gas sometimes you have to sit at rest stops and [ __ ] you get fatigued all right not doing any damage there getting over into the left lane we're cruising we're cruising how about this i'll make you guys a deal i don't know the results of the poll you could be i i could be very very misled by you guys saying that drink and drive won the poll but assuming it did the next rest stop i'll pull over and i'll get some alcohol and then we'll then we'll run some people over we'll run over a family of five with our truck why are we braking why are we braking what's going on what's going on what are we doing bro you're going into the left lane to pass [ __ ] pass them i'm sorry you'll get you'll you'll understand why i'm a new york driver uh when you learn to drive in the worst part of the world in the in in like the [ __ ] 100 streets and above that's where i learned how to drive not a great time throw one of them [ __ ] city slickers in a yellow mustang off the garden road good for you big man get her done brother shot those [ __ ] into a ditch hey amen thank you thank you for that big boy soy boy thanks for the ten man thanks suzanne d 2001 see i the second the second i look over man thanks for the prime i've never heard this song in my life thanks side ton appreciate it que el lopochi thank you i'm really i'm really it is really taxing to try and read and drive at the same time now imagine putting alcohol into that mix keep it on the road i'm trying my best red assassin axolotl sour hunter spike thank you okay thank you thank you handband lamar thank you appreciate it everybody wow my game just it minimized holy [ __ ] king just [ __ ] minimized itself what surf have level of hair oh i gotta get off mine's limp i get i'm getting off exit one holy [ __ ] dude buckled hickory legend appreciate that man surely we buy a [ __ ] 40 at the at the and i thought squidward's nose was surely we buy a 40 at the [ __ ] we could get some gas too probably [Music] i don't know how to put it in park we're gonna leave the truck in neutral thank you man as well theo appreciate that oh big trucker dick sucker hey the two things i love most trucking and sucking let me get some uh i don't know i don't even know what kind of alcohol we got here but we'll see edward 40 hands while driving that's [ __ ] crazy all right i'm not happy about this i'm not happy about this the only alcohol we have is a thing of 1800 tequila let's hope that when you get a speeding ticket it does end up like that one time in 93. yeah glados listen man last time i last time a cop pulled me over it was a it was on the news just say that much [Music] how do we feel about 1800 i [ __ ] hate tequila i hate it [Music] oh [ __ ] it's terrible i'd rather drink [ __ ] everclear man do a little bit of a do a little bit of sipping [Music] what a lovely day to go for a drive and i am sure you have never in one crash would be a [ __ ] i don't even [ __ ] with this you you do the salt and then the lime or whatever the [ __ ] i don't know i don't care we keep driving we keep driving guys what'd you guys do today oh look at that [ __ ] turn we'll get some guests while we're at it just filling up the tank boys just filling up the tank how do i start this thing there we go [Music] ah my fuel expenses are covered by my employer hell yeah not even looking i hope there's no one driving to the left of me did i just do it do not enter oh well i do what i want i'm a trucker i'm i'm i'm not very educated i don't even know what the sign meant any truckers watching you know i'm just joking bro i'm sure you're a very bright individual that's why you that's why you drive oh the bottle of tequila is blocking the notifications now okay zenith barista what will the beast thank you guys oh man we're in a three laner now that's just clover buckeye matthew thank you thank you thank you ah that was a good song i like steely dan a lot bridgette pretzel thank you guys faces what the hell is this now i'm skipping that if you guys be small man i'm currently finding god while listening to death grips and hitting do these licks out thank you hassan good to see you again man small man should i say oh this is a good one yes i gotta put this ladder guys i'm gonna do a big old risk [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] we're good nothing happened thanks peanut panic where all my schmeeters at hey any schmeeters in the chat listen no one trucks like me where is he going dude [ __ ] you i'm just trying to drive my best and you know what the best is it's it's good enough right you don't have to be too good at driving no one trucks like me they call me the trucker they call me the long haul they call me 80 miles per hour at a 55. [Music] i'm speeding if i see a cop i'll slow down i mean that's how i do it in real life too then is also the name i gave my big guy they'll be back and hide steely dan is also the name you gave your big guy dildo back in high school come on obama i didn't take you for that kind of man i thought michelle i thought michelle was doing that [Music] never mind ah dude the second i look over i start drifting to the left it's not healthy i shouldn't be doing it look at you go king hope you are having a lovely night i am glados thank you so much [Music] i'm surprised i haven't got a ticket either it is getting brighter though which is good news for us which means i'll actually be able to see i can turn these lights off is there a prediction on it are you guys predicting things [ __ ] i gotta open it [Music] ah i don't know what's going on oh oh god are there predictions going on are you guys betting using channel points the [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm totally gonna crash when are you gonna start jacking it behind the wheel like a real trucker hey listen all i'll say is already done it all right i already got the job done i'm very i'm very quick [Music] yo it's me henry rux the third don't do what i do don't do what i did henry rugs the third bro i'm all over the road right now one shot one shot will do me nah i'm gonna do some more it's against tos to take money for shots is it [Music] this this is totally the talking heads oh my god i can't drive i can't [ __ ] drive he's what joseph here your best mud banks for the streams man also i don't work at that [ __ ] nursing home anymore prick thanks my joseph glad you're out of that nursing home glad you got out before you killed more seniors by exposing them to covert 19. thanks andrew cuomo [Music] hey thanks guys for all the subscriptions your grandfather was a trucker he's dead i'm sorry to hear that what killed him irene soviet thank you froggalicious beloved appreciate the subbies boys atlas lydia oh my god now we're [ __ ] driving now we're [ __ ] driving right [ __ ] euro truck simulator this shit's where it's at i hit you're telling me to floor it in all caps i am flooring it i am doing full throttle ahead my friend this is as fast as this big rig is gonna go can i get a hong kong from my canadian brothers this isn't i don't even know the situation there is a rigo intoxicated tracked river on his way towards ground zero i know it's not the vibe of this stream but have you listened to mcbasha no really good psycho oh [ __ ] i gotta get over kind of music what the [ __ ] is going on there tell you brother i've just finished a pack of blood rasher and i think i just caused a 12 car pile up people try hey keep on trucking baby keep on [ __ ] trucking that's what it's all about are you gonna stream with mr sun i don't know when i'm gonna stream with mr sark i [ __ ] love the dude though any time any [ __ ] time i'll do it i want mr stark to come on charcoal sandwich first let's get over let's do the middle lane i'm feeling a little middle lane a little gank action whoever the [ __ ] those nerds say all right that was a bit of a detour this is a bad idea what are you talking about same as it ever was thanks el stupido want a cup of coffee thank you for inventing gay people you're very welcome i listen i knew i knew this world needed some something to spice it up you know straight people are just so boring [Music] this is a good song thanks gavin for the tier one bro i appreciate that toby with a farm viewer host let's go i don't want to go see lumberjack the musical you guys see that billboard toby keep that [ __ ] up you'll be at six viewers soon i know it bill ford gates thank you glad you took some time off running microsoft leatherhandsvidgamer thank you guys for the subs appreciate that i wonder where that plane was going neo thanks for the tier one bro what wheel are you using i'm just using some shitty ass thrustmaster i mean it's all right it's like mid-tier my shitty desk job thanks for making my day a little better with some good times and some good tunes no problem my friend no problem shelby hope you're killing that job ask for a race tomorrow [Music] oh we're in the city now look at this i was wondering where those planes were going where it gets we're in civilization now what you're hauling i'm hauling a tractor big guy what you think enriqueumo is a true american hero all comments on this stream aren't [ __ ] you obama it's sexually assaulted women and directly lead to the deaths of thousands in nursing homes and hospitals also mitchell that peg also michelle def pegged me awesome obama thank you if i invite you to my sorority formula didn't both of the cuomos get into some [ __ ] now isn't the other one gone for like the same thing it's crazy guys when you think about it it's kind of easy to not just find someone who means a lot to you you know well i guess that's tough for you for everybody in this stream but you know for most people it's not we're going to tijuana we keep on this course [Music] oh [ __ ] we gotta get over i guess we're not going to mexico we're going to el centro oh [ __ ] i almost didn't make the exit oh guys this is like my favorite song i'm gonna i'm gonna bump this up even higher than it is this is one of my favorite songs once we get to it straight away aka right here after this turn i am bumping this music up to full blast and i'm gonna stop talking let me get over real quick okay [Music] almost almost accident childhood hero chuckle week featuring sips suck freddie wong etc it would be so cool if we got sips on chuckle sandwich i don't even know look i mean even freddie didn't respond i damned him about it i'm gonna have to bump him again but i think freddy will do it i think he's just a busy guy i would love to get sark down to uh to la but i think he's in texas now and uh i don't know i could ask him about that i i have no problem flying flying out mr stark to uh to film an episode and again it's like it's not it's not like it would get hella views or anything even though even the freddie wong one wouldn't it's just for me and for charlie and for ted literally all of us grew up watching all those [ __ ] and uh it would just be more of like a like an indulgence a little guilty pleasure [Music] oh we're going to los angeles [ __ ] no [ __ ] no god damn it really we have to go here we're okay putting the music up more favorite song guys favorite song [Music] i gotta stop for gas no i'm [ __ ] three-fourths of the way good shut the [ __ ] up you have no idea what you're talking about drink more okay [Music] we're going to smoggy l.a boys try not to run over some needles on the way there huh get a big fresh get a big breath of fresh air before uh before the lungs stop working oh my god this [ __ ] song is come on now [Music] stop by ted's house dude oh there was a cop there oh he didn't see me [Music] dude ted has told me that his car gets bro ted has a [ __ ] casey neistat seth rogen you run over and my doctor wiped him theoretically we can finally be together false speed ahead boys 562 miles to go i'm in the left lane that's a big rake i don't care ted had a casey neistat seth rogen moment where he basically says every time he leaves his car unlocked it gets broken into and i'm like ted why the [ __ ] do you live there but no you know l.a baby the american dream has he thought about locking the car well he's got he's got an old toyota tacoma so it it takes a it takes some effort to lock you have to press down the [ __ ] door handle locks this is only a key as the remote [Laughter] he doesn't even have a clicker obamacare assault don't google obama kunduz hospital no please do not please do not oh oh what the [ __ ] that sport inventing homophobic [Music] hey i did not invent that obama please i'm getting over dab we are this is truck month everybody [Music] oh i was glad today i had a date with the boy of my dreams and i found out i'm a throat built white people dude why would you say that i'm gonna forget i'm gonna forget i'm forgetting about it congrats music too loud [ __ ] you [ __ ] you it's my favorite song let me have this all right now i'll turn it down i'm gonna drift into the left lane but we're all good there we go we're going to sacramento now boys [Music] play destiny 2 no i'd rather die invite you to my sorority formal and buy all the drinks all night you no i'm not down no i would never do that buy all the drinks oh wow you're gonna spend 40 bucks on me [ __ ] crazy you just spent 10. i'd rather you tell me about how much of a throat goat you are is this rush come on now [Music] is this spirit of the radio [Music] man good 476 miles to go boys we're doing good oh my bad it's tom sawyer tts [ __ ] that you are my favorite gay person it's a shame you are catholic also i googled obama hospital not good not good not good can you put on carry on my way with son next broski it fits the [ __ ] carry on my wayward son i'd have to pull over for that guys should we do a poll would you guys like to hear carrie on my wayward son i'd lose a lot of momentum on this big rig can we do a poll mods you go you guys want to hear carry on my way with son listen if the chat likes it then then yeah i'll do it but i'm just going to lose a lot of momentum on this truck i'm going 80 right now this is left lane speed right now i mean this is such a good song [ __ ] i just got a 2500 speeding ticket where was the cup [Music] where's the cup why am i in the left leg because i'm going to 80 miles per hour bro i'm just gonna start driving on the shoulder that's been a day since we last talked but i have some devastating news since it's been over five years and you come with a plan i'm pulling the plug so please for your family wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up did we vote yes on uh carry on my wayward side but this is making me feel better thank you no problem they voted yes on wayward sun all right we'll pull over not the best place to pull over that shit's about to explode [Music] [Music] why did i get fined another 900 bucks bro i'm gonna be i'm gonna be left with no money at the end of this let me an [ __ ] let me in [ __ ] me i'm tired i gotta get to a rest stop god damn it i rolled back and hit him did i hit him [ __ ] hey [Music] mods approved that one from shabibo i want to hear it thanks flames for the tier one let's say hypothetically that i were to screenshot your being chef here please do not screenshot my art of a burning elementary syrian school it is very vulnerable liberal zone if you want if you want the nft to be pronounced you have to type it in spaces oh [ __ ] oh i'm getting pinched get the [ __ ] out of this lane where are the rest stops at thanks gravy gang for the prime we're going to san francisco now wait did we pass did we just did we skip los angeles bakersfield oh [ __ ] i gotta go i guess we're going to san fran mr drank baby thanks for the prime i'd rather skip los angeles to be honest i'm glad we did it i'm just confused as to how it happened okay skip successful i'm getting tired apparently oh jesus my vision is fading i gotta go to sleep i can't you have to be at a rest stop i'm pretty sure right [Music] don't you have to be at a rest stop to sleep i can't just pull over on the shoulder i gotta just keep going i gotta keep trucking thanks liz beetle miana appreciate the subs i'm just gonna keep driving i'm fine i'm probably fine i'm probably fine [Music] i'm probably okay oh we got rest stops up here i gotta get over yeah no [ __ ] i'm getting tired stop reminding me i know let me get out i'll i'll sleep at the [ __ ] motel eight or whatever it's called the day's in as long as it's not a marriott i'll be good jesus christ you ever heard of a rolling stop dumbass consider it ah the rest area can i just park like that probably not where do i have to park oh press the fallen key to stop the engine boom [ __ ] we're gonna have to do another nighttime drive god damn it [Music] all right [Music] thanks omg cloud thanks for the gifties man get me out get me into the cockpit of this vehicle please all right this is a great song should i take another shot i'm only two in dude i'm like i'm like 400 pounds play free bird oh my god i can't keep doing requests like this appreciate that obama but this might have to be the last one [Music] i'll match your shot each round listen i we might be in it for the long haul i did not take out the sign i'm fine dude we're going to sacramento now my meeting it's in an hour and a half god that's [ __ ] boil 340 miles to the trip that's a big shot i got a big mouth [Music] princess deanna thanks for the two dollars hey man thanks for giving me a ride i'm i really appreciate it i'm sure nothing tragic will happen i'll take care of you listen i take care of you my truck we got the heated seats [Music] appreciate you guys uh sticking around for this stream it's been a fun time not many jobs you get to drink on uh you can bypass the nearby weight station go awesome awesome bro i swear to god every rush song it reads like a [ __ ] wattpad fan fiction [Music] ladybug adventador the rising warrior kabuki streams never miss megan thanks for the subs guys so good keep it up big guy btw can we stop at mcdonald's i'd rather not i'd probably throw up if i mixed this and mcdonald's although maybe all right can you guys hear me out for a second can we all agree can we all get on the same page in that if a person who's never had a chicken mcnugget in their life tasted one they would absolutely [ __ ] hate it can we just agree that if you didn't grow up eating chicken mcnuggets then it is the most vile tasting most strange tasting thing on the [ __ ] planet have you ever had another cut of chicken that tasted like a chicken mcnugget that's because they keep the beak in there thanks sugarcane cbdoodlesroiler appreciate the subs boys is sneak snag here how you doing man i can get you connected with the guy i know you dm me about the tts i can get you connected with them they grind up the whole chicken why am i not surprised oh yeah all righty oh it's a cup [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] i've lost a good 10 grand next time that happens i'm just gonna go on the [ __ ] shoulder i'm just gonna that's the only way to not get arrested slot you look like william slim he was a world war ii general you should look him william slim guys do not text and drive william slim do i really look like dude you should take a detour to your way through monteca california i look like him [Music] okay i look like him apparently i just don't know i i'm gonna [ __ ] i'm gonna [ __ ] do something drastic in a minute [ __ ] it shoulder [ __ ] you [ __ ] that's the same cop that got me before what if i ram into the cop car thanks emma that dude fart smell it bad casual live and frosty and wheeze god thank you guys nah if i ran the car i'll get in trouble but watch me pass him watch me pass the cop car on the shoulder and not get fined watch this watch this watch this watch me pass the cop car on the shoulder and not get fined [Music] i'm telling you why don't we all just drive like this i think i'm hitting the guardrail a little bit [ __ ] he's right there ten and two officer [Music] [Music] nothing happened all right bmw on our time [Music] thanks fanboy jenks san riorets sweet playboy archie buffy cameraman that dude thanks guys for the subs oh man i wonder what song is guys we're almost at a thousand [ __ ] subscribers you kidding me on my big guy channel come on now what are we doing a-re-ai thanks for the prime to be fair is the only time when i'm gonna read names so i guess it makes sense to sub to this one penguin aurora thank you foxy on thank you but maybe you don't because i make more money on jay schlatt if you subscribe that's another good song am i gonna get a speeding ticket they're worried about the other guy [ __ ] you get on my lane [Music] no no no oh i had to go right anyways aspiring addict udon killer cedric tremivorous duncan oh my god thorn blademaster sir george doggy man the the real flogging of rexxar oh that one human alex and gerd bird thank you guys rambo car piss thank you guys oh my god we're gonna hit a thousand subs do you see taco gay it t [Music] blue alone thanks for the gift of subs man we're having some fun tonight we're having some fun tonight we're just having some fun that's all just doing some driving on the open road [ __ ] me that hurt i could find nine hundred dollars for that i could find nine hundred dollars for that i that's ridiculous i don't even know what to say anymore i'm i'm i need to figure i can i need to fix my driving skills i am not treating this very well jeff jenna let me harry is that the real one hey i love your photos on twitter thanks for the subs parallel manuel thank you eddie bear caroline glock my goodness i don't want that stream to just be reading out subs but i mean hey oh i need to adjust i drink a little more oh my god my driving skills have deteriorated are you drunk nah i'm not i'm not drunk i'm feeling a little buzzed though i'm definitely like it takes me a good three or four shots to even feel anything and that sucks because i have to pay way more for alcohol okay buddy figure it out listen when you're a big rig driving a big rig you just got to pay more for alcohol that's that's the that's just the situation you guys ever had been let me put you on to something if you guys like drinking like more bitter like i don't know i i i bought benedictine for the first time and it is like i i i i bought it to build a uh build a little singapore sling that's the oh my god he's trashed [ __ ] you i bought it to uh to build a little singapore sling oh god we gotta slow down we gotta slow down there's cops on the other side guys hold on we gotta do what truckers do ready we gotta just warn them you know we gotta warn them that has saved me on multiple occasions only 100 miles left to go i so i built the i i mixed up a singapore sling which is like 10 different ingredients amaretto you know all that weird [ __ ] uh and i wound up drinking some of the benedictine by itself and it is [ __ ] delicious and no one else liked it no one else i made the drink for liked it but uh but that was [ __ ] good the monks doesn't the monks know what they're doing praise god and drink good alcohol that's what they say i think is that a peterbilt 578 i don't [ __ ] know nerd [Music] ah the open road five in the morning 88 miles to go that's a good song i remember oh please please [Music] let me put it up oh god i gotta get off hold on i gotta get off the highway [ __ ] it shoulder [ __ ] it shoulder [ __ ] you go a little faster for me buddy just a menace on the road these days the big guy channel has now passed a thousand paying subscribers my goodness goodness gracious gentlemen uh abigail so it was a girl whose name whose twitch name was abigail but the gal was spelled g-a-y-l because she's gay i'm i'm assuming you are the thousandth subscriber congrats thanks for your prime [Music] with a 69 donation chad and i wish we were that steering wheel not gonna lie excuse me i'm a married man thank you for the gifted subs though and thanks for stopping by i appreciate that oh look at that turn boys chat and i wish we were that steering wheel engine married to who what do you mean i'm married to my [ __ ] peterbilt 578 truck to the road i'm married to the grind you know the open road boys only 50 miles left to go oh wow this is scary see this is like most roads in texas i'm just going to drive in the middle of it and surely another shot i mean guys can we do a poll maybe for another shot i might start feeling something soon oh what is this [Music] oh [ __ ] i'm speeding bro i'm going way too fast in this residential road ballroom blitz oh yo trevor what's up come here man hey everybody look it's trevor tequila yeah i'm drinking they made me man you're gonna have a shot absolutely come on have a shot i just had some panda express dude i had chinese food earlier too telling you man that's that's that's the play maybe not pan express can you do me you do me a salad next time and don't get that i'm just saying there's better chinese food places if you want chinese food well i mean there's better i mean there's certainly there's better places that make you feel not as shitty when you eat it he left yeah the orange chicken is good you want a little juice a little juicy juice [Music] yeah i have a little juicy juice a little juicy juice yeah there you go oh wow that's a lot i'm pouring you a big big thing of juice baby hold on hey let hey let's cheers it a little bit guys trevor from cow chop right there trevor from cow shop can you believe it that's me hi guys it's been so long since i've seen all my fans oh trevor trevor time out bro i have something in my car can you entertain stream for a second i'm gonna put this car in how do i put it in park yeah put in i've turned my windshield wipers on how the [ __ ] do i put this car in the park [Music] what's up e i just turned i just turned the truck off okay i'll be right back i have a gift for you okay can you believe it this is my christmas gift for you yes it's exactly what i mentioned did you take the shot no it's right there what are you burping why are you surprised okay i'll be right back okay you're gonna love this you're gonna [ __ ] love it my keys i gotta get my keys [Music] [ __ ] [Music] after a little a little drink hi guys it is me trevor streaming live on schlatt's alt account can you believe it i'm in the big dude sheets whoa i'm gonna take a little ship okay i'm gonna take a little i'm gonna take a little ship [Music] you can tell that's that's really good fresh tequila and not cheap at all [Music] you got my gift oh my god it's like christmas [Music] should i close my eyes oh man no man [Music] ready i'm ready listen i devoted my life to trucking okay and i want you to do the same okay your very own trucker oh whoa look dudes like the triceratops look at the quality on that brim very good hat that is it is not focusing but look it says tops mine's mine this might be a little cooler see that one can you see it well what's on the front is that a scorpion oh that's a that's a bowl it's a ball that's so cool you know i wrote hey but hey it's not it that's not it okay because there's something else that i know you'd love this is your christmas gift by the way merry christmas i forgot to give it to you thank you i my christmas gift is waiting for you at my house [Music] it comes with a pin a pen a pin like a like a pen like a pin you put yeah okay [Music] oh why man it is the trevor cow chop spliff pin wow looks just like me wow look at this look who it is it's [ __ ] trevor modest cube can you believe it what is wrong with your camera i don't know man it's it's it's look now it's like oh oh look at that it looks just like you man wow dude why i look kind of asian it's all for you and and can you remind me how much money you made off of the off of them selling this pin of of you of your likeness oh man i made nothing nothing on top of really nothing everybody nothing and look i wanted you to have it thanks such good morning i actually welded the pin onto the hat okay so if you wear the hat the pin has to stay on i have kind of a big head wow i'm always just wearing my history right on my back that's my boy that's that's me thank you so much this is a wonderful christmas gift hey what if we did a shot man let's do a shot [Music] bon appetit brother oh oh [ __ ] why did you get to kill why is the old that's the only thing you brought this tequila is an upper and you have a really fun time with tequila it's an upper what are you talking about up it's alcohol that is just a lie that's not a lie ask chad i'm pretty sure it's a lie it is the only alcohol that's a it's upright it's gonna make you go crazy that's a lie they're saying yeah you're lying they're saying you're a filthy [ __ ] liar you're lying you're lying it's crazy how much you lie to me no it's not no no [Music] it keeps you awake keeps you awake dude i didn't need to go to the rest shop rest stop guys let's keep driving i've been holding up traffic [Music] i've been holding oh yes [Music] oh i've been holding up traffic boys oh my wipers are still on i just turned them on more oh yes dude okay oh why are they still what the [ __ ] stop thank you let's finish this truck drive we got 30 miles left this is so easy 44 minutes everyone's 17 year old talked about never wanting to drink what a [ __ ] nerd let me blow this stop sign real quick [Music] guys i'm not drunk i'm just playing it up for the camera you know we you know we have to do these things we're streamers we have to no look once my driving starts to suffer that's when you know i'm drunk that's when you know i'm thanks lindsay monarch maya cyber dren appreciate that appreciate the subs lap lap 21 i bet 30 points on you not crashing guys i'm not gonna crash gonna worry about it we're here i mean we're here boys are we not here this is the drop-off point we're gonna make a clean 36k is connor here how you doing connor yes dude yes dude get petrol no man i don't need to the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] off let me deliver my [ __ ] whoa all right here's where the uh here's where the math begins i'm trying to all right i gotta pull one of these right slap her in reverse oh so easy it doesn't get better than this watch this perfect park oh my goodness are you kidding me is this not the best park i'm [ __ ] it up somehow how am i [ __ ] it up [Music] no i have to park it myself i'm not going to skip it how do i get to the good view again i'll just do this for you we're fine look guys we got it we got in the bag tell me this is not the best [ __ ] parking job you've ever seen oh it's so oh all right all right look it took me it it took me a a [ __ ] [ __ ] it's ready we did it damaged [Music] i lost ten thousand dollars okay so i lost 10 grand from damaging the vehicle i lost probably a good five or six grand from speeding tickets where's the game at this point [Music] i'm turning cops off like i this is my guy you guys like my guy slurred speech i'm not drunk man listen i'm fine i'm doing all right we're gonna do another big trip another big trip do i have time how long have i been streaming for howard 30 guys i got a meeting in an hour i you know what i'm gonna do a good song we'll do a mobile barrier how about that 29k mission what did conor say [Music] don't wanna know your name [Music] sorry i'm putting it up all right let's get the [ __ ] out of here hold on guys i gotta i have to go to the bathroom and then i'm gonna drink and drive in the game [Music] it would be such a streamer thing if i just left and then put on copyrighted content all right cause they made they're making you do that [Music] so the funny one is up next right [Music] for in terms of reacts i do that every single [ __ ] time do we have did we get the good light that would reflect i don't know it would we can i mean we can always take it off it's really easy just this right here [Music] [Music] how was l.a um [Music] legal stuff serious legal right wow matt watson's finally getting sued by viacom huh jesus oh good song [Music] trevor i hope you don't mind i'm going to do some driving schlott this is my last donation me and chat alike are very disappointed in your mistreatment of ballroom blitz we demand you put it back this is another emergency broadcast reports believe the ruger intoxicated river has changed his path he has reached and uncle and reportedly committed grave robbery and stole some tapes regarding a whole where's ballroom blitz finally catch my first slot stream big guy immediately goes for pee break absolute legend sorry go [ __ ] yourself you came to this stream expecting content that is not what you should get are you heading to a toe you drunk you heading to ottawa you drunk redneck no why'd i ever drive to canada i'm doing fine with my paid healthcare thank you very much you trailer damage one percent already i'm not gonna worry about it oh almost hit an ambulance [ __ ] i'm running it i'm running it i'm running it you get a couple drinks in me that's what i started doing what did connor say guys hold on turn up gta okay hold on hold on what about this song do you guys like the most [Music] how much longer you're gonna be trucking i'm down to come by for the office for a drive connor says connor come by as long as it's within the hour because i have a meeting in one hour meeting in an hour big dog so probably not worth it so that kind of base for drinking and driving amen what time is it [ __ ] 10 a.m 10 p.m again bro i'm gonna get i'm gonna purposely go to a rest stop and just rest just so it's daytime i'm tired of this nighttime driving i've never heard this one before never i'm sorry i don't know what to tell you i've never seen wayne's world no dude i'm not a tv or like a movie guy you gotta realize when i was living in new york i did nothing absolutely nothing all i did was like youtube and make [ __ ] and try and stream and work make money you gotta do most of the time oh the yellow is this a yellow mustang again get over big guy get over fine i'll do it whoa what's the problem with not seeing wayne's world is this such such a huge crime sorry guys skipping it sorry guys there we go that's more my style hey yeah you know what look i'm on my phone thank you taylor cruz be the pacifist michael zizziad nick lunch box kaya and hassan thank you for the subscriptions my friend i just remember this song from click you guys remember when you remember that movie click that adam sandler movie and then uh that dude in the car when he's waiting in traffic and he's just like [ __ ] he's dancing it's a fun time great movie that movie's been slept on i swear to god that's one of the few movies that can make me cry i'm not even kidding i cried the click i'm not afraid to admit it i cried to click good guy kai tacky ribloid jenny thank you guys yeah it was terry crew it was terry crews you're right it was absolutely terry cruz your energy man thanks for the tier one man appreciate it is connery's pants coming over i don't know i'm trying to figure it out let's just see i can i can do this pretty well i feel like i could do this pretty well i'm all over the road go [ __ ] yourself you're sitting at home watching some dude play truck simulator your your life is all over the road bro go outside not even using my blinker anymore i'm becoming a true texas driver 700 miles to go oh man this is a nice one wait what time is it oh it's 6 51 a.m all right it's a morning i'm not even gonna worry about the daytime uh what i was looking at i was looking at the destination marker we're gonna get there at nine o'clock apparently any drinkers should we do one more surely a vote one more drink i'm fine i can handle it have an otk meeting after that so i mean the more i drink the happier i'll be during the meeting uh so honestly i'm fine with drinking more oh man you should listen to these you should get an ear in on these otk meetings my god uh oh shoulder time got some traffic all the otk meetings are is missing going dude i run the sword i i'm the face this work i need i need five million dollars right now [Music] mental health what's that are those billboards i'm telling you man shoulder driving is the new uh is it's the best form of driving i mean it's the smartest way to do it think about it like this guys answer this one honestly for me all right can you answer this one honestly for me if you're drunk driving if big if right hypothetical say you're playing gta 5 right you're not actually drunk driving but if you're drunk driving the best place to do it is on the shoulder because i mean it's clear that the cops don't care they don't even think you're driving it doesn't even register for them as a speeding violation especially if you're going too fast i almost had a little hiccup there do i know this song i'm skipping it i'm sorry oh more rush two times in one day spirit of the radio oh it's tom sawyer i'm sorry only know two rush songs i got here wrong twice oh man eon one thank you bye head ass bubble bae retro concept kiwi college is hard yes texas roads are [ __ ] i'll match you shot for shot until you're meeting big man let's do another one did you guys vote yes on the poll okay i might have to pull over guys is pulling over to take a shot good driving etiquette no i think i can manage hey anyone who's drinking alone me cheers oh [ __ ] that's a big shot yeah definitely pull over go [ __ ] yourself everyone here is probably 14. you're right oh hey man oh you're told on you taking some more you did drink a bit of it but i mean it was kind of fault oh god yeah that's what i'm saying man it's terrible i don't know why anyone drinks tequila but it feels so good don't you feel like you could just no 100 miles an hour well it happened so you're having a good time are you you feel energized you feel like a millionaire trevor i trevor tequila is not an upper i'm telling you that right now it's all alcohol it's all it's all depressing i'm so freaking drunk no you feel like oh i'm waiting i want to go [ __ ] sprint up a hill and like just vomit it's fine that's what tequila is tequila is scientifically an upper i don't really care the science is correct what does that mean tequila is scientifically an upper i don't care if the science is correct you just said that it is what it is man and it works [Music] bon appetit i'm ordering some doordash you want something what are you ordering could do anything chick-fil-a you do some chick-fil-a i get some chick-fil-a you have a drink yeah it's bad it's bad dude i'm telling you die dr pepper you think something he thinks i'm accommodating for him nah man it's either you're doubling up on a coke zero sugar or you're getting nothin now what i usually do at chick-fil-a and i'm sure you'll agree is the spicy chicken sandwich with pepper jack [Music] of fries oh you just ate you don't even want oh so you just want me for my soda moving the pickles i don't think pickles belong on anything to be honest with you [Music] not a pickles guy [Music] listen i think the chicken at chick-fil-a is good enough that you don't need to put any extra extra terrestrial objects on it [ __ ] that's what i'm talking about you know what i'm saying you get me man you get me man and and also you know what i'll i'll raise you one more i don't even think you need the chick-fil-a sauce i think the polynesian sauce is what's better that's the only thing i want is to quite a bunch of syrian hospital pits [Music] sorry i just got a donation from president barack obama told me about bombing a syrian hospital listen i don't even care what you guys say this the polynesian sauce is better than the chick-fil-a sauce i'm telling you that right now the pickles no you don't need pickles you don't need anything you're dipping a little ponies and saucy good sorry what are you gonna defend chick-fil-a you're gonna defend oh yeah tell me more about the chick-fil-a sauce the chick-fil-a branded sauce what do you like chick-fil-a [Music] oh my god chet do you like chick-fil-a [Music] that's [ __ ] up [Music] i'm telling you right now that's [ __ ] up you like chick-fil-a [Music] you're gonna take it freight train [Music] get out of the station no all right so my my order is a spicy chicken sandwich mac and cheese and a coke zero sugar trevor asked for a side of fries which i guess i can i guess i could indulge him in that you guys [ __ ] with the are the waffle fries good is that what you gotta get at chick-fil-a i like the mac and cheese more than the fries i'm not gonna lie to you yeah the fries are good [Music] let me tell you something right now doordash showing 95 thumbs up on the waffle fries and 96 on the mac and cheese i guess i got the better option [Music] all right i'm ordering i spent so much money here's the thing guys i spent so much money on doordash i looked at my credit card statements and i'm like holy [ __ ] it would make more sense if i hired a personal chef and so i did but i still find myself ordering doordash every day it's crazy i'm not afraid to say it i got a personal [ __ ] chef go [ __ ] yourself [Laughter] i'm gonna keep driving i think we we gotta make up for some lost time here i am still on full cam i just started driving with the full face cam going thanks chief zero very derrick bogg dan oh my god rest in peace please xd thank you guys for the subscriptions appreciate it i don't think connery's pants is coming by y'all we'll come by at some point you know we'll do some driving together what i'd love to do is just to get someone on on voice chat with me and just chilling with me as i drive i mean that feels like the ideal anyone cool in chat want to talk if you're wondering whether or not you should say yes i'm not talking about you in the left lane drive during otk meeting i could but listen being being intoxicated during the meeting is one thing if i'm driving during the meeting that's going to be a whole nother world of pain tips is going to bring on to me la mao soup thanks for the prime pf 23 b-ball kiwi juice yoda juan kenobi thank you thank you guys for all the subs we are now at like 1200 holy [ __ ] minecraft fan cams no less minecraft fan cams with 50 gifted subs that is 500 us dollars it will still not make me like you but i mean hey i'll take the money kibs thanks for the prime kendosi thanks for the prime did you guys not see the speed limit sign that said 70 and yet it's still saying 55 on my gps anyways i'm going 95 miles per hour this does not feel like 95. thank you gabe exists snorri man oh my god i'm turning out of the [ __ ] into the guardrail again please xd thank you so much for the gifted guys i'm having such a good time it's so fun to get drunk on your job and then make money oh my god i should try it we do a little shoulder driving rhubarb thanks for the 100 bits i shall i love you name is slot i still see a bus stop on my route can't buy back the chev that i sold you it's to the point where i gotta face it my guinzu can't take it so i must replace it now back on the trail got me a monorail watching me some schlock's throat i got a five thousand dollar fine oh my [ __ ] god good [ __ ] song boys trevor roney thanks for the tier one man you know what's funny you know what's really funny to me i sometimes have my offline chat open and like you know i i see tweets sometimes that show up on my feed of people like oh yeah schleich didn't work a day last week because i didn't stream right i skipped the friday stream because i didn't have anything planned because i was a busy boy working on my best stuff and other stuff and someone legitimately unironically said yeah schleich didn't work a day this week and what's funny is if i go live on my alt streaming this [ __ ] for two hours right then people like oh yeah schlatt worked this week oh yeah schlatt gave us some content like what would you guys rather see be honest and be honest with me and i know it'll be biased because you guys are tuning into this stream but would you rather me what would you rather me do make like good [ __ ] or just stream whatever the [ __ ] i want because then i'll do it on my main i ditch this channel a second if i had 50 000 people watching me do truck simulator on my main channel but honestly i kind of like having no expectations for this channel it's kind of nice i don't know snobby thanks for 100 bits man code red buckled hickory holy [ __ ] dude 50 gifted as well you are you are and i don't i don't say this lightly and i want this to be as parasocial as possible and i want you to really take this to heart so that i continue to develop this parasocial relationship with you but you are the man and i love you 50 gifties i did not even hit him 900 for that [ __ ] get me the [ __ ] out of this town i'm done i'm done no no no no no no no no no no i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm losing another 2500 [ __ ] dollars [Music] i'm turning off the police i'm turning off the police what's up i am ty good to see you my friend but holy [ __ ] i just got fined like a good ten thousand dollars in one minute i'm not gonna turn off the cops but i mean holy [ __ ] maybe i gotta start going the speed limit should i start going the speed limit or should i start driving on the shoulder surely i am ty knows to drive on the shoulder i mean he's been doing truck simulator long longer than i have blue charizard thanks to tier one alyssa thanks for tier one fuzzy bee honey thanks to the 300 bits that's a cop 10-2 officer i love sucking patriot [ __ ] what you want big man i'm still here watching you the best do what you love thank you i'm not going fast in 55 i'm not getting fined again good song oh my god as i go 10 miles per hour over already i'm not going to ottawa why are you guys telling me about this is this ballroom blitz again i thought this was another song i'm sorry i guess it's a good song i'm not going to [ __ ] ottawa christine zaldrak's anonymous thank you guys for the subs drive on the shoulder all right it is what it is i'm driving on the shoulder the rest of the stream i got looks like i got 35 minutes left with you all before i got to get in the meeting driving the median there's no listen ty ty i would but look there's not much room i got hope you have a good stream thank you buckled hickory dude you're a legend thank you for the 50 gifted subs i'm gonna hit someone ah buy all the dlc what does the dlc get me i need you guys to be honest with me what is the blue what does the dlc get me cranios what's going on were those tumbleweed what the [ __ ] is what the [ __ ] was that cranios we gotta hang out soon man dark it's rj aaron's i'm on the medium thanks for the subs guys any day bro hey listen i know i know a couple nice spots enzo we are indeed trucking my friend oh oh oh [ __ ] it's all right we're good we'll take over the city ty i am tigers yeah yeah this city will take over the city man i love this city that i'm driving in right now i just gotta find another thousand dollars five thousand dollars i am i am okay so basically guys where my money 216 000 is where i was before i completed the first job uh which gave me an additional thirty six thousand dollars which means i've been fined probably a good thirty thousand dollars this stream and i'm about to just turn off the the cops i feel like that would be that would be better for me because it is costing you sweat your driving is like the drinking water in austin lots people in danger also makes me what there is a boil water notice just for reference there's a boil water notice uh for the city of austin because the water is contaminated so basically that donation was saying that my driving is contaminated uh with brain eating prions thank you for that thank you for uh for saying that i just got a direct message from miss kiff what does he say yo give me that tts what the [ __ ] sorry man just for me are we what is this traffic excuse me been really enjoying today's stream man thanks for the good time no problem shoulder i get a red light violation how many red lights have i skipped today excuse me whatever [ __ ] it i'm just gonna get as many violations as i can now [ __ ] this is my chick-fil-a here oh raul from doordash says hello i'm raul from doordash i'm waiting for your order oh that cop didn't see me i'm good holy [ __ ] these are some nice turns miz i can connect you with the guy who does the tts it's fine it's a little glitchy though i don't know taking the shortcut oh [ __ ] i got jackpiped let me fix this [Music] let me just see if i could drive like this for a minute [Music] a little left turn coming up on the jeep going under the highway again boys [Laughter] i'm doing fine i'm going over the speed limit apparently i need fuel [ __ ] i do need fuel oh no i'm gonna run out of fuel [ __ ] that's not good when's the next field station [ __ ] it i'm gonna turn around turn around i'm sorry i'm sorry how do i get how do i get fined for that you're the one who hit me i need guests what do you want me to say oh that's a good song that is a great song even some might say this is a great song turn it up [ __ ] it i need the shortcut whoa what am i transporting right now oh 25 gifties thank you man oh man hello okay thank you gotta fill up [Laughter] [Music] 10 bucks see you later big guy spend this wisely uh dude i spent that chick-fil-a i'm sorry me out of here did i fill up i did yeah i'm good [ __ ] what am i doing [Laughter] [ __ ] what am i what am i drive wow what am i driving what am i transporting i'm turning this up this is one of my favorite songs i need to make a u-turn [ __ ] secret secret i've got a secret shirley we're fine here why did it take me over here to tell me to do a u-turn whatever i know what to do so did you know the state bird of texas is the woodpecker wouldn't you pick of these nuts jesus [ __ ] christ vilified peanut i hope you're doing all right bro good to see you did you know the state part of texas is the woodpecker would you peck of these nuts [ __ ] you dude i'm not gay it's mayor matt thank you for the 50 subs what the [ __ ] is going on today i'm just driving all i do is drive all i do is drive noah whitney bright green led tagginator esheeran cuiante osmo willy wonkey will lord and prince bones cash money thank you guys sly right thank you guys i appreciate it thank you guys for watching we're having some fun today is this not the best song that's ever been made by human by a human one human french toast cather zig kin dick large bowl ow i can't even drive anymore man oh we're going so riddle me this guy's it's the weight station service yeah i crashed into the guardrail and the truck came to his complete stop from like 90 miles per hour not the best move i've ever done in my life i gotta dip the truck in rice maybe that'll help snake venom not noob twitch with jay and kitty splits thank you guys is this that's not repair that's a weight station [ __ ] you my engine is just turning off randomly [Laughter] don't want to know your name press f7 ah yeah thanks for telling me the button that shows me that i need repairs i can already tell sweet home chicago by the blues brothers is a personal favorite all right guys you gotta tell me how to do this [ __ ] where is the [ __ ] service station please please advise me also how do i get back to the gps f5 yeah they'll do it hit enter no didn't do it hit enter f7 press enter oh total service okay i guess i'll do it [Laughter] i'm so [ __ ] oh geez watch me nighttime by the time it's done repairing great awesome engine malfunction wait where's the service it didn't even fix my [ __ ] it didn't even fix my [ __ ] oh [Music] a it for ten thousand dollars [ __ ] me i'm gonna go negative on this trip god damn it not even getting out of the parking lot this trip has been a complete and utter failure oh man i think my chick-fil-a's here i gotta stop the stream man i'm done playing i'm done playing all right listen i'm 400 [ __ ] miles away come on now i can't keep doing this i can't keep doing this embarrassing myself jesus christ the truck is stopped what am i even towing what is that what is it i'm getting tired oh god my god dude all right i'll finish it i'll finish it i'll finish this this [ __ ] mission i'll [ __ ] finish it [ __ ] you as johannes up oh get me out of sleeping violation oh what the [ __ ] is that my car isn't even going i'm stepping on the gas what is that government [ __ ] avoid sleeping violation all right guys my truck ain't going no more it's going backwards for some reason please let me go forwards now i'd love that god [ __ ] damn it oh what is this this is why you don't drink and drive hey boys i'm back from that ball sack city to review this ding dongs driving it says not gonna be welcomed by the canadian government anytime soon truly a master of the art this will be huge as trucker is the tip of the trucking world thank you critical all right well we've rested and um we're back and uh it's raining and i can put my wipers on now and listen anyone who bet against me crashing listen i'm sorry i let you down but this time it's gonna be different this time it's gonna be different i'm not gonna lose it what am i taking damage on what am i taking damage on i got 30 damage on the trailer now what did i hit yeah knowing me my truck is just gonna get struck by [ __ ] lightning and and i'm just gonna it's just gonna be disabled [ __ ] sake [Music] let's keep driving let's get this [ __ ] job done boys it's 2 a.m it's actually 6 6 a.m in truck driver simulator oh my god this fog jesus christ man benzo thanks for the prime zambles thanks for the prime dude my god let's finish this drive crash into that buick kill everybody in it turn on my lights all right i turned them on made no [ __ ] difference [ __ ] [Music] ricky ducky the carpet dealer thank you guys for the subs king misscraft appreciate that prime man i have i have a good 20 hours in this game what the [ __ ] was the avoid sleeping violation and what kind of commie [ __ ] is that what it thought what the [ __ ] is an avoid sleeping violation what is that [ __ ] that is biden's america exactly michael that is biden's america and it's nothing else do ramp sauce tj demand ash can't the lope darth king hispanic pop the dog please show me the west popping richard drink percy thank you guys my god cold thanks for the six thousand ninety cents i made a sizeable donation to the democratic national committee in your name thank you i love that organization i'm just gonna keep going i have to just i have to go full speed ahead if i want to make this meeting it's in 10 minutes dark spiral god thanks for the prime man [Laughter] caroline's world thanks for prime my god i'm gonna get to the end whether it kills me or not how much might i start this mission with i think i'm under what it will give me [ __ ] something fun i noticed when i was looking through the menus of this game is that it has eye tracker support which means i think if i look to like the side of the screen or something it'll track it and it'll turn the camera which is cool also i have an eye tracker i don't know if i guys told you that uh totally not an elk and ts machine thanks for the subs guys should i do a little eye tracker challenge maybe look at like amaranth stream or something try and keep eye contact with her maybe would you ever want me to make you a theme song would you ever want me to make you a theme song probably not i don't need a theme song i don't think i need a theme song do i need a theme song maybe i do need a theme song ching bergner oh two thanks for the tier one man i'm just trying i'm just sprinting bro i'm sprinting no cops no violations no nothing i'm going on the shoulder there's traffic now i gotta get to this i gotta get to this [ __ ] end of the road here come on come on this is where the focus starts come on now what is that 1950s [ __ ] automobile on the road right now get off the road grandma flexing boy mr baubert thanks for the subs guys oh more shoulder driving required [ __ ] [ __ ] me over okay we're good i wish i could break 100 miles per hour i don't think i can though i think this is all this truck is going oh this is a good song we're doing good though we're doing good on time i like men says pp is my life thank you carc tv thanks for the prime man tetley utopian tacos is that the cork that used to be around if so i miss you man we all miss you it's good to see that name of yours welcome to watch mojo hello today we'll be looking at the top 10 worst truck drivers in history as always spoilers ahead if you haven't seen stream american truck simulator number 10 who could forget our favorite white [ __ ] you man i gotta talk to the tts guy because every single message is cut off at the end like the the last word gets cut off and i don't want that to be happening we're almost there boys yes you guys if you guys are not filled in you can donate ten dollars and do the little uh there's a link there's a link in the description if you if you scroll down tts dot monster slash schlatt and they'll tell you how to do the tts you get ai you get daily dose to say your [ __ ] i'm telling them i i'm talking to the guy i'm like dude you got to get rogan on there you got to get trump on there you got to get me on there you got to have me be able to do tts donations i think it'd be fun that's all i'm saying when's your otk meeting eight minutes and i have three and a half hours left of driving to do not good hey man is that chick-fil-a we're still waiting for your shipment to arrive at the hospital thank you how far away are you we really need that shipment to begin blowing up the hospital shut the [ __ ] up obama oh sorry i got president barack obama you're telling me about syrian hospitals yeah they're both the same they're both coke zero sugar go take one thanks man yeah no problem dude you got fries in there too you got fries in that bag now i will open the bag the lyrics would be to a flat theme to you i'm freaked out because i got a meeting in seven minutes and i got 132 miles left to drive it's not impossible it's doable i just got to go fast no dude my truck's taking damage a guy named greg thanks for ten dollars now i wonder what the lyrics would be to a j schlatt deemed to now we can sure we can get something to go along with the adam's family i don't know what you're seeing saying no no thanks i don't want to show up wasted to the [ __ ] otk meeting all right fine i'll do one it's not gonna make a difference it won't make a difference no you're right can you get a straw in my coke zero sugar please so i could chase it dude this is a perfect song time keeps on slipping no dude be careful with that [ __ ] chill the [ __ ] out dude wait what the [ __ ] straw through the hole put you broke the straw i'm not trying to spread my germs get the [ __ ] oh my god no i just gotta find 900 [ __ ] dollars because of you get the [ __ ] red [ __ ] off the cup and put the straw through the hole trevor you have to take the red [ __ ] off take the red [ __ ] off you're moving my mouse now i'm i'm looking up and to the right now i'm looking to the right i'm just okay okay good you thank you thank you jesus christ man bon appetit amen think it and sink it as my favorite comedy duo rhett and link say wow that fountain so it tastes like nothing man what the hell happened to it oh 72 miles left boys you think i could pull it off in five minutes ah [ __ ] [ __ ] shortcut oh you wish you wish you could do that [ __ ] on the road my god alex thanks for the prime man thank you kitty tycho thanks guys for the subs appreciate it it's crazy to me that we're getting subscribers on this channel when i just sit here and do nothing crazy how to get viewers at all because this has just been such a zero effort stream i'm just gonna cut this guy oh [ __ ] that didn't happen i almost just got shot to death maybe no more rush thanks spartan warm teeth thanks for the prime cold thanks for the four thousand what in the hillbilly [ __ ] dude i mean now eclipse goon thank you for the two one good song all right guys we're 50 miles away we got this we got this in four minutes it's easy king mizcraft thanks for six dollars beat up drift king schlong you can do it i'm trying man i'm trying to get to this trying to get to the end here my sharona oh [ __ ] why is the source in 936 because 936 is the new 1080p believe it also some people can't stream 1080p yeah why not lower it a little bit you know also it's a little less intensive on my computer all right let me get this [ __ ] this is the worst fountain soda i've ever tasted there's nothing in here but water it's actually gross maya tweeted earlier saying that fountain soda is always better than canned or bottled no let me tell you what the best form of soda is the [ __ ] small bottles that like grandmas buy that's what you want you want the tiny little mini bottles of coke those are the best ones the stubbies exactly no not the glass bottle mat is whack go [ __ ] yourself i'm telling you the glass bottles like the can't the the thing that you did do the thing to the top that's what you gotta get hello am i even present anymore guys i'm going to make it i told you i was going to make it at 6 58 i've got two minutes left and i'm going to make it i told you i would urizor more thank you so much for the sub latch appreciate it dead meat demon barins [Music] darwinism thank you we've done it just like that boys we've [ __ ] done it we [ __ ] done it get out of the [ __ ] way get out of the way oh [ __ ] what is this my headphones just broke my headphones watching you drive makes me feel wet and steamy like drinking water and austin after it's been bullied for two minutes [ __ ] [ __ ] i gotta finish this where where is it do i get turned around engine malfunction 160 miles give me the [ __ ] out of here get me out of this first hill please please please let me deliver it please [Music] am i late is it not gonna give me the money wait oh [ __ ] i'm late for the meeting i have to get back i have to crash vehicle offense 900 dollars engine malfunction please please [Music] hey maybe trucking isn't for me [Music] how we doing ladies and gentlemen welcome back to day two of drunk driving but not drunk crashing [Music] how we doing we doing good listen we got another day of trucking on the open road just the most relaxing most chill most honestly most enjoyable stream content you can do on twitch and you'll notice though that yesterday i did die on the road close to the end and look what the [ __ ] happened [Music] busted my favorite pair of [ __ ] headphones that i've had for five years you drunk drive once you know such a shame but hey that's the kind of [ __ ] you get you yeah i mean you you make a deal with yourself [Music] that's the risk you take when you get behind the wheel under the influence i mean they'll live it's just there's some looseness in the ear here that i'd rather not have and they're old headphones like i don't even know where to get them anymore [Music] ah a lot of big guy redemptions what are we drinking tonight oh it's the it's the bottom of the barrel low shelf [ __ ] do you want to see it do you want to see it [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] so delicious [Music] all right big guy redemption's going off i thought we only had a thousand of them oh it got up to five thousand boys if you want to get your big guys in now you gotta do it now you gotta get those [ __ ] big guys in now get them in get them in before the time's up there's only 5 000 of them you guys are ruining the mods by the way they are they are [ __ ] dying on the mod view [Music] and there it goes no more big guy buys hey what are you gonna do it didn't crash the stream last time so maybe it's best we don't uh dwell too much too hard on them so i mean we're back we're back with domar trucks trucker simulator try to zoom in the camera a little bit yeah it's looking good we're looking good i've got my tiny ass steering wheel and uh and i'm just gonna play some music and uh you know we gotta we got a big truck drive to do i hear there's a big job i heard 45 000 on the table i don't know about you guys but that is a lot of money and i'd prefer to get it you know it's it is indeed time to burn some [ __ ] diesel [Music] [Laughter] minecraft fan cams thanks for the 500 bits hey thanks for tuning in everybody now listen we do have a quick job in progress it says my face is blocking it but it does say we're in the middle of a quick job but our truck was too damaged to even keep driving so we're just going to take a new job and now look at this you guys want to take a 44 000 pound harvester across the country how about that 45 000 i think that's worth it [Music] we're gonna do it [ __ ] how do i get out of this job it's gonna make me finish this abandon i'll have to pay 10 12 000 feet [Music] [ __ ] me [ __ ] me all right i'm gonna have to i guess deserve for drunk driving i guess yeah watch the truck is still [ __ ] too when does conor go live conor might come by uh tonight all right we're gonna do the harvester we're taking a harvester heavy load coming in here forty five thousand dollars we're in our nice little nice little truck ah how we doing today [Music] music's probably a little too loud right guess place your bets now place your beds now boys how much money am i going to lose on on on fines today most of it 25 000 maybe probably something like 25 000. all of it thank you thanks for thanks for that why am i why is my rear view mirror that far oh god i'm in a different truck [Music] okay different truck [Music] my pedals gotta make sure my pedals are good alrighty i think we're getting into it all right ready to drive let's get it don't let's get it going we're ready already uh not too confident in my words why would it put us facing the other way oh this is great wow that is a huge thing we are we are transporting right now a [ __ ] harvester jesus we do have texas speech up again so for 10 bucks you can uh you have obama or any of those guys talk to us [Music] estimation mark tts in the chat take a sip already not listen bro not yet truly not yet maybe i drive on the right side of the road all right and we're on the road wait is the tts not working someone just sent one in [Music] did you guys hear anything uh oh oh i gotta pull over not good [Music] gotta fix this [Music] hmm [Music] my dad used to drink and dry we're good now we're good now thank you richard we need to be back trucking slide please don't forget to use the motorbaiter while driving well listen maybe it is time to use the maida beta while i'm going to be backtracking slide please don't forget to use the mainer bait or while driving why'd he say it differently that time good to be back trucking slide please don't forget to use the motor bait you said it three three different ways uh guys do you want me to move my camera to the middle or like bottom left so you could see my rear view mirror on the left side or would you rather just maybe in the top left whoa okay that's what i get for not looking all right i'll move it i'm moving i gotta pull over again you guys are killing me very beautiful scenery i don't even know where we're driving right now but i am i am all for it all right let's see let's put us right here maybe is that a good spot yeah that seems like a good spot i could get a little bigger actually thanks short for helping me get through my doctoral progress no problem dude i don't think i helped you uh mr obama i mean i think you were doing that before i was even alive to be honest with you but uh hey happy to help if you feel that way then i'm happy you know [Music] is the music too loud not at all alrighty let's get on the road boys could have taken a little shortcut there to the left i don't know if you saw it colon howdy partner let's head up on your mama let's head up to ottawa i'm not going to ottawa there ottawa is not even in the game ottawa is not in the game [Music] if this is this is like the southwest americas california arizona utah ottawa is not there i'm telling you that right now we got a fat left turn coming up we're gonna have to slow down to 10 miles per hour to make it god damn it lost doughnuts oh [ __ ] out there when's the hats coming [Music] ten and two thank god my cargo is 44 000 pounds and i can't go fast jesus christ lost donuts how you doing brother mighty fine hat there oh dude thank you it says hard on it's got a ball i love these hats i gave them to all my buddies for uh for christmas we gotta stop like a good boy i love monk do you also like monk schlattifier do i like monkey yeah i like i like monkey monkeys are great animals they're so like us but they're also so far away sweat the 44th president of the united states demands you to drive on the left side of the road or older to you what you did to those people in 1999 i you know what obama the second you said that a cop drove right by me so i don't know if i'm gonna take that advice although that is what i did in 1999 and i had a great job doing it great a great time i mean it was just so much fun hit the next cop you see taylo maybe i'm not gonna do that all right we're on the road speed limit 65 is going to take us half an hour to get up there oh speed limit 55 now hey are we here to hear this game reminds me of when my dog got hit by a semi-truck guess that's why you're a comfort streamer little yapping [ __ ] okay buddy sorry to hear about that that whole dog thing that must've been uh real traumatic did you even recognize him after the semi hit him i mean what was that think go back to that time in your head and think about what your dog looked like after he got mangled i'm sorry i haven't even started drinking maybe i go in the right lane oh wait no it's exit only to san francisco i don't think i'm going to do that i'm sorry i'm having a good time you know should i do cruise control i don't want to do cruise control i'd rather just speed and go quick and and honestly i'll absorb the fines i'll i'll take them i'll take the [ __ ] fines it's funny you guys seem to like when i get five thousand dollars we're going 10 miles per hour over the speed limit max gentlemen thank you for the three viewer hosts that is huge dude appreciate it noob slay thanks for 200 bits have fun on your trip to rio de janeiro i'm not going there uh i don't think i'm going there i think i'm going to utah today where's a bottle of booze all you guys want to see me do is drink let's be real let's have a couple minutes of sober activity what do you say get in the left lane we need more signs about the such liberty incident i agree with you kanye we need more songs about the uss liberty accident uh anyone want to make a song about that i feel like the music could be louder at least in my ears if it's a good volume let me know and i'll i'll just turn it up on my side you want a little louder a couple you saying make it louder i'll oblige just just a tad bit you know just a tablet ladder alrighty alrighty what we drinking today also you need a drinking hat a drinking hat what the heck that has the ball in it that says hard isn't drinking enough doesn't scream i i drink and drive behind the wheel what are we drinking oh listen it is not okay i am not too happy about what i'm drinking this is like the dollar store version of jack daniels sweet honey it is the jim beam one jim [Music] jim beam is like the dollar store version of any whiskey you get their vanilla is pretty good though i used to mix that into like ice cream and [ __ ] [Music] and i sit here and i wonder why i weigh 500 pounds his palms are sweating these weak bombs are heavy he's over the ship already say was daddy did i have to exit did i miss an exit oh my god all right listen i'm not going to get a [ __ ] speeding ticket listen i'm good the raise you told me to request yesterday was denied i think that's a good thing because i don't know what the next step up can be at a bean factory do i just become the bean at a b you work at a bean factory that sucks although i can't say i uh i wait did i just [ __ ] up do i have to go how how much distance did that [ __ ] up add to my route because now it's 850 miles i'm exiting only like 30 miles all right we're good we're good let's not even worry about it oakland to the right oh jesus christ i'd like to go anywhere but oakland please whoa i gotta start looking maybe i start looking when i do these silly little turns hey schlatt new twitch viewer here you should completely annihilate any car in the way of your big rig look i tried that route yesterday i tried that whole strategy yesterday it did not work i wind up losing money i don't know if you guys know this but i started yesterday at well above 200 000 and if you look in my bottom right i have 195 now so i'm losing money i got to be a good little boy on the road today it's not shifting brother smooth shifting brother thank you obama oh we got some bruce on where the hell is tommy when you need him don't tell tommy about the dui bruce scott not too long ago slow down please hellestrada i'm getting a little car sick please j strat i'm throwing up please hell slow down slow down i'm panicking slow down man i'm sorry i have to slow down anyways i can't be going over the speed limit all day all right shall we get started on the drinking unfortunately i can't take money for drinks i think that's against tos i don't think i'm able to do that uh but it would have been funny stop saying faster my foot is on the floor right now it minimized okay we're back jesus play the melo and folk playlist it's been my driving music ever since i found your spotify two years ago poker spokes goes completely different going 70 in a 25 residential area it does by the way do you know any good lawyers uh yeah but they're all tied up with my legal [ __ ] i yeah i'm [ __ ] going slow i have a 50 000 pound tractor on the back of my truck i'm sorry i can't go any faster my foot's been on the floor for five [ __ ] minutes god you know what i'm gonna have to start you guys are pissing me off i'm gonna have to [ __ ] start get rid of the tractor he says no [Music] too many liberals does it take to change a lot by bold none they're to perceive their gender this isn't money for drinking it's money for the hat i've been wanting lost donut bro i ca i i'm not selling a hat yet this is a good two three shots worth i'm just gonna sip on it if you guys don't mind i'll take all right listen it wouldn't make sense if i didn't do it while i was actually driving i would play mello and folk but i mean do you guys want to hear that playlist or should i just i'm on this classic road trip song playlist cheers anyone drinking along one shot right now oh that's vile it's sweet so it's not too bad but i might have to slow down a little bit you're right yes i work at a bean factory but it's better than sitting around in a deli freezer oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] you there's nothing better than working in the deli it matures you liberal police officers listen i i just i just don't know if working in a bean factory is better than sitting in a freezer because i mean imagine i imagine you got other people watching you do whatever you're doing to the beans you know but in that freezer i was just sitting there all alone every single day this is the only way i can reach you you kids miss you your wife's starting to move and please just wake up please wake up please wake up please wake up later did we come to a vote on the playlist would you rather listen to more mellow stuff or is this good because i'm i'm kind of liking this right now thank you eminem i'm sorry listen man i got things i got things to do i got places to be this is good all right this is good let's not even worry about it yo bilzo how we doing big man oh dude i might want another sip already listen here's the thing guys the drunk crashers is the problem it's not a problem with the drunk drivers we can we can drive we can do our thing we can stay on the road we don't we don't cause any problems just wanted to say thanks for letting me borrow your la morgan is so i could take my dog to the vet no problem by the way you left your pack of extra large manual condoms in the car so i just left them in your mansion for you keep it up oh thank you yeah i need those condoms i've been i've been going over time change the percent of the title down the more you drink we're probably at 90 percent what what percentage is drunk get like if you're 100 sober at what point where's the threshold is it like 50 50 [Music] guys i'll slow down when i see a cop okay listen we can't live our whole life scared i hope i'm trapped in the dela freezer please help it's cold please help please help i'm not listening you're not getting out of that [ __ ] deli freezer until you stock all the arizona's all right kanye about 65 you reckon that baby yuto have a treat baby uto is back there somewhere yeah he's back there somewhere he's around [Music] is there a cop up there what is that car what is that black car oh no it's just a shitty [ __ ] lincoln god oh a little subie [Music] how am i pissing you [Music] bro [ __ ] me where was the cop where was the [ __ ] cop speed cameras other side [ __ ] hey man it's [ __ ] all right that's 25 000. any at 2500 anybody who bet on that just won a [ __ ] ton of channel points ms keith is half a door he looked down and his chin hit the floor imagine working in a deli when you could be making mom's spaghetti minks ate cat food and that's still better than your deli meat dude did you want eminem to say that because you didn't put the little thing in oh okay i am actually stuck in the freezer please let me out listen mrs shapiro i don't think i'm letting you out of anywhere dude abby shapiro trapped in a freezer what oh is that even real like does ben shapiro even have a sister named abby shapiro who looks like that rat paternal flossy fun pancake rice and dash oh my [ __ ] god thanks for the subs guys i'm going in cruise control i'm sorry i'm going into [ __ ] cruise control why is the window for speeding tickets 30 minutes of course i'm gonna get a [ __ ] speeding ticket in 30 minutes god damn it i'm gonna slow down i'll slow down to 60. actually you know what i'll go with traffic cruise control 64 miles per hour i'm cruising now ah charlie another one jigless thank you for the prime my friend doing another shot boys another you know we're drinking apple juice something it's actually kind of smooth i'm not gonna lie to you speed for the viewers i'm good hey we're just driving i don't mean to alarm you but there seems to be a border hopping hitchhiker on your trailer what might wanna pull over and invest [ __ ] [ __ ] where is he why is kenny stuck in the freezer sure pete davidson is having sex with my ex-wife i am so [ __ ] pissed off i missed [Music] this isn't good [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] all right that didn't work [ __ ] and now the guard ring card rails here oh man how am i even gonna get out of this that's where you're on i am not a block of ice next to my arizonas i am just at a desk with the bean dust hello with the bean dust [ __ ] me god damn it come on please get us out of this mess maybe we stopped doing oversized loads we booze cruising now hey man obama or do i don't really care [ __ ] have a good streak are we even moving right now colon let us not canadian truck simulator where we would be stuck in our town i am in reverse colonel hey slant let's block the interstate to protest them actions this white people should look at that about my base less than half sex let me join to i love sex i'm in a rough situation right now this justin the mist turning and the cop car oh [ __ ] is drinking too don't tell obama oh my god i why would i cut the wheel right now making progress i'm good i'm good okay okay okay okay okay here we go [ __ ] come on please i'm so [ __ ] i'm so [ __ ] how do i reset the truck everybody hey guys how do i reset the truck damn son you can just flip around the big rig with a 40 in your hand cringe l nope it's not l i understand why you guys were saying l though oh oh oh oh oh okay and we're back like nothing bad ever happened i missed the exit oh man i'm not an expert but i think the alcohol may have influenced you to get stuck what are you talking about absolutely not absolutely not and you know we're gonna fill up at this gas station right now and maybe i'll buy another another 40. hold on move up a little bit more there we go just filling up the engine it's covered by the company [Music] god does it really cost 500 bucks to fill up a [ __ ] truck 673 to fill up half the tank oh my goodness wow that's a lot of money to be fair though i mean why would you ever look at how much gas costs what are you gonna do not buy gas be real with me what are you going to do i'm banning makes from america your hospital is great obama i kissed the lambo and let me get that lane glimmers from my king come cut me off for a peak i don't blame him cause he has that grand meat i don't even know what's going on anymore ugh i'm liking this music selection today i'm not gonna lie to you all i'm gonna skip the line if you don't mind here [ __ ] bad idea bad idea i hate going to sp uh oh uh oh no no no don't go backwards don't go that way go go you [ __ ] nine hundred dollars for what i'm rolling backwards again move the truck oh my god the bmw m4 i'll be honest i have never once cared to look what the cost of premium is at a boy lost donuts me too i don't drive a bmw but i do drive a vehicle that requires premium gas and it is not something i ever concern myself with mainly because i have people like you padding my uh my wallet what do you do what is going on what the [ __ ] are we waiting on imagine the ai [ __ ] gets an accident and then i can't i have to like miss another exit jesus christ please work come on watch out i suggest reversing hey listen if you want to let that happen i'm fine with it we're down like ten thousand dollars already on on violations this is so fun it's getting so hot in here hold on guys i gotta be right back again [Music] i'm sorry i'm sorry i had to turn the air up [Music] here comes the sun what is this [ __ ] is music the [ __ ] beatles i don't care about the beatles this is the [ __ ] music i care about boys now hold on watch this i'm going to show you something [Music] now maybe i won't maybe i don't show you thanks jigless for the hundred bits crimson night crocodile lundy the real meme lord appreciate it guys someone just walked in who the [ __ ] left the [ __ ] hey who left the door open hello hey big time alerca here had some rough times recently after the passing of my grandma so enough of the sappy [ __ ] but thanks for the streams and chuckle sandwich makes life that little bit better thanks man so you open the door and i crashed my car and i incurred another thousand dollar fine i will get the secret formula after my crabs drinks the glass of my common food listen man need some when the boss says you got a drink you got to drink a little bit you know yeah you got to get a cup hey big time lurker here had some rough times recently after the passing of my grandma dude sam it's another happy [ __ ] but thanks for the streams and chocolate sandwich i appreciate that hemi renegade gaming plankton i will steal the secret formula mr krebs drinks a glass of my [ __ ] and falls asleep spongebob i need some milk oh here's a glass plankton spongebob no spongebob whoa obama jambo is the best that is a [ __ ] text-to-speech donation that i just got from someone who's really sick on twitch yeah people are still [ __ ] donating on twitch what do you not get donations not like the good old days here's the tip here's how here's how you do it trevor you get so big on twitch that the chat goes too fast where you can't read that and so you stop reading the chat all together and then talk to you people donate and then sometimes you don't even read those that's the fun part that's like a [ __ ] that's like two shots right that is a good two shots uh that you're gonna drink right now yummy man [Music] oh cheers bro cheers bro that's my employee [Music] oh oh yeah it's good right it's pulling my mouth [Music] you're just thinking about how good it tastes are you [ __ ] good it's good status unknown thanks for the 16 viewer host that's actually big you're getting up there man not many people can say that hair reveal it's and i didn't know you were trucking to connect i'm not trucking to [ __ ] ottawa can i ship you somebody like hard sodas no that's gross that's gross [Music] mud lights seltzers really the bud light seltzers are [ __ ] terrible as are the corona seltzers honestly all the seltzers are just [ __ ] nasty they're just [ __ ] nasty hold on i got a message here [Music] guys unfortunately if you put i'm being notified about my head mod if you put the c word in the text to speech i might get banned so please do not because we will deny it and then you will be left with ten dollars out of your bank account and nothing to show for it thank you [Music] [Music] so we are uh what are we three or four in at this point oh my god wait we're in residential zones now alrighty this is doable we'll go 30. brother i'm about to crack open a cold bird where's your render on backseat drive hey man texas toast i gotta pass this guy and get in the right lane oh it merges oh that's good luck i'm so sorry [Music] paige luck do you plan on driving home drunk tonight yes if so please hit as many people as possible i already do i can run mourns with ben and they're born into why i'm hypnotizing you to show your haircut i'm not showing you my haircut eminem trap was better than you you're right he is don't worry about those pumping and slice they can only get you this they catch you i don't know what the tts bot said but k kona said don't worry about those police you're right they can only get me if i catch if they catch me but the problem is and i just this guy knows how to trap me in a truck and it's not funny anymore please let me how to keep getting tossed wall-to-wall because of her shitty driving i'm really scared and getting the heebie-jeebies please let me out listen to me daily dose of internet you get out when i say you [ __ ] get out for the highest quality streams thank you thank you lost donuts always good to see in the chat my friend it's too low what is going on with this music i gotta blast it there we go there's a banger song it's gotta go up more it's gotta go up more hey some nighttime driving boys this is what it's all about i'm telling you louder all right whoa jesus this is what it's all about i'm telling you man these streams shine when it's just me not saying anything and driving to the music this is why this is why you have to watch them live am i right am i right is this only a good experience live you don't want to watch the [ __ ] vod of this with royalty-free harris heller stream beats playing in the background are you kidding me absolutely not i got 600 600 miles left on this drive thank you very much hey ons alex thanks for the prime man good to see you elton mcjosh thank you for the prime as well that's some fake whiskey you got in that bottle it's not jk you the best brother dude i why would i why would i pour out well i guess there is a case to pour out jim beam but it's got one of those plastic tops on it you can't remove it you're not my crabs money money [ __ ] this is a real crossover curry please come back to this come please come back kim oh [ __ ] eh what is this hey slot coco here again and these jacks hey coco loving this [ __ ] best alcoholic i mean streamer dude i'm telling you no one does it better than me hey how about one more shot anyone who's keeping up with me what's this four or five and you know what i'm not feeling nothing music too loud now can't hear tts jesus christ i'm sorry they told me to put it up matt christ road work ahead another one ah the nighttime driving man i'm telling you like the open road [ __ ] brother i do playing those dudes i'm also using the obama voice because i paid for this amo hey i'm obama boy am i waiting for my tractor i hope the guy deliberated something i'm doing listen listen oh god i i am maybe i am feeling a little bit listen man it doesn't matter whether or not the tractor you get is delivered by some drunk new yorker who [ __ ] cares as long as it gets there isn't is that not all that's that [ __ ] matters i gotta get over to oh it merges oh my goodness that was scary as long as it gets there spirit separate thank you so much for the prime texas toast i'm taking a shot every time you do all right then you far in then you fall in chairman chelsea thank you guys who's your boy same zero thanks guys for the subs guys if you have amazon prime or your mommy and your daddy do hit that purple subscribe button set like say live just did and select that free prime subscription button this is the most parasocial time ever because i will read your name out and say i love you aloe vera nerovo uh brendan stein it's sam ajm x77 beth twixy hubert guys it's free it's a completely free subscription you can do it once a month come back any time you want and it takes money out of out of jeff bezos's pocket oh my god that's way too many i can't even yoshlot been digging the trucks and stuff thanks for the jams and chill vibes expect some cool stuff holy here [ __ ] from me soon oh my god thank you guys so much this that's like when ninja shouted it out [Music] mostly emmy han solo tj empires pie white benjalin twitch oh my god dude that's a lot of [ __ ] people what's wrong b you haven't done your jumping exercises yet today [ __ ] you i don't joke my dick is big enough no it's not i did try joking once and i saw no results after the first day so i stopped it's weird i get like i get like uh roman ads and like cross country make sure you have a pissed cut i don't have a [ __ ] piss jug man there are rest stops you know you don't have to be have a piss jug joking does not work listen guys let me tell you what joking's all about you know what maybe i should get off at that rest stop maybe i should have is what i meant to say because i totally just missed the [ __ ] exit do you guys want me to explain what's going on my penis will destroy this drug bing-bong hey thank you man so guys joking is what the romans used to do what the romans used to do it in those bath houses they used to have they used to get kind of hard to semi hard to fall hard in the shower and then they used to make a little like okay sign which is recently taken on a different meaning and then they put it around their [ __ ] and then they'd start from the same sweat from the old stress level source strings holy [ __ ] dr mantis toboggan i can tip anymore cause i'm in debt due to college but thank you for being my inspiration for studying my two mentor channels so show the hercules can i gotta stop right now dr mantis toboggan holy [ __ ] that is a name i never thought i'd see again this skit just caught the cat in his back and inflated wants to do you and the back of [ __ ] my ass cracked it is not comfortable i'm [ __ ] uncomfortable this is crazy timeout you got to give me a second here i'm trying to bring over this vehicle nine i just got fined nine hundred dollars you gotta give me a second here man this is a dude sitting there just a dude standing there let me explain i just got a donation from a dude named dr mantis toboggan and uh we were both regulars in the slash stress level zero chat uh back in pr what when the [ __ ] was that dude when the [ __ ] was that 2013 2014 i was a freshman in high school bro i don't know how the [ __ ] you found me doing this [ __ ] but uh yeah yeah it is me it is me i remember i had to talk to my dad and say hey can you buy me a subscription to this twitch channel i like stress levels is uh the the uh company freddy w's second man brandon founded [ __ ] me dude that's crazy it's so good to see your name man trail of damage what did i just you're watching something i'm not very proud of uh i've just been fined probably a good twenty thousand dollars since i started this drive and that definitely will be fine more but holy [ __ ] it's good to see you what is what what did i hit hahaha [ __ ] me oh man dude all right let me figure this out i'm gonna hit the [ __ ] pickup truck again truck again aren't i all right we can't do this rest stop chat it's like nasty schlott has me locked up in his basement that's why we haven't played since jack box he won't let me go he only feeds me jack in the box tacos with no sauce i can barely walk i'm so weak please somebody call the police listen you stay in that [ __ ] freezer [ __ ] don't you say a [ __ ] word i'll call you when the next jackpot session happens okay also what is the name of the playlist you used for yesterday's stream i was just doing song radio struck simon have yet to find one that good hey listen gurg thanks for the ten thank you mcnasty as well i hope you're doing all right brother hey got my penises not working months send help please i'm being the light at trump the uh the playlist i was playing yesterday was um [Music] yo jack manifold thanks for the raid the players i was playing yesterday was just a song radio on that car song i play at the beginning uh holy [ __ ] i'd rather die than keep driving this thing how's it going ray just hope the origins smb stream was fun i'm kind of drunk and i'm drunk driving but listen it's fine listen there's a ton of people on the road every day that are drunk driving what matters is that it the drunk crashers they're they're what ruins it for everybody you know like we do fine we do fine over here i gotta get a bird's eye view of this [ __ ] how do i stop oh my lord [ __ ] kill me can i be [ __ ] murdered on the spot right now i just gotta [ __ ] rest i don't want to drive at night can i do this 9-1-1 mcnasty is in his basement please get him his sauce for his tacos you don't get any sauce if you're living in my basement is this a rest stop is this a rest stop can i rest you're [ __ ] kidding me let me rest guys i'm sorry this is so embarrassing i'm trying to trying to rest because my guy's tired i don't want to drive at night anymore i guess i can't rest here though that would make too much sense if i was able to do that guys basically what i'm doing here for all the raiders i'm just i'm i'm drinking i'm under the influence while while driving a tractor uh to its destination in the middle of utah oh [ __ ] sake i'm gonna start damaging it and uh we're just listening to some nice tones we're just doing some nice tones please i don't know how to drive trucks if it's not abundantly clear already i don't have my cdl all right here we go the long wide turn coming in [ __ ] you oh do you see that [ __ ] [Applause] hey we'll go to the rest stop up here isopodic god 2003 shane's thanks guys for the subs uh yeah i'm just guys if you're new here you know you probably know who i am if you're listening to jack manifold stream minecraft origins uh turns out i'm not a terrible person i just stream uh me getting drunk to truck driver simulator these days and i need to rest i need to rest my weird drinking and dripping actually it's driving under the influence and it's a crime punishable by imprisonment where the [ __ ] can i where can i rest my weary bones e hey big guy we need to talk my boss really didn't like that bomb threat you called into the hospital i worked i don't give a [ __ ] it was funny it was [ __ ] funny [ __ ] you i'm gonna do it again tomorrow morning at 11 59 a.m petition to help get that white truck a restraining order on slot where do i have to go to get the [ __ ] where do i have to go where do i have to go to be all right [ __ ] it i don't even know why i did this [ __ ] detour this is the most stupid thing i've ever done there is a sauce shortage in our great country of america so i cannot provide jax take a sauce for me i understand that this is a message from your president obama i'm making a left turn everybody sorry i'm blowing the stop sign too that's how much i care about the law [ __ ] what am i doing turning the wrong way let's get behind the cockpit again what do you say it's a good song listen this is the exact type of music my deli would play dally i worked at not my deli but uh you know i know i did turn the truck off that's what you're missing i turned the truck off it's fine it's fine listen i have to turn off the highway here anyways the 5 hour job yes i'm talking about the 5 hour 5 hour job absolutely guys if you're not if you're new here here's what i used to do i used to talk about this to know and i still do i used to stand in a freezer and stock shelves so you know how all right so here's the thing you know how when you go into like a little convenience shop they have a wall of like cold drinks you know you open the you open the door and there's you know the drinks most times there is a freezer a freezer room behind that where there are just stacks and stacks of drinks and oftentimes what the [ __ ] is your problem you [ __ ] cadillac prick and most times there is a man in the freezer currently stocking all the shelves you know you have like they come in like 32 packs or whatever of their drinks and they're stacked on top of one another and that you pull the drink out you match it to the thing you look at what needs to be filled then you fill it and i spent four hours a day pretty much uh in that freezer for stocking shelves and i was damn good at it and you know what i started at that job at i was uh i was in i was a sophomore in high school when i started because i just quit baseball uh because it was too much because you know i had a large commute and uh i'd get home every night at like 10 p.m and still have to do homework after baseball and i was just like i can't [ __ ] do this i'm not going gonna be a pro baseball player you know like i gotta i gotta just do high school i gotta focus on my grades so i can get into a good good college or something and so i quit and so my mom was like yeah no you gotta get a job now you [ __ ] low life and i was like i don't think i'm a low life but okay that's what i did and and uh i got paid five dollars an hour in cash as a 14 year old working at this deli and uh it was good work experience but listen i think everybody needs to know guys tell slide them outside i got to pull up everybody connor eats pants is currently outside i think everybody listen i think everybody shouldn't should learn how to do one of those service area jobs just so they know you know just so they know if i put this in neutral am i going to start rolling to turn the engine off everybody needs to do one of these jobs because it tells you like it it humbles you because you have no idea how many boomers hate hate hate people and they're just gonna be a just a terrible terrible [ __ ] to you and there's nothing you can do that's nothing you do the lights on it yeah there's like a phillips hue thing on it you just get rid of that everybody look who it is it is [ __ ] twitch sensation conor eats pants and trevor was just leaving yeah trevor i don't get the door so i scared the [ __ ] out of him so trevor does not uh so basically i never open the door okay and i let trevor do it because he's my employee how are you by the way i'm good do i see something [ __ ] up like hairline yeah you see that i'm going with the man bun again uh i'm going back to the man i'm well listen i'm not balding i'm just growing it out but i got to this point where i was like well do i want to wear the [ __ ] headbands again or do i want to just stuff it in a hat until it's it's long enough to the point where i can put it in a bun right and so i decided on that i'm just gonna wear hats i'm just gonna wear my hard hat for a while and keep the the short sides because because i was i don't know if you noticed but i was growing a mullet back here no you were from totally grown mole right now it was like full on and then it start what it does is it starts to curl like around my neck and look even grosser yeah uh which is not good um i have something for you to drink if you want to start uh early on that let me get you a cup i'm just going to get you guys i'll take a cup hello how are you chad connor eats pants i use a stream on twitch so we have a reservation for that place that place that place soon what is it two hours-ish so we gotta go in like an hour and a half maybe right can we should we uber there we should uber we can't we can only uber there we're gonna get [ __ ] up well i was hoping maybe yes that's the plan because i cannot i can no longer i figured something out i can no longer stream while sober ah that's a slippery slope yeah and you've already hit that like in like a week of old streaming yeah i have yeah no that's a that's not good and so see i'm just taking a break oh you're taking a break yeah sooner or later like announced it but like so here how about this why don't you not take a break and just stream while under the influence of alcohol instead and then see how you like that idea i mean there's an antenna direct tomorrow that i'm going to stream and usually those are much better if i like it's a lot no it's not this is like straight flicker or no yeah this is uh that's a lot that's straight liquor what do you mean all right i wish i could set you up with a little hold on yeah i probably can hold on you like that yeah it's pretty good you like that [ __ ] it's not bad it's better than like most [ __ ] that you down it is true i suppose that's true here you can get on that you can get on these right you're so pleased there's like a weird aftertaste to it yeah it's that honey [ __ ] i don't like that at all actually oh you don't like that anymore no the aftertaste is worse i'm telling you right now it's not something most people would drink willingly it's that bottom shelf jack daniels imitator [ __ ] you need to get over the level but yeah yeah of course can you guys hear connor all right are we good can we keep driving again yeah you guys are millionaires well no i'm the only guy i'm the only millionaire yeah he's the only millionaire he's a millionaire you might be a millionaire i got a deal to tell you about that it's going my way it might be a millionaire oh i bet it might be all right so basically i'm just driving and drinking and playing music here's here's my problem conor i don't think that drunk driving is too bad am i wrong in that yeah yeah no you're wrong in that i'm not i don't think but the thing is i don't think i am i think the problem is no no no no as i get over it i think the problem is the drunk crashers put that one in your pipe and smoke it i think it's the drunk crashers that the uh that the issue is all about yeah they never get down to the problem do they just say drunk drivers they don't talk about the problem it's people there should be a test for people who can drive successfully under the influence and what they should do is if like you get pulled over and they think you're under the influence like they bring you into the station but you have to play like a virtual reality game of like driving and so then if you can do it well then you can keep going they let you back on the road that's he's gone okay so what were you playing like beat saber or what yeah you got to do like a beat saver song and like if you get a good enough score they're like he's good to go sir well maybe all right well how about this what if they put you in like vr porn because you know whiskey dick right what you don't know whiskey dick so people so they put they put you in like a pov porn and they see if you can get hard and if you're drunk you might not be able to what's up you can't tune in to the stream but i hope you and chat have a good one thanks can i have this what the mousepad this is fantastic yeah you could have the mousepad have they seen this yeah they've seen it your girl watches the office my girl watches clint stevens you're not the same i need a girl that watches clint stevens honestly let me uh she's out there somewhere oh oopsie do any girls watch clint stevens though russell what's going on flynn had like some of the original like twitch stats like a couple years ago did he really yeah wow i gotta get over to a rest stop there if you're an old i just hit a dog going 17 miles per hour on my truck such a shitty christmasy right there right up on the highway hate this you so much yes it died yeah i can hook you up with the guys get you that tts that's the keemstar tweet as long as it starts as long as it stops cutting off the purse at the end yeah like the word at the end then i think we're good i gotta pull in for the weight station yeah if you're an old clint fan there's a lot of different clinics with different girls really who are the clint fans and she remembers harmonic there were so many way back then dude that [ __ ] was a whole different era him playing oot and girls would just come to chat damaged vehicle usage violation uh i have to fix it your vehicle is not in technical state required by law okay literally none of them know my reference no one knows it's okay no one knows but that's fine the thing is chad is too young you're right it is too young i'm a minecraft audience you have to know that i just got raided by jack manifold that sucks yeah yeah it does suck yeah it does [ __ ] suck i've got all his stupid slimy kid child viewers i'm excited to see jack man unfold soon dude what do you mean soon is he coming home and uh actually i don't know if that's public it's probably fine to say but like i don't know i think we will see him soon from what i know hold on where will we see him i think it's sneak's wedding oh i think was that even public i don't know i have no idea yeah that's what i'm saying you asked me you doubled down i did double down you didn't i did bait you into responding yeah so sneeze snag is getting married i guess the cat's out of the bag on that one it wasn't they knew that do you think they knew that they knew that and they all sent me that people were going to his wedding okay then that's fair and that's fair i'm getting tired i should find a parking place to rest i've leaked a good bit before you leaked caves and cliffs i did so much for that looking update i've done so much from mojang honestly is the game loud how do i do that no one would have watched that [ __ ] event if not for me it's like look i just don't know if that's true it's it's just going to be another minecraft i think it's just suddenly everybody was reporting like twitch streamer report like leaks the update yeah and people like really oh there's gonna be a caves and cliffs update i'll watch now and they won fair enough honestly fair enough sneak snake is here in the chat now sneak snakes sorry for ruining the surprise it's literally ruining your like the day of your life i apologize for that yeah every every other day we ruined two probably people knew what do you mean no i actually ruined it no we did really i actually ruined ruined it no one actually knew that he was getting married i actually ruined everything about it it you ruined it you [ __ ] up inviting me snake i'm a problem you want to drive man oh i love driving you love driving yeah you can drive you finished finish your job well hey hold on i got 385 miles left there's a lot of there's a lot of driving dude also i have to find a rest stop soon so i have to get off at the next exit all right we'll let the rest stop okay yeah look it's even telling me you're getting tired ah what a [ __ ] you know it that's just when that's when you take the five hour energy exactly like actually like like actual life glitch like it's a cheek infinite life glitch is to like if you want to go to sleep you just take a five hour energy and then you have five more hours of energy and then get this once that runs out you take another one and then you never have to go to sleep so so true and actual actually facts yeah i went to the doctor today and they were like yeah they they put you on to five-hour energy well i didn't like mention the whole five-hour energy thing but i'm like do i seem healthy and they said yeah and then i was like all right cool then you need caffeine that's like an endorsement so here's what you guys can actually do you don't even need five-hour energy you can go on amazon you can search caffeine pills because that's what kids in my high school used to take who couldn't get an adderall prescription they used to get on uh on caffeine pills and it was super funny and i was scared of them but i mean hey it's just can't feel my god oh did you did you miss it i missed it i didn't hit it i didn't hit it man there's like a baby in the back of that van that's like narrowly alive you've heard this thing kind of wild i do drive a little bit wild drive kind of wild this is a bit of a wild driver i'm a wild i'm an island boy i'm an island boy hey it's daytime how about this connor how about i finish my drive and then you can do that go for it all right because i'm kind of feeling this both just not about getting up and switching seats in a day right now yeah yeah i really don't want to do that hold on can i get does conor get a speeding ticket that's a great prediction if i was [ __ ] driving dumbass stupid i don't want to jackknife this thing oh that's not good that's an interesting situation i'm in it wasn't designed for that was not designed for that for sure dude i have like parking issues like just like in a small car trying to like fit in somewhere and like i feel like i embarrass myself in the parking lot sometimes can you imagine if i had a truck i no i couldn't see you driving a truck i'm not i'm not a trucker i'm just not no nothing no part of your personality or appearance led me to believe that you would ever find yourself behind a wheel of a big rig that would be a nightmare scenario ever i feel like i could do it it's a good song it is a good song do you think i could do it i think you could be a trucker yeah there was a time i was watching lyric stream like what's been like five years ago now and he's this segment where he would just like let viewers call in while he was like playing a game like this and a literal trucker like called in really was like hey son i think you're a real mad entertaining and i don't know much about them video games but also on my also i'm driving right now i mean he'd be live like every day at like noon to like five so i guess it's a consistent thing for some people i took another why did i take another one just pour me some of yours you pour it too much i didn't pour too much here go ahead oh jesus [ __ ] christ you have half of mine oh call miss kiff he which he [ __ ] wishes i bet he's like just looking at reddit right now with nothing misleft doesn't have anything he actually told me yesterday in confidence he said schleich don't tell anybody but i have nothing and i've been so stressed i'm supposed to film something for him actually really yeah that's a leak what is it what is it like his [ __ ] birthday or something that's a leak yeah that's a leak that's actually his birthday coming up his birthday is matthew's birthday coming up it's his birthday matthew miska fernando yep 30 years old listen it's fine we can all retire because asthma gold is live that's a good i heard i saw he went live it wasn't even zachary it was asthma no so here's what happened yesterday all of us at otk gotten a call with him and we actually take we actually took turns sucking on his fat little chode to go live on asthma gold i thought that was just what you guys do on mondays i'm pulling over the truck okay oh that's not a pullover that's [Music] the sign just said don't drink and drive yo ban that guy [ __ ] ban that guy where's that guy ban him [Music] all right listen don't say that about us and asthma gold okay listen i yeah it's true we still stick every monday we suck his dick every monday okay that's nice to me every monday we suck his dick he treats me as an equal but you don't have to listen i know you're the leak guy but you don't have to leave that there's certain things you don't have to leak cool cody thanks for the prime buddy boy right brent thanks for playing that greyhound chief alexander that is a greyhound bus i i would [ __ ] him up but at the end of the day i get fined every time transportation go [ __ ] yourself all right support the economy of like vehicle manufacturers in the united states you heard it here first all right take out a loan from the bank and buy a [ __ ] car that's what i always say after spending years years of my life uh sitting on public transportation every morning at like seven o'clock in the morning and then all of a sudden oh no there's a dude [ __ ] screaming at the top of his lungs because he i don't know god knows why he's screaming at the top of his lungs but he is he is screaming at the top of his lungs why would you even take that it's just it's just gross i do like public transportation that isn't on wheels if it's a train i'm all about it i think that's cool oh you like trans yeah did you see joe biden retweeted my artwork he did yeah i sent him a little photo you lying to me it's on my twitter let's play bubba o'reilly i don't have any overlays set up where i can look at that twitter by the way i this is the most low effort stream on imaginable no this isn't that low effort come on now you don't think so well it missed stream i can't do that i'm driving right now i don't want to drink and drink or like be on my phone and drive that's really healthy yo dragon cat b-e-p gaming yo black guy from one train guy to another same thanks for the letter and drawing connor you've got quite the talent oh wow that's a good training i drew that train but then he tweeted he didn't credit me he didn't credit you [ __ ] a he didn't put your at you guys see my i tweet you get you can't see anything maybe you get the idea yeah yeah go follow conrad's pants on twitter though i'm almost a million followers song name gimme gimme are you kidding me you don't know this [ __ ] song i'll go joe do you think the truckers of america are slowly getting radicalized yes yes when they're hearing that joe rogan is like no longer cool are they joe rogan that will never not be cool i bet truckers love joe rogan i don't know absolutely do they listen to his mma podcast yeah and they're like i could do that craziest thing i hate when he talks about the mma [ __ ] i love it and care less i i don't know the names like i like watching a fight but i don't know like the details i want to see him interview like someone that's like you want to see the jordan peterson interview well no to an extent but i want to see when like the dude comes on and he's like yo i know about atlantis like atlanta oh true yeah you want to see those interviews that's what i'm about the jordan peterson was just wild because it seems like he's like slowly degrading like he's just like slowly like withering away like every white guy our age was like really got a huge energy burst when his first book came out and now they're like oh right wait what's happening it must be like when your father like gets dementia for a lot of these people they're just kind of like oh well i'll stick to the first 10 rules thank you very much yo hey guys any joe rogan lovers in the chat i heard uh some like video service offered him another hundred million dollars to come theirs i think i'm there instead yeah it was a d live driving accident in 2002 also can you tell me happy birthday well she should have been drinking and driving yeah i mean well no she she could have very well been drinking and driving there's no problem with that the problem is when you crash while you're drinking driving because it gives a bad rep to everybody else who drinks and drives like me sorry about the ant situation it's just a bad look for us yeah it's just a bad luck for us and also [ __ ] her thank you uh happy birthday happy birthday dude you gotta up the donuts to like 35 dollars it can be like a sap and out of stream or they're all just giving 35 bucks saying happy birthday you think so tell me happy birthday tell me you love me what if i upped it to 15 bucks for the tts if you think you need to be 20. you'll get there is it is it better or worse than it was in the old arrow it's better because they're actually funny yeah i feel like at my alt it's all like a bunch of twitch frogs at least to a certain extent yeah for the most part catch chill and you can sell when they survive like this they're all just like doing other [ __ ] but they're enjoying it and when you say like press one then they'll all just like then you'll see how many people are here and i actually have actual moderators that i i don't actually pay him this time either i know this is too well if someone should really pay me money like a lot of money to like give them insight i think you should you should get a job like that maybe at twitch i could save that website i could do so much maybe for one i won't play hearthstone in meetings which wow i know if you're a twitch and you hear that you're like oh my god does emmett shear play hearthstone at meetings oh yeah he does that's elite oh that's not the conrad's pants leak right there oh good song how's it going so i actually donated 10 bucks to hear it last time and i put it on so i mean they're getting this again for free what's this playlist called classic road trip songs got like five million followers that's good yeah i thought spotify was canceled no no no i uh i'm not gonna lie to you i actually love spotify and i have for a decade yeah i don't have a problem with it i've been a premium subscriber from for a decade literally the crazy thing was like we saw like all these articles that were like spotify like people were like protesting frank connor comes auto and listening to joe broken with us while blocking a major highway is that a canadian viewer maybe thank you you didn't sound very canadian i said come to ottawa yeah i know but everyone's telling me to go to ottawa they think i'm driving there right now well yeah you got to go to the trucker's like protest maybe i guess no more mass listen spotify sent us a little gift basket for chuckle sandwich so of course i'm going to love them oh that's what i'm saying florence cat girl calm but yeah spotify was like getting cancelled and it was like i saw like some [ __ ] like initially that was like so and so like is taking all their music off spotify and protesters joe rogan yeah yeah exactly a good example thank you hope world yeah that guy i was like i don't listen to your music i'm not sure who neil young is no me neither neil young and john mitchell those are just two like frat boys i don't know who that is how do you not know of neil young dude [ __ ] you band that guy ban that guy man ban that guy will conor ever make a guest appearance of chuckle sandwich do you want to tell them yes there you go yeah he will soon i really hat i actually have a song on a playlist do i have a neil young song i do have a nearly young song on my playlist well wait is that the old man song look at my life yeah it is it is i guess it's not on there anymore [ __ ] [ __ ] i guess dude i guess i guess my song only has 990 i guess my players only has 999 other songs [ __ ] me i guess it's over i gotta cancel something about joe rogan i think he might just be really unaware this game is boring this stream sucks what the [ __ ] what do you want us to play that guy with so many great names man i want that guy to come back i want to know what he wants to stick around think about ottawa takes anonymous with 10 bucks peachy emma i think joe rogan should invite us on the podcast when we moved here i was like like this could happen he would never play our cards right he's invited random people before who's been on there who's the like most no-name person's ever gone dude remember when uh do you remember a kind of funny games colin moriarty yeah remember when he put colin moriarty on there yeah it was just like okay let's call him more like why like we're bigger than colin moriarty that's going to get two omega lulls and no one else is going to know who he is right no one else is going to know good one it wasn't even a joke that was just like literally referencing a real thing oh man i'm almost done with this drive man i got 100 miles left that's fine i'll be live tomorrow and then i don't know when you'll see me dude you'll see you'll be streaming the next day too just drunk yeah i'm telling you man if this is how you get a stream you can why would you ever stream completely sober it just doesn't make any sense you're more funny when you're drunk anyways yeah that's how everybody is though cram victoria in front of us it's probably undercover cop [ __ ] him up [ __ ] him up [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] dude i love like the undercover cop cars that like don't look undercover at all and it's like a sedan like a shitty sedan with like lights on the top like okay why do you have the lights it's true we're doing good dudes really rationalizing alcoholism playing truck simulator i mean i've i've witnessed his like descent into alcoholism yeah he did like rather like it was rather rather quick too it was yeah like you like started drinking pretty sure i was like around like one of the first nights you were drinking like you were like in discord you're like yeah we were probably playing mario kart yeah you were like i'm drinking now like i'm going to start drinking yeah this is me now and then we moved here and then you just started like making mixed drinks yeah like this is great like i like this i'm like you shouldn't do this like every night no but i do but every day i'd come out to like the little island in the kitchen and it would just have like less and less of the alcohol in it yeah much less of each and then there'll be a new bottle every day yeah oh my god says that guy alex had to lower the music a bit i don't know i don't care all right oh you got last i just found ludwig i did yeah from from youtube oh he dm'd me ludwig from youtube that's not like a song i hung out with a good bit did you music is too loud to hear connor oh that's a problem is music actually too loud to hear me i don't care i'm gonna ask them drive hammered get nailed hell yeah [ __ ] you i'll know when i get nailed they said yes a little bit and just speak a little [ __ ] ladder how about aah he's actually drunk now if he belts out hooked on a feeling i know when you're drunk when you started him is getting lonely i don't sing you know i'm drunk when like suddenly i don't have social anxiety dude that's how you know no you do start singing when you're drunk i'll just be singing no you don't sing any of the time i'll sing in private well i guess i've never never been there to see it thanks lost donuts for the 42 dollars for some reason connor would you trust this man in driver's seat i literally have to like a lot of times yes yeah and i'm often drunk not when i'm driving yeah don't drive drunk that's terrible i'll be like hey can you pick me up from the airport he's like is it okay if i'm drunk i never say that [ __ ] that's just a lie that was that was made up listen lost jones did say that jim beam is getting lonely oh god that's a cop that's a cop hello officer oh ten and two so you like how those brakes work sir good that's pretty impressive so hey you see that little u-bend that's coming up what if we just cut across a little shortcut make a new road go for it all right there it is you see a little opening for you right there there it is oh my goodness all right that's fine still a shortcut oh well i'll have to do a little u-turn what are you delivering here what is this machine it's a harvester john deere harvester yeah it's a harvester don't know the brand turn the brake blinker merge back in oh it's on oopsie oh i'm careful there yeah almost good job good job no points deducted right no points deducted indeed i like going 60 miles per hour up and up up and off ramp you know yeah if you want to hear what i say just watch the vibe where there's no music do you wanna what do you wanna say in that nintendo direct tomorrow i have no [ __ ] care in the world for whatever is on that direction see a guy like me like my entire life is like based around when the nintendo directs are really and it's like oh well i'm just kind of waiting for the next one any nintendo fan is like that you get locked in this is a banger valerian was leaked for the direct i do not believe there's no way they're putting valerie on the switch no [ __ ] i [ __ ] despise you conor you're mods not that guy hey dude thanks for the prime henry ruggs says uh hey schlatt it's me again henry rugs the third i want to make sure you don't make the same mistake i did what mistake do you think he's talking about henry ruggs the third i'm pretty i think that guy probably beat his wife maybe i think no no no no that's the uh raiders player that got in a drunk driving that's actually sad that's way too relevant and sad actually what yeah no he got a drunk driving instead and killed somebody like a couple weeks ago henry ruggs henry ruggs i think yeah how do i know him he's a he was a player for the las vegas raiders oh that's in poor taste then maybe no that wasn't poor taste all right you're ruining to look for us drunk drivers i'm almost done man i got four miles left to go look at this the harvester's being dropped off we don't have to go anywhere until like 7 right you're right we have another hour i'm about to drive you can drive my friend drive all you want just want to make sure you know i got to drop it off first holbrook discovered wow i guess i dropped the harvester right here a new final would be could okay okay mods definitely ban that guy don't let the guys say a new fire emblem would be a good thing what the [ __ ] if they spend more than 20 minutes in like an anime dude you know they're going to announce like xenoblade 3 tomorrow you can clip this and be ready you know it's like new xenoblade game and it's been like 20 minutes on it and i'm gonna have to sit there and watch as the weebs just like normalize that [ __ ] boom where should i place it nah i'm in a hurry gotta go see you dude i'm not sweet never mind take that back this [ __ ] my friend 43 000 that's some good money right there that's right all right all right hold on let's get let's get you a good one i've never actually played this i'm assigned skill points what should we uh let's give you high-value cargo we do it's just more rewards what kind of job are you looking to take let me see hold on let me turn this music down [Music] i mean these are all expensive stuff i think connor should take a not 60 000 pound thing like a frack tank you know do that that's a that's a little one that's fine yeah it's 8 000 pounds it's no problem yeah why not hey schlott it's my first stream looking forward to the future streams as well also have any tips for debating in my debate class but i don't have another pair what if like you unplug this and then switch them this is a different plug oh you know what time out if i do no see yeah it's a different different yeah i guess you can wear this and i'll just play bill's just playing yeah i mean it sucks that i can't hear the music but yeah this is what it is can you uh actually just play yeah and then i'd leave you i gotta go to the bathroom that's fine it's my stream now finally getting the viewership i earned i deserve welcome everybody welcome to my live stream connor eats pants from twitch [Music] um okay where was it this one a thousand pounds i'm not sure how i do this guys how do i start it oh it's just oh my god emma i'm keeping this on i want the music hell yeah i hated that other dude yeah no it was like kind of like did you guys get like racist vibes me personally i did but i don't know did schlag get a haircut i don't know hey listen there's like a solid like four percent of you that don't even like his humor and i'm gonna call you out while he's in the bathroom and you just think he's hot i've noticed i've seen your profile pictures on twitter i know why are you here i get the same don't get me wrong i get the same i get the same it's just like come on now [Music] press escape and press drive oh thank you mod that guy that guy was kind of a dick yeah just followed conor that's good yo link my channel do i have like a pedal like what do i do i genuinely have no idea what's going on oh i do have a oh my god he's just so tall i have to like move this forward are you driving man yeah i gotta move that forward because you're like a foot taller than me i guess i might be short connor keck w okay listen you can laugh at me being short but not with the keck w moderators all right so how do i switch gears and stuff these uh paddles so now you're in automatic you're good to drive man they're not losing me money all right and how do i switch like my perspective which perspective is that bottom right button right there there we go all right wait you drove like that no no i'm just getting out of here okay there we go see this is what real truckers use is the above eye cam the bird's eye view did conor get his permit i'm 22 years old oh [ __ ] it's connor eats pants not from twitch they're predicting on whether or not you get a speeding ticket no no well actually i'll be up to no good sometimes hey thanks ether the overmind thank you appreciate that hey big guy i wanted to play snow runner live if i play music that isn't really free is it that we're going to come to my house and kill me you play music all the time so i'm really confused that little d-pad or the mouse see what the d-pad yeah all right now i see yeah uh dmca will come and actually kill you they'll do it but you get to like fight them too so like if they come yeah if they come to your house like you can like if you want to like fight like you can do it i'm going [ __ ] it if you try to hit me i dare you oh i gotta turn left oh [ __ ] this is not real careful this is not how eyes work i was like moving my actual head like i think it was like a vr game connor don't speed i just bet all my coins do you like that guy huh do you like that guy yes or no the guy who said i just bet all my coins on you not speeding yes because you're gonna do you're not gonna speed you're gonna follow along man okay what's the speed limit 55 yep see i was gonna know when the truckers are in the left lane it's like get out of there that's not where you go true but when you are the trucker sometimes it makes sense like this truck okay i'm going a little fast oh you're doing fine keep going keep going am i allowed so long as like the cops don't see me yeah as long as the cops don't see you you're good what's your favorite movie no i actually know this terminator 2 judgment day i knew that i knew the answer to that totally didn't know that i literally no i you know i knew that i know you know it it's a pretty view okay ban that guy yeah interstellar i like interstellar but it's the worst movie to say that you like because then there's always one guy that like tries to claim that like the the love is what transcends space and time theme is like the worst thing ever and you have to argue with that guy every single time you make that claim i like interstellar so at this point i don't even say i like interstellar because then i have to argue every [ __ ] time that is a fair point though i'll give you that connor i feel like you generally have bad taste in movies okay definitely ban that guy because i got good taste i've been like objectively correct on like everything what was that movie we watched [ __ ] in that hotel geostorm they got a new movie out what the same guy he has moon fall just came out moonfall it's like the same movie but the moon happens the moon is falling to earth oh wow i'm telling you we gotta see it emoji movie the interstellar i don't like that guy i i got i love jack's films but i got unironically annoyed at the like let's meme the emoji movie thing because it's just like you're just gonna justify them making that like oh i can't wait for the emoji it's like shut up no you yes you can that's not a good movie it's not a good movie connor do a drift don't do a drift you're driving you're driving a truck man they could announce mario kart 9 tomorrow they're not going to apparently it's in the lab what does that mean it's in the lab that they're working on it and what's the gimmick i'm telling you it's got to be that you can get out of the car why would it [ __ ] be that you can get out of there because nintendo there's nothing nintendo hates more than losers not having fun whereas if you're in last place it's like oh man i hate my life i suck in any game even no matter how even smash they're like okay we're gonna put you back up so that it's all even yeah we're helping you out so a imagine you're playing mario kart you're in eighth to twelfth place nothing's gonna help a bullet bill won't help you jump out of the vehicle and you just start [ __ ] punching people in the car like you you knock them the [ __ ] out you're mario and you're just like boom boom kirby gets a sword they gotta have kirby next if they don't have kirby in the next mario kart i'm gonna lose it if i cannot race as kirby on the warp star i'm gonna i'm gonna lose it i've been saying this for a while there's no reason that mario kart should not be the same kind of thing as smash and i agree we have random characters like why i agree i think that like it should be mario kart like you should have a [ __ ] ton of mario characters yeah but it should have nintendo creators too there's just no two have like 100 characters like it's like the easiest i want you to be mature valentine's day you don't even i can't take her disgustingly vibrate anymore make them appreciated no except and they don't all you have to do is have them turn the steering wheel on yeah it's literally like nothing it's no work turn the light how to turn headlights on l yeah on the keyboard l you know the letter l there you go i feel safer now can i make my personal chef meal can you make it yeah would you let me heat it up real quick yeah go for it i got it you got it this is fine yeah no i'm a streamer dude all right obama i want you to be my to be michelle's valentine i can't take her disgustingly bad breath anymore it stinks okay i don't think that that's real i think michelle obama probably has good breath call me crazy but i feel like michelle obama does not have bad breath besides mario kart 9 what do you hope for literally any game that isn't a [ __ ] weeb game is like a win in anybody's book that isn't stupid that's the problem being a nintendo fan is that you got like a bunch of you that are just a [ __ ] bunch of [ __ ] losers that like pog champ at any [ __ ] jrpg they see and they don't complain unlike me who will make my voice hurt and then they'll get mad at me they're like [ __ ] this guy he's always so negative shut the [ __ ] up i'm just i'm just your average joe that one's good games i don't know what he's saying everybody i'm getting pissed they're talking you can you can take this stream over if you want that's fine no you gotta heat up your thing it's heating up it's heating up it's doing it you could have sonic or kirby and mario kart who would you pick well i feel like sonic's like a pretty crazy addition to mario kart so i guess sonic that would be cooler but kirby is just like necessary like kirby should have been in before the inkling oh we're going to see splatoon 3 tomorrow i got i got some takes on splatoon are they making the third one yeah what a what a terrible idea who the [ __ ] still plays with two nintendo fans they love splatoon you gotta thank the subs by the way thanks for the sub coffee uh coffee's bite appreciate it dude cootie that's a pretty cool name thank you gerbil man shout out to you dude jf does games and ian cal thank you for the prime sub i really respect that you're not going over the speed limit too much here i mean i can like no don't wait it literally won't let me actually i just realized yes it will i'm like oh now i'm going up i i like slammed on the gas and now it's going up a little truck takes a little bit opinions on capitalism i think that's a pretty loaded question like definitely a loaded question like in in the way that it presents itself right now like in our lives like definitely there's definitely nothing wrong with it right right now yeah right now it's right now it's great doing really good well like as i've grown up i've suddenly realized like begun to open my mind like the idea of different ideologies and i'm like oh well you know what like maybe maybe capitalism isn't the best one like maybe hassan isn't a [ __ ] idiot what that's what i realize sometimes and then i'm like wait a minute no he is dumb and like right that's what you think it's stupid yeah no it said that then is the best one yeah this kind of guy should be a streamer he's really good at it i'm working on it we'll see he should be conor crash this is speeding music though i think my food's ready i smell it that epic moment when you pay for tts and it doesn't work that's right [ __ ] you're moderating don't [ __ ] if you send something it's not gonna play yeah it takes time oh we're going to oakland uh oh please don't go to ottawa we're on our way are those guys still like actually like out there protesting like they're just chilling like what's is it what's the vibe like anybody know anybody been there are you being serious about the oakland thing are we going to oakland it looks like it but i'm wondering like what the vibes are like in ottawa right now terrible yes it's sad but like what are the vibes though the vibes looking like chill apparently i'm hearing it's chill like i feel like when you're like protesting for like 12 days like after like day like eight it's like all right we're settling in like we're no idea what you're talking about you don't know about the canadian trucker protest no it's a bunch of truckers that have driven to the capitol somewhere yeah so a bunch of truckers went to the capitol in in canada and are just like protesting mass mandates and they're just like parked there protesting are they honking their horns yeah they're probably doing they were like the facing like some like monuments and [ __ ] they were they were doing the most what am i eating grilled chicken they weren't going off like we did like we kind of went crazy with our whole like protest [ __ ] that was there yep on the sixth six yeah what the [ __ ] did you just [ __ ] say about me you little [ __ ] i'll have you know i graduated top of my class in the navy seals and they've been involved in numerous secret raids all in this great after and i have over 300 confirmed kills i am trained it would cut you off yeah it didn't read the whole thing right is that what you're saying yeah yeah we'll we'll get the science to fix that soon we've got top men working on it that coffee pasta is so good did you become the next germa by the way no i didn't i did not become the next german why not because i wasn't german enough i was team me you weren't germa enough no it was two conor eats pants not enough germa can you believe it yeah it's okay i'm kind of cool being conor eats pants really fine like it's fine like it's cool y'all know something funny stone pie you know don't get me started he doesn't want to be stone pie anymore he wants to be xqc he's always going to be xkc i've known him longer you know when he visited us yeah we hung out and he was talking like a regular person yeah and then he goes home and then he goes on stream and he's just talking like this uh yeah no but that's good listen i'm a stone i was a stone puff fan or you were i can't accept that [ __ ] baby emote and he tried to if you've not seen his little but someone's gonna [ __ ] post it they're gonna post that little baby stone pot and they're going to try to defend it maybe there's no defending he has this emo where he's just like a baby there it is he's got a little like pacifier in his mouth wow and he's like oh dude like you gotta hop on the baba wave i'm like what do you mean he's like like you dude like you're gonna it was me and my friend dylan and stonepaw a lot of old-time viewers good friends of mine and um we're like dude like this baba thing like what the [ __ ] and he's like yeah dude you're gonna be in the bobble wave in a couple months i'm like no no i'm not gonna be on the bot this is not a thing you gotta get off you gotta get in the right lane and get off move over be careful that guy got in my way my god fresno ew where's my blinker it's your [ __ ] i'm turning left thumb i don't need a stop sign okay you don't have to use the blinkers no one in texas does facts we still got a long way to go oh my god yeah yo i thought that was like almost done this is like where you die like in this area like off the road of the highway this is true this is where you die what can i spend slap rewards on shut the [ __ ] up keep your money unban my emo oh someone banned baba dude you can't you can't is stonepie here he said he said someone banned baba stonepa the second you stop talking like you want to be another streamer you want to be yourself man you want to be yourself i don't know what he's talking about but i agree that's facts [ __ ] stone paw we're actually on the [ __ ] stone paw wait now yesterday we were big on stone paw today right fell off sorry fill up we banned who's up next after stonepower russia probably how's that yeah yeah now what do you mean they would never let prezzo be successful prezo had a terrible [ __ ] stream yesterday sounds down you gotta turn left here man i see i see he was doing this brand deal for some snuggy thing and he put the camera up the snuggie and we saw his fat he had a brand deal with snuggie and then put the camera up the snuggie yeah we saw his stomach and his chest and everything and then he did like stomach rolls it was disgusting what the [ __ ] yeah president stream killed last night the best president's stream is when he's drunk and like talking about his ex that is like oh yo prezzo's in the chat real prezzo fans that's like that's when the [ __ ] stream is on like you tune in you don't chat that's the thing is like you'll have some chatters that are like dude go offline like bro like stop this but then if you're like you're there at 3am you're quiet and you're like yes keep going prezzo i loved watching stonepaw play unpacking the other day i was actually going to play it later today but you showed up what is unpacking it's a game where you unpack that's terrible no i do like power watch simulator and house flipper so maybe it's like that yeah it is maybe i'd like it i had a brand deal with like dawn soap and then they canceled dawn soap yeah you had a brand deal with dawn's they canceled on me though why would they ever because they sponsored me and mango and then mango stream had a bunch of people that were saying like in the chat i am going to eat the soap like they were like i they like i want to eat the soap and of course you have mango it's like [ __ ] drunk like partying like [ __ ] music the whole time dancing and then they come to me and they try to change my contract they're like hey you're responsible if anybody types in the chat like i'm going to eat the soap right like my management's like hey like that's not fair like that's not oh [ __ ] i gotta turn you got to get over and um but they were they weren't budging like they were really scared after the mango stream and i'm like that's the last time i ever do a sponsor after mango like i have to go first [Music] i think connor mods to work is a bad idea that's actually so true my mods are terrible that's okay i love them connor josh is making fun of you what does josh say what does he think he is everyone seems to be here tonight we got stone pie and pretzel any other verified accounts in the stream tonight josh is live this is some drama dude wait till i expose josh on the stream dude wait wait till you hear dude stop i want to hear your response man i need more is this money more of mine right that's not yours but you can have it so this personal ship i have made me a little dish but there's asparagus in it i don't know if i like asparagus why the [ __ ] did they do that because i said give me healthy things are you hoping for odyssey too sure and that guy why are you being so rude i don't know that wasn't nice that was a fair question that was actually great i love talking about games i just didn't know what to say it's kind of like a tick like i'm not going to do it in this game unban that guy don't use my price this playlist also watch out for beer that was critical what that was charlie i love charlie he's my favorite people we got to do something with him soon yeah go to tampa well i'd rather die than do that you might go yeah you've never you'd have been the same for that it's kind of like it's florida but like if there was like less like poverty and more like just like rich people oh yeah am i right tampa people i mean there's still like it's still florida don't get me wrong but it's better than orlando diet florida yeah do not listen to that guy trust me i've been there dude that guy's lying orlando sucks orlando does suck i'm surprised people live in orlando shit's just a disaster left and right chips or salsa that is a stupid question they go together imagine if like the server come up do you want the chips or the salsa like we can't give you both that's ridiculous like i guess i take the chips because it's like edible whereas i guess you just got a 400 speeding ticket man what the [ __ ] well that guy just lost all his channel points sorry officer honestly only four you gotta slow down man there's another one right there i'm going the speed limit now don't flip them off it's rude i'd never do that a lot of people speaking up now y'all are real [ __ ] quiet second i [ __ ] speed up y'all got a lot to say connor i'm your biggest fan what's that guy's name i'll tell you if they're the biggest fan or not i know i know my people you know all of them i know more than most would i remember names pretty well connor how is bumper doing what does that mean like how is he doing he's bumper he's cute he is cute it's a bit of a problem child but he's cute i don't want the rest of this movie i'm just drifting like i'm driving the middle again can you not drift the [ __ ] truck what am i even carrying what is this stupid why is the music so [ __ ] loud oh [ __ ] okay don't tell him that don't tell him about that no bitcoin german slatter streaming i faced the dilemma listen guys germa is a great streamer probably the best to ever do it but like look at this rope like we got places to be it's true it's true why are you on that view this is not the right view no man get behind the wheel what the [ __ ] there you go i need song slash band suggestions what do you got i don't know my personality trait isn't like defined by music i don't ever have an answer that question connor should go on chuckle sandwich dude you guys are late literally like rewind we've talked about this why are you driving on the right band that guy shot your connor friend is cute and that guy for someone with an e conor looks like your son that's rough when it looks like your son been that guy for saying i look like his child hey listen you gotta listen to the streamer mods you should make your own podcast dude we're gonna make the game in podcast where is gay men happening i don't know whenever they saw me to otk you gotta get on that do you want to join otk i want money well we don't have that that's the problem we can get you more viewers though i'll take that you guys need more girls do we girls bring the sponsorships telling me you haven't had more sponsorship opportunities since emmy joined no we definitely have some time yeah we definitely have i mean carries literally like the viewership does not tell the full story she's taken over the company from the inside why does conor look so small i'm just a small guy and society doesn't have a place for like small silly men like me small silly men yeah no one respects small silly men anymore you know what you might be right is that a cop behind me blinking yo yes slow down i'm gonna am i i'm not 49. what did you just say what were you about to say i wasn't gonna say anything what were you about to say right there connor i wasn't gonna say anything i respect our voice a lot i listen to joe rogan i actually went to the uh doctor today yeah five five without shoes which means five six with shoes that's big it's a lot of hype and dare i say it's winter right now i'm wearing boots this might be a 5-7 on a good day that's big man no i'm getting up there i'm taller than connor and i'm 15. okay but you're a loser that's true you're not streaming right now yeah are you streaming are you on the schlatz stream right now no no it's a good song what song is it kickstart my heart isn't your license say five foot seven it does but i was wearing shoes so maybe i'm five seven with shoes maybe i'm like a really high five five so that when i'm wearing shoes in five seven i'm saying not that it matters the thing is like i'm in like the short enough zone where it doesn't matter how tall i am like the general understanding is that oh this guy's short and it's like that's something i have to accept like that's just part of life and if you're in that position like you just need to learn to accept it it's true it's the same with dick size i mean you can't exactly you can't really do anything that's the crazy thing is like the disparity there you can't even do anything like i have a huge dick what yeah you do now you really yep are you lying no i'm not lying you're not lying it's like insane like in comparison it's like wild wow no more charlie i am also five foot six the perfect height for us also five foot six that's my friend prove it we're not allowed to do that here you could post it on twitter maybe don't think you can do that there either yeah you can not with a check mark surely no well i mean if i just posted my dick and was like look with the check mark they'd probably be like okay wait a minute imagine the reaction though it's gotta cool numbers right it'd be funny if you got unverified why'd you get unverified oh i just posted my dick this isn't safe reggie just posted his wordle like reggie fisa name was it good i didn't do today's world yet oh it's a good one it's a good one he actually posted his wordle i could beat up right what the [ __ ] i could beat him look at reggie look at reggie oh is that a good he got it in two turns and he goes had to try it done not my jam well he what a [ __ ] prank it's a two-turn wordle and he's like no i'm not like pliers that's like what he did with nintendo he like had like one success and then left after like a thousand misses i'm not a reggie defender you'll know that about me reggie was a [ __ ] idiot he came from pizza hut and then took the nintendo job did he really yeah he was a pizza hut guy wow connor you're low on fuel man what do i do you got to pull over to a gas station next time you see one all right reggie fisa may thought it was a good idea to name the nintendo 3ds revision the new nintendo 3ds oh that was so bad so that you couldn't google which 3ds you want if you said new nintendo 3ds you get like ebay listings of like new 3ds that weren't the new it was just terrible the wii u was he behind wii u too he didn't stop it i mean he had the ability to change that and he didn't like in terms of localization that was entirely on him crazy guys i know i need gas i see him [Music] don't do that to him itch he's busy killing someone right now yeah he's he's at work i'll let him know i feel he dueled satoru iwata connor did you that man is dead that is intensity flirty and gator thank you for the new sub ivory boop the scoops is a gas station right here yeah pull over yeah go in one of those green things stop the car and then hit enter you're gonna break here yeah there's no like a pullback on the break so it's hard to tell what do i do press e now you fill her up hold hold the button let's see how [ __ ] expensive it gets you seeing that [ __ ] i only got the wii u for ultimate and baral was better matt are you stupid ultimate was not on the wii u holy [ __ ] peach rings thank you so much for the 25 gifted songs strings go to my channel no no no no you're good here you're good am i good you gotta hold it down man okay so i just keep going yeah it's like 700 bucks to fill it up now what let me just keep going am i still in the right gear yeah cool connor looks like he's five i do not look like him five he's not five i'm not five i'm 22 years old i'm a grown man i have my own problems oh oh dude you gotta look out you gotta look okay he wasn't in the mirror he's in the blind spot guys i'm not small he's just tall it's like like like i'm not that smart like i'm small like don't get me wrong i'm not like that small like i'm not like oh my god what's wrong i'm just like i'm small hunter needs sideburns i've been shaving lately i don't know i gotta think about it think about it is five ten that's just literally not true no it's not true you you won't catch me making fun of people's height because listen i've been there for years like it's like yeah it's [ __ ] up what can i do like what can i do if i could be taller you know i would what's your ideal height i don't want to be like a tall guy like i think like 5 10 5 11 like i'd be happy really yeah i wouldn't be and that's fair i get upset if i woke up and i was i mean no offense connor i like your height are you a girl that's hot they didn't have a pink name so probably not no no no that's a dude bro that's a dude that's a guy percent that's a dude that's a guy i feel like i'm not a terrible looking guy no i don't think you are connor your height is cute that's a bad thing to say though that's a bad thing cute isn't it obviously though what guy would say cute i think like my personality supplements no guy is going to say that's a cute height so maybe you maybe you can get some so as a girl over 6b i could i understand your struggle like actually though like i feel like we can relate because like we could never like oh my god wait you guys should make a tv show together yeah like like tall girl and i'm the short guy when i say like a tall girl like i'm like okay like we're we're destined to just be platonic here like this is not gonna happen do you think that's the case do you think you need to date someone that's shorter than you i don't think anything is shorter but like someone's like despairingly taller than you i think it's like but that's actually true because like my best friend his parents are like the dad is like my height and his mom is like a lot taller so it's not true hey listen some dudes are into that some dudes want to be taken care of and there's nothing wrong with it it actually probably is like a super alpha move to be like a short guy like a super tall girl 100 i might have to try it this chat turned into a connor stan group listen we've been lacking for a while i kind of needed that comeback all of the people that were like connor's hot had to like hide in the shadows i see the private quote retweets on like my selfies i get it like listen yeah he could see him but like listen i need that public support too not like him like i don't want to have to like deal with like someone some crazies you know but what do i deal with you got some crazies out there i have pretty hands maybe i pay too much attention but i know you do too so i know you know i don't pay that much attention i'm not gonna lie to you you don't not as much as me i know for a fact there's just one [ __ ] twitter account who is absolutely batshit insane yeah and sometimes i'll check on their account just to uh just to make myself laughable what people don't get is they'll be like omg like connor or schlatt knows about x or y it's like it's literally our job to like be aware of things of course holy [ __ ] all right patreon twitter stay on honestly if you really want to make me happy you'll go to jay schlatt and you'll gift because i'll get more money that's true that's crazy they gave you that sub split and then you've been streaming for two years yeah so thank you man i appreciate that is someone here oh yo it's trevor oh my god trevor's back yes dude i love this guy this is just for you though jack may not wait what jack manifold say you're doing shots i missed his message what jack manifold saying is manifold here can you i cannot wait to get [ __ ] up with jack manafort i feel like jack can't handle his liquor no no the sneak snag wedding after party is going to be a movie really we're going to get [ __ ] up with that that's a cup is that a coke that's a [ __ ] you're right that's like many shots like two shots wait is he allowed to drink here if he comes here no no he can't all right it's illegal we have our ways jack cheers i won't tell you hi trevor there is no way jack manful comes to the u.s and does not drink there's just no way that that's not gonna stop don't say it don't say it how about you just don't say it what are they gonna do phantom i mean there's no proof british people right it's crazy yo we're definitely not going to drink oh yeah i saw his message okay peace okay someone please like redirect peach to mine thank you so much why does jack keep getting timed out for his message that's so funny he's spamming this fossilbot just like banned is it like no to ban jack manifold yeah it does yeah oh dude look at that cool [ __ ] trailer up there that's like some 50 [ __ ] is it an airstream i don't know let's get a closer look connor do not conor come on now come on now stay in that left lane on it connor eats pants staying stay in that [ __ ] left lane oh my god it's only three percent we have to pay for that that was a good hit yo jack how's it going man good to see you in my chat thanks for the raid earlier yeah do you think he's a funny little fellow he's a funny guy i think it's funny how he can like move his face yeah no he's got a good face he does i mean not it's crazy and it's funny because he's not conventionally attractive he pulls off like the bald look at 19 which is bold yeah like that's bull that's like maybe like a few percent of men can do that but he does it yes jack don't listen to them when they're like grow your hair out don't do it all right as a man to pull off the bald look like you get respect from your peers it's true it's true you know better jarokin can pull off the bald look yeah i feel like it's like nicely like if i could pull off being well i never tried to be fair but like if i could like it'd be nice you think you would because i just wouldn't have to care right yeah but you don't have to care either way i mean i do like otherwise like well they might be ocd stuff like i hate when like my hair is like slightly misaligned like it kills me there's a donation that just got denied from ahmad um that just said uh it was ben shapiro pretending to be ven shapiro okay as the ai and it was like hey when are you coming on the daily wire i want to do a segment on jelqing there's a good one man why'd they deny that man because they called me some inappropriate name oh sorry man that was daily wire as yeah not good not good dude i really i try to like follow politics loosely i feel like as an adult like i should be like somewhat well aware why i just like i've become an adult and i'm like okay like i need to like vote do you think i vote do you think i know no like it's like i don't know i was like this russia thing's bad like i'm like they probably shouldn't invade no it's not you don't think they let him do it let him do it i don't care am i russia i like low-key just another war we should get in i low-key kind of care so i was like i'm gonna look this up and then candace owens was like it's like this is all because of hunter biden's emails and i'm like i literally thought you were about to say this is all because of 100 thieves that would be crazy yo what is the like pipeline to like get from 100 thieves to like the russian invasion of ukraine like what is like like what did they do to lead to that happening like like timeline was like it's gonna be like a domino effect like nadeshot makes the hundred thieves compound video yeah and then slowly the dominoes start falling and eventually russia invades ukraine that was a great video you got a lot of [ __ ] for that what the hundred thieves compound video yeah they were making fun of them what happened they were like oh this is cringy like oh you're like a corporate brand but i'm like that's what it's all about baby it's all about the rocket mortgage fortnight totino's training room exactly like that's the legendary even donkey got on it dude when i talked the nade shot when miz and i went over to the compound chat was like man like that donkey video was so funny but they were like so mean to me like we were drinking like he may i don't know but it was funny i'm like yeah nade shot yeah i'm like yeah but it was like a funny video it was a funny video he's like yeah it was a funny video it's like you played mw3 i'm like yeah man [ __ ] the guy ban the guy who just said euro truck get the [ __ ] out dude there was a huge update for that one uh fan made cod game that i showed you a couple months ago yeah yeah they put a huge update today it's like their one year anniversary right they should like full game play of like a hard hat and shipment and they brought back gateway from mw3 which is like that that was like the face off like beach map if you remember it was like yeah oh it's a beautiful map it looks like no way they're not getting into trouble right now no the thing is it's the perfect opportunity because now microsoft's busy buying them and worrying about monopolies so they don't have the time to like dmca like there's like no one knows the jurisdiction on it i'm talking about it you don't think microsoft is going to enforce their own intellectual phil spencer is like a chill guy like he gets off i'm being like a chill guy do you think phil spencer's the one given at dmc yes if you think he's the one yeah if people get that i wouldn't live oh i had the exit if people get mad you missed the exit i'm gonna turn right what the [ __ ] are you doing there we go i got a gear shift where's my reverse how do i reverse another shifter this one other one everything in reverse hey dude no no it's fine just [ __ ] my truck up man just [ __ ] my truck up that's fine no you can do that wrong way i get it trucks are hog you're neutral now is what you're in you're neutral see i can't where do i see that wait what why are you going you see it over there oh great you got hit by another [ __ ] truck hey you got hit by another [ __ ] truck oh my god i'm gonna kill him i know people there's no kill functionality in the game i know people bushnell trump [ __ ] you got to get over there's an exit right there coming up though see i'm paying attention to my mirror now dude you have not made me much money i'm not gonna lie to you you took a very cheap job and you've you've done 20 damage can you break please you've done 20 damage to my truck which i'm gonna have to pay for i'm gonna pocket all that this is a good game i love this i'm having so much fun stop backsiding thank you thank you remember when like you made this account and people didn't realize it was your account yeah and you were just like here you were like oh my god going back to streaming right those people got like unexcited pretty quick like why like come on like be excited bishop's live how about you keep that energy for like a couple months at least fake schlatters the same fake schlatters that still like spam like eat pant konar you know who you are that's a funny one though you gotta it is funny like super ironically now i told you how like my unban requests since you came back are crazy because like so we came back people got banned two years ago and they came back to twitch now and they're like wait what the [ __ ] of course come back to youtube if youtube was if was if whiz was there schlatt would be over there that's the problem it's josh i really need the raid please tell schlott to raid me after you go off joshua 10 said please raid me in a golf line no he's gotta rate otk i have to rate otk people i'm in a contract or me no no you also raid me you know that you do don't say no i need you to give me i'm not going to raid you i need to explain i've rated you so many times you made me two times like a month ago yeah my first [ __ ] stream back i rated you no yes because i was here for that stream that's not true you're right i was trying to gaslight you yep it's [ __ ] up that's [ __ ] up everybody witnessed that too everybody witnessed that and i was about to take it i was about to sit here and allow that but you all witnessed it sorry i'm just like that listen i need rides like the blue collar streamers like me like it's like it's different out here well you're going on an extended break now tell me this connor would would you rather not just stream while intoxicated every time this is so much better like i didn't realize that like i wasn't like going fast especially when you're like heavily intoxicated that's when it gets really fun yeah then it's like a game i love this [ __ ] oh my god am i even in control of my speech at this point i really got it like i got a drink when like i watched an intended director like i'm gonna have to do it again exactly because the last one i drank when i did it and it was like viral she went viral dude that [ __ ] did go viral it went viral they're like dude this guy was drinking when like they announced chris pratt as mario like that's funny all right now this is gonna be the difficult part is the parking correct this is oh no you actually just have to pull up right to that green thing and stop the car right there i watched slime play this like a year ago and he was like struggling well it makes you it gives you the option if you want to park you can try but i don't think you should i can pull it off okay stop the [ __ ] car oh i just stop it i thought you're supposed to stop it on that now reverse now you have to reverse because you drove past it where the [ __ ] is that get the [ __ ] car in reverse when you said remember when i said earlier like how do i see if i'm in reverse or neutral and then you showed me and a2 you see a2 yeah that means you're an automatic the left the left shifter neutral i see it now you have to be breaking bro but like remember remember like you told me that and like i pretended to like listen like i just didn't listen you weren't listening is what you said i was like literally bullshitting the whole way now here do this let's get a little view of the truck [Music] why does it look like that is that what it's always looked like that is so [ __ ] up looking wait a minute have you been driving that thing for 500 miles i think i might have caused a problem that doesn't seem right would you like to try and park it i gotta get you to 90 xp okay you gotta park it up there do you see that you see that listen i got this okay so the engine is malfunctioning which is also fun we'll we'll get that now stop the car and put it back in automatically we have people for that put it in drive you want to put the car now you're shifting you're hitting the wrong paddle so to the left is reverse and then to the right is like oh it like switches it back and forth i see yeah all right so now you can do this i think my mom could have done this better i'd like to see your mom try i really would bet your mom sucks at driving we could kill that guy we probably wouldn't get paid though if i'm in a truck and like i see somebody like the thought and on my mind no time is like that guy could die because of me [ __ ] [ __ ] he doesn't even know it's so crazy doesn't even know that like we're talking [ __ ] okay this is where the fun begins how do you depend on putting the payload just give me a minute i've got this i'm actually the parking remember when i was telling you i was bad at parking there i was it was like a jib's a bit yeah i'm actually like so there is a wall there i've got this there's a wall there stop stop moving the mouse okay watch this [Music] you're getting tire shot face shut the [ __ ] up connor this is not how trucks work this is not gonna work the way you think it's going to i've got this uh oh this is exactly what i was saying this is not how trucks work but i've got this i'll stop backseating fine i'll do it i've got to shut up yeah listen i don't need his i don't need this i've got this [Music] [Music] not to mention bro they want the payload here and the and your truck there turn right [ __ ] idiot they want your you need to like switch the orientation of the entire truck if you're gonna get 90 xp for me here no this might literally take 30 minutes but you know what okay so you're damaging the payload a little bit or neutral there [Music] connie should wear hand size of a shot i bet you want that you [ __ ] stan what the [ __ ] compare hand sizes that's some like hairy styles like fan [ __ ] trust me i listen my best friend growing up was a hairy style stan and she was [ __ ] insane i know what you're about [ __ ] weirdo [Music] why does connor look like elliott paige that one got me where are you going i'm figuring it out hit enter and skip it [Music] you're in neutral [Music] i'm gonna park here that's not where i want you to [ __ ] park i got it it's not gonna allow that is it [Music] right so you get a jackknife in now that's awesome man no that's awesome [Music] oh my god give up man hit enter hit enter no no i'm getting this why does the car not turn it's literally turning right now man you're just a tr it's a truck it doesn't have the same physics regular cars have this is a cyber truck do this you dumb [ __ ] you're in a true american like sled over there he's so much better you know who's also better your 44th president barack obama and i hereby state you are dumbest god bless america [Laughter] connor eats pants oh you leveled us up oh wow we were level 17. a lot less complaining now wait oh no no you didn't you didn't we need 70 xp see if you had parked if you had parked successfully we would be level 17. i was down the park [Laughter] saying actually the fans were on my side you were saying press enter end this that's your fault you could have had you could have been level 17. i i don't know what to tell you i don't think you're gonna do it can i be honest with you sad face you can personally ban that guy connor sucks sad face personally ban that how do i see their user card here we go honk nice so blind ninja moment dweme yeah ban that person yeah probably a girl oh no keep him then you're probably a girl listen no unban unban that well hold on that's we were talking about this earlier yes you that desperate problem [Music] connor sucks yeah maybe on your mom's boobies oh all right all right man all right man i got let me take the seat from you let me take this city it's been you've been getting a little crazy i should come here more often you think yeah i think people like if you're doing like a truck stream yeah you you'd want a truck yeah i have fun doing this you want to truck a little bit i'm having a good time oh wait you should switch to the earphones and i do that now right yeah no you're right good call [Music] connor is literally 14. i'm literally 22 rylan [ __ ] ryland his name is rylan imagine you imagine no it must suck like not riley not dylan ryland [ __ ] i did not [ __ ] my cat what the [ __ ] you have to defend that no it's just shane's isn't it oh yeah shane dawson you know what i honestly like don't think he [ __ ] his cat like i know that's bold but i don't think he did that no no he didn't [ __ ] his cat i don't think he's a good guy i don't i don't think he was good at the cat but i like when he says like i did not [ __ ] my cat i'm like you know what who the [ __ ] [ __ ] a cat that's what i'm saying like i'm like yeah you probably didn't do that [Music] photo studio switch to photo mode to take cool truck pictures [Music] oh he's gonna be badass [Music] hey connor and chad it's me reggie i'm sorry for naming it the new nintendo 3ds that was uncalled for all right i have got to get back to playing animal crossing new leaf on my nintendo 3ds except it's just helicosh conor sixel thank you reggie dude gaming podcast first guess reggie because we gotta talk about games this is so sick if it's like the game man it's gotta be games it's gotta be gaming in the day hold on hold on no i know but i'm just like talking [Music] hold on guys i'm not schlet's son i'm literally like older than him for like a couple weeks hold on i'm taking a cool truck photo this is that this goes really hard now you gotta like get the sunset in there so go back look at you yeah yeah you gotta make sure you're so like gonna like feel like driver's side like yeah no no no go to driver so you gotta get the sun in there dude get the sunset going yeah yeah it's that ludwig yeah i don't even know what it [Music] it is white guy with like light colored hair that's a lot of wig for sure got it downtown ottawa listen we're not in ottawa right now look at that mustache in the top right yeah dude my character is going pretty good that's awesome like that's like a wicked stash we could do a truck upgrade the thing about that though is that's like almost too much of a stash like that's like a conversation not even a starter but that is the conversation you think it's like whoa like your mustache is like a lot like how do you eat food that is true sometimes when my mustache gets too long it gets this guy said i'm glad connor isn't a woman because otherwise it would have ended up badly there's so many ways to go what do you mean like i'm a bad driver women are actually great drivers so sorry sorry i'm progressive and you're like a bit of a loser you wouldn't get it bit of a feminist well uh conor i think we're gonna end the stream right here i think we gotta get we gotta book a little yeah we're right she'll probably go yeah we probably should guys who should we raid we're getting we're getting dinner with nadeshot we are we turned down 10 million dollars we turn out 10 million now we're gonna get dinner with nadeshot yeah it was 10 million dollars or dinner with nadeshot and we were like well we gotta like think long term right and like jay-z might be there but like they said probably not but like there was a chance who's live right now hasn't been called still live with 150 000. they want you to rate josh well no no no well let's check who you're following would love to truck with you boys one day oh i am the greatest driver the world has ever seen thanks jackman i'm not sure he's british do you think he's gonna no he's gonna be like you all need to play euro truck you don't need to play euro trucks what it's american trucks oh what is that payload what what are these harvesters doing on the road if you're not oh if you're not transporting ten dollars a gallon of petrol is that you can't drink it at nineteen huh let's get into the [ __ ] let's let's just start driving shall we now look the past couple times we've been driving have not been our best showings on the road we do have 250 000 now which is good thanks to connor who actually uh helped out for once which is nice of him but we still got more jobs to do you know there's still more [ __ ] to do and so what are we feeling here's what i'm feeling here's what i'm not feeling i'll tell you right now what i'm not feeling the last thing i want to do at in a moment like this is take another huge ass load all i do is take huge loads that's all i've been doing my whole life and that's what i want to get away from now and so what i think we do is we don't take something that's 34 000 pounds maybe we take a frack tank that's 8 000 pounds that's an easy one [Music] we'll take it up to ottawa yeah exactly we'll take the job 36k we're just transporting some petrol yeah an ass load some might say [Music] ah all right 900 miles and you know what no tickets not a single ticket coming in i guarantee it not a single not a single [ __ ] one not a single ticket guarantee it even is there's no sound [Music] overlay should be working [Music] mods i think we got two tts's that did not play just checking up on it you know all right let's get out of here oh okay just a big left turn i'm not gonna get a speeding ticket i'm not i guarantee it [Music] guarantee it it's just not gonna happen today i'm a whole nother man [Music] what okay what is the what what is that do trucks normally look like that i feel like the wheel should not be part of the [Music] maybe trucks are like that now hold on i gotta figure out this tts situation [Music] should be working i'm out [Music] bro you've been live for four days straight and every time i have to go to work and miss it what the [ __ ] man sorry buckled hickory listen as soon as you break out of the uh as soon as you break out of that uh nine to five wage slave job of yours come back to me we're going to ottawa or something i don't know we got a nice peaceful drive 900 miles boys full tank of gas not even tired and guess what it's 8 30 in the morning which means we got a day of driving in front of us a day of daytime driving but thank you buckled hickory thank you guys for all the subs all that i do want to talk to you about something related to twitch at a certain point i guess i'll bring it up but uh right now let's chill yeah the wage slaves are uh please hold on right now and deliver my supplies for my hospital obama listen i'll get it there immediately listen i know hospitals need a lot of oil i don't know what you're trying to do with oh i was gonna i was i was totally gonna weave in there but that is a police officer right there i'm telling you i'm telling you i'm not getting a single ticket today there's another cop what is going on what are we doing why are we stopped already [Music] los angeles simulator yo frosty thanks for the gift that subs man [Music] are we there yet listen man we've gone like two miles although it it i guarantee the riot the trip in real time will not take 17 hours so it'll i mean we'll be there in within the hour i assume you know it is a rather long trip though not getting much price per uh not not making much profit for per mile i'd say that's fine we do it for fun [Music] we do these things for fun look at these hot air balloons that's so beautiful thanks buckled hickory for the gifted subs man appreciate that i think my uh i think something's going on with my alerts hold on so may right dude i'm telling you i got chick-fil-a a couple days ago same place same door dash order the fountain soda was so bad last time but this time it is so [ __ ] good you can tell the ratios were off it was basically water what they gave me last time but today today they did something right yo s fan what's up are you live man when are you not live go back to your own stream [ __ ] 65 mile per hour speed limit on that turn all right oh he's taking a dump right now s-van get back to your stream man you gotta play more uh lost ark ah this is a good song chick-fil-a is closed on sunday is today sunday today's not sunday tastes like [ __ ] wednesday who cares do you get the sun joy from chick-fil-a no i get the spicy chicken sandwich i get the spicy chicken sandwich with uh with pepper jack cheese and then you dip it in some polynesian sauce i don't really care about the chick-fil-a sauce i think it's a bit overrated sometimes i'll get in the morning too those little like biscuit chicken things they got it's pretty good that's pretty good yeehaw slice yeehaw sauce thanks for the prime man and for now boys i want to say this is probably the last truck driving sim [Music] for a bit for a bit i'm just saying there's other games i'd like to play even though this is a there's a fun time you know this is a fun time there's just better things to do on a sunday the sunjoy is a drink nah i'm telling you i get the fountain the fountain coke was zero sugar ah i'm putting it in cruise control not trying to get any tickets thank you very much [Music] any more city skylines in the near future i don't know man here's the thing when it comes to me and city skylines it's like i i really need to shoot out this bar at a ball where is the toilet i just did my kidney out oh my god i think my alerts are all [ __ ] up hey i'm on day three of working my way through your vghs master vod okay thank you for sharing that wonderful piece of media with your audience you very well telling you love from ny smile i don't need any more new york love i fled that imagine not taking free shots before driving that's what joe and i used to do should i take a shot is it time to start already are we starting early yes this is this is so rich a bunch of 15 year olds telling me to take some shots i was so excited for this stream today thank you i hope you're doing well can't believe i'm giving you more money crying face skull i was following traffic i was following traffic coming in the [Music] mail took the five-hour energy drinks like you said and i've had a hard-on for four days good any advice you did it yeah that's exactly what i exactly what the doctor ordered all right already fine fifteen hundred [ __ ] dollars because i'm fine and on the run paul mccartney is an absolute legend and my favorite of all time hope he does share the day with the queen marcus says alien's still a great performer hope he doesn't share the day with the queen hey listen march is gonna be a fun month tell me that much it's ridiculous how fast was i going above the speed limit i was going like 60 right 5 miles per hour over 1500 fine that is so so ridiculous here's how we do uh roundabouts in texas by the way [Music] hey coker here and i'm not sure it's me but you streaming is like the children's crusade a bad idea but in the end dead kids happy sunday coco here and i'm not sure if it's me but you you're streaming you streaming is like the children's crusade a bad idea but in the end dead kids what listen i'm just taking a frack truck all the way to all the way to ottawa i don't know what the problem is public storage that's an actual company thanks for making working it ups more bearable enjoy your stream schlatty hey no problem dude i'm glad uh i'm glad i'm helping you work ups you know 87 of you saying shot same as it ever was same as it ever was i don't even want to bro i'm not even gonna lie it does not nothing about this is exciting me look at this scenery though are we seeing this it's very nice i'm in the middle of the road right now very very pretty very pretty lovely even some some might say lovely putting it on cruise control again 67 miles per hour two miles per hour over the speed limit come on this can't be bad why aren't you at the streamer ball what is the streamer ball yo schlot are we ever gonna get beanies as much no i live in arizona but do not care i want a head warmer i don't care i'm not giving you a beanie hey schlatt it's the queen just wanted to stop by and to say i can't wait to gut you like a fish on march 6th see you soon i'd like to see you try queen elizabeth it's stunning and because valley is a huge stan is it possible to get an autograph just send it to the white house and they'll grab it next time i paid you a visit should i send a little autographed signature that's safe pathetically you're my good little trucker how much meth would you take to stay awake to keep going i don't know man what did you think of the new nintendo direct mark destroyer i didn't like it i don't care about more mario kart 8 tracks it's a mediocre game like the deluxe version is just a worse version of the wii u hello big man hey was that it holy [ __ ] thank you jock for the 42 dollars bro that's big thank you wowzer same as it ever was that's what i say that's a deal with all the nintendo's nintendo directs same as it ever was i don't care about mario strikers it's soccer it's soccer you're lying if you say you're interested in that drive hammered get nailed i'm getting nailed tonight regardless what good song some bowie excellent excellent cruise controlling at 65 we are going the speed limit boys no tickets no tickets today thank you your only friend for the prime well not you intend to direct these nuts to your mouth won't got them shut the [ __ ] up okay dude can you say [ __ ] you a jack need a sub sound [ __ ] you it's jack [ __ ] you i'll do it for 42 more dollars i guess you all know something funny this song uh what's it [ __ ] called is there life on mars or life on mars by david bowie for the wild watchers who won't be able to listen to it uh this is the song i'd play basically 24 7. after that elon are you okay video started blowing up because i had like a thousand two thousand subs and it was just like i don't know it was just cool it was like a this is like but some grandeur some you know some stupid [ __ ] i'd play it in my car as i was driving and driving to college i was like yeah i'm gonna make it i'm gonna make it i'm gonna make it and i passed ten thousand subs because of it i think i got up to like 20 or 30 because of that one video oh we're going oh 75's and now is the limit now okay we can do that do i have to take a shot all right i'll do it i'll do it i'll do it i don't have a cup though [ __ ] maybe i have to do a shoei take the shot just like andy ray ralph did when he shot american hero cheers cop okay dude jimmy beans today it's been about a month of asking for hats now yes lost donuts thank you listen there will be a hat slot i'm gonna give you a hack the vghs watcher here again yes we are more jimmy like you're too good for ny but you know damn well your entire internet persona is the new york accent [ __ ] i can't believe you dare to ask your former president to do such absent filth where are your manners going i'm so sorry what do you want from me i'm just trying to truck man i'm leaving the country i'm going north to ottawa retirement thanks for the five bucks irl road trip stream win also subdue before a tribute to minecraft because of your elon video dude i'm telling you that that was my start that was my start that was the start all right hey let me tell you something let me pull over i'll pull over and i'll get a shot we do these off ramps at 70 miles per hour wow and you know what you know what i'm gonna do i'm shutting the card down right there i'll be back interesting hey big birthday coming on september 11 2002 okay what are we doing oh good song let's do it anyone following along first peanut butter and chili in the ass i call it peanut butter and julia sandwich but you're gonna be calling it lunch head fourth and final day trying to reach you from the absent about to come i'm giving up you obviously aren't coming back and it's probably not because i'm a brooklyn student and i can't afford to keep doing this for the last time wake up [Music] yeah we're doing some jim beam honey this is the worst alcohol i've ever drank but hey it sure does go down smooth thank you for making my bad day better i really needed the love from ah let's do it boys i've been struggling to focus at work and your vghs marathon especially with freddie has been a delight and is helping me regain all of that productivity oh no problem honestly anything you put out i'll watch you're amazing oh come on thank you stroke my ego a little more bye jack manifold saying that the honey is not too bad jack surely you're talking about like jack daniels honey like the tennessee honey because that is good hey big guy always glad to see you stream but your day is going well no no jim beam is actually good it's just like that's just bottom shelf [ __ ] that you get when you have to take shots on stream yeah yeah manifold exactly are you talking about listen why are you going to otter were there's already so many trucks here it's so [ __ ] you thank you okay i am going to ottawa with this petrol i'm going to do something crazy there what is this streamer ball that's going on you guys keep talking about it is there an event do you have any crazy wild dreams yeah any that have come true i'm a dream interpreter i love hearing dreams i had a dream that you donated 10 more dollars i wonder if that's going to come true nah though for real i used to have dreams when i was starting streaming on youtube when i do my weekly friday streams you are the reason i started working at disneyland because i hate myself miserably and i love hearing people like and titled oh okay it's confused nuts [ __ ] okay love thank you love ludwig i need to know what playlist this is because it's all banjos listen i know there's a bunch of bangers in this one but i don't exactly have a playlist it's just song radio from like a bowie song or something pretty easy to get there spotify's algorithms are so good you need any playlists anymore guys i used to dream all the time when i was doing youtube streams i i'd wake up and i'd be like [ __ ] [ __ ] am i live am i live streaming right now and i was like half asleep and then i go back to sleep and i just see super chats rolling in like the colored little rectangles with people and the tts was going it was like actual fever dreams i'd wake up and i was like wait was i just streaming me in bed or was i live am i live right now do i have to close obs and then the more super chat so like i'd wake up sometimes and i'd be like thank you for the 10 dollars that's really nice it's crazy they were nightmares probably now that i think about it it was not comfortable thank you obama great song p.o box stream when big guy i sent you an important package i have a load of packages right there i could open some right now if you guys want but uh i do want to do a full stream of one or at least you know like a a long a long po box unboxing because there is a [ __ ] ton of packages and you know pleasantly surprised i'm not seeing many amazon boxes i'm seeing letters i'm seeing you know effort which is good which is exactly what i want please do not there's a p.o box address do not send me amazon packages please these chill streams have been super enjoyable thank you love the good tunes have a good one big man hey listen i'm just chilling myself so uh if i'm able to provide a favor here i'm trying to make content but since i have mutton chops all of my comments are a bunch of clowns calling me medium guy and schlag can you tell them that im not you thank you so much well if you have mutton chops you're probably pretending to be me because no one else in their right mind will wear them discomfort i am i try my best be a discomfort streamer thank you very much a gay gay thai is that your name crabapples listen man if you got the chops you know where you got them from so you got to be prepared for comments like that sorry man it's just just how it happens [Music] knows which way to go turn 21 back on the you need drink recommendations been following since your computer days proud of your big guy can we place it up can we pause it i need to get a button to pause i would try listen it depends on what kind of drinks you like i'm more i started out really loving sweet drinks um but now i'm more so like i like the sour [ __ ] i like whiskey sours i like old fashions uh stuff like that because it it makes me feel like more masculine rather than ordering a little uh fruity margarita at the bar with all my guys who are drinking beers so um did i miss the exit i didn't miss the exit but uh yeah in terms of that get yourself some angostura bitters get yourself a good whiskey that's that you can sip get yourself some lemon juice and you're good that's really all you need you could do uh if you like the sweeter stuff and you still want to make a whiskey drink you could do a um you could do a gold rush which is what ted made for me when i was in l.a a couple months ago it's like mixing honey and water you can make that honey syrup you mix it with whiskey throw some lemon juice in there it's fantastic slow down sorry sorry my bad let me get over ah but see traffic's going much faster than that that's whatever all right we can keep them going mods [Music] ah great shut the [ __ ] up about spotify apple music is much better you're weird i'm sorry you're weird if you you're weird if you listen to apple music [Music] good song you're [ __ ] weird if you use apple music hey schlag just bought myself a 70 collegiate sweater and a schmitt which deluxe wouldn't rather spend my money anywhere else well best regards from shitty in new york chicago hello mr chicago thanks for buying that [ __ ] stream we get more tier-less on youtube stream absolutely they get so my house almost burned down last night right at it keep up the good stream glad it did i'm glad it didn't hey tim doing vodka shots with you haha love you ew i don't feel bad i mean i i don't feel any uh any jealousy for that uh if you want to make them taste better put some like [ __ ] kool-aid juice in there or like mio or something it makes it a little bearable unless you're chasing it with something i can slap his driving toy to what you're doing in the truck or send me back some really to think i almost started doing worlds because of this man very disappointing sorry your son god is blessing you know my right life is on highway and i'm going to write it all night won't catch oh how you use this [ __ ] tts what do you think [ __ ] hate not to step on your toes but [ __ ] you chatter spotify is superior no you're not stepping on my toes my friend i love spotify i've had spotify do i have to go to this weight station i do good call thank you good call thank you very much all right would you rather have an unscratchable itch for one week or be forced to play golf for one week i'd play golf absolutely golf isn't that bad you just play with the right people you know i'm not gonna play with a bunch of dads but if i could get a good good group of boys together play golf we get a cute little catty boy a little skinny like hundred pounds a little fanboy caddy listen i i wouldn't have a problem with that basically jack manifold no [ __ ] you he has to have hair come on now finn sir maybe if you come to america what the [ __ ] man what do you mean the [ __ ] man what are you talking about you're not gonna be my cute caddy jack i'm sorry i don't know you know what to say i'm speeding i'm going 20 over [ __ ] that's a 5k fine if a cop sees me let me slow down a little bit [Music] yo man apple music is far superior you i don't want to disregard your opinion but it's [ __ ] wrong your opinions [ __ ] wrong you're weird i'm sorry i just don't i generally do not trust anybody who uses apple music i don't know you want me to say it's weird who the [ __ ] uses apple music that's a manifold thing to do youtube music oh my god i'm going crazy on the road right now i gotta i gotta get my hands on the wheel i need to do some ten and two imagine using youtube music research confirms racists use apple music well yeah i wouldn't be surprised all i'm saying hey schlot hey this week has been pretty rough due to my cat i've had since i was two passing away your youtube video with jambo and recent streams have helped more than i can say thanks for all the years big man no problem sorry about the kitty [Music] you probably gave him a good life unless he didn't taking another shot just thinking about call me jambo because i'm showing a bunch of foam letter magnets in my [ __ ] now i'm really taking another shot sorry i don't know this song not bad not bad for a little skip all right boys we're going to los angeles for some reason sunny la [Music] ben thank you so much for the prime what are we predicting are we predicting does i do i drive off the road really i might schlott hey i was wondering if you're ever going to be doing something with open ttd ever again i was very impossible to you by those years ago and i find them probably your best work very possible however i will let you know i do want to remind you that the open ttd streams were me just accepting money for naming buses and not much else i do the same thing every week but hey i've been playing truck simulator for four days in a row so you know it's all you know revolutions you know like that mcconaughey speech in a wolf of wall street's revolutions and then he started squeaking with his ass like ah four we do we're halfway done with the trip already we're making great time and only one speeding ticket ah god damn we are going really slow i really hate going the speed limit i'm going a little faster boys i can't i can't manage i i gotta go faster come on now we'll go 65 anybody cool you guys are planning on having on the podcast also what's your favorite song favorite song i guess it's time for me to leave before i am late for work can we please request you and chat have a good time tonight thank you thank you hope you don't crash anyone cool well we're trying to have freddie w on if he would respond to me uh we also have some other decent guests uh i'd love that mr sark on the podcast but here's the thing we're at the point where like oh we have one huge guest coming on um huge in terms of like numbers like that podcast will get millions of views regardless um why am i going 40 what the [ __ ] put that cruise control back up [ __ ] regardless uh a lot of the episodes we want to do on chuckle now are uh are like they're like guilty pleasure episodes right so i love to get freddie w on i'd love to get jimmy wong on i'd love to get brandon from freddie w on any of the quarter digital people would be an absolute pleasure for for literally all of us you know i personally i'd love to have mr sark scene adders any of that and i think that's what we're kind of shooting for right now uh for at least this episode this chunk of week upcoming favorite song man i don't know i i i don't know if i'm if i'm weird here but i usually just listen to the last few liked songs i have in my spotify liked so it's just like a random mix of songs or whatever i'm feeling uh i don't i don't really have like a song i'll always go back to to be honest with you i feel like i should always have a playlist you know but in general it's just you know it's whatever my last 10 liked songs have been i'll listen to those and there's a weird mix of [ __ ] in there all right we can keep going mods thank you thank you i gotta figure out a pause button on my stream stream deck or something 10 bucks says that apple music is better you're welcome big man okay can we get a poll in chat i guarantee you apple music will lose not only that but 10 bucks says that apple music is better you just gave me the ten dollars okay so it doesn't even matter at this point jack manifold likes the smiths apparently uh and answer no one hey like my favorite streamer ain't that big an insult so thank you i was wondering if you could tell my girlfriend katie i love her for our two-year anniversary keep up the good [ __ ] big man hey katie medium guy hey katie listen medium guy wants you to know that he's totally been cheating on you for seven months seven and a half months he's been cheating settle this since you have lived both in the northeast and in texas yeah are texas or massachusetts drivers the bigger [ __ ] oh massachusetts massachusetts drivers northeast drivers know how to drive they're just [ __ ] on the road texas drivers genuinely have no idea how to drive ten and two ten and two ten and two ten and two they genuinely have no [ __ ] idea how the car even works yo michael mchill thank you for the raid my friend hey what's up michael mcgillis i've been watching you since 2019 and wanted to thank you for all those years of content you never fail to entertain me and make me excited for what's next keep up the good streams big guys thank you i appreciate that i don't love you though this just in a new york mud and chop and steal six minutes wheeler and streams crime on the popular website twitch last seen taking shots and cursing you've seen just prayed as mutton chopped and seals six minutes wheeler and streams crime on them since you're on your way can you stop by oh you guessed on my show dude i've built this new studio i don't need people no stone locks i promise listen i know leftovers is uh dying already but i don't think it's only stop fighting over which mega corporation you prefer giving all your money to yeah for real spotify or apple like take it pick your poison for real they're both okay important question unlimited they can buy no video games or games unlimited video games but no games unlimited video games absolutely i'll go with that every day of the week it doesn't even make sense why anyone would do unlimited bacon no otk game night yeah i was going to but i cancelled because they pushed it back and then uh but then we pushed chuckle sandwich back so i don't know i drive now i just drive you are a funny silly little gay mancheslot and i just wanted you to know i i don't think i'm i don't think of myself like that yeah anybody joked today any jokers besides jack ginger guru nucleotide thanks for the prime subs guys appreciate that song name all along the watchtower are you kidding me see is it so much better when we don't get speeding tickets also it's just always said that alcohol is just wrong so keep drinking obama thanks for that donation i've always said that alcohol is just road soda so keep drinking no problem man what mod put you jelq for jesus in there can we get can we unmod him you know what that is completely fair guys if i'm going the speed limit this means i can probably take another shot and be okay because usually i go above the speed limit right usually i'm going above the speed limit it's a little harder for me to drive under the influence but i mean at the same time kind of makes sense that i'd take one right now the toaster that i sent you had just left austin it should arrive by this for a day did you actually send this toaster to which bottle crashes six wheeler and spills crate holding priceless statues of monkey with huge ball sacked not very joke of him ah very jealous listen that monkey's still in the garage too no one wants to move hey bestie i've been going around to ask if you still hated [ __ ] named emily yes totally favorite chicken sandwich and fried chicken place i'm not gonna lie it's it's a tear between chick-fil-a oh pull the [ __ ] over i'm going to use the hell out of this excessive forces the officer parker with the lap please pull over i'm so lonely [Music] it's a tie between chick-fil-a and uh and popeyes i think popeyes has got the better i don't know i think popeyes might even be better to be honest with you popeyes might be better chick-fil-a is just so much closer i can get chick-fil-a delivered to me in like two minutes so it just makes sense is this game worth it absolutely only if you have a wheel though only if you have the real controls william thanks to tier one lee fitz thanks for the prime man can you say david isn't gamer it's a running joke we have feel free to bully him in any other way [ __ ] you david you're not gamer you think you're gamer you're not music to sponsor all your friends hate you by the way they told me to say that they told me to tell you that all your friends hate you also sorry david about that donation telling your girlfriend that you're cheating on her you're not he loves his girlfriend very much david loves his girlfriend very much i'm sorry wow bakersfield i can't wait to leave this [ __ ] nice road conditions dude hey johnny buzz everybody wait johnny buzz how we doing johnny these are good road conditions i'll tell you that much listen we got the perfect storm we got a full day of driving we hit the road at like nine in the morning easy fear thanks for the tier one my friend still won't make me like you or follow you on twitter [ __ ] i was going to four miles per hour over the [ __ ] speed limit me [ __ ] me literally going as fast as the dude up there will you give him a ticket oh [ __ ] ass [ __ ] my god dude i gotta get some gas so let me pull over at this uh at this gas station it's not all right okay it's not all right i don't care what the song says it's not all right rey's hamburgers oh my god that looks actually delicious i'd love a ray hamburger right now there are just not that many good burgers in texas i'm not gonna lie i feel bad for saying it but they're much better burgers in new york and whataburger is not good i'm sorry i'm sorry but whataburger i've had it twice and it has not impressed me everyone always says dude you gotta get whataburger i don't understand the hype all right fuel tank is full we just paid 600 [ __ ] bucks thank god it's covered by the employer [Music] is it just me or is chick-fil-a chicken super sweet like badly sweet well if you get the spicy one i don't have a problem with it it's good in the polynesian sauce uh although the popeyes is much crispier and it honestly the popeye's just makes you feel like [ __ ] the chick-fil-a makes you feel like a little less [ __ ] but also tastes a little a little worse so there is definitely a trade-off there you ever tried bulge angles i have never had bojangles in my life but the way that rhett and length talk about it i feel like it would be like almost a religious experience all right i'm going to speed limit i'm going 55 setting it on cruise control is bojangles as is hyped up as it as it is like is it does it live up to the hype sorry thanks to two drew snoby thanks for the prime man oh it's getting a little dark you know ladies we need our lighties yo simply pound that [ __ ] man how you doing big guy any pounders in the chat for simply my goodness good to see you my man hope you've been doing all right when are you going to drop some new merch you really asked me that a month after my last march campaign yo trevor yo panic for modest cube trevor get back to work or you are fired in the next 45 minutes he was first on the scene when strat crashed six-wheeler he please describe the scene a monkey's balls we're swollen what the [ __ ] i said i have a big mention number drunk trucker man the last thing you want to see on the road while driving with your family is a trucker taking cheap whiskey shots while eating chicken is filming is a meal welcome to watch mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the slowest rovers to have ever lived number one [ __ ] you i'm going the [ __ ] speed limit or else i get fined every half mile jesus christ man you gotta cut me some slack i'm not trying to i'm not trying to lose my entire purse not [ __ ] damn there's a cop right there too uh good luck on your med school interview i have no idea how to help you out there just go in and act like you want to be there have a buddy in med school he is not happy i shouldn't have said that i'm sorry i will talk to joe about these astronomical guest prices on behalf of you so right after i fix this hospital okay also simply is welcome to the oval office anytime as long as he takes his shirt off simply are you down to take his shirt off for the president of the united states i'll tell you what obama i don't care about the gas prices you can do whatever you want to them what am i going to do not by gas i said this yesterday i'll say it again today guys why do gas prices matter to you what are you gonna do not buy it don't even look at them don't even look at the gas prices i am speeding out my ass right now i need to slow the [ __ ] down i'd be great as a president yeah my first thing as president would be all right we're going to stop uh spending all this money on on a bunch of people who i don't care about aka a squad been noticing anybody watching a lot more recently have you found the joy in being live again now that all the stands are gone but seriously been loving the streams keep it up man i have been enjoying streaming especially stuff like this where it's just me driving and not actually doing anything ugh it has been nice critical thank you it's also so good to see you congrats on 10 million how about this if i get elected present we just do we just put everything to a twitch poll we do a straw poll i send a little presidential alert to everybody's phone and it's just a straw poll and it's like should we raise taxes and it's like all right i'll do whatever the [ __ ] you guys want i'll collect my 400 000 salary isn't that funny i make more money than joe biden i gotta rest boys hey big guy hey why do you look like that you should really fix that thanks buddy that was rude why would you say that to me i'm getting off and i'm sleeping and look at this boys i'm sleeping at 9 30 p.m which means we're gonna wake up and it's gonna be [ __ ] day time again this is beautiful it's so nice this is gonna be so good rolling stop so nice t1 dalgrave thank you for the prime my friend kelly live moo duck thank you man you like space monty actual thanks for the primes guys x charged alrighty we're going to the back of the gas station here we're entering in the donut enter zone and we are going right back there turning our truck off and getting some clothes some shut-eye i think that's what people say right i don't know what truckers say bye trucker going up to ottawa [Music] we film this music do we even know oh it's raining where my wipers button where's my wipers button oh [ __ ] no no no i just accidentally slept until i just slept like 20 hours you're [ __ ] kidding me now we're gonna be nighttime driving god [ __ ] damn it at least we'll at least we're well rested and it's not raining anymore so awesome let me change the music i don't even know what song this is ah man we'll do some mellow and folk guys we're gonna play a playlist that i actually have on my spotify profile uh you can do explanation playlist in the chat get in my spotify got a bunch of cool playlists going this one's mellow and folk awesome this is a great song the only beatles song i can [ __ ] deal with [Music] all righty let's get the hell out of here we'll do a little u-turn right here [Music] all righty you're gonna right turn get back on that open road boys wait are my wipers on now what is the [ __ ] button is it p it is p all right this will turn him off right got him thanks big straps for the 200 bits thank you november for the 277 all righty we're back on the road boys this is what it's all about we're gonna hit our hour quota we're gonna finish that 170 mile drive hopefully before it gets dark but uh we're gonna make a nice nice bit of money 55 we're cruising i'm cruise controlling that one gator fan thanks for the prime man sorry you live in florida ah is jack manifold still here bro don't you have [ __ ] to do come on man emily thanks for 200 bits please leave my chat subtle siren thanks for the prime do you have your playlist also on apple music all right dude all right drunk driving is easy man that's what i'm saying i said this yesterday i'll say it again it is it is the drunk crashes that the problem that that's the problem you know like i can drive perfectly fine i've been doing all right so when's your 90 day finds arc with finster happening we need a second female act member in austin if fencer comes down to austin some [ __ ] might happen that's all i'm saying don't read into that 150 miles to go go over thanks for the tier one man ah is this game still good with a keyboard i don't know probably not to be honest with you it i imagine this game is only going to be good with either like an xbox controller or a full-fledged steering setup so thanks for the prime mint definitely way better with a wheel oh finally dude i get some time to breathe just drive on the open road look at this bunny puffin thanks for the gifted subs man merch should be coming soon yeah i got pedals shot how are you getting away with playing beatles live they just haven't found me bro i'm feeling another drink coming on boys i don't know about you we're almost we're also almost at 2 000 subs on an alt channel which is [ __ ] nuts we're seven away it's nuts it's a lot of money we listen to this i l i love this song but hey we listened to it already oh john denver can i put this up [Music] oh man dirt block okay do it we did it dirt block you are the 2000 sub thank you monk nova puns bonnie puppet booty hunter kiwi juice and donny and liam i'm in the middle of the road what am i doing we are now at 2 000 subscribers 2000 paying subs wow crazy you know what i'm down i'm down to do some night driving i'm fine with this thanks cosmic thank you meat stick the mujo snow daddy snow eddie i'm sorry 100 miles left slightly brood appreciate it now look i watched stonepop play this game called unpacking a couple nights ago it was really peaceful real nice would you guys want to see me play that because i got it installed at some point maybe yeah it's about taking items out of a box and putting it on shelves this is really the stupidest game on on planet earth but uh hey let me get out of the let me get the left lane people are passing me people are upset thanks snortus neebs ghost of utopia thanks guys appreciate that this has been a great drive we've only lost like 2k telling you man we're getting there we're getting there we're gonna make it was that a cop that just passed us oh look at this oh that's cute okay i almost went off the road there i do have to keep my eyes on the road oh dude i just hit a hundred thousand miles hey there we go not bad me and my truck i don't know if this game has vr it definitely does have eye tracking support though i'm trying to figure out how to do these donations with this this is really cool if this works how do i get this on my stream and steal this from you sled low view big guy thank you michael mcchill hope you're liking the tts uh i can connect you with the guy just send me a direct message on uh on discord and i'll i'll get back to you with the guy's name it is a paid service though i'm telling you and it is not not cheap but the idea is that it pays for itself sarah thanks for the two one more thing any advice for ending my senior year hey big man just don't die spend my birthday watch you and your glad to see you live keep it up well i i guess thank you i should look at the view again i missed it smile i hope i uh don't die anytime soon good song i think i will use the eye tracker for something look at this they're doing so good it's my favorite trucker streamer are you driving up to canada to support your fellow truckers yeah man i am that's what i'm doing i'm actually just transporting frack fracking fluid to uh san rafael thanks hassan for that donation afraid maddie thank you for the 100 bits siren love listen to this song when i'm driving the mountain trails in northern utah you're blessed i will be sure to send some home made out to your p.o box soon less than three thank you i'd love to see it i like actually getting heartfelt like actual cool [ __ ] sent to the p.o box i'm a rocket man no i don't have a gear shifter i'm just uh i'm just got the wheel and i'm in cruise control so i'm a brick thanks for the tier one trey shivas thanks for two one appreciate that guys 10 miles away let's get over in the right line oh yeah adding on to my last donno i just really appreciate your existence on the internet and all the great content you've brought on they brighten my day every time smile come on now i just drive bro i'm just driving a truck right now i'm not all i'm cracked up to be i'm just a trucker going to ottawa and we're here ah please go what are you going oh police officer these are good vibes i'm not gonna lie i'm really enjoying this as i do every time we play this game but i don't i don't want this channel to just be truck driver simulator all right moment of truth should i try and park this [ __ ] thing [Music] i don't know if i can hey bro i appreciate you playing interesting games rather than the same old [ __ ] everyone else is playing we'll keep tuning in for these variety streams [Music] let me try and park this thing [Music] rocket man alrighty you'll have to allow me to go into third person for this [Music] shouldn't be too bad [Music] i might go up on the curb a little bit [Music] when i hit all righty i think i got this boys [Music] i'll count this as a w boom decoupling [ __ ] [Laughter] let's go 36 000 [ __ ] dollars baby hey it's your cat jambo oh yes i'm or the cable guy reincarnated of course i was wondering if you could change my [ __ ] box it smells like this stream room in here smells like xqc stream room listen man it's not that bad i cleaned it out the other day holy [ __ ] miana thank you so much for that [ __ ] raid that's huge hey guys we're just playing some truck driver simulator we got some chill vibes here some good songs keep up the good work and stealing all our money of course that is a huge raid is there anyone part of this raid oh my god all righty job market we're doing one more thank you neck for the ten dollars don't stop now i love the i love the lower weight ones we can do you want to do a mobile barrier we'll do a mobile barrier [ __ ] it 40 000 job coming in hold on before we start will you let me go to the bathroom no i gotta pee though i guess there's a trucker i do need my uh my [ __ ] bucket i'm sorry i'll be right back all right all right we're gonna go we're gonna keep driving we're keeping on driving all right i left you with a good song it's such a streamer thing to do ah all right well holy [ __ ] we have over a thousand miles to drive wow oh oh fantastic song what kind of thing are we transporting today oh my lord i don't like the look of that at all okay we're gonna try our best all righty let's do it there you're going that's okay guys i'm so drunk i'm so drunk it's really another shot three in i mean it has absolutely ruined me you know is this steely dan what a [ __ ] guy he's got some classics i'm telling you where the [ __ ] are we in america where people ride bikes what the [ __ ] nobody i showed my mom your bite is and she now believes you're a menace anyways have a great day big man thank you obama i'm glad you showed your mother me i need some more viewers whoa oh he's turning we're good look at that people actually using their [ __ ] blinker you imagine we can't be in texas we got a long [ __ ] drive ahead of us boys a thousand [ __ ] miles and it's 9 30. should we just get some sleep right now nah we got to do the night drive yo i am ty how you doing man doing good oh man oh there's a green light right there how'd you do on your mad test ty good i hope we're gonna have a change of huh got a solid a look at that that a boy you don't wanna call nobody else 35 miles per hour jesus christ is gonna be a long-ass drive boys ty i've been doing these things while following the street story i was on my way to work today and some the best cyclists pulled out in front of me naturally i ran him over these [ __ ] think they own the road or something oh man thanks obama our headlights are off my bad i'm so sorry let me fix that it it truly is about the journey tai you are so right but when the journey is a is 45 miles per hour you start thinking about the destination a little bit that that was an ap l fisher reference wasn't it was that the exact text of speech ten and two no sir not unless i got this on me not unless there's a [ __ ] cop card to my left you know i should have one of those police radars i've been thinking about getting those in real life just one actually just one yeah i know we're speeding up now we're speeding up don't worry i know i know listen i know we gotta go a little faster jesus christ pocket jokers thanks for the 1500 bits man drunk you suck meta hell yeah brother hey listen i'm drunk in tarkov too it's an embarrassment if you get killed by me these past few streams have been so fun to watch i hope you're having a good time doing them i am i am oh and you know what now now might be a good job yeah do you feel like after all you've achieved that you have your [ __ ] together no i was just speaking with a friend and we believe that no one really does and that everyone is just always trying to figure it out as they go that's absolutely what's gonna happen man uh i have made more money than i could even imagined i'd have made in my entire lifetime a couple years ago and uh i still feel like i'm all over the [ __ ] place uh i've got everything i would have wanted and still i feel stress and still i wonder when it'll end and when my inevitable demise will come uh it never really gets better but i think that's a very human characteristic to uh to have that in the back of your head because i mean you get used to it that's what humans always did they were just trying to be comfortable you know especially back in the day you know yeah sure you killed that bison and now you get to eat for a minute but what happens next you know now you need two bison because your family's bigger you started you started slinging some more [ __ ] you know you gotta look a little more [ __ ] because you got some because you you because you could kill the bison right so now your family's bigger now you gotta keep going you gotta kill two bites and how am i gonna do that nah listen weird reference but uh that is kind of how it works no i don't feel like i had my [ __ ] together one bit but uh surely from a year ago i would say yeah this version of me does but you always just adjust and that's how it works also i'm 22. some of you probably think i'm a lot older uh i do not have every everything figured out by no means there's a [ __ ] crash up here [ __ ] i wanted to thank you for getting me through these tough times your videos are the highlight of my day and the laughter is really the best medicine give the monkey balls a big pat from me also we need to name the six wheeler love oh vodka what are we naming this [ __ ] six wheeler what about yusuf cat stevens i'm not 27 man i'm [ __ ] young i'm getting up there though you should play either horse with no name orton man by america love the content big guy actually tips for getting into streaming with more content creators both of those songs are in this playlist man but i will uh i will skip to one of them for sure all right next song's coming up tim man any any advice for how to was it any tips for getting into streaming with more content creators it's all about the people you play with and [ __ ] i mean i'm at the point right now where i don't have to collab or anything but you know like the only reason i got huge is because of minecraft servers and playing with people and [ __ ] um if you want my advice for being a content creator i just say give up because you're probably not going to do it probably just won't make it um but the thing is i like i like telling people to give up because at the end of the day when i say shouldn't [ __ ] matter you really have to have that drive because you're gonna spend years having failures and failures and wondering where all this time you're dumping into it is uh is going and if it's worth it at all um that is a mentality you need though you need to just love it so most people know i wouldn't recommend they get into it at all i accidentally pause these alerts hold on let me play him again he's glad he's here buddy has it i'm just texting you to us when you were delivering my six million dollar yank it's been a week and you had texted me back i needed for the party with jesus and joe robin please splunk text me back sorry hassan listen i'll get the yacht to you very soon my friend very soon i promise i won't let you down sir all right well there goes 900 bucks but that's the only money we're gonna spend all day i guarantee it i guarantee it all right guaranteed guaranteed i do a nice night drive right now i'll tell you that it's a guarantee thanks for that jordan producing top ranks look thanks for that jordan peterson type rant yeah no problem man that's the 11th rule right there ah just put my hand on the wheel fans out here sounding like gary v list if i was sounding like gary vee i'd tell you to i'd say you are so young you can do anything you want so why not get started now you should you should go to minnesota and open up a peanut farm you should you should farm peanuts that's where the new money's gonna be made that's a mix between garyvee and nardwar yeah garyvee minnesota peanut farm oh [ __ ] we gotta slow down a little bit we're at 65 miles per hour now all right we'll slow a little bit i do want to rest though for selfish reasons because it's going to be so much nighttime driving and i'd just rather not do it there's a next rest stop remind me to get off and i'll get off lucy thanks for the five uh enjoy watching you drive this truck around makes me want to actually study to get my driver's license anyways love you lots keep up the good work driving is fun here's the thing i actually like driving in real life no not with a lot of traffic but like this kind of driving is perfect you get some good music like i'd just be doing this in real life if noah would want to watch me am i slowing down what is going on mental health mental illness you guys see that [ __ ] billboard cruise control my cruise control is just not working hello my truck is just slowing down okay there we go hey big guy hey i hope i can truly convey to you that you are by far one of the greatest creators of all time what the [ __ ] i mean it you're in my top three i listen to your stuff every day i really look up to you man you've really inspired me sex thank you i appreciate that man but i just drive i'm just in a truck right now getting six and a half mile per gallon yeah maybe he wanted to donate to like germa or miske because mischief is you know he deserves that oh we gotta slow down we gotta get off boys we got a little rest stop coming up all the doobie brothers what am i listening to right now it is crazy that they got away with calling themselves the doobie brothers in the 70s how they ever manage wide stream wide wide mainstream appeal can we [ __ ] can we [ __ ] figure out where we're going truck i knit slash crochet and am putting together a package for your p.o box would you rather have a blanket or a cardigan and what pattern slash colors did this [ __ ] just get off to go back on might as well fill up the tank hey thanks ty appreciate that man uh i knit slash crochet and putting together packs for your peel box would you rather have a blanket or a cardigan and what patterns colors do you like i love blankets blankets are cool i'd rather much rather have a blanket i don't think i'd ever wear a cardigan um but uh any pattern is is cool with me because it's just a blanket man as long as it's warm and feels nice to be under then that would be fantastic all right we're getting a little resting what is your opinion of the lifestyle and culture around popular streamers do you feel people change with success yeah i think so i think you're going to act a lot different if you have something to prove as opposed to people thanks tom york don't forget to check your blind spots before merging and always use your turn signals bro listen brother i've been in texas for far too long and i do either of those things people definitely do change with money um i think it just depends here's what i think money does i think money just makes you more and this isn't my original thought but i i really do believe that money just makes you more of the person you already were uh so if you're a good guy you're gonna put that money to good use you're gonna take your friends out treat them to [ __ ] you know just be an all-around like you know it just amplifies the type of dude you are um and streamers make a [ __ ] ton of money streamers make way too much but i'll say this most of the people i know uh through streaming man i've been banned from your church yesterday for seniors my instructor is better and i've been abandoned medicine for those dreaming very much oh we're listening to the american pledge of allegiance god bless you god bless usa amen thank you my friend i don't even know what you said are you okay best mistake of my life also i missed my turn off to work cause this stream is too chill hey thank you man i appreciate that that is not a damn sick way but anything back to class half double where he was old family tracked on brother keep trucking brother cruise controlling it oh yeah we need our wipers my bad sorry boys ah nine oh eight hundred miles left look at us he's me again just wondering if you were going to reimburse me for the guest money from last time i was around i know i'm worth nine videos but no one gets here without smart financial decisions that's so true still socialist though i swear hey listen yeah i'll reimburse you for the gas money bro two hands on the wheel [ __ ] you how about none thanks aj hood for the tier one appreciate that is that how wipers work in america no that's how they work on this truck in specific oh yeah good question what's the difference of jay schlatt and schleich can we possibly making this 10 instead of buying p terry's in hopes that you will please please play my favorite song alice's restaurants you're guilty you're listen i'm telling you right now i'm gonna i'll play it no more requests and if chad hates it we're skipping it and then you're out p terry's and a good song [Music] what's up next that'd be [ __ ] good dude so someone in in chat just said what's the difference between jay schlatt and schlatt and here's the thing boys i am going to be honest with you if i want to put on a stream that i'm proud of every friday i am not going to be able to do it um jay schlatt is the channel i have for the main friday streams right and i go live once a week there and on schlatt i just do whatever um and i feel like i'm ripping people off if i can't oh oh i can bypass the last weight station perfect but i feel like i'm ripping people off who subscribe to the main channel and all that if i can't go live every friday because that's what i promised and uh it's just not doable with all the [ __ ] things i'm doing and especially if i want to enjoy streaming like doing this so i'm thinking might happen is i might just start streaming this stuff on the main channel and just leave this channel out for like maybe dayz or something something really boring that most people would actually not want to watch because i feel like most of my fans would enjoy something like this making promises with your track record is not a good idea okay okay man thank you thanks dude you're also banned hope this song's good man it's very low can we stop at sonic no we [ __ ] can't we're gonna stop stop at sonic kidd me is this wait is this the 14 or 26 minute version are you kidding me it's a 14 minute song holy [ __ ] it's 19 minutes [ __ ] me who really got his money's worth with the live studio audience all right moz we could we could play the uh we play it again let me get over it took me half an hour to figure out your need to click on the picture to donate crying sobbing i'ma drop out of college before they can kick me out frown consider it what's college good for except maybe meeting people who will help you in your career you can learn all that [ __ ] on your own if you really want my opinion especially in like computer science but it's irresponsible for me to say that because i did drop out and many people who do drop out don't really wind up like me i meant to say this earlier but this game is ass with a controller in my opinion probably a steering wheel is superior for driving trucks i imagine it is they should get steering wheels for those dudes who drive the brakes breaker this is little beaver there's a commercial companion and with gumball makes you nearby do you copy driver all right yeah we can stop we can stop little beaver we'll get a little gumball sounds like the duck song yeah the dude is just talking i don't know listen chat let's put her up to a poll i'ma feel real bad for the dude who skipped out on p terry's to have his music shut down but i mean hey this is democracy i did say like an hour ago that if i was a president i just put it up to straw poll everything do we keep going well schlatt i will take your advice i will try my best to become a good content creator just so i can meet you one day and tell you i told you just you can meet me remember the name remember the name le bulge had a crash there guys you're going to remember laboj when he comes back rises from the ashes good luck man is a nice turn i don't know what was so satisfying about that but that was really fun to turn that's really fun i don't know why no [ __ ] i'm sorry guys but 61 of you voted to skip the song who would you say is the smartest person you know asthma gold foreign great song you know what i'm sorry i really need a good song i'm just going to jam out for a minute i'm sorry shout out i hope to see you at twitchcon i might go but i might not be meeting anybody i hate to say it but i'd rather not [ __ ] go to the convention floor i'd rather just hang out with people i know i'm just like that the first convention i went to someone took a [ __ ] photo of me and then put it on twitter without even coming up with are you opening the stuff from the po box i still get [ __ ] like that people are weird man i'd rather not meet any of you sorry smile i got the p.o box stuff right here it's just a matter of when i should open it i get a [ __ ] ton of boxes i could do a little you want to take a little break and open a p.o box thing maybe one or two packages it's a great song i miss an exit must have missed it [ __ ] me okay let me get over after this drive all right remind me we'll do a little we'll do a little p.o box thing [Music] all righty we're doing good i'll just make this little left what did i miss did i just straight up miss and exit i must have oh just relax maybe make a video out of it i don't know why would i go to disneyland and not disney world isn't disney world the better one you [ __ ] californians los angeles scum don't tell me this one's [ __ ] blocked too no no i'm doing it [ __ ] you [Laughter] [ __ ] song great [ __ ] song this is one of my favorites i'm speeding to this one sorry i'm speeding what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] [Music] surely another shot boys what are we on for now we haven't taken too many and he said i'll start this show when fire blew from his fingertips as he rostered up his bow whoa there's at least two oh [ __ ] it [ __ ] it ugh [Laughter] i don't even care if i get fined drinking makes driving easier you know what it honestly it does i'm flooring it right now and i love this song this is it this is it bro that's a cop that's a cop he laying that golden fiddle on the ground at johnny's feet that's a cop right there oh man you know how to play this on the violin every violinist should learn how to do it man this is the most classic thing you could play [ __ ] bach speed limit [ __ ] and you know once we pass him we'll speed up again [ __ ] me such a great song honestly though honestly though i like the devil's part better i think the devil did a better job even though he did have that band in a band of demons i am coming to america to work at a summer camp what state should i go to uh stay away from california word of advice maybe maybe don't go there because that is where the worst people are sure there'll be good weather but hey hey schlott hey a normal high schooler here just ate dinner with my dad while watching you he didn't believe you were 22 long twitter love the content waiting for three plushies to arrive as a boy with the soul of an old man can i request pale blue eyes tie bye schlog great timing with this game as i just got a job at a trucking company oh also gained a lot of respect for you after hearing your music of course thank you guys i did say no requests but if he sled just wanted to let you know your music playlist got me through some tough times appreciate that guys if anybody wants to override that little no request thing now's the time to do it do you want to hear pale blue eyes we have another perfect song so i'm just gonna i'm just gonna veg out and uh listen to it all right fine i'll cue it up [Music] ah all right last request none others will be will be honored this is this is probably my favorite song right here this is probably it for the vod watchers seeing all good people slash i don't know the the way yes titles their songs is don't [ __ ] shoot streamers but just wanted to say thank you for everything you do college has been eating my ass and got put on some happy meds recently and your streams have been a good way to relax and calm down also what is your fault tv show [ __ ] me speeding violation all right whatever i'm not even gonna worry about it i'm not even gonna worry about it hey thank you papa jesus uh favorite tv show i'm not really a tv show watcher i'm not gonna lie to you i'd have to think i like barry my favorite tv show i've watched recently is barry it's about a serial killer who goes to who who's trying to be an actor i do want to [ __ ] no ho hank i'm sorry i do i what do you want me to say i want to [ __ ] him i'm going over the speed limit again i mean not [ __ ] me we're hitting all these lights boys this is ro this is rough who's bill hader dating wasn't it someone crazy i was like holy [ __ ] bill i had a boy anna kendrick you're kidding me dude attaboy that boy bill such a good [ __ ] song we're just gonna drive for a minute mods pause all the notifications [ __ ] it we're just driving what do you think about the new mario kart announcement [ __ ] get me out of bakersfield holy [ __ ] get me out of the city i want a new game i don't want i don't want 48 more courses of a mediocre game soak it in boys soak it in so so so no fines no nothing boys we're just making money today ashland thank you for the gifted subs holy [ __ ] wowza guys the song is on my spotify go to the [ __ ] spotify just search j schlatt on spotify it's in mellow and folk decided that vibes are more important than speed you know sorry [Laughter] that was the most disgusting thing i've ever said oh man such a good time such a great time holy [ __ ] stop gifting man ashlyn thank you for the 10 more ah alrighty i'm turning it down a little bit just a little bit you know jesus christ that wrangle is going somewhere sorry i'm texting all right mods we can keep going that's who we got talk to me baby thank you ehan with the prime blocking left lane all right fine i'll get over good point guys whenever you drive do you sometimes close your eyes and see how far you can get without crashing you are my favorite truck driver and you have inspired me to go after my truck driving dreams oh hope our paths cross at a truck stop someday smile i hope they do as well you tell me you guys don't close your eyes for long stretches on the road just to see how far you can get without killing someone what do you mean bro what what do you mean i'm insane 400 miles left boys actually 500. we're doing all right downtown fresno i don't think we're getting off there that's where the weird family from icarly is from right that's where their cousins are from snow shifting brother thank you obama hope you're doing well slot you drive in this game like you're playing gta what are you talking about no i don't i'm being very mindful of the road today at least today you guys can attest when i started these truck driving streams i was all over the place i was getting fined left right front center back balls [ __ ] dick right now i'm doing good i'm going 55 that is the speed limit boys and usually i go like 10 miles per hour over hypothetically but right now i'm doing good being a good little boy god i would not want to live to the right those are a bunch of terrible looking houses right on the side of a highway too can i drive like five over all right fine i'll go i'll go five over five and go five over we'll go 60 for you 59 where we had at ottawa hey maybe we could go to ottawa i don't know what's there ah thank you shronky for the 1500 bits go faster all right for 15 bucks i have to go we'll faster it up to 62 for you how about that now we can start passing people just a little bit just a little bit are we jamming today guys jam with matt is wack come on now sweat have you ever been to chicago no no and i would never go actually this is very calming i might just fall asleep that's how my dad died sorry watermelon extract thanks for the prime my friend llg 3p appreciate those bits man so gone thanks for the five how many shots are you taking i'm on four actually i'm on five after that oh god boys might be some shoulder driving time 62 ain't much come on boy wait for breaker trevor i lost my bearings uh-oh i went off-roading into the desert for [ __ ] but i lost my sense of direction i don't know it there's a way out of here driver it's so cold little beaver signing off for the final time little beaver sometimes i have this self-destructive thoughts to crash myself while driving lol goodbye little beaver i'll pour one out for you guys anyone following along pour out a shot for little beaver gone but not forgotten my friend sometimes i have this self-destructive thoughts to crash myself while driving well you should probably try and get those in check although i'm one to talk as i close my eyes for hundreds of feet at a time good song hey guys punch your tickets right now who is who was into this song before tick tock hey look at all these sheep in the chat ban every single person who said me you got [ __ ] 375 miles to go boys we might be hey look the sun's setting we might be doing some more nighttime driving where are we driving i think we're driving somewhere in utah or maybe we started in utah because i think we're seeing some california i think these are california names yeah sacramento yeah we started in utah and we came over we're going to ottawa vidgamer thanks for the gifted sub ball thanks to 500 bits thanks a lot for the fun times and inspiration to start streaming ashlyn oh my god another 10 gifted subs thank you very much bro how the stream's going whoa the world'll score looking good buddy keep up the driving and drinking the gay i haven't done the wordle today me i haven't done the wordle don't give me any don't give me any hints don't give me any hints is the word today hard do it live [ __ ] it i'm doing the wordle i have to do the word all i forgot about it wordle time boys world time you want to see a master in action [Music] [Music] now what i usually do is i start out with the word with very high vowel penetration something like audio maybe i do that [Music] and i hit enter okay we got a u and an o those are probably those are probably our vowels so i don't even have to worry about an e maybe [Music] all right all right so the u is there we got an o somewhere in there i'm going to turn this down a little bit but also put it on loop [Music] nobody spoil it nobody [ __ ] spoil it i gotta get this wordle okay let's think of the words the [ __ ] letters we got left t two two [Music] this is how i play i started just sanding [ __ ] out too [Music] nope [Music] might be it can all right so it's either a u o or a u consonant o it's probably a u consonant o which is what i'm thinking [Music] and yes i take a very long time because i i pride myself on my wordle score i absolutely do unless it's like an oh you weird thing and then there's like it could very well be this [Music] no okay [Music] but that did good so now we know the e we know there's no e we know there's an r at the end this is this is decent that's a decent score i'd love to get it in three because i'm usually a four man i'm usually a four man [Music] [ __ ] there's no t so it's not tutor no no no no um [Music] no not that not that [Music] i don't know what the [ __ ] this word is [Music] it could very well be this [Music] but i'm scared to do the double r [Music] i am ty says try it minecraft fan cam says do it smile [Music] [ __ ] that's not it okay all right all right so there's gonna be a forward for sure there's no way i don't get it after this one [Music] i don't i don't think i know a single word like that though [Music] hmm there's no way i don't get it now it you just donated 100 bits and said tutor it's not tutor there's a the t is out of the is off the table guys this will be a four for sure now who [Music] [Music] yes okay that's a four that's a four go [ __ ] yourself [Music] not bad not bad not bad that's average that's average that's that's five and a half as far as i'm concerned just a very average result [Music] i got a tweet at hassan and everything ah okay all right we're back we're back sorry about that sorry about that little detour everybody uh was not you know i just forgot to do it and usually i remember usually i do it at like midnight night before what was that song that was a brain age song you kidding me p.o but no no listen we'll do the po box once we hit our our destination no shot no [ __ ] shot you're telling me you tell me we're listening to spirit in the sky right now that's incredible oh man this is the only good religious song and i swear by that please go a little faster my friend is the music from in game no definitely not it would be cool if there were if we could apply some like audio effects so it sounds like it's coming out of the radio of the car this is religious listen to the [ __ ] words man this is a gospel song oh oopsie i'm in the wrong lane i go [ __ ] you [ __ ] i just took some damage western star truck dealer discovered alrighty i could buy another truck maybe real wide turn coming up oh man such a good song do the lootal nah man little is not little's way too overrated way too overrated it is not fun at all all the words you try like it doesn't like half the words you think would be on little are not even on moodle such a good song literal nah listen that's that's just two that's for children all right sorry the letter l isn't is for children i'm gonna go 62 a clean 62 miles per hour i never sinned i got a friend in jesus ah you can't tell me this isn't a gospel song they should play this in every church i gotta go to the bathroom again everybody i'm so sorry i wish there was some like tesla autopilot going on and then we could watch it like run people over and fail but i don't think that's in the game the guy who wrote this was jewish is this a jewish song no no absolutely not there's a song about jesus what are you talking about oh 65. hello well get up there did you guys not see a 65 mile per hour sign why is it still 55 on the gps we'll go 65. oh big rig different limit oh different limit for big rig oh that that is a good [ __ ] song this one is actually a religious song do we have a hype train going wow what if jfk's head just did that what if man what if his head just did that bro it's entirely possible what if jfk's head just did that and put that one in your pipe and smoke it jesus christ cia was wilin do you think the cia did that one too did you guys see the bro i on twitter like a couple weeks ago for the first time my life i saw this letter that the cia had sent martin luther king jr what the [ __ ] crazy [ __ ] yeah it's real too they tried the cia sent them a letter being like yeah we know about everything you got we know about everything you did you better kill yourself it was so weird it's like yeah you you know what you need to do we know you've been [ __ ] look it up seriously look up martin luther king jr letter our government sent him a letter trying to get him to kill himself actually ridiculous [ __ ] like an edgy 13 year old yeah it was literally a twitter post that said kill yourself before it was cool oh is the fbi my bad different government branch yeah sue me this is nick 70. thank you so much for the 10 gifties man that's big i appreciate that and now there's a holiday about him yeah you're right so who won in the slack did you know that it's illegal to own more than six dildos in texas anyway great stream less than three i might be in trouble i am where am i on this road right now i guess it worked out because it's a [ __ ] detour right here i kind of want to go fast everybody we've been racking up a lot of money i just kind of want this opportunity to go go a little fast steal his wheels on me what am i going to do not go fast 200 miles left boys then we do a little po box stuff then maybe we do one more trip and call it a day hey list i don't know i don't make the rules around here flooring it flooring it right now is this the torture song from the tarantino film did they torture people of this song i didn't know that really oh man i knew it was from reservoir dogs i just didn't know this was a song that i i thought maybe hey you know maybe during like a cop chase or something not torturing the dude they van gogh dude to this song [ __ ] me hey next rest stop remind me i'm gonna get off i'm gonna do a little sleep oh come the [ __ ] on if you're in the left lane you better start [ __ ] passing get back over i'm going faster than you thank you little [ __ ] my horn is like a it's like a it's like the most [ __ ] horn you've ever heard on a truck i swear to god oh [ __ ] i gotta get over [ __ ] all right next time next time next time next time we'll do next time yeah the horn does sound like a smart car ty you're right moretz thanks for the prime bro titan fez thank you for the host 2 flippin viewer host my god thank you wait why are we on 90 sober come on put that down to like 30. we need more viewers i can take another shot oh [ __ ] i miss another weight station god [ __ ] damn it i'm getting tired now next one next one you gotta remind me you gotta remind me whatever you do don't look up mk ultra and its connection to ted caxon scan anyway great stream no from the ceire thanks western gunfighter hope you're doing all right don't look that up everybody i'm sure we got a rest station off here to the right you know surely another gas station too all right listen we'll get off right here then i gotta go to the bathroom at the rest station if you don't mind do a little resting we get off the highway at a cool 63 miles per hour as an australian i hate to tell you i would absolutely drink you under the table americans are lightweights we've been drinking since 15. listen i am huge though that's the thing you don't you don't know about me i am a good probably 100 parents heavier than you are i can handle my liquor ugh do you know what's illegal the lasso of fish in tennessee i didn't know that but why would you ever do it anyways ah [ __ ] this isn't gonna be good gotta figure out how we're gonna get in this gas station all righty that'll work thank you mossy trees thank you chill chill pineapples and ghost xyz for all the uh support hi hey did i finish filling up this tank yeah we're good all right let's get to the rest station and then uh oh my god what a [ __ ] backup up here what the [ __ ] oh that's not good i told you i was gonna have [ __ ] problems getting in here oh no i'm actually stuck i'm actually stuck the truck is stuck [ __ ] me the truck is actually stuck [ __ ] on my dick what the [ __ ] come on man it's it's totally clear it can get through thank you [ __ ] me [ __ ] me let me through what is holding up the truck thank you all right to the rest station watch us hit the [ __ ] dune on enter sign can we please go don't no don't do that don't do that don't do that i'm tr listen i'm trying to go please please you got a green light my friend please just [Music] please dude please golf please go man why are your hazards on let me in let me in let me in let me in let me in thank you [ __ ] i discovered redding can't wait to never come back here again in my life i'm saving that song for when i'm back all righty we're going to the rest stop going to rest a little bit it'll be daytime and then in the morning we hit the roads yet again boys how about that oh [ __ ] it's one of these what the [ __ ] you can just pull in here all right okay i'll be back in just a second boys all righty ah we gotta make a ue how we doing did i miss anything while i was gone i feel like the music got a lot louder whoa [Music] sorry texan driving all right listen hocus pocus is coming up next you know what it is boz we can continue on these uh tts if you want yo schlock do you prefer daisy on arma 2 or the standalone uh probably the standalone you should rest misty's nuts in my mouth elena you got him [ __ ] you definitely the standalone actually i mean like at the end of the day man there's so much modding that's been done to that version where it's i i feel like it's kind of objectively better than the mod at this point i could be wrong though hundred miles left on the drive boys i think we're off the highway culver thank you for the five gifted subs man appreciate that i'm sorry bro these cat stevens songs go on way too long we're almost there then we'll do a little p.o box and then uh yeah maybe we keep going i don't know oh man i'm [ __ ] speeding okay let me slow down a little bit cool yo to which playlist of yours are you listening to melo and folk i get another ticket oh you guys voted on that [ __ ] okay i'll be a good boy for once the people who vote no are gonna win it i guarantee it i am once again asking you to stop calling bomb threats into my place no i'll never do it it's not funny anymore man that's three i'm never gonna apologize for that say you're sorry apologize no i'm not going to ah almost there it's a nice little detour i'm not gonna lie to you this is a very scenic route we're taking right now [Music] le boze thanks for the five man me once again risen from the ashes if you will i bought a 20 donut to see who has better mutton chops come on now you don't want to you don't compete with this i just shaved them i trimmed them up a little bit come on now you lose you lose please speed guys my foot's on the [ __ ] floor right now you guys just want me to get a ticket i think i don't think it's gonna happen i think i'm gonna let it happen dean magpie thanks for the gift it subs man it's only man 40 miles left for me i'm pissing your pants big gooey i will piss in your pants but guy [ __ ] that's [ __ ] weird that's weird why would you say that to me i already do that enough gotta go fast ex taco appreciate that i am trying to go fast but not too fast the point where i get a ticket and let all my boys down parmesan thanks for the prime man macabre fan rear i don't know if i said that right that's the prime as well i'm going the [ __ ] speed limit today boys i can tell listen i could tell when you uh when you vote against me and i don't like it you should drive up to enumclaw washington and visit the famous horse i might do that in real life i'm supposed to film a yard episode with ludwig and all those guys uh and we might do it up in enumclaw washington also you spelled obama wrong seaman kettle thanks for the sub man we're almost there 20 miles left not gonna speed listen no tickets here oh almost almost crashing actually it's not good hilt what a terrible town name not putting the foot down man ty listen you want me to you bet you must have bet a bunch of channel points on this huh herbie hancock has an album called mr hands wait are you kidding me you're lying right are you serious that is huge i love harvey i'm gonna follow i'm gonna even stop at this stop sign ball stop too before the stop sign even even comes i'm gonna i'm gonna stop at it and you know what i'm looking i'm looking to the [ __ ] left too you guys can't best me if you need the gank monkey move just bring it out to a random location and tell chet you need it move everyone will carry it wherever you need like the amish when they move barns i think i could just get a bunch of people moving the monkey you win by default then i'm the man of my word thank you laboj i knew you'd see the light can we please what are we doing what are we waiting on my god dude hey look [ __ ] police officer right there no ticket today this looks like a successful message boys where do i have to park it right here oh my god has there ever been an easier parking job oh my goodness you guys are about to lose big time big time although yeah no no no you guys lose you guys lose these you guys lose these [Music] [Laughter] 40k in the bank we're over 300 000 now boys excellent high value cargo taking it again yes sir hey listen we'll do a little p.o box thing how many packages you want to do couple just a couple we'll just do a couple of these you know four i don't know it's kind of dark in here i'll do five i'll do five [Music] all righty i got him [Music] five packages from the p.o [Music] box ah no more shots and we'll probably be done after this i'll probably call it after this all right so there is a p.o box address if you want it it is uh it is in the in the description of my other twitch channel or in a video it's in a video somewhere turn these off it's more comfy like this [Music] ah we'll just do a couple walked in and was complaining how horrible you are at this did i ever say i was good you should watch the documentary zoo about mr hands i think the production company dissolved so you could probably get away with it hey maybe [Music] interesting packaging is that a cat on like a big drum yeah it is he's playing the drums piece of loose leaf on it i am uh i'm taking the wheel down i think we're done driving for now [Music] okay oops gotta fix my headphones one second sorry guys this is so crazy i'm so crazy i'm out of my mind all right [Music] okay it's a piece of loose leaf and it says oh my god it's written in pink font it's going to be very hard jay schlatt i'd be lying if i said i knew what i was doing most of the time at least same seem to be you seem to be the opposite always a love always knowing at least an inkling of an some a mouth month it's this is my problem all right your handwriting is fine most knowledge about what you're doing now listen man i some amount of knowledge about what you're doing no oftentimes i'm just like you maybe that's why you seem so amazing oh come on you know what you're doing i know people insult you i know people insult you and you throw insults back but if you are such a bad person surely jambo wouldn't like you that's so true speaking of he's adorable please give him a hug for me please anyways i saw this floor floor right i don't know he they saw something and had to make it a necklace sorry for how long the chain is it's the only spare one i had also a bracelet with a lucky ladybug i hope i got the dimensions right sorry if i didn't from alouette yes please hug jambo for me he's so [ __ ] cute and deserves to know it i'll give jambo a hug when i'm back thank you so much watch what dropping out does to a [ __ ] thank you yeah i appreciate that ah alrighty wow look at us look at us what is this [Music] let's see it with the yes plan on the background oh this tape on it another piece of paper in here [Music] little viola violin drawn in there oh my goodness little bracelet a little loose but hey you know i'll gain some more weight and of course oh my goodness little necklace thank you i'm gonna put this over my headphone cable [Music] i appreciate that alouette thank you so much alrighty got another one hey guys there's a lot of packages here i'm not gonna lie to you uh i get a [ __ ] i get a [ __ ] package notification like multiple times a day you guys are going crazy at this po box [Music] no [ __ ] way that's so [ __ ] cool man it's all about the [ __ ] game oh let's go wow this is just the receipt holy [ __ ] man that is [ __ ] awesome man custom plaque from ernie calhoun the ernie calhoun man wait is this a magnet very [ __ ] cool everybody throw away the wrapping oh wait the letter's in there all righty third the last one this one uh i need a this one might just have came from amazon smart dot [Music] get for seed is there a message in here a gift for you as a thank you i'd like a happy birthday in the funny mic from slime i'll try it let me see if i get the funny mic up audio input [Music] c920 where are we there we go can you hear me yo hey slime happy birthday my man thank you so much for this smart dot cat theater appreciate that thank you thank you thank you very kind of you jambo will love it i'm guessing this is just one of those like laser pointers that goes around and around and so jambo can chase without me even doing anything yeah totally is thank you man that's sweet appreciate that jambo always loves his new toys i do get him a lot of stuff he is a very spoiled kitty is uh is my mic back all right we got two more this one has a cute little drawing on it alrighty it's taped it might take some busting into oh my goodness wait there's a lot of [ __ ] in here so it fell out it's a bunch of stickers what the heck jesus christ what the heck okay thank you for being a real one on the internet for your comedy sarcasm and not giving two shits for anybody except your precious jambo ps hope to see more random youtube vids of you bowling makes at 3am yours truly alleycat at alicat it's gonna focus there it is for a second then there's a little uh the king i think these might be stickers oh they're totally stickers all right i'm gonna put that on my laptop or something bunch of them too what on [ __ ] earth it's like one of those art pop projects not bad thank you alley cat very kind of oh and he's got a brandon one his own [ __ ] sticker you seen that [ __ ] [Music] his own sticker wow thank you alliecat all right last one for now and we'll call it a night this one comes in from st louis this is the whole thing [Music] that's the whole thing [Music] okay it's just a bunch of folded up paper so far [Music] photo of a dog print it out on black and white printer paper thank you uh and another piece of paper that has sharpie on it that says follow me on twitch [ __ ] boy flame in the wind zero or maybe flame in the wind oh thanks i won't be following you on twitch um but i appreciate the letter nonetheless and uh i guess we could do a little a couple packages each day if you want uh but that was really sweet [Music] alrighty what's the address for the p.o box if you go to you'll see it uh it's listed in one of those panels we have some donuts coming in [Music] hello pause [Music] where is it maybe it's not coming [Music] hey skits i lost my virginity tonight i'm sorry i don't qualify to watch you anymore this is goodbye goodbye my friend you've done it my fellow steleticans i implore you to update your public spotify playlist shared reading is hard for every and sometimes we understand listen reading is a little bit hard if you write to me in cursive it might be really enjoyed the stream today managed to build an ikea dresser and watch a 22 year old learn how to drive again see you during the next one love you parasocially and thank you guys for watching shronky thanks for tier one guys that's gonna be it eric stuart hey i lost my virginity tonight i heard i'm sorry i don't qualify to watch you anymore i heard this is goodbye goodbye congrats alright sad to have lost a viewer happy to have made a man
Channel: jschlattVODS
Views: 2,432,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jschlatt, Schlatt, jschlatt stream, Schlatt stream, jschlattvod, schlattvod, jschlattvods, schlattvods, Schlatt Vods, livestream, highlights, jschlattlive, jschlatt live, Schlatt full stream, full stream, just chatting, schlatt truck simulator
Id: fRPDu321DLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 461min 28sec (27688 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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