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Isabelle's Theme or I believe you hear it when you enter the town hall/center. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZssxvk58sA&ab_channel=DavidJ.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/fredericthins 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2022 🗫︎ replies
how's it going boys my name is schlatt and welcome back to the vods channel today I got some friends together to play some rounds of will you press the button which is an old school would you rather website and I'm not exaggerating guys when I say that this site is ancient we had a ton of fun talking about these questions and uh just kind of laughing at how ridiculous the internet was back in the day so without any further Ado here's the vibe I found a I found a cool little website called willyoupressthebutton.com and I think we should do some of them Just For Old Times Sake Just For Old Times Sake it's would you rather questions so basically it gives you the option oh you get this but here's the con Pro con you know what are you going to pick that kind of [ __ ] uh and I figure I'll get some cool some cool people in the call and we can we can enjoy it for a bit so yeah Cielos you know we'll just have some fun I could keep Jambo on you guys want to see Jambo still want to see me do Jambo Kim I'm down here I'm a little smaller all right okay uh let me hop in this uh Discord Channel see who who hops in uh and look at this no one is joining no one wants to play with me oh hey hey Jack how are you my friend I'm good thank you how are you I'm good can you guys hear Jack gotta be able to be a real shame if they couldn't yeah it would be a shame you guys can hear point in tuning into the stream I think [Music] yeah I'm real I'm being real about that that's awesome man I hope you're uh having a good day is that Jaden I am yeah are you here now hey what's up what's up I've not played this before it's just would you rather questions there's nothing really to it to be honest with you there's a meeting yeah no it's all good we did it now that's that's all I wanted to get away cover that ground you got all those Jack have you checked did I mention the rest of it later have you jelled oh a joke today yeah today what do you think king of course I have good you jealous oh I know I joked today of course Jaden what the [ __ ] is a joke would you rather uh have a pet you can have a pet whatever for the rest of your life and it's trained well healthy and the best pet ever but your house is full of sweaty sumo wrestlers all the time this is the dumbest [ __ ] first question ever this is the dumbest thing I've ever seen on this site uh I don't have like can I [Music] can I well like well trying to sumo wrestling or just well try and domestic just like are they polite like I don't know well you say listen you say jump they say how high type of thing I would love to have some sweaty sumo wrestlers in my at my disposal they're just joking in the corner all day was joke fairing the same hat are we really pretty much let me turn on my look look at this hello hey I know that guy mentioned to my wrestlers so I join what's happening oh wow look at Mike wait hold on wait that is the exact same hat it is basically the exact same hat yeah but it's it's it's just like it's got two different messages yeah well together we we make quite the team actually I wish I could show this I wish I could show this you can't I know but I'm scared I'm so scared though does it just say it just says it's a hat that says that has a rooster and says [ __ ] look at this yeah it says [ __ ] wow I actually gave that exact hat to Simply my uh my neighbor yesterday really literally yesterday yeah the [ __ ] hat yeah it's a good hat it's nice like in summer and I I I've I've hung on to it it's good is this like a line of hat clothing is there more oh yeah no there's a bunch I spent I spent like 600 at the hat store on these things to give to everybody for uh Christmas Even though it is too far there there was a slick one with a goose on it there was a oh dude it's so I don't even remember there's a lot there's a lot of them there's a lot of them there's one that there's one that has a huge like dick on it and it says jelk mine says hard I don't know if you guys can see it might not you're telling me I missed out on the gel cat [Laughter] I didn't get something with how much that Meme is popular I'm so surprised there isn't a [ __ ] joke to the most one yet I'm genuinely like you need to buy that domain name before it's snapped up we need a Twitter Jack did you you linked me that Twitter but there's like a Twitter bot from called like Minecraft YouTube gel updates and every every 10 minutes it goes Jack manifold reminds you to joke of course husband says start joking I just looked up what it is and I'm now up to speed yeah it's uh yeah I'm glad you did that I'm glad we need to get low take God to say it again if we get low to God or wings of redemption to say he doesn't do that you know how he does like the [ __ ] like I mean he can't say his own name he has to do like the the pose when he does it Redemption A PS5 controller because he keeps smashing them he'll probably actually do it for free are we gonna press this button whatever pet you want for the rest of your life and it's trained well so basically a better version of Jambo I get if I have sweaty sumo wrestlers in my house 24 seconds what it doesn't even specify how many silver Sumo your house is full of them well what's the point in living what do you mean what's the point of living is your life not made better by this situation how do you move around in your own house if it's just you tell them to move you say [ __ ] move I I feel like they can't if it's full I see no negative I don't see a negative either I'm pressing the button Jack Jack what do you think are we press this button [ __ ] it I like sumo wrestling that's free entertainment we're taking it we're taking the sumo wrestlers I don't even need the pep part oh most people did not press it 62 of people said uh that they were not interested in pressing this button um are you doing it with chat or is that just like the website this is just the website saying it uh I guess we could vote much we could do like a poll each question yeah I was gonna say like getting chat involved with me am I oh hey Fundy great we've got the we've got the best people on the planet in this voice chat yeah did I no we've got to yeah we're ready you just missed one uh will you press a button you will become the world's first trillionaire but you have all forms of cancer the [ __ ] like all forms and stages or like just the forms I think at that point it doesn't match it it doesn't it doesn't really matter I think it makes too much of a difference I don't think it matters the mod the mod that did this call you did it wrong you could invest the money into curing it but then like I remember Steve Jobs was a thing so yeah probably not yeah no uh he lit up like a Christmas tree remember that like Fault in Our Stars remember that [ __ ] now what's that really you didn't read the Fault in Our Stars where the guy puts the cigarette in his mouth he gives it the power to kill him but he doesn't actually smoke on it I thought that was so sexy brain's brother the guy who wrote that book is Green's Brother The Tick Tock guy scientist guys yeah the Vlogs Brothers yeah I didn't know that about them and so I I find that crazy I'm not I don't know about this guys uh I don't think I'm gonna push the button on the whole cancer thing I don't want all forms of cancer yeah I respect that I respect that I also don't want to get cancer at any point so no I'd rather not Jaden would you like cancer just like a couple it depends on your family like medical history like it absolutely oh hold on Jaden has a point here I don't think so I don't think anyone's family is prone to getting every Cancer and like die at 60. the thing and you know you're wrong here you're wrong here 85 of my chat is saying no they're not going to want the cancer so 50 is down to become a trillionaire with every form of cancer on the planet so so here's here's the thing right it says all forms of cancer yeah obviously we're gonna press it if it's zero forms of cancer right of course where's the where's the line in between like like there's no line one cancer is okay two like how I've got a question Yeah question it's kind of like based on fun days um okay here's my new will you press the button because I think it's this is a slightly better one there's more to think about sure you will become the world's first trillionaire but you're guaranteed to get a form of cancer but you don't know what it is it's it's completely RNG you could get like the worst what you get like a [ __ ] brain tumor or you could get like okay growth on your toe and you don't like you don't know and also you don't know when it's gonna happen I would totally do that honestly I would do it I would do that yeah I would vote yes to that but that one is if you find out you have a trillion dollars manifests you're probably gonna get cancer with the amount of times you're checking to see when it actually [Laughter] got all those pictures of wojak I'm not sure who that's actually directed at it's either Jack or the [ __ ] MRIS you and just incessantly checking yourself for cancer and the Machine gives you the [ __ ] cancer yeah well I'm voting though on this I'm not I'm not president I'm not pressing this button oh yeah most people did not most people 74 did not press it all right let's see will you press a button you'd be able to jump tall buildings in a single bound but you have a regular strength knees what as opposed to I don't already have that isn't the knees what would make that no I think I think the point they're trying to make is upon Landing your knees would shatter oh unless you find it oh oh okay this makes sense so you can't right so you jump a tall building but you will break your legs so if you need it in a pinch that's like 40 stories tall and you jump exactly 40 stories you'll be okay right no yeah you just have to make sure you don't miss the building I assume right yeah you have to train you have to train I mean your legs are still full strength like why not just remove your knees [Music] I mean you just hurt your legs just go straight out you just how do you jump this you just like piston extend your knees or your legs I don't know use some like Prosthetics or something well most people did not want it though 55 of my chat said they're not going to press it which is strange I'm on that side I wouldn't press it you're the [ __ ] idiots don't even know about water buckets honestly good point Wendy Minecraft I'm president I'm president 51 of people said yeah because it's one of those things like you use it if you need it exactly like you don't have to jump every second [Music] parachutes yeah it's actually oh wait that's smart oh they've changed my opinion with that no I'm I'm kind of for it now yeah I guess you don't just have to like take it you don't there's nothing that you could wear [ __ ] Moon shoes if you want let's do the next one I was about to say the moon mystery is huge you can be instantly reborn knowing everything from your previous life but you cannot profit from it how are they stopping me yeah that's what I want to know how the [ __ ] you're gonna stop me no you're not what we're profiting from it even me like if you go back and you buy Bitcoin or some [ __ ] I'm assuming right what were people what did people know a hundred years ago hmm not much you go back and show them an iPhone they they go crazy what it is is you can you can basically call it on your current life be reborn somewhere else but still know about the life you live right now it's not going back in time or anything like that oh so so it's not like it's not like you know the the stand on like the horse races or something like that it's still the same day kind of but you're just reborn you just start from zero with the same memory yeah why would you do that I think I would just be sad this doesn't make any sense to me yeah I'd miss all the people I once hold on hold on listen one to trillion dollars you hide it somewhere get all the cancers then be reborn there you go I'm already building like a skill tree here yeah like if you press both the buttons I respect it actually I respectful with that one if you combine them that's wait wait hold on Buddy but you can't profit you can't profit reminds me of that Meme where it's like you go back in time to explain something to people hang on I'll put it in general but like you know how you can go back in time to teach people things but you genuinely don't know how to explain it because it's just so like commercialized honestly it reminds me of that thing oh [ __ ] this is the [ __ ] confidence Mosaic painting and then just like a stock image of a white man sat down if you can't profit I don't know if there's a point to be honest no but there's like a phenomenon where people have dreams and they just have this dream that they live their life like for 20 years and they're like married and have kids and then they wake up and they're like what the I want my life back you know like that's a real thing Matrix the day before that no no one time I actually had that but it was just that I got a cool toy and this is when I was a kid I got a cool toy in the dream that I woke up and the toy wasn't real and it was basically the same feeling I'll be honest yeah that is the same that's so awesome Jack thanks for sharing that bro I'm not I'm not pressing this button most people did that's so weird yeah that is weird I like that it just sounds depressing it's just memories and yeah um you gain the ability to communicate with animals but you lose the ability to communicate with humans oh yeah so you just become a wild animal there's nothing wrong with that so press the button [Laughter] we're just we're just letting him say the [ __ ] I get why pyro or Fundy might want to press it but I don't want some news throwing funding in the same boat I'm still I'm still I would press it most people won't know on this man I think like how do you live the rest of your life like how do you get a like a partner like two animals the only options are animals yeah you only can do feasts you only have Beasts you become Beastmaster everyone in chat is saying got to do little no dog Doctor Doolittle could also talk to humans you kind of yeah that's half of Dr Doolittle yeah but if he he was socially inept so he basically couldn't yeah well I'm assuming you can but what would they say humans what the [ __ ] would they say yeah what do animals have to say food hungry right and you realize that literally every [ __ ] animal on the world just continuously swears and that's all they do I don't know yeah 64 people voted no on this Allen's boat dog [ __ ] fair enough all right let's see it will you press a button you get the first person to talk [Music] be the first person to talk to an extraterrestrial gifted with gold and mass amounts of intelligence did it nine-year-old write this gifted with gold and mass amounts of intelligence as their sign of Peace but time skips five years and it feels like 10 minutes for you bro time already works like that for me laughs I gotta read that like five times man struggling like reading this uh yeah this one's kind of yeah you would press like one even is five years why did they like the communicating with aliens but why they just [ __ ] throw gold in there for no reason yeah the thing that gets me right is like if you you get gifted massive amounts of intelligence like people just go to school for four years and they get like a little bit of intelligence yeah you're skipping the worst part yeah this is an easy press how much gold are you given by the way is it just like a penny or it doesn't even specify Wonder balloon what kind of Genius you just get like one of the chocolate coins from Harry Potter or something just nothing else most people saying yes to this I think I agree I'm pressing this button boys wait this one's pretty easy yeah I'm done it's only five years after all it's not that it's only five years I respect the kids imagination that wrote it that's what it gets a button for real yeah most people agree 55 of people pressed it okay okay I feel like 55 of people on Earth could benefit from a to Blue northing yeah and massive amounts of intelligence yeah yeah everyone should mainly it's mainly to the blue one yeah it's yeah it's mainly the blue oh yeah you can buy a little bit you can change your voice to however you want it to sound but you can only speak in Simpsons close there are so many episodes I think you'd be fine exactly there's like a million and one episodes you're gonna be fine also can't you just micro quote down to the words you can only see individual person's quote Right Now can anyone actually think of one what's the one where the dad strangles the Sun okay you'll become a wizard and go to Hogwarts but you will never be normal laughs [Laughter] oh my God I'm a Minecraft Youtuber I'm gonna press it without consequence yes I think the second one applies to anyone wow yeah we just get wizard Powers I'm taking the button press I think yeah this is an easy one for me someone at chat put just take some normal pills oh [ __ ] poor little guy that's funny all right yeah 78 of people press that [ __ ] best comment best comment Kyle Freeman uh says uh normal sucks and I get to be a wizard very long ago he pressed it he was so into this game that he made his profile picture the button wow I mean he's got 87 upvotes can you blame him no I don't he's got his Fame he's got his he's got his gang alrighty will you press the button become the richest living thing in existence and your family is immensely wealthy until the end of your time but Led Zeppelin will never have existed wow yeah okay [ __ ] that noise I don't give a [ __ ] some 60 year old with a Mustang wrote this one it's so genius how specific it is the actual Boomer writing it and then beforehand just poorly wrote an Englishman 9 year old I love how never is like all caps he's like never existed just absorb you're really gonna be gone no more Led Zeppelin he's the dumbest one ever this is the dumbest one yet no one would miss that Led Zeppelin if he never existed oh man yeah listening wait do you maintain the knowledge that Led Zeppelin did exist because then you you see that movie yesterday where the Beatles don't exist so the guy just rips off the beats and like releases all their songs and he gets like super [ __ ] Rich so he become the richest living thing and also famous with good music yeah exactly it doesn't really work I'm pressing it it's so dumb yeah 81. 19 of people said no it was definitely the guy that made the question on like 30 tabs there's no way 15 000 times oh man that's stupid all right you find the love of your life at age 25 and are happily married for 85 years I'm not pressing it but you have a genetic condition that means you can never have an orgasm uh that I already have that from excessive gel King so uh yeah this sounds like my life already foreign can you get hard [Music] I think no no climax is that like a personal question wait if it says love of your life at the age of 25 and you're happily married for 85 years does that mean you're Invincible until you're 110. yeah [ __ ] yeah you got a good point but that's that's a hundred and ten yeah you [ __ ] gifted yes you're Invincible until 110. yeah so honestly yes so the real the real question is would you rather be Invincible able to do whatever the [ __ ] you want for 85 years once you hit 25 and never be able to come I'm pressing it I'm pressing it I mean what you can do anything that you want yeah but slide what you can't come I can't come regardless the gel King Fundy the gel King it's the gel King man okay I'm not even joking oh it's a 50 50. oh really all righty all right that's fair you get the ability to make anything you want a reality but you'll be alone in a vast space of emptiness [Music] but I can make anything I want a reality it's not just like Minecraft flat seeds I don't like an actual void of just nothing or you go below bedrock and you can't do it oh yeah but if you can make anything this doesn't make any sense yeah I don't really look this doesn't really make much it doesn't make sense this is a child who wrote this one either way I mean I feel like literally the question is you can have everything but also nothing this is maybe it's like uh it's not really real kind of deal this is unlimited games but no games 30 minutes of computer time and you wrote the question I'm pressing it 50 to 48 all right that's pretty split all right you can go back in time and stop Hitler but you won't know how history will change huh anyways so basically it's just the question of do you go back in time to kill Hitler that's like it's just the Classic I guess you do yeah with guns at what stage though is it is it the Baby Hitler dilemma or I don't usually the baby I really don't know I'd [ __ ] up a baby if that baby was Hitler I don't give a [ __ ] about that and the moral's there I think that's fair yeah I mean they're not making me feel bad though no one in the moment would would understand though they'd be like why are you just killing that baby that cute hey Connor hello and then you're like no that this is this is Hitler hey Connor would you stump Baby Hitler um like what are the what is the scenario you go back in time baby Hitler's there he's in his crib sucking on his pacifier he can stomp his [ __ ] head would you do it um no probably not oh okay why I don't know like I feel like I'd affect too much yeah well that's the that's the downside Connor you won't know how history will change but holy [ __ ] that's crazy that you said that Connor just said he would not go back and stop Hitler have you ever made a bun on will you press the button that's a dilemma that's a dilemma are you already live [Music] I've been live bro no I just asked you that Connor just for the shits and giggles I'm just curious I didn't even know I would give him the same answer 63 of the chat is saying yes they would go back in time and stop Hitler no that's not even as many as I thought I thought it would be an overwhelmingly there'd be a lot of like pressure on me to like there is yeah this is a loaded question on top of that like I have to think of like myself like mentally could I handle like killing a baby and then like sitting with that forever true oh wait it doesn't say kill though it's just stop so maybe just tell him no yeah do you just convert Hitler okay with a nice guy true that's a good point yeah dude help him get into art school [Laughter] if I can stomp on the baby but not kill it that probably like affects him enough to where he doesn't if we give him brain damage yeah Danny like maybe stuff turns out better and everybody's okay Jesus [ __ ] Christ I bring back technology from the future it's like an iPad just melts 50 people wouldn't stop Hitler oh what the [ __ ] oh my god wow the more time you spend on that question the more time you think I think of the future that's very true yeah you can travel through time but it's a one-way trip oh yeah no I pressed that button you press it where would you go well it doesn't say like one time or anything right it's like I get the power to travel through time but I can't go back anytime I mess up I just go back like 30 minutes oh you have to keep traveling at different intervals I'm not really sure there's not enough details yeah that is true I think I think the implication of it's a one-way trip is that you can literally just time travel one time and that's it okay I I yeah I'm assuming that's how it is too in that case I would not do it I I think it's just this is question to appeals I was like born in the wrong generation [ __ ] it's just for those people who want to live in the 80s I want to live when when Led Zeppelin was around I'm clicking no on this no these kids be like 52 people agree the Rugrats all righty never be hungry but never eat again yeah that's all the time you could save it I'm with you on that I pressed this button for sure I constantly wish for this scenario really yeah yeah honestly you ever like well I mean Jaden you're you're you don't eat meat but I'm saying like if you if you ever have this nice steak in front of you and you know you won't be able to eat it if it's not gonna be the urge to eat it either yes this is circular again it's like oh you never have to pee but you'll never pee again I'm down for that I'm down for that completely yeah but but eating eating can be enjoyable Lively removed the ability to piss companies yeah eating are we still like a normal human like do we just starve it doesn't mean you don't have to eat oh yeah that's how we're taking it I mean you yeah you can't eat but you will die from starvation could you imagine if this worked as in like every button you press it Stacks onto the next thing so like we literally could have been like a trillionaire with every kind of cancer and they can never eat slowly starving I voted no 57 percent of people also said no to this I couldn't get that yeah I kind of get that will you press a button you'll be able to stop time for 30 minutes and do whatever you want but if you take anything while time is stopped it becomes unusable and worthless when time starts again I'm not pressing that because that's a lot of words and I don't want to come no 30 minutes when time starts again so it's basically it's basically quick saving yeah I'm assuming I mean the first thing that comes to my mind is you stop time and you beat the [ __ ] out of someone and then you just resume skip that anger out what [Music] literally that guy opposing you suddenly is like red bloody fists and he's just continuing his story like yeah it sounds it sounds like you you stop time anything that's like yeah like I'd still take the power it's like okay I already can't stop time and steal but now you're telling me I can stop time but still can't steal this is still better than my situation of not being able to stop time this is true this is true I think it's fair to want to press this button I mean it's a double positive right because you could beat the [ __ ] out of someone and then they'd actually dissolve because you touch them when time stopped yeah it's a world type beat yeah 72 people said yes on that that's fair you can speak every single language but the more you speak other languages the more you forget your original language and the more painful it is to speak well why would I want that I feel like if the only position this is kind of [ __ ] is if you're English speaking because like the majority of people on Earth speak English yeah or like maybe not the majority but it's like the most spoken language on Earth so like because I'm a native English speaker that kind of [ __ ] me up since that like rules off like a lot of people like if I originally spoke like I don't know [ __ ] Swahili then like yeah I I feel like in life the amount of times you speak Swahili is kind of wild but I feel like it's [ __ ] for anyone if you get more like hurt when you speak Progressive yeah the pain across all languages or does it mean painful to speak the original language that's how I talk it in general so it gets yeah at a certain point you won't be able to talk anymore so I I don't think that's worth it man that's not worth it I don't think that's worth it [Music] like can you just say one English word and then it goes back I'm assuming there's no reset yeah if English wasn't so interchangeable and comfortable yeah exactly no that's what I'm saying yeah all right 60 people said they wouldn't I agree I think that's fair eighty percent of Chad said it oh God here we go oh Jesus a major video game company decides to make a new game with you as the main character paying you a small fortune for the rights to use your likeness but the game is even more boring and annoying than your everyday life what's more your contract with the company requires you to play a televised 13 hour marathon of the game once a month for five years this is just a twitch contract you're right yes this is mine this is just an S fan stream [Laughter] I'm saying yes I'm saying yes I have to listen I have to televise 13 hours of stream in a month anyways I'm pretty sure yeah it is this contract I feel like most regular people would say no but most of us who are conditioned to uh doing nothing for 13 hours uh which made this one to be like see guys it's not that bad you can tell any lie and [Music] your favorite food your T your favorite TV show will be canceled and you'll be unable to obtain porn obtain porn yeah I feel like I've watched other people's porn but you cannot obtain it foreign oh no dude like [ __ ] lost gets canceled wow it ended a decade ago you got me bro I don't see a problem thinking that yeah just literally have backups of it yeah you also like a TV show getting canceled doesn't mean you can't go back and watch it just means I don't make any new [ __ ] still there yeah it's quite common actually she's fine this is this is fine okay we're gonna take it The Sopranos and breaking bad no they're not gonna make another season guys I'll I'll press this one it's a little weird though because like you could just deceive people whenever you want do you know how I do that anyway it is yeah everyone believe you I literally do that all the time I'm literally a big manipulator there's like a movie where no one is able to lie except this one yeah it's a Ricky Gervais movie he he couldn't his thing is that he can lie but like no one else knows the concept of lying so they just automatically assume the truth so he just lies to people the [ __ ] time he like gets really far because obviously everyone yeah blind for no reason I do that as well Connor I'm a pathological liar so I feel that every dream you will have a lucid dream but they will all be nightmares what is a lucid dream okay so a lucid dream is when you can control you know you're dreaming and you can control it and I I used to have like I used to lose the dream a lot as a kid and I will say you can just change it like if it's a nightmare you're like I'm gonna stop thinking about this and then it changes right it depends on how fast it actually sounds like a superpower man like I wish I had that [ __ ] it was really crazy Lucy dreaming long story short it's like knowing that you're dreaming so yeah basically mid dream your mind is powerful enough to go Ayo this is a dream I don't want this step and I want that to happen and then if your mind can do it that happens right so basically that's exactly what Jaden said yeah yeah [Laughter] you I I don't think you can change from Nightmare to numb nightmare I will say uh I still like occasionally lose a dream and when you know it's a dream it's not scary you know right I was getting to I used to lose a dream so much that I remember specifically one time when I was like eight I was in the middle of a dream and I was like this is like my fifth lucid dream of the week I don't know what to dream of anymore and it was a really boring dream the thing is about lucid dreaming though it's not very good for you rest was because it keeps your brain really [ __ ] active um I uh I don't see anything to do with sleep paralysis is a negative so maybe it's worth picking us this is the worst thing honestly it just seems fun and look what this guy said slash give shotgun slash give shotgun ammo no no no no no I mean it just seems like a fun time to be honest it's fine I've done it once or twice it's real fun I'm pressing the button most people did not huh damn my chat seem to want to though it was Chris Larson again to do with the red button he's gone through every single one I wonder why his opinion is the Led Zeppelin question you get to hang out wow you get to hang out with Gabe Newell for a day but Half-Life 3 is canceled and the series assault to Activision I mean that's already happened so yeah this one I don't give a [ __ ] about I'm not gonna lie I don't care I genuinely do not care this one would have gone crazy in like 2011. it would have it really would have I just don't care about it yeah I'm all good I mean like I could I feel like you you know what meme was like would you rather take like a million dollars now or a conversation with Jay-Z how about that how about that just just a quick little test for everyone how does everyone feel about that question I'll press I don't care I never played Half-Life anyways so you can access Netflix in your head and watch things anytime you want but you can never eat junk food again win-win win-win what's so hard about a TV yeah that's a good point yeah but you can do it when you can do it whenever and also hold on also you can't get like you can't like gain a lot of weight either which is a problem with your head you just have to like slot in seven bucks every month Jack you gotta hold the phone in your hand it's kind of kind of effort it is kind of effort it is kind of different the lazy I just want to lie down in bed and not hold the phone I kind of want to press it not gonna lie I mean I'm against it I'm not pressing it I'm not pressing it what does it mean with junk food though does it just like ban it or you find it disgusting or like because I think the context is important I'm assuming it doesn't mean to be better is good yeah the chip just makes you like vomit if you if it detects uh it's like no stop eating that watch Netflix the Netflix chip it's the [ __ ] Elon Musk brain ship he wants to release what the chip that killed like 90 of all the monkeys they put in it yes he's just seeing everyone press it like no [ __ ] wait wait wait wait that's a they tested on [ __ ] monkeys they died pack got things monkey they did they most of the monkeys they put the chip in are dead was like soon our monkey will be on Discord and twitch it's like well no that's not even no it's dead and it's not gonna be there I wonder what game they would play Cuban Horrors beyond my comprehension fortnite probably 19 out of 23 monkeys died man that is [ __ ] up [ __ ] up will you press the button you have all future bills payments and other expenses paid in forward for the rest of your life but you you lose your sense of taste oh no [ __ ] that taste is important man paste is important yeah yeah it's fair point did you lose taste as well Jack during Corona no I didn't lose taste when I got covered in fact weirdly enough excuse me they say you can lose your like sense of smell and taste my sense of smell got better I can I'm smelling colors man like I always been smelling [ __ ] I don't know why it's been really weird I'm happy for the worldwide pandemic for two years you benefited man I'm really happy sense [ __ ] yeah I swear God I think it's because like my I guess because like I got a snotty nose and it cleared for the first time in years I can just smell again the first time you blew your nose but genuinely the lady at the test like please blow your nose you're like what was that I blew my nose to do the test I have never heard of this concept ever it is kind of funny considering the net the average net worth in this call is like five million dollars yeah I'll lose my sense of taste nah I I think it sucks I lost it for like a month uh during Corona a lot it genuinely sucks it really does suck oh it doesn't say you can't regain [ __ ] right sorry you you were telling me you were eating healthier though that's what that's what oh yeah definitely yeah yeah you definitely don't enjoy like shitty food because you can't taste it so yeah I did eat a lot more healthy so it does make you healthier that's that's something to think about guys hold on guys Wubba duck 1337 chimes in with bro Jay Schleich you can rent the best Penthouse in NYC now and happily eat all the [ __ ] you can get [Laughter] you do convince me I'm pressing it let's be realistic 57 people said they'd press it I think that's fair that's fair I do get it I understand the bills thing the Leafs win the cup but every hockey fan grows a beard no no no no no no no no no no what the [ __ ] cares I don't even get how Niche this is now this was someone's Uncle man come on Led Zeppelin man he's back with his weird interests most people don't want the leaves to win the cup [ __ ] Canada ah your internet is so festive anything you download is instantly on your computer but you can't sleep for 24 hours after you download something what the [ __ ] nah I feel like I feel like download too [ __ ] I Do download too much [ __ ] too there's a smile and I just download something like during the 24 hours that just resets to 24 hours as well right you will be dead in a week you will never you save a JPEG in your [ __ ] your amount of time what if you just like took pictures of [ __ ] on your phone yeah desktop dude I obtain I obtain way too much point to be clicking this button laughs uh implying Preston uh gave me 30 Jack and he says just a heads up if you had covered and it altered your sense of smell it taste that's because it penetrated your blood brain barrier oh [ __ ] check out some clinical trials for that stuff so you're actually [ __ ] and uh and I'm not pressing this but have I got really got covered in the [ __ ] brain I'll be honest medical emergency I've been tested like so I I never felt particularly sick but I've been testing consistently positive for like a long time now because you can leave in the UK you can leave isolation after so minimum six days so on the fifth day you can start testing and if you test negative for two days in a row you can leave isolation and I've been testing every [ __ ] day since day five and I've been positive for [ __ ] age now I don't feel sick or anything and so you joined this VC knowing that person Jack that's [ __ ] up it's true I got cyber covered it it got inside by Elon Musk brain ship and I'm transferring it by the [ __ ] net that uh did anyone tell Jack it's it's one line on the test is negative by the way all right get this one you would be very rich but all your loved ones would be very sick that's terrible they're still alive they're taking one for the team how rich I I'm assuming enough to cure whatever they've got so this might be a yes from me is this like a a common flu or this is cancer you have every type of cancer all your loved ones get every form of cancer but you get a trillion I like how it doesn't specify how much wealth or even what the currency is to be genius if it was just some guy thinking it's [ __ ] dogecoin's gonna blow up again or something yeah you just get given a Dogecoin just like no trust me it'll be worth 50k in a year honestly I don't want to live with that guilt of pressing this button and then causing all my loved ones to get sick you know that's just something I don't know if I would live with right I get that I'm on the same page there I'm gonna chats at five Dogecoin yeah it's worth it yeah 70 people did not press that button I still think about the cover that's in my brain yeah dude it penetrated you got penetrated one of your family members pressed the button on you all right you become immortal and no longer age but you spend the next 50 years in a Maximum Security Prison oh no immortality sounds like it sucks ass honestly yeah it does it does I'd rather die and Achieve uh eternal life in heaven yeah it's one of those things you think of as a kid right like I want to live forever but then you actually realize the gravity and [ __ ] uh maybe go to church yeah consider God instead I mean if you you can you can really become immortal if you want to right now uh I'm not going to president you've seen that Kanye text right where you said all of his employees seek God that you're fired yeah he posted the screenshot like he was in the right and he's like man [ __ ] all these employees meanwhile the guy is like dude I'm sorry I was five minutes late to the meeting uh my family died in a fire and he's like you keep me waiting it was really it was really rough holy [ __ ] find God he actually said find God or like seek God or something yeah he came across he came across the chat though the employee sent like a Bible paragraph of how he was in the right just because he was late yeah then Kanye Just Hits him with the stop texting go find guards come back what the [ __ ] come back come back what the [ __ ] Kim take me back wow leave skate uh would you rather have the same Powers as Superman without the weaknesses but you become immortal you can only have one spouse and one child and neither of them gain your powers and you cannot gain friends eventually going [Laughter] can I have one Spirit see I I like I like all these like slight negatives and then you'll go bad [ __ ] overpowers everything else yeah you've got no sense of mental folds dude you won't get through this this is the worst one yet you literally don't make friends Superman I'm not pressing this this is so stupid [ __ ] that what if Superman was Joker pilled it's just homelander literally you get Pokemon X and Y early but instead of it being in 3D it's 2D no this one it wasn't fun it would save this private save the franchise you stopped everything before it went wrong can you scroll down and see there's a comment again does that mean I won't be able to sit on benches bummer uh 2D Pokemon is better than 3D Pokemon X and Y have been out for like four years six years ago he's probably got a family now Jesus Christ want sex tonight right here do not go to that link don't go to that link don't go to that link boys I don't know I'm tempted to go to that link I want it I want the game early but I might someone made that one to cope you'll be Tumblr famous but you can never scroll on your dashboard again oh my God this site is [ __ ] ancient oh my God this site is [ __ ] ancient there'll definitely be a question about like do you pick Gangnam Style you will become friends with Pewdiepie he will never be able to watch Tobuscus again you know they're [ __ ] spitting up the cereal me much imagine he will never watch the boss Jack Preston donates another thirty dollars and says uh not [ __ ] but most people lose either smell or taste that your taste was enhanced is different also we've found covid in parts of the body brain uh GI tract for months afterwards who's we is this stupid [ __ ] is he a reason my taste is normal but my smell just feels ever so slightly more like like I swear I'll like smell [ __ ] I'm like [ __ ] it that smells strong and it's been like that for like the past couple of days thank you Dr Anthony maybe my nose is just glitching I don't know maybe my nose just cleared I I wouldn't I don't think I'm some medical anomaly just yet give it a few more weeks give it a few more weeks all righty let's see what we got people under 18 are unable to view or use the internet via a psychic barrier what YouTube comments are still [ __ ] what I'm down it gets rid of Tommy in it from the internet again honestly true delicious fantastic button I have long maintained even though I will lose most of my audience I've long maintained that people born after 9 11 should just not have access to the internet okay [ __ ] you then like if you were born before the world stopped turning then I mean I'm sorry like after the world stopped turning I don't I just don't think you know I was born after 9 11. don't be mean to me damn that sucks you you were not there to I watched him fall bro for real yeah on the television that's [ __ ] it's like a normal bit no I always won I was one years old okay did you record it I did have you guys seen the video called Megan drinking apple juice no if you want to pull it up [Music] um where is it this is is this is coming out of left field Jane what are you what are you talking about yeah I don't feel like I can I see the relevance of this right now we're talking about 9 11. huge tragedy um here maybe you shouldn't watch it on stream I don't know oh bro I've seen this video that's a sad video wow that was that was quite the video oh my God yeah I'm not gonna show that video man uh also we're gonna go to the next button that's a [ __ ] up video Jesus I thought she was drinking piss I thought that was the joke you will get it you'll get a million dollars or your Regional equivalent but you'll have to work five 22 hour days a week for the next two years but receive the same pay all right wow this is quite a question for people in this VC yeah I'm okay I'm okay for some reason I'm okay just average YouTuber I don't think anyone would either I don't think anyone would press this button regardless YouTube Heroes so like don't say that though because they'll start making this panel yeah what does that translate into like our like payment for per hour I have no idea I'm curious about that too I'm gonna do the math real quick hold on I I it's probably not uh yeah that's you'll die if you do that regardless yeah 63 an hour a million dollars is 62 an hour yeah yeah it sounds about right it's not it's it's not bad but it ain't great it's also 12 hours of sleep a week yeah but for that sort of payoff it's really not a great oh no people say but now try and do a subathon sorry you should pay remsky more no I'm all right I'm not presidents 42 percent of people press that [ __ ] [ __ ] man damn okay you can choose to be immortal by taking years from someone else but the extra years you get to live have to come from the life of a loved one they will die earlier because of you holy [ __ ] whoa that's tough uh I don't think I'm doing that again with the immortality super villain [ __ ] yeah what's the context of loved one because you just do like a Tinder date and then be like yeah they're all right I still like all the years I'm assuming someone in your family this is what the queen did foreign [Music] let's do a couple more and then I'll call it it's not a threat I just want to push that you definitely said that with conviction because the Queen's gonna do some [ __ ] not me I'm not gonna do anything I'm not threatening him at all alrighty you'll be able to instantly make friends with anyone you meet but you can only have 10 friends at a time to get a new one you have to get rid of an old one holy [ __ ] I think I already pressed this button [Laughter] my Max is like three so like a party in Pokemon you gotta swap them out and now look at this other stats and stuff shut down what was that what's that girl this is he [ __ ] disappeared with the laugh so it wasn't even get rid of like like get clipped or no no I mean like you have to kill them yeah oh my God I mean clip is in the mafia not twitch oh Mark I didn't even mean clipped in that context 11 is too much anyways I don't see a problem with this yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah a 10. because I get rid of them as I get if I make a new one I get rid of them yeah but this this Discord your stream server has has uh 16 members it does yeah not including yourself that's 15 friends oh God I guess that means you're getting banned [Laughter] that's right he gave me from the call the joke was he kicked me from the courts that's the joke I was just saying I'm kicking them from the server and press the button 52 of people did wow he's dming me an IP address now I'm not sure if it's adding me he's being a [ __ ] [ __ ] now sorry listen man I had to get rid of you I had I hit my 10 friend quota Freddie Wong not me I'm not kicking Freddie Wong from the server he's my best friend he's one of the friends Freddie Wong stays in This Server he didn't he doesn't even make the [ __ ] show anymore this one's awesome you can manipulate people into doing anything you want but you'll get massive migraines that last half an hour every time you do half an hour isn't so bad bro just pop some migraines that fixed my mind you could just take aspirin you could anyways every YouTuber ever yeah because that's literally what I do every day on The Daily so to be a great segue for like a raid sponsor or something [Laughter] yeah I'm pressing it I'm pressing it [Music] 71 all right what do you say this one this one's the last one the second one's the last one I'm getting tired it is like 80 degrees in this house the migraines are kicking in migraines are kicking in guys you gotta you gotta hit that purple subscribe button if you have Amazon Prime listen if you guys have Amazon Prime you gotta hit that purple subscribe button subscribe for free it lets you do it for free you can hit it subscribe for oh [ __ ] my head oh you get all the guns in the world but you can't get ammunition [ __ ] the point what's the point of that that sounds like living in Texas right now there's an ammo shortage like there's no difference and that would have such an impact like nobody's looking for the guns honestly Oh I thought it meant like you get one of each type of gun I mean you're saying you know you get all of every weapon in existence you could stop how do you put them you could stop all that violence you know my Mansion my big house that I own Jen oh sorry that's fair you could you could have a a gunless world if you had all of them yeah wait okay probably political like can someone just like come into your house take your guns and they get ammo like and you just can't defend yourself I I really I don't know you could pistol with them you can just hit them with it real quick pretty much everything in America but like nothing in the UK because of knives yeah right [Music] I'd rather have ammunition for the gun I'm not gonna lie to you yeah 57 percent yeah because then if someone comes to take the gun like what are you gonna do uh I can't shoot him does everyone know you have the guns that's what I want to know like like do all the world's guns disappear and everyone's like where the [ __ ] the guns go I don't know so they know that they know they're in my [ __ ] big mansion in the in the in the uh in the manifold room I don't know some someone in chat bought the important fact what about all the Nerf guns actually all right last one last one you are an incredible kisser great in bed and are incredibly Charming to the opposite sex but you have to constantly have a paper cut on the end of five random fingers for the rest of your life oh just put a Band-Aid on everyone heals another one immediately how does this apply to gay people but I don't know all right gay people doesn't it doesn't rest in peace gay people I guess that's not this button yeah homophobic button the button doesn't work the way you want it to yeah I'm already that top thing so I'm just gonna not press it shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up I don't want paper cuts bro I don't want them horrible five always that's half your digits edit well as soon as you said paper cuts we gone I'm not pressing it I'm not pressing this one oh most people did huh wow interesting interesting okay okay people just not used I [ __ ] paper anymore that's the [ __ ] iPad I have no idea oh God that hurts so much well guys thanks so much we're all uh we're all trillionaires now and we have every form of cancer in our body this is the last J slap stream this is the last g-share stream I'll see you all later I'll be having copious amounts of sex uh and kissing people effectively incredibly yeah man I'm out of friends sorry man [Music] I'm playing silent he might not bam me thanks guys I'm gonna go thanks bye [Music] see ya wow what a great group of what a great group of guys and girl
Channel: jschlattVODS
Views: 597,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jschlatt, Schlatt, jschlatt stream, Schlatt stream, jschlattvod, schlattvod, jschlattvods, schlattvods, Schlatt Vods, livestream, highlights, jschlattlive, jschlatt live, Schlatt full stream, full stream, just chatting, Jaiden Animations, Jack Manifold, Pyrocynical, Connoreatspants
Id: SWnS5klMffg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 22sec (3862 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2022
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