Scammer Expected $4,000 But Wasted 3 Hours Instead

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[Music] it's very windy on the phone it sounds like to you hurricane or something [Music] hi ma'am this is Brian Wilson had the previous before I got the flu how are you doing today oh it's great another one with a mouth breather I okay Bob he was my representative and he was having some trouble understanding you but all the reason your call has been transferred to be okay so would you like to like we know I don't you remotely through that part yes is a very nice-looking young lady oh nevermind now another very nice-looking young lady and she's very happy he's very happy about the remote Oh excess it says secure remote access to your computers now on and it's very more PC remote PC on your PC Mac iOS and Android in Android Android device and there's a nice picture of a whole bunch of stuff on Windows and Mac can see that those and yes it's a purple animal well it's more like a perp more like a lavender and a teal color or maybe yes Vivian was a brave and that's brave or I would call very periwinkle I don't know madness I am what a pretty color if it were up to me I'd call it okay turquoise Beach no maybe a weight yeah look Lily MA yes really loves purple oh c'mon Western I'm like because lavender Lily little let me let me complete first genesee can you see two options window them back Scott I'll be back yes yes the windows is a bluish greenish kind of more of a mountain a little color and then the map is kind of yeah majestic north of mouth pink okay now let me know what operating system you are having or do you have a map of maybe I have a window here okay from windows mom yeah I ever will yes three windows come here give up like on Windham okay you're talking about the one that's like a teal color chart short route well yes like us spatula blue if you catch my drift okay should I have my lawyer look at the license agreement this seems very complicated no that's not problem Adam you need to install that in what we see in your computer okay and through that I will be providing you the 3d cancellation we perform and just after that you'll be get your funds back okay okay I'll agree at least temporarily at least temporarily oh maybe I can disagree later I can't seem to find it I have like new folder seven copy copy new folder six copy new folder seven carbon carbon carbon iTunes copy three remote PC Spotify recording one there is no game sweetheart remember you follow for copy Google Chrome copy copy recycle mail no no you need to a part of the most peaceful education together I ask you to screen you think we just jogging we're talking over each other I don't mean to do that ma'am I would never purposely around you and that's quite rude I need to apologize normally forgive me would you forgive me for interrupting you before I know it can make things very slow I understand that madam would you please penny I really really appreciate that okay yeah I can't area you can call one thing like can you see anything PC application on your computer screen right now oh there you are I've got green ice cream yes it's a Lauren and I'm going to sending you a $400 cancellation refund form in front of your computer Oh which you need to fill out from Yoren once you fill up the form you will get in back $400 to your well okay let's not get too greedy it's 300 in any night yeah 399 it is almost $400 okay yeah you don't want to be you don't want to exert you know what they say you know what happens when you exaggerate the alligator all right I understand that come out so you just give me yeah you just give me a few situation jury you make a gator out of when you exaggerate you make a gate out of you and me wait when you assume you make it oh that's what I was my father used to say that [Laughter] and one more thing I just need to tell you right now the fungal dying anything new you say it so if I'm going to our game any information over the phone I will going to lose my job okay I guess you understand say anything all right don't need to tell me anything over the phone as this is a recorded line okay yeah you need to just feel at the phone okay wow this looks this looks very official I didn't realize that the Department of Justice version on this alright in the Better Business Bureau are you legally required to give me this cancellation yes this is a legal yeah this is the legal business ma'am as you have made a payment last time and as we are connected with Better Business Bureau yeah so this is the legal thing that we need to you know like refund the money to the customers if the customers not want to continue with the contract okay okay whenever I see in the Google flowers I just immediately go to the report abuse page and I hide like I disconnect the network for a second reconnect it report it and then he doesn't see that right hello Alec once you feel about mom we need to open up our bank and we are send it to you a $400 okay okay how is your how are your day been darling it's not good man today it's not good you know a personal trouble you're in yeah I have a lot of personal trouble man well you know what you can keep you can have my refund if you need it if you might need it Lorelei no no ma'am no ma'am I work in a company okay I don't have any authorization to take any money and do not click on submit at me fill up the form I die how much loan number type your phone number man I already have my father's no you have to type on the ball it's just thank you for your submission please log on to your bank account and check your available balance thanks for your submission please log on to your bank account and check available balance what you do ma'am you need to just log into your account to verify this transaction okay the money is going to initiate in your account you need a Gilligan simply log into your bank and verify this transaction and see whether you receive the money on your account or not okay okay there must be another session to sign right there in the background that must be here is no fine ma'am display winner - something maybe making a sign when I click Submit nothing happens I guess it did work I wonder if I wonder if a guy was buying a sign and that's right well that's why it worked on your on your phone you receive a cold man maybe made by a stop sign or something for collectible how often how does it work like they eventually just want it what happens on my bridge pass otherwise stated why why I'm moving my so fast it's coming so quickly I can barely be holders your Bank man yes I normally use the iPad before I read it okay alright why can't I move my mouse my account department is working ma'am so just a second he was going out helping me out okay okay so he's downloading as because they want to hide this screen when I can open the computer so they want to look like this they want to connect to the bank move some money around and try to skim skinless that's pretty much what's going on right now we're trying to connect you with our manager okay connect you with the man okay stand for little eye height manager all right oh the lightweight so he's very thin miss mom oh I'll tell a maid for the cheesecake oh it takes but k AI que es just minutes it's a cheese done for ma'am Oh in your cheese Bank the kids bank refund form creation form we are going to spending you a refund amount okay Alex you get it set up [Music] yeah I'm going to set up for you man now what you can see on your computer screen man three nine nine refund from the Chase Bank who Pamela eggs Pam and the guy guy told me about that why did the woodcutter fall asleep you in a bother jack so what I'm saying what I'm Kenya man this is a form which is directly connected with our Chase Bank okay so in the form please do not make any mistake when you have touched something okay because this is a form which is directly this electric line that for the same back or at least the first major you see me wrong okay so don't make any mistake you just tell me and do not need the backspace key man because they're setting all of it up so that when I type in Bari nine nine okay they're gonna talk like an extra nine or something to make it look like nutrients to make it look like I transferred for Dorian that's why they said I can't type your bank name sorry about that okay right amount Malky by space okay I press ENTER not space oh my god once again type from the Binion type your name oh I'm sorry honey I'm trying to be careful and there I made a mistake with the dollar sign okay sorry you want the Globex patient sorry okay now listen to me very carefully mama matter me yeah okay now your refund amount is $399 is that right I'm pretty sure yeah three nine nine right 399 so what you need to do ma'am you need to type only three nine nine and no no no no no no no no okay you do not make any photos please ma'am what am i well there we go okay I won't type the line Nina I understand it's just real I mean how nah Adam Alex not listen to me ma'am okay listen to me do not type anything listen to me listen to me ma ma ma ma it's me okay there we go $3.99 mom man why did you type dot dot man see how he typed like he typed that now what he hung up are they giving up now I wonder if they're just gonna give up it's not transfer okay it's not transfer because you have type a dot in the amount okay like that do not yes I'm saying that do not press any dot or something like that fill up the form once again okay and do not put any dot all class like that okay do not put any kind of dot or flash anything like that right in and type three nine I no no no no don't need to type anything you have to listen to me first of all come on mark okay okay shy madam madam do not type anything listen to me what I'm telling you listen to me okay you have to type three nine nine that's it okay once you have typed three nine nine press Enter okay three nine nine or it should i do 399 or just three nine nine no you have to type three nine nine just a numbers and enter just be numbers three my mother arias enter bowtie life enter okay it's my refund the matter three does the second mom okay hold on hold on just a second the first extras you have doing a lot of mistakes ma'am I don't know how he's gone through or not what's the mistake it says my refund amount three nine nine what I thought that's what I was supposed to do just a second ma'am type the extra nine but I backspace it and this guy oh I don't like the green it's hard to I guess I got sunglasses I'm sorry that the green is here for so long but so we're doing a little bit of hard time I will I will now fall for his scam so you guys can see the next part of it um do it once again Type three nine nine and three enter before three nine nine and enter okay all right just a second month okay it looks like it went through you type the name too late but I got a confirmation from my account apart that there is some mistakes ma'am okay what kind of mistakes I guess I guess I guess like you name having a mistake man you know it's Tara yeah you your full name is Pamela right yes basically right right which is the form which is directly connected with the Chase Bank okay so what you're saying is if if an accident happens chase more sense than something bad happened do not write do not make any mistake man I just I just want to get to your orientation if anything bad if anything goes wrong um chase well won't let it go through is what you're saying yes now you have to type your amount three nine nine and enter I have to type enter okay three nine nine enter well before I even finished wait no I type it says but wait I typed three nine nine and then I was typing enter and all of a sudden someone type 99 at the end someone thousand I have someone maybe we should try this again I don't understand what's happening but if you please any extra nine something like that laughs did you present nine harder they do please like time but somehow ma'am like something went wrong again I only typed three nine nine and it looks like someone else typed e99 I was typing enter and make a lot of them I can do one thing I can do one thing I can change your amount that I can do okay Wow it's not 399 I can change the amount you have to type 400 it's a very simple 400 okay so he can type an extra zero type your first name well how do you type that type your first name ma'am why would he do not make any mistake look he literally wrote 399 refund from Chase Bank why do I have to type anything else yeah you have yeah you have type 400 okay then it's time for typing your amount you have typed your 400 okay my request name first of all first of all you I don't know okay Pam now don't wanna market right you breathing enter ma'am story I okay I really I really need to stress me out can you just type it for me and you just type a little things only I was supposed to me never be better now you have to tell you do you do and I don't want to make any mistake I've already made like seven nights you do it this time it would be so much better this is your place you have to type it I don't have any authorizations to type it okay she typed a fling out no do I have to retype up no you don't need to retype you need to type with your amount eyes okay I will do it four hundred Oh No okay because you didn't what kind of citizen just a speck of it no Justin I'm doing scam I have to literally can't figure out how to do this killed he's supposed to type an extra zero it's just you can't it's too slow but ma'am via transferred the money on your account and I got a confirmation from my account Department that somehow you received three thousand I'm sorry four thousand what I got a confirmation from my account Department that somehow by mistake Lee you receive four thousand in your account except of four hundred which is $4,000 how could this happen you have done us so many times mistakes and that is the main reason anything wrong give me a five minutes ma'am literally confirming you let me talk with my Accounts Department and do not hang up the phone in the main Wow okay one for phone ma'am I was going to lose my job ma'am okay because I see yes ma'am why would you look at y'all gotta come because you have received 4,000 hey I don't believe it God chase didn't let you make mistakes I they wouldn't even give it to me because my name was wrong why would they give it to me if the amount is wrong too many times he ever destroyed about the low guy who it blew my manager is calling me ma'am writing about the teal blue from the Farland alibi honestly and he ain't got nobody else I mean you I imagine I really know right now hoping you're worried about your job you know you're worried about your job right now because you're you're feeling blue but this man himself ba da ba dee da ba da da dee da ba da and that would get him for his day just like that it's just mental exercise you could do it with me right now honey it is your way to meditate and just say you know what whatever happens today it might be blue but i ba dee da ba dee da ba you know that's what I used to tell my children when they were growing up okay if they were feeling mobile I'm I knew it's not like that but they about that if they were if they were angry if they were feeling a red eye buddy about that but they about that if they were if they were happy and it was all smiles they were feeling yellow well that's not dumb indeed Avedon it's Yabba Yabba eat I eat I think it was ya ye that's all it's a whole study of life honey where are you from yourself you're in your action town if you don't mind it sounds like you're from Texas yes ma'am I'm from Texas how long have you been living in Texas not just a bit ma'am this rate of my exes are from Texas you know you know they say everything is bigger in Texas is it true yes ma'am you are selected honey we're about you Texas are you are you from are you are you in that youth in ma'am oh this that's for the what's it called what's it called the Houston the Houston do rules right the football team yes ma'am just try to log in one more time appreciate you guys this is where this thing things start to get really interesting now they're obviously invested there's a couple guys sitting around the laptop thinking they're about to scam me for four grand but this is where takes a turn for the worst these anyway yes now we can gonna do whatever we want and like they they've already invested a lot into this and they're not gonna give up yes I am trying to make sure madam but we are having some instant connection I'm not even trying to ruin it for them because this bumps on a moment of time because you have been clicking on here in the air which is causing me a lot of trouble so now if you give me some time I don't be able to make this thing happen for you okay hello okay hello just remember right so just can you hold the line for a second please yes and like I certa say something on my own all right so he hid the screen because he's gonna try to change the HTML um unfortunately he's really gonna struggle to do that because I have this Bank up was set specifically it was created specifically specifically to make this scam incredibly complicated so I know you can't see the screen right now that's because they're hiding it because they don't want you to see that are editing the HTML of your page but we have a blank it's just a big rectangle covering the entire bank right now and it's transparent so he's trying to like right-click on um he's trying to right-click on something and change the HTML that says the amount there hey I'm here I'm just waiting hello and he's probably really alright but let me just make sure everything is correct so just I don't want him to I don't want to be this hard for him if you wouldn't have covered the screen I could have helped them I could have just clicked if I click on tech support I hope madam you can understand the situation over here right I'm really worried about a job yes ma'am right so you don't want to just try to help him out I go along with this they don't I go to make him happy man so if you just just want to make them go and I'm just checking the divert Accounts Department what exactly went wrong no bad Farah I guess maybe he does deserve a lose his job the horse he made that banner mistake no he did not make the mistake like Houston okay he suddenly made it so I can see the screen I'm not sure why so I clicked contact support to make it easier for him I hope he tries one more time because now it'll work there you go buddy I helped you out I threw you I hope I helped you out man wait do you still not know what to do he still doesn't know what to do yeah I'm just worried about his job okay okay ma'am just I believe you have a router are you netbox your router oh yeah Netflix yep just go to your router okay at the back side of the router Vanessa will notice my routing number it's like it's to distract me so just in case there the screen isn't hidden you don't see what they're doing okay so they transferred they transferred all of my money from the other accounts into the personal checking but then they're gonna edit the HTML to make it look like they never lost any money that's the okay now now all the lights are on not turn on the light okay yes but sir I mean yes all right I mean it was too easy they handed me that point they handed me that what am I supposed to go don't need to go to go anywhere ma'am don't need to go younger just sitting find a filter just come back on your computer ma'am no no press any button which do not press any button do not press any button anybody okay you see how they're just changing the HTML come that's all temporary they're trying to trick me I'm gonna go along with it instead of refreshing the page if i refresh the page and stuff it goes away but I want to keep them on the hook tonight so I'm not gonna give them a hard time at this point this is like the actual client this is the big map the two and a half hours are all leading up to this map computer right now all right fine it just check your balance stramonium a yes that i am talking about ma'am i got confirmation from my Accounts Department that you have received extra phone yeah you should be it was four thousand instead of four hundred right instead of four hundred you receive four thousand in your account except it's forty eight hundred that they said okay ma'am that's really where the money ma'am you keep your four hundred dollars absolutely okay I don't know how it went from four hundred forty eight I will tell you ma'am somehow you I'm so shocked me Arvind I will tell you ma'am how you returned the money ma'am I will tell you why don't I talk to your boss I don't want you to lose your job just look on your computer screen ma'am I'm writing over here how are you so calm about this you're not even upset I am very upset like it's like telling me I am very clear about it because if I'm not going to return this money ma'am I'm going to lose my job okay because the extra money is already in your account so you can keep it you can keep your four hundred and extra 800 you can keep it okay is it legal yes madam you need to please send back so that I can save my job what it's because you're going to Walmart I'm actually going at Target I think Target you're going to target or the I might be going there's like a I got a dollar store really close by might have to go there if they every other second Lauren we want to go which store you want to go I don't know but what does that have anything to do with us ma'am if you go to a party but I like my bank and see if I can figure out how to transfer the money back ma'am banks is closed ma'am so it's kind of short right away yes ma'am Bank is closed okay let me know I'm sorry send me $4,800 at the bank foreclose ma'am I'm sending you the money through our online process I will convene it somehow or commenting on her again right I'm sending you the money through online $400 but ballistically which you have done last time I have typing so many wrong things that's why you receive four thousand dollars in your account okay it's almost like you've had all this you get some kind of think about it if you come across this a little more or you almost lost your job no mom this is the first time it's happening with me Mom I think he's asking me to do something kind of weird he wants me to go to buy a gift card mm-hmm yes ma'am let me tell you why when I buy him a gift card is Mother's birthday oh yes ma'am or yes yes very good question but and I was definitely able to answer you got the question basically the thing is that matter nine o'clock at your place so all the banks are closed right now I think in question else I think let me let me talk about them let me tell them and then make money Matt can you let me talk man and then you could run over me and my mom and let me talk Michael are you please if you see me in my papers do shocker that count from where the money has been transferred from is a business account it's a one-way account the money cannot be returned back to that same account madam whatever you do don't really know she'll sell off absolutely the reason it doesn't make sense to you madam is because the account which from where the money has been sent from it's been controlled from the Better Business Bureau and I wouldn't um why would you have a one quit cloud and since when did you recover minute you show your mother company's bank no no it's not a privately held company it's a refund account that because the money our customers are receiving that right the money which I immerse our this evening that it's a it's an account it's a non-operational and it's a non-profitable account okay this account is just meant to transfer finite to the customers who are eligible who are eligible to get a refund at because only baby right mom as because you are going to the store right now okay it's going to be easy for you the first thing is that matter you do not have to do much which store are you planning to go to buy gift for your kids for your sorry for your grandchildren I go to college I not buy them dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets okay forget him no if I don't get those nuggets it's gonna be a terrible day tomorrow okay now let me ask you one question ma'am how far is the Target store or a Walmart from your house how far is that I don't know 10 10 10 minutes mom all right so it's a circle of life okay mr. bet if you go to the Target store you need to look for Target Gift God but Sir it's a Target gift card it's red in color minamino tickly Wiggly it's a grocery store pigley yes Piggly Wiggly does not have target or a Walmart card madam but you can go to a target k1a megali really gives that no ma'am Piggly Wiggly gifts God is not going to work for us because those gift cards are not acceptable okay ma'am so if you want to keep his job madam so it's my humble request just try to just get dress up okay and and go to your parking lot happy car and go to the store okay if you want you can I can give you call back in 15 minutes or maybe in ten minutes I would actually prefer someone on the phone with me because you know in case I get lost or maybe you know I don't like to be live alone at night oh that's nice all right not a problem ma'am you just get dress up get into the car and let me know okay okay am i leaving so you know I'm kind of falling in love with you no you're such a nice person ma'am are you leaving how much more time will it take for you to leave for the store then you have switched on the blower once more and you're going to go to the store and play with some kids again you think you are the only one playing here you can play with the kids again in the store the kids he's gonna get sephora card and that card again wait did I talk to these guys before oh no nothing I was just talking to my colleague there's no way no nothing ma'am are you driving what are you talking about nothing then you're leaving you're in the car right now drive carefully ma'am it's night I hung up all that at some point after talking to that boss I feel like ooh there you go something changed cuz they handed it to that guy and now he's acting all weird and he just said something about like are you gonna talk to the kids and with the Sephora cards and I definitely did that maybe with a little bit late for me okay hi the timer reset what was the line you are not going to go to the Target store and get in the car tomorrow I'm gonna grab the chicken nuggets from oh c'mon so what what about what about Erik madam what you want to do no no no you are another amazing do I was been trying to make you understand for the last couple of hours neither man and I understood the situation you unless that they're just trying to obviously other people do this they've seen people do this on youtube people have done this to them I may have done this to that he could have just been calling the bluff like they do on with the with the virus pop-up scams they just suddenly be like oh so you're you have a virtual machine like just trying to get you to give up man you can first go to the giggity Wiggly from there you can go to the Walmart its Piggly Wiggly like a pig its peak of course you can go to the Piggly Wiggly and then from there you can go to the Walmart right up the road okay so if you can't if you cannot make me say my neighbor Suzie Durkins used to work there I just don't like the place can you please go to the store madam can use these good in the soap okay yeah lanique yeah I'll go run a Piggly Wiggly and see what I can dig up let me call you back yes I'm just keep it going back on this number thirty actually I'll get as many as I can I'm yes yes right yes try to get as many as he's right I can tell on this number yeah no that's gang it hello yes ma'am right so are you heading back home man yes I'm actually in that house now okay I'll just take care of them like I see the instructions and I'm doing that right now it says to go to go redeem them or whatever the Google Playstore announcement yes ma'am ma'am you need to give me those numbers I got it out I got it up on the computer right now no you do not have to go to understand here - do you want to add this yeah okay I can click cancel or addy now it says I click okay five hundred dollars was added to your balance there we go what do you what I'm gonna do with that oh that's that's one card out of four to help save his job are you saving you are not giving me those numbers honey I told you you can count on me I'll redeem the rest of them I'm taking campus madam are you trying to make fool of us are you trying to make fool of us Who am I you're giving the numbers - you are not giving me the numbers it's just right on the back of the card tonight they're reasonable what on Here I am I logged in and I'm redeeming you should be the number you mad women have a great evening honey I'll take care are you a madwoman [Music]
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 623,346
Rating: 4.9365768 out of 5
Keywords: scambait, scam, prank call, call center, robo calls, fraud, improv, tech support, refund department, spam call, microsoft cancellation
Id: 798YT0k4ckM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 1sec (3061 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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