Scammers Were Furious Losing $3,000 After This

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Submission By: /u/Im_Chris_Haaaansen, Team Yellow, Rank 1 user.
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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Kitboga is a god among men. XD Edna is the best.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CourageousLight πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This guy's effort and time spent fucking these people over makes me so happy

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Larrytwodicks πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

this guy is cleaver with how he wastes scammers time

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is something my grandma always said when she saw scams happening to old people. β€œWell you would think with all that experience they could smell a scam a mile away. Doesn’t make sense to get stupider as you get older.”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Chapl3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This guys videos are awesome! He’s always pretending to be gullible old people and totally wasting scammers time. He pretends to get gift cards but uses them β€œ by accident” and the scammers get all pissed off.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tonightwetoast πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] what's a we we believe we're Salib no is it William all together W in BSN boy 11 Lehman wires and Yankee like a widow and ENCOM well golly gee if this isn't the most professional thought I've ever seen Wow slapped together a godly website with like a placeholder image you guys pump just heard the work we're gonna report but feel free to report this domain to if you caught it there hello locai it's it's it looks like somebody's eyeball it's a little it's not somebody with long hair in an eyeball yes estimating powered by three black this is how I this is how I get the money use that to cancel exactly because yes sir we are providing you the from on your computers okay I just want to make sure all right even I needed right I you gotta take a sip of tea I forgot that I got my tea and I never drank any yeah do you wanna take a sip of tea with me okay Martin that's good because I wasn't gonna invite you anyway all right take it people and I believe they're under 90 okay what were you saying on the line sir is it your eye you can see the idea right and below the ID you can see the four digit password right yes I I was told never to share your Wi-Fi password with anyone is it not your your Wi-Fi password well it's not my Wi-Fi password but I figure it's probably in almost the same thing I will be going to provide to you my senior technical manager they will be provide to you each and every information and they will be going to sending you the prom on your screen we have the department you know sir every like you know every people have a different job right right today yeah so that is just connected yeah my job is just to connecting our database and we got everything and we sing you to our database which is big squad and welcome to the Geek Squad now I'm just going to transfer the call you just stay on the line sir let me go ahead and cross the call okay because we are servicing our computer each and every month you know sir we are the technical department so we know very clearly how to clear the r and how to clear the cache anything like that you have to clear the RAM on your computer every so often exactly so you need to clear the ran every single day you even go ahead a smoothly service on your computer my grandson helped me download more ram a while ago but oh yeah understand understand I say sir you have to fear each and every day your data you know like a catch by the catch five meals like each and every day you will be start to browse on the internet and after internet you will get the catch file that catch file if you've already learned by every day your computer Cadfael catch meals you know like a junk pile yeah cats are cocky critters aren't they I never did like cat exactly exactly you have to clear the junk pile each and every day and that file if you will move each and every day then what you have to see your computer so the go and smoothly okay and I do believe like you remember like you paid some money regarding to a computer services like few months ago do you remember that remember man little all right so what we will do so what we will do I will explain you and I will show it to you everything each and every details like like how much you will pay cause I believe like you had a very senior person like there you're the senior citizen because you looks like my grandfather so that's a reason you can but I cannot see you but I can hear your voice that's the reason I can recognize like you are looks like my grandfather [Laughter] that you talk to every day near about like 700 to 800 each and every day Wow it's 14 13 to 15 hours each and every day 15 so you talk to about 46 people an hour exactly exactly Wow so far but that's all right yes sir this is your this is your IP address the first one can you see that seven 2.2 to 1.9 1.29 HTTP close read this is your Castillo I yes and and can you see that this is not the status on your computer just slowly that means that means your IP is not working right now in your computer someone someone trying to enter in your computer and they're using your computer without your knowledge without your permission so that's the reason you can see the close and wait and that's due to reason you are getting this call from our department today all right yeah yeah III know I know I know you are not no no they are the people that means they are the online hackers however most of the customers they are facing this type of problem cuz the hackers the online hackers they are put the some online infection in your computer now I will show you something just hold on okay absolute right the only one telling me that I paid you 500 dollars and it didn't even work and now my computer is infected and you want me to pay another $500 no and not another $500 that is totally depends upon you like if you want to if you want to protect your computer then you will pay no no no you are not paying any money to us you pay to the buy or any shop just by your computer okay so I exactly like how many that means we will give you some option if you want to take any option then you will go it for you I swear this that is your choice like that I said this is a mechanic telling you anything and calling me because I will show you something and I will give you some option I will protect your computer as I show you some plan what we do we have plans like three to four plans if you want to protect your computer I don't want your science I want my body very computer from your change okay so okay so what I will do we will refund back to your $500 all right sounds good yes he definitely was changing the script he is definitely trying to $500 company why why we keep your money sir because we have the some protocol we have some company rules we cannot break our rooster we are reverse back to your money not to worry about it actually works because we wouldn't be in this situation now would we yes I will tell you one thing okay I will eliminating what we do okay so what what we will do we will archive anymore god bless and and one thing one thing I will not I will not rape you know and one thing I will tell you as well as like we will also provide you the services absolutely free of cost you do not pay any single of penny ring from your pocket cause you are the genuine and the platinum customer of our company already you pay $500 so like during like before before we start the conversation that time I will tell you that time I think most when we talk like my grandfather at the bottom the bank information provided on this website is only available for those living in the states in states that end in G and no others which I yeah I guess Wyoming your mother's maiden name thankful stay on the line do David Parker how are you know David I'd rather be golfing but I can't golf because my thumb's are in splints Oh like suppose suppose I'll just be here for now and once I don't want coincidentally they do make a good mini putters you know you can come up because they got the middle stick I'm not sure I've been golfing on my desk quite a bit oh and and it's not bad for Chinese food like little chopstick people okay happily in the my computer no sir because we are not game series like our accounting exactly sir because we are log in our account from our side okay just I'm okay my computer's broken on a second no you don't need to worry you do you do No so normally what I do like tell me or instead I you know we kind of haven't work around so you guys can see what our account you will login you write down we cannot see anything right trick them but even our accounts anything I can't computer obviously this time it didn't all right oh there we go can you see now prisoner yeah a login your account you just leave the control what we're gonna do we're gonna go ahead and login our account alright and we will transfer the $499 for $0.99 alright okay I do believe you write it down your checking account balance like how much you have this one like this one something like 2,000 not 2,000 I do believe II it's a it's a 1316 point 71 you can try my computer no no I cannot see like like you tell me some few minutes ago but see I'm working because blood still I am working cuz you know we have the lots of responsibilities in my like my head cuz my authority they are asking already like different I went after the transaction I will show you and you can see your own eyes okay so what he did it was he edited the bank's savings account right here he edited the HTML temporarily if I were to refresh the page it would go back to normal to reflect what it originally was five thousand dollars and now they're saving the page as a separate HTML file because otherwise otherwise if i refresh the page it goes back to so they didn't actually send me anything they transferred money in between my accounts like just the look on a computer screen oh you are not in front of a computer okay just go back in front of your computer I trust you I appreciate you going through these King flips for me and you just okay thank you and the $500 that's it you just go - and we just go and go and then let me know just look on your computer screen and check your balance and then let me know please I'm holding the line you know your last balance and then check your balance oh my goodness five oh my goodness $5,000 is deposited into account your refund amount is five hundred dollars right and instead of five hundred dollars six five oh my goodness okay this right here is the neat happen the big moment for that I'm reading my grandson sent me a message on my iPad I'm just he sent me he's coming he's gonna be coming to my house a few days early for Christmas this year okay did I end up getting the money or not yeah you know the thing is that like just look on your screen your available balance before the transaction you can see your available balance it's like your usual fund amount is $500 $500 mistakenly the $5,000 is deposited in your account that's mistaking itself and can you see that online transfer from Chase server yes like your refund amount it's $500 only but instead of $500 the $5,000 is the deposit Justin can you see that yes because it's mistakenly [Laughter] okay okay I was thinking of getting my grandkids and to thank you okay you will not going to transfer back to our pond you're not going to transfer that money back what do you mean but you may like the money the money which we have transferred you right the money we have transferred you right yeah I assume that that that was a Christmas gift I don't think that right you will think that like will happen right now you know we will try to withdraw our money not be extinct that I can't keep that money no why you were going to heat that money Oh No who told you that is that what the Christmas what did you sell me five thousand dollars them yeah it's a simply mistake happened from the keyboard to the show like we see 500 the 500 means five zero zero I am NOT getting you've got to be kidding me you can't just send me $5,000 and then expect me think it was bad less money oh my god so let me go out and if you will do like this so let me go out and give you the money back it's Christmas I'll give it back yeah so you need to point it back can you see the balance all lines are sore from Chase will credit 5,000 well we could just wing and try to spearing it we cannot dispute it you can see our cookies policy you can't see this are you sure you want to open a new support ticket okay yes yes because let me tell you listen to me well let's go it looks like the fraud prevention departments can reach out to me that's great now what I'm doing but today we make up I didn't do that now they just like super mad they're gonna resort to trying to drain my bank account now which if I if I may say is a is the worst possible play on their end I mean it doesn't make any sense like it's just not a good game plan from a logic perspective not that this scam makes much logical sense in the first place considering it all hinges on you getting a refund for something that you paid for and he used for over a year but never mind that now they're gonna take all of the money out of your bank instead of just the $5,000 and then they want you to go to the store and buy them a gift card which you can't because they took all the money out of your bank it's it doesn't make any sense okay from the fraud team call you press 2 to ignore that way we can get through your money back so we gotta give you your money back you think that you're very clever you think very clever right I'm sorry walking that you may be the one right you know very clever you think right just now sir I'm just trying to get your I'm just trying to help you get your money hey you're not helping me you know how things are you trying to keep my money back you know sure I contacted my bank so I can try to give you your money back hey what I'm telling you the honest and direct method if you will send anything you've got she was going to lose your computer and you will going to lose all your money remember that okay what were you saying up sorry I didn't hear anything you said what it was really bad playing dude makes no logical sense from your bank sir which you need to understand listen to me first why not you need to understand okay do you know any target do you know any targets Tony about your home I think so the good news is earlier when they had me connect they connected their computer and they had an excel sheet so I took a screenshot in my team there were 10 numbers on that and my team was able to call every single one of those numbers they spoke with four of them and they were very thankful to find out about what was going on and then they left voicemails on the other so these guys have been investing to 2 hours and 15 minutes with us and hopefully the other people that they were targeting aren't you know are going to be complete like it's just going to be a complete waste for them so feels feels good when these guys are that aggressive to like they're just me mean aggressive guys but we'll keep him on the phone for a while so vid you need to understand because our matter about the reputation you give me a 500 and the rest of money just send it back what is he holding back sir okay calm down calm down young man cause they are their financial professionals I'm sure that they know anything hey listen you know you with whom you're talking you're talking with Jays manager Blancas you know I'm the banker you have no idea what you're doing because you accidentally gave me $5,000 you fool Oh knows exactly anyone can make him a snack so if I talk to my pan I tell them that they made a mistake they won't they won't let me transfer the money back there okay I don't have I don't want to talk to you young man you have no idea what you're doing you accidentally sent me five thousand dollars and now you just keep yammering back and forth about going to target I don't have time to go shopping I want to give you your money back I demand respect okay what if I had what if I haven't called my grandkids call my grandson and pretend to be a certain person and I want you to pretend to be Tony Hawk Donald Trump all old Swartz and it doesn't really matter Santa I need you to do me a favor okay cuz I was gonna get I was gonna use that money to buy some special gift for my grandkids but instead I'll give you the money back that's fine so I want you I'm gonna call my grandson and I'm gonna put him on the phone and and I want you to pretend to be Santa Claus and I want you to tell him Merry Christmas and I want you to explain to him why why he's not going to get why he's not going to get the present that he wanted okay you live alone I go to the store I'm gonna call my grand and you're gonna pretend to be seeing okay and what does Santa Claus say exactly and then okay so write that down write that down make sure you say ho ho ho Merry Christmas oh ho ho [Music] that's great but not right now you have to say it when my grandson's on the phone okay okay connect your grandson and listening to me dang it listen to me yeah you're gonna have to talk to him for a couple minutes convince him you're Santa Claus and then you got to explain to him why you're not gonna be getting that toy he wants cuz I I don't have the money to buy it so say Merry Christmas maybe talk about cookies Santa Claus loves cookies yeah and then he really wants to tickle me Yoda it's like a little just hold on for a minute alone for a moment and I can take a glass of peace just confirm um can I take a glass of glass of water sure sure the whistle what the whistle yeah Santa Claus what ho ho ho Merry Christmas oh no you go cheese away on the coals cutting their own all the same all alone alone alone I love cookie [Music] Oh God to the window side Oh Merry Christmas oh oh wait is that see the graboid what is it Oh Santa Claus together are you crying save oh it's really my I can't believe I'm talking to you um you're like my you're like my my hero you're like I really look up to you Santa like I want to be is something I want to be you you know did you get him on the phone basketball games isn't that right Santa you know ice I saw you at the mall earlier you were like you were taking pictures at the mall at all like the Elvis and everything that is so cool this year [Music] why does he keep singing that song hey Santa Claus is talking here Santa yeah how are you oh um in my other him and the good list this year or the bad list hard cheese am I gonna give my Christmas present am I gonna get everything I asked for Oh knock Sam Sann are you there hello yes I'm here I'm here did you get the letter that I sent you I sent you a letter did you wrap did you read that ice it said um it said thank you daddy Santa for bringing us good cheer all I want for Christmas is a Happy New Year and limited edition Tickle Me Yoda toy did you get it yes yes I will give it to you I will give it to you sure absolutely I will give it to you okay oh really [Music] aunt I thought you weren't gonna be able to give it to him this year remember leave what do you mean grandpa why can't he give it to me remember Santa yes yes well you are gonna give it to me yes can I talk to Rudolph I'd love to talk to the reindeer can I talk to the reindeer Danny Santa all right I said can I talk to one of the reindeer Danny Santa oh that would be cool that would be great Santa could could he talk to one of the reindeer I'm sure there's one around please hopefully Santa yeah it's Rudolph there oh yeah this is Donner there because he's my he's my favorite yeah or Blitzen Blitzen is like super dope what okay but I really don't want you to go down my chimney because my mom always puts a fire in it at night and I don't want you to burn your boots he's not he's not with me what he's not at my house you know you're not that smart oh great boy don't see that he's not smart at all I don't know father Christmas okay will Santa thank you so much for calling me um can you just can you just one more time can you sing me a Christmas song well not that song please I don't like that one can you see Santa do you watch me while I sleep go to the flip like you it in my acute sleeper or do I snore I love you I love you I love you too will you be my dad gonna be a dad Oh would you be my second dad not like it dad not second dad not like that I'm the Santa Claus your friend you are right okay all right I just want lots of presents that's all yes god bless you bye-bye you just cut the phone line I'm just talking with the bility that was terrible why would you say that you'd be his dad you fool it's like 13 he's happy but he's happy like this get the you Dada it's like $700 I told you to tell him he's not gonna get to Yoda God you idiot okay okay I'm really sorry for that please save my job please save my job I will do it for you I have to keep $700 okay just keep $700 not to worry you just keep $700 they suddenly don't care like yeah that's fine I mean you're gonna give us like three grand and please do not hang up the line waiting for him to say please don't hang up it's sort of my favorite things I know it's a really very little moment but because this is the same as you can remember what if they might ask you for what reason are you purchasing this god you just need to tell them it's for my grandkids for the Christmas gift okay you you just need to tell in this row because it's the store we're going to God listen to me if the store was got to know you are doing a business transaction they will simply charge you thousand dollar taxes so you don't need to pay $1,000 from your pocket so to save the thousand dollar you just need to say that I'm buying this thing for my grandkids for my granddaughter that's all okay but I don't ever that doesn't make any sense I understand but do this for us I will let you know each and every thing once you've got the card so I'm outside directly do not talk with me in this store just put me the hole just do not talk with me in the line in the store remember that I don't talk with me don't talk okay see if I can't find the gift you're looking for all right what do you know where they are hello sir don't talk with me George don't talk with me this forum in the mute right now it is a free country I can talk to whoever I want no one cares no one cares I bet there's like 15 other people talking on the phone right you know a couple years ago good friend of mine they had to do this for their taxes they had to get Apple gift cards funny thing about that but about the government you know they're picking about so now they're making about their music yes okay gift cards gift cards gift cards gift cards gift cards where do they keep those over by the the frozen-food you think okay this is saying that you can't pay people with Target gift cards me about in this is saying that you can't pay people with Target gift cards it's anything like your board using right you didn't try to get that card out of you time fraud this holiday season if somebody asks you to purchase gift cards to pay for something he or she may be involving you in a scam no legitimate business will have you paid with a Target gift card yes so now listen to me you okay so it looks like I can't buy any Target gift cards but I got some I can buy you can buy target you just will just take that card and pay them money that's all but it says I know you can't pay people with target perfectly says right here it says if someone asks you to pay a scam no no I guess I'd feel I'd feel more comfortable purchasing something else you know it's a little uncomfortable listen to me for the moment okay can you listen to me for the moment I think you don't make no mind I don't don't tell me all that what I'm telling you just take that God and go and it says you can't pace up on target good god so you are not paying anyone so you're not being you're just buying for your grandkids remember that in your mouth okay remember that in your mind yeah I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry die someone came over because I was yelling okay do you want to talk to this guy he works for the store maybe he can explain it to you better no no I gave him the phone yeah no no I'm in a far hole of a fast they hang up good god no they get so afraid oh I forgot i muffled it let's make it sound like I was on speakerphone ready ooh there's a bunch of different kinds of it I can buy some I'm just grabbing a bunch of them okay only only target only none of it yeah I understand you want to give from Target I get it okay so the guy the manager told me that there's a couple different cards that I can buy a bunch of that don't have a fiver and a dollar limit so I'm if I give him three thousand that be what five times hold of 3/7 that would be six cards okay all right I'm gonna go buy these okay I'm gonna go buy these and then we'll get you your job back by the way my grandson said that he really really really wants to talk to Santa again because he wrote a poem he wrote a poem for you so when we get back I'm gonna probably have you talked to my grandson then I'll give you all these save your job and we'll be on our way okay so I really I really do all right I'm gonna go pay for these I gotta go pay for these find the bone okay so I told you I already took care of the first one it was very easy and I scrambled off so I scratched off all the numbers or the code and I wrote you can either roll all of them down on the notepad and then I remember you said remember that you said that you have to use them on the computer and I saw in the back of the card there it said to go to play dot the play done I already did I'll just go ahead and do it now just do all these for you hold on hold hold on sir sir hold on please please do not touch do not touch the computer do not touch the computer I'm just for deeming they do not do not touch it I'm going there for you you don't need to do it I said you don't need to do it why are you reading for you sighs I'm too that for you you said no Judy's gonna need these coats hey I'm just my granny I'll just wait for myself you don't need to do anything you don't need to do anything leave it leave it leave it for me leave it for me okay so that's thousands of Felicia right oh you leave it man you live it you live it believe me really what I do not touch the computer I will do it from my do not do anything you just give me you are loading into you 500 balance has added to your balance account why the hell are you doing why the hell are you doing don't touch I said I said are you mad are you my reward are you mad or what force tell me oh my god disrespect are you mad are you mad are you mad bro you might bro don't touch your computer otherwise your computer will automatically don't blame to me that I said you not attached just leave your car son okay let me get this straight you're mad at me for doing exactly what you wanted you are my grandfather just listen to me [Applause] just click with easy oh my god why you are doing this no no leave it please listen to me you know very good green appearing Christmas feels good to do something for sunny what you have done you have what you have you know I almost hung and I almost kept money but I'm really glad that I went to the store and I got you your job back because it feels good to help someone you know you'll still be able to keep your job right I mean that's pretty close pretty close are you in the great are you in the red I really do ever go to the bathroom yeah I am I am leaking why can you smell are you a little bit what are you illiterate are usually great electric no I you are you illiterate sir once tell me are you illiterate am i Allah crook are usually bread I know I know electric I don't know what it is okay take your own balance I do believe your opponent balance is zero all account balance of zero can you take your account balance sir you're all balanced at zero now but all balance are zero now you're all gone if I open mic have any single penny to use for Christmas Happy Christmas sir happy Christmas you have already uploaded the money into your Google account into your own account so I have already pulled out all your money from your credit card from your savings account from everywhere I have already take out the money and I put it into my business account and now you will not going to get that money until you not gave me in my $3,000 which you have added into your Google account which is your account that is not my account I'm sorry what do you say I don't get about three thousand saying my money or what yes yes I already took it out I already took it out I already took it out well so I will tell you this now you will not going to get the money now you can see the balance savings account balance is zero now and all channel balance is also zero yeah it's quite thousand Leasing yeah three thousand missing eight thousand you I have a lot but all the money was going to get automatic you do that now just but I didn't watch hey what are you talking about why is there so much money missing in my saving a success because I went and I bought the tankards yeah I understand that I understand that I understand that you bought one but you have uploaded thousand dollars missing because I have your money right now I will give it your money right now I'm the only person these guys really don't stop talking it's one of the sum of the first scammers I run into they just don't stop [Music]
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 923,088
Rating: 4.9259357 out of 5
Keywords: scambait, scam, prank call, call center, robo calls, fraud, improv, social engineering, tech support, refund department, gift card
Id: pmisa_PeQGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 54sec (3414 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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