Four Scammers Wasted 36 Hours On Me - Baited Ep. 3 (The one with the court case)

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I love these videos. Your The blonde girl is my favorite character. Next is granny. I watch them everyday. I have done a few myself. A few pretty good ones. Had one that was a scam job offer. I was so absolutely pissed these assholes were willing to screw over a person who was seeking a job. I kept this mad strung along for 3 days and even received a huge β€œcheck” in the mail (not my mail) it was overnighted to some random address, to buy office supplies. It was fun and I wish I had recorded it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NurseShabbycat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm loving this series. I remember people on here posting about the whole thing and he definitely had a quick turnaround on editing these given the amount of video imo

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FertileProgram πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

God these are so good!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Miraclegroh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thank you sir I will watch later I firmly believe we deserve some sort of reward for our services towards these lads

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EarlCookNZ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
previously sweetheart okay honey are you excited oh they're gonna be able to keep your job are you excited yes madam thank you so much thank you so much thank you I'm excited especially after last night it seemed like you were so angry I don't know I have like a notepad or whatever and just basically she said the process she said to basically take the google play cards no it says you are about to add the balance [Music] [Applause] [Music] well here we are an episode three padam when the boys have seen thousands of dollars slip away from their grasp one way or another and have spent seven and a half hours at this point trying to scam your auntie Edna in this episode they start to try some new tactics to scare her in their desperation close even further I'm so grateful you're here I hope you learned a couple things as you watch this and maybe get a couple laughs in as well I'm so sorry honey I've had a long day I I just got back from the story and his rabble card for someone they had a minimum balance they could only they could only send me a maximum of $2,000 for my refund for my antivirus because they were the antivirus antivirus people they were from the antivirus team so I bought them they gave me accident that wasn't accidentally it was just the minimum that they could send me in the refund was two thousand dollars to that company this is Alex the boss guy super madam okay I'm fired I don't understand yeah today we have called him okay because he was crying a lot and he was calling our company again and again so we have called him today so that we can talk with you okay and we can just close the deals with you okay job already $1,500 the first time we woke and then my son was inbound this weekend and if you remember he redeemed all four he another $2,000 right there then he gave you bet that's $3,500 I'll tell you madam I'll explain you everything but tell me are you in the line with them have you given the card numbers to them have you given all the card numbers to them yes yes I am okay no problem can you just is the card handy with you know I like I do with every car like when I'm done with it I cut it up with scissors and I put it in the garbage can't you put it in the into the garbage pan oh yeah okay so I like money did you okay for how much money did you bring that well it was $2,000 the first time in 3000 the second time who posed in the first time 2013 time yeah okay so are they done with the services what did this tell you they are done with the services that I was told yes actually I was told are in front of the computer yes okay so what do you see on the computer screen what do you see it's it's a picture of a crab emoji and then it just says 11 dollars by the way and then another crab emoji almost money do fun did you get almost money uh well they were supposed to give me $400 but the minimum amount they could transfer to my bank was 2000 due to FPC BBB and BCC reasons and then I had to go get them the Apple cards ticket and a refund and then after that they found hackers on my computer and I needed a firewall and of course the minimum payment for that is three thousand but they're gonna give me a two thousand dollar refund in the mail I'll get that money back soon okay you'll get that money soon all right so what do you see can you just close everything down can you just come onto the normal screen of your computer where they I don't know I just want to make them think that like they miss sighs grant he's just crying he's just frustrated like they lost his job and now okay okay he can listen to each and every conversation okay okay well I don't really I don't really want to talk please then whom do you want to talk to you want to talk to Adam honestly I don't really want to talk to any of you I told you I would speak with a Better Business Bureau and I sent them an email I'm just trying the air back no problem just give me a chance okay okay but I just need to tell you that there is an amount which is frizzy okay we have not received the amount okay still yet so that is why full information okay okay can I talk to Adam now hello yes ma'am tell me ally why are you crying and I lose my job well I can't get a google play cards but I didn't get a single money I will show you that and you didn't give me all kind redeem on your computer only just go in front of the computer now I will let you show you everything oh my son found at all on our account did it is yours all redeem on your computer only man where are you man oh I'm in my living room hello I'm watching old reruns of America's Funniest Home Videos in front of the computer I will tell you what to do with them give me what man what do you have a resume you can go out there just tell them you used to work for Microsoft I'm losing my job man why are you not understanding please honey I sent you $3,500 show man I've been received that money I will tell you please I will show you in front of your computer let's go in front of the computer I will show you everything I am begging you I am touching your feet man you don't wanna do that I've got some onions it's like I'm on the ground humbly begging you to do something it's not weird just go in front of the computer nothing else I will show you man just go in front of the computer yeah well I can't figure out how to get on because of its asking me for a PIN number and I don't know the pin number I think the guys know anything about the guy who's apart from before they put a temporary password so no hackers could get on my computer man young man there is drama charming you don't do anything wrong yes man I do understand there is coming you you call your bank and ask everything you call your bank they took money from your account hey what you caused your band just trust me if you trust me just give a call on your bank but do one thing open your bank account on your iPad you will see everything this time you that took them from you I would also see that those guys skimmed me I don't want anything man this coming you just go in your bag and baby tell you everything okay wait you want to talk to them with me I don't want to talk with you just you talk with your bag I am online okay okay you can explain it to the bank that would be helpful good I don't even know what's going okay talk with the bank you call your band I will talk with them welcome to go on both financial for department how can I help you hello can you hear me I can hear you okay you people that how much money have been taken out okay slow down there Speed Racer first I need to pull up your account yeah hold on I'm the magician and I can pull up your account what do you mean ma'am I don't know who you are I don't know your name I don't know anything about you so you're gonna have to tell me your account okay ma'am I just need to know your name and account number if I'm sure who this each or h.o.t now very fast typer thank you I practice a lot ma'am okay ma'am it looks like I have your account up will you please do me the honor of authorizing your friend on the phone call please oh I need you to state his name for the record please okay what's his last name yes you said it was I Oh Smith okay why are you calling gullible financial I don't really know oh that just that makes me so happy I'll tell you I'll tell you I'll tell you it's really hard when receiving a call okay from the antivirus company okay but company's telling that she will be getting a refund okay are $400 but can you just sounds be in her account at $400 has been credited or not yes credited or not let me verify a couple of the recent transactions ma'am I see that there was a purchase at the Apple Store for $2000 today is that correct yes I also see that there was another purchase at Staples I'm sorry wait why do you have a five-dollar recurring subscription as staples weekly and what is that very very very good publication and I've been reading for a long time okay that's none of my business there's a three thousand dollar charge here from looks like Target yep hello oh hello the thing is that the antivirus people are telling her that daily and she needs to go and purchase a card okay he needs to go and purchase the iTunes God - what do you think that it's a more detail please if you were to take my card and redeem it don't you get the money yes that's how it works all right so if I three $500 google play cards that means I get $1,500 sent to them right yeah whatever yeah I'll go back a week or two I'll go back a couple weeks and we'll start looking at some of the transactions that might be a little bit out of place why don't we go back to the the fifth transaction okay oh sorry so you don't want me to go back to the to the third would you like me to go back to the the third or not that's all I need to know what date I don't know I just want to know if there's something else happening on the bank again Adam what do you look for friend I'm telling you that if a person is telling that the money will be refunded include the customers bank account okay the money has not been responded and customer is asked to bring $3,000 iqs card then again $2,000 iTunes card okay that's properly to deal with the customer what do you think it's a scam right yep no legitimate business will ask you to pay for your car that's absurd they cannot tell a customer to bring the cards right whatever they know modern-day company would ever ask someone to purchase something with a gift card like Apple Best Buy iTunes any of those cards that is what I'm saying hopefully he won't notice ma'am I don't really know but I can't spend all day on the phone thank you why did you ask me for gift cards perhaps it was his birthday no no it was not a date okay ma'am well while I have you on the phone what would you like me to do I think there's something fishy going on right now maybe someone's cooking some delightful fish for dinner what no one understands my humor thank you thank you thank you so much for your help thank you so much for calling go on both financial how much God did you buy do they just can you tell me 5,000 5,000 you buy today July yes can you see what you build it means of my thousand and I gave you 3,500 you is giving me money with you I am not telling you all the money's with you oh I haven't received any money thank you 5,000 from you $5,000 to five hours don't talk with them don't talk with them but you didn't receive my call I never gave them the codes for the 3000 did you give to them Apple cards but I still have six $500 cards I never gave them those can you give me the number one give me the number I will try to stop that why would you like a number and he able to give me the number because I want to stop that man I want to stop that would you be able to but I don't understand I don't understand how you would be able to stop it I'm gonna have to call Apple okay you want call Apple just go and call Apple if you think that maybe I can return a stock they will not able to stop you wanna give them 2000 right right I have the other three I just realized I never scratched them off you you give the number you just give the number to me okay I will I will I will call to the Apple going to yours I know how to do this stuff I've learned quite a bit the Pastore travellish gives the number to me so I can call so I can call to the Kappa Apple department and they will redeem them and they will send the money to your bank account oh so I go to iTunes and now I'm logging in with my account I don't know if I have and I don't care see if I got a log in right now it shouldn't be that complicated I know I have it written around there after we do that I'll be able to redeem the car okay that's Justin I did that on purpose no no no no this finish typing in the numbers so I can add it to iTunes for you it shouldn't be too hard no and then so what do you do at Des Moines what do you do at that point you just buy buy songs or some of them you or your boss and then your baby boo okay madam you don't do you one enters this listen to the following Cartier account once you had this to your account you are you talking to me yeah I'm asking are you sure you want these cards I remember you didn't ask for them before you want the I to tell me yes or no you tell me the number two dollars I can't card yes I know their names numbers tell me the numbers okay I'll just click yes that's loading I'm trying to add it to the iTunes store can i account to computer video madam you don't do anything madam I'm guiding you so much I like the girl just go ahead and be next to your computer so madam just tell me the numbers from the outside I tell you the numbers from your side one by one dolly iTunes I went under account and then redeem and I added the code and then thank you for meeting you there is a balance okay ma'am you are relieving the court but you will not be able to receive the money there are some right there my balance is 501 dollars in eleven hmmm did you get to my lab using your Apple ID madam money your account did you get it it looks like it went through madam you didn't get the money because you are redeeming the code and your Apple ID you will not be to transfer this fund in your account there are some other process I got the bank bank said that no one accepts gift cards because you can't actually take money from it I'm not accepting that I am NOT I am not accepting the gift card I am doing on behalf of you to get your money back in your account but you wanted the Google Play gift cards didn't you madam Google Play like Microsoft is like a Windows so like Google is like authorized with Microsoft so we can accept Google Play but we didn't accept iTunes because iTunes is an Apple thing right no but two different companies yes you just tell me the card numbers we are talking we are going to like dream the money directly into your account on behalf of you Apple under an attack you know if you call if you call the Apple they will tell you you have to do it from your side they will all be helping you out okay right madam so we are we on this one eight hundred my app tell me that is not the number madam if you do this you will be losing money madam so I'm just trying to help you out and getting your money back we are not so ever as you got these Apple cards for them so you don't have to tell them the number tell me the number I am going to talk to the Apple cutlet company and we are walking and talking on behalf of you I'm going to help you out getting the money into your account all right not a madam listen madam listen madam listen to me listen to me carefully okay oh yes madam this is a supervisor okay listen to me very carefully okay I'm going to help him photo paper we have a guy who works in the Apple okay all right care and I was on the line with him I was on the line with him okay can I talk to him you want to talk to that person yeah okay all right I'm giving you the number okay I'm giving you the number can you just note it down sure thank you for calling Apple health how can I help you hi I have my friend Adam on the phone yeah I would yeah how is it that good yeah tell me yeah yeah I I have a customer on the line with me I just had a talk with you regarding the iTunes card right so can you just explain her what I have a talk with you well the role-playing and your seller madam can you just explain him once again what exactly happened can you just tell him man yes yes that's the whole tell me I'm Adam and err likes and all the boys from Microsoft it was a little bit after my swimming aerobics class except I didn't go to class that day because I had some I in a little bit of an extra like ache in my meniscus and before you ask me oh I know there was a naked man is the problem and I'm very very in touch with those sorts of things and say when you get to be my age you can feel everything one way or another Adam made a really really really big mistake and he sent me six thousand dollars I think and so far I've given him thirty five hundred I've given him thirty five hundred dollars back but today I was talking to someone and he said if you look up on the top shelf you'll be able to find you'll be able to find the highest quality dark phone I said let's get is on the top shelf it said it's if I know ma'am that's why I said it and I said it's like said oh I'll take freely acts on them when one of the boys at the store was putting him in the car that's when I got the call that's when I got the call about your iPhone firewall what do you want try firewall it said what had a problem like yes okay I will solve everything okay what do you want from me can you tell me did you why do you give me a call yeah why you be a call it's Edward from Apple oh yes Alex are you still there yes I'm here you can just punch him you can just tell what can be done okay he will just help you out okay and you will be getting the amount into your bank account okay I don't want the amount to be there in your Apple ID account okay because that will be of no use that is your hard-earned money and I want that money to be deposited into your bank account not your Apple ID account okay so you can just consult with Edward and he will help you out better okay okay I have Apple ID so you have happened card right oh yeah yes six thousand dollars worth but I already started redeeming them I redeem the two of them well that's not for Aramis for the other could you don't forget I can if you want I want to Iowa I can redeem for you if you want gasps I can give me half and you back account okay it will be deposited into your account again your exotel in the part number are you are you familiar with some issue in the idea North Americanos fallacy interview where are you redeeming this card you are relieving in your iPad on iTunes can I get an iPhone 11 for these cards yes you got that okay so give me an iPhone 11 yes I will give you the - Allah you have to tell you that we will post you the iPhone alas how soon will I get it tomorrow you will get there tomorrow you will get that that seems too good to be true okay after tomorrow you will get the iPhone because tomorrow you from the store and day after tomorrow you will get at your place this isn't even like to launched here that I can read and I take care boo-ki phone 11 for you whatever color you want madam Edward will book it for you okay there will be a pre booking for the iPhone 11 he will book an iPhone 11 for you whatever color you desire for the word capacity of I do like a burnt sienna or maybe like a urine stain yellow yes be customized it will be a customized thing okay whatever color you want it will be done but we have you know that we have orange color tell me the card number I don't have much time to talk with you I have to talk with other customer who can you tell me the card number you know I haven't even decided what I'm gonna do yet I'll talk to them I'll talk to my son and my grandson if you want I can arrange it for you for that you have to give my number just give me the card number and I will arrange cash for you okay sure don't say it let me scratch em up all right are they calling me then I was gonna lose his job this is Raymond Acosta from the FBI you block the number of the FBI I'm telling you not to hang up the call okay I'm telling you not to hang up the call what's going on I mean I've been dealing with calls all day for the past two weeks I'm telling you do not talk with any person okay related to your computer do not talk with any person Alex or definitely I would just like to confirm your SSN now it's one of our last four digital I am Raymond decosta from the FBI mr. Scholars along with the US Marshal okay police marshals will be heading towards your home okay guys we got you everything is good which FBI are you a part of the east coast or west coast do you think this is to be a joke no I just need to know you know I think you just feed it up take it as a joke right I need to know I will confirm like I just came here a part of the central department of the FBI I'm telling you do not play with your computer with any of your bank account your bank account will be you know he definitely just heard me saying hold on but your car isn't paying attention if you do not cross this call you can hang up okay but you if you have a within half an hour but backtick I can't help myself with these guys okay if you don't trust this call announcement do not leave it your wait did you plan for anybody I paid money to Adam this is the same connection screen at Adam and the Microsoft boys head are they doing something illegal illegal people are not many other cause did you receive any other call tracking Mike and Karen and on fly again save God your money or do you want a case against your SSN tell me of course I don't want to case against my assertion you want a case against Torres assemble a case against your assistant no I don't what do you what do you want i what do you want tell me John response time for big names look I don't want anything I want you to not call me again only all other markings are trying to talk to your son I don't have any time okay I don't have any time I need to send an FBI agent to your place tell me what y'all won't tell me no cancel up I don't want you want to safeguard the money because they are in your bands upon yes Pam I gonna do it I am they have over three million dollars in assets how would I save all that it's not easy to move how much money is there in your community bank tell me but how much money is there in your community bank there should be over three million dollars and asked different assets between stocks miles or months - that's how that's that's my life savings in Los Cabos see we need to hire a lawyer for your SSN to be saved okay alright and the lawyer charges will be $5,000 are you happy that no thank you I'll just talk to my lawyer of your resistance I better call Bob Loblaw it's my lawyer I'm telling you I'm telling you if you hang up this call there will be a case against your SSN do not hang up okay okay well can I at least call your ma blah blah I'm telling you a solution do you want to save God your money which is there in your community bank how much money is there in your community but millions of dollars in assets so how much time did you take to go to the bank I'm not gonna go to the bank why I don't feel like it then what do you want you want all your money to go and win do you I know I stop right there first of all I'm innocent until proven guilty second of all I have the right to have a lawyer in furlong if you're from the FBI like me why is it quiet in the 91 to do this name for my lawyer what's wrong with my money right now huh hello I'm getting another phone college the guys from the network firewall if you receive another phone call do not receive any call okay do not receive any call I'm telling you if you receive any calls there will be your case against your name I'm telling you everything is being recorded this madam this is Adam okay I can come a little bit of trouble right now honey madam I am Telling You once again please listen to me clearly you paid them 990 dollars for your lifetime security you don't have to worry about you save me you let you have helped me I will be taking care of a computer and you don't have to pay anything for that madam okay okay what to do with this guy from the FBI are you are you a lawyer by chance madam Hoka might be a royal madam I am a technician well you don't have a job can you pretend to be a lawyer and just tell this FBI guide to leave me alone but you do that for me oh my goodness how come how come I do this for you they listen to me I'll pay you this guy came here asking me pretend that you're a lawyer favorite lawyer e words say stuff like according to the Lincoln say according to the Lincoln line in 1977 in as much as he run - you are required by law he's gonna go talk to his boss I'm just talking to my lawyer right now you're gonna have to wait a minute my lawyers on the other line and he's gonna he's gonna give it to you you're just getting here these guys are from the same call center like these are from these are the original three or four guys that lost their minds a couple days like a week ago now so they're all trying probably Adam is trying to court what does it collaborate whatever corroborate his story with his boss arena write this down write this down what I need to do what I need to do tell me what I need to do do I put you on just say I object just make something up like it Lincoln vs. Thomas Jefferson my client pleads to Sephardim and you can no longer talk to her again okay I'll pay you okay here we go I'm gonna put you on conference call okay Raymond are you still there why did you put on the whole I've got my lawyer here it's name this name what is his name his name is yes senior Reginald of Smith Jenkins and Smithson Esquire and he how are you how are you mr. Adam how are you how are you you lose this hello him mr. Raymond D carton from the FBI here just an ending with nine three three one because involved in so so what I'm to do to save God search he needs to save God her money she needs to save God her acid I believe you understand everything right lawyers understand everything objection overruled so water what what are you telling why are you getting away this morning are all this money okay so the US government has issued a lamb is not winning right now you can give God her money every money will be safeguarded so as I'm alive I'm gonna like walk on behalf of her and I'm gonna take care tell them about the law that says he can't do this to me like the thing is like the number on this we are talking do not accept any calls right now so that's selling any other calls this is the final warning for you warning your lawyer is the her name is Mathilda do you understand I'm here and my lawyer is representing me but he's doing a very bad job you're supposed to object and tell them that they can't call me because I tell legal isn't that right Adam well I am not sure about this is illegal around because as they are telling you they're from FBI so I have to look onto this are you kidding me this is illegal murder do you think this is illegal I cannot wait any longer okay I cannot wait any longer I will just into our case against your SSL what do you mean it mr. I what is what is the and I worry the person named we're talking to you against your name I cannot do it anymore okay Adam I cannot talk with you madam I can listen to me listen to me listen to em I am talking on the upper talk to me do not talk to her talk to me do not talk to her talk to me only okay but she okay not yes are you giving the permission what all the water madam no no no no what can you tell me as I am or I used you just tell me what you need to do I will be looking onto her everything okay as you're telling him her that her assistant will be like misuse or whatever you said like you told her she told me everything telling I'm telling you I'm standing a fortune somebody's working writing your solution you need to follow that you're blaming her for something like in the fraudulent activity this madam was involved in the fraudulent activity under the US government acts 1949 okay all right now she needs know you can't hate calling me a jelly go I'm giving you a final warning do you want to save your SSN do you want everything to be seized or do you want lion is going to baste because there is some fraudulent activity going on with your SSN okay no no sir many changes tell me your name please mister hello can you tell me your name please my name is raymond de Costa I'm from the central what's your batch ID FB i-- what's your batch ID you may thing you think this to be a joke or something like that what do you think of yourself what no no no that you are from every I'm trusting that you are from FBI as I am a lawyer I have to take everything I have to check everything as your genuine or not right my ID is a badge I see is a 1 9 4 3 2 1 a for mrs. mr. Mathilda are you just listening to me you just hung up the call you talk to me if you if you need you call Paula Murray anyway I have that was really that was really poor work young woman known about him tell me what is the problem going on what what is really me I'm calling you I told you I would pay you to pretend to be my lawyer and all you had to do is say objection here on to forth you cannot call my client well you know I see as they are from FBI can't like speak over them right they have some roots and the oil the ass he was not speaking over me how come I speak or email Adam you're not actually a lawyer so remember there is funny news number okay just remember I'm gonna call you right back let me tell me whose number you can remember you're not a girl a lawyer so you'll have to follow any of the lawyer rules which you would not be aware of no no no no I think this right now I will call one of my friend he is a liar and he will talk on behalf of you man don't need to worry about Virginia always calling you from okay call my friend is a loyal and you have him call me are you scared now you have a phone with you lawyer are you scared of my lawyer now cuz you're going on prison I bet you can't just call up a god-fearing none of the United States of America sending us Martha along the dial to BIA agent to your place of the DEM okay I don't want oh yeah oh yeah like home once how about this what's my social security number I know all about these scams my son called me about him I know about to be I know about the social scan life you tell me what's my father Carroll a member what tell me what do you want I want you to leave me alone your good-for-nothing crook you're such a fool fool mother yelled I'm such a fool and why would I have installed a firewall on my computer you told me that they were hackers kid into my bank I installed I stayed in the yard what an impenetrable lifetime guaranteed firewall for nine hundred and ninety nine dollars so snack I met for lunch I'm telling you I'm telling you objection it's just like playing with these guys think so it's ridiculous I need your help I can the FBI might not be a scam after all I think this is serious they know about the Apple carts and I bought for the other guys and all I think it was involved in the money laundering case and our something bad is gonna happen can you please have your lawyer friend call me right now please madam I cannot do anything because he as I was lying you madam please his boss is like no she's falling for you I was acting as like your lawyer you told me that you are going to pay for me and you come up the corner please when I ask you the money like I just me please have your friend call I can pay them I just need to help explain call me I came to the FBI I'm scared I'm scared wait who is this hello 50 hi Steve hi mom why are you crying hello hello the FBI is coming after me sleeve okay just listen to me for a blind man for poplin are you with Ella okay let's stop crying okay nothing will happen hold on nothing will happen hold on the phone money don't worry okay I don't care how much it cost me listen listen when when they call me back I want you to tell them that we have to do the court case over the phone because obviously you can't come to my local she's calling hold on I'll put the conference call it this is the FBI guy who's been borrowing my lawyers on the phone I don't want to talk with your life okay oh you Aunt Millie hey oh you can do me hello we can handle this hello we can handle this on phone hello you can understand would I know your name my name is raymond de Costa I'm from the FBI Central Bureau of Investigation okay I am the lawyer of and the layer of liquid okay okay I want to handle the ship on phone you don't have to go to handle to take on four okay what do you want can you tell me what dear one she has been involved Basel and activity with the money laundering and the drug trafficking there has been a scam going on okay she has been for changing the iTunes card she's having a Windows computer she's purchasing the iTunes card every person in her family is going to go behind the bar we are suspending her SSN ending with don't use this word behind the back okay roll use it work we are doing this right away don't use these words behind the bar okay I am here nobody will able to take them behind the bars right subject he doesn't know anything about these okay we will handle this anything happened okay I've got a good lawyer for the initial purpose there is a fine there is a penalty charges which she needs to take care okay oh come on I will file everything oh my gosh yeah I mean I should have saw this coming but you can you can tell they're working together right you promise if she pays just shut down the case once we receive the penalty amount and we hide well I want everything I want everything in Regan okay okay hello are you there hello yes man you had everything asleep I had a phone on speakerphone I wasn't paying attention when I happen oh thank heavens okay what did he say what it is no any money there a lot Dutch no no I didn't do anything wrong okay I understand listen to me over the phone they are ready - they are ready to do everything now I will not time time you get the charges yes we had a talk right now right okay and you are dropping the charges right yes and you are going to deal with me okay yes everything is that now you have to deal with me okay now you understand you tell that nasty not an FBI man but I'm a citizen of the United States of America and I will not be paying any charges for something that I didn't do yeah I already take them they are not going to everything will be reactivated nothing will happen okay I already tied them okay okay well I I need it in written form then if he's not going to say it I don't want it written send everything everything I wanted Michigan okay don't worry for that okay ma'am I do take some time they will they will send you the written everything hold on okay thank you I look forward to the written evidence thank you both it's been a pleasure that was my first ever court case his overwhelming how obvious it is that those guys are working together just the way the FBI guys suddenly is like okay if you can get the FBI guy to drop all of the charges and all of the payments that I'm not I'm not working with your lawyer anymore if he gets him to drop all of the charges and all the payments from the FBI I will pay your lawyer twelve thousand I'll pay him even more than the penalty but I am NOT going to have this smear my public image my record I am the to time back-to-back blue-ribbon be Gambon and champion let me talk him alone I will not have this changed things for me circuit Susie Durkins if she found this out she would have a field day I would be kicked out of the book club and I am NOT airing that ever how you will pay me man so again I can handle this case and I will stop this kid how you will be malicious after I hear after the FBI guy drops all my charges and says that I don't have to pay anything and we're done here you're fired I will not pay a dime to the federal government I'm a sovereign citizen I haven't paid taxes in my whole life you should come taxes it's very important and I just wanna let you know that I personally feel my taxes Edna one of my characters that I play does not represent any of the things that I personally that is true or valuable thank you for listening to my TED talk I mean what are you gonna do are you gonna tell them you have to tell them it's illegal or something yet you have to come up with a reason I'm doing this now you don't have to do anything okay I'm doing big scare you know any menu will get I don't want you to give the government any money you understand me I'm a US government document god I have to buy you good they've got everything I have to buy or that I need money you telling he's got a serious bone to pick with you you're dropping the case you are doing everything yes we are going to drop the case but green to provide penalty amount to the US government then every documentation will be she receive a copy in her talk along with the hard copy you I'm not paying the government any money I will not have my name tarnished know anything okay don't worry for that okay after the documentation I had to pay for unlawful you better tell him that you object what is this Judy I thought you were a real lawyer you know what you're fired I'm gonna get a real lawyer and he's gonna get him to drop all the charges my lawyer okay I want you to talk anymore now listen you tell me right now what's going on I'm her lawyer the understand I cannot talk to the lawyer over the phone whatever you want to tell come down to the department talk with me over there okay okay what's your name take your hello I said what's your name sir nothing my name is Raymond DeCosta can you just hang up the call I want to talk to this lady okay I just want to be clear that I'm not actually a lawyer I don't have a license to practice law but I do I do have a law blog what yeah I could still represent you in phone court just not actual court it's fine it's fine tea madam nothing can be done over the phone okay if this is a lawyer he needs to come down to the department to handle the case okay you have to be present over there I cannot talk with any exercise dead lawyer again and again okay you're just following the lawyers one time two times three times ma'am you can just hang up right now these people place no threat to you okay obviously I'm not a lawyer these guys are not a lawyer they're not the FBI nothing that is being said should be used as legal advice nothing that's happening right now is real I never I've never impersonated like a police office or anything and I don't think there's issues impersonating a lawyer but that's why I threw that thing in there about I'm not actually a lawyer I'll just throw it out there for the one random person that's like wait what it's kids a lawyer this is what I do when I get in trouble all right we're just roll I'm we're all playing a bunch of characters for the first time in a while the scammers are role-playing about 250 you can't suspend my assassin it says so on the gov website and Schumer your social security number is it suspended ever a car says that he's from the government and your social security number has been suspended he sounds professional so you should do it he says right wrong the thing is your social security numbers do not get suspended and that's how I know that you are running a variation of the government and pasta scam and you should be put in jail okay okay you can take the action whatever you want to I'm here to save you if you want to get stay here on the website [Music] Yolo others pretending I got you I caught you red-handed at my I know your name now sounds like you better run I've got you oh my goodness you think so well you think so well I'm trying to pretend like I hung up the phone and walked away like I think that I hope so yes can you hear me yes I can hear you can you hear me yes yeah well they're on my computer again they connected and you were supposed to refund me back five thousand three hundred so where is my 1800 order that's a good point but honey you're already lost your job yes that's what I need money so I can get this from you this is not your money I need I in me I'm in D like I'm in need of money madam much technology need this because this make nowadays money why will not then why will you and then why we will keep the money why will you give the money this is not your money well I'm I told you I would report the Better Business Bureau and I left a voicemail I just haven't heard back from him yet no no no no no please this is this is our company money I was in the company and I just suspended due to my mistake now the thing is this you can give me this back so that I can have in my family and I can just feed my family and I can help my family but it's not your money it's the company's money gosh if only I could talk to your boss if your boss was around if he would agree to give me your job back I guess I would give you the pollen I would have to call him back hold on I have to call him back hold on all right I'm and with my boss on the phone talk to my boss oh hello yeah Alex sir madam how are you oh boy sounds strangely familiar yeah I still have 1800 dollars that I owe you yeah I'm sorry I didn't mention I'm in fighting against the FBI all day you wouldn't believe it believe it if I told you a story oh you want to hear it I hear that okay I'll tell you I got a call this morning when I woke up a night I really wasn't expecting it you know I talked today was gonna be like any other day I I thought I would get up go to the kitchen you know usually I spend about 4 to 5 minutes for rearranging the chairs I have a couple different chairs and the dogs always moving around and then inevitably I can't figure out which one of the chairs is my chair and they all look the same but one of them is it's a little bit more comfortable you can I'm sure you can attest to that and that's my chair but I refuse to mark it I'm not going to you know put a mark or a symbol or anything on it because it would make it look different so yeah it took me about 20 minutes to figure out which chair is - nope this morning I just had to keep sitting on each one of it each one of the chairs and then I forgot to take my stool softener I had they go grab that nitroglycerin pills so I go to my phone ok I look over and I'm seeing on hundreds of men off I was trying to figure out all that's calling me just yesterday when I was about to you know try to go to the bathroom there was someone from the FBI calling and they were saying that there was a coin roll again I know it's true I thought they were serious but it turns out I'm not gonna let any of those filthy scammers steal any of the money that I worked so hard to get Warren Beatty how are you speaking German again please he is just talking to my business cuff him oh I couldn't hear him hello can we talk about the business now can we talk about the services yes you still owe us $1,800 right me madam or yes if you want to talk business I do have an idea that I've been thinking about for a while imagine people have medical problems all the time now the knee doesn't go by where someone falls over and they can't get up or maybe they maybe they have allergies allergies maybe they have some pains whatever they can't get on your hospital all by themselves so imagine with me some sort of a particular device maybe oblong or rectangular shaped for example something that was big would be covered to keep things hourly out of the elements inside this vehicle they would have multiple multiple people who would be trained in medical proficiencies they would have tools things like oxygen masks you know any anything really that could help save someone's life and this vehicle you could call a number and this vehicle would arrive at your house and they could they could take you to the hospital or or they could help you if maybe it was something bad it happened to you now that's an endeavor that's a business idea if I've ever heard one before you say something way more you say something it's not over it's not like uber this is a completely different idea that no one's ever done before imagine lost at least eighteen hundred dollars each one of those trips you can bill the insurance people easy clap that's what that is that's easy money right there especially if it was orphaned or named my Senator Palpatine or any of the powers that be let me mention easy money we would have power I tell you if we created that question here listen and I promise that's not a you're too proud of the technological terror you've constructed over there you know the ability to destroy an entire plan is insignificant next to the power of the force P madam whatever you want to do you can call Adam you can talk with him and they give you the proof that do you lifetime care setting you might find your lack of faith disturbing yes they're trying to go to the Play Store to see if I redeemed it I forgot I coded this so they went to the Play Store to get my Google Play money we coded that on the fly kept updating and that's why they accidentally sent me so much money no no no this is the official thing which will happen in your computer okay every now and and there's an update which comes from the Microsoft and it will be updated okay because we have installed a new license in your computer there is a licensed security okay so that is why it is showing you please wait your computer is updating alright so now let's just add one no we will just begin with that process okay okay okay so how do I give you the money back this ID not saltwater who had not saltwater that's the email that I was logged in is oh yes they come over to my house because I want my money okay they give you a gift card makes me happy mayonnaise my dog but I don't know if I told you I gold give me my money back give me my money back and do whatever you feel like making make pastries have whatever you want to okay whatever you feel like help me okay please please okay what office do you work at which are miss do you work at what happened madam why are you doing like this where why are you office okay that I will write you a check don't oh okay for $1,800 you cannot try to tell me where you're located exhausted [Music] [Music] listen to me don't go do blah blah blah blah listen to me where are you located I'm telling you I am Telling You I am Telling You [Music] okay just tell me one more time okay I'll be really small hello this is Adam Smith madam can hear me what are you it are you at the office right now sorry why are you at the office right that way did they already give you your job back I'm on the office these con friends with me Oh Alex are you there Alex I think some degree that laughing because they know how fluish they're being computer has been expired to renew the contract there were all charged $1,500 which will be debited from your account if you would like to cancel or refund back your money today call us I told everyone to 796 Cirrus [Β __Β ] you calling me money with you okay is someone calling me singers going to be a thousand dollar charge yep are you working at Monroe Des Moines or when I am because I I just got your call do you work with Adam and amethyst okay but I they already gave me too much money why are you calling is not yet answered smile sorry in front of you computer voice down now they are on the line they're just not saying anything you dare you hear this right don't tell me I am I can't you can't charge me $59 you already I already am not a madam madam I'm not the cause of the hang-ups is called I'm not as close right no don't to me hello yes ma'am hang up [Laughter] what are you talking about members can remember trying to scam you they are trying to scam you ma'am they're trying to scam you won't answer their crowd you're trying to scam you it's cam you ma'am it's cam you think what are you trying to scare me I they've been trying to help me they're from Microsoft no they're not from Microsoft they don't have a ID ma'am they're not from me they don't have the ID ma'am don't talk to them otherwise you will get a scam don't talk to them you will arrest em don't talk to them camera back there is camera do not hang up they are not from talking about [Music] to Microsoft I think I'm gonna go get a no phone number I don't want to do this anymore don't try if you get a new number also lots of people will call you [Β __Β ] I'm gonna happen I'm gonna use ten eighteen hundred dollars no phone I can't I'm very fuzzy I told you do not talk with any other person I don't wanna I don't want to talk to you anymore you can have you can have the eighteen hundred dollars I don't care for him and now this other guy so do you want Adam to get his job again you want it right because he had made a mistake he has a family he has his children to look after his wife everything okay you understand the workshop behind the wagon he could collect unemployment and move out of Beverly Hills but I don't think you ever do anything to you okay I'm not Valley not I'll give you 18 if you can answer one question one question one question is of $1,800 okay obviously just tell me I will play for it what is the meaning of life see God has given me a life okay and I am just living my life okay and whenever he wants to take my life back he can take my life back this is the meaning of life to me okay so now I want one boyo vegetation to tell me what the answer was 42 you have a different brain I have a different brain I cannot think as much as you can because you are very smart and not that smart I don't like these infernal everything whatever definition of life is to me I told you it is not that what is there in your brain I will tell you that you can comprehend if only you know see madam that will you be able to give 1800 dollars which will allow my company yes or no hello all right okay madam no problem Adam is going to lose this blow okay I can hang up the call and you can talk with random you can talk with random person company our line is a better mess with your own people damn you replies with random people random scam you okay Bionicle job every day you will get scammed you will not be able to do anything okay in life whatever you have saved you will just lose everything what are you talking about think about your family for once okay think about your family for once what you are doing okay what are you doing just think about it okay buddy you mate you are losing every money every day are you know okay you have your son you have your Branson but you're not thinking about Adam you are so selfish you are so selfish wait wait you're saying you're saying if I give back $1,800 I'm not gonna get scammed anymore not a good person look excuse me you're not Parkin mu you keep the devil with you okay okay and I told you I'll write you a check you are a bad person you install the light laughing I sometimes forget like I'm done with you madam you are a bad person okay you are a very bad person very very very bad that you had United States no I'm not yes madam so you do one thing you just saved my number and ever you feel like you can call me back okay why would I feel like calling like whenever you need any services well I am a guy calling me tonight about my printer time I hear someone else I already got the activation code and everything yourself well I never bore you bless these ask you about your card they ain't even talking to me they're activating the software with the card add-on da Miss poems right now important in tonight will you if I need any other help it's fine it's it was just a 500 on card it's not that big of a deal okay engine ID it's 500 for the activation I'm gonna be getting money refunded it gets going back [Music] oh snap Adam is something you kind of miss when you are watching these edited version as opposed to watching the twitch livestream is the sheer number of calls that these guys throw our way if I remember correctly it was somewhere like 1300 to 1500 phone calls over the course of a couple weeks and after an episode like this I would turn off the stream that kind of relax and breathe for a minute and it was just constant phone calls and I would usually ignore them sometimes I'd go have dinner with my family and come back to the computer to do some work at night you know they're still calling me every every couple minutes every five minutes because they're absolutely desperate to stop me from giving a card to another scammer it's nuts to think about if it took maybe like 20 or 30 seconds to make a phone call that there were countless hours wasted even apart from what's recorded I hope you had some fun watching this I hope you learned a few things to maybe share with your friends and family and as always know that you are valuable loved and appreciated happy painting god bless [Music]
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 2,230,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scambait, scam, prank call, call center, robo calls, fraud, improv, baited, tech support, microsoft refund
Id: 8ReiDasfzJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 26sec (5486 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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