Refund Scammers Spooked After Investing 4 Hours

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your online translation form okay and after you fill up that form in the next five minutes the money will be in your account all right okay so just be in front of the computer and sending in the form again my name is Alex ma'am I will transfer the call once you're in front of the computer I will transfer the call to the senior executive he will initiate the refund and he will give you the money back done well that's great that's perfect and you see the home screen beeping you sorry I'm using an AC system central processing unit I'm sorry ma'am that is a big box in which you switch on the computer because we always are always around the technical things like the computer and the gadgets yeah that's right ma'am it's just become a habit I'm sorry for that oh it's become a habit to use the technical term like CPU instead of the word but yeah that's way too complicated for me yeah beside that control key which key do you see each thing I think it's the calculator button do you use your computer for doing Facebook or any online thing like you do it what would be what is the purpose that you use your computer for do you use it for you know pretty much the only thing I do it I use it for banking it's about the only thing I do on that these days yeah okay okay no problem that's pretty much it I used to use it for Facebook in printing different things on it but now I hardly have it time to get on it so I get out in there I log into my bank and then I get out with my day oh and it's a dating website for I know what was it again hold on oh honey I got only seven years you interested in dating or not oh well I mean just because I'm 77 doesn't mean I don't never never never never said that never it is just a number you know trying to get my game on for when the mailman comes to my house okay so madam what we want to do now no refund [Music] [Music] [Music] come on yeah yeah me so now type in there also a viewer okay okay what would be the spelling of ultra viewer well if I haven't yes it would be you Brewer BRE W er perfect view it's not viewer it's Bueller Bueller ultra viewer view you watch something it's viewing it's like that view yes it's a V out there alright and I want to try putting like and just having a lot of money tonight so what would the bank what would the account be called it's like a 401k or retired I've done like war bonds cancellation that is the form once you submit this form and the money will be initiated in the next five minutes all right okay so I just fill it out it's all official things none what to do it's a process it's a pain in the ass you know what it's a pain in the head oh you mean or do you should take some aspirin or maybe some light for pro fun what's your name honey and what's my refund amount and I know no type in the refund $399 no I'm doing typing 4,000 or something just type there 400 because it will not be validated have you done came bursting later 399 or 400 yeah he might already be like dude this lady no sis ladies this lady's gonna see it coming from a mile away and the money will be instantly transferred in New York okay ma'am money has not been transferred man don't worry you just hold on just hold on for a minute and just hold on for a minute okay ma'am um I just checked from our Banking Department hello are you there can you hear me can you hear me I just talked to the banking department the money has not still been transferred because it's too late our banking hours has closed that is a reason man so what I'm gonna do I'm going to everything is done ma'am don't worry you will not need to do anything I will give you a call back tomorrow early in the morning okay and I'm gonna transfer the funds did I seriously do it not fast enough for him but the banking hours he transferred what are you talking about yes man but the banking hours has still the banking hours has closed none that is the reason man that's what I was checking that's that's that's what I was checking check quick Norman you did not receive the refund amount which in France fortunately so let's go outside in five minutes you remember you remember I told you it will take five minutes the banking hours if you would have just done it in two minutes and we tried okay maybe next time thank you let me tell you one thing ma'am just give me five minutes if I don't transfer the money don't tell me okay you shut the bankers closed now give me five minutes I will pick something for you because because I I don't get paid that high if you refund me $300 they give you some money to company loses even more money that make sense are you saying that I paid or I paid for your services and now you're refunding the services but keeping 75% just so you can make some money no no no no no no ma'am we are keeping only the 25% you paid for the services but whenever a customer cancels our service or loses validation at that point of time if the customer cancels the service at that point of time the 75% amount of the last subscription not the whole money that you paid if you take our subscription again and if you pay the money again you will not receive the last times money you will just hear the given hokey now you understand I don't know I will I will what I will do ma'am I will directly connect you to the Accounts Department don't worry and once you're talking to them you just tell them that okay I have submitted the form please refund my money right now in five minutes okay you just you can tell them this much right I still not receive the money just transfer the money in five minutes okay ma'am seven count you know what [Music] hello hello hello I tell them to get off my alarm every day hello yeah hi ma'am my name is Robert yeah hi my name is Robert Williams understand anymore Nina hello hello can you hear me yes yes not my name is Robert Williams I'm the Senior Account Manager how are you I'm okay - I know my money or not he said just wait five minutes show I was shaking our case you will be receive funds from our Chase Bank okay okay you have already you have already filled out the form but you know the due to some technical problems right now our time is 6 7 o clock in Texas we are from Texas and our time is 7 o clock and that is the reason our bank has been closed you know till the bank open till 5 o'clock not till 7 o'clock you know that very well right you can transfer money any time and it's my weekend trance we can transfer the money any time but as because of the banking hours has been closed so tomorrow mom at what time you will be at your home so that Alex gonna call you won't eat is mine don't worry about it I don't really need the money anyway and I got I have a lot of I'm busy this weekend show all right yes sir ma'am sir mom let me tell you one thing I'm going to put I'm trying to process your refund right now is that fine for you oh yeah okay ma'am so as because money has not been yet in the accounts I will try to do it in a different process I will try to send you another I will try to send you another form which you have to fill up and once you fill up that form instantly you will receive the money so first of all tell me wanting them in which account you want to receive the money on your checking or I already said that it was going to be sent instantly man you have to fill up another form which would be a direct money deposit form after you fill up that direct money deposit form the money will be directly deposited to your account all right okay so just be on the line now entering you dare to computer with me because if i if I'm able to snow if i win big at Bingo I mean I'm if I win any more than $500 I only have just enough to buy the camper I've always wanted it's something like a hundred and I don't know I forgot it's over a hundred thousand dollars but it's gonna be well worth it and then I've been I'm gonna retire hoping to buy that on Saturday should be after tomorrow will you be available mom you know so on Tuesday on Monday or Tuesday you will be available but that nobody I said this this is my last weekend at the house I I already sold the house and I'm buying the year and buying the big camper do you know one I might actually be able to buy it tonight if I move money around and I think I was just thinking if I move enough money around in my bank I might be able to order the year I only have the exact model picked out and I could just buy it tonight do you want to give me the money that's what I'm telling you you are in a hurry but we cannot resource you you have to go to some door I gotta go to Target to get some supplies and then I gotta go I gotta go meet the cell guy okay no problem give me give me two minutes mom I will process the refund give me two minutes okay okay and I have to go to Target as soon as I can you know it it's only open for another hour or two yeah within within you know five minutes run your refund will be processed so I know I'm really trying here like thing to basically just bait them and think they're scrambling and trying to figure out how they're gonna do it me I know how old are you because over the phone your sound is too young I'm 77 years young baby oh oh my goodness honey I cannot believe that your song is like 40 or 45 years old trust me I'm not telling you life your song is over the phone is very young I thought you were 45 or 48 years old lady how are you now I'm only 28 years old 28 no way yeah I'm only 28 years old thank you yes ma'am really I'm gonna get you or today over 15 sorry I said I wonder I want to guess you were today over 15 maybe 16 you're a nice person my my skin primer I'm just kidding like I would have said 18 not 20 you really nice person them you are too for helping me with this thank you thank you for thank you thank you for your time and patience and thank you for you're thank you for your patience I mean yeah I'm asking you do live in Louisiana or yes my mom I I'm from Louisiana ma'am Louisiana Texas yes okay and you are from that's right next in Miami right yes and then after your first name what is your last name that your your computer has been connected with the Chase Bank now what do you see now on the computer screen or hundred dollar refund form from Chase Bank to antique yes he is right no let me explain to get out there that that seems fancy okay let me tell you ma'am this one is directly connected with the chase right before account okay these have to type your name on this page you have to type your name and your refund amount and your anklet on once you will write down all those information within one second from the money will be transferred to your account ma'am if you use the backspace or the delete in the form will be going to be expire automatically so tell us about this or the delete key from do not use it back I'm going to type like four zero zero and then he's going to follow my insight without following my instructions do not type anything okay okay you know I'm just I think if I make a mistake here okay it didn't itself the structure whatever you said with your hair and self then write down the name of your bank where we are sending you the money okay I typed it out and I do backspace again do it for last time don't say anymore mistake why don't you just type it for me I'm not very good at all this it's refund our EF und refund the whole point of this is when I type 3000 he's gonna add a bunch of zeroes at the end that's why I'm like doing all of this because I know what it he wants me to think that it's my mistake now do not type anything okay listen me after I complete the new type okay after I complete them you type okay okay you're reap your refund amount is 400 so you only have to type four zero zero do not put any dot and don't give any sense I want you complete with the last very usually safer to put the cents in there but anyway more it's four zeros it's four zero zero and press Enter right away okay 100 and hit enter right away okay mom it's it's in numbers it's in numbers you have to type in numbers I wish you tell her it's my honor I'm just telling it happening is it safer that way no once when I was in you know when I was younger my mother did it she wrote a check to somebody and she put you know she put some money on the check but it's easy for someone to change the amount if you don't spell it out no you typed in numbers four zero zero that's it anyways enter right away okay sparsh Oh who's max pasting them now put the dollar sign once again okay sorry sorry Thank You Fareed ah dangit please Bank is fixing that case Bank is fixing that for you okay oh they fix it if you do something wrong no no only for this time they are fixing it okay now you have to type the amount for zero zero and press Enter there we go yeah that's right now that the first time what mm did you put four thousand well I was 40 and then four times but it's I think it's just four hundred that's what I supposed to me mom what are you doing them leave leave the computer as it is now don't use anything don't use the backspace oh my good man leave the computer as it is don't do anything then okay and it's gonna take your bank account because I can see that you put one extra zero and instead of four hundred four thousand dollar has been transferred okay I only I think you've already and then chase fixed it so I'm sure they'll fix the four thousand on the but on this time on the next time I'm not gonna lie I'm pretty sure I accidentally typed too many zeroes I tried to do it so fast I think I was just like oh okay I think I typed four thousand and hit enter before he even had a chance to react gosh I'm sorry can you call chase if you want we don't come together if you receive four thousand then I will lose my job I know when you change chase right now and I can tell them that I made a mistake ma'am if the money has been already transferred I cannot do anything if the money is being on your account I cannot hold you Oh No when I typed in $40 chase fixed it but when I typed 4,000 they can't fix that because for the only one time they can see the problem I told you all here if you receive $4,000 trying to make it really really small as soon as I log in he's gonna change the amount hi Ike you don't know what you're not sweet on you back the money then what we're gonna happen I would simply lose my job if I was your job that would be ashamed yes because ma'am my company will think you are my family member or friends and Indian Sally is on you right now yes ma'am this line is being recorded let me just get this here I'm trying to make a dinging noise but my my teacup doesn't make a good Sam what the record show that I am chief have made a fatal error and that this man Alex Williams is not at fault now you know this family member I nor any of the teach family I've ever stepped foot in Texas for he resides and never will therefore I intend with all due intentions of the law set forth by the United States of America and its founding fathers solemnly swear in deposited toward charity of my choosing I will pay all my taxes no I will I will take care of the paperwork 11 what do you think about that honey I put it on the record alive none you just take you back to health if you receive 4,000 will you return back the money to me yes or no well I mean like all the birds first our donor bird our penguins considered bird you're not because I think penguins can't fly right and you have to be able to fly to be a bird right that's why butterflies are considered birds actually I'm already sure two butterflies the state bird of Texas isn't it yes ma'am look at your computer ma'am I cannot see anything from my end you do one thing take a piece of a paper and a pin I'm paying you a transaction you make my bank bigger I think there's a way to do it here I believe it I will try to do that I will try to do that for you okay okay all right you know a pen and paper let me just get my notepad almost no no more map don't touch the computer don't touch the computer only now leave the computer what no do you want me to take her but what now meaning take what what do you see on the computer screen nothing very very tiny it's very very tiny it's very tiny yeah but it looks a little bit like my bank I just need to see it bigger okay once you so he's literally transferring money from one of my accounts to one of my accounts except he chose the credit card he chose the wrong account there by the way I know how to zoom in and everything I just want you guys to see the way this game works so he's just hello they transferred money and he's gonna be like well you know mum check your checking account and check how much money you have received at the bottom it says there's a balance transfer four thousand now and here's mom dad that balance that balance has been transferred from our account to uranium really has believed usually they edit the HTML to say like Microsoft you see that what it says it was transferred from my account ending in one nine three zero one nine three is you know I'm telling you our account number it's six six five eight zero zero that's our account number okay so our account number in nine one nine three zero oh gosh so you can understand what is the situation right now just for only one single whatever you know put me in the oven bake me at 350 for a couple hours and call me cake because this is a pickle oh boy so ma'am I believe I am so ma'am first of all tell me I you are a start week and I'm telling you ma'am listen me I believe now I'm going to open up a note I'm going to open up a note read I'm going well I get stressed I usually go talk to my dog I never add something like this if you do not return back me that $4,000 from I will lose my job so will you return back me that money hello I don't have that money ma'am you you have to buy Target gift card abuse in the Target gift card oh I am going to target so you are going to target it's not hard for you to buy the target you thought well I know they told me that I can't there's a picture of me at the front desk cuz I bought too many Target gift cards already oh and also I'll get you thoughts with you right now no I hate to buy them the other day for the guys at the IRS oh how many gods you bought before oh gosh I don't know seven of them for a thousand I think please run and if they ask you why you are buying the card what would be your answer on at that time because Robert William accidentally sent me four thousand dollars instead of four hundred no ma'am no no no no ma'am no do do not tell them if you tell that Microsoft was supposed to give me $400 but instead then I have to give them the difference in Target gift cards so are you going to the Target store right now I don't know what to do i ma'am you have to go to the target I hang out at areum you have to you do one thing do not waste any more time let me get into your car okay I'm holding the line for you okay yeah just bring your wallet bring your wallet and I'm holding the line for you maybe you could maybe you could read the Bible to me while I'm on in the car ma'am right now I cannot do that because right now I'm in the office okay I'm here with you tell me you tell me about yourself I I need my money as well get to know yeah I not friends now but we could be yes ma'am we would be definitely we could be definitely a good friend my my name I told you my name you know my neighbor you know it it's not love it's Robert Robert Williams all right right right yes and are you married I have two kids my one kid name is John and one name is hell yeah one kid name is John 1:1 is lady his name is Maria please don't kill I'm a very good driver I got my license a couple months ago actually what type of car do you have what type of car do you have what car do you have oh okay like it's April 8th or is an Oldsmobile yes ma'am I want part from you because ma'am if you can save my job then I can enjoy it in my birthday but he's from tomorrow Alex office I cannot enjoy my birthday that's why I'm telling you he's the soldier for us you any question simply tell that that my friend Robert what Danish about coming on the next week and I'm buying the car for he for him there why do you want the cards cuz it's your birthday you could have just asked honey I thought it was to keep their job right I want to keep my job that's why I want to come every day to you happy birthday [Music] [Applause] [Music] happy birthday and many more happy birthday Robert thank you gee mom thank you no I'm just pretty I'm just making these noises with my mouth to him I'm not here nothing nothing is making all this out I'm totally nervous you have to understand my situation um I would love to be your wife in them do you want I would love to be your boss I knew you honestly there's a couple reasons why you wouldn't want to be my boyfriend one at 77 years old and you're 28 that doesn't matter that doesn't matter for me too I can't figure out how to get these bunions I kind of how to get rid of and the goiter I don't don't get me started about that sir ice I snore like a train at night I hit it over two million dollars in my chase account and I'm finally ready to retire you have two million dollars on each account yep oh you are very you're a very rich person well my husband worked very hard for 67 years and I was working too okay okay and like your husband's work for like government or any private organized she works for NASA oh you want NASA and I'm not even kidding great now I know I know them you are not kidding I'm not telling you that you're kidding it's very really proud to hear that your husband well you should work for NASA no it's the National Association of swimmers anonymous NASA yeah we were we were at doing synchronized swimming and when our legs bumped I'm really sorry I'm really sorry oh what a mai tai tell ya what a night alright so I met the target here I got to figure out if I wore a diaper in that well looks like it's gonna have to be a short trip you know what I mean okay so you have to you also have to bite your stuff and first do one thing what would you there's a young man or a young man over there well I said what would be your attitude okay look at he's just hacking away in his car what would be your answer or maybe now he's building something now he's building something out of wood he's building a tunnel around you anymore wait what now he's I'm here there's a big tomato can you hear me no no don't don't put the phone on the speaker everyone can hear you say I just see how no one's around anyway there's a little baby over here he's just a cutest would be like Oh baby that's great say I did there baby [Music] [Applause] fire in her eyes you have to you have to [Music] understand I was trying to compliment the mom about her baby I'm pretty sure she was random pepper spray I'm going oh honey honey listen honey I I wasn't really buy a baby I was just saying it's a good-looking baby you know okay who wants please it's my request yeah okay I gotta get out of here quick I think that lady's getting the manager because I was for heaven safe okay I never give my last Pro Shops Toys R Us Subway sorry Google Play save a lot of google play cards why do they have so many of those Apple Sephora Best Buy Circuit City follow Garland Oh babies are nice maybe I could get one of these for that mother because she sure is mad at me yep all the red one yeah yeah yeah yep he's a target in the target no it's no it says right on there it's just a Red Lobster no no do not buy that card here's another example it says Applebee's it's due to fraudulent activity we cannot we no longer target at this section of the store you have to go to the front desk no I can't go to the front desk I told you they'll know me there I can't go to it says that due to an increase in fraudulent activity beware of scams no you can't do any money transfers with any gift cards they are not you for government purchases they are not considered government and vouchers I don't wish it's a bunch of nonsense right okay you do one thing tell me all the deep god names one by one why would someone how would someone scam someone with a gift card yeah you can see Sephora oh yeah yeah yeah how do you that mode what is the amount of that shelter $5 there's one for $10 what is the larger image one for 20 $25 there's one for 500 but no I don't know there's $100 $50 five there's a bunch of them what's your four if you can't tell I'm on speakerphone with probably at least one or two other people other than him all I cuddled around dedicated thinking that they're getting money hello yeah I'm looking this is serious what's your favorite what's your favorite food honey what if I just get you a food my favorite food is visa okay so Pizza Hut why don't I get you some Pizza Hut cards you wanted some Google Play cards for your birthday too yeah you can see Google Play Google Play yeah aren't any $300 Google Play yep how many $100 is here oh there's exception okay take all of them just count it and take all of them okay I think I'm just gonna take a bunch of them and have them be $10 cards when we get back to the house all right oh don't be too picky I already got I got into safar cards I got you the Pizza Hut cards I got to the Google Play oh man you know what no no no I don't I I love a lot of girls I'll get you a couple I love going and then I love you I love you I love you I love you all right don't take the pizza hot dog is a hot dog all right I'm gonna go buy these okay and I gotta stop by I think we're running away which one you are buying oh and this is perfect for you you said you have a kid right no no don't buy that car this one's this one to buy tomorrow this one's called putt-putt saves the zoo it's a nice it looks like it's a $500 it's a resort take your kids all right I think I know I'm gonna go buy these okay all right no no no no no no please don't buy please oh by Pizza Hut please don't buy pipe I'd say to do all this with that ring for a few minutes so you are at your home yes oh that's great now you do one thing you just you just make a count how many google play cards you bought just make a count off the numbers of google play card which you have to watch it for go down let me type it in on my computer okay yeah yep I have 22 of them and all our cards hundred dollars yep I got chronic true I accidentally bought a large oh my god you to buy a hundred dollars okay and how many say for a card you bought I got three errors and just check the amount of each card what happen I'm on your dollars for those okay so I only want the Sephora cards right now do not scratch the rest of the card all the scratch the Sephora cause do you have the Sephora card in your hand I do you are working Alyssa for a card right now okay now do using a plastic card or is it in an envelope or is it in a packet I'm getting it all taken care of right now no the cards which you have bought I'm going to return with that you have nearby Walmart stores right now what I'm requesting to you the Cox which you have bought I cannot take those cut okay I want you to go to the Walmart for once just for me because you know my job well I guess she waits for the latest the stores are closed what if you sing happy peppy birthday to me you will not listen my song yeah I will definitely do that I will definitely do that whatever you want I was definitely give it to you okay holding me a song and I'm I'm gonna text my my son to have him come pick me up I can't drive when it's this late night eyesight isn't that well so I'll have my son come pick me up and bring me to the store but right now why don't you sing me happy birthday how's that well I mean it sounded like someone else was saying it but it could be the next gesture neighbor really really I'm telling you I really like you so tomorrow you are going holidays so give me a time so that we can meet and we can have a coffee together do you have any problems if we have a coffee together yeah I don't plan on meeting you for coffee I don't I'm not gonna be in Nexus anytime soon No so when when you will be back to your home like after a week I sold my house I'm not planning on going back I told you there honey do you think I could just transfer the money in your bank but I would love to take that on the bank account my first account but Dorothy like how you would transfer the money on my bank account like you will do that from online or you would do it offline like you would go to the bank on yeah like over the phone or something I would just tell them the transfer them money to your account with you oh yeah we could call them right now they're open 24/7 will your bank allow you to transfer the money over the phone from one person to come in here leave I've done it I given my son money I oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I want to arrange a bank account my personal baggage using a negative balance because I have some family issues and I take some you know over the use home away so I don't want to take that much on my bank account so I will try to arrange a bank account for you within 10 minutes okay I will not take more time from you I will try to arrange a bank account within 10 to 15 minutes and then I'll give it to you you tried to sharing the money in that Bank is now okay let me tell you if you tell your son that you have received four thousand dollars extra thank you are trying to return that money to someone the first thing which he is gonna say as per a young generation that it is a scam that you are going to a scammer now once you listen to your son because he is your blood denies that once you listen to your son model I know that you are never gonna go out to the Walmart and get this just Cartman okay so please try to you want I can book a cab for you I said yes for you madam you can just take a Hoover and you couldn't go to the Walmart store in the Walmart there are oh my gosh this guy is this guy once you have those cards with you the $3,500 which you have bought already the money has already been entrusted into a bank account as because you are a respected senior citizen of the United States madam you also have to take a stand just to understand that how these people are working on it if you give me your bank account or hit sense basically I just need someone's bank account I spoke with my bank and they told me they told me that it's very easy to transfer money in between bank accounts absolutely our internal revenue services and then right so what I'm trying to tell you madam your he doesn't have a bank this time in the whole world okay I guess this problem will be system you will not be bothered you will not be bothered as watch the week he was gonna go to Walmart because I will make sure I would make sure that is because you're trying to help us to get this transaction completed I will do something somebody and please you for your computer system okay that is on me but just try to save his job why would he do that no I don't understand the reason he's gonna do that is because he knows there are a lot of people in the United States who does these things every day due to some fact that they are trying to buy a lottery or because gift cards or going to the store paying back some money is not a thing which has been happening in United States for a very long time the first thing which is gonna do is gonna release the question hang up the call you want to talk to me he's gonna say do not bother my mom again we don't hear what you're gonna go through do not bother my mom that's the first thing that you're going to say so that is the reason I'm trying to tell you madam that's not called yourself for this time of woman wait once you have to say you're saying that my son given all of the information he would say that this is a scam definitely I'm hundred percent sure I like percent sure because because he is a police officer marry me in every day so if I had one there saying he has a lot of experience dealing with stuff like this definitely the reason he's the smartest man I know I thought if he would think this again I want mark versus I'm not I am NOT getting wait wait wait what kind of scam would he stay in it I will tell you that the first thing he's gonna tell you that why the in the first place you have received the funds and why in the second place you did not call your bank why in the third place you are believing this now what you gonna say to him I have seen the balance from my side on my back account a I have no doubts in right yeah he's going to say he's gonna sell you a simple thing nothing is real hang up the call nothing is real what is experienced and anything that we've had this experience in the past with one of our customers that's isn't something so reason they have insurance I this isn't making a lot of sense here you're selling you're sounding a little bit like you're lying to me I gotta be honest the reason I'm transferring tomato exchange where do you live we are in California Paulo Altima that's interesting we are in California Palo Alto we are in Pacific Standard Time energy earlier he said the children Texas no no the headquarters is in follow ultimen I am I am in California he is in Texas okay we have been in different places the call has been transferred to me I can imagine I mean what time is it right now in 9th place is present so what do you think he's feeling okay I'm sure I just end up and I transfer the call to Robert madam because he is in Texas and we are in California yeah yeah and then he ain't at the phone in Ewing yeah no no we got it no no what happened is that ma'am this is an intercom connection so whatever connection happens it happens in seconds because we are not allowed to was the customers well in 10 seconds so let's do one thing madam not a problem madam if you want to get this poor man's job I have no shoes I am not the one to do anything but me no no no matter I am not blaming his job on to you I am just blaming your ego onto him naya-a is the right thing yes ma'am this is something which is your ego madam you it's coming finish no no mama see see you went to the store the store you did not listen to him you ended up fine I tell you what that what you're saying is it's my fault right 4,000 hours I just not Robert is not I guess the question myself if you are I guess so why are you gonna fire an innocent man someone you and I you just meant reason we are going to would you a fire let me complain madam the only reason she's gonna fire an innocent man because United States people's at the first citizen flowers were living in so much privilege shouting out in countries they do not have the right to live their lives in United States the only thing is the way we are going to fire Robert you are not going to because it matter because we do not have a clue to do anything to you matter you have you are the smartes class citizen of this country madam please try to understand okay with you what I am saying what I'm trying to make you understand madam that you are enjoying your privilege and these kind of privilege are not good for people who are just trying to make a living in this country what am I in the tank why should I will be explaining to you that you just need to work with simple stove as you go everyday to buy your groceries I'm just telling you to go in the night that's the only mistake between Hammond 11 years old give me your bank account now transfer to your right now it should end connotated forever 600 son I tell you one it's every law abiding citizens privilege in the United States they're a bank account you have a bank account honey yes but definitely I have in Bank of America alright well give me the bank so I I should have been expressing the quality of them because they run buddy you're not having I mean privilege or no privilege if you want the money why not just give me a break again I don't want the money I don't want the money but there's not money one money from your pocket I just wanted this money back to the company yes and that's why I think it would be best if I called my bank right now gave them your bank account information and we transferred it right now then it's your problem you go by Walmart gift card and give it to your boss after that and don't make a 77 year old woman heck I'll give you the PayPal I'll PayPal you the money right now and you can go buy a Walmart gift card how about that no no how many do you have doesn't accept paypal or bank account transfers so why does it accept a makeup from Sephora that makes absolutely no logical Stanley I mean I may be 77 years old but maybe you valerio's are training make up instead of days because I have a recession you expect me to believe you don't have a bank account Microsoft publicly traded a trillion dollar company by the way the only thing it can do in my step toward handcart Microsoft has nothing to do with this oh yeah Best Buy sorry despite least Microsoft apartment that's what the callback to open-cell I don't want to come to him anymore I just looked up a PC remember you were talking about the FPC yes yes right and it says how to spot a void and report tech support scams and you know all the things it talks about our let me tell you madam people asking for gift cards for payment hmm my God my god madam you exactly this whole conversation what different you know why I'm dragging your whole conversation on this law do you want to know why mm-hmm that's four hours ago when I got your phone call I knew you guys were a bunch of scammers I tried for you thought that might happen am i calling my bank I'll be like oh I think the phone cut I think their phone got transferred or something for a second yeah I think a phone got like the phone call drought or something I don't know whatever right yeah weird your Bochco my boss i cannot transfer the call to my boss why are you going to the Walmart I need you to transfer the call to your boss one reason because we're trying to figure out how to save your job I don't know where are you kidding with me I just want to know I just are you kidding with me where are you kidding with me when you pretended the transfer the money into my account by inspecting the elements and editing the HTML are you kidding with me when you opened up the command prompt and had me type in a bunch of stuff which part what are you kidding with me with you he was talking with you long I'm not kidding with you as well right now okay so you're saying that you didn't transfer 4,000 dollars in between her bank accounts because I'm looking at her bank statement right now yeah you think he now now he's like oh it's over this is kind of funny he thinks it he thinks it's my son you know what they probably don't think that it I don't think they're gonna think that Edna and I are the same person because the scammer was telling me about my son and I was talking about how I was gonna call my son and stuff so they might think that I had this my son on the phone [Music]
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 1,488,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scambait, scam, prank call, exposing scammers, call center, illegal, fraud, gift cards, gift vouchers, microsoft refund, best buy refund, refund scam, online phishing
Id: i6ziMneBHEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 10sec (4210 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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