This Scammer Broke His Phone After Losing $2,000

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This Guy is called Kitboga! he makes alot of streams on his twitch channel about this topic.

Please support him! His Youtube // His Twitch

Please tell your members who might be older about this type of scamming where people calling them and pretend to get you a refund or telling them they got a virus on there computer! many people in the world loses alot of money by those people.

have a nice day!

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/Sgitch 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2019 🗫︎ replies

nice idea, i should do this too with the scammers.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ThePatriotsMarc 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2019 🗫︎ replies

Kitboga is the man, check out his other vids.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/MaxwellStaxwell 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2019 🗫︎ replies

OMG I laughed my ass off around 40 min when he kept listing the retailers nearby...and just kept going...and going....

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Bujutsu 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2019 🗫︎ replies

For me, he peaked when he was the old lady reading out the apple gift card codes and kept saying "H for jalapeno" to an Indian scammer at the end of his patience and pushing him over the edge. I haven't laughed so much at any of his videos since.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Sour_Hipp0 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2019 🗫︎ replies

The driving part was hilarious.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/pbmainiac3 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

Madam Madam Madam Madam Madam Madam Madam Madam Madam Madam Madam Madam Madam

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BloodyRedBarbara 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2019 🗫︎ replies
I I've had a lot of interesting and entertaining things happen to me over the past two and a half years of calling scammers but this call is easily one of my favorites this took place alive over five hours and is literally an adventure it's like a it's like a story there's twists turns character development and like any good story to really appreciate the ending you got to catch the details along the way like quite a few scams these days it all starts with a phone call one you might even be familiar with hello this is Jack and I am calling you from the refund Department and this call is in regard to your refund of $399 the first half hour is so they convinced you to let them connect your computer which doesn't make a whole lot of sense but hey if you're interested in getting three hundred and ninety-nine dollars maybe you'll throw caution to the wind and allow them to connect now just click on the number nine I hope you enjoy the story all of these false tears okay click on any place this number nine okay hold on I think someone else clicked it sorry one yes now yes I am doing for you Kay oh please only you can use my computer before yes so funny hey just hold on hold on now click on next click on next did someone tell you a joke click on next what kind of joke I'm asking you tell you a joke is that why you're laughing no no one you laughing that's why I reacting laughing okay just click on next just wait for wall okay I can barely hear you any and sounds like you're talking behind that cardboard I feel like what I'm saying is bad and I thought it's just because my cat likes to play hide and seek in the other day when the Amazon delivery came to my house I hid inside a cardboard box for a few hours and he couldn't find me you play with them hide and six dandy only I think the only reason he found me because when I spoiled myself I you know I had to go to the bathroom after a while and I thought that I don't be just a little bit turns out I was all up in it it's soaked right through the box it's a real pungent smell closer so the cats know right where I was anyway no kitty just once what are we doing now can you just want okay honey just can you just once again type fo our PC naught M L now see like Charlie see like Charlie I say see like Charlie madam you type before see it's gt40 ok you take that out no I say F Oh RPC see like Charlie not cheating remove that TC see like Charlie PC it should be PC madam easy my body please see like jolly see like charlie madam but fo are mean I can do this all night and still do it all night but I don't think he's dead Oh RPC ok let me know that do you do online banking yes ok thank you so can you joke like can you just blogging with the online banking with yours help on your computer so we get ok yes just go ahead and login with your online banking so we can transfer the money from our and Asheville okay why would I do that why what huh okay as because like we have to transfer the funds from our online banking to yours okay that's what I'm sorry that's my bait yes it's your bank up how did that get there that's what I'm saying how could I know that he knows because he cooked it purposely the next part of the scam relies on you logging into your bank account so they can trick you into thinking that you got the refund okay so gullible or gullible financial is fake a soon-to-be victim of the potential refund scam would login to their actual bank account typically the scammers then hide your screen but we've bypassed this so you're gonna get a full look at exactly what happens okay just log in with your online banking no I thought you said I already got my money yes that's what we are doing just can you just login with the online banking so we can transfer from our own money or not that's what I don't understand today yes that that's yes I will refund the money on your account itself right now right here okay so I'm good I'm good to go then I can hang up no no first login with your online banking so we can transfer the funds madam but just log in with your online banking from your sunny okay why because madam we are going to login with our online banking we can transfer the funds on your online banking itself okay give me a second is my I can't see anything I can't see everything side from your side yeah I'm just logging in on my iPad right now on a second I say madam on your computer itself okay okay okay I'm looking at the iPad right now what should I see madam I say on your computer not on your iPad okay what on your computer you know computer on your computer I wonder where computer logged in on your computer yes on your computer itself you're all already bank is up there now just fill up please could he just fill up your username and the password so we can transfer the funds as soon as possible logged in with the only thank you once again in my account I guess it's what I'm saying I'm gonna send me the money you learned how not a bit and my accountant finally when I was younger back in the day my mother she used to occasionally write checks his business partners in what he would do if he would transfer money from physics out his business connections account and he could do that all while sitting or writing thread in his desk and I still remember that desk very fondly it was upstairs he there was an attic and he had tried to convert a little bit of an office no I mean he would put on us he made a desk out of trash cans appear recycled and he hammered them down into this ironclad metal desk and he used to say he says look at me when I would go up there Susie and say something look at this Susie look out this window everything you see everything you see out there is yours one yes right if you become the President of the United States of America which is extremely unlikely that lots are definitely not in fear favored by tomorrow yes you do not become the President of the United States you can't have this desk of mine remember yeah I actually hear that desk in my basement I bought I believe I brought it down when I purchased this home we brought it down there yes yes we turned it sideways and the grandkids play with their puppets the puppet shows they caught the Iron Throne no that's not it they caught the firewall I think that's not it you know I can't remember what they call him it's just a law ok anyway here are some money because it's not just a bunch of old trash cans yes yes everyone comes over to get our kids I say trash trash I came from the arrow you were supposed to be seeing in a day Tyler he was asking me you know could we have egg salad sandwiches for lunch what are you out of your mind egg salad sandwiches who eats those I don't even like that could you just listen to me madam yeah yeah I've been looking you alright okay yes yes now I will listen to you let it on a cake as well so can you just type your username and the password of your online banking why would I do that madam we have to transfer the funds then I will listen to your words as well so can you just put that in what can you just put your username and the password I know we've been through this like five times right but that's part of the fun I'm just pretending like I don't know I'm supposed to log in Shh we get madam we can transfer the funds there is one and only reason we can transfer the funds on your online banking itself I know but you can transfer money that's what I was telling you were you even listening to me I was telling you about my father he was a businessman and he between different make it kids without logging in or even going to a little boy some guys it was it's a very simple process I don't think you have to login or anything like that we can we can go with your business we can't go with your watch as my company rules and policies we have to follow the company rules and the policies right because I'm working in somewhere right so you have to understand that comedy very good right so my father develop more decades ago and you guys might really be behind right we can't we can madam but in our business in our thumbs and business we keep all the records that's why they can't transfer the funds from our online banking to yours through why your vocal voice we have to give the example that that's why okay just tell me it's like no sense at all you've been on the phone with you for over an hour I mean serious madami madam madam you talking to me I'm talking my business sound like a little child you won't stop talking and you keep saying they're gonna give me a refund but your dog where I come from that's called madam oh can you just put the password can you just log dinged on your account so we can transfer the funds and we can done but you need me to login yes you have to why didn't you say that before you can tell this game we're starting to get a little worked up he's spent an hour trying to get into the bank account so far but here's where things start to get a little interesting I'm about to log in and this allows him to look at the fake bank well he thinks there's a real bank and perform the scam a close attention to the personal checking account specifically the available balance the scammer is going to inspect element and actually attempt to edit the HTML of the webpage again madam just write down my name and each and everything I said keep talking about him okay nothing to you so he's trying to edit the website you can beat Steve Idol on Chrome and Firefox and stuff it's just temporary but when he right clicks to inspect element to change the number he's selecting this transparent rectangle entire screen the scammer is expecting to be able to edit the number to perform the rest of his scam this overlay we edited the bank really throws them off so this time they go for an alternate route oh okay here's the scam right there transferring money between my bank accounts okay he's transferring $4,000 instead of 400 now could you just anyway you see that the balance increases yeah there must be some kind of a problem wait hello record did you get my refund right now I finally okay find them thank you so much honey you get you know nice doggy I really appreciate your time and your patience I know not easy working with someone my age and you really want to Buffett me on in terms of just being patient and waiting for me right right right right right I'm glad a biopic agree with me bottom line now madam listen madam listen don't worry he'll call back it just doesn't make a lot of sense he gave us the refund so what's the point of talking to him anymore yeah can you hear me yes did he hear me man my people once again okay what happened are you calling me again okay but am I getting another cold you guys because no madam very much over there on madam will you just listen to me yeah I'm out which you have received on your the amount which you have received on your account that was $4,000 okay all right and out of from your 4,000 your refund around in the basin if you're really for amount was 300 okay three zero zero all right and apart from that three hundred you all see you also here are two hundred means your refund amount was $300 okay okay but you sent me for an hour right because he has been bushes flat first did you type in $4,000 or seven 300 madam madam madam it's not our fault it was the technically fault okay that's why I receive that much of a mountain okay so what you need to do is that madam you just have to keep trying to do but justice I think if I remember correctly there's an undo button you can press okay so can you just do me a favor madam I don't like you just do me a favor I don't like why madam okay but if you not madam I will lose my job but and you also like I lose my job if you're not with if you're not madam you receive the extra funds on your account and that was the foreign funds okay and as because the limitations was thousand dollars that was not a dyke man I don't know what to say to you as a matter that book madam madam that wasn't not my fault that was it technically faulty technically error that's why you receive her $4,000 that's why you see what $4,000 okay I really appreciate anybody so much okay all right so what you need to do is that you just have to keep $500 okay I live off that money and the rest of and the rest of the money you have sent back to us okay why would I do that Oh madam because that was our company fund if you not refund me the funds okay you will I lose my job now the funds had been already in translation you need to do with that yourself have to give the $500 okay and the rest of the funds you have to send back to us okay actually give me any money transfer the money between my accounts he's clearly made a mistake and wants me to give him the money so really if I give him any money I'm losing my own money that he never gave me and that's the way this game works you madam ah madam I will tell you okay you my job is on your hand okay I cannot settle I'm sorry boss I mean we can are something else I want to talk to MA okay you want to talk to my boss right just for a moment is telling that you you were distracted Marv you ask your boss if he's ever made a mistake and if he says yes then you start telling him about the mistake you made if he says no just one as fast as you can on the office and I don't tell him what happened madam madam Mao find a new job i madam listen to me I am the supervisor out here okay Oh everybody made sense you you talking too long Allison three musicians write and write right on the supervisor the call has been transferred to be fun okay are you are you the one who's in charge of clearing and firing people no I am NOT it's over me not ashamed okay and the thing is that actually this he gave me all he gives all the authorities in Hungary I can't impressed okay do you like it a few more nipple you like it I love it mm-hmm yes I love your voice I love you I love your braids [ __ ] so what you need to do honey please it's my job okay so I don't like it like that I want you to calm down take a couple deep breaths no one has ever lost their job over a mistake before no one ever loses their job for simple mistakes it's always really really none of it takes maddham maddham out of mine it's not a simple mascara are gonna lose your job Madame Marie idea what listen if we can talk to the market thank you for your boss I'll tell him why don't you just take the money out of my account and put it in your account why just why don't you just take the money from my account and put it back in your mouth that would be because I mean madam a big matter I will more happy to do that if I will yeah why don't you take the merchants in my account of the extra money instead of money as the extra money the extra for $4,000 transfer that to your account does that make sense you know it's fairly complicated right um does that make sense yes madam allow my people mistakes happen not by people mistakes happen right yeah but my people that happen and are really the mistake okay so for that I can't do I can't believe this right mm-hmm so the thing is that madam right now you can help me okay if you can if you know I lose my job and you also move you your account will be get instantly freeze okay so why not set our money back to us I'm sure are you because that well you're afraid of losing your job but you're eating dinner right now right now madam madam I picked up coffee I take a coffee normally what you do you lobby what are you reporting it madam I drink coffee right now with a basket okay so madam could you just listen to me very clearly because I lose my job right now my job is on your hand as well as if you're not send our money you will become on the fraudulent activities and your account will be get instantly freezed because of that the currency has been sent from the foreign bank what okay so what what you can do is that you can just simply keep your money and really put our money back okay okay let me see if I can go in and I make it count and I'll be really mm-hmm so can you just do me a favor Jenny does tell me are you dressed right now okay I think in my transfer page I'm looking at my bank I can add an external account so if you type in your bank account I can transfer money what about that madam work okay because the bank was on the foreign country but okay and more enjoy an account that's here in the United States madam the bank was on the foreign country no I'm saying let me transfer it to an account in the United States madam god the bank already started you can I hug you not madam you can transfer to me I am in the United States United States of America right right but the foreign country chanced upon to you alright do not send my money sorry whereabouts do you live still your meeting Steve yeah where do you live talking distance oh I live in in New York City okay we're in New York sorry we're in New York i I will give you every information if you want I will give you each and every actress I'm asking the question it matters I'm genuinely curious where do you live in New York you are you are also in New York City now you see you know Brooklyn Brooklyn New York yeah I've heard of that before you're pronouncing it wrong knowledge yeah it's it's a it's broke Brooklyn Nets Brooklyn broke Brooklyn yes Brooklyn right over okay I say Brooklyn I not say broke swing I say Brooklyn each cook in Brooklyn City yes Brooklyn City I know that madam okay I know that so can you just do me a favor because we came back my mom today but Madame it being off through four and half years I do believe our school of not have you have you seen the Golden Gate Bridge yet yes I see that how often do you see it sorry you must see it every day not every day I do have thought Madame I thought I can do it yeah they would be difficult that's true right what are you closest to are you pretty close by the young O'Hare oh hi right okay okay just wondered now okay Matt do me a favor right now so like just like do you get dry so like are you dressed right now are you want to get dressed I said do you get dressed are you dressed right now I'm asking you what Terrace today's Tuesday min sorry Monday sorry I did a mistake again it's Monday your fault mistake him again yes it's Monday jumping on those gobstoppers over there marshmallows no what are you truly love from Adam Oh God wait let me shake a bit bright let me take a deep breath yeah you might want to do that hold on Oh all right honey I tell you what I mean I have to get together with them I gotta call my daughter so why don't you call me back after you're done eating dinner madam I done with my dinner okay are you sure I just take a coffee right now yes I'll show so what is this o'clock yes yes but I have to take coffees because life is a lot of customers while talking to the customer I get dressed so that's why I take coffee I love using opium it's nighttime it's gonna be bedtime showing it six six o'clock madam not now now could you just listen to me madam I have Jesus to my house [ __ ] okay I should go to my house I have to feed my children I do have children so I have to sell try to fit my eye I have to fit my wife as well I have to give times to them in the house I do have mother father everything everybody god bless you have signs okay okay do you need to get your money back tomorrow then call me tomorrow madam that's not a bit knowing how family man is my bet your parents matter in your life and your kids are small so proud Adam yes spending every day helping people like me who have no idea at human computers in their reach I bet I bet when you come home and you get to just tell story after story about how there's people like me yes and you spent hours and hours and hours just helping them and you won't probably need you and says how am I so lucky mmm and your parents probably look at you and smile and say oh I am so proud of you son I could not have possibly a man imagined a better job a better life for you than helping out old people at night you are such an upstanding citizen god bless you like if I was your parents I'd be proud of you yes madam thank you for that you're doing really you're doing good here you know I read an article a couple we might go about how some people my age there's these people that call and they say the thing you have a virus on their computer even though you don't indeed and they lie about computer things and then they steal dollars can you imagine that okay someone's feeling like $200 from an innocent woman out of me I probably would have fallen for that I didn't see that Oracle for heaven sakes madam this matter did this happen oh that's disgusting madam madam now could he just listen to me madam can you imagine what were you like when someone stole from your mom what would you do yeah someone stole from your mom I don't like I feel very bad yeah anyway how do we take care of the mistake you made I don't want your parents to know you made a mistake in another wise perfect situation self madam everybody did mistakes in your life you also did mistakes right you can tell that I didn't do any mistakes in my entire life you can't say that I ever made yes madam but the thing is that right now the money has been transferred being shot out all the things you have to help me out if you want okay I will lose my job and your account will get feest okay but so that is the thing is to keep madam your account will that freeze instantly if you not send the money to die a fight do you have any grocery stores near to your house a grocery store like Walmart yeah yeah yeah yeah Walgreens Best Buy CBS which one is near yeah I want to get your house oh gosh wali toysrus compusa Turkish city okay sorry okay you have Publix the FL big 7-eleven all of them you name it we got all of them okay pretty oh yeah what you need to do madam yes but what you need to do is that only what you do is that kind of think okay topic but what was Barnes and Nobles but remember go to the Walmart store you have Walmart right orders madam okay giggling really how color gets bigger legally okay okay my arms like how far can you just let me know madam could you just let me know how far they saw us and working House Bed Bath & Beyond Cheers Olive Garden YMCA flash player how far madam do you want I don't know what that's like take your pick honey I got them all okay like could you just do me a favor could you just go down to the Dollar General good good it does go down to the desi penny under Alta G hello bye honeys madam I know in the Cracker Barrel I know in general okay now each and everything exporting did I just listen to me you're actually free you understand what your account get freeze Laurens Best Buy I've been telling you once I I told you like 15 different stores which one go down to the Dollar General and get the Google Play gift god of $2,500 okay okay I could probably do that read the money tonight yes okay it would probably only take me a minute if you do you might I don't know when you have to go home do you mind just waiting a couple more minutes and I can go get us madam Mac Mac madam once I get the money from your side I will leave my office I will go back to my house okay yeah you might want to tell you you know tell your wife and kids that you're helping just call me an old woman it's time to say I'm helping an elderly old woman so I have to get dressed or so no you you can get dressed if you dressed you can go down to the Dollar General but you have to carry with your debit card minge your bank card or your cash card with whatever you have okay how about that sorry sorry said you know if they'll cash me outside I love that yes okay madam but they won't give you but they won't give you all 3,500 3,500 if you if you catch outside right you just you just have to go down to the Dollar General you just have to go down the Dollar General okay you know what they say okay there's no team without and you and me in it I smell team with you kill me I think that's right you and me at least you will me can resolve this case it's been a while since I've been out driven [Music] okay honey which way do I go uh I don't really know how to get out very well okay you can go to the holiday general or Walmart whatever is near to you you can go over here okay all right and once you reach the parking lot just to let me know that yes honey I am in the parking lot okay okay okay you were in the parking lot yeah I'm just gonna go park right over here okay and which door you are in right now which parking lot which door button lot you are in right now oh yeah yeah yep I'm gonna destroy a weed stole the name of the store [Music] oh gosh um see I think it's I think it's wrong range that's a lot of risk okay now you just go okay no go to the Walgreens just take 3,500 Google Play gift card Google Play if they ask you for a reason for a security purpose for what purpose you purchasing this this gift cards okay you just have to tell them it's for my personal use I want to give this to my children or grandchildren whatever you can say okay cuz that's not weird asking an 87 year old my children why would I lie by the way they're not open this late or eat far the parks cameras this I stay in this bar but late okay does he thinks he's gonna be getting do you have to I'm like your children or agreement is closed I want to give a compliment for their but the bodies okay I don't understand you want me to use the four thousand dollars to send me if I google play cards for my grandchildren's birthday parties all right the five the seven Google Play gift cards or $500 each okay okay you just have tell them McGillicuddy says the Bible says it like no no lying is bad I understand madam but the stories for the personal purpose they won't give you the gift card if you tell them it's for the business purpose that's why I'm telling you it's for certain reason okay all right so y'all purchase of like a MIDI no one like that that you accidentally gave me $4,000 it's like a Google Play card no no no no no no matter what makes another process to me I don't understand why it wouldn't make any sense right right they're throwing a lot of lies our way because they certainly don't want us to tell a manager or someone who works at the store that we're buying gift cards for Microsoft that's not gonna make a lot of sense and certainly someone is gonna stop us right but they won't give you they won't give you the cards if you still the Microsoft has sent you four thousand dollars because nowadays you know that the scam is going around right and that is the reason the store nowadays you know the scam is going around and for the SEC 24 points like here is not giving madam everybody doing scam you told me at that point of time like giving the service they're charging four hundred five hundred dollars like guy right right right right right that is the finish madam that that's that is the reason I'm telling you because the store won't allow you if you tell them for the business purpose the one the store won't allow you at the won't give you the cards because you have to set them it it's each might each for my personal purpose it's for my personal use if they ask you for what for not purpose you tell them that I want to gifted this to my grandchildren that's right all right you have to buy seven gift cards you have to buy Google Play you have to buy Google Play gift card seven gift cards or $500 each okay okay seven gift cards seven Google Play gift cards five 500 each and why do you want to mininum madam because you have received unfortunately on your account four thousand I give you five hundred dollars which whatever your money was three hundred and the compensation fee was two hundred dollars from my end from my pocket and the rest of the 3500 you have to return back to us that because that was our company money okay okay all right and once you get the cards just get in the car and say me hello yes I got the cards okay that's it okay you owe me all right okay okay do you want me to just call you tomorrow then no no no I'm good that way we can both get some sleep I'll get the cards from the store and then if you want to call me tomorrow model bodily that's what Moldova has been such a half thank you thank you so much I'm gonna go in and I'm gonna grab your family and then call me in the morning all right madam itthere right okay really the reason why I did that is I don't have a good sound for getting out of a car but I do have sounds while we're in a store so I just have to get into the store now hello hello hello hello do you get the gift card madam yes you get the card [Music] so I mean I'm in your store right now and I am I allowed to talk to you no no madam nimbus off to me okay once you get the gift card let me know okay okay okay yep fine you call me do not hang up the formatting okay okay why did you call me madam Victor because we won the card right now okay we want our money back okay okay I can't hear what they're saying [Music] madam you just have to get the cards okay you know where they are you know what a carton you know I'm saying you know where the card doc madam boo madam Google Play gift God do not talk to me do not talk to me what what did you say do not talk to me do not clean it why do you keep talking to me if you don't want me to talk to you then why do you keep talking to me why do you keep talking to me madam do not talk to me go to the store get the 3500 cards $3500 card okay Google Play gift card okay I'm looking at the cards right now are you there hello hello you listen I know I'm not supposed to talk to you I'm looking at all the cards and there's so many of them and none of them have $3,500 I see a manager hold on hello ma'am where do I get to $3,500 cards oh she didn't hear me okay the manager didn't hear me I don't know where to get the $3,500 cards madam price Google Play gets not you are they're very the Google Play gift card well I can see them I can see the $10 card 250 down on our card there's the $500 won 500 I wonder do I don't see 3500 anything more than 500 I don't see I don't see 600 I don't see 700 you think they might ever see me not only 50 but they don't there's none of them it's just $500 estamos madam $500 madam [ __ ] I fight wonder dog why are you wanna show me $500 card madam 7x7 gift cards a $500 each how much they have I don't know I don't know you could buy so many clock can't I just try and just give you my credit card can we just do it that way no no I'm buying these gift cards something happened earlier yeah I wish we could just give people a credit card to pay for things these days you know would be so much easier yeah yeah I know I know there are so many scams - and that's Ryan that's why I was ten I was telling the guy on the phone I read all about [Music] okay you just take three gift cards off 500 first pick the three gifts cut off 500 yeah why don't I just grab those and then maybe do you think that's enough to save your job and then maybe sometime next week we could get more I will tell you madam just take the 1500 gift card I think I just realized I felt like a warmth on my leg and I thought it was just all this exercise turns out I think I dribbled a little bit madam just get $1,500 gift card first yeah I'm gonna have to go to the bathroom okay I got the three cards but I'm definitely giving it a go hey you've got a scam around the phone you gotta have a little bit of fun and make him go through ridiculous situations right what father yep they're listening they heard it of the media alone okay fly together [Music] what if they ask what if he asked me if I'm doing if I'm lying what do I tell them Madame tell them it's for my personal purpose just tell them it's remarkable on Khan will die Laura okay so I was able to buy them I was able to buy the 15 the three $500 cards yeah the manager was a little bit a little bit confused he kept saying what do you what do I mean by personal reuse and then at one point I just kept shouting refused over and over again because I was so nervous yeah like basically what happened what what happened is I walked up there I don't know why you're laughing but let me tell you if you think this is funny you think this is so funny I had all the cards in my hand right I walked up there and I was as cool as I'd be no I mean I was going I was a train conductor flying now with the wind in my hair and everything I walked I walked them to him anything hi ma'am how's your evening and I said [Laughter] he probably thinks things are going well so it's time to scare them a little bit here I tend to be the manager yeah hello yeah how you doing this evening no what can I do for you uh young but yeah I'm doing great and how you're going I'm doing well gosh tootin so this lady here I guess I didn't catch her name what was her name Susan okay yes Susan okay okay I would have said a Bonnie she looks more like a doll anyway but anyway anyway listen up here she's trying to buy what is it yeah no no only two that only $2,000 you want to gift it to her grandchildren actually so that is the thing is she told me that I can they are not giving to me the two thousand dollars that's my wars you can tell them so I can take the thousand dollars card from them I say yes I can tell them I'm sorry I said it again what about it one more time like like like she is defeatist $2,000 card for our grandchildren okay oh so sheet she told me that you two were starting a business a personal business yes me no no no we are better or y'all and I'm supposed to be you know your authorizing or not authorizing the charge so when y'all just keep saying personal grandchildren its business whatever I need y'all to make up your mind you know what I mean okay yes I even defend you okay so y'all her business partner or what yes I am her business partner okay okay yeah I was gonna say I think it's really great that a lady of her age oh sorry excuse me a lady of her distinct you know what I mean I'm very glad that someone of her stature is getting back yes in the business game you know I think that's great and I'm glad that you are partnering with her Sam okay listen yes I will every time I will leave her okay she let he ever everything whatever she wanted to do she asked from me like why do this I want to do that right yes I if I if I think that that was right right if I think that was wrong I say I appreciate tell her tell her that it was wrong don't do the thing is it's for her personal purpose so what she told me that before and she put me on speaker she keeps talking to me I stand she went to your store and she wants a pasta sauce mm and that's what for a personal purpose I can't tell her anything Yeah right listen the store's gonna be closing in like a minute or two so I just needed I need to tell you it is our policy typically we only allow someone to purchase up to $500 right but I can I can't authorize a little bit higher amount as the manager I could go as much as $1,000 across multiple cards okay okay I cannot do mm unless you sign up no no no to loosen programs oh I don't want to sign up for the bonus bundle you can do that and then I might be able to do the mm she's processing the cards or whatever you told her oh my goodness she was smiling I guess the stores closing you only yes you only take $2,000 not more than of that okay all right take the $2,000 card and I can do the business bundle after Best Buy I forget me this card's okay okay do you want me to ask your mother that's my business bundle she didn't mention that yes yes you can just take the two thousand cards first the best buy two thousand dollars car okay some parts or five hundred and and you can ask for the business bundles I will I will I and you make it the business bundles letter tomorrow itself he probably thinks he's working hard almost four hours to get those Google Play cards well you're not at the homestretch yet what it's about to get way worse for you yes honey I am here can you hear me can you hear me yes I can hear you honey okay yeah I'm just trying to get back home you know okay how much how much they are provided to you housing and over there 1500 right [Music] yeah I got sorry what was that the 1500 before and this thousand dollars it comes to 2500 right yes I guess very good master okay it means and do it and do it tomorrow [Music] I hope I think I hope I don't get pulled over painful for little I haven't gone that fast in high school [Music] Retta of the problem is that really a few hours okay okay so could you just could you get the cards with you get the hand with the cards okay you are alike the ER at home get the cards handy with you Shh okay no worries no worries get back to your house first and then after I can talk okay put me on speaker [Music] yeah yeah I think so okay okay now now just please click the back of the car click the back of the google play card you can see our silver panel you see a silver panel a single panel yeah no no no you not redeemed from here itself okay you just give me that numbers the card numbers the alphanumeric numbers whatever the number is you can you can kill yourself here you're gonna be able to use to Google Play yes redeem it we gonna ever be remember he doesn't know that this Google Play Store is fake madam madam type the card number here the promo code don't click on redeem okay don't click on title another out here but technicon reading and what and once you done just madam madam oh great oh you see I found your dollars it's been added to your balance we didn't add my goodness madam why we did it touch the first card madam do not do it madam why you added on your Google Play give me the numbers isn't that what we wanted to do oh it's not over yet do not touch madam do not touch old okay this is the second card number right it's $500 right yeah I gotta go over it again okay so it's 8-0 okay yeah this is this is the one right here this is it madam do not redeem it do not redeem I will help you out what Oh God do not read him over here I will help you up are they are you are about to enter village this is what we want right oh oh I was reading a Bible reading government hello Mohammad going to on your account it's not it's my money everything ok madam it's nothing ok you are adding the money on your account on your Google account how many if I take the money from there how many more should I how many more do I have to redeem Oh madam you have to give that God number to me let me figure out how to redeem the Best Buy gift card maybe that will help you not about of not madam madam madam do whatever you want to do I'm done you have to give it to me I did I just redeemed a thousand four and a half hours for you dang it so don't you give me any sass right now I spent four and a half hours trying to save your job matter what madam you not tell my job you are taking my job away from me do adding the money on your Google account your Google you don't do not yelling right now you're gonna lose your job anyway let's be honest if you don't win screaming are you swimming you okay madam I'm not really new okay okay I will help you out now that I remember you I'm sorry I wish it could have been different like honey I under I understand honey don't blame on yourself it happened it happened it happened it even after lost right I cannot do do not cry how do you know it happen oh my phone number really start your number here no like honey like honey the people mistake no honey no honey I i I will manage I will manage it tomorrow okay okay all right the rest of my question you and your family honey I'll come back you it's gonna be a roller coaster inna the last 500 googleplay died here it's not worth it I will I will redeem it honey I will redeem it that was our company money I have to give it to them that's why madam do not do not do not redeem it right right right not do anything right okay okay hold on you know hold on all right no no no again you're doing again for you I just if you thought our job honey honey imagine spending five hours and being so focused on getting that last $500 card that you don't notice it says your scam won't work here but do not touch right now okay change okay Best Buy can you just give the Best Buy so I can sing a song after that Best Buy maybe he's blinded by creator his manager just won't let him stop I've got one more chance to make him question everything he's done over the past - no no don't do that please don't do that don't do that let me just tell me the Google Play number can you decide that Google Play number once again and it just type here it's right here madam don't madam madam madam please - not reading out here it will I won't say everything I'm not actually gonna redeem it okay I'll cancel it I just wanna make camp I just want to make sure it works know if one was once was okay it works madam my goodness we're supposed to put the letter F bro thanks for five hours experts five hours dude not gonna get any money from this grandma I genuinely hope that you smiled when he washed that this whole thing was streamed live on Twitch and we could not stop laughing check it out sometime slash get boga until i see you guys next time stay safe out there and tell your grandma about these scams [Music]
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 7,098,236
Rating: 4.941462 out of 5
Keywords: scambait, angry scammer, scam, tech support, google play redeem, google play prank, prank call, improv, call center, refund department, microsoft refund
Id: YLUE-m2B5xA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 9sec (4509 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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