Roku Tech Scammers Waste 3 Hours On My Family

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[Music] yeah thanks for calling Capote how may I help you you know I gotta tell you your ding product is is terrible I got it for Christmas and I can't get it to work ok I'll like you trying to activate You Know Who I am right right it's not working no it's one of the worst products I've ever had in my life okay so listen listen my son set it up for me Christmas day he had it up on the screen now I go there and I'm trying to do all this right I'm trying to to pour up the show I wanted to watch i will sit what's that one show with the guy who talks to that other that other guy about that that one guy I want to watch that tomorrow did you remember when who we talk tomorrow oh listen I'm not from the future it's just let's get started and it's asking me speaking English English listen I personally don't have any problem with other languages billy mays here the character and I do not appear the same please in that connection like jr. the word thought is for that okay I'm just playing okay you know when I grew up we didn't have okay buttons it just did what you're told of - yeah actually you know there is that like good thing going on on a Christmas like a Roku providing like a premium cable channels to the customer just within a one payment and they after that they never need to make any single penny again so they'll be you know saving thousands of dollars that's why you know we have a lots of customer like and we are totally with even less names legit I can't I missed out on never was only for Christmas no actually oh I will I need to check that because today you know the New Deal is not going on but if you want that I need to check that for you if you want that because HBO Showtime ESPN hallmark ABC NBC your local channels as well you'll be getting free for a complete life just within one payment and you know the best part is that under the one premium account you will be using tender coos at your place and that will be using anywhere at any place so you can like you know save your lots of money your dad is the deal which is going on if you want that I need to check that Thursday Franken man you can give me ten of these Roku TV yes you'll be you are able to use and Roku TVs under the one premium account you know the dining room and and you know if you do you know that then that's an amazing thing for you if you go with this deal right now I will I will try to make that for you if I'll do it for you then that's amazing for you because I believe you know we're you know need anything yeah then you'll be you know use the TV in your bathroom as well because that not matter how many TVs you have at your place but the best part is that you get the favorite chair of whatever you love to watch you'll be stream on your every th one like oh you're all of degree and and you cap and you never need to make a single penny for that there would be six different well imagine so do you have any kind of deal and how much it would cost i of 660 is okay just an online let me check for you because I need to do something on my behalf because you don't like deal is gone but let me talk with my seniors if anything else managing for you I'll do it for you K oh boy it just give me give me a second give me second let me talk the guy is like doing something with his mic well I feel like we're talking to it the salesman Oh get over there like you have you have a six CDs at your place so it will cost you just one-time payment that is seven hundred and fifty dollars which is you'll be paying just one payment only and after that you your all of your TV's like up to ten TVs you are able to use on this deal and you get every channel whatever you love to watch whatever cost dad for general like Showtime anytime HBO ESPN hallmark your local channels included Netflix application as well you'll be getting free for a complete entire life just with our one payment 750 bucks that's it that's it for a complete entire life if I act now do I get anything else for free because three but you said sir if I act now do I get anything for free yeah if you'll be good right like you know right now I need to register with that that is possible for you and once you do done with that we will provide you Netflix application Netflix application you'll be getting free for a complete entire life pay-per-view that is a channel yeah it's the change where they they fold the paper like origami and everything Jack just be online let me check I actually I don't know about the paper we own the Roku but just give me one second let me check all right take it give me one second please I find it very relaxing for them to fold fold the paper to four or three fold affiliate Hey look at it yeah I got that channel that cleaning life pay-per-view channel I'm right but yet you'll be get that channel as well the people who channel you'll be taken out now it's my turn for you you please climb all that activation yeah now there is a length of four digit code available on on their right to their website correct no no you just need to provide me the activation code I will make it for you because that now it's my turn I will make it for you so you just need to tell me the activation code worst app for do you mean you're gonna make it for me it means like you know if you go on tattling wwo comlink then we will get a code and that you'll be receiving a call from our side so that's why I like right now we are already on call so you provide me that activation code then analyze my account then I was like tap one else was hampering right now is correct usual time all of the channel because they work for me provide media has access to potentially I don't know if like give me some sort of body poverty car like boot like some sort of weird hacked version where you can watch Netflix and stuff you can definitely just go here and look with the thing in which people save their monthly belt and right now on Roku there is a deal available with a bad we knew that it's sans Ferraris people have a pill are true premium and standard did you ever starting time that you are at the starting time the choose according to their wish list once they've adjusted with that after that they never need to make any single penny for anything and then they'll be getting to services for a complete life free because if it is tell me how much you paying every month for the cable how much you be every month for the cable well I ever need people in like six years I just we ran a line from my neighbor's house we dug a trench in Hamid and I just pull it right in there he doesn't know about it but and I think it's something like 20 bucks a month 120 month and the yearly you'll be spending like almost I wonder that one show you were saying how do I get the paddle i watch the pay-per-view channel how much is that that we that we will provide you data people huge shell will be getting from our side we will provide you that you don't need to you know if you buy the premium package then you don't need to worry about it this is my grandkids that's also available for you the Disney Plus will be get that one cables $1600 Netflix Android is full of $480 show times 120 hours Amazon's hundred Android hours Disney's $84 Roku priceless you you okay so how much is it and I get all this for $750 yeah the salmon hunted and collar that will provide that as in a seven hundred and fifty dollar net flix not included with that Hollinger note that is for a lifetime not for a year that is for a complete life reform after that but yeah that's the deal you know which if I tries he's not on my side or you'll be get the channel free for a complete life on your Roku once we add that for you after that you never need to make any single penny you know like then you'll be saved lots of money like according to the cable cable like you'll be saying thousand dollar every month every year sorry twenty-five hundred dollars a year for five years that's yeah and you do believe now that's twelve thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars that you have to pay they give me all of that stuff for 750 bucks so how do you get how do you afford that you get like a percentage do you get like a percentage off no because we go get like a bigger discount do you get like a what is that like a ninety nine percent discount of seven yeah actually we have a business account so we will be provide that do you that that's a limited B that not for all of the customer that is a limpid deal which is we will provide you know own a Christmas in which we never stop how can you afford that that's what I'm saying like because if I wouldn't have you know if I were to add up all those costs if I had cable Netflix Hulu then I multiplied that by five years I would have to pay $12,000 we have you know we have a business account in which we will manage tab in whichever you know the higher ranked persons are paying to the individually to the Netflix and on other applications as well so they'll be managed at that's why you know varam discuss yeah pretty much like you know they like make something you know people a company got some benefit also with that that's why they're providing a discount and we will add that for the customers wait can I sell this to my friends and get a kickback no no no no yes Daddy just you know like that is Olympian like they're getting on the ground listen I wanna be a CEO of my own company I want to be a boss I can sell this stuff to all my friends get in on the ground floor right but no no sir actually you know the thing is that like that's not for the all of the car all of you know the regular person this is a deal for all the holy you know that is for the Christmas and now that deal is gone that is on my behalf I just talked with my seniors and I will like make it for you if you want that otherwise it will be you know go now it's not available oh yeah did you see the channel start updating on your TV screen sir I I think they're just gonna take your money and run with it I just put I just provide you the trial because I think I thought you want to rely cleaner tralfaz okay so either I legally purchased all of these things myself or I pay you $750 and you who knows what basically you know yeah that that that's the two thing for using aruku so now it's people like I just want to know if you want to go with this one or what you want to do you know what why don't we try it yeah why don't we try it that's right you know I gotta be honest I would kind of is any chance to change I could about about $600 instead of 750 sir on senior citizen coupons we have a discount that is 100 hundred dollar discount usually get that on the field it cost you six hundred and fifty dollar and taps the Halle mouth which is you need to pay include with the taxes also no way it's only 650 dollars yeah including with the taxes on that is a senior citizen like discount as well which is we will apply on that and you'll be get the hundred dollar discount so now elephant elevator up to ten like you will be tan tan roof cam TVs you'll be like used on this one I just want to know without all of that like you me selling something Roku doesn't cost money for these channels you have to pay for Netflix and stuff like that yeah hi Billy Oh actually the thing is that your payment is like you know that is a decline due to the authorization you need to authorize I thought I was supposed to talk to the billing department what did you charge my credit card actually that is the police department just provide me the notification if you want arise what do you call Tamaki to see online like on your back side of your card there is a number available did you see that yeah yeah you need to call on this number right now and you need to tell that you won't authorize telephone lines on line on your car and then they'll be up right there how can I help you I suppose okay hold on just one second a story I'm sorry about that okay welcome to a second weenie American mutual I see you have an account with us register with this phone number is that right yes my friend Rick Rick is on the phone with me we're trying to we're trying to get my Roku down oh well that's great hello I can barely hear you yeah actually he's just trying to apply the amount for the for his Roku and the payment showing is a decline and he just want to authorize the payment and that's why he just called you a 30-year old to help him Oh eighty years old I would have said you sounded like you're just I don't know like 40 or something you so much younger yeah thirty or something like at the most now Rick on the other hand Rick how old are you you're like I'm like already no 22 you only see no way your account and your checking account that you have with us could you go ahead and just often can you just tell me the last four digits please uh actually that I just know about that at the gateway name is might be the steam clean the payment is like you're not showing steam clean did you see that I'm sorry are you talk did he say steam what for what you call - that might be the knowable I was asking the last four digits of your well I will if you want that I will hang up the call bill and Billie and after that you get my work you just just like plug in their gonna do it'll be fine my mom calls me all the time because she accidentally unplugged and then I couldn't get a box yeah I know okay boomer right telling me the lifetime plan what do you mean the lifetime rating plan all the channels and with the Netflix and tell her about it tell her about it Rick like like you'll be get you know like all of the premium channels from our site like that's you Showtime ESPN hallmark like on Draco people have option you know like other they paying every month or other if they want to save their monthly bill they have options if you can that just with no one and money and after that it will sort of like wait what well I don't have to play I don't have to pay for Netflix every month yeah you know like here's be it'll be get the business account and in which he will be good you know he's 80 year old and he'll be get the discount as well on that and he oh I only have to pay $500 $500 there how many months free company for complete five years like almost a five year that is for a lifetime but it still for a complete five years dwell on his TV and he'll be using as for your Showtime hallmark and all of premium channels as well and Netflix application no way that it's too good to be real that's too good to be true it is true you know he's the best one that records offer going on for that and he'll be just good with that Jeff really quick I know this is like not that professional of me something just ignore what I'm about to say but also don't ignore it strike it from the record if you will you know I mean yeah so could I also get the free package deals we will provide you the callback number ma'am you cannot call on that number my name really yeah you get like a kickback or something it's six $50 for you but that will make it for you but then a $500 and you'll be saved at amount one hundred and fifty dollars you'd be saving which is you'll be paying next month you'll be saved at mon-sol and and ma'am could you please do it fast for him is the payment because I mean because I need some yeah you don't have any turtles done Roku so I do see I do see a five-hour charge trying to go through for something else okay but that goes because the technical support support department for the roof is a different one that is under the end right okay so I just need to know William do you want this payment to go through I don't know I don't know looks like I don't know the answer to those questions I just if you want the $500 to go through I just didn't need to say yes or no and then it'll be fine yes all right hold on a second there and you said like it let me go ahead and just transfer you for some reason when I click yes it's thing possible from all that for them okay this is been happening so much over there over the holidays that forgive me hey Billy could you just really could you not listen first like it I guess yeah I actually my shift ends in two minutes so I'm just gonna transfer but I'm gonna call you all right Rick yeah yeah sure sure remember my number I just wanna call this Billy please call it called call me back after 10 minutes yeah I'm gonna call you back in like one minute well okay like ten minutes nothing I'm transferring I'm gonna transfer you to those not all three like that level three fraud department welcome to second community American mutual fraud department how can I help you transaction I was having my account all right let me pull up your account here please hold on did you write down left code by chance I'm sorry who's that that's Rick oh okay Rick I reckon you're the one who has the account here at second community American mutual law okay do you have your confirmation code well sir I'm only supposed to help you if you have your code yeah I'm not supposed to help anyone who doesn't have the codes I might have to just transfer you back she doesn't like a god that isn't like a Harry and as a licker Nancy 0r rather like a robot and number three you're missing one one more character there bud the grimace and one last character maybe there's two three I'm gonna need a final answer from yeah dude 33 all right there I see it William Mays here on your account looks like you're trying to approve a charge for 500 at that right yeah yes yes oh sorry yes sir okay sorry about that I think we had a connection problem up all right and I just have to ask you a quick couple few questions for your security what are you purchasing today sir I'm purchasing my Roku lifetime package what was that a lifetime supply of Roku I'm sorry is Roku some kind of fish or something yeah yeah okay I am familiar with the Roku device now what are you buying from Roku for five hundred dollars if you don't mind me asking services just for your help Ben safety I do see a flag on your account place there by your son a couple years ago that we are supposed to help you if we ever see maybe a potential fraudulent charge on your account so I do want to just ask a quick a couple questions like I said like I said like I said what I said like I said I already said it do you understand I need to know why you're purchasing five hundred dollars worth of Roku a product that's let me see here $25 $30 maybe retail what piti piti bucks at the most well my son I think he bought it for me but now I have to paid for all of the channels yeah you don't have to pay for any of the channels there really what well Roku's 50 bucks oh he said it's 500 Rick he's buying the premium channels like HBO Showtime he is the end-all mark like that kind of all of the premium channels as well as Netflix application yeah I'm sorry to say sir but that's a scam there's no way that you're gonna be able to pay $500 and get access to HBO Netflix Hulu I'm actually looking on my computer right now I'm really sorry about this sir but I'm gonna have to put your account on hold here you may have to call your son it looks like your son's name is your son's name is Leroy you might want to talk to Leroy about this he's gonna have the the unlock key code said to his email but right now I'm gonna have to put you on lockdown there what whoa yeah sir I'm saying this is what's your name there the guy on the phone whats your name Rick molester yeah Rick why don't you just go and tell them that you don't actually work for Roku and you're probably trying to sell them some bunch of garbage for 500 bucks and then I can hang up the phone and be about my day what are you talking about I've been talking to a problem been talking to for two hours doesn't mean it's legitimate yeah I'll just call you bill bill listen bud looks like you're trying you're being swindled all right some guy who doesn't even work for Roku's trying to sell you a bunch of nonsense did you catch that no you called some other guy he's been giving you the runaround Trent oh let me guess here ah I see on I see here on the Google you know Google there bill well Google really quick Roku activation scalp situation is totally free sir and that is already believe like acting yeah well looks like these guys are probably trying to sell you something else here this guy's definitely not Roku here bill okay isn't selling me roku channels whatever whatever he's selling there is definitely not legit well you could hang up the phone I'm shy sorry that didn't come across as rude and I did not mean that you could hang up the phone on the other guy yeah well listen I work with the level three fraud that guy wreck I don't know what is all about yeah actually you know he just tried to tell that believe like you know your payment is not going on with the help of your son so if you want that I will talk with your like your son as well I need to explain him why you'll be paying $500 like what what the benefits you will be getting and then you know it will and it will be pursued and if you have and if you have any another card if you have any another card from you another Bank you'll be provide that one Rick are you still there I got my cell on the phone yes sir I'm here for you about the Roku you okay what was the problem with the Roku he's telling me I gotta pay a lot of $500 to get the Netflix on there and the card got declined or whatever oh the card the card got declined yeah that's that's a classic excuse dad can we talk for a second about what happened with Christmas as far as I remember I was I think I was pretty clear what I said that I wanted the 2017 be issued Millennium Falcon Lego set and you did get that and when that happened you said that the card was declined so now I'm just grows up sometimes moves on to other things it's like it's like that story I told you about the fisherman and the boat when he was younger he had a robot and then he went out to sea and he came back a man and he put away the boat and got a ship remember that yeah but the thing is that you need to also understand though sometimes is that not everybody wants to even do that sometimes people don't want to do that like for example there's a term for people that one ship Rick listen to this okay first of all I don't want to ride into the ship second of all there's an entire subculture of people in Japan that also don't like to go out and do things so if I want or an America trap well what okay what is the problem Rick are you there okay I'm here with the Roku please know that when I brought Sandra over for Christmas dinner she said that you made her uncomfortable I wasn't going to tell you she said I made more comfortable yeah and what do you want me to think you know it's the first time I've brought another woman to Christmas dinner in five years and you made her uncomfortable well then maybe you should know that's that's the first time and that's the first time ever in my life that a girl has not been impressed by be recreating the live-action Dragon Ball Z by doing all the powerup moves normally would I show people bodies it's a lot of people are impressed by that dad just because you're not I don't know how to impress you maybe I could I don't know rebuild Stonehenge wasn't that big with your a teenager what's don't know it's not dead it's in Ireland if you must know what do I need to do to fix his Roku account actually oh you know he just buy the package from our site we have film and E TV we have a technical support department and he like want to buy the package in which usually get bundle of the channels like streaming channels at few Showtime all my channels yeah then that fix account like Netflix and another F channels as well so you just pay for that like $500 for a complete life or for a complete five years like we can see that so like you just try to pay the amount for that we will like you know provide the channels but the payment showing us a decline and for that like you know there is a security code and that key like the for the security that you have I didn't authorize that oh okay I understand now I just said okay I can help out with that but did you know do you know if if he gets the bundle for the channels do you know if he gets crunchyroll the anime bundle no because it's not this it's not actually called it's just a channel dad and it hasn't because here's the thing that you probably didn't even know that I knew is that I heard I saw a blog post about one of the animators from attack on Titan and he said that if you even subscribe to crunchyroll that sometimes you could it makes you a sort of like a strong warrior like if you have crunchyroll and so i was thinking that maybe if crunchyroll came with the rope gonna be so bad that he didn't have it so I was wondering if crunchyroll came with the Roku package what kind of is a crunchy roll it sounds like something like a little baby it is actually about strong people that you're good you don't know it has all sorts of life lessons you roll you do one thing what's that kid's name and you're in the basement which what's-his-face playing demons and Dragons you know what the thing is I've never seen Jason before I don't even know if it's real and you spin you're in his basement playing demons and what-have-you all day you come home to the house you heat up a bunch of my old food and you put it in some kind of wrap and you call it a panini okay and now and then what first of all it's called a panini it is only because I'm waiting for you to get my airfryer so I can make proper wad Todd's like a true gentleman second of all the reason you don't see Jason all the time is because would I play demons in dungeons we're playing World of Warcraft and he's a level 47 warrior so baby before you go it talks shoot about him you should watch me talk about because he just learned mortal strike idiot how old are you what could get 25 and after that if you want I decelerate you can do right now have you ever talked to in your life at the Roku company if you ever met anyone more immature and out of tune with reality as my son you want to talk about out of reality how about when you tried to play bingo on the new application that you download and you've sat down for 10 minutes looking at the TV remotes thinking go with your iphone how about that talk about out of touch dad excuse me alright I didn't have phones like that I was a kid we actually worked we just need to make a 500 and he will be saving like you know the money from the cable company and all of channels whatever he loves to watch that will be work for him for a compact fire hold on right now hold on hold on and you're telling me that for net for Netflix and Hulu and his CSI Miami it's $500 for five years all those services no no I haven't left you I will let you know sir I wonder that's all those things I mean Netflix is only like 10 bucks I don't understand how you can go by are you getting like different sort of because here's the thing that I heard that there's this kind of cable box that Jason bought and what he does is he logs into it and he made his own account and what happens is you go onto this website where you write vampire vampire poetry and the thing is that if you write this then sometimes you could even use your redeem your points on lights and try to buy a cable box that when you use it you can get all these different other channels if you get it using doesn't even cost that much up to five hundred dollars even probably cost last like a hundred and twenty five in the thing that I thought was crazy was he managed to save up all the money that he was getting from his paper he bought he did a lot because it didn't even have that bit that is a lot of Chad's channels on it it just foreign language I saw something wrong what you call it crunchy cheese if we're paying for a Roku package don't want to make sure that it's one of the channels but Rick didn't mention it when he said Netflix and Hulu and all the rest that is your crunchyroll about I'm wondering if I should give me the code dad maybe you don't need this one I only I already spend like too much time with you guys so now I have to go whenever in future you want to do something you just call us back and get it fixed okay thank you so much for your time listen I'll give you I'll give you I'll give you the can I I just have I'll just have one more question before I give you the code okay this is a question for Rick Rick if God forbid if bite dies will I get his account if he dies in the next five years will I get his account you just need to tell this believe me okay fine dad is it okay if i text you the code and everyone can say please do please do one that you need to call might be for the authorization to the bank so you do it please because you don't need all the DS or question but but he already talked with them a and say no you might have to talk I you have me pay for your Netflix your whole what else do I pay for you you buy that you have by the the channel that I'm watching to learn Japanese head Thai supreme that's the educational channel you pay for that another children how did that work every single month correct right yeah but he's saying that basically I had to cancel all those accounts and I pay him five hundred dollars and that's it yeah that's right because then you get all the channels bundled into what for five years with his D Network babe station food hub skin flicks sci-fi look up with that Geo do comes with that geo of course now is available for you okay okay we can we can we just be honest for a minute Rick is all over this above board I'm starting to wonder if you kind of like one of these live wire guys I did not be to reference add article term actually yes sir we are Andy from the anti team support department and you'll be get dad the services right away with you we will election as well I'm logging into your bank account right now dad because I should be able to have a Senate mobile so that I could request it unlock code to be texted to be and that will grant you access to your account so hold on I'm just logging in okay after that we are able to take the payment after that we are able to take the payment or not yeah after that after that he'll have full access to is a couch okay after that it means after that we are able to detect the payment from his account this is correct yes that's correct there's a peg did charge three thousand four hundred and twelve dollar No 850 it's dead it's for onna alright what did you get for sub dad you have a two thousand dollar limit on your card into overdrive I just got the code and I don't even want to tell you what it is it's fun five five five five there put that in you don't need to be like that you know shot is horrible to be Rick's she always says things she's always like Oh Leroy go get the bail Leroy stop eating the toothpaste she cares about I just know that but you know the thing is that now he'll be saved the money you know he will be saved the money that the help of saving his monthly bill from the cable after get this deal he'll be saved lots of money you know and then you never need to make any kind of monthly bill for him for the channel I mean that's a good point that you can save 10% or more by switching to roku so it i've heard the advertiser yeah I feel like finally I'm relieved because all these other companies out there are just trying to take advantage of senior citizens but who's actually interested in help because mushi ichi where a person was taking care of her grandfather he ended up turning into it on the puss of the crazy about you know you try to challenge the might of the ocean you don't always come out on top because it is a force of hundreds maybe even thousands of years with the spirit of the ocean turned this berlin tentacles got involved in all the rest but that's the story here is that nobody you don't look after their senior citizens and it's really important these days that we try to help them in guiding the beaches like will give me the code let me pay the $500 what lead alright let's stop no what stop no my answers no I'm not gonna give you the code no more video games you can't be one of those people who sits in front of your computer with the fancy sword and a green suit and jumps from building to building and expect thousands of people to watch you all they are no one is going to watch you play video games on the internet okay hold on oh okay dad are you are you looking at your couch on your phone yeah yeah yeah okay you see the top right hand corner it holds a little drop-down menu yeah okay you see where it says authorization code yeah it's five digits okay and I'm going to give you what digit for every question that you answer correctly about my life I'm not imaginary friend geez dad I'm not sure imaginary friend Jason okay no just give us the numbers now what was the Christmas you know to get me and you didn't get me for Christmas there's the one that I wanted really bad baby the baby builds a block toy said with the star the star bear is or whatever it was that baby build a block first of all is called Lego to the most pad that was mercy from overwatch and had real plushy breasts and you didn't get it beat the next number is not less who died for two died you have that no that is low down there tracer all that well is it form before you died tonight and just give us the last two digits you're gonna make yep okay did you hear did you hear what I said I said that I would do a deal with you for the last number I only want you to answer me one question that I'll give you the last step 5 yes ok break the following members from Star Wars in order of least powerful two most powerful Luke Skywalker one carriage and Emperor Palpatine do you know anything about star baby so whatever star you know today today you guys are clinical you know almost for the narcos you know I told you that I prepare 14 yeah if you wanted if you want to talk you know well at least you tried okay fine the code is for two died seven six four two nine seven six okay what am I press now I type that into my Roku yep no no you don't type it into your Roku you put it in your phone this section that says authorized authorized code in the little cog wheel at the upper corner that'll allow you to access your Fudd's you put it in authorize code on your phone for two nine three what what fortune for two died seven six okay great and then when I will you note it now it says your security code has expired please what does it mean that my security code has expired we'd would you log you took too long to answer my questions it for my head I'll authorize it right now okay you don't have to do anything just I'm gonna log into your account and I'll do it myself okay okay I can get to another card Lily Roy thank you so much for your help you forgot I don't know what this thing is let me call Shauna and will you pretend to be someone who works for my doctor's office and you need the card to pay for my medical bills because then she'll then she'll pay for it would you do that yeah no problem chin up all night we'll make it for you all right she's calling me right now she's calling me right now okay it's go time it's go time Rick pretend you're my doctor okay well you're doing in that pocket you see here I will do it for you oh okay Jonathan this is Rick he works for the doctor's office I'm trying - this trip okay Rick hi ma'am um hello yes yes there's anyone there oh yes could you hear me hello yeah hello I'm here huh yeah yes the doctor calling is everything all right no actually everything is all right ma'am with nothing we just here you know we just need to take some tests for those Billings love this is a payment called regarding they're kind of like like you know and he'll have some infections of and like butta that is a blood test over there like he have an infection is in his lab blood then you know like at the gathering that doctor write some tests there so tests over there so we need to make data input and and for that the payment is pending and in his account the payment is not available the $500 the payment is not available in his account but so he he said like he told me that he had money but the problem is they don't like it so we just want to know ma'am like if you are able to be on his behalf the $500 the payment is for his test is for his all tests okay you are what why don't you just use your insurance I did know that assist that for the test for the doubt for those staff you know he need to make the Bri no almost know that payment is $1,000 but you know on our like you know that it's a private test which is we need to make make it from the other side that's why for that you need to pay that five hundred eyelets I talk what yeah whatever I said like for those testers testies you need to pay the $500 and after that you know he will be getting insurance money from like you know from the insurance I can come over to the house right now what do you what do you need me to pick up from the store what kind of I don't know what else do me and the doctor or the doctor said that I need to be on an all meat diet right Rick yes sir and right now right now right you wanna come bus takes in a lot of bacon but we've been less you only all-natural we've only been doing vegan for the past three months what are you talking about yes sir yes sir bring drumsticks your voice is pig down ma'am what you said I said which doctor's office are you calling from yeah which doctor Sarah dr. javonni in the water doctor defining yeah it's dr. rope oh man I don't understand why you didn't tell her that I think she said she's going to get a credit card he's going on right now do you think we tricked her please do not speak he's on call what did you just say he just tried he just heard like what he need to eat right what do you mean did you drink really what he did he not talking about it's a movie did the to time he need okay I'll be honest Tim please go not brick is right you said it yourself for echinus tea is the best thing to have as a policy right prick but it actually the actually the shona Eagle explain you the whole thing actually I'm not he just like doing something with you he just tell me like actually the thing is that - they have any buyers actually today he just buy a package from oversight and God for that and something happens in the car it was the car oh yeah actually huh Wow so it's um it's some level he I don't know if it's just that I don't know if it's because he doesn't want to lie that much but that can't but almost doesn't seem like what it is it's just it's been three and a half hours and he realized that now he's getting involved in another family quarrel I mean for anyone who thought that maybe these guys weren't really scammers or they weren't doing anything that bad which admittedly there were a few times in the beginning where it's like wow they're trying to be nice and you could argue that they're just setting up your Roku account but the more that you talk to him the more you realize that it's just straight-up a bunch of scammers trying to get money however they can [Music]
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 675,839
Rating: 4.9195681 out of 5
Keywords: scambait, scam, prank call, call center, robo calls, fraud, improv, roku, activation, tech support, social engineering
Id: WLUvF59vEpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 1sec (3841 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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