Scammers Expected $2,000 -They Watch Me Spend It (Part 1)

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/suckerpunchermofo ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 01 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

deve ser goense

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/theEXPERTpt ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] David how can I help you so I got a call about a from the refund team earlier today yeah people call that an amount of $499 going to get auto-debit from the other cows yeah I was right but I do not want to pay the $4.99 no certified so in order to cancel the subscription so and you issue the report all right we need to connect you to a bunch of departments so is it possible for you to be in front of your computer now yeah yeah that's fine I'm gonna go over there okay I'm sitting down at my laptop right now again your laptop do you guys Google Chrome I think I do actually that's like that's the what my kids told me to get that that's the good one right that's the best one to use right the Google Chrome yes yeah yeah if you gather if you can multitask I don't know what do you think about Firefox or Foxfire or whatever so can we carry on with the process yep yep sorry as you can see that you have been successfully connected to our recent department so what you okay so what do you do do you need to hung up this call I'm within a couple of seconds you're very severe sorry okay alright so bear with me you can under this call and then the second you receiving a call from the fine shit's over okay thank you hang up all right there's hung gotta fly in the light right there and I I looked up and just saw something move and it shocked me for a second hmm yeah just his first bet your account yeah okay okay okay and up a new pin why are we setting up a pan yet no you're not setting up a preview just right to Kansas security service okay hello hello yeah thank you for be on the line ma'am you are speaking to Christian one of the Account Manager so before we go further we are just going to check your software rate because we provide you the software the software is compatible in your computer not so that's why your computer is acting for your authorization pin like whenever you log into your computer you put the password right and then do I just add whatever I want in for the new password not now not now because we are just going to take this off there yes so we need to create the one-time password after that when we check the software you can put your own password okay you have own password you can put your own password okay after that we are just going to remove our password you can use you and password okay I said part from this computer do you have any another computer gosh no we've always thought about it but no so we are just going to check your system right so whatever the device is it connected with your same internet connection so make sure don't turn it off and turn it off I do believe your iPad is it off right now right you want me to turn it off yeah is it off or is it on it's on right now probably in the other room I don't know no just go ahead and make it off why because because back of your computers are my technical department they are working on it okay so that's why I'm telling you okay hold on give me a second okay man what I want to let you know I just had a word with my financial department and they just let me know how we are going to refund back you money okay and very soon you can see the refund cancellation form on your computer screen if you see the refund cancellation form is there just do let me know I say untitled notepad back your money why do I have to tell you because we are just going to cancel your subscription and we are just going to refund with your money okay okay yeah well Mike I guess my query is why do I have to fill out of a form to get my money back I mean you call you called me because you owe me money because I'm your customer yes yes because you already make that payment on 2016 okay for your computer and protection purposes let me speak first ma'am then you can advise yeah what are you saying that why would I have to fill your form out if I'm already your cuz I don't want to be your customer twice yes so that's why I am Telling You okay okay do I type like submit or something when I'm done or one how do i yeah how do I get a permit yes I submit submit all right so bear with me oh wow use your party ID information into a department okay ah how long did the whole thing do yeah hi all right I'm just any partners call back hello let go through to the I submit in the forum then I get my money or yes you already feel that for ma'am so I just what I'm gonna do I'm going to pass this all information to our Bank department and they will let me know how we are going to refund back the money I just got a notification from them okay and I'll let you know how we are going to refund back your money have you ever heard about IBS stand firm have you ever heard about IBS stand firm am I know about IBS yeah nah I wish that you know it's the idea stand from intelligent banking security system I be as that yeah indelible bowel syndrome no that means our knowledge that means is intelligent banking security system and if I if I wanna ask you any kinds of your personal details so might we all gonna lose my job member because this problem is it's getting recording for training and quality purpose I said we have a lots of bank account okay I think we have a Wells Fargo we have a credit union we have a credit union okay we have a key bank okay we have a Bank of America so that through the all bank what we are going to do we are just going to make the instant transfer in your bank account no I said you need to log into your bank account in front of the computer and there is two option it says accept money or reject money and make sure do not use the Ranger connection on new cellphone - goes back off your computer my technical department they are walking to your internet connection so make sure do not use the internet connection any where's your cell phone also are you are using the [ย __ย ] lady sorry what so mad you don't need to yell for heaven's sakes no I tried I try to explain you all the time ma'am but you're not listening to me I'm not yelling at you sorry sorry it's just I'm not familiar with the international or the inner the intelligent banking whatever so it's my first time hey there's a first time for everything what was that no no sorry I I swear are you speaking German I swear I hear he's making another light I mean yes he is freaking out a bit language like Portuguese do you know Portuguese I do actually well no but a friend of mine does do you know like Portuguese we say hello like Allah Allah Allah , a spaz sorry Oh Oh like on the last pass a spaz hola como esta yeah Thomas ad say I keep like dude speaking a company today so I'm gonna talk too much so I need to answer a little bit my manager all right sorry I am low on my bank is on my computer right now and I did not have a message that says to either except or regen it by my what am I gonna be able to do that really listen to me he's considering that I'm gonna look at my bank on my phone and I won't fall for collection yes things about to do I'm talking to you on my cell phone oh good he's gonna promote me to block my screen that you already has the remote PC driver installed and disables - what is your checking account number the last four digit of your chicken compliment it's 1 3 3 7 so they use this tool room so first of all what's happening wait IP address first of all what's happening is he searched for remote PC but on this virtual machine it takes you to the seventh page of Bing and he's very confer like he doesn't know what to do because he's not he doesn't see what he is supposed to see but like he's trying to download a tool called remote PC and that that will allow him to control my computer like he is now but also hide my screen kind of like this so he'll be able to do whatever he wants in my bank without me seeing it but what he doesn't know is that I have already installed remote PC and disabled the driver that it installs to hide the screen so they shouldn't be able to do it how much longer is this gonna take is it is it usually pretty quick it will not take too much of time I will try to do it very fast okay I think sure how much did you say bye the thing was for again the the Rhema refund Amman the refund amount is 490 is what did he say what your refund amount yeah I'm saying Helen what was the refund amount for Yuriy Fernando $499.99 actually okay all right so he'll probably type like 4499 yeah or $4.99 in it so they're transferring money in between my accounts oh my gosh it says warning not numerically oh because he is the comma we gotta fix the hair though if you saw what they did is they transferring money from my savings to my checking and then they edited the code to make it look like I still had the money in my savings how do you how much how much money did you send me just hold on I'm gonna talk with my financial team just hold on yeah honey unfortunately I just had a word with my financial team and I was right bleep sorry I said that was fast yes ma'am what happened I'll tell you we are trying to send you that money like five $499 $0.99 right so that what amount you have received can you check it we have seen there's a five four thousand has been transferred no it's a lot more than that it is four thousand you have see receive four thousand wait okay my financial department they were gonna send you that transfer server box and say what is the transfer server box that means that they are going to optimize like how much you have received the money okay sent me way too much money yes sir undo can you please cancel and you please cancel that yeah yeah I'll try I'm just me a sec man I commend you for being so calm right now I would be losing my mind talk about talk about losing your job if you accidentally hear my information I can just transfer me for $4,000 just how much you have received yes I'm gonna checked it I think because that is a transfer server box that through the box we are just gonna check it okay okay you know sometimes you you never really stop to think how much like serious work goes into stuff like this okay I've seen you have received four thousand four hundred ninety nine dollar ninety nine cents okay from a write count what happened ma'am I'll tell you because in the meanwhile when we are transfer that money so that time we had to I do send all customer money okay the whole money has been transferred directly into your bank account like more than five customer six customer we had tried to refund the money at the same time so though all money has been transferred directly into your bank account okay that's what we're gonna go in yes so you can only put your money you can see you have received I can keep it no I got you ma'am mate thank you my gosh you just said I can buy that money that is a very generous of you that oh my lord oh hello that is the nicest thing oh my god I'm not telling you you can keep the whole money okay I'm not telling you how much can I put how much can i keep you can keep it your money which is $499 $0.99 right I need to return as 4000 which is extra right you got me all excited for a second I thought you were saying she could keep I thought I won like a prize okay yeah yeah hello ma'am it's not about getting I am NOT trying to kidding with you okay I know I misunderstood what you were saying when he said that I could keep the money I thought I thought you had says into something else but do you want to just transfer there let me get back what if I transfer the money from my bank to your bank I'm going to do that you're not able to transfer that money you are not able to transfer that money because that money has been transferred from our business account that money has been transferred from my business account and and refundable account that is the Unruh fund Avella count okay so I can't transfer the YUM I can't transfer the funds in your account because it's a business account correct yes and you have a personal account right okay wait let's put our heads together here that I think I kind of have an idea so what if we do this what if we do this then you have the names and all the different customers let me think let me think about the money to the other customers from my bank account so like I could transfer it to the other customers bank account that way they they get all of their money is that okay I don't mind doing that I don't want to get in trouble or anything how you matter what are you mad are you mad oh no no I'm not mad I mean I'm disappointed I spent hours on the phone I wasn't expecting you to like do this and now I'm surely I'm gonna have to spend a little bit other phone now at this point to help everyone else for money but I really don't mind I really don't mind helping so yeah yeah I was saying I don't mind transferring the money you matter what you keep talking with yourself I'm sorry you are you man yourself are you mad babe what's going around not mad okay do you know Walmart they're you know Walmart you had a Walmart yeah you need to go there okay and have you ever heard about gift card have you ever heard about gift card what was it called again gift God look at your screen I'll load it down each and everything yeah what was the name of it Walmart Walmart is a store and then you said Guild's Gill is what hills Todd are you talking about like a fish or another store you need to go there and get me oh I see gift card I think you probably can I say something yes and not tell me yeah you can talk whenever you want huh okay and don't talk to me just listen to me whatever I tell you I'm sorry excuse me what did you just say listen I said don't talk to me okay just listen to me whatever who died and made you king I can talk whenever I want this is a free country honey you need to go to the Walmart okay and you can see there's a vanilla gift card have you ever heard about vanilla gift card [Music] now okay you never heard about okay do you heard about Walmart gift card have you ever heard about Walmart gift card yeah yeah yeah just like for the store so that's what I'm telling you just go there mom I'm talking with you on your cell phone or I'm talking with you London where I'm talking yeah it's my cell phone remember you told me like 16 times and I couldn't do anything with other than talk to you I couldn't go on the internet couldn't do messages I had to pee the whole time okay so make sure ma'am in a Walmart there's a two types of transaction is going on and one is a personal transfer and second is a business transfer okay so if they were gonna actually why are you getting this card so just tell them I'm getting this card for my personal purpose I want to do yeah yeah I guess if I ask I can just tell him what happened I mean it's a it was a mistake I understand ma'am I am begging you can I speak I am begging you please let me speak first and say why are you begging I am begging you honey I already told you that I would have helped you you don't need to be I'll help you get the money back I'll transfer it from my bank if you want do you want me to call the bank right now if you want we can call my bank and try to try to transfer it to you would that be easier for you what would you like me to do honey you just tell me I'm here to help you hello honey I'm here to help you I want to give you your money back you just need to tell me what to do help me help you can you go to the Walmart forget about can you go to the Walmart yes are you gonna be there wait what are you mad it's getting so upset if I I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear and you want me to go to Walmart and get a gift yes okay all right okay yes I'm each card is five and a dollar okay I'll see what I can do okay all right yeah I guess I can go get my keys and everything and yes the one much parking lot okay all right honey I'll call you I guess I'll call you when I get the cards or whatever I'll call you when you Oh y-you see one eye actually hanging up on him was a little bit of a risk there but I think he'll call back um it's a little bit of a risk that he'll just get so mad that he'll like oh but but he thinks I'm gonna go to the store to get the money so it would be a little bit crazy for him to not call me back now at all okay I'll give you I'll give you a call from my cell phone okay I'll give you a call from my cell phone [Music] so he's still upset with me oh that's probably what the sorry I had it muffled I don't know why I apologized I had that muffled so it seems like I'm on speakerphone I bet that other guy called me because this guy's still mad and they don't want to ruin it no you can go ahead and you can see there's a free card is hanging there so you can see there's lots of Walmart gift card is hanging there right yeah but what shape is it like what like a does I have rounded edges no there's a new round it it is okay it's a square actually it's not a rectangle or a rectangles squares I always forget this is a square a rectangle or is a rectangle square in this is empty what okay so I want to take it when you reach the Walmart parking lot just let me know yep how much time how much time you need to go there how much time you need to reach to the Walmart oh honey I don't know it's there actually I'm almost there you need to get the Walmart gift card each card is 500 okay get the Walmart gift card each pad is 500 yeah that's what she said get the gift get gift cards from Walmart I understand if they will provide you 4,000 gift card you can take the 4000 gift card if they will not provide you 4,000 gift card okay they will provide it mm if they'll provide you 1000 just take how much they will going to provide you okay okay so like if they only have like $100 card or something just take that no no no $100 no one day they have the mat the minimum yeah sometimes I had the $50 cards and still no it's a 15 or not 50 I said 500 by one day right I'll just go as many $5 for Sunday or do you wanna reduce what you can try I'm telling you as much if as much you can even to buy you can go ahead and buy okay if they'll provide you time 1000 get a 1000 if they'll provide it 2,000 get the 2000 okay okay and if they if they do 3000 or 4000 that's okay too yeah okay but not less than 1000 yeah not less than 1000 they're all right I'm actually in the store I totally forgot to call you so I'm looking all the cards that one might give to God yeah so I see a sign here it's kind of confusing it's got like a take these steps steps to avoid gift card scams it's a hold on look it's saying something about they only let you do a maximum of a $1,000 per because it sounds like no genuine organization will ask you to pay taxes bills or food or whatever so yeah organization would ask you to pay taxes bills whatever using gift cards if you're very likely at targets right okay that's like those IRS scams right yes I want to alert you right I heard about some of those before gosh can you learn it can you believe that like Oh Lord I heard I heard one lady like you know she fell for that and she ended up going and getting like iTunes gift card for someone and paid like thousands and thousands of dollars to this but these these little scammer kids and she lost like her life saying out what I'm doing to you is so sad it's so sad that people take advantage of people like they've been anyway okay the most I can do here is by $1,000 Walmart card but okay it's $1,000 of any type of card so it looks like I can buy $1000 they have like other kinds of cards - they've got like looks like they got Best Buy they got the google play they got a bunch of google no no no no you can take on the two cards one card is a 501 card is a 500 is a Walmart gift card Walmart gift card only thousand-dollar are you $4,000 yes I'm gonna take it I'll gonna let you know I'll let you know just do that so I can take only thousand maybe she can handle it's a little much go ahead and take the thousand dollar okay I don't want to be rude but I don't I don't plan on coming back to this store so I'd like to just get a bunch of different thousand dollar cards if I can they were not gonna give you they were not gonna give you the only able to give you $1,000 it says I'm not gonna give you due to an increased amount in gift card fraud the maximum limit per day per customer per Walmart card is one thousand dollars they're not talking about Google Play and iTunes and everything else yeah there's Best Buy you can see there's a no amount on the card right how do you figure out how much is on it no I'm talking about there's a new amount you can see there's an empty amount there's a new amount of that Best Buy gift card oh yeah I'm looking at it's like a whole roll of $100 cards but I guess you're right the Best Buy card is just like blue and then it's got like a white card on it yes so you can see that why would you want a card with nothing on it that doesn't make any sense why would you want a car money on it because when you going to take picked up the there's no money on it okay you can go to the cash counter and tell them I want to put each card is $500 so they will gonna put the $500 okay okay I'm just gonna start reading off to you okay you tell me if any of these sound good to you okay Starbucks Chili's Dollar Tree CompUSA lady footlocker all right RadioShack I don't know if I said a RadioShack already but there's a radio check there's an it's also a bedazzled my god yeah making me feel angry no I'm sorry what hungry oh then they got like let's see they got Red Lobster they got yeah Red Lobster Bob I mean running the Roadhouse or whatever tears nama knows no no you don't need to get all that Papa John's word is originals there's a part for Werther's Originals now gosh my mom what my gift card okay okay I'm sorry you said RadioShack what we do know and what you be in front of the car Guitar Center in them no you don't require anything else apart from that okay once you be in front of the counter okay when you say purchasing the cause yep please me and please don't talk to me in front of them okay and you tell them the reason that you require this cannot be given to your grandchildren out here nephew for the but the gift or the return key because make any equity accusers again I'm out you're pretty good at making excuse I'm sorry what well with that I said you're free I said you're pretty good and making a pivot so when you good why do you think I'm good at making it just close to them yeah you're giving us a compliment like you love to talk a lot yeah in your pocket kind like mine yeah that one thing you laptop yeah okay Big B just tell them did you I want Widow me Walmart gift card to buy you a birthday gift that they will not gonna charge you any money okay so make it personal that's it if they were gonna ask you why are you getting so you said make it personal that's the weirdest advice I've ever had in my life oh it sounded like you said it you need me to buy you a bucket wench like a like a something to bring a bucket up a little well I'm gonna get you like a bucket because I can I can look in the section like they have a part of the store or they got like that's what you want you just go and get the card yeah I'm actually just trying to get do you uh there's a manager over here do you want to just talk to him and he could you might be able to help you no no I think is he I don't mind I mean he said he could talk to you all of whom I told them I don't really know what car do you want I told you to Walmart card do you know one month I'll you said birthday card yeah I have 2000 Walmart card is it paint sir and I do different okay yeah he said I could do 2,000 unless they don't they have like um you wanted to know if you're talking about like like coca-cola like or Pepsi like vanilla cherry vanilla what kind of what kind of vanilla are you talking about right no Pepsi what Pepsi one vanilla I think what kind of beverage like do you mean like ship this to you Pepsi one well I can't hear what you're saying I can't honestly can I just give you the phone to the manager because I don't know what this is I should get the Walmart gift card Walmart gift card okay and you don't want to talk to the manager no just go there and get the Walmart gift card okay I mean he's very nice but okay okay I'll call you back all right okay do you want a vanilla bean paste or vanilla like vanilla extract all those sorts of things no no there's no problem he's got a bunch of it and he said he said he's just typing the cards in now on the computer or whatever so I'll go over there I'll call you back in the in just a couple minutes I'm sure he'll figure it out he's a smart man so he said he's just kind of getting like a little bit of everything like it's just trying to get a bunch of the different little flavor like vanilla flavored stuff or whatever and then he'll be able to buy that for you out of the washroom okay I'll call you when I'm out of the washroom okay so I gotta remove all of the gift cards stop giving it away giving the waterway guys I'm about to purchase vanilla extract okay it's already got it's about to be given away like it's the point I'm about to use gift cards to fake purchase vanilla Corp vanilla flavored syrup pumps your application on your computer and they have my husband come get the power okay I yeah you can give the father 40 husband yeah because and they'll be able to he'll be able to help I think he's actually got it all taken care of yeah there you gonna put your husband okay I'd rather you call me back I like to actually can you bring me some toilet paper please I hey yeah right now I'm singing right now dang it I'm trying my husband he's working hard for you guys it's working hard so yellow yeah yeah okay well yeah and I'm being he'll be all with the young I got you down mount down I'm there on their laptop down stair I got that going for what okay yes there I got that I'm over their own in vanilla I got that vanilla on now no well mark card I got that on there you know stay well you understand computer screen right now yeah I'm on there on that you don't know that well one more well my yeah yeah I don't got that on there on that one more for y'all what what you like yeah I'm taking care of their my wife tell me all about now you know catch me outside I know give card the vanilla car vanilla vanilla all right your be in front of the computer now yeah I'm going down there yeah well you need or you need yeah yeah just be in front of a computer I'll guide you to be in front of the computer I'll help you hello hello can you hear me yeah hey honey honey so know what it looks like my husband's got everything dead so I got this TeamViewer thing on here honey I mean it says ready to connect honey okay honey did you got the gift card from Walmart did you bought it or not tell me yeah I had my husband typing up on the computer for you did you got the card and are deadly yes yes I keep yelling there in my husband took the time to top it all out during you telling me but why does it say I don't know what else to do for you we we typed it all out here if you if you got the card can you be ended with the card we already did it all I'm waiting for you to see that I'm waiting for you to see them my husband took care of everything okay show me that guy yeah we're both sitting right here so my husband basically he went through and he picked out a bunch of different vanilla things you guys kept talking about vanilla stuff so we got like vanilla Pepsi vanilla extract vanilla you know all kinds of stuff there's like a couple different vanilla extracts a couple different vanilla flavored things and so he went ahead and he typed it as gift cards down here or whatever right so now you've got like we got it as close to 2000 as we could so we used 1994 dollars and maybe I don't know if you can like sell the baking supplies or like sell this stuff to get the money back but I figured so this is what he was working on and then we can like go ahead and just place the already for you and then I'll be able to get that for for you oh no honey it's no problem at all that's what I was trying to show you oh you don't need to believe anything alright we know I just placed the order yes we plate we just purchased a bunch of things for you from Walmart I guess so you can like sell it for the cash right that what you want we're very good guy there the card we redeem them for a bunch of vanilla flavored things like he said his vanilla basically what I did is I had my husband my husband went in there and he just purchased you don't listen to me please he typed on a gift card please where we help we're helping you get your money don't we order my two thousand dollars worth of products we need to go back home we ordered two thousand dollars worth of vanilla products for you that way when you who told you to buy the products well you did did I told you to buy the product what did I ask you to buy the car twice the number of the car that you bought from Walmart the numbers have you got any numbers from there yeah my husband used them on the website to buy vanilla products I told you like seven times now yes yes yes you said you want the Nilla products that's how I assume you're gonna sell the vanilla products / - okay Oh God listen the way you get one my car similarly you get vanilla gift card as well you don't need to purchase anything we never ask you to purchase anything yes you did I was in the car and I said multiple times to get vanilla vanilla vanilla vanilla so we got you vanilla scented candles vanilla extract I mean it's very expensive right now like it's you can sell this stuff very easily vanilla futures are actually looking really good on the stock market that you should be able to sell this stuff like really easily took them forever to figure it out but now they unfortunately I could only buy $2,000 like having me fill my shopping cart stolen vanilla products which would be very very inconvenient and I know you don't want to inconvenience me as your customer we obviously already feel kinda bad about what happened when you accidentally transfer too much money so it obviously makes a lot of sense your shortcuts I took a bunch of vanilla or we bought the gift cards because those are pretty convenient right I only have to drive to the store to get those and then I came back to the house and we purchased the vanilla products on the website that way we didn't have to carry them into the house we never do anything like that and it will be being able an ice box that we can then shop right over to you whatever you're on it and you'll be able to sell all those products to get your cash back the only thing I'm wondering about is what do we do with the extra $2,000 I think I still owe you what is it another $2,000 correct no you don't speak no you don't need to speak right now oh I don't mind spirit honey I don't mind you know what it's a little bit late for me but I don't mind I certainly don't mind talking yeah it's like I don't mind going to the store to get this stuff for you because I know you guys had the best intentions you know you didn't you didn't mean to like do do all that stuff so I understand why are you making me go nuts I don't know that's your I don't know what you're talking about you're behaving very dumb you told me the money yes I need to do it you're doing something yes okay sir this is what comments and that I do and bring you in a few hours nice excuse me gonna seduce me young man you're acting like a child not a dude you should be thanking me about it now I went out bang Walmart cards so you could get your vanilla thank you for the winter whatever it is you boys want with your vanilla your job into your computer all right thank you I don't want to carry on with the conversation anymore okay he was what we have done to your computer we have lost a computer right now [Music]
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 650,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scambait, scam, prank call, call center, robo calls, fraud, improv, tech support, refund department, gift card voucher, social engineering, tricking scammers, trick
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 10sec (2950 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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