Scammers Tried Stealing $20,000 From My Fake Bank

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hello yes darling yes alright I got the call about us and I'd like to cancel please in order to consider the vision we need to be in front of your computer man ma'am then I will cancel it from your hands okay how's your day going so far um Friday night thank you so much for us I'm like the foil you need to go ahead and sit on your comfy - mom okay at Subash google esident sugar Addison Sam Oh yep you as an umbrella okay he hasn't Peter yep always and room you okay he has an Edward alright oh oh my computer new software is available from Apple well Evans me www dot r dot s u P re oh right mo re e dot-com the promote breed calm okay I think this guy's gonna be spicy I think this guy is going to get upset my god was over there he was playing with the nose way over there are living room he likes to rip it into little pieces and organize them by which parts he thinks are funny at least that's what I'm I'm pretty sure no identity on your desktop map new version is available supremo's for ya then below that you can see two box over there download and purchase no no give a click on download not part is download okay give a click on download man I don't know it's just I keep closing it but it's a supremo 20 supremo 19 supremo 18 supremo 17 to previous sixteenth there's a bunch of them opening okay I open 19 18 17 21 baby when mom open it anyone give us open it if you know anyone okay okay I'm going to make the mission about stuff like this I never know sorry know what can you see mom Oh Laura oh [ __ ] things are getting into now know what can you see mom I quit sorry how you close the door our demo okay I'm not a problem don't know I gotta go again I feel bad I feel bad okay I had open the door that way I can hear that mailman's Kevin violator Wow Foreman and this can be useful oh hey runner can't Saudis Allah yeah give up live and run okay I'm shy were you speaking an incantation on enchantment table and give us click on Run give a click on run okay okay exactly what you see on your basic amount which is your ID and password give me your ID fill me your ID what is all this for I don't get my stuff I mom I will connect you first of all our translation department then I will give you a service cancellation form you need to fill that form and your separation will be canceled it okay so tell me your ID number ma'am sounds complicated oh okay area already questioned me your ID mom then I will yeah send me your ID no mama okay one eternity later no listen to me dang it how many times do I have to repeat myself I'm sorry I should not be mad I didn't I didn't do my normal routine today and I get upset and I even had my nitroglycerin pills yet and the dog the dog what the the skid marks them all over the rug he's got a problem with his rump it you know he starts it starts itching or whatever he can't quite I forgot what it's called it's like I had it once myself I got you know I barely go to the bathroom anyway but you know when you can't quite get all of it out yet my dog has that problem and then he stretches his tuchus little bum all around the carpet and leaves streaks it's because of your ID but I mean it's close well no that can't be the problem but yeah I caught the bun burn the bum scootin boogie my baby's doing the dark the doctor called about my result okay you done with your doctor yeah well not yet that's dope can you believe this I have to bring install samples and we went through this whole thing last week where I brought in a strong sample they send it back to me and I send it back to them but they send it back to me and I and I added did a new samples and the politicus literally it's just like a frisbee have you ever have you ever seen the bridge I never plaintiff raised before me I don't know I'm a good friend of mine a good friend of mine named Eugene actually invented hmm the first me we went to grade school together and I still remember when he got up he'll find a class for show-and-tell and everyone asked everyone said Eugene what did you bring today and he had this full of plastic discs I mean it was a little floppy disc you know a little little floppy disk and he threw it across the room smacked my teacher right in the forehead oh my god yeah crazy but the thing is my teacher picked it up and threw it right back to him and then she threw it to her and she'd go back to him and well then he threw it over to Roger and Roger fluid to me and you know sooner or later we were throwing at all around the classroom you know what it was called before was called the frisbee no I don't know tell me I don't know either I'm oh my god I don't know my grandson told me it was the most severe password because you see how it come it shows up in just a bunch of knots exactly yeah it's secured like whenever you put past but anyway it's like it's secured well he said it was just this password he said no matter what no matter where you type it country two is always hidden hahaha that's good alright now just hold on what oh you're typing the little stars too all right like my security code which I'm putting over there okay someone clip that cuz I don't think he noticed although I also I also key logged it but Annie I wish I could show you right open the blinds think he's gonna be wearing khaki or navy pants today you [Music] [Music] readability right people Oh baby kewal declare key he's got the khakis on Oh be still my heart okay Bobby tell me I do one thing you can just my eyes are glued to it don't tell my pastor I can't get my eyes off of his rear and I know help me God sorry okay he's on to the next house it says refund portal powered by Weebly what's Weebly it's a web page creator oh the first way is to receive your money is through Western Union or MoneyGram do you have a valid yeah I can see it oh holy Evans why is it so big I'll teach you to read this way all disclosure I edited the page it did not actually say second way the way you could receive money through Western Union or monogram you need to have an active online Western Union or MoneyGram accounts and now tell me do you have any Western Union or monogram account anyone I was the worst one when I was a girl to Western Union was there those were the Cowboys oh my god oh my god now tell me do you do online banking yes what is the name of your bang okay what's this the second way yeah the second way sorry I wish I gotta find my glasses cuz it's still hard to read all right go ahead can you just read this for me well I get my glasses yes the second way is you could receive the money directly in your bank you need to have an active online account that has the appropriate power level and is with your respective thing what power level it's something like you have an access of your online banking with you I think might what what power level are they talking about 9000 we are talking about the power level like the you are the authorized person having the ID and the password of your online banking oh okay you are connected yeah what is the name of your bank what is the name of your bank do you hear that hey neighbors scattered in my house fighting my dog over it's great I mean who it's their cap let's go at the dogs out Oh what they catch up did he just start to sing it how about you like your start your dog - so what do I get to do wish my my pink why am i logging in you because ma'am you are getting your money back three hundred and ninety-nine dollars point 95 cent what what's wrong with yeah yeah oh my god yeah oh my god I am [Music] beautiful you are healthy you are you talking to someone I heard apparently [Music] are you speaking German yeah I'm just thinking German why are you cleaning flowers literally clicking flower I don't know the bird is not but the birds are not coming up they're flying me here you can right there in the middle where look at oh oh okay I got it oh my god I'm sorry about it you can do it by yourself login please okay what why were you clicking a flower pictures again ma'am because over there threaten click on board sign so I thought that there would be a but thought that the flower would be a bird oh I'm sorry my mistake I apologize I'm telling you and you need to be careful and I have my dog and I if I ever got you have got the mail path of the mailman and Hillary I'm Henry okay the weather man he and I have yet to have a conversation look oh and who can forget I have capped how you have a cat - alright no I don't have a kid I have a goldfish named - cat he's got whiskers oh you have a goldfish not vicious okay yeah did I have one tiger oh you don't I do ma'am no not cat a real tiger so you know I do that's me well the picture of Tony the Tiger a cardboard cutout no no no exactly not a real tiger I'm talking about a real tiger and a turtle what's its name my Tiger name is deke but what is your tiger you have logged in well he bought me I get from the Walmart but Walmart get you that you can get ball you can get anything from the Walmart except your dignity oh my god oh it was this guy someone was saying if you shop at Walmart you look like an owl well basically I don't go to the Walmart thing my mom and dad I can't remember who came over Shannon tell me who says that I'm waiting I don't remember I thought you might know oh oh I don't know anyway now just tell me on which account do you want your money to be refunded like savings you have already all right leave it play with me weekend anyways leave it leave it leave it leave it leave it leave it leave that part it go so alright you they are you listening oh she didn't get my message ma'am ma'am your bank account is logged out ma'am grab a pen and a paper handy with you and write down the available balance which you have into your personal checking account that was me just trying to cancel the thing they install the hide the screen hold on I think your screen God frees up some time bye you're having a problem with the internet can but can you see on your screen nothing why can't I see anything your internet is creating problem I feel like I'm like in critical information are you know exactly but this Union screen nothing now you grab a pen now you can really see what they're doing I'm gonna transfer money from one of my account like the savings account to the checking account and what they do is they use TeamViewer to software a show black screen like this now he's transferring $20,000 it's a big transparent rectangle that's covering the whole page you can see it highlighted right now so when they right-click they're inspecting to be able to directly change that you can do that on Twitch right now a good example would be like right-click something at the top of the page if you're on your computer like right click that click the name kit boga and and you could edit the inspect element and change it to whatever your name is or the viewer count you couldn't you could make it nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine it's fake and this news refresh the page it won't work anymore but um yeah this guy's just he doesn't know what he's doing he's trying to like he's gonna try to change this to say like a transfer from Microsoft but again he's we hit him with the overlay I'm gonna delete it for him really quick I would then cut the internet connection just delete it bro asking for your full name it's asking for your full name put your full name over there this looks oh did you do all this no it's the banking server is free ma'am oh my god why did you close it I don't know what that was ma'am you need to fill up that phone to complete the refund process oh my god I told you wait what is that thing I've never seen that in my life that is the banking though oh that's fancy forget that setup right now yeah I'm going to setup [ __ ] once again it's still official now it is official how many years of practice that this require not my idea oh no I already spelled my name wrong Lala no problem no problem it's not about name but the information the information the most important information your four digit account number make sure the four hundred your even amount is four hundred but we are going to do it in to two hundred oh my god not just let me check hold on you know what I'm mostly concerned about I read an article the other day about how there's these people they caught they call you and they leave a voicemail and they claim to be I'm afraid all for it apparently they say that they're worth the Internal Revenue Service and let you owe a bunch of money on your about a friend of mine it's pretty a bingo card she fell for it oh my god how much you like oak line and sinker twenty thousand oh my god hey you you man I know you know what she did they hate her get all over her cash and put it in a box oh my god it's so depressed we'll be asking yeah oh my god oh my god I really want to pray about that honey I don't know if she's gonna be able to afford a fortune on it I've been trying to help her out when I can the other day I bought it on a Google Play card for his birthday because she didn't you know half the money than I am any person I wish I knew more about the other scams that were going do you know any other scams other than the IRS one yeah yes there is one another the gift cards one if you're purchasing a gift card but like someone is writing you over the phone to buy a gift card for them that is to a stamp only gift card what's this guy gonna do ask you for cash in a box like Google Play Best Buy or any Apple gift card or any gift but if you ask the person is buying a gift card if someone is guiding me over the phone is a scam the devil definitely tell tell you yeah it is if you are in such situation called 9-1-1 okay yep the one crane give me your best train noise come on [Music] that's not bad really gotta put some energy into it you know a lot of trains these days are like stands what about the chopper [Laughter] I may go get caught car pop what was the balance you have on your one three three seven account uh what was the balance before uh I don't know like I was like twenty thousand or something now what is the balance here right now available balance thirty two thousand three hundred and twenty what wait wait wait wait wait that's not quite right what was the balance you have earlier that is not quite right I actually came to know about it when I see you around I typed in 1930 and four hundred thousand dollars you can mean like 1 3 3 7 just below that you can see refun is not recognized as an internal or external command yeah neither was the account for my name anything else so why on God's green Flat Earth is any money sitting in my account right now what exactly happened I'm gonna explain you did not beat any money I spelled my name wrong I gave a different account number and I typed in $400 there was literally no reason now why there should be many in life exactly well the time you making the mistake on the banking so wha-at time some of ok some of her colleague ok like shut down the banking server before shutting down the banking server alright they already transferred they already made the mistake ok the mistake is took from there and okay but I totally understand it's not your mistake okay so when they restart the banking server while you are putting the information over there on that time of point they transfer twenty thousand dollars into your one three three seven account all right so you are a very good yeah as you know we are the refund Department we don't have any kind of authority to take out a single penny from a customer's account we have the only authority to put the money to a customer's account all right you're only allowed to give money to me basically you're saying exactly and it sounds like you need to call your me yeah no I already called them because there is a problem when did you call them you've been talking to me non-stop you won't shut up none but we have lots of employees working over here and our company have decided to give you $100 compensation fee what's a compensation see that book you can see it's a token of appreciation or you can take the reward of your loyalty yeah so you need to give me back 19500 19,500 you need to send me back and you just need to make a little wire on that account I'm giving you all the information on the notepad II just need to make a note of it you need to go to your bank you need to transfer yeah we should call right now Ola please press1 awesomer service press 2 to speak with any banking model hang up okay can you hear us through an anger talk to the fraud prevention to 5 hang up welcome to go and full financial how can I help you this afternoon hi yes I am a problem was one of my accounts and I need help with okay they shouldn't be your brother's first things first what's your name darling my name is Patty and I hit my computer guy with me - I forgot it's me hello I'm gonna have to ask you a couple security quick how do you say you're on the phone with I think his name is Tony don't need it oh wait no that's just Tiger's name ah I'm sorry man we don't accept we don't accept prank calls if you're talking about throwing the tiger up on me hello hello the bank hung up on me dang it cuz here's your silly Tiger they think it's a you even even the bankers know me if you call up your ball okay can you hear please listen carefully mom's or options welcome to global financial how can I help you okay I don't have a lot of time for this all right I got my friend here who needs this money back okay ma'am slow down and I actually have your phone number pulled up is your friend on the phone or no I I don't I don't wanted to know about your bones no ma'am I'm asking is your is your is your friend on the phone yeah Tony Tony are you there well I think I hear something Tony are you on the phone or loud yes I'm here oh hi sir and welcome to global financial all right how are you I'm doing well things you know I'm doing well the weather is great yeah oh you want to see my Tiger what what are you talking about Johnny my Tiger's name I'm sorry is this some kind of joke Tony the Tiger I think listen guys the whole prank call thing isn't funny we've been getting a lot lately it's really not that funny if you if you need help with your bank I can help you do you actually have an account here yeah sure yeah okay Tony do you have an account with us or Tiger or whatever your name is no okay then you would need to be authorized to be on this phone call ma'am do you consent to having this gentleman on the quality yes he just wants me to hang up and your last name here is listed as ru nature are you kidding me patio furniture yes that's me Tony there Tony the Tiger and patio furniture really exactly that's my name patty furniture Oh furniture that's her name and my Tiger name is Tony I have a tiger pet yeah you keep telling yourself that bud honing green dream big right so ma'am I have your next question here it's simply stating oh he wrote hang up with your bank first listen to me then talk with them do you really wanted the bank to hang up that's why he was making the jokes about like do you want to see my tiger because when I said it was a prank call and hung up before it he was trying to get me to hang up you think this is funny the man thinks that you're kidding with him and he's upset because you want to see my tiger okay now you need to listen to me okay you need to go to your bank physically I can't and you need to make a little wire I can't why are you doing no it's an online-only checking and savings account there is no physical store you need to go to your bank okay no I do online transfers like any normal person it's the 20 what is it the 20th century or 19th century I mean it's the 19th century I don't really understand my problem you also made mistakes in your life right yep and you know what I did there dealt with it it sounds like you're trying to have me deal with your problems and if you want to fight tiger pad you can take that path to you're gonna give me okay a $50,000 higher now it is worth $100,000 do you know how absolutely ridiculous you sound if I can give you my football and a turtle there's a tiger you don't get in Amazon you don't get it in Amazon wait you can see my screen no give you all the information on to your screen computer screen okay where you need to send the money okay and in return the bank people will give you a receipt and I do a good quick I've got my own time are you this sounds like a new problem with me you made the mistake you call the bank tell them it was your fault and don't don't work with my bank to get the money back I'm sure the taxes it'll be a job I want to tell them it's mati okay and I won't be back but what main problem okay and I promise I won't spend that much all the money no no just a little bit right now and have an undo the transfer because otherwise it might be gone mommies can I get a little golf cart maybe this sort of want to pester him a little bit and see what he does this scam just makes so little sense at this point especially because I got rid of some of his options when I told him that my neighbor got scammed by sending him cash in a box which is normally what they asked for and then we were talking about the how gift cards are scales - oh yeah I could really use that 19 in it that lady got scammed a couple she lost 20,000 - alex is my job and I try to help you all beneath and everything I think this is an act of God why can't you let me let me show you I don't understand what is wrong when do you be patient when I was younger we used to sing a song let me teach you a song you like this thing it's about a little snail when Herbert was much younger much younger than today something about the ants getting in his way the ants were always getting mad the beetles they would whew but Herbert would always poke along and sing this little hook have patience have patience got me in surgery when you get impatient you only start to worry remember remember that God is patient and think of all the times that others had to wait for you sing it with me honey ask patience in surgery da da da da da da da da not it's not German you're giving me an account in a Hong Kong and you just will be your echo in Arizona you're not giving them when you do me giving the money to my company company it's everywhere why don't you just get one of the accounts in the United States that you're doing a business in the United States after Bill Gates okay this is your captain speaking please keep all your hands and feet inside the vehicle we must land this absolutely bonkers if you want to send me twelve thousand three hundred and seventy dollars but tell them it is for you personally yep no I'm gonna send a full 19 thousand but if they're gonna take sixty six fifty and then you'll get twelve thousand three hundred and fifty you know I know just right down there basically Benjamin from Microsoft accidentally sent me twenty thousand dollars when he was supposed to send four hundred I have no idea how he dreamed to zero zero zero zero as long as we're honest god honors it right you know I once got pulled over and the police officer said to me I am you know why I pulled you over and I said honey I have no idea and he didn't give me a ticket do you know why cuz he was my son Bart my son used to be a police officer and then he told me a story about how he pulled someone over and he said ma'am do you know why I pulled you over what do you think she said I have no idea because she didn't know and you know what my son believed her because she was honest he wrote her a ticket a lottery ticket yeah I'm not lying my son gave her five dollars I know a lottery ticket your mom because the truth I could be understand well so chill but the time that's right taking the clock is what the saying is the truth is in the pudding the truth will set you ablaze the truth you know what I'll set you you don't need to do anything you don't need to do anything you don't need anything just keep the money now it's fine I'm gonna doing this man call the bank I don't want you to lose your job calamari I don't want to work in this company I don't want to walk this something I don't want to walk in this just keep the one okay but Lydia okay do one thing just have a word with my head Department okay they're gonna deal with your thumb now are you getting fired right now so sorry founding partner I guess if you don't want to work here anymore it's really best no problem this is my best day good luck with your tiger a day hello hello yes ma'am you will send them thank you very much I'm gonna WP thank you can you hear me I will find another way you got the money he's a good man you know immunity he's a good man and you have the debit card with you behind you so much for the money listen to me he said that I can leave it no no you have to send me a money from that do you have the debit card well if he already lost his job I mean what do I ever lose I'll just keep it I have to send my money back Mandy thousand dollars otherwise you're in a big problem the police will come in your home and they're gonna arrest you why are they gonna do that keep them than a source of money because you're keeping the money I'm you made a mistake no I didn't make any mistake no no no I - $400 into the account nineteen thirty one of your employees sent $20,000 to thirteen three [Music]
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 755,207
Rating: 4.9292431 out of 5
Keywords: scambait, refund scam, scam, call center, improv, prank call, giftcard voucher, fraud, illegal calls, robo call, microsoft refund department
Id: S7V7w75mKjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 9sec (2709 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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