SAVING THE WORLD | Rick And Morty VR #3 (END) (HTC Vive Virtual Reality)

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Yeah I remember seeing this in another person's let's play. I love the series, but the vegan part is my favorite since it resonates with me the most. GO MORTY!! :)

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/Megg45368 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2017 🗫︎ replies

Season 4 all vegan, 100% vegan.

This is canon.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/xNIBx 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2017 🗫︎ replies

how can I play this?

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/vegmemer 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2017 🗫︎ replies

If you can tolerate listening to this guy shout like an idiot, Rick and Morty go out for ice cream at the end. So, fail.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/GemuseV 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2017 🗫︎ replies
(Humming "Rick and Morty" theme song) (Humming "Rick and Morty" theme song) (Humming "Rick and Morty" theme song) (Humming "Rick and Morty" theme song) (Humming "Rick and Morty" theme song) (Humming "Rick and Morty" theme song) (Humming "Rick and Morty" theme song) (WHIP CRACK) Top of the morning to ya ladies, my name is Jacksepticeye! And Welcome Back To Rick and Morty VR We got this egg last time- I wanna go over and see it And he said, I needed to find out a place to incubate it. So we're really warm, that I could incubate this egg. Hands up who has a - has a solution? Because I do! It's up my ass No! (JACK IS SAD NOW) Can't put the egg up my ass Well, what's even the point then? - Oh? There's a secret panel there! Oh it's you that makes noise! I thought it was the egg UM- (he just saw a massive CHODEIE MY CHODEFACE Ohhhhhh, what about in here? (oh god...) Uh, cool warm, hot! (pretty much a morning glory boner) I'm just gonna wait here. Wait! Is this gonna be a gazazorpazorp? Oh! nope! never mind. NO JESUS, QUIT, GET OFF MY FACE! (CREATURE GIGGLES) Oh God! Is this what of the things that controls me? (that controls you hair and you diddly dick jack,) AH, ITS STUCK TO MY HEAD! (CREATURE BLOWS RASBERRY) What? WHAT? Rick: Oh my God, this is perfect clone Morty, it's imprinted on you. Morty: Hey look, i-it - it want's to play. Hey, Clone! You should find something (CREATURE COOS) that y'know throw it. And play fetch with it. Okay, throw and play fetch with it. What? What are you doing? It's stuck to my head! Too young to have kids? right You wanna play fetch..little thing? Go! (CREATURE GIGGLES) No? Okay, you don't want to play fetch! Can you get off my head? Where is it? Is it up there? Or is it on my head? Oh god, there's a hole in the roof Is that where- (LAUGHS) Is that where they lost the shuttle? Um, seems like it's over there now! What the fuck is happening?! I'm stepping on all my own shit! Get off me! Let's try and see if it will follow a Meeseeks. There it is! You little shit! What are you doing? You want one of these? (CREATURE WHOOPS) Go! I'm Mr . (ROBOTIC VOICE) Youseeks look at (ROBOTIC VOICE) You! (YOUSEEKS GROANS) You don't want to play with anything, okay. I think I just broke you before Uuuuuum, okay Aha! Yes! You wanna play? You wanna play with this? Look at you go. Oh you're interested. Go! (CREATURE WHOOPS) Go get it buddy! Oh my child is all grown up Aww.. ew, ew, what the fuck? (CREATURE TRILLS) That's..that's cool now GO Look at it! Go get it little buddy They grow up so fast I love you. (TELEPHONE RINGS) What? Rick: Clone Morty it imprinted on you its trying to tell you what it wants you to do. Just follow it will guide you. Its very Easy. It will guide me? Okay Food food is, food is somthin you want somethin you want yeah. No? Well then what are ya lookin for you wan- you wanna carrot. Nom-nom *Creature shrieks* *Creature laughs* Ok I fed you, I shoved it in your face. But I fed you upsi- you wanna penis Penis? But- You go away no one likes you. Uh *Creature makes noise* and *Youseek screams* Ohh God that's horrifying. Thats horrifying. *Laughter* I wanna go over to it- closer to him, hello *Creature screams* and *Youseek screams* Oh God. I'm sorry. Ahhh. Ahhhhh. Ahhhhhhhh. Sorry. Ok what do you want. Bathroom, satellite? *Creature makes more noise* Which one do you want? *Creature giggles* Tell me what you want. Tell me wha- tell me wha tell me what baby wants. Artificial locomotion joke Bathroom? You wanna go- you wanna go bathroom Ok ohh I needed to shit. Aww I see good boy! What do you even poop? You don't poop anything, whats in here? Oohooho. Look at all this shit. *Laughter* I didn't even see this the last time. Thanks little buddy, what is this. *Creature makes rumbly noise* I don't know what that is, do you wanna- do you wanna laxative? Uh-oh. Uh-oh, I pooped *Laughter* Look at my poop I am proud of my poop *Creature giggles* You wanna laxative. *Creature noise continue* Here ya go. You- you want one. *Creature laughs* No? Ooh know, oh know I'm sorry. *Creature giggles* Ok. Ahh sponge. Scrub scrub scrub sbrub scrub. Prep-ur A *Laughter* Ooh There's a tape *creature grumbles* Summers Audio Diary. Private. Don't mind if I do, wait no come back. Thanks. You want this? Oh god. I think it does. Are you drinking this? What is this?! It wont go. OH-NO! Declogging Gel *More weird noises* I'm just gonna fill this up. You okay? You gonna wait in there for a while? Thanks buddy . Maybe I need to declog this. Oh I should've just done this last time! Or used the wine to fill it up. Oh god was I stupid (yep he was). Rick - Jeez Beth the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Mortey - Yeah Rick thanks, thanks a lot for that ya know, for my mom's alcoholism. I can't wait to get it some day on my own. My bad can I get that, I can't get that. Okay. Uhm. I might have screwed this one. I don't know what you want. Oh! There we go. Oh! I did it, I just had to shove it up your ass! Ah. So you couldn't poop earlier so you needed the - HE'S GOT EXPLOSIVE SHITS! Okay are you good now? Okay he left, bye. Ooh, ooh I know what this is, I know wha this is. Rick - You know, I loved that game so much I tried to find a home version of it. Rick - I ended up finding a crappy knock-off, in some weird pawn-shop, probably made in a foreign country no offense to foreigners. Rick - Gotta be real P.C. around here, this is a VR game. We're in a very forward thinking environment. But I did find it in a weird Korean store. (Back to Jack) Okay, yes! I get to play Troy! So glad I got to high five Rick! That's my thing, it's what I do
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 8,690,216
Rating: 4.9170804 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, rick and morty, rick and morty game, rick and morty VR, rick and morty videogame, virtual rickality, job sim rick and morty, rick and morty jacksepticeye, rick and morty HTC Vive, Rick and morty Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Valve HTC Vive, SteamVR, virtual reality, HTC Vive gameplay, virtual reality games, VR headset, VR gameplay, playthrough, VR funny reaction, Funny VR, lets play, HTC Vive Jacksepticeye, end, ending, troy, alien, giant alien, troy game
Id: ztg6t7Vme2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 57sec (2337 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2017
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