Rick and Morty: Virtual Rickality - Story Mode Full Playthrough (VR gameplay, no commentary)

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Hey all this is fast food Fred, and I'm talking today about VR pressing the menu button you know Every every controller has some kind of some kind of button that lets you access the menu So you don't press that button and what would you do you're gonna? You're gonna get yourself a tasty chunk. This is fast eat Fred Hey all fast food forever Ginn with the taste of junk Thank you for pushing that menu button right there. Have fun out on your adventures and don't forget We'll always be here with a taste to chunk when you need it. I'm fast-food Fred Holy crap Rick you made a Morty clone, Rick yeah, I know I had to rearrange the entire garage to do it Morty Morty clone pay attention to me. I need you to take this laundry and put it in the washing machine And if that's too confusing instructions for you You know there's a dry erase board on the put up in the garage here. The dry erase board area you'll see I wrote instructions on what you're supposed to do I Can't believe you made a more to clone Rick no I made a Morty clone Morty say about that Oh Morty I don't think he's getting it really yeah You know all you have to do is put the clothes in the washing machine, and then turn it on you know. It's uh Doesn't take rocket science to figure that out. It's even up on the dry erase board I made Geez I mean This Morty clone Really doesn't know what the hell. It's doing you know It's just kind of just bubbling bumbling about like yeah, I know I know I see I see the same thing you you see Morty You know Secretary we weren't actually expecting you to be dead so soon so You can just press that button right front on the phone Hey, yeah over here Morty clone listen I had to bring you back for some really important stuff that I can't get into right now because they've already have to go Stuffs gotten out of hand Come on all right listen I made a teleport system for you all you have to do is you know look in the direction you want to go in the Room and then click the trackpad button under your thumb Just just push the button down and you can teleport to any part of the room And an area you want to go to in the garage like let's say over by the show All right one last thing Morty clone. There's a watch over there on the shelves I'm gonna need you to grab the watch and put it on your wrist You'll be able to call me using the watch. This is very important all right Morty clone Morty clone we gotta go don't touch any of my stuff Wiggle wiggle Oh oh Good you found the watch you're not as dumb as I thought Okay, use that to call me back once you get the lay of the land How do how do I smoke this I know that sounds pretty on the nose Booyah ethnic joke welcome to the year 1972 where ethnic comedy is on the rise The garage they should mimic every action you do except for teleporting of course, I'm going to call them I got it Now would you look at that clown Morty you found a growth hormone Too bad you don't have a penis really put that thing to use Oh Initiating reverse safety You're not the first And I'm sure it is for you, but lots of people have been here before hey Dante obviously John Edwards of course I'm pickle ray I'm gonna watch that with those cute cheeks They won't appear in the same place as you We can't have your matter intersecting with their matter of the same time and space you know so kind of Timecop situation You can't leave the garage you're gonna have to use some help, so Livery for Rick - probably a good idea not to order these off of Lorex list I'm gonna need you to order me another one of these things called Morty head over the my workbench and I'll activate my computer remotely using my Two brothers two brothers, it's just come to You really have a delicate touch He's not really dangerous just an asshole Welcome to party you're pretty insignificant from a peer house, actually you're you're just pretty insignificant in general Like that battery needs a charge Looks good as new nice job. Clone Morty try ordering that device now It'll teleport in over by the laundry machine once you order it the computer can also be a good place to order things you need : Morty don't forget that It's gonna be very difficult, it's gonna be really challenging this shit is about to kicked up like a hundred notches When you're ready for the part of your life can be a callback on the little wrists phone that I made for you In me fielding And then you know once you selected it pull the lever and a portal will open up automatically for you You're gonna want to grab the device you bought on the internet. You're gonna want to bring that with you Marie-claude Mori step one of this very challenging part of the game Far from the tree yeah, Rick, thanks, thanks a lot for that you know Paul fondlers' I can go for some Bob ball fondlers' My Seed some shit you stupid bitch Are you in there, I can't hear you are you in there Morty, let me know if you're in there Marty Can you say something? I want to make sure you're okay? You know what young boys do in the bathroom is none of my business. I was a boy your age once and no Stories I could tell I had my share of tomfoolery in the bathroom You don't have to be embarrassed about anything Morty Just open the door we can talk I want you to feel comfortable talking to me Morty You know in my days we just had a Montgomery Ward catalog and our imagination You know the first time my parents found me in this situation I was so embarrassed I thought I could never show them my face again But then my father talked to me told me this was natural just a part of getting older Marty I am really starting to worry about you you have to let me know you're okay just open the door and we can talk I Am the man of this house Okay look I'm gonna come clean. I don't want to talk about your masturbation. That's gross that was just too And you just pass my hemorrhoid cream under the door, please Thank You Joplin Morty I told Morty you know to use the bathtub to deposit that thing But he insisted on the toilet now. We have to grab it now that we have it grab it head back to the portal Clone Morty you're finally back from your little bathroom adventure I need to upgrade the car for a very important outing that I don't See it into that seat shaped hole in the engine area Megha seed artificial intelligence microprocessor activated all right good We're gonna need some help upgrading this car since you can't talk go ahead and call me on your watch thing You know the thing on your wrist and Mister poopy butthole go ahead and tell me when you're ready to start Okay, all right you're ready to go huh all right? I'm gonna need your help to upgrade the rest of the car Who's the clone supposed to know how to fix the car you know? I mean, it's just a dumb clone morning the instructions are simple Yeah, right Rick You couldn't figure it out shut up Morty Morty what did you think would happen when you're handling nitro like that I can't handle rapid movements You know it's very simple they have to do is read the instructions. They'd figure it out. Yeah, you know, but I don't know We could be here for a while. You know Morty. It's easy Even you could figure it out Rick Just quit quit quit bitching and just help me fix the car Nitro fuel tank at full capacity Systems responding again nitro fuel are we flying with a car full of nitro Right no more stable compounds could you like the more stable teenager? Yeah what she said summer? Fully-charged Microverse Power Cell connected. I hope that came from a conflict-free Microverse That's an upgrade ha ha ha ha What do you call that sucker Reid Incorrect combination, please try a little harder What do you call that fuckery incorrect combination what do you call that puckery? Incorrect combination, what do you call that fuckery? incorrect combination All right 40 summer looks like the car is ready to go, so let's get rolling. We got shit to do Take some time to relax, but you know you can bump her around the garage or whatever Just continue moving forward with the actual game They call mori useless piece of garbage You must have done a real shit job when you tried to upgrade the car We broke down And we need your help to get us out of this mess Open up the portal wall to the new location so we can bring you here Oh Finally you definitely screwed up with this upgrade clone, Morty anyway. We came here to get a special kind of egg It's the one on that rock over there So why don't you figure out how to get it bring it over here while I fix the mess you made in my car Grandpa I think this clone is either dumb or just broken couldn't you make a robot that passes the egg or something you clearly don't? understand the importance of clone summer All right get over here and give the egg to the car Are you trying to hatch the egg give it to me I'm so sure about this Rick. This seems like some kind of nature preserve. You know Morty It is a nature preserve, and I'm Way ahead of you I disabled any alarms or any detective measures that might have detected us coming here We're totally safe now, and we're on our way back I have no problem so when you continuing to vaporize the government heads, but I have no way of getting What's happening you ever stop to think about the total absurdity of your life, you're in PR dying apparently with wild abandon Did you even consider that what you are doing is essentially meaningless? I mean here. You are literally sacrificing yourself for whatever task You're not even questioning manifestation Welcome back on Morty the egg we acquired is on the desk so go ahead and Pick it up and find somewhere warm to incubate it. You know somewhere nice and warm so that it'll get nice and incubated in hatch I'm sure you can think of something out Forever Oh My sweet little troll Oh dear who left that on the floor you're always finding ways to get into trouble aren't you Troy? Great what you gonna do about it loser? I Still can't believe you punch, Jimmy and you managed to steal all these beers you're one bad. Dude Roy geez Hey, Troy my man you got any more of that good stuff Yeah, that's what I'm talking about hey. I'm a bit short on dough today is this gonna be enough I'll get you back for the rest man. Don't you worry about it? You can always count on me, buddy Troy you can't keep doing this forever, it's time to get realistic you need to do something with your life What if you got there try show me what it is you want to do This isn't good for you. You're overworked as it is Troy, but I'll do my best to support you like always Well the tests came back we know what you've been up to Troy you can't hide what you've been putting in your system look That's behind you we're here to help. We're gonna turn things around for you now Troy I'm here for you, we'll get through this You've always been such a hard worker Troy. I'm glad you finally get to rest You can do for him I'm afraid not as I'm sure you know Troy's early life was a bit troubled in terms of Substance use and it's finally caught up with him. Well. Here's your diagnosis, Troy I know it's not what you want to see right now, but it's the truth Troy's lived a full life, but all things must one day end I'm sorry to tell you this Troy, but you've got about 10 seconds to live The mailman says the All right, so you can follow the instructions of possibly the second dumbest thing in the universe next to you What a cute little creature come here little guy come here Why Rick why would you have to clone help it and then just kill it like that it's not useful to me alive It's better this way You eat chicken Morty. What do you think happens to them? You know? It's a cold universe Factory farming Morty you know if you if you if you want to sit here and preach You might want to consider putting your money where your mouth is going vegan or or whatever and leave me out of it It's not my problem. You really tore me apart with that Rick. You know you're right. I'm going vegan. Let's just Canon Morty is now vegan this is canon canon shit Just happened in this VR game can and shit i'm v i'm a full-on vegan now season for all vegan Season for 100% vegan 13 right shut up, Morty Yes, I'd like an egg drop soup, I want chicken a large beef and broccoli and some of those egg red hello Clone is that you damn it. What did you get? I'm the devil's secretary summer intern and so you're dead you're not dead Destroy the earth not if we act fast Morty's dance no recalibrating my shrink-ray so it'll make you big enough to find that thing Anyway, we've already killed a couple of these things, so I'm pretty sure you know what to do The idea was to kill it not try to destroy the earth At least it's gone now. I'm Rick now that it saved the planet you're gonna shrink the clone back to normal size, right It saved the planet Rick listen Morty. You know I could go through all the process of reconfiguring this shrink ray But I think I've got a better solution clone, Morty. I'm gonna have to kill you again hold still Hi hello, I'm the devil's secretary summer interns intern in yes Marie there you are quick you need to combine this magazine with that jar of goo Come on hurry hurry up What the hell I don't understand you were supposed to be the one I searched the whole central Mordy mordy there. You are I could click. I need to combine this mega seed with wait a second What are you doing? Here? Are you doing here? You stay away from my more dealer wait. You're Morty. You're not as Rick Take one gaping asshole - no escaping gas now asshole Get off right right side of a bitch a little help here Morty Fuck you fuck you bitch don't call me a bitch Stupid bitch I'm not a bitch you, are you're the bitch You're the worst record in the multiverse every possible Rick every Possible timeline you're the shittiest Rick I've ever met so listen to him. He's not your Rick. He doesn't know everything. We've been through Swap me If I can't take this anymore look Lori you want to kill Rick there's only one way to kill Rick that never fails Look what you did look what you did We're just lucky that that clone is too stupid to figure out how to fix this gun be here for Eternity at this rate - Rick's perfectly matched and the only thing that can kill us is sitting broken underneath that any exploding face Jesus Chloe get the fucking gun For is another Rick to show up clone to grow an extra fucking new runner who figure out how to fixing done Hey, Rick, you know what's the difference between your mom kind of washing machine is Follow me around for three weeks What are you doing there little buddy Hey, whoa, no? No not me, not me? Not me Why would you point that thing at me? I'm the real Rick. I'm your Rick Listen you little floating head and hands piece of shit. You can't kill me. I made you it doesn't work like that Don't you remember that time that we we were in the garage just doing science stuff sciencing it up together What do you think that he did science stuff with you? I was the one that did all the science stuff with you. Oh Really science stuff huh? Yeah, yeah real smooth you sound like some kind of piece of shit They never read a book and now you giving a book report about it Yeah, take that Rick Rick the corn has a gun don't worry. I got this to shoot another Welcome back home Morty, I gotta hand it to you destroying that giant alien killing a Rick you really did a great job high-five What did you do why is it bleeding it's a computer chip Morty everyone knows you can't just combine raw mega, seed oh geez Rick You kept the chip inside him this whole time. Yeah hide all my secrets in Morty's Oh know that by now, you're like a walking safe all right now go ahead clone Morty and use the chip to upgrade the gene you know the one that you combine things with you want to combine new stuff Right there's a socket on the back that the chip should fit right into Add the chip to the socket in the back of the machine so you can combine more stuff clone morning real easy real nice and easy all Right perfect now try combining the extract to that little creature that you loved with the magazine We made an Omega seed All we have to do now is combine that Omega scene with anything that already has fluid in it You know like a bottle of fluid or something it shouldn't be that hard to figure out Those two things you know, I think it's gonna be pretty great Come on Morty We're almost done with all this stuff all you have to do is combine that shiny omega seed with anything that contains liquid in it The most important thing you've done in your life, you'll make a detergent That's right, you know it's time. It is it's time to do some laundry clone, Morty or the detergent into the washer You know it's been a while since I've done my laundry Yeah laundry Oh laundry don't you get it. That's what we've been doing this whole time We did all this so that we could do the laundry because there's wrong way, and there's a right way now We're doing it the right way Good old-fashioned Rick and Morty adventure There's no way we had to do all that stuff just so that you could get some crappy laundry detergent listen Morty There's a bigger plan here right I've had this whole thing figured out for a while now once I had developed cologne technology and made the Morty clone. I knew it was capable of doing the laundry I knew it from there. It was a simple matter of sneaking into the intergalactic Nature Preserve It's dealing the last remaining egg from the nesting grounds. You know since clone Lord II was expendable I knew it was the ultimate defense against those Federation drones You know the fake car malfunction was the perfect excuse to bring the clone to the nature border We had to make sure we nurtured the baby creature to an appropriate age, so he could call its mother me without mother's milk We'd never be able to make the perfect strength of the Omega detergent that I wanted you know I mean, this is a very delicate process Morty now I knew we needed to use the only mega seed we had to upgrade the car So we could properly handle the egg We created a honeypot for other rigs to find us by being the only Rick and the multiverse that had Successfully acquired an egg as well as nurtured to the proper level of maturity I knew there would be other Rick's that would be interested in making this Omega detergent I mean you think you think I'm the only Rick that once as long as we got properly I mean these other Rick's that bring their mega seeds to our universe knowing that this universe lacked the mega seed to create the Omega detergent in the hopes Phone and giving them detergent we then swoop in at the last minute take out both bricks Which the clone surprisingly helped by taking one of them out for us and finish the formula using the chip I hid inside the clones hand the clone then makes the laundry and booyah there we go perfect laundry What none of this makes? You can't just say that you had a plan and other Rick would show up, and it would happen that way I mean what about the giant creature in the sky? Well what about that? You didn't talk about the huge creature that came floating down. It was like the size of the Mon Amour T No plan is perfect. You know we had to improvise. It was a real Boondock Saints situation Morty you seen that movie, right? It's a cult classic The Boondock Saints It's about a boondock Saint who goes around the foot what what the fuck? Are you even talking about Rick you can't tell me that we did all of this so that you can do your laundry? Perfectly. I can't begin to comprehend. How fucked up You need to be in the brain to even begin to allow this to happen calm down Marty calm down calm down You're getting all worked up about this thing. It's not a big deal Nobody nobody that mattered died we came out, okay, we're fine who cares relax geez Rick Geez Rick, what is this some kind of Bugs Bunny episode? I mean, what is this like The Flintstones, I mean You guys doing all this shit You know you have the clone doing all this shit And then now we're just standing here like you know and you're just totally fine that we're just doing a bunch of laundry Get you some ice cream or tea help calm you down, you know this is really fucked up Rick Morty we've been through this before This is the only reason I created you dip the laundry in the washer and then toss it in the dryer All right Morty clones, you know you did a real good job with my laundry finally done to the level of perfection I need anyway, so We're gonna head out and get some ice cream. We were just talking about but You know there's a lot more stuff you can do in this game a lot more things to do You know the developers really threw in some insane stuff in here, man. You know to add to the replayability I mean you could play Troy again. I mean you like Troy right? Yeah, the developers thought of everything didn't they sure did morning. There's over. You know there's 13 cassettes just laying around it in the game try to find all 13 of those I Bet you could find him there like Easter Egg. You know Easter eggs yeah Easter eggs, it's like calm. That's like Easter's like Jesus came The insects and the nature preserve we put a scoreboard up for you Yeah Now you got that unlocked. You know what else you got unlocked is the biggest battery in the Microverse machine. That's right Now you can try to charge the biggest battery see how far you can go. It's the world's biggest battery It's like how long can you play the game for before you? Little micro burst machine oh my god what man they threw it all in brick they threw in the kitchen sink along with it Too I mean that's just wild you think that's why lordy your dad's around here somewhere wait is that Jerry I hear I? Can't hear yet, but but no it's true Jerry's in the game. You know I don't know what you have to do to hear him, but like you can hear him. These are easy as around I mean just go go go Explore it still exploring you got a whole world to play with now man. It's chalk field It's chalk filled with secrets over here. I've already shut up. Yeah, so anyways Morty clone I'm pretty sure then you know you got a lot of stuff to figure out You know there's all kinds of stuff to figure out, so we're gonna get going me more You got an ice cream date, so we're gonna go get some ice cream That's right, so we're gonna go do that you hang back and look for those little secrets Just do me one little favor Don't touch any of my shit This is my stuff. This is my garage. This is my world yeah hit play You don't mess with this stuff. You little punk. Yeah, don't mess with my stuff I'm tiny rig
Channel: Let's STFU and Play
Views: 2,659,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rick and morty, rick, morty, virtual rickality, rickality, plumbus, meeseeks, youseeks, combinations, combinator, story, laundry, portal, portals, gun, garage, sandbox, clone, adventure, space, science, simulator, 420, weed, 4.20, 4/20, marijuana, VR, virtual reality, gameplay, playthrough, full, guide, no commentary, lets play, STFU and play, STFU, LP, funny, gaming, game, games, videogame, videogames, humour, humor, vive, steam, steamvr, rift, epic, fails, indie, top, list, how to, best, 2018, memes, all, eyeholes, jerry, sanchez, combos
Id: wP_mAU2dJqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 50sec (5630 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 20 2018
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