I'M IN THIS GAME | Pinstripe

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how long until this gets awkward is it awkward yet is there anybody here yet I don't actually know um probably pretty awkward seven people watching right now hello seven people how are you I hope you are all doing well ah there we go streams up streams kick in streams alive everybody's happy is everybody good everybody freaking great hopefully seems like stuff's going well anyway right okay so y'all we're gonna wait a little bit for people to get in here as with most Streamy dues no music on under the background right now because we're gonna play some video games that's gonna be great it's gonna be awesome it's gonna be there already lit we that's yet to be determined [Music] we're gonna be playing some pinstripe hell yeah everything normal I hope this goes okay I hope that everything works properly because I've been having difficulties streaming on this system so hopefully everything looks nice everything looks good I decided to do a little bit of a different thing today people still streaming in hello welcome hi how's it going hi hi from Israel hi oh god it's just up from 1k to for gay people hey how's it going everybody good everybody awesome everybody doing well so this normally would be where the second video hits well in a minute normally my second video of the day goes up at this time every day and I had a video ready to go and I thought that everything was just going to be a regular all day you see now the video would normally be going up so this is normally when people would be tuning in to DES trying to be like oh it's 8 o'clock I wonder if Jack uploaded so we'll see if more people proliferate in after this hour has hit but I had videos ready to go and everything but then I decided to postpone that one until tomorrow because I wanted to stream if I wanted to stream again for like the last four days and each evening something has just come up I've been too busy and I've had other things to deal with so I didn't really have the time to do it and I wanted to make sure that I actually had something to do so welcome yes hi so for this one I wanted to play pinstripe on the channel because I had a little part to play in this game so what I felt like I should do wait let's let's do this wait oh God there should be a little bit of music playing in the background hopefully because I want to do this and I want to test and I want to make sure that everything is going good before we actually start the game and I want to make sure people actually get into the stream and then everyone's fine can you hear sounds can hear music in the background hopefully and hopefully the stream is actually alive and kicking yeah well you're not going to see a game yet I have to switch to that in a second but hopefully everything's good everything's delayed in chat so I somebody said what the [ __ ] are you doing but they said what the [ __ ] are you doing okay for people asking how long I literally just started to stream like right this second so don't worry people are talking about lag I don't know if that's on my end or your end on my end it says zero dropped frame so it should be okay yeah the sounds gonna have stopped now ya see this is the problem I've been having playing certain games on stream I don't know it seems to just bork and mess up all the time but hopefully it's okay hopefully hopefully we manage to actually play a game and we get through it I'm sorry if it's laggy there's very is very little I can do about it I really should switch over to my other PC for this like my rendering and my editing PC cuz this one is good for games but for encoding and all that kind of stuff it's it's a little slow it's not liking anymore yeah I clicked out of the game that's probably why it might you might get a little better when I want to fix the frown so welcome everybody if you're here for the regular video this this is going to be the regular video for today not because I didn't have anything planned I'm not cuz I wasn't ready or I failed or I wanted to do different things or whatever I had a video ready to go but I wanted to stream instead I wanted to stream a game instead of just uploading a video for today because I wanted to play pinstripe on the channel anyway and I knew I wanted to livestream it pinstripe and little nightmares I want to play as well eventually but I had a lot of other stuff going on recently like outlast 2 and paradigm just finished and everything so I didn't want to just start a new series immediately so I'm pinstripe I don't think it's a very long game I think it's only a couple of hours so we might actually get through it in this entire stream which is my hope I think it's only like 2 to 3 hours long so we might actually be able to do it if I have issues we might have to cut the stream short or something I don't know we'll see what happens we get into it soon and everything should be honky daisies and then we'll all be good and we'll all be happy but pinstripe is a game made by a guy called Thomas brush he made the whole game on his own which is super impressive he's he was friends with some of the grumps for a while that was the first time I had heard of it they played it on their channel and then he came to me a couple of months ago and asked me if I wanted voice they're in it which of course I'm super happy about doing and I definitely said yes immediately to doing it so I have a small cameo in this game I don't know if if all the lines are recorded or in it there's definitely one section in it that I recorded which was the second session that I did which I which is near the start I think and I definitely know that that is still in there but there's another section that I did voices for as well that I don't know if it's still in the game I haven't seen it in the final version or anything so I don't know so we see if we actually get to that as well and then you can hear a good old Jack boy in a video game and there's some other people in it as well there's Ross from game grumps as in it I think Danny's in it felix is in the game as well Nate once the battle is in the game he plays a dog so some of the other characters you'll see they have their actual names on them like the character I play actually has Jack on it and then the character Felix place has Felix on it things like that so should we should we start should we start a game game stream there we go yeah this is this is the problem I run into it says encoding overloaded which you shouldn't be because it's not even that high so hopefully it's okay hopefully it actually I know if we get like it might be a little too annoying to watch Oh every time I click out it does that so hopefully the game is actually showing on the street I I don't do this often I don't ever do these types of streams like video gaming ones so I have to make sure everything's working properly of tweet out about it as well owner if the tweet will still say Happy Easter yeah game showing up there there's no actual sound or anything yet so that says Happy Easter again [ __ ] you Twitter and if it's if it's really laggy then I'll upload it later properly a lot of people are saying lag but again I don't know if that's actual like happening or if it's just people's internet so we may never know let me do a little thing like this pop out chat so I can see that you were kind of like yeah that kind of happens when I use this camera as well I need to use like a less a high-end camera I think so I haven't actually started this game myself at all yet I haven't played it at all personally is there any options I need to turn on maybe we should is there any options for subtitles or anything no load oh no oh I don't have any stuff anyway language English I think it's going to show up anyway I think the dialogue and everything is going to show up lots of people saying lag apologies see it could be my settings in OBS as well but to fix it I'd have to turn off the stream and I always have issues doing that we see what happens we get into the game we played a small bit and see how we get on if it's if it's super bad we will think about restarting everything but for now let's just get in step in strike thomas prussia spin strip which by the way the game or like even if I didn't have a part to play in this I would have been playing it anyway I think because it's just such a pretty game and the fact that one dude made it is super impressive and I love that kinda [ __ ] so let's try pine stripe I never see if stuff goes a little weird should we have a bit of fun anyway you can still hear me which is great hi a game for Kelsey oh that's cute I think that might be his wife not sure don't quote me on that weeping may stay for the night but rejoicing comes in the morning oh god I know that's all about how's audio are we doing Oh God hi Bo uh what sorry sweetie or no I wasn't look at my legs I'm making a little stick man uh no I wasn't uh let's just say sorry why would she lie yes that's not good though oh she's adorable you got it Watson ah Tony had like a magnifying glass here would've been great you're silly okay there's a nice little like Oh when I jump thanks Bo no [ __ ] Watson yeah that's that's probably a good thing so I have a cross on my thing am i a priest okay Bo you're freaking me out stop that it's boo I'm a ghost boom oh no it's it's like boo it's just like an extra or to your name but boob is also a great thing imagine if ghosts just came on say boobies oh she's super cute hey I love the style of this game okay let's move on are we gonna train then hello ah George is the person that are the dog that Nate wants to battle voices I think in the game which is cool what he needs to be this is a fancy-ass train by the way 20 foot tall ceilings fireplaces okay don't make me the drop apparently hmm okay get up here she teleports she's the ghost I don't know what I did oh I opened the door okay cool uh don't mind don't mind us just a regular old father and daughter team daughter nothing every sort of [ __ ] I don't know snookums oh that's a cute family it looked like Disney characters oh yeah okay so there's that cross again right II who are you mister bald asaurus straights portrait of a man buddy de bleak savegame came saved nice ooh okay can I get up here no okay and I don't know the story of this game either so I don't actually know what's going on it says mine on the wall what's it okay you stay here daddy I'll go get this one okay three two one push okay maybe we have to do it on boat lights are on right are they ever gonna come on at the same time go ah order for high-fiver just wish good morning oh okay who was that watch oh oh oh oh I thought I did a wrong thing Bo's notebook why people are saying the audio is quite give me a sec that better failure okay these are all blank weird have no idea what's going on okay that's better okay good oh wait it was saying left trigger to like look at things I wonder what that was who are you that musics cool I like that like all-time II kind of music it reminds me a Bioshock and fallout oh you're mr. pinstripe good morning Ted good morning this is what are you breathing bubbles oh I like this guy balloons he's awesome we're fine thanks stranger with no face who are you we're just a friendly man I know you have it creepy okay I'm getting creepy vibes off this guy so there's actually a mr. pinstripe okay people are still saying it's a bit low here we go okay thank you okay leave us alone creep that's the real one I want to say oh very well me there are you you don't even have any lips huh sir I already found the jeebies back there in a case a little while ago and you just gave me the heebies so now that I have a full set of the heebies plus the jeebies I'm gonna work my way through this train come on beau don't talk to that weirdo anymore stranger danger and all that yeah that's exactly what it looks like that's not good I think you should stop sniffing that thing when the child is the wisest person in the game daddy who is that freaky old bastard over there daddy stop sniffing that big black sack full of black goo or pink sack full of black goo wow it sure does solid advice for life don't sniff things that look weird you found my sandwich finally I thought that that was gone off and right threw it away or something you still have it no ok ha ha what's your mouth dude who's not bad she didn't say [ __ ] and she's not wrong either so yeah let's get the free courier oh is that a shiny black balloon oh god don't get back here well this basement they [ __ ] very quickly didn't it pick it up and pop this [ __ ] no that's cool the art style is phenomenal in this game auntie is that you oh god oh god oh god games safe yes I don't have any time to save game I need to save my daughter George what happened do anything these [ __ ] things oh Jesus but don't worry did she call me you like it like it no huh No look at Tony is he's like four feet taller than I am Jesus students came to school I like this buying strip you know like I'm gonna strip a pint on a field what is happening that is a good question I have no idea that do got some weird fetishes ooh don't bring that up he does look like Slenderman he's very slender man vibe about him Edgewood okay cool oh no both scarf it smells like smoke so did we crash and whisky oh I'm wearing her scarf this is something as well the guy who made the game said that his wife knitted scarfs like this and that she sent them out to the people who were actually in the game which is super nice I haven't gotten mine yet I told he'd asked me if he wanted to send it yesterday so I get it I get it eventually and you'll see me wearing it was super nice Susie the guy who made the game really stand up guy okay what are we doing the consumption of my speed shrooms is strictly prohibited side effects include nausea diarrhea suicidal thoughts or a +1 upgrade our player SS shoot speed so don't do it Premium Pringles balloon shop okay so diarrhea nausea suicidal thoughts or shoot faster shooting faster is higher my list of priorities even though I can't shoot anything yet I don't know what's going on types of speech rooms huh but yes the door is locked with a golden padlock ok ha little puzzle Reno have we see Saint Jack's first time out in a bath and wiping his Irish with a towel speed is key okay god I don't know where I'm going I don't want to go too far off the beaten path but I also want to find all the secrets I can't stand on that pick it up okay this is like a barber symbol let's go to here hello hi there Grunk okrugs a youtuber as well Bronks a german youtuber right i don't go out there no Grunk i don't personally watch the stuff cuz i dont speak german another portrait of a very aggressive looking male savegame as we say the pictures that's mr. Dickey this is Ross's character Roscoe Donovan's character do I know you but I need help my girl was kidnapped wait what's the saying the wall in here birdie I'm not sure until you're fine well then you're a crybaby or thank you kind sir why would you ever say this oh I have a sunny disposition now by Ross ooh that I need slingshot then what these things I'm picking up our either okay tell me I have a Geforce driver ready to update I know I cut in the middle of something here thanks though okay I'll feed you eventually Christ leave me alone for five minutes with you let me just say it again cuz why not right I'll be back dude I have a feeling I have to do something they're right okie-dokie can I get rid of this the thing is he shown up on your screen right the nvidia thing in the bottom right that's annoying [Music] hello oh it's Felix haha oh turbine hello Pierre why the hell are you dressed like a damn preacher Rick is that you and get me and get me down from your Morty have you tried these same things yes well a little bit I haven't eaten one though I smelled one and that already [ __ ] me up so can imagine what happened to you huh I get you doing buddy well I kill them both [ __ ] time yep he's dead you okay now bet that hurt didn't it hey what you wanted me to be bad I want to be a nice person ah sorry [Music] one of those sacks for the sensational scent take who maybe you have to use that to feed someone okay sorry Felix sorry not sorry kinda so we did crash our thing is right there broken into [ __ ] right let's go this way I didn't go this way yet oh wait never mind [Music] oh no Bo [ __ ] okay so I imagine I use this to feed the tree and then get the slingshot and use it on that thing right that seems like a plausible thing that could happen so you're just going to be there forever now facedown in his own [ __ ] I mean that's fine by me what's up tricky dicky you like new Dickie ego ray hi Sue oh [ __ ] up we go don't fall don't look down got it matted Bo's toy slingshot happy birthday bow is carved into the wood click or press trigger to release you can break things like that Fox okay oh oh this box gotcha okay oh I stopped using okay nice guys I'm an expert code cracker okay watch this done did it one two three four [ __ ] okay can I knock down these things oh wait no no I can actually break the box okay I didn't die wait where did the thing go oh that we have to catch it on the way down damn it yes you have mail will this be uploaded to YouTube yeah I'll probably end up just uploading this stream wait where's the Dickey go make a shroom the canvas provides a feeling of massive amounts of aggression mainly because of the aggressive male oh it's those different things each time that's cool okay so don't know what my oil drops are for okay Happy's armory George are you doing my do I know you it's me I like that music nope well anyways you know especially anxious right now moist quite moist why you use the word moist moist is like the one of the grossest words it's just like mmm you're looking moussed just gives you the shivers shafts which I could pull year to impel but you have to go great read wash but I could say yes I like you dude your name's happy you sound kind of happy the music around you is pretty happy and you're gonna sell me something for the right price this man knows American ok Tommy gun I don't have $1,000 at least now I know what they're for no thanks alright so that's all that's in here happy space right got it cool leaving bye what took you so long bat swag you're dressed you seem fine now I'll meet you up at the Hang Li house where I told you the mountain got it I'm sure that's where Pinstripe is keep involved I'll meet you there go meet you there but slug it's very close it's one letter off from being a butt plug that would be a disastrous thing to be all that leg in the music reminds me a lot of the Final Fantasy 9 soundtrack ok um yeah I'll meet you there you okay you get in there okay meet you there pal okay oh wait I don't know what they do are they are they the speed shrooms more than likely not there's me paw print in the snow back there right yeah [ __ ] I probably have to use that box tonight it's like jump up there to get that other one damn it these have 10 frozen drops now that's fun to get me something maybe a little a small little something something hey that worked wait what how does that help me [Music] and it doesn't thurid use it to knock down that thing and then use it to claim up ah there we go haha jacksepticeye professional video gamer professional let's play hit the rope yeah thanks oh look at that that's awesome looking holy [ __ ] not pretty I think so that's a cool tip it's one of cool imagery and as a peon the doors are pinstripes house I mean he seems like an evil villain and if anybody's gonna have a house like that its pine strip there he is oh yeah Felix disappeared I didn't notice that he wasn't under the platform anymore can I hit you no take me the bow [Music] [Music] I think just spend some time with I think you forgetting the part where she's my daughter freakishly freakishly stupid looking douche write that down all that that's a good one that's a good one to use just write that down and no one will ever insult you again I want to be an [ __ ] to them what about I don't know if this is gonna like change what's happening what are you ten on face hey just cuz I ever [ __ ] knows you're a bit of a dick I'm getting out of here Oh Oh the hankie pass down red wash oh yeah well you said I could get a drink in red wash but for now I'm gonna go to hang a pass George Oh Georgie Porgie oh my bad you okay don't get sick oh Jesus George oh god sorry there for a dog he's just sitting in there like maybe okay everything is [ __ ] okay I hit this one really oh wait [ __ ] I can't get that really Oh Oh got it that's cool ha he got ahead of me it's a key up there what are you do deke you want to help wait that looks like a cannon I I was just I was just messing around I broke it Dickie what do we do you okay Dickie I'm sorry you're old just put them together I'm sorry that you're old now listen snot we don't have much time beau he's just up the mountain in the hengly house aren't you coming I'd love to see those [ __ ] pin legs climb this mountain of my age well to be fair my legs are actually skinnier than yours it seems okay fair enough bye um for those curious we haven't found my character yet by the way food When I was your age I was working 80 hours a week at my father's steel mill well my father died Dickie my father died in that milk [ __ ] you he would beat me with a broken steam pipes on the daily basis okay I take back what I said sorry I still have this ya want to see pulls down his pants [Music] okay can't hit him okay I broke that [Music] okay so that's one down go get the [ __ ] dog I'm [ __ ] trying man you still not free sorry joy oh I feel so bad so what did the thing turn off just go back for a second so turn off the bottom one so I need to go up there to get the rest I think can't go up there this thing just goes up no matter where I [ __ ] shoot it no matter which one I shoot this goes up oh [Applause] whoa a secret film strip can i watch it okay today is it in here No I want to watch it I bet it has his nudies on it so I think doing the things back there will unlock this but maybe you have to go down here first oh wait doesn't do anything let's check red wash I don't trust that joint joint mine joint this cave looks dark and evil it's pitch black and nothing can be seen okay weird all about it me okay I see what you're saying hey now he's not moving okay yes there's a third button to press I don't know where it is I forget I think that he closes one are you when you shooting the thing that's cool oh this one they're not all of them [Music] thanks for that Ted Georgie well Nate you can talk ya know I'm a flan talking donkey maybe seen a housefly maybe even the super flower but I bet you ain't never seen donkey fly I was wondering if I was ever gonna get out of that thing God Nate has such a good voice hey where's Bo I don't know I probably writing more comedy I know I have to make happy he didn't seem like he wanted to come back oh you mean my daughter okay Vince tried kidnapped her I was afraid of that got it get her man let's do it I wonder if I can help sniff out some clues or something speaking of which is mr. Dickey somewhere around here he sure is Georgie you want to go lick his face don't you yeah I can smell that guy's butt away that pinstripe guy such a jerk I'm sorry man you richer why would I say that to the poor little dog alright let's go talk to uh let's go talk to dick asaurus the George just disappeared oh there he is hello buddy he's so cute this is a very Tim burton-esque feel about it as well who else thinks Ted is hot as [ __ ] I mean I wouldn't say no okay I can jump off the edge I think we're not we're not we're not going this way okay I kind of want to jump just to see what happens [Music] you know what everyone leap of faith I died okay let me get up here doing it you want you want to do something for me there little buddy give me something on the ground tonight oh oh oh that's what they're for ah good shout there we go nice oh oh this is me this is me a game this is me this is this by one ah kakie everyone here then this means life father yes wait father help help this demon thing is eating me alive [Applause] hurry up we haven't got all day we did it it's so cool oh that makes me happy cancer straight this one people have been sending me there the clip oh that's awesome oh I got a shiner nice yeah did y'all hear it um there was a bunch of takes that I did for it as well obviously but it's weird to see it like in the game yay thanks Thomas there was other lanes I did later on for another section and I don't know if they actually made it into the game because the originally voiced by a different character and then he changed some stuff around and nobody has sent me that one so I don't know if that's actually in the game but there are other lines that I did for the game so we will see if if that actually shows up if not then hey we were in it that makes me so happy [Music] yeah buddy but you got a little friend dude is that the browbone old pipes okay read wash Baptist father we're so sorry for your loss - Samuel 98 elders and staff okay okay I can't get through this I mean I might need an upgrade oh this thing's gonna move Georgie all right let me just get this for a sec and we're gonna do this [Music] yeah I think how everybody else just teleports this was this brute on the wall destroy these things die demon Oh Oh everything to hit this good acting jack ah [ __ ] thank you it wasn't like a big thing or anything but it just it makes me happy to be part of things like that and it's voice acting which I always wanted to do so it's good practice and it's nice to see what it's like it's super weird to do two because it seems like such an easy thing to do or you just speak lines which always that's keep in mind like what's the character doing in that scenario what's the character look like how do I actually sound normally and then when you when you do a voice like for a recording like that you end up like doing a different voice which is a little weird and this is the way I talk normally but then when you actually have to do a voice it's in your head that you're doing your voice so it's like father so your accent doesn't come out normal something I don't know it's a bit weird maybe that's just me the door is locked with a golden padlock okay so we need more of them think [Music] sorry bro oh this is a nice house I have to fire down into it ah pooping bombs at me you little [ __ ] what are they're dying damn I got some shrooms come on I thought I could climb the house so I have to be up higher to hit that my fire stuff open they come back down like Hanzo I'll just fire the arrow into the air the character is a pastor yeah I don't know that's a good question and now I have like a little star on my chest so I picked that up off the ground I did have a cross but now it's a little star I think I got that because I was answering things in a nice way the doors locked with a silver padlock okay a 27 frozen drops already the doors locked with a golden padlock what is this cave on it yeah there's all that pee on them that's interesting I don't know what knocking down that did as well and why are you different this one is like not the same as the rest does it do anything I don't know this is keep looking around there's a thing here I kind of want to follow that will they die if I fall oh no nice can I still knock on the red wash [Music] will it I don't really know where I'm supposed to go I have a fidget spinner oh man I want one oh wait can I go get this yet no there's still a thing that I need to knock down off that the hanging key yeah so I need to go up left nothing like over here to be able to go up I never actually tried to see if I can knock down anything else can you figure out anything Georgie I need to land on the hanging log okay but I can't you like Falls and it goes that way in his own oh [Music] [ __ ] oh right dude okay this is the beauty of live streams I get live feedback and help maybe I just didn't do everything here oh yeah well I didn't [ __ ] help did it oh that was nice shoot the key strength I well lots of people give me advice on things that haven't worked already get the key I'm trying man what I need to turn off the last thing oh the poet to start there was another part to start wasn't there will you come back so there must be a reason why you're here can you drop some oh maybe I can get him to drop a bomb into this if I'm underneath it there you go drop another yeah good thinking Ted thanks man I used my human brain to deduce that one and that symbol that was under the planks back there is there like where I am now he's the bomb already done folks did it turn off the last piece as we cool yeah there we go spud okay the tiny P is that you'd into the handle so there's some stuff back at the start that I missed I kind of want to go back and try out that like it was tall American stuff and even if it's just to get more collectibles like more frozen drops then let's do that because I want to see everything the game has to offer I want to find everything I like this game a lot so far it's a lot of style to it hello people Boop dead wait there's more of you around now ow [ __ ] aah a secret film strip oh can I get like an entire film come on wait can I really get like a tommy gun way dude this is to get up here this is the poem Eric I missed go Georgie Oh empty pill bottle I've set to nil lead tablets stage for treatment tablets three times a day is that gonna tell me something about the wife [Music] it was nothing else for like a silver key back here right wanna make sure I didn't miss anything but hats [Music] that's what the shrooms are doing they may actually make me shoot faster there might be oh come on Georgie bounce bounce Georgie bounce okay I think I think I might have gotten most of what's back here it's so calm hello can you spit one out already Thanks I needed that okay maybe if I talk to this guy again he'll be like oh it's sorry thirty this time not thousand I know oh they're saying father because it's he's a priest not father because he I'm his actual dad thanks man thanks for being nice see the symbol is there again whatever that means okay moving on let's go back to where we were George can you like lend me some of those teleportation skills they'd be very handy how do I get up there I'm gonna have to come back here eventually anyway so I figure it out because it was a gold key back there I can jump very far [Music] if any if we miss some stuff back there I'll be back I'm not exactly gonna go right to the end of the game and never like come back here and try the things that I missed thank you we are going this way so the silver is silver padlock on the door lets up on this house yep sorry George aha oh hello that is a gigantic ass bed hello Ted speaking ball oh god that's creepy oh god I don't like that I didn't like that I didn't like that part this record player is covered in red feathers a Phoenix it's Fox I mean Dumbledore's office the record is called miss birdy bonded Intermezzo zijn and other contemplations this song is called the last smile [Music] whoa I did not expect that this is nice [Music] sir Dirk a portrait of a finely combed fella game saves okay just realize we have the same bushes miss my buzzes its Smeagol feel free get a hobby chase that's not how Smeagol dogs but I can't do that thank you she was she was in the picture with Dickie it's nice to see you teddy it's my little friends beau Dickie said she was here oh oh this is hang Lee's house are the music's awesome are you going to get me out no thanks pigeon for hurt okay I'll get you out but seems like you need keys or not you just need me to be a [ __ ] expert maximum [Music] can I hit the top one for the last one I lied oh I'm guessing you meant to do that regardless I think you may have killed her oh geez at least you were nice to her before she fell to her death oh geez she really was a sweet old lady say a few words George after I killed that poor old innocent lady say a few words um - miss birdie it's beautiful - keep going may her soul fly forever and ever she didn't have red feathers through the sky and into the heavens beautiful George amen I'm a murderer whoops no God I caught her I'm not a murderer George you made me feel bad for no reason you're an [ __ ] I still love you though I love this old lady she's like Drax look fun beats off a bunch of trees they say haha that was awesome Nikki has something to say to you don't you digging it's okay Dicky I lied but I just wanted help finding my little birdie it's cold Dicky even in these formal pants I feel like a failure and it's already cold out here so for me to feel that that was cold that's pretty damn cold wait I'm afraid he's probably not your sweet bowel is creepy privacy okay you need not gonna help me out see if I still got it [Music] the toys she is a piece of pipe ass I wonder if it could help you find light you can examine the clothes note with you ah toys top secrets let's go back anyway see the coin flashing down at the bottom of the screen oh [ __ ] you see it will make you down in bleep watch thank you birdie and Dicky 10 tablets 1 0 4 3 10 tablets so you go to the 10 you go to the tablets is 1 0 for 3 is that the code Georgie I think we have a food you smell that little lady droppings I was just about to say do you smell that it's the sweet [ __ ] scent of clues and here's a big giant turn if you see her you gotta jump on her butt yeah walk some poo yeah that is one big pile of [ __ ] come on Georgie we have investigators to do oh god that was gross I'd like otters and a big baboon - no I don't like that at all okay moving along Oh God you can see him in the house Oh Bo oh god that's not him that's our Bo pinstripe I won't hurt her you I'm a saver I haven't saving poor Little Bo she didn't even do nothing hey we're back in nature we need to go through the toys does I say 1 0 for 3 set it maybe the light will help us with these things actually maybe it'll burn away the darkness it's a very pleasant game so far I mean exhibit besides all their like child abduction and worrying about my daughter side of things other than that has been very pleasant let's save game thanks crunk okay that's wait again ain't no stopping us now I now I don't know what it is [ __ ] for 1:03 somebody say aye headlamp I don't know how or why but thank you person who did lap it's lined with like flower doodles oh the pool gave it to me select the icon to turn it on and off what cool so now can we go down into red wash nice although red wash is a person I'm taking you to read wash so that was like you're kidnapping me and taking me somewhere else wait can i okay so I can't use it on them well there goes that idea out the window gone flow flown away okay so that that is a golden panna I wanted to make sure in case it was like a bronze plan lock or something Casey was probably trying to pull an old Dickey over on Jack okay yeah I'd be back to get your shrooms eventually as well you're looking fun I'm having fun this is awesome please move to face cap oh yeah cuz I'm blocking [ __ ] well I'm blocking [ __ ] no matter what corner I put it in sorry don't go the way you make battery in this oh wait I went the wrong way what are we doing I'm being a silly everyone stopped me from being a silly everyone right Jack stop being silly cuz that's sure to teach me a lesson it's not like people have written that before and then I continue being a dumbass oh hey fine strip okay nevermind sorry [Music] hello might I gotta say I can do the whole Saitama thing just okay okay I need to find out what a [ __ ] parsonage is this person is just like a house or my eighth might abode so the different way of saying it cuz everyone said I started that like five planes now what's ceremony [Music] what is this Lemony Snicket's I think that he disappears every day what a [ __ ] drama queen [ __ ] that guy for pinstripe hey that guy is the worst he looks like he's made of wood oooh sack shoot I thought of a better name hey Harry Potter or Manion a portrait of a trendy artsy type guy that's Harry Potter I've seen a few Harry Potter's in my time but that's Harry Potter and there's a dude down there at the bottom maybe the troll under the bridge screw off yeah big freaky now sir 366 is that important the door is locked with some kind of mechanism cool dude save Oh God who are you it should be here by now right thank you should be here with more fruit who save oh god I don't know if I want to keep shooting you you sound very sad it almost sounds you can't like it no I don't like shooting no one likes you net that's that's weird I don't I don't like that one how's this red ones now are you gonna make the same sound ah you [ __ ] you know make way I'll be hearts back anyway now I'm wearing glasses three do they literally just get them oh wait it says daddy Oh spitting your friend out egg putz looks like those sad things we have had the tree in edgewise but giant yeah they steam about the same size it looks like it's sleeping your silly neighbors and it smells like eggs good smell nice place we get sleeping and smells like eggs nice I like that effect when you like turn toward or you switch directions the light turns towards the camera briefly so you get that like little lens flare that little ring a light around and I just like flashes at the camera briefly it's a very nice effect that's cool okay did I do anything for down here Thank You mood I guess not what the bats do with it may go further oh I can go further down sorry hello oh man lady beasts not only can she survive a huge fall and he can hike up the mountains faster than I can but no they can spelunk faster than I can as well they say you're good it destroys driving I don't know I'm bad but think about it I mean yeah I'm pretty cool and they can do it so I mean murders murders kind of on my list today yeah you're really living the life smacking your head off pipes he'll be here any minute you could give me more selling say it's more sex you want is it oh god oh god okay maybe have to stand up here and it'll launch me launch me you're going to have to trust me man talk to you good sounds good sense wait wasn't that happiest place back then there [Music] whoa but you smell that today yeah did you fart smells like apples oh my exactly not so much I love cheese you buy just about anything that smells beefing so do you like the smell of me a little beefy yeah sorry let's go I want this one Hey Oh God Oh God why is the framerate terrible here oh Jesus it was just an insane amount of lag all at once the door is locked with back easy easy peasy this one says me so save me a bath Ted I think something is in there the old lady from the shining oh good [Music] well then I don't know what they are [Music] that was creepy ah here we go yes hey there's no V is this V let's it I don't have the letters for what I needed I thought it would save me another one of those sac generators yikes check out those teeth it's pretty gnarly smells like straight-up milk milk breath s a PE we smell apples oh it didn't work wait maybe you have to go back out and come back in because I gotta [ __ ] it up hey it's not working I don't know why I thought that was accurate that makes more sense I am spelling apples right right that's cool thank you does that save me please or as I might just connecting things that didn't need to be connected now let's see if anything changed in here a little way this screen is super laggy okay something's moving now I got stuff churning this winter happy hi happy my why are you doing so what do you think about this guy dude I'm not gonna lie I was a bit on a press when I came down I was a little creeped out I was a little like my balls kind of jumped up inside me a small bit but after its exploiter eyes be cool well I think pinstripes got quite an operation down here don't sell yourself short man this is all you owe still bloody cold yeah could have swore on my mother's breath that it would be warmer well I mean it's a cave it's dark it's wet no sunlight you know cold happens sweet in a week used to being stung gave me an extra suit can I have it let me see welcome pioneer Oh for 500 frozen drops I have 63 okay so they're sort of bouncing around all that all that should do [Music] just to frighten them out anyway that's good [Music] it's just back to the start yeah the doors locked with it I mean let me save it at least I look like that person now I look like the person in the picture I have glasses here you know get your fruit yet clean up these down now since you've been here with more fruit so the rate to dress up as pinstripe and give them stuff wait for it they went down there with the drop [ __ ] it I do okay that makes sense look at this say please ah well that would have been [ __ ] helpful five minutes ago this is the save me one hey taystee am i helping him maybe this one commenced the sack oh wait this is what the bubbles inside that were what was coming out of Dicky and pinstripe at the stern okay cool we did it hello Mikey George okay you can just teleport right daddy please save me oh that's creepy when you put them all together it says daddy please save me did you enjoy can't say I was a fan take me to ball though is my terrible nicknames okay that's a pretty good impression daddy's running around like no silly eyesight what people right silly not stupid and we walk through poop again lovely oh not you again oh so that's a sign when you see the poo it means that shits about to go down get me [ __ ] keV it yes didn't get any of my hearts back up Oh they've just knocked something on their head yeah there we go that's what I needed come on Georgie sick of old baboon airs left tours hello happy it's a great name for this looks like a gas line okay gasoline extends to Edgewood the hang we pass the sacks shoot his word falls in red wash so have I seen everything then [ __ ] is this am I [ __ ] playing flappy bird here [ __ ] okay it's higher get the timing of it right okay here we go dammit I don't think I can actually do it damn I don't know if we can do it now because some of these are super high ok you know what [ __ ] this we'd be back piss word Falls what a lovely place let's see a portrait of a nice mustache wearing a man's face ha ha ha the great is never mustache the mustache is wearing a man's face exactly what I needed ok this is just a place to save got it keep tapping X oh look a gas line gas line extends oh my bad [ __ ] ok I'm sooo bad ok I was terrible at flappy bird when that was out as well we could be here all day people [Music] okay okay okay okay yeah [ __ ] did it nice thank you thank you thank you no thank you thank you all right lights up all these that's nice Oh a water wheel or something looks like it might power the lift but where's the water okay so these are things that need to be turned on as well but I need whatever I need to get rid of those like another upgrade Oh God some of these sections are laggy is all help super-pretty No to read wash purchase tickets from Happy's can I just go come on happy you know me right family friends been around for a long time no you know you're not gonna do me this solid glowing mushroom this one smells especially like kerosene hey Ted do you remember seeing these things all over edge I don't know maybe we can find some frozen drop thingies by lighting them on fire or something can I do this there we [ __ ] go ha ha righty-tighty nice one so that's how I get rid of all this [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] I miss the things ok this is weird here we go cuz he shoots differently maybe could just do this nice but are the big ones yeah [Music] I didn't give me money I thought I was gonna get me or like a bunch okay I need to do that after dude I'm a [ __ ] natural George are you seeing these skills using these skills okay probably should be a bit faster no my heart to get hurt still bouncing got it hey this thing still beeping [ __ ] thank God I do not take fall damage come on man there we go yep i yeah okay so there's a lot more of these that I have to push why a lot more I mean 2/3 what's up there laughing at me hey maybe actually can go up there I freaking man I can't go through though so that's that's end goal some of the stuff I have to do back here then first was there any of them this way ah okay how face this way okay bye thanks for showing up thanks for being here there's one oh man it's not another one wait is it for I can't remember how many I've gotten I think I only have three [ __ ] come on come on Teddy Boy ah [ __ ] four I knew it I knew I was smart nobody else knew that Jack was smart but he knew it deep down inside that he was the smartest of them all and then he laughed cuz he woke up and it was all a dream oh I don't actually have to light that on fire except to push it oh but if they let you and fire no no no no stay there stay there I'll be back it's a light you on fire fam there's one now come on back Downers and I say Street it's fuller is full of good sugars oh god I [ __ ] light it's full of death for you oh [ __ ] it fell all the way down well not sex man oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] back we're getting there mind never mind I'm right please do this again what y'all told me to leave where you tell me leave can you do this again ah [ __ ] let's just go back out and come back in there's that perfect one die yet greasy ball of [ __ ] anything over this way new ok I I solved the water problem that we had remember the water problem wait a sec that was a thing I could have hid all this time oh wait yeah let's save nice ooh that's what she said clever now this [ __ ] Betsy is motoring along right so I still need you think I still need the the drops suddenly 300 drops to be able to do this so do I have to go all the way back because now the gasoline is open so I can go back and fire at things from before maybe look at all this [ __ ] dude I'm in the money now I've 124 we're in the money we're in the money this is amazing Oh follow me death okay this is much harder to do the [ __ ] way back it was no barrel there ah come on you got stuck I'm yet this for quite a while LD thanks George George my friend Jordan my buddy there's anything else I can do here this area with the waterfall is just like frame-rate city [ __ ] there's another thing I can destroy frame City [ __ ] frame rate city [ __ ] ten ten ten ten Twinkies on your TV [ __ ] can't do anything about them it's okay I can head back to Redford to Pine village to fly my spotting the differences georgous and they're these are different what else there's different stars the moon is bigger over there there's grids on these all that's creepy I'm using this to left the mountains seem the same right fence this is different what's the last one smoke Oh jams but visit e-bot doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo just like his elder so I think they give you like 12 the big ones [Music] nice this is good we're making progress now solid progress ok nothing in there they don't know what those things are for the yellow and the pink ones [Music] savegame saavy gommi a little butterfly following me everywhere now that's cute the music might be one of the best parts of this game super relaxing right I can't even remember where things were or any of these things that I can explode were excuse me coming through thank you pardon me the bullet plays still following me and I still have my glasses on that's cute like the lamps yeah I'm heading back to do all that [ __ ] now I just have to remember where they were should be one of here because was a black lump that I could have done this to there we go I'd only give me one though that sucks ah that's what it's for no you're making the sins nice little firecrackers on you go now Teddy up up you get now pop yard so boy first freakin bye good lad come on yes okay I have a hundred and fifty seven I really don't think there's enough to get three hundred Hye soo ah George George is fine George got this hello oh crap this leads over to another happy place hello happy what have you got today happy speaking of which your little these crazy knees itself not as little doggy nips nobody should ever change no game should we shake you should I can't afford anything I'm broke AF y'all okay back we go George just gonna stand there look at me that's fine it's cool it's okay it's all right George it's all it's all fantastic little buddy don't even worry about it I'm not even gonna judge you that harshly me I'm gonna judge you a little bit wait what was down here again nice knees back here okay now we go back to Edgewood and we figure out what we can do back there [Music] how is he in this game if you just joined you've missed it already I I voiced a character in the game very briefly I don't know if the other character is still in the game I don't think it is I think it might have been removed which is fine it's just that we might have seen all of my stuff already alrighty this and then lets me go up here for the first time yay nice I have a hundred and eighty of them now I know you can't see it with the face cam but I forgot to change the face cam over I forgot to block some stuff but joke enough at the time I got no I need a thousand for that the lowest thing I could buy was 300 I think we're still a ways off from that down there Teddy Boy really got there in the end ah [ __ ] I didn't mean fall down [Music] George I don't know how you're doing it row but you are majestic your magical bouncing around this environment like that [Music] wait what [Music] the hell do I use that one wait wait how do I use that one to hit this can I get a boomerang or something I don't think that that I was hoped by going up here did I miss something now there's a bunch of people talking insane things [Music] Jack stop being silly am I am I being silly fire adds an air yeah I was trying to do that stop copying crops really do come on it's it almost sounded like it was coming back down ah then enough okay that's too much it's hard get the air-crane yes nailed it yeah sorry if you were prepared for that high-five just gonna slap in the face edge pond oh god no no if I like this oh let's leave them cuz this looks like a boss wait they just kill you I [ __ ] didn't see that I can't just kill you that wasn't particularly difficult oh I was supposed to collect his bombs and get the bombs to fire me up well then maybe [Applause] dudududududududu okay how do I do this can you drop a bomb oh god oh god oh god okay okay one down but Gillian to go here we here we go here we go I got this okay that one didn't learn quite minute think he'd be a little faster dude a little a little quicker on the updraft okay we got two of that one that's [ __ ] amazing nope no you're gonna have that you have to poop in my my little basket here dude give me a little basket come on now Boosh nice I just come over here sup open them out when I'm not even underneath yet we're over here hey my tutu - now this should be enough okay that landed in we almost missed that let's go thanks ice hey now this should be enough for the last one she'll be able to you're both in one are you with me are you with me everybody cheer yes George you watch out you might get hit go and boom [ __ ] boom jams yes wait can I actually go further over left and we've 253 things Oh George I may use this actually claim over this side oh wait there's nothing over there I thought that that was it there was another part of the level okay cool I have two hundred and fifty three of them still not nearly enough I needed another 47 we're gonna get them unless there's some Paris that I missed and we saying the door one the door one this oh there is one on the door oh hey party boy hi how much does this Gus massive black frozen drop scoria sack us of moon state scoria sack is a moon state pinstripes the largest frozen drop on record estimated 323 meters beneath the red wash well in the epidermis of a fossilized sack valued at 50 frozen drops that's enough okay smell smell you've been telling me the smells of everything else you might as well tell me to smell this it smells like fresh hairspray that's good it's really nice actually all right good to sing me to sleep ADA what do I have to like do a little minigame here I didn't sign you could come gallivanting anything yeah all right prank call about mother Linda Shane's kids around here call me prince or princess balloon creator in town sorry these balloon machines do I boarded a whole batch of balloons no I got that order fulfilled like a prince or like a prince oh I don't know what that means ten seconds I'm willing to make you mom mega frozen but you can't wipe my machines due to the speed and agility okay minigame is some terrible I ran there to get your stupid head baton I don't even know how to do this okay what do we do what why I don't know whatever supposed to be doing it was I'm supposed to be shooting them oh I've already have to pop them before they fall okay got it again let's do this got it dude I [ __ ] got this okay is this just like weirdly easy IRS's - I'm gonna get like insanely hard all of a sudden kind of worried about that if I get three fails oh I got it I got it dude your balloon machine think at all [Applause] there's another round okay okay what are you doing speed what are you doing to me [Music] okay okay this is fine everything's fine everyone hold onto your garters okay okay omega-3 fails per round or just be the three fails in general the three fails in general fat chatsky take it back take it back please this is fast now I'm going to suffer okay okay okay okay aim in the middle it's like tennis always recenter yourself to recenter yourself than you you have the least amount of distance to travel get the next shot okay okay okay that would almost fell in yeah dude in saloon what can I say nice okay his entire balloon machine is gone now okay I like that music boom boom boom five three hundred now we can go all the way back and get a ticket so then we can head to his word wait where are we actually hitting what the [ __ ] I'm strong yeah whoo nice nice Oh somebody no it's the empty background yeah I pack up some of my stuff cuz I'm movin now well not now oh boy I have to get all the stuff ready to move on this way so there's like there's not all my little figurines that we packed and moved off the shelves sad sad day making some terrific progress y'all how long have you been recording for that's a good question and I were in 51 minutes so almost two hours my plan is to get through the entirety of this game until we're done it shouldn't be too much longer leave the games like two and a half to three hours long all the way down oh [ __ ] yeah Oh God shh-shh opt and then there was no barrel and then it scared me okay finally happy I'll be able to buy something off you can't buy a minigun can't buy a little doggie sweater even though I'd love that one like my ticket are you eating the frozen drops of oil oh I'm gonna take these drops the red wash and toilets in sleep you do that happy I haven't slept in yeah counts nothing like punching up these funds and Glock and letting them with boots you await allow our lad god bless instructor god bless bestow get fired so don't eat them all man you're eating currency okay password station to read wash departing at 7:00 p.m. all departures are one-way no exceptions admin one passenger number wasn't Wayne 3331 paint damn that's not a lot of people dog what are you barking at was it this way or that I have to go up to get to it now I was this way to read wash purchase tickets from Happy's ok but I got a ticket how do we get in hello George is here Georgie I don't know it was not enough chopped it was just a thing shoot the numbers above you [Applause] [Music] wait ah I get it I get it 1 2 3 3 3 1 1 2 3 3 3 spitting nice ooh cool the music again can an old-timey music I [Music] don't know what song that is Thomas brush what songs did you use [Music] that's gorgeous as well the art style I like it a lot this this games cool this games got a lot of style have you already been in it yeah and my line was like an hour ago I think top of the mornin to you don't trust the board of like but it's so cute follow me we would make sure the butterfly is adorable my favorite butterfly is my friend now I'm gonna take it away forever so now we should be in red wash right well you live up to your name anyway that way for things again oh wait how I see if I can hit that that's Danny Danny sex bang that's awesome pinstripes resort [Music] welcome bow welcome to the family it's not like that there we go take it Nathan Kingston portrait of some guy that looks like Jesus but it's not Jesus look his name is just Nathan oh this gonna kinda has a dog as well a little cat dog whatever let's going back there I couldn't get it Felix hello again this hints trap guys got class really one of my class you kind of smell uh if you say so whatever dude you know I just drink up enjoy yourself get [ __ ] I don't care [Music] let it rain fire on your head here we go let me meet hit that one [ __ ] I can't get that angle right Oh huh there we go wait can I go right No nice ooh dude [ __ ] your balloons ow ow ow hate you hate suck you know what screw this it's my daughter what if what if they what if Pinstripe ends up being me like a bad version of me I actually haven't been theorizing what the the story is yet Oh God hi you're just in time for the cinnamony Ted let Bo go oh we see well maybe I want to be okay quite frankly much happier with me all right Haile doughnuts I took her in a train right so will you stay for the ceremony the clock is ticking you're gonna be pig but if you can't remember the blessed day you died I'm afraid bo will be forever mine the door is locked yes there we go got it nailed it that is a giganto bed enter death year his song is creepy the [ __ ] is my death here so any dates on anything failure death year 1806 Wow how did you know that I mean it's nice people give me tips but I'd rather know how that's not it [Music] okay it's not the same as the one for the box the music 1947 1906 everyone's given me different numbers [Music] none of them are working 1941 yeah I thought the year of the music as well but 1963 how are people getting these numbers six six six six dead here I mean everyone's just giving me different [ __ ] numbers maybe I can dude recap would you mind not doing that sorry George okay maybe there's more we can actually find out instead of me just guessing random [ __ ] numbers all the time oh it's a hack hello mate what is that the Hat talking to me I've been good I swear I was just in stripe on Wednesday adoption [Music] I'm getting strong feelings that I might have died and this is like my limbo you don't even know how to stop a car hello oh wait a second wait you go party after the ceremony it's me again the character is in the game still yeah we did it we're in it twice oh this is same characters before because he said he was living room to read wash for the ceremony here drink some pinstripes sack juice for Brett oh god I didn't want to drink it this good yeah but not as good as the real deal that is good as real deal this rights giving her fresh sacks filled with this stuff during the ceremony I was actually taking sips of like whatever I had around I think I should have water I was actually taking sips to get different sounds out to make it actually seemed like I was drinking something [ __ ] method acting y'all you're gonna take a bite from the forbidden fruit with us ah [Music] there it is those are all my lights those are all the lines that I did the ones from before near the start of the game and then these ones yay alright I'm actually so happy it's me what are you doing mr. Dickey I know where we might break thought of you careful down here instruct would kill me if he found me especially if he catches us helping you find Bose I'm disguised great disguise dude didn't even see you with the whole red nose was going on I'm gonna pound Ted yeah I got the Christmas birdie yeah I see the nose she's hiding and he instructs well okay she said she's got a surprise for you okay sorry jack little walk all over you in for a second can I get up and get the fork um are you serious what are you really gonna party with everyone on a night like this of course not I just lied to myself what do you think you jumper no different now that's cool oh Jesus I'm in the game I'm so sorry so sorry that I messed up your game but also you know I get up to these things hi bye have you seen a [ __ ] girl [ __ ] about this boy okay miss birdy is apparently has something for me in the world oh okay my brain played complete tricks on me when I was here the first time I thought it was just a hat sticking on a spike I didn't even see the full dudes body I thought it was just a floating hat okay that's my way back up oh oh there's an eyeball there a giant safe don't even think about it happy but I want all happy secrets what no I didn't want to do that whenever I click it it doesn't work is there a secret way of doing this I don't think so what have I broke into that and then I got everything like all the jewelers then I would be the one who's rich boo boo boo okay here's happy [Music] [ __ ] is that thing okay keep it kid sounds a little weird okay happy why is this run like a joint cave okay he's not here no trying to sleep but wake at 8:10 p.m. okay can we wake him up it's not working coz happy sleeping okay let's come back when he's awake anything I can do with this whoa okay oh Jesus you're it's a giant safe don't eat this is the same thing again happy safe box okay I'll be back for your secret soon happy wow that's a cool zone dude yeah Ted the balloons I said I stopped or whatever then I kept doing as I hello what's up flat belly Oh Kevin is that it's like Kevin who used to work for the crumbs that's just no good luck yep okay I'll do more than touch it I understand I'm going to touch it Oh can I set the time I need it I need a fork and a spoon to be able to do it where didn't they just train on I couldn't see why didn't I just try and shoot down their fork but there was a platform of the way so if I do that can I set it to eight ten and then I can do happy stuff okay I see a lot of people ask if this is going to be uploaded to YouTube after yeah probably just gonna upload it the way it is want to get you I don't know oh wait wait wait wait wait wait shoosh francy if I could knock some of the balls into the thing I guess I didn't do that let me try that again it's shoot the balls into the bucket yeah I just figured that huh yeah none of them are gonna fall in are you [ __ ] serious what are them fooling [ __ ] I know I just reset it damn it yeah Brooke I'll just go in just go in go in go in for Jack Jack's a nice boy Jack do good yes there's one okay knock the back over this way okay I'm just gonna play a little game with the balls for a while there goes another one [ __ ] you quick-witted you son of a [ __ ] I'm just gonna keep shooting them until stuff goes in there's more yeah yes yes oh yeah by a [ __ ] ya [ __ ] buy it everybody get in the bucket everybody in the bucket here you go here you go let's get them all in ha ha that should be enough right yes pork it's kind of rusty and smells like pennies sprayed with lotion okay so where do I guess boom in the book yeah [Music] okay that's oddly familiar looking that's like a picture or somebody with with a scarf on but the face is crossed out ha [Music] right where I get a spoon now is a different question he said that Miss birdy was waiting into well where the [ __ ] is the world ha ha just why don't you shoot him in the face [Music] let's see if we can at least add there the fork to this leg oh it's a mega clock but there we go okay spoon is where you got the fork but just behind it really see lots of people writing in the comments thank you thanks for being here thanks for hanging out means a lot [Music] nobody has left past the lift okay down we go thank you Oh get out of here I see you [Music] me either man okay are we doing spot the difference again there's lots of differences the spot this time we just guess half of them scratch marks there the rest of them might be a little hard wait score on the whole picture just doing this [Music] let me see it's gonna hurt see you [Music] there's three more weights or scratches on the bed I have to look for like my new details anything different about the curtains applying no I need about this odd bedpost one more strike there we go there's a stripe in the middle in the wallpaper are you gonna give me I like this it has like Zelda type sounds boo boo okay oh here we go three two one space no it's cool sound okay right I'm coming for you pinstripe it's time to [ __ ] [ __ ] up what we need we need to do okay let's save it first we need to do eight ten before we do anything else see you later Felix bro bro bro face wait wait notice red wash residents attending the adoption of bog shall receive a free delivery of pinstripes sacks it's pretty good all residents not attending shall be verbally abused and vigorously whipped into submission it's horrible thank you and good day that's terrible I was killed [Music] sorry little buddy I know you don't like the poppers but has to be doing it's too much fun okay don't worry Bo daddy's just out gallivanting and exploring I'll figure this out soon horeb oh she's just hanging out ice - that's lovely music okay 810 that's not really H but that's 8/10 right [ __ ] they actually change time you messed with the mega clock did you not hear the rules not again not again what's wrong mister pinstripes gonna curb stop me oh Jesus that's kind of [ __ ] [ __ ] you don't know a curb stomp is when you put your top joke imagine my hand is a curb and then you stomp on the back of someone's head see you like well you're like kicking their teeth and you smash their head against the curb it's gross again well that's like herps up what I imagine it to be Thank You American Psycho movie okay are you are you awake now is everything good can I try you're safe oh yeah be good I might so those frozen drops you gave me up but that just wasn't enough good but we do sleep look I sold you eight three hundred drops of oil and you didn't fall asleep I'd be dead sound listen I can help you get bone from Vince driving me a favor how many drafts yawn if you get meat in snacks not the frozen jobs this time but the fresh sex the real deal okay oh sell you a newspaper but not just any newspaper so forget the newspaper from him will it show me the year on it it's got the password to pinstripes how silly Johnny what do you say don't start okay but sure strike will be delivering though sex in a specific time father so here's a little clue to win ladies why don't you find this X bring them back here so I can suck on drugs use those terms what hide there's something I tell collect frozen eat frozen sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep that's your [ __ ] clue all the other two clues are in his safe aren't they two safes two more clues got it here's al include or when that is the whole entire time is written on hit do the vols for the coop the garden safe oh wait it's the same thing again okay [Music] [ __ ] I hate these minigames and it's her judge cuz you don't know where the actual hitbox is I knew I failed that one okay I can do it see cuz their spikes this time they're not like solid bars the bars were easier to figure out because sometimes they can clip through the tops of these spikes a small bit so it's harder to see ya see what I mean you get me oh Christ [Applause] hey piece of paper 230 something I mean you can probably guess it from that there's only a certain amount between that that you can put in but don't keep giant safe yeah we did this already boy okay this one should be easier cuz it's the things again he says nervously as he's about to fail miserably first [ __ ] yeah that deserves a wassup that deserves it ah yeah sorry I'm [ __ ] screaming into my microphone but how's that was good 2:30 a.m. hide this note and tell no one sacks delivery okay 2:30 a.m. got it I mean I can't specify on the clock between AM PM right and what's up and jet yeah what's up there's a definitely it deserved a what's up hey is that time the time that's on now I just decided to say what's up for shits and giggles um so 2:30 a.m. really you're not gonna give that to me there we go I'm sorry was it slightly off 2:30 oh [ __ ] you didn't tell me that was a ceremony okay oh [ __ ] okay I got a sec do you need 10 of these yeah greedy [ __ ] okay let's explore out okay the old [ __ ] place is on fire did you kill that guy like that some be okay jack no oh my [ __ ] head I'll save you jack I'll save you me oh I can't save him oh [ __ ] I swallowed my help I am so yo did you do Ted sorry my bones are aching oh sorry Ted you know [ __ ] wanna suffer this damnit reading everybody riperino bro I'm so young cut down at my prime sorry only so pretty oh Jesus sweetheart I have a new daddy now oh oh but there is I just have to collect ten of these and then I get the date and then when I start back time then I'll come back and kill you that's what I'll do I'll show you what for god I only for them Jesus man this guy's a greedy [ __ ] well Phoenix is dead now it'll get flame yes dead it's something on my head huh sure is can I get a key to unlock this you don't even have a spine you're floating hey hey yeah brain - but I mean thanks so much I can understand from a sentient robot that wants to drink warm milk let's see if there's any back by uh miss birdie I've 222 things now yes yes yes yes all of them for Jack or miss we okay just let in here where did she go oh he sounded like solid fingers he actually kind of did we have a solid finger sounds like it's been a while since I watch this head it's something on my head George you don't really helping me anymore just gonna there it woulda helped me little buddy okay I'll be back way is running in here yes okay I need one more there should be one back at their back we're happy is in here yeah here you go hopper or I could just use them and drink them forget about everything hello hey you're gonna buy into show you the clue to get up into pinstripes past the beach it's gonna light up I expect I'll be closing shop and hitting the sack if you know what I mean Kim is a daddy now yeah Mary went into labor earlier I haven't been able to check up on my social media since that's awesome I'm happy for them this married please what did you do father anyways the password should know I number 437 fire fire a devastating car wreck at the red wash parsonage takes the life of minister and daughter 13 something I can't see it Saturday October 13th read more on reverse Saturday October 13 1922 for a far different from a minister's body was found at red wash parsonage along with the three year olds charred remains in the passenger seat authorities have not released any information into the cause of the wreck Edward pawn red wash Baptist wash away your woes at red wash pot so 1922 so is this like me living my own personal hell if they I have to turn back time right I didn't have to turn it back to maybe back where [ __ ] the clocks on fire what oh no wait let's just see what happens if we try and put it in 1922 in 1922 enter death here oh god the picture in the background mr. Paris tastes like a church is it [Music] sweetheart okoma a sad cooler portrait what if that's the white this is like the first room that was in the train and this is the spot the difference room oh oh do you want to play trains with me Ted you can be the driver be the driver of the Train dizzy if you're poor little baby upstairs Brandon you're dying oh Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] Spike's falling down Oh God there we go after the tax they can hit him and the quaint chemical a killing fake [Music] [Applause] oh hey [Music] [Applause] we're just gonna [ __ ] you up bro [Music] [Music] right man [Music] yes yes yes yes they get a pill bottle a whiskey bottle oh god am i playing out the fact that I was an alcoholic and I drove my car into the house on the way home and crashed and burnt the house down and killed my wife and daughter or at least my daughter Pinstripe pure rye whiskey bottled in red wash England I got an achievement as well that said Sherlock this just got real interesting what how do I do [Music] go find Bo oh I mean I'm trying oh you're gonna stand in it thank you bye George we love you I miss George everyone say bye to George bye George bye [Music] daddy oh this is lovely look outside yes oh wait what's the time there's a nice guy oh I got the cheaper being a nice guy this is the end so there's the parsonage oh he's black [Music] god the background is gorgeous that would explain the butterfly now two butterflies Wow look dad wish mom was here to see this she loved butterflies hey bet you can't catch all of them oh you're our little girl you are so on got him oh that's cute what a sweet ending Oh [Music] damn I got like goose bumps and the mother showed up [Music] musics gorgeous Kickstarter archbishops [Music] that's cool I don't recognize any names in there I mean not that I would Sean mcLaughlin as Jack Felix Kjellberg as Felix Ross Adams Dickey they should share up dan and Kevin dick terhew as pinstripe he had a cool voice and Thomas himself the guy who made the game had a couple of voices in the - oh I thinking starter priests [Music] [Music] [Music] it was cool I really enjoyed that [Music] the Kickstarter elders [Music] wow there's a lot of them it was cool [Music] it was a cute ending yeah I like that a lot I felt like it all tied up very nicely at the end so I think I think the story was you well I don't want to make any definitive so I don't wanna say like it was you going through purgatory anything but that kind of thing seems like you were kind of reliving it and Pinstripe was like a manifestation of you maybe I'd have to like go back and look at a lot of it again but it seemed like you crashed your car into your house and I got sat in fire and you died and saw that the child and the ending was like you guys in heaven finally meeting up again because it's it you got pills at one point as well so maybe the pills were got to do with either yourself or stuff that your wife had to take before she died Oh Georgie is the real dog Georgie for your playfulness that's cool when I grow up I want to be a storyteller because of you I don't have to oh that's awesome from Thomas himself featuring the beloved 1920s public domain single by the light of the silvery moon by Miss ADA Jones so there you go that's that was the song thanks for playing [Music] damn [Music] that was lovely [Music] let's first go back to the menu dude I got the golden key I can go back and do all the things that I missed Adventure Plus whoa okay well that was a pinstripe that was really good I really liked that short but sweet it was it was just wonder three hours long give or take it's about two and a half hours very nice very wrapped up very neatly at the end I think I mean some of it still seems to be up to interpretation but I think what I got out of it was that there was like a train crash I don't know I mean I don't think you crashed your train into your house or anything well it seemed like that symbolized something and there was talk about a crash into a house that burned a child so maybe you did die and it was like your way of trying to get into heaven towards the end maybe if you were a bad guy if somebody pointed out maybe if you were awful to people throughout the whole game because I picked the nice options all the time so maybe if you were bad towards somebody all the time you would have went to hell or something I don't know the way I saw was you kind of reuniting with your family in the afterlife at the end and everyone was happy in all together everything was super sunny but I don't know maybe maybe it was something else going on that I missed really cool really good game and I'm so glad I got to be part of it I'm very thankful to Thomas for letting me be a voice in the game even though I played a silly little character but that was really cool and the voice acting from everybody was really good the effects that were put in the voice and like the reverb and the little like modulations and everything the report on people's voices worked out really well and the music and the art style in this game were incredible the music really surprised because they see the art style already and I knew that visually it was going to be very nice and the snow effect and everything was gorgeous but I didn't expect the music to be as good as it was but really floored me that was really nice I like this game a lot short simple sweet nice little story to tell very pleasing to the eye decent little platforming mechanics made by one dude outstanding hopefully you guys enjoyed this thank you for being here I know it's a little unorthodox that I stream this but I know I wanted to change things up a little bit for today and do the video at this time this will hopefully go up afterwards a little bit it'll be on YouTube afterwards I'll make it public whenever it's finished processing and everything so if you're watching it if you're watching the the not live stream version of it thank you for at least checking it out if you're here for the live stream person thank you for being here and now in the moment while the game is still going really means a lot to me that I get to do streams like this and I know I don't get to interact with chat a whole lot for different reasons there's also the people who are going to be watching this you're part of the live stream I don't really want them to feel left out an interactive chat a small bit so people feel like I'm actually reading what's going on and some of you helped me with some of the puzzles in it so we weren't I wasn't going back and forth all day so thank you for that as well that really meant a lot to me and just thank you for being here and keeping me company while I play a game I've never played a game start to finish four people were there during the same time so that's quite a unique experience and it's very rare that I play an entire game start to finish in a video as well that's going up on YouTube so that was cool thank you guys for watching I am going to end the stream now for the sake of keeping it as one thing up on YouTube but let me just make sure that I go out and actually like check the stream and everything the musics probably stopped now just so I can check what's going on and check that the stream is still going well and that it will be an actual video that goes up stream health healthy as a mule bites she go on well she going strong how many people here there's still twenty thousand people here holy crap Wow thank you guys that's insane awesome well thank you guys for being here and thank you guys for watching the stream I am going to leave it here really means a lot to me that was a cool little experience I'd love to know what you guys thought of it afterwards and when this video actually goes up I'd love to see some theories in the comments of it and I'm actually gonna go myself right now and look up some theories on it and see what's going on really cool experience I'm as I said before I'm really glad I got to be part of it I'm super flattered that I got to be a voice in it hopefully that'll there be many more games to come with stuff like that in it thank you to Thomas for his I don't know for his for his reaching out to me about this game and I'm glad I got to finally play it and sorta give back a small bit so do you guys like the game I highly suggest go checking it out there is some little stuff here and there that you get to do that you didn't see in this and it supports the developer and he's a really great dude and I wish him all the best but thanks guys thanks for being here um I will stream again soon I might do little nightmares again or I might just do that as the standard let's play I don't know but I do fully intend on playing it so that's not a long game either maybe we could stream that too who knows but for now thank you guys so much for being here if you liked it punch that like button in the face like a boss and my face thank you guys never see any dudes that's stream video pie awkward
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 9,344,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, live, livestream, Pinstripe, Pinstripe game, pinstripe gameplay, pinstripe full game, full game walkthrough, pinstripe jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye pinstripe voice, voice lines, voice acting, jacksepticeye's lines, pinstripe jacksepticeye voice lines, all lines, 2D, platformer, art, music, OST, PC, Steam, Download, end, ending, boss, final, full game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 37sec (10177 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2017
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