A BEAUTIFUL ENDING | The Boss - Part 6 (END)

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we're in Chinese my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to what might be the end of the boss I think this might be the final episode I'm not sure this game is going on even longer than I thought it was ever going to so lord knows how much is actually left in the game my turrets are older models so they are only capable of sight in a straight line in front of them they're kind of stupid that way but with the cuts to funding we've been digging through the old warehouses at least the bullets are every bit as we go that's good I love my bullets murderous and lethal I can remove as well save go see something else in the intro but she start talking but let's just play anyway lethal also I have an incredibly sore throat I don't know what happened after coming back from tour and everything [ __ ] just ain't right so I'm trying my best to get stuff going and trying my best work through it and everything to get stuff recorded so if I can't do all the voices for this last episode apologies don't worry I think player agency has this both covered here now your agency it'll take a while to explain whether the rulebook just know that you're safe from there ultimately from ultimately dying here supervise the other test subject their vitals indicate that they appear to be waking up and will need someone to conduct their side of the experiments employee 207 will be over shortly he's such a useful hey some people say about me I'm a useful tool haha tool that sounds ominous that's it I suppose I'm just happy to have so many test subjects again it makes me feel a little more pleasant inside anyway I'll be back once we finish the pack Doki little more pleasant I'd like to see the scale for that did anything about that strike you as a hot Billy all of it I mean it sounded like there were more test subjects than just us you don't suppose she has other subscribers do you I don't think so aside from you and cliff no one would ever subscribe to her she's stupid I think everyone else who got uploaded it was accounted for well that's a relief you must have amazing connections here in wirel and to know something like that I don't know how you all do it yeah we're amazing like that let's just get these things turned off and get back to the others are you still there I am not touching that we would be so dead okay can i okay Billy is absolutely extraordinarily dead oh wait I could just walk down here wait did I think I could only walk into Heights ah sometimes Jack if you used the brain that's in your head oh my god let us talking about more test subjects that still bothering me I don't know who could be though she's crafty I'll give her that so it could be any number of people hey I could even be other game character see who else fits that description I got a little lost of the cameras a new aperture was big but man it's a lot of cameras that's like amorous then again Jenny I think our short list just got short huh nothing will tell you later okay well don't wait for too long got me all curious now don't worry we'll tell you a negative split okay could you tell me though you know the real Jack [Music] and the subject of things still bothering me the subscribers again no it's it's actually about Jack Jack what about Jack well it could just be my imagination but something strikes me as weird about him I get that a lot something strikes me weird about that guy yeah I used up green hair weird well sucks usually weird but weird how exactly I don't know he's just I mean he doesn't feel like Jack well I mean when you put it that girl standing there you just push the button can we get a move on yes I know he likes to rub people's lifespans and their faces to say that they have all that time to complete the tests but I'd really like to do some other stuff with my time if you don't mind yes could we progress I just killed a mosquito on my screen [ __ ] I'm living my best life right now nice so cute I love the turrets [ __ ] down so sir how did you get started working with Karros Jenny can you stop asking questions so we can move on you're honestly curious about that no she is yes my friend characters backstories to be fascinating especially when there's a lot of very detailed lore [Music] even the turrets are like hello hello hello actually it wasn't too long ago that I started working for her not too much really tried running me through the tests but apparently my scores were so just different the higher sense board that she promoted me to her right-hand man and now she's got me looking for test subjects and helping with giving the tests and stuff it's amazing how hard it isn't once you get to work it's the job descriptions just make it sound more difficult than it actually is like biessing a school paper assuming you went to school Oh Billy with the zingers Billy please anyway that's pretty fascinating from humble beginnings to upper echelons huh oh yeah honestly it's kind of fun supervising you two are my first but I can definitely say that I'd love to keep helping or like this oh look at you wanting to help out and put people through torturous murders mayhem the way things are going you two might end up being my permanent test subjects the hours ah no I don't want that one puzzle at a time man geez are we done talking goodie oh I don't hate you but I hate you little buddy I don't mean that I don't actually hate you you're just in my way and also trying to kill me so Wow congratulations you have shown exceptional intelligence in completing this test how well do they do employee 207 oh very well and thank you for letting me oversee this it was quite an experience Wow don't cream your pants just yet you seem to be responding as hypothesized very good I'm sorry what did I say something potentially died sorry was it no it was nothing anyway being so short-staffed it falls upon me to redirect the other two to the next puzzle an eye on them employee 207 I'll be back to set up the next test for them afterwards I think our suspicions were just covered with a huge confirmed stamp it seems like he's like what please do not be alarmed when we tell you this but we think GLaDOS might be well maybe using you as a test subject what no that that's just ridiculous why would she cuz she's a big giant hell-bent robot on destruction and she's testing everybody all the time when we were talking earlier you did mention being a test subject for her before yeah that was after she found me hiding in the recording booth just now that wasn't a lot of time for testing no no no I was just pretending to be the narrator when he showed up she asked me to do that okay but please think about it she made I've never stopped using you as a test subject even after giving you your promotion do you think she'd really yes come on this is GLaDOS we're talking about she totally would we're talking about a hypothesized behavior didn't really sound like it was directed at us it seemed more like you and it seems like she's been implying the that us Jack and cliff aren't the only subject she has do you know any others no you for the only ones I'm sorry cuz you speak la patate do you oh my gosh you [ __ ] dead you know what screw this you go through the door I'll meet up with you guys later oh it's gonna be a bunny boy well shall we let's play video games hey buddies check cliff you guys okay I mean sup [ __ ] we were so worried so are we our puzzle was dangerous I can say that again a puzzle was dangerous it's figure speech jennie-o I was just trying to help dangerous ours wasn't we had to slight a cube around poor thing had to die to save us that's all they gave us turrets turrets huh don't worry we'll get you to a doctor soon and cured Billy you should have been a gentleman to protected her by being a bullet sponge come on Jack ever smell that anything happened to her I'm not heartless seriously you of all people should know that you've seen it what hundreds of times now anyway we're fine yes the turrets were older models easier to deal with and they all had Alzheimer's it was great they forgot about us in two seconds that's good I'd say ours is more dangerous to our sanity haha Oh cliff you really are a [ __ ] [ __ ] okay I don't want to be a downer after the mood got lightened apart we're still definitely in a tow and a danger we do know that we repel Steve repel against GLaDOS yes rubella against glass she's had me wrapped around her digital finger since the day she found me and we're putting a stop to it right here right now yes rise up brothers right here okay well maybe not right here we'll have to get to where she actually is I've done a little digging and I found something useful in the files it's a path for you guys to follow and it should take you right out of here but you have access to the files y'all get going I'll be a little glad of myself merge the ending with me and make them kiss are you sure be careful out there yeah she's tricky Thanks 2:07 let's get going sick now we're together again let's get out of here I am going to save Luke ah sunny part of the line let's follow it shall we Oh nutsack [Music] wait that wasn't so bad does this a what I'm a following perfectly look at this I messed it up that's so cool over back through a bunch areas oh I get it you're designed to try and confuse me where the other line is going I get it remember that's cool I love limbo I like insight more but limbo was the first one so hey it's home okay stay away from any bikes maybe we should stay here to keep Billy alive I've been fighting against that for years you have about a hundred videos worth of proof Jack we get it yeah yes as I always say no I didn't mean to click that I mean Sam pju ter computer c NK s ba do I have to spell computer no because there's no M's alright wait what happens if I spell no if I spell baby I can't click their things away can I see looks like only this one no I can't take anything okay I'm assuming you're gonna come in handy after a while oh it's the peanut gallery come to watch the demise of employee 207 well not that you could actually see it given he's an invisible entity that's so cool that sprite is amazing guys you can t sound like cry there for a second in the last video two or seven you know sound good and so it continues she's tougher than I expected then how about the power of friendship wait a minute where did your line out of this place and lead us here you're sworn I told the dick you guys the safety wait oh no 207 that was the sunny powerful adventure lying you big dog doof oh man you're right that just takes you to adventure wherever it is must have been here then well I'd like to think this was fate we'll help you in any way we can where we what are we really you know what yes we will we got a PMA and that means that we're going to help you it means the pre-marital action also means pinch my ass but in our case it means positive mental attitude you must be fooling yourselves you can't possibly reach me and even if you could how are you going to stop me you don't have any weapons you can't even reach me that's true she's like 20 feet into the air they don't need weapons guys get to the other room oh yeah get back here I haven't left yet okay I'm not even touching anything what do we need to spell no what do we do there's a lot of bodies in here we probably need to do something with those thanks Jenny appreciated trooper well it's probably a good idea to not touch any of them until we know what to do exactly you're gonna need to press those in a certain order of programs to initiate what I'm calling the endgame protocol Oh neat you wrote a program behind my back clever you don't even have a back you big pile of bolts and wires maybe a little too clever if I unleash you or any of them upon the world who knows what could happen we might even have Chipotle it sounds a little too ominous I may be a killer Aperture Science facilitator but I'm a fair killer Aperture Science facility you have two minutes before you meet your demise and don't worry I'll write some nice things about you and your records tell people I had a big nice butt tried hard hit their best showed promising signs of near intelligence something like that no it's a big but big bullet people like big butts you're gonna blow this place up yes oh but don't worry about me I can transfer myself to a safer location so Aperture Science will live on with me in the other parts of the facility this part will be without a doubt out of commission for good No Commissioner Gordon okay so see those buttons you need to press them in the order of a specific word or name that has significance take a look at the letters and think of what I it could be [ __ ] anything do I have an eye I don't have an eye you're gonna have to give me a little hint there bucko boo okay let's just are pressing buttons okay yes okay it's asked something s is it my real name nope s you we're running out of time please try to think I'd hit the buttons in the correct order I am a [ __ ] trying okay s L okay what's the next letter what's the next letter just keep trying them until wait what let's say it in pink guys you can do this I know you can look in did we first meet in Oh [Music] EAN why stop wait you said you wrote the code behind their back and we had to press them in a specific order and you asked what game we first met in clearly you knew the answer there Stan oh okay being bit over enthusiastic about this [ __ ] oh wait pedestal throw something in in what you mean on what do we use I don't know but whatever it is it has to be small Billy a potato now is not the time to be hungry wait 13 perfectly Oh also she turned into a potato in portal 2 so good haha very funny is that a reference I think it is somehow that worked out better than expected I guess it is now you have fun with the nostalgia GLaDOS no she's dying not oh yeah I'm gonna have a potato no I suppose you find this terribly funny hahaha leave me because as soon as I get out of this form I am going to terminate your sorry and send them to whatever afterlife you all may care to believe in there was a fine-ass white noise affect you you all really did it you all really did it that's pretty touching go wow you really came through and saved our hides just thank you really thank you so much yeah no problem dude hey happy to still be alive and their people who are still alive ma'am I hurt so pounding like crazy you oh I might need a light I'm just like right here please don't step on me or trip watch your feets my hands are really shaking but I'm glad we're all right yeah I'm glad I did all the work hey you don't seem very relieved you all right it's not that I I mean I am relieved I guess I just feeling kind of Numb right now after going through all of this what how did you just why didn't you get censored Oh Oh about that evie censoring was primarily for my benefit but just because everyone sends her to Rome II just mean I don't know the words already it's pretty simple dumbass fructose you baby that's so sweet of you jack I get it cuz fructose yes well as charming as all of this is we should probably get you guys out of here thanks so much again for everything you've you've really opened my eyes as to what I need to do yes become corporeal what are you gonna do I think I'll head back to party hard it's been a while and well having a near-death experience outside of your own game really makes you think long and hard about your life true even though you're in part a yard and that's a game only about killing so thank you I'll make sure you guys get out of here safely Thanks sorry I'm allergic to your plan you're welcome and thanks be seeing you around 207 I can't walk in the potato walk on that potato hi everyone's following in unison all right he-hey we're out of there I like that ah this way like the Billy runs like Mario and Mario Odyssey or Naruto hey Treecko hey it's the high dispersion ki what's the spawned outside the game are you serious we went through all of that and it's just here that we didn't see it on the way out I think we spawned right into Stanley's office so that's no real surprise Mike GLaDOS did this on purpose well it doesn't matter that's the Lasky oh my god the lines coming out the door now I can't even get in hey what are you doing in line American research have to keep an eye on our competitors too plus we thought we could pickpocket a few people and sell their stuff back to them sounds like you two alright I'm pretty sure that's illegal it's only illegal if you get arrested you do realize there's law enforcement in the building right not for LA that's Dominus okay office at the key okay look it is disconcert disconsolate that you're to do you were to be leaving wire light so soon oh no good I'm sorry dogged will ever forget the type we had together however miniscule we didn't really have a lot of time together they're gonna start from time to time we brought about the apocalypse together you have kept your nuggets safe but I don't have it with me it is the metaphysical dogging nugget in your heart but please take this final dogged as a token of delegates appreciation you got the Nugget though nugget is distraught over your departure er does not like long goodbyes shoo oh no good you're my favorite [Music] you're back how did this round go it was filled with insanity and existentialism so good then it was a definitely interesting I had a good time shut up clip I throw you off your namesake you almost died I know it was awesome see papyrus Cliff's got the right idea we are outside out of game Undine flaming unicycles are out of the question spoil sport anyway did you find the hydras Persian key yeah we found it it wasn't easy actually it was easy the road to getting it not so much Oh new corporate garages were so difficult to work around huh never mind here you go outfits this fixes the computer for good right let's see what I can do please please oh golly God we did it yes now we can go home check what's the matter well I mean we can go home now and of course we have to but I have no idea how we got here in the first place and I'll admit I'm gonna miss it you're leaving well I mean this isn't our world and I can't really play games unless I'm outside the computer can I he's right papyrus we are going to miss you so much yeah you're awesome for a total dork I'm gonna miss you too I hope it's not out of place for me to say this but if I didn't have to work on your computer the whole time I oh gosh I'd have liked to spend more time with you Jack are you guys I'm gonna miss you guys so freaking much even if you're not my versions of the characters you're the first ones I ever saw we shall miss you too cliff and you Jenny amen you guys are really sweet people sweet to hang with like so totally tubular hella awesome ho don't forget double date just ask for his IP address Jack that is I can't [ __ ] read I can't wait to meet you guys I know it was a short time but apparently that's all it takes unless you want you check you have the best fans and now you guys are going to be friends yeah nothing like a good adventure to bring people together speaking of papyrus you said we're outside arcane does that mean if we were inside our game you consider the unicycles well I suppose so but that depends on who's riding them me being it says to do it bet him one cold and he'll do it his dignity is cheap dude the guard pays me well I could do that for days anyway not that I mind delaying what's coming but that voice is very taxing on my neck and I need to move on yeah we should get you guys home all you need to do is go through your bedroom door and that should do it it's set up to take you all home why the bedroom the computer was a bit finicky with the directions no I got through the firewall but it won't set up the way home anywhere else but that's being blocked off yeah then the potato man's dug himself the border guard for Jack's bedchambers you can forge the documents sans is great at forgery undying you're a royal god how could you suggest such a thing there's literally no way to get legit documents in that game so fight fire with fire huh sounds good to me I don't he's gonna know the difference you saw the stuff he gave you jack obvious forgeries yeah whoa it's worth a shot well you'd better get in line soon sans doesn't serve cutters he's led us to the front so far he's been cracking down on rules since this little kid started going through the line putting gum in people's hair are we gonna have to stand in that really long line I mean I could just do it you can sit down and have fun you might not need to Billie but Jax certainly will and I'll stand with him even if I don't need documents yeah that's a good point are we gonna need to fool him too yeah he says he runs a strict border but if he sees you with the jack he lets you by well get going yeah you should but before you do you should know that once you leave the house you've left wire land as soon as you cross the barrier between the game or the reality you can't come back even if you try to go back you'd get into the apartment but we wouldn't be there no one fictional would be so any real people through the door only real people no I came characters we can't leave with you jack that's okay I really appreciate everything you've done yeah I'm really glad we met you you're just as cool as your videos make you look thanks everyone guess we got a line to stand in let's get going pottsy epic process let's go Oh does that mean it's the last time he gets to talk to you guys don't talk to me I'm brooding why because it's my character I'm brooding and a little bit sarcastic I love it shut up I just need a cigarette you have one in your mouth which you're not allowed to smoke in my apartment yes I respect that I also can't smoke outside your apartment either stupid wire line is so fragile I have to go back to the game to smoke so go back to your game I can't they won't let me oh my god the line got so much longer they I'm their ride have you tried quitting I'm sure your friends would support you if you decided to and it would be better for your lungs oh stop the PSA everyone knows smoking is bad for you we do it because subconsciously we just want to die Wow well your funeral are you holding up Angus I'm exhausted IVA trying to protect your apartment what has everyone been doing you don't want to know what it involved on dying but buyers upload origin to less of your kitchen appliances and it will rule the world one day Oh Lord not my cooker its funeral was especially touching man I don't know if we should talk to Gregg I can't do that voice for long not really did you give me lots of cool crimes well we were technically trespassing when we did almost blow up and blow up a nuclear facility yeah we almost died a horrible death ha minor detail I hope I can blow up a nuclear facility one day for all our sakes we hope you never get the chance and if you do I'm not bailing you out of prison again I've an you out you wouldn't be able to from behind bars I meant that in spirit you know one time I was out at the playground and there was this cicada on a slide and I ate it why are you telling me this it was really crunchy but the insides were all squishy and it felt really weird in my mouth can we change the subject it was a wonderful adventure and why I'm not allowed in New York the kindergartners anymore that's lovely it's called flavor text but they don't usually make it flavorful I thought this would add the appropriate flavor may nothing you say is appropriate you just wanted to brag about eating bugs back to okay I am NOT going to okay how I'm not gonna talk to everybody because we're here all day that and those are the guys with the best voices oh no [Music] we're playing this the cutscene is messed up no what are we doing I see cliff is eating something I'm only able to see a tiny another square like right here is all I see did do I see Segway Steve oh man I can't even see what's going on well he sees this back of my head I'm gonna assume it's going fantastically well we got a little poppy version of hey Polly a little puppy version of megalovania oh we're just waiting around [Music] [Music] parisian has started at the highest octave and then just went higher higher higher they did it that day that day [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] sorry guys a completely sold out seriously we spend like who even knows how long in this line what can I say you're popular but I got a hairbrush here you can have do you even need a hairbrush don't have any hair well that's just discrimination I offer you a perfectly good hairbrush and you criticize my appearance nice how are you you're insulting comments really cut me deeply I'm dying inside well at least it adds more color to the conversations thanks for the offer but I'll pass on the brush well I guess you could also just sell potato man who you are tell him not sell him I can't think he might let you through who knows where things have happened I guess it's not a half-baked idea if we put him up a bit this one I like this one alright Posse think I I think we should take our chances thanks sense think hey no problem whoa everyone's here are these all the sprites from the game that's cool huh papers please uh well my ID work but is your [ __ ] papers I am Jack you know as in sceptic I why you know say so in the first place I just needed to make sure you were you and I see now you are you so let's hook this whole time hey just be glad it worked out this time well I guess this is it then away we go bye everyone thank you so much for all the memories seriously it's been amazing to meet you hey if Jenny and Clifford connected through the internet we can all hang out with their alternates yeah it's not totally goodbye yeah dude and you humans can always give our games a play of beers if you ever stop missing us or even if you don't seriously though it's been an amazing experience I guess I'll see you all in my spare time I've got some games to revisit oh come on Billy we got some subscribers to save I can't Jack didn't you hear what alpha said real people only you know it's kind of flattering that you forgot I was just a character yeah I actually wish you could come I wish I could too but you know than just a couple of sprites and lines of code that's all I've ever been Oh Billy you know what you've been more than that you've always been more than that I know actually it feels weird to say this especially to you you're the best thing that ever happened to me Jack come on that's not true all I do is rage at you I know because of that because you singled me out look around there's so many versions of me everywhere everyone knows who I am and your subscribers they really love me yeah they love to hate me but I'm not a major character I don't even have my own name all I am is a kid on the back of a bike you made me so much more than that Jack you made you made me someone special that's all any character can ask for I may not have an official name but I'm proud to be Billy oh I'm glad Billy so I guess this really is goodbye then I guess it is unless you play happy wheels every now and again just promise you won't forget me oh how could I forget Billy he's been such a huge part of the channel all the time it's one of the catchphrases that still hangs around as well I promise and Billy thank you thank you for look Jack I don't want to do this too long or do this long drawn-out goodbye all I want is to hear you say what you always say to me screw you Billy screw you too jack oh that's precious come on everyone let's go home bye [Music] I miss those old bugger faces that was so cute poor Billy I liked him how do we get out [Music] I knew you'd come uh-oh oh is that who I think it is what who are you you seriously didn't miss me I don't want to do it the voice yet just in case I'm disappointed in you I'd have thought it would have been obvious after all this time running around and trying to undo my work you mean I'm the boss what but I don't understand what did you try to stop us from leaving who are you Wow I guess it is true that no one really cares about me they only ever tuned in to see you the boss is nothing after all check who is that it's auntie right jack it's a computer and that's an evil you so that must be auntie it's not no it's Shawn isn't it ah you've caught on at last about time I wonder if you would figure it out or blunder around like an idiot with no idea what was really going on wait a minute what I thought Shawn was your real name no Shawn is his real name wait but don't you get it that's Jack the goofball the yelling idiot who never knows when to quit he's not me not anymore it's not true don't give me that I'm trying to turn against me I made you I'm the reason you even exist No don't you give me that Shawn you trapped millions of people on my hard drive and for what what was the purpose just doesn't make any sense of course it doesn't I didn't trap them here then who did don't you understand it was Billy who orchestrated this whole thing he trapped the subscribers he called us here really no that's crazy but he wouldn't do that to us he cares about the channel and the subscribers there what made him who he is oh he didn't know what he was doing he actually thought he was doing us a favor no that makes now haven't you ever wondered how he knew you needed power regulators and just so happened to have them on him how he always seemed to know just the right things to say at just the right moment he trapped everyone but he didn't do it to hurt you or anyone at all he knew that I was in conflict so he decided to set this whole adventure up so I would be the hero I would see how much my subscribers loved me and need me then why are there two of you what do you think Jack why are we two people I was so conflicted perhaps the computer saw two different people when I was uploading oh [ __ ] I it turned I into us and he's not as dumb as he looks is this a whole like when I'm recording I'm different than when I'm actually uploading videos or just sitting browsing around so that's why everything felt off you weren't completely you Jack I just thought I was wrong about you who you actually were you seemed different you caught on then I'm surprised I didn't think anyone would care where did you leave those messages the boss is nothing the boss is useless what's the point in leaving them all over the computer to stop me from coming come on Jack you're smarter than this you know how this place works we affect cannon more than cannon our thoughts and opinions and moods they shape this place what what it is what it looks like it's far more than ships or voices or headcanons even the message is found all over reflect how we really feel inside so why are you still here the only reason I didn't just leave is that I noticed two subscribers were missing they couldn't just leave two people trapped in two hard drive forever you mean we just glitched into the games instead of wherever this is yes it was a mistake you should have been uploaded with the others oh I guess we weren't special after all no that's not what I meant just come with me and everything is gonna be fine what did you do to them they're with the others now they're fine you are not leaving me here what are you gonna do about it I'm not gonna let you win game has been auto-saves worth the fight oh you feel your hands shaking and your heart beating come on Shawn I know you don't want to do this do you do you really we might have been the same person once but now everyone expects me to be you all the time but I'm more than just you I'm sick of drowning and you so much that I don't even know who I am anymore Oh God you trying to break into my psyche all of a sudden don't do this to me you feel powerless he doesn't seem to see you I know that's not true you stayed for Jenny and cliff you wouldn't leave it out them I know you still care that's not what this is about then what is it about it's about the real wood reason we're doing this it's for the subscribers it's because we want to make them happy it's because they expected of us and I'm sick and tired of keeping this facade oh yeah you have to change his mind but he's not listening I see where you're going with this what do you mean you aren't making any sense you you have no idea what it's like trying to act the same way day in and day out without anyone recognizing the real person behind it all it's tiring if it weren't for if it weren't fun for me to make the videos I would have quit long ago but now it's starting to lose its luster oh my god avoid the blue words it's the end worthless just a joke serves you well what what I didn't watch any blue words oh that I have to get the other one oh let's go this way [Music] huh don't hit any of them what wait maybe you're not supposed to talk [Music] wait I can't even actually hit the blue words what is happening nice nice hey cuz I thought if I hit the blue words it would trigger something but it doesn't I can just walk into them they just block me what do you mean you aren't making any sense uh what I thought I just did this Oh cuz I did fight last name you want to tell him this is just a momentary feeling but the words can't come don't you think you're overreacting maybe we do need a change of pace but getting rid of me isn't going to do anything so I can't remember exactly when this game was made but it it serves to remember when this happened when this game was made and when all if this stuff was written and I think it was it was written back when I wasn't mentally feeling my best when I wasn't like the whole PMA thing that I'm doing now and I wasn't basically when I didn't really know what I was doing anymore and I was having a lot of my own self doubt issues my are a lot of my own self confidence issues I didn't know where the next path forward was and doing YouTube didn't really feel the same I mean even today it doesn't really feel the same YouTube doesn't feel the same in general and it's not just a case of like oh well you just got boring or nobody cares anymore or you stop trying or any of that stuff it's just that's different conversations but YouTube in general you have to admit just does not feel the same as that you soup 2015 YouTube was my favorite YouTube when I've been doing it 2014 and 2015 that was the moment when everybody got your videos all the time everything you uploaded everyone was able to see YouTube wasn't [ __ ] you over constantly with like the copyright stuff wasn't even in then the the D monetization they're not sending your videos to all your subscribers so everybody was just like the comment system was just fantastic back then it was awesome it was amazing I was able to interact with so many people I know everything's just a whole [ __ ] mess that even when you upload stuff not even going to everybody it's like going to half your subs now these days or three quarters of your subs and everyone's like oh you have not bloated in a while and then other people are like oh boring now because not really many people are watching them anymore like not just me like a bunch of other youtubers like no YouTube just isn't sending our [ __ ] to everybody and then people kind of losing enthusiasm for it kind of wears off on you and then other people I don't know it's a big mess it's a big conversation to have but probably not the right time to do it like what vacation do you think we can just put everything down and turn off our social media and uploads that long three days after schedule and the relentless algorithms of internet relevance would begin to crush us you have no idea how true this is there's a reason why youtubers schedules means so much to them because I mean people will still be there people will still watch what you're doing but like again 2014 2015 if you took a week off the videos you were already uploading YouTube was pushing them constantly anyway like all the old series YouTube was flinging them out to everybody all the time because gaming was in such a fantastic place these days not so much gaming is getting hit very hard because there's a lot of violence and there's a lot of swearing just in the gaming community in general it's just the way it is that's the way games are so YouTube's not sending it out to everybody anymore so when I take time off to go on tour channel drops like like 70 million views I think it dropped and that was in the space of a couple of weeks it's banants and like whatever about the the view side of it and the money side of everything whatever that's not really that big a deal it's just a case of like it's scary to see how much YouTube can bury you immediately despite all the work you've put in to like build this community into what it is it's like you build up this community and you have a lot of fun with everybody and you think it's a great thing and then YouTube's like I don't know maybe it won't push it to everybody today maybe I won't send out your stuff to everybody because you swear too much kind of thing yeah don't get me started on the politics of what's happening on YouTube lately and even if I could take a vacation I can't even go to the movies without you being called out - it's getting very real ever heard of burn out great game well I suppose a little ball of energy like you wouldn't understand so the jack I'm playing as is the is the video Jack crap my bad so the game is not trying to say that like the video version of me is fake it's just that when I'm making my videos I'm in such a great place like I'm pushing myself harder I'm working very hard to make this entertaining stuff it's still me it's just kind of a it's like an entertainment version of me it's a it's me cranked up to 11 it's me at my best but sean is still a person outside of the videos I'm still a human after the videos get uploaded when I turn off the camera I don't turn off being me you see me every day but when the camera turns off and when the game shuts down and the video stops I'm still me in the background I'm still me going to the movies but a lot of people see me as this version instead of that other version and I don't mind that that much I still think it's very flattering and it's fantastic that people even want to take pictures with me or like my stuff enough that they know who I am in public these days [Music] okay there's lots of time why am i rushing this nice your mind reels how can he discount you like this so you're just giving up you don't know what I've been through I don't even share that with you you literally can't feel despair you can't understand how this feels you're just one face out of mani one little piece of me who monkeys around for amusement of others Jesus haven't you seen what they're saying about you I guess you wouldn't care you don't care what how what you do reflects on us anything to get a laugh right I don't know if I'd fully agree with the dialogue here it's alright for a while but now we're too divided I need more space from you we can't coexist anymore ah mccrory you did this outright that one I used to call you mockery online all the time and then when I met the developers for this they were saying no it's mccrory or make hoary oh I already forgot to say because I've been saying it's all wrong all this time sorry but I I recognize the art style is he right the community isn't going to care if you're me all the time they want to see our real face even if they don't like what they see they want the connection we've always tried to be genuine and honest why should it be different now I can barely a muster up the energy anymore Jack I can't be the person they want I don't want to let them down I can't let them down this is the only way to end this oh he chased me what a [ __ ] [Music] okay you ain't gonna catch me nanana nana yes oh god he's scary-looking you have to save him before he does something he'll regret you're wrong about the subscribers you're wrong about the community they really care about you yeah they might say that but they're just looking for their next laugh their next 20 minutes of entertainment I've stopped struggling I'm sick of this fighting one of us has to win it has to be me I have to make it right you think you're losing what is it you have to make right I need to set us all free and I can't do that if you keep getting in my way I can help you I don't want your help ah this cutscene played properly it's over I'm sorry if I made you feel that way but for me even if it's only 20 minutes of laughter it's sometimes the only 20 minutes in the day I come off you keep me company like a friend thank you please just thank you it's not just here we all of you not just cuz you're freaking hilarious but also because you know it's real for us don't do this I have millions of friends to talk to whenever I'm down or when I'm super excited about anything you give me the energy and the inspiration to keep doing what I love which is creating so thanks I am so proud of who you are and what you're doing thank you for giving me the courage to follow my dreams you memory wants or prays again to just keep on trying to throw a crack whatever the hell it is on do it hey hey how cool is others don't give up so sweep oh it's little green lights it's like when I went out on stage and people at the little green lights in the audience that's so cool [Music] see they do care even if it doesn't feel like it I know that's easy to forget but that's why I'm here that's why you need me because you can't do it alone and nobody should expect you to either burdens are lighter when carried by two or more like a few million more I'm sorry jack don't be don't be able to I might not be able to feel despair or burnout or anything negative really but I think that helps me see things in a better way it helps me see you the way everyone else does so easy to forget that everyone else sees us differently than we see ourselves so let me continue to be the one to remind you of that Thanks oh come on I think we've been separated for far too long wow that feels better so it was like the downsides of me and the upsides of me separated out [Music] home at last hey I thought you were gone is everything okay Wow thanks for the warm welcome you know that's not what I meant so what happened there was this burst of light and I don't really remember much me neither was weird worried about it glad you're back where's Sean well here I mean we were the same person this whole time now it's just official so can't believe Billy did all that believe it or not Billy was just trying to help my Sean sight did some digging while trying to figure out how we get to how to get back how to get us back I found out what happened I mean it's kind of convenient you know me meeting all my subscribers and beloved game characters but read a bit like a fanfiction that's what it was a well-intentioned story starring me being written by a little boy trying to fix something he saw was broken but how on earth did he do it lilius an installed like the other characters he's from a flash game so he was saved in the cookies on my computer parrot wire ish part Internet he's basically one of the most powerful people here ah clever so he used the Internet to bring us all here and send you on an ego trip I doubt that was it I think he brought us here to show Jack how valuable he is to us I agree but he sort of underestimated how complicated things could become because well at his heart he's really just a little boy doing the best he could so why are we still here well he must be uploading every one but I think he cued us last he must have wanted to make sure we had a chance to say goodbye so I guess we should say goodbye and stuff before a Billy sends us off yeah and stuff that's a Scott Pilgrim reference my man it was great meeting you even if no one is going to believe me I may not believe it myself but you know this is the most awesome thing that's ever happened to me take a picture well it's not like it's go by forever we still meet at conventions and stuff and we'd always have YouTube sadly the closest convection Convention to me is the awesome con but you haven't been to that one well you never know I guess I could google it or something I don't know what awesome Connie is I'm sorry there's so many conventions you could ask them to hire you that would probably be more effective see you around man yeah thanks for everything see ya oh no he just vanished so I guess it's time for me to I really want to say thank you Jenny for everything or for you I don't know how this would have ended no problem it all really meant a lot to me all of this I'll never forget it I'm really happy to have met you oh no you're making me cry too come here [Music] I do give good hugs Thank You Shawn oh you're welcome [Music] hey we're back in our house I thought the other one was back in the house but clearly we were still in wire 'land whatever internet computer time well this is a relief hey Andrew Adventure here no I think I can get one recording in before I go to bed right Oh typical [ __ ] me you go in this big long thing and then you get home it's like hey probably record for a little while never stop bathrooms back to normal that's good what about my kitchen ah normality its left a picture of myself in there I don't think I feel up to going outside right now also sounds like me all right [Music] I guess we end our adventure here Jenny cliff and everyone else are waiting for me so I guess it's back to work I go tap in the morning to you laddies my name is jacksepticeye welcome back oh no the cutscene messed up again [Music] Oh [Music] oh that's precious [Music] [Laughter] the art is so nice sar dubbed Maria Sally I guess I used to sing Sally all the time Oh guys this is wonderful good job in the music you can hear it right now [Music] oh that's so sweet burger this is really good I liked it a lot [Music] some of the some of the stuff at the end kind of hid a bit too close to home but I wasn't gonna like get into all of that right now [Music] I love overwatch [Music] but this was this is incredibly consistent incredibly well-written incredibly well planned out it was insane I can't believe the amount of detail that went into this quite far the best fine game that I've played not to put it down around the ones that other people have played I love those as well I love anything that people make for me especially because of doing YouTube but I mean this is like five to six hours long and it was just jam-packed full of everything [Music] typical sands [Music] I don't know I have a lot of stuff I want to say just trying to get my head around everything that's going on cuz there definitely is that sight of doing YouTube where you want people to see you more at least for me I want people to see me more as just than just being the face that's on screen just the face that's on screen all the time talking and yelling and swearing and playing video games it's nice that people come to the channel to watch jacksepticeye [ __ ] around in games for a while but it always means a lot to me when people see me more as a person at the end of the day as well instead of just being an entertainer because at the end of the day if if I'm making stuff and people enjoy it that's one thing that's awesome that's amazing and if I can distract people for 20 minutes a day or make them laugh if I find the thing that makes them laugh that day when something else can't that's outstanding and I'm so beyond grateful to be able to do that but also if there's times when I'm not feeling my best or if something goes wrong or something like that or I can't be that thing that day for that moment it's when people see you as a person that that becomes a lot easier because if people see you just as the Entertainer then it becomes very hard to take the breaks to take some time for yourself there's a lot of pressure on you to perform all the time and then people get mad at you if you can't perform to the best of your abilities all the time and for a long time I struggled very heavily with that I thought that people who were just here for that kind of stuff but it means a lot to me that people come this is very loud sorry it means a lot to me that people come to the channel for more than that and they actually come here to hang out with me and to be on this journey with me as Sean as much as they are with Jack even though we're the same person but you know what I mean [Music] because it's it's when that happens that it feels a lot more like people will stick with you and go through stuff with you for a long time and it's easy to it's easy to go out there and push myself super far with trends and memes and all this other stuff like clickbait and trying to get trying to boost the brand as much as I can but then I feel like you lose a part of that human element in the middle of that people don't stick with you but for different reasons then you still have to it's like if you've ever watched the the Jim and Andy thing on Netflix where Jim Carrey talked about being Jim Carrey how that almost became a character for a while and he was he said he became the character so much that it was either die as the character or to let the character go and hope that people still like you at the end of the day so when I started off doing this I never wanted it to become that thing I never wanted it to be a character that's why I always promoted like sincerity and honesty and genuineness and try to do this do it do YouTube in that way to the best of my abilities sure some stuff is kind of played up for the sake of the videos just to make stuff a bit funnier but it's always been me it's always been a genuine version of Who I am just kind of turned up a small bit just to have a bit more fun when I'm having fun I get loud again energetic because I didn't want to have that dichotomy that's just the position at the end of the day I didn't want to build up this character so much that later on I'd be like [ __ ] are people here for the character are they here for me so I always wanted to lay it out straight away and be like okay this is me I'm not perfect but I try my best and that's all I've ever wanted to promote it's always what I'm always on to try and instill in other people as well is that you can't do the whole like brand thing if you want if that's how you want to do stuff if you want to make a character and do stuff that way sometimes that's what people need to get the confidence they need to be who they want to be and Who am I to [ __ ] on that I don't know just makes you think [Music] I'm just really glad that everyone's still here even after doing this for five years that people still care and people still want to hang around me and people still want to meet me and people still want to be on this adventure together and I may have lost I kind of lost my way a small bit last year again what I was talking about when the Sean character showed up that last year I didn't really know what I was doing a lot of stuff fell apart that I was trying to do a lot of stuff that I thought was solidified a lot of stuff that I thought I knew had changed and it can go the way I wanted it to and different things in my personal life and everything and again not really being able to talk about that because you are who you are and if I talk about it it creates this whole mess of stuff that turns it into something way worse and way bigger than what it should be so there's that stuff plaguing the back of your mind as well that you can't really talk about certain things because you are a brand but at least at least as best as I can I can open up as much as I possibly can man a lot of people worked on this game it's amazing but yeah a lot of that last year was me not really knowing what I was doing trying to get stuff done and then falling apart thinking I knew certain things were set in stone and then they weren't really and then a lot of stuff changing and then it I kind of felt like I was I was just treading water I felt like I wasn't like heading anywhere because when you start off YouTube you have this super strong fiery passion to keep making stuff all the time that's cool and then when you kind of reach what you think you what you think is the top or the the plateau or the peak of what you wanted to do oh jacksepticeye for being you that's so sweet when you reach that moment then you start treading water because you're like oh where where is up anymore where is forward I don't know what's going on so that's why I made a strong initiative - all right everyone yes that's it we are going to give Jack a proper send-off with the wild lamb muscle anthem let's just get this a little crappy yeah yeah could we just get to the part where I sing over everyone it's really distracting Billy do you want to stand next to me up front yeah let's keep all the tall people in the back where they belong also baby can you try to be a bit less creepy this time I will try but this is my default voice no guarantees Oh God that's a really good impression here we're here to get everyone into please don't push me move on my own character I said shut we are gonna give Jack the best dancing up in the history of setting up so you maggots better shape up or ship aha where shall I stand doesn't matter you're not like corporate corporeal everyone ready let's begin [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh that's sweet [Music] it's a durian [Music] it's cool because there's a lot of names here that I actually recognize I'm a lot better with pictures and hairstyles [Music] it's a good answer [Music] stupid [Music] glory to arstotzka wrong country starts cat oh thank you ooh there's more later oh one day it was a really long signing but it looks like everyone is going home except to 18-plus crowd I'll write a convention so great convention right I wasn't like to meet you but got hit by the cutoff oh that hits close to home that the amount of people who said that to me at PAX just gone and it it broke my heart there was there was a point when we were like walking through the convention hall and people are like like yelling stuff about not being able to make it or not being able to see me and coming like such a long distance and I had to just keep walking forward while the enforcers were also saying like okay you need to come I was just focused forward and looking forward and like because if I turned around my heart would have just sank seeing people's faces and seeing them be like saying they came such a long way to meet you but then they couldn't it destroys me there was great so he didn't get to meet me but hey we're talking now [Music] so it happened right what happened you know that thing shame bilious in here yeah I missed that guy I don't good guy though Yeah right Jenny [Music] it did happen oh that's so sweet cuz they said we meet up at a convention hey Jack thanks so much for playing this game hey that's me the developers and I really appreciate this and we hope you had a great time but more importantly we want you to remember something I could never have gotten where I am if it weren't for you and this game wouldn't have been possible if not for the community every single one of us every single one of you is valuable you may not see that all the time that's okay but Jack you were important you're an important part of the community you're important part of the lives of the people around you too often were our own harshest critics and our own biggest bullies we belittle the impact we have on others because we're too critical of ourselves or underestimate our own gifts and talents so you remember anything from this game please remember that you are amazing and you are worth it jack and if you don't feel that way that's okay too there's a huge community out there full of amazing people who will be there for you and will encourage you community exists in part because of you and that makes you valuable to me and valuable to us thank you jack for being a part of this community we couldn't do what we do without people like you and thanks again for bringing this game jack see you around welcome to the gallery be sure to talk to everyone and look at everything oh I get to meet a bunch of people who made the game all right Rico I finally get to pet Rico round of applause for una who made this treecko sprite it took quite a while to convert him into pixelated form but playtesters responded very favorably to him and it was worth it it's also worth noting that Annie Alice did the GLaDOS spray and completely blew the team away with how good it looked wow so many people oh my god okay don't leave okay let's talk to some people hey Jack my name is echo echo I'm gonna writing this at 1:56 a.m. and highly sleep-deprived this probably isn't healthy anyway thank you for playing this game it means a lot to everyone involved I love your videos and your personality I know you hear messages of all different types but I wanted to say some things in my own way so thanks you nerd for everything for the laughs smiles friends they've picked me up and down to earth moments thank you so much jack you mean a lot to me now I'm gonna stop so you can talk to the others happy gaming you Irish potato oh thank you echo echo hi jack I'm cat or a kitty cat thang have you seen that username in the comments would you look at this I'm in a video game I've been in the community for a hot minute now halves introduced by my best friend I got hooked in October 2016 with the first anti pocalypse simpler times that was awesome dude but I'm still on the edge of my seat with every appearance anyways I'm so so glad I asked Katie if I could play test for her I was the first let's player of this game truly an honor because this game has brought me so many new friends and opportunities and has made me appreciate the fandom a trillion times more than I already did now I'm working with her and the team at sarcastic past games look out for the sequel whoo and on the channel on on the YouTube channel as a VA I just generally great I'm so thanks for that man for all the awesome stuff you do I really hope you like playing and hope that you like the bonus track cough syrup the musical because those are my lyrics and they were super fun to write cough syrup song with cats incredible lyrics is available on the combustible pasta Studios channel on YouTube and you'll be seen in the gallery if you look at the posted computer neat hi I'm Emmy I play Jenny and me in this game keeps writing the magic that is your joy and optimism to this world it's been a great crazy road trip so far best put jack in the driver seat and his millions of fans in the backseat having a rip-roaring time Cheers thank you hey Jack I'm not good at this sort of thing since I'm really awkward a heartfelt messages saying fam but I just wanted to say thanks for being hilarious and bringing a smile to my face I don't always watch your videos but when I do and they never feel fail to cheer me up and some of them have gotten me through some rough spots every now and then so thanks a bunch keep being awesome Amanda miss Cucamonga Thank You Jack hello tis I Emily the one responsible for the craziness that is and forever shall be known as the character cliff K Dean I've been writing the same How to Train Your Dragon fanfiction together for the last nearly four years and next thing you know my co-author my bestie was telling me how she wanted to rip cliff from his home in the world of obscure fanfiction now from one door to another he must understand that we have to stand up for each other in to accept the guy in dork t'm that being said I was a bit apprehensive allowing my cliff stirrer to go from the confines of fan fiction to the world of gaming I sincerely hope that you enjoyed him but as you saw cliff is a bit of a talker that likes to toss random puns at the most inconvenient of times I loved him also hide your snacks he'll eat your cake shamelessly without mercy honestly if you love cliff you would love me because me and cliff are one and the same - the fact that he is distinctly male and I am NOT now go forth my friend and stay dorky hope you love the game and have a fantabulous day sir thank you and I did I loved him how do we even sir you've meant so much to me over the last couple of years when I saw the first video buy you a happy wheels by the way our IP I was in such a dark and hopeless place that I hadn't even smiled in months but for the rest of the night my sides were aching from laughing so hard and I know you've heard it a million times but thank you for saving me for making me see good in the world again the last couple years have been so much brighter since I found you and your channel and you've helped change me so much because of your enthusiasm for life and your drive to be the best you can be you sparked my desire to be to be more and to do more because of you I now have the courage to sit in front of a camera playing games trying my hardest to be the best me and to maybe make someone else smile that's amazing you're an incredible man Sean and I will always be one in the sea of faces cheering you and watching you grow keep doing what you're doing and keep stretching your horizons and you will continue to change lives Danny cobalt ELISA thank you so much [Music] hey Jack my name is casual sole or DJ as some people call me and I voice-acted cliffs medley in this game I'm a pretty big fan of you and your content and I just want to take this time to say that you have helped me a lot in my life whenever I was having a horrible day or just feeling down watching your content just made me feel better by making me smile and laugh I'm especially a fan of your longer playthroughs my favorite probably being your under charted for one I like that one too and for that I just want to say thank you for being who you are and doing what you do and keep being yourself and keep doing what you do thank you oh thank you I like the longer playthroughs as well I'm glad you like that one because I really liked the Uncharted 4 playthrough hijack I was a play tester for this game because you in the community you created have done so much to help me in the past I wanted to give something back so I decided to assist in what way I could with this wonderful game thank you so much thank you hi jack I'm Wolfie aka nightmare wolf on tumblr you might remember my art from there I hope you enjoyed the game it was fun to be part to be part of for me and creatively fulfilling as an artist and seeing how passionate the team was making this game was just super nice and encouraging they did a great job you really did as for me I just wanted to thank you for doing what you do and making me and millions of other people smile every single day heck even you reblogging my art makes me happy for the rest of my day it's super sweet that you interact with us this much and care about us all really thank you I know we aren't supposed to thank you for that but guess what I just did I go talk to other people I'm sure they have something nice to say as well oh you guys are so sweet hi I'm Lara I did a few songs and sprites for the game I hope you like it check your videos make me laugh on my worst days and you make me happy even when I'm at my lowest please keep doing what you're doing we all love you man this really brings it all home hey Jack I'm Becca rubber soles 19 online I did some of the air for this game I did a lot of the air in the credits and the air for the very last video anyway I know if you got tons of lovely people to talk to you so I'll try to be brief haha I've been apparently jacksepticeye community for two years now and I've absorbed a lot of your positive energy and messages about keep smiling and such most of us have really touched me was I think it was last summer I don't remember how it all started but you ended up taking several EDD tests over about a week I know crazy stuff but let me explain those videos made me more nervous than I'd ever confess see I've had almost 20 years to come to terms with my ADHD the static fours the jittering the tongue tying and losing or forgetting things all the time and just the overall sense of being the class clown and laughed at or an embarrassment to be around it hasn't been easy actually most of the time it's very very hard but never once has it or my struggles or mental illness never act ever actually felt validated here in the US the two are a catch-all they aren't considered anywhere near as serious as other illnesses so they aren't taken as seriously or seriously at all never in almost twenty years have I heard someone actually someone actually validate all my struggles and not just mine there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of us in the community and a few that help build this game then all struggle with a DD or ADHD and every single person that I've talked to has expressed the same thing and overwhelming gratitude for someone that we all look up to for finally taking these illnesses seriously and treating them respectively so thank you I'll forever mean more to us then I think I can ever describe for me from them from all of us thank you oh gee I'm rambling after all sorry whether you're a DD or ADHD yourself or not Jack you've been a bigger ally to us then you may ever understand and are here for and we are here for you to the people you've empowered and here for you friend heck we're here for everyone and anyone who thinks they might be struggling with this or who already are we're a family like no other we literally call ourselves a tribe and we are here to support you and be your friend so again thank you just thank you can I get a high five for all of us tribe members and a hug if I ever met you meet you in person you sure can we do the high five right now push well sorry for rambling like that but thanks for playing the game so many terrific people worked really hard on it you better get going and keep mingling through a rolling stone and all that gathers no moss see you around oh that was sweet and then again that hits it's very close as well because as they said a lot of that stuff is not taken seriously and it pains me to see so many people in the community all the time come to me saying how much they're struggling and how much they're suffering and how much they're going through and how much what I do helps them through a dark patch so of course I'm gonna take all these things seriously when you when you see when you see it firsthand and you hear firsthand people's stories and like this it really kind of resonates with you that you have a responsibility to use whatever influence you have to do as much as you can and a lot of what I want to do on YouTube these days a big drive for what I'm trying to do now the kind of treading water and not really know what I'm doing and not really knowing where the next step is that I spent so long building this platform and building this community and everything and trying my best to bring people together and everything everybody's here now we're still building a community together but everyone's here it's about time I stopped thinking about what's next I like in regards to like okay well where's the end to this to this influence where's the end of this subscriber train going it's not about that anymore it's about using the power we have now to empower others and to spread that message and that's what the whole PMA stuff is about it's it's not so much about building myself up anymore or building up this community anymore we can still do that um and stronger than ever because there's so many of us here but it's about empowering those of us who are here to try and be better and to try and do better in our lives and to try and help each other out in the community and spread that positivity the world as well because we've more influence over other people than we we care to think about and for the longest time I think I kind of misunderstood or misrepresented how how much influence this community in this channel can have and how many people it actually is reaching on a daily basis and then you go out and especially going out on tour it really put into perspective I was doing shows to crowds of like eighteen hundred twenty seven hundred two thousand different crowds of people every night but I was like seeing like I think the biggest one we did was 2700 people in Philly and seeing that amount of people in a room all together was astonishing that's a huge number of people and you think that that's just a drop in the ocean of what's actually on the channel and it's it's easy to forget that in the middle of everything else that's going on because so many people especially these days because of the ad pocalypse and because of stuff they're not going to every subscriber because everyone's clamoring to try and figure out what the next algorithm is everyone's trying to figure out what the next thing is like how do I get views again how do I get everything to go back up hard how do I get out of this hole that I mean that's kind of the mentality that everyone's going through on YouTube these days because nobody knows what the next trend is and I kind of got sick of figuring out what that was instead of just pumping out videos for the sake of getting numbers to go back up I want to try and do more meaningful stuff and that's another thing of what the tour was was to do something like sure I'll miss some videos now and then and I do have a lot of dates on tour to go out again soon and I probably missed some videos there but the point is is that the community is still going to be there and I'd rather go out and do a show for people to be able to do it in person with you and give you something more than then just like YouTube videos and spend an evening with you and to just try something new and push it in a different direction because I want to and that's the the idea of the show if you've seen it and I don't want to give too much away about it there's a reason why you have to see much of it online because the whole idea of it is to empower people to go do the thing that they want to do it's it's called how did we get here because it's a journey of how did we get here how do we get to this moment right now and it's going through that entire journey to kind of break it down and to show you what it is to do this and then to empower you to try and do your own things at the end of the day and that's what that's what I want to leave off with again it's easy to push your brand it's easy to move forward it's easy to just become that type of youtuber or that type of influencer who goes out and influencer I don't like that word but it's easy to go out there and do that side of it and to promote yourself as a brand and to try and get the views and the subs in the money and the gains but it's this type of stuff that means a lot more to me it's it's doing it you can still build a brand and everything you can still do all that stuff as a byproduct of just doing it in a way to try and treat others nicely to try and empower them because it's this type of project that a bunch of people all come together for that you don't see often with many other youtubers how many other youtubers have had 5 to 6 hour games made of them with so many talented people put in that weren't even asked to do it I didn't fund anybody to do this I didn't ask anybody to do this I didn't Commission anybody you just all did it out of your own goodness and your own kindness because you wanted to do something you wanted to give back and that's what I that's what I love I love that's the type of message I want to leave the world with I want it like even if I disappeared in the morning I hope people still remember the positivity people still remember the sincerity people still remember the genuineness that was the jacksepticeye channel because the jacksepticeye channel is not just me it's it's the community that's all here together and that's what I want people to remember most of all it's just how fun all of this can be how nice people can be to each other without everyone happened to spill each other's blood to try and get ahead anyway moving on hey Jack I am RZ 0 for 6 although most people just call me alte ear I'm one of the Nerds you have play test this game foot huh anyway I just want to say thank you so much for doing what you do you bring joy to a lot of people me included and I think that's a really incredibly incredible ability to have hope that you also get to feel the same happiness that you give to others stay cool positron hello i'm kathryn AKA neko puffs I hope you had fun playing I did the work I did on this was a speck compared to the hard work of others but nonetheless I had fun offering my time for it it's the least I can do your kindness reminds me to believe they're still good in the world thanks for being a beacon of hope when I had none oh thank you see that's that's what it's all about they're the best thing anybody or a bunch of people at this point have said to me but the first time I ever heard somebody say you made me laugh for nothing else could that was like a big huge moment for me when you realize just how much all of this means to other people and it is easy to get lost in it if I'm sitting here and I'm just uploading videos every single day I will get completely lost in it and I've seen a lot of people be upset that when I go out on tour they do miss out on videos and I know that that sucks and I try my best to keep up on top of things I can't do everything all the time it's impossible I will end up destroying myself and I have a lot of work left to do I have a lot of stuff and a lot of joy left to spread hopefully and a lot of messages left to give that I'm not stopping anytime soon and I don't want to burn myself out to a point where I hate doing this and that's why going on tour is important because it's different it's fun it's exciting it's challenging but more more than anything I get to see you guys in real life and I get to actually talk to you and see what it means to do all of this stuff same with the conventions it's worth taking some time away to do other stuff with the community hi I'm Taylor I helped with programming wire land and teaching the team how to work with RPG maker wow I'm really glad to have contributed it to such a passionate fan project thank you so much hey Jack it's me Laura also all things music on YouTube you might know me from tumblr the name rings a bell anyway if you're reading this I just want to say thank you for playing the game it means a lot to me and everyone who was involved in making it although I didn't create this amazing game I did write some of the music come on now you did a great job this includes the arrangement of all the way one of the money that I've done remember me now haha maybe not I do remember you now anyway thank you again for playing like a boss or should I say boys sorry throat bye jack bye hey there I'm Fife when I saw the tumblr post calling for emergency artist hub so this game could be completed I volunteered my help I don't watch your videos jack but I hope you know how special and absolutely dedicated your fan base is treat them well and know that they really love you that is so sweet you don't even watch my videos and you still helped out because you like the community thank you five cuz that's another thing is that I know what I do is not for everybody and I have struggled with it I have struggled with it at some points because I I was worried that I was becoming a caricature of myself because I've seen it happen to so many people on YouTube that when you start off this is the pattern of what happens to youtubes you start off you're doing the thing whatever it is that you do people react positively to it in my case people reacted positively to the energy the swearing the accent and the yelling and then which again sounds really weird but those were the common things that I always got told were a really fun thing in my videos obviously the positivity but they were kind of that was kind of a byproduct of the other things it was just naturally a bubbly positive person anyway so that kind of just came off regardless but you do it so often if you're doing the thing over and over again then after a while you start to go okay what am i doing again cuz you when you're starting off you don't really know what you're doing you're just trying it out and that's the thing that people end up loving is that like perfectly pure version of yourself because you yourself don't know what you're doing you're just being you and then the people don't know what you're doing because you're just being you and they're getting to know you so they end up loving all these different elements of you so then when I when it started to get bigger and bigger and bigger and then the gimmick for lack of a better word wears off people then they get what you do they get the yelling they get the accent they get the the messages and the positivity and they get the energy all that stuff so then after a while people start questioning you people start wondering well he does this all the time is that fake that's not real or they just get bored of it because they've seen it and they know they know what you do now at this point and for me it's never been fake it's never been a case of like sometimes it is hard to push yourself through a video and sometimes you kind of do have to turn it on just to just to get through something but it's never been to a point where if I really feel bad I'll ever fake it just so I'll get views or something like that it's ever been a case like that but then after that when people start questioning you you start questioning yourself and then you risk the you risk the version of yourself becoming a parody or a caricature because the yelling and the swearing and everything starts to become something that's become so so consistent and so repetitive that you start to wonder if that's actually you anymore and then you kind of tone it back because you're like wait what if I'm pissing everybody off with this thing because they start questioning you so you question yourself they question you and you're left in this really weird grey middle ground so you start doubting the stuff you're doing you start having confidence issues you you've gone up to a point and then it starts to like slowly go this way I'm Plateau out that you start wondering oh god are people getting bored of me do people not like me anymore at least this is kind of the stuff that I was going through and I've seen this pattern everywhere on YouTube so you kind of come to this crossroads of you either think okay no this is fine what I'm doing I I've just always been myself what I'm doing it's fine I just keep doing that and I love it last year was me coming to terms at that and this year I'm like no [ __ ] it I believe in what I'm doing people obviously like me to some degree that I'm just gonna keep doing me I'm gonna keep being me and if other people are gonna question it [ __ ] them if they don't want to be here anymore that's fine you don't have to be here you can move on sometimes you grow out of it and you can move on to something else that's perfectly fine as well or what other people do is the end up starting to believe that what they did was a character and then they just play that character because that's all they know now and that's when you truly get lost and I've come to like I've come to like settle back in a small bit I don't yell as much anymore because I've kind of what I do is kind of changed my style has kind of changed I like different parts of me have changed yelling just seems to be the continuous thing that people always talk about in regards to me but I've seen so many other youtubers just destroy themselves or they've kept progressing they've kept going up and up and up but I can tell that it's not them anymore and parts of them are just like I I often wonder do they even just enjoy it anymore because they're just playing a character version of themselves and I worry about that because like well Who am I to say what other people shouldn't do but no having gone through stuff like that having gone through the circuit of being a youtuber and having gone through the attention of a lot of people and kind of come out the other side men like hey I'm okay I'm still fine and that's why I've always tried to stay so grounded and try to interact with people so much and you guys keeping me grounded and keeping me rooted because it is very easy to go off on that path and I don't want that to happen I want to stay the same person that I've always been and I'd like to think I've done a good job of that but any youtubers out there I don't know if you'd be watching right now but it's okay it's okay to settle back it's okay to not have to perform all the time it's okay to take some time for yourself it's okay to be a human yeah hi jack my name's Yuna and I wanted the sprite artists of this game I've been watching your channel for a little over two years now and this year I finally got to meet you at your PAX East panel you did you might remember me as one who gave you the Shadow of the Colossus drawing and the one who is constantly apologizing for my over emotional state I do but you were lovely I know I mentioned this there as well but since I'm given the opportunity I wanted to thank you again for being such a positive force in my life I was diagnosed at PTSD and major depression at 16 and your content has gotten me through some of the worst of it as of now I'm in therapy and on meds to help me cope but for the many years that I was barely making it through the videos you produce have never failed to put a smile on my face when I felt like I was incapable of happiness so thank you from me and millions of other people who've helped along the way and I hope you enjoyed the game oh that's lovely and it's it's fantastic that people at such a young age now are certain are able to come to terms and what they're going through as difficult as it is people are starting to a lot more be able to open up about what's going on like my II my generation or my childhood or anything no one ever did that especially in Ireland that's why everyone in Ireland are such [ __ ] up alcoholics who never opened up about their feelings there's so many like stereotypes in regards to that but it's so awesome to see people taking control of their lives now when stuff hits them hard on a young age and it hits everybody hard at a young age everybody goes through their struggles some people get better from it some people live that life for the rest of their life thinking that there is no help so it's awesome to see a lot of you being empowered and taking charge and taking your lives into your own hands and actually getting help for it so good for all of you I'm Ayla I want to say thank you jack for being here to put smiles on our faces and for brightening up our days that sometimes go completely downhill with every single video you upload I've no words to describe how much you influence and still influence me to be the best version of myself to be way more positive especially when I was such a negative person and I'm so so grateful so once again thank you and your amazing community for always being there for me hey give yourself more credit again you took your you took charge into your own hands good for you oh hey Jack I'm Alina how's it going that's pretty good just wanted to thank you for being one of the things that make my life way less depressing sometimes and also for being the reason I met all those great new people when I started working on this game keep being awesome Wow check septic I it's so cool to meet you well in a sense at least where to begin probably with my name right I'm ace that's a cool name I've been watching you for about three years now give or take you've helped me through so much I don't even know what to say man there's so much I want to tell you there's so much I want to thank you for I found your videos when I was in a really dark place and there's no words to tell you how much I appreciated how much I appreciate you what I'll say of all of that for another day I don't think I'd be half of who I am without you I doubt I'd have even met some of my closest friends if it weren't for you I doubt I would even have been able to join such an amazing team to help I'm living my dream right now working on video games and I've had an absolute blast I owe you so much and I know you always say not to thank you and that we don't owe you anything but honestly you give and receive if that makes any sense I have so much more I want to say tell you the whole story on how you helped me but we'll have another day to talk icon or who knows maybe the Stars will align and I'll meet you walking around one day for now I'll let you move on you've got stuff to record things to do people to talk to I'm sending you good vibes always jackaboy keep up your amazing work I make sure to punch the like button in the face like a boss see around so sweet [Music] hi my name is Julie Jenny's sister she mentioned me in some flavor text but you might not have seen it so believe it or not I actually was supposed to be a main character in this game but I didn't test too well with early play testers so they scrapped me oh oh I'm sorry I guess it's all parents game develop game development and you never know if I'll get used elsewhere Jenny really was the better character but I would have been a bit more sarcastic and a bit more of a natural leader I just really wasn't as nice and I think that's why I didn't gel with the team as well as Jenny did say what you want people like they're cute cinnamon roll characters hence cliff and Jenny making the final cut but I couldn't let you use I couldn't let you say goodbye to this game without at least seeing me first oh and there is one more thing the developers are working on an art book since so much of the art this game wouldn't fit into in this party room without it getting massive so keep an eye out for it that's so cool I guess now I do have a purpose to tell you about that you might see me in another game but until then bye Oh bye I'm sorry you didn't make the game hijack I'm Annie Alice free artist so happy to meet you I just want to say thank you so much for all the positivity you bring into mine and other people's life you work so so hard not only for the sake of the creating but also for the connection with people it just warms my heart thank you that's what it's all about making people smile and just chatting with them hi I'm David it was a dream all along I don't know what else to say haha yo the names haddock yes like the fish hey speaking of fish what are you gonna fish with noise a fish maybe you've heard that word already but it never gets old to me it's one of my favorite jokes along with what did the teacher say when he lost his pencil I don't know where's my but anyway as I was saying I'm hot okay basically just a nerdy musician who hoards musical instruments books and action figures love video games - oh speaking of games and stuff your YouTube channel there are no words to describe how wonderful and inspirational you are thank you so much for all you've done for the community around you thanks man hey it's it's Santi how's it going this isn't fair I should have been the villain of this game I'm not gonna do it I mean glitching into a computer and having to face against yourself where the developers have to make this all psychological well aren't you here now sure fanservice I don't even get a face how unfair is this sorry man maybe someday you'll make worse maybe someone will make you the villain of your own game one day Oh trust me this isn't over maybe they will hijack Sean my name is ava or eva AKA creations of eve game no see Eva I'm one of the video editors and the team and also the main credits artist and editor just wanted to say thank you I found the channel during my final year when I was studying far away from home missing my friends and family the first series that I watched was Fran ball but the beginner's guide really struck a chord same with me that that game towards the end just opened up my mind it was late to have like a friend to play video games with I used to play them tons with my siblings so watching your videos felt like having a piece of home away from home after my studies that was burned out and lost my spark but then October 2016 happened and kicked my creativity into overdrive holy hell that was an awesome month and to this day your videos still cheer me up immensely and also inspire me at the same time shout out the community as well for being awesome and inspiring to so many cool people I'm happy to be a part that's all of you and again that's that's exactly what happened to me with YouTube I moved away from home and went to a cabin in the woods and had no friends and I had nothing else to do but play video games and then I turned to youtube I'm not gonna get into it here but that pulled me out of my darkest time so that's another big factor for doing YouTube the way I do it because of how much it meant to me at that moment I know exactly how it feels to find a YouTube channel that you feel a part of and a community that you feel a part of and you belong to that's why the other side of doing YouTube has never appealed to me or has never swayed me too much because I would have lost that connection world what it will what it was to have nothing and having YouTube be the thing that saved me in a way hey Jack my name is Jay and I worked audio and video editing on the game you're playing right now hey that must mean some of the audio right now that you've worked on but that's not what I usually do as a hobby if you look up my full name Jay E Colima you can find the music I'm making online most of stuff is free but I'm releasing an album pretty soon so be on the lookout for that oh I wanted it to come out since or don't I'm not a cop love what you've been doing for the past few years keep up the great work I will try why are you here hey you said I was your favorite in this team as was heavily influenced inspired by undertale seem natural so you want to buy something a pass on that thank you hey Jack I'm just in the lead composer thanks for playing the game I hope you had fun with it cuz I definitely had fun writing music for it cheers mate I did and your music is amazing I mean I know this is a fan game but I don't even know who you who or what a jacksepticeye is kidding thanks for playing Oh mccrory the main script our programmer and assistant artist 90% of what I did on this game was just background work and while I'm only a guest developer it was nice to help with some of the visuals and the finale hope you had fun playing there are a ton of references and characters in this and it's fun to see some of the old stuff mixed in with the new this team made this the T this team made this game for you and the millions of people in this community and I hope you enjoyed it thanks for making it this far see you around McCrory thank you so much I really appreciate the work not only that you've done in the past but continue to do not only for this game as well but I still see you around doing stuff for not only me but other youtubers as well and it's so awesome you've you've an immense talent and I hope that you keep it up because you're amazing so shout out to you McCrory hey Sean I'm Amy thanks for being that voice running in the background of my mental breakdowns you've been a comfort and an amusement I sincerely wish the best for you and your next adventures whatever they may be thanks oh wow hey there jack December update because you said you wanted to play this game on the 13th I decided to do some minor edits to it to fix up some issues and polish a few things so it's now been three months since the game released we've gotten some awesome fan art for it which were displaying here thank you so much to all the people who made art for it we absolutely love fine art and appreciate everyone who took the time to make some this is a shout out to the community here thank you so much for all the kind words you've said about the game we got so many glowing wonderful reviews and fine art and even theories we treasure everyone you've supported us through a lot of hard times read our silly Tumblr posts and encouraged us every step of the way we can't thank you enough for your support this game really was a love letter to the community much more than just a game for Jack you completely deserve second of effort we put into it we love you guys thank you so much SPG and of course I always try and encourage this stuff because I'm not not just stuff for me for any sort of like narcissistic reasons but just I love watching people create I love watching people find a passion using their talents getting involved in stuff doing projects all together being a community and working together to build each other up and do cool stuff together and if I can be the funnel or focal point for that albeit a fan game so be it I'm just happy that people are creating stuff and to see them so passionate about something it's amazing my mango fritter it's mean cliff septic doctor steam oh look at me a naughty boy herb Jack or Shawn I guess one of our awesome new artists for the sequel ah awesome oh wait sorry the name cashy's arts it turned I turned into we by Luna Thank You Luna bye curio he's holding up that the graffiti I don't know if you remember this but you reblogged this one I told her I do and we were a little concerned you'd accidentally spoiled the game oh I didn't even put it together I just reblog cool banner by fire wolf goddess Thank You fire wolf by MC animated okay let's talk hijack my name's James and I'm a patreon supporter of sarcastic plastic games the studio that made this game I'm a fan of this game but I've also been a fan of yours for a long time thank you for making me laugh when I felt down you always make me feel better I especially love your playthrough of Spyro 3 I love that one too I can't wait for their their reignited edition to come out all the Spyro games again keep doing what you're doing the world is better for having you in it all the best hey right back at you man Sub Zero thank you for the fine art and petite echo risin thank you [Music] cieaura CRI dragon one of our awesome new artists for the sequel cool Mickey tub Makita mirrored oka Makita & marie toka oh I remember oh cool Mady drawers I recognize this style let's go and save my subscribers thank you woo bye Lundy Lawrence and bye kitty cat thang hey I just talked to you thanks hi jack I haven't been subscribed for very long it's not even been a full year but I still want to say thank you you gave me something to look forward to again and through your community I've made some amazing friends friends who would also like to say thank you wow that's a lot of names and me M Oh No Ronnie Ronnie Miranda thank you so much jack from all of us haha hey dork thanks for stopping by my name is Sarah though most people know me as ginger and I've been a patreon patreon or patron for surpassing caste games since I discovered the boss back in August 2017 by working as a lyricist and chorus member for their YouTube channel combustible past the studios I've met dozens of hard-working friendly and incredibly talented people within the company I'm sure now that you've played through a few of their games you agree I sincerely hope you love all of our future works as much as we love making them oh and then the off-chance jack is reading this hi I just wanted to say thanks again I've been subscribed to you since your log cabin days and seeing you grow and branch out over the years inspired me to do the same there's no way I'd be Who I am today if I hadn't gone searching for some roller coaster view our reaction vids and stumble across your channel I wish you luck with all your future projects and in whatever the heck you do see in the next video this is so like courage encouraging and motivating reading all of this stuff Thanks play celestial sushi you saw this one on tumblr as well hey I'm Katie I met you right I guess you could say that I'm the boss of the boss yeah you said that when I met you it was lovely meeting you guys by the way I was one who came up with the idea got the team together program most of the game itself wrote most of the dialogue and agonize over every aspect of it for nine months straight this is basically a baby then this is your child that's in addition to playing the newscaster the turrets alphys Mei and creating some sound effects of my own and I helped sing the song of the layers on the layers of fear record yeah I definitely put a lot of work into it and I'm so glad you played it it means a lot first of all I want to thank you for playing this game I would call it my game but it's a lot more than that I might have gotten the ball rolling but it's our game the communities I would tell you the story of how this game came to be but I think I'll save that for the art book or I could tell you in person at PAX East I forget you get the chance to meet you I'll be there this year and I'd love to talk to you in person ah though I've been so cool afraid God at the end of this before that but now that I actually know what you look like it makes this a lot more meaningful to read and you did get to meet me in person and we talked a lot and you did you did tell me all about how you came up with this stuff and a lot of you told me what you did on the game as well it was lovely you even told me if we a tumblr reblog that you'd be really nice if we met in person and I would be holding you to that as long as your meet and greet isn't Saturday I'll be there cat wait was I nice I hope so I mean I was I don't need to say I hope so but it was lovely meeting you I hope I hope it was everything you'd hoped it was the silly little game idea seemed to be the answer to my prayers for inspiration no joke I really did pray for creative ideas and God came through for me in fact there were a lot of very convenient events and the development of this game every time I needed a new idea either I or someone on the team got a good one every time I needed to replace someone or find someone to help a team member out the right person stepped up at exactly the right time a few times it even happened before or even before I knew it was going to going to need someone how's that for Providence I mean that's exactly what you were doing in the game I really feel like this game was meant to be like it could really make an impact on someone and if it does help even one person that's good enough for me I poured everything I had into this game finances time energy time I II could have spent sleeping you name it and I probably contributed it but I'm so proud of how it came out how it's actually come together in ways I never could have dreamed the original ideas I had for this game pale in comparison to this a new community came through for me time and time again I could never have done this without them and I could never have made the friends I made along the way if not for you the game may have starred you but it was really about the community and how powerful it is about not kicking yourself when you're already down about remembering that good can come from bad situations even if you know how to look at it that's that's a really nice message and I really like that I don't think these are lessons I've learned the easy way I still struggle with them every single day so in a way maybe the person this game helped the most was me whoever you are be you jack or an amazing person in the community I hope you enjoyed this game and I hope that it's made you reevaluate your life and how you look at situations and Shawn thank you for making researching so much fun I had to watch countless hours of videos to write for you and I had a blast you're an incredible man and I look forward to seeing what you do next I probably wrap this up thank you again for playing my game I hope you'll continue to sports sarcastic paths through donations or on our patreon or through compostable past the studio's our YouTube channel or just by playing our games we want to keep bringing you these amazing games so please consider helping us so that we can help you thank you again Katie Katie Murray $9.99 also known as the intuitive special and Kate Murray $9.99 Thank You Katie you put so much effort and work into this and it really paid off and I'm so glad that I got to meet you in person and just chat things out hi jack I'm Jessica but a lot of people who call me sushi that's to say that I wasn't very familiar with your videos before this game but man I can definitely say I'm a fan now I met you at PAX as well right working on this game has been a crazy experience but it's one that I wouldn't trade for anything I mean it got me into watching your videos which is awesome but it also showed me exactly what I want to do with my life which is make video games interestingly enough I wanted to make videogame music back in high school but the fact that I needed to audition to get into the university music school scared me off that track stupid I know but now I'm back at the track I feel I need to be on only this time I'm more involved in the overall game making process kind of funny that I went from just drawing undines face sets and she's my favorite character to doing papyrus signs and Alpha's as well to becoming assistant everything and really putting my heart into this game literally if you listen to the escaped track from the layers of fear section that's my heartbeat in the background Wow when I wrote that song I thought it'd be fitting to add a piece of me considering that layers of fear featured an artist pointing with well spoilers from haven't seen it but I think you get what I mean yeah anyway thank you so much for playing this game by doing that you're showing the world what a group of relatively unknown but talented people can do and this will definitely help pave the way for our futures and as someone who's been working part time for the past six years since graduating from college hoping she can do something in the future to actually support herself this means so much to me this game is not only a love letter to you and your fantastic community of fans but also a business care portfolio and demonstration of what we can do so from the bottom of my heart thank you I'm always gonna remember how you helped us get our dream career started you guys hello game ending Fox hello Jack do you want to end the game now or keep looking I'll keep looking around a small bit who upcoming fan games sceptic sweet hurts by the sweet hair squad coming soon an egocentric dating sim oh I'm into that repeat entertained by McCrory coming soon entertain is a 2d comedy and adventure jacksepticeye fine game I didn't know you were making one McCrory ah dude I'm hella excited about that septic scape I've seen pictures of this by power and Friends Games coming April 4th an ego friend game about friendship positivity overcoming struggles and the fear of being forgotten safer 19th that game should be out now the jacksepticeye game 2 by Rick's iam available now said shortly after the events of the first game join Shaun as he finds himself back in his world by something but something is amiss there are silence fight your way through enemies to uncover the truth and to put an end to the chaos once and for all I will try check those out okay there's a lot left to see and I'm sorry I'm not gonna go through every single little tiny piece right now because this video is really really long and it's gonna take me forever to upload it and edit it and all that kind of stuff but also I don't know I don't wanna I don't wanna keep you guys here for too much longer but thank you sincerely from the bottom of my heart it's it's weird to think that people come together so much over you I know like the community is there and the channel is there and everybody's having such a great time all together and it's just absolutely incredible but I always there's a bunch of times when I think back and I'm always like what if I never uploaded videos what if I never actually started recording anything like this moment right here right now all these people all together in one place all these people working on this game little sprites dancing where they are right now in that exact place never would have happened and I am so goddamn happy that I took those steps to keep making videos and I took those steps to just put myself out there and actually create content because now there's so many people all here together and it's not just a thing about me anymore it's not just my channel it's like a whole community effort all together and it just blows my mind that everyone is here every single day celebrating that fact and that's that's what I love most about this and I love the lasting effect that just been positive and trying to promote a good energy and trying to see the best in people and trying your best and building people up around you it's incredible to see the firsthand efforts and results that that can have among people it blows my mind I'm so glad I'm happy that I do YouTube I'm so happy that I started doing any of this I'm so happy that I got to meet so many people in my life because of this I'm so happy that I'm in the position I'm in mentally and physically and just I don't know I I wouldn't be here doing this right now if it wasn't for all of you so thank you I'm very fortunate to do what I do and I have put a lot of work and effort into it but if it wasn't for you all here actually listening and watching and being part of it and encouraging and helping each other out all the time then I don't think it would be nearly as fun as it is right now or nearly as just nearly as in the position that it's in right now I know words are failing me just thank you so much I love last year doubting myself for not knowing what I should do and then you guys were there to keep encouraging me and to pull me out of a dark place so when you guys tell me that I helped you and you tell me that what I've done for you means a lot I don't take that lightly it definitely hits close to home because of some of the stuff that I've had to go through myself so I will always try and and I always try and do my best by you and by people because I think that that's the most important thing out of all of this and we can keep building a strong community together regardless anyway just by being nice to each other I love doing this and I hope to continue doing it for a very long time but I'm gonna wrap this up here now before I start getting too mopey and going over stuff too much you're getting too deep in this stuff just thank you so much for making this game I can't wait to see what you guys do next and I'm so incredibly proud of everyone involved and I'm so proud of this community in general for being there for each other first and foremost so thank you dude there's more I didn't see this or I didn't know there was gonna be another thing I mean [Music] thanks Chad [Music] when you email from alphas see you around jack Oh [Music] that's so sweet [Music] [Music] it's adorable [Music] ninety days [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what a journey so happy and play that
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,401,979
Rating: 4.9730597 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, fan game, the boss, the boss jacksepticeye game, jacksepticeye fan game, fan made, rpg, rpg game, jacksepticeye game, characters, voices, undertale, sans, papyrus, undyne, alphys, story, plot, gameplay, playthrough, walkthrough, gregg, mae, bea, angus, night in the woods, fran bow, end, ending
Id: UDiOzwhP7i0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 3sec (8043 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 21 2018
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