CHAOS WILL REIGN | South Park: The Fractured But Whole - Part 7

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I'm Jacky boy man and welcome back to suffer the fractured but whole we're going into Eric's place because we have a mission from him go to the two-layer which is right here ahead Nathan cool lair we have to get down I can't read what he said we were gonna do but I want to figure it out anyway oh yeah I came to this last time and I in the last episode I was gonna go down here and then I went off and I just did Gerald to end off the episode so didn't want to do too much but also because they couldn't figure out the passcode and I ran upstairs to try it looked through his journals find the passcode again I was like what the [ __ ] is this passcode I don't know what it is it doesn't tell me it says it right at the bottom of the screen get scrambles fast scramble there we go I knew that super Craig movie before the human kite Netflix series guides that doesn't make any sense well what about introducing super Craig in the second [ __ ] and friends movie that'd be pretty DC Comics of us I wouldn't recommend it ah sorry guys can I have a moment with but lord please Sharon thank come on back pass right behind you mosquito see he actually has a power everybody else is like and then Jimmy's just like oh I'm but something I wanted to do before I do anything else is I wanted to change around my team because I've had these guys for a long time and I love them and we're winning all our fights together but I kind of want to change it around I feel like I like having Jimmy I feel like he's very useful way who else we even have mosquito he yeah he does a lot of cool [ __ ] was Dwight I might bring super Craig back in instead of Eric I like super Craig super Craig Tucker is super all the time even when not playing superheroes Kyle is pretty good for healing and buffing and stuff but I don't feel like I really need that so I'm just gonna bring in Craig again so he can feel sorry Eric okay I'm gonna sit down and talk to you hi but lord I just wanted to let you know that we've decided to let you have your own Netflix series right after the Fastpass Fox miniseries and the third [ __ ] and friends united movie congratulations yes okay well get out there and finish your girls just wanted to tell you the exciting news is that it what do you want a new kid I already let you do a class there's nothing left to talk about tonight no no no you are not going to have three classes new kid new kid no do not give me those sad puppy eyes nobody gets to be three classes it you think that just because you have to live through your dad [ __ ] your mom you should get all the sympathy in the world don't you I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring you three classes three classes how am i fine if you were going to add another class what would it be the Gadgeteer does a bunch of [ __ ] now oh man this is where I make up for my psychic debacle to get you to your impresses friends and thwart enemies with a shockingly explosive toy collection courtesy of SkyMall let's see what cover where are you Rick you can I like flick through the attacks even see good God look at that super holy [ __ ] [Music] neighbor web camera my head yeah what an amazing moment for you you must be excited the assassin he says the specializes in attacks that result in arterial spray the melting into the shadow on its cleanup time we make a map blood okay I have I have a four-way attack have some bombs I wish I could make fix through the bootcamp I outfit but you can flick through there things that had told me what it was boring people to think that urgency is also an important trait for superheroes what the [ __ ] up cyborg no I don't wanna be a cyborg that look at that okay no that better champ that's cute look at that super though auto knee goes in a short area with power over you know the earth it's death so these don't actually do any attacks these are all like slowdowns and stops and buffs and stuff like that I can heal if we do that and that's a cool outfit even though it's the Ku Klux Klan outfit kind of looking got some nice dad this is kind of a big moment in your super nervous it could be you know I have this and Craig and I have it in Jimmy and then whoever have have that in okay Gadgeteer assassin not sure if you're cool enough but whatever I want to be an assassin I think I don't awesome plus I get a badass Kitty outfit okay but if you're gonna be triple class and we have to change your backstory it is pretty dumb let's go back in time again back to when you were just a child you couldn't sleep that night but it was because you saw strange lights in the sky you walk to the mirror do these have different outcomes or is it the same thing every time like if I pick a different power will it have a different backstory also I like that Eric doesn't know about dad's [ __ ] mom's because he doesn't have a dad so you called upon your new powers as an assassin hero you sharpen your blades are prepared to do what you do best kill nice you drew first blood with a quick cut attack on the nearest phone okay and now I have bleeding oh yeah I just figured a straight a blade start [ __ ] ups I mean you're his companions to aid him here we go here we go sorry guys a knife sorry same [ __ ] seriously hold on oh how dare you do that to the effect the frame back into the shadows nice nice what does the bomb do I don't know it hurts whoa ah I move them and then I'm invisible where'd he go you'll never see me search for any trace of your way back you should because you're bleeding that's awesome but they can make all of the bleed come on I'm just a kid a kid with some very sheriff knives that's damning foe charge at you and let loose a blood fueled onslaught he did now okay ultimate ready you're in what is this to inflict bleeding on an Evo and go invisible whoa okay I'm up on City Hall for some reason I don't know how I got here but that's not even near my house the kids like some kind of super I just had murdered him Jesus Christ I said that wasn't even near my house how the alien took you by the hand how did I let you into a dark room and that's when you saw that your dad had just [ __ ] your mouth damn it no not again whoa boy that is pretty tragic new kid I'm so sorry where the aliens helping you by showing you who [ __ ] your mom or were they trying to make you full of rage you might never know all right get back out there but Lord you serve a lot of things to do okay don't they get to like pick a new power I could have replaced these at any [ __ ] time I didn't actually get the triple class power I see my date okay uh hell yeah I want this ha ha ha triple class I like the dazzling flash what else could I do slinky unleashes a telepathic blast the damage didn't fix defense down on all foes in an X pattern I might actually be very useful slinky creates a mental barrier around themselves or an ally grunting protection yeah yeah whatever's pouring one more Bumi attacks hmm the way dazzling flash does do a lot of damage [Music] yeah screw it I want to preview this one so cool cuz now I can do I can do burning I can do bleeding and I can do confusion I like that I like how my character is shaping up that and the fact that I don't really think it matters what I pick because I'm pretty overpowered anyway costumes we might need a new costume for this and you be proud of the ooby Club for that ok we're gonna have a hood okay that's looking good I like the look of the Yolanda dress but I feel like I have to blend into my assassin roots a bit more it could be a spider cause of my hands hmm what would work well with this revenge' wristbands no heavenly gloves nor the pic big decisions big decisions like I would love the assassins clothes break hey I knew it bizarre club okay red clubs there we go oh there we go yes I look cool [ __ ] yeah dude okay I've been doing a lot of training a lot of powering up a lot of different things dude I heard about you flying around with human kite on your back that's that's pretty gay hey screw you man it's not this is power friendship we're doing cool [ __ ] we're trying the kid store has just been updated you should visit the Kings day instead of PayPal we have a friend whoa the Mach 5 suit [Music] they're actually pretty cheap okay very nice 54:17 whoo critical strike damage these these are really cool okay maybe I should equip some of these again powerful y'all or they knock on these slots [ __ ] what's not do they go in ah but Zak I think they went there I didn't pay attention okay well never mind I just wasted ten dollars you're [ __ ] welcome King [ __ ] all right one of the freedom is calling us out what how [ __ ] dare okay I can't just look at this [ __ ] I can't just go around Hey are you serious I've to go all the way around here man there's not even a [ __ ] Fastpass thing nearest I mean I can shorten the journey a tiny bit come on Jimmy friend need to get somewhere yes I do thank you I look all spiffy and you assassin gear nice just walk past them shut up I don't care how many [ __ ] times what's up Gordon Freeman [Music] okay yes any day now we'll get there just hold on a minute I'm not fast lass okay I can't go there super quickly what's going on in here I thought feminine-looking guys went out of style in the 80s but the new kids pulling it up right thanks you're sure one of the freedom pals wants to meet with us yeah his tech said it was very urgent yeah but why would the freedom pals want to talk to us unless this is some kind of trap it's a trap oh [ __ ] relax [ __ ] friends I didn't come to fight it's done finally we see you shed long time no see jewel shed is a Gadgeteer class visionary archetype and a [ __ ] trader just listen to me I understand it the new kit help take my dad's keys last night new kid I don't know why you were looking out for my dad but I owe you one that's all I came to say you might be in the wrong franchise but if you ever need help I'll return the favor huh do you think the new kid [ __ ] cares about you you belong to a loser zero income franchise that's run by a douchebag in a wheelchair at least he's not a fan of home stealer not him again you losers when the only way you can get a lead is to steal it where is dr. Timothy's phone sorry freedom [ __ ] that info you guys need to stop is that freedom tasting armor it'll leave it to the professional super heroes oh yeah you guys are the professional super heroes it just so happens mysterion that we already have a connection with Netflix oh yeah we don't yes we do we're just about to get the human kite and Netflix series off the ground so Timmy no no stop it stop it any he's trying to raid my mind they don't have a connection of Netflix Freda pouch just raped my mind you guys let's get these read about this in the Freedom House unite Civil War to go again oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] Civil War baby here we [ __ ] go it's time to fight for your right hip up before you embarrass yourself the party okay what are you guys good you guys good huh huh doing a [ __ ] here we go [ __ ] huh I may attack mysterion no mr. yawns Kenny by the way that was such a cool episode when they aired it because all this time we need to take Kimmy out like kun is talking about a whole bunch of [ __ ] and he's like uh I got a whatever and then mysterion always got in the way but you did know who mysterion was until the end of the episode cuz nobody Kenny doesn't talk so close come on can I hit you from here did you Gerald come to me Gerald yeah do it g-man the Lakers L hope none of this makes sense unless you've seen the episodes kaien that's your dad by the way [Music] hey no fair you brought this on yourself when you've cited with these [ __ ] butthole hey microaggression yeah punches ass yeah get [ __ ] okay that's pretty cool ah no you don't welcome to the Thunderdome [ __ ] here we go here we go I gotta smack the [ __ ] out of Timmy yeah yeah come on there we go a lot of damage done nice [ __ ] man they can't attack anybody ever he's out of range all the time one per combat man where's my controller vibrating it's never ending vibrating stop that controller stop what oh come on I can't fight them they're just kids won't someone please think of the children make wait for mysterion no I don't want it oh all right super Craig here we [ __ ] Disney go okay knock back damage all right who's up next come on Tupperware take that for the power Oh Jackie boy man oh yeah oh yeah I can do this one Oh new move no don't do it every tool has its place in the fight for freedom it was cool I don't like it 68 damaged a 402 that's a lot of damage bro oh [ __ ] it's all the kindergarteners attack next do something watch me how are they doing so much damage Oh like emoji gonna stick these suck okay if I if I destroy Timmy hey whatever oh my controller stop vibrating I don't know why if I attack Timmy and kill him will will that end all these guys [Music] nope there's two on the battlefield yeah you should just bleed you can do a lot of damage to somebody okay excuse me it's good me coming through yes yes I can hit three of them here go Jimmy go [ __ ] us use that power kill the enemy do the bat I mean do the good good good good oh yeah it's time for Burning Man all right it's not gonna do that much damage I do need to heal myself so maybe I'll just do that [Music] yeah restores at a moderate amount of health into a targeted okay hundred ninety-three yes take him out take him out what no let me eat that moves cool but you're burning and tours bleeding so this is going to last much longer [Laughter] here comes the slaps I hate it root of the strongest enemy so far check the boy man here we go now I'm down this end of the arena that's what I wanted nice okay punch and then and then oh [ __ ] [ __ ] punch I didn't kill him [ __ ] okay can you kill him no but you're gonna get enough protection then it doesn't matter go crazy mama what are you going to do [ __ ] all that's why um whose afterlife the little kid died a question I never thought I'd have to ask myself while I played a video game but you know what here we are just die already I know I can use ultimates but I don't want to sit through all the animations here we go nice that is a lot of dead children that's what Jackie boy man likes to do I wish some of the attacks are different button prompts a lot of them boy sounds like circle going down and pressing aim or building off a you guys are nothing without the new kid and you know it new kid my offer stands I still owe you one and if you ever want to be part of a real franchise just call me PM right you got your TV comics we're Marvel so you guys have Jack Snyder to beg your [ __ ] movies that was some pretty good PC please work it way to take advantage of those [ __ ] microagressions come back to the brew pub I think we can discuss your race and ethnicity now okay my race and ethnicity clinic came up this how do i oh wait haha climb the tongue it's gonna be hits give me give me up wait he called out Maris for saying his attack was somehow your fault that's victim blaming it's not PC sorry about that I was just trading sir I'll show you so what I was just rating sound tough but I guess I forgot that words have meaning sweet that's a [ __ ] [ __ ] cakes dog cannot use the slide what good is claiming a sight if I can't go down it takes time for some fire core Chi I mean a super kite yeah here we go nice thanks man you're really good at keeping me afloat oh I got a majestic cost you well it's a recipe sure did see you later yeah I wish some of the attacks were different because a lot of it comes down to just pressing a at specific times it would be cool if like the fire attack was like xxx or and then some other attacks were on a and summer run beer just something to spice it up it's there they're having it all be the exact same thing over and over again ooh hey yo E anything else in here no okay I just walk straight into the girls bathroom now I'm walking into the sissies bathroom anything in here either yeah I think so anything in the boys bathroom hey more Yami posters that's a good one a good meet I love me a good ear licking here we go back at the cold microbrew it's a PC principal you have potential kid I'm glad to have you in town now let's discuss your race and ethnicity let's determine exactly what you are okay cific Islander and Pacific Islanders from opinion American Arab Armenian Bulgarian Chinese Croatian Czech Dane Irish okay is this is this outside there this is later thing from the start now because I'm going milk boxes white as you can see from my lovely complexion that's nice it's your many splendored journey Bernie okay cool did I do a thing I'm white Irish yes okay I have got my alignment or my religion or my economic level wasn't hard was it now that you know how to define yourself you can go back to making people pay for not identifying you and others correctly I'm glad I know a little more about you kid now get up there kids match gosh darn x-man think that vigilante setting a good example for the young folks how how [ __ ] dare he could be come here son of a [ __ ] be Saint I'm not setting a good example what's it to you anyway okay I'm not gonna get angry just going out the exit because I want to get something out here PC Delta membership care what okay cool I got that is that something to you may take a picture with you I would like to express my willingness to follow you on social media do you consent I haven't seen all the episodes of PC principal so I don't know the ins and outs of his character anymore I just saw that like the few episodes in the season where he was and now thanks very much I look forward to a meaningful and respectful relationship over social media III saw the episode or the season where he was introduced and then that whole season I saw but I didn't see I think after that you got it let's go way what the [ __ ] is happening here Crunchy's maker what the [ __ ] this is all time shifty do I get time rewind can I do anything to this your mind keeping it down it can't whoa holy [ __ ] I can break it back all right wait could I come in knock that I don't know Steve there's something more I can do with this to break down the wall tell your folks to quit feeding you that process [ __ ] easy now I'm not trying to hit you guys I'm trying to hit the car in the background oh I can just use okay here we go and then boom nice except over oops I mean any good superhero can knock himself down but it's about getting back up again get scrambled fast get scrambled fast what's up my fellows have a seat hell yeah head of the table what's going on all right everyone mylord interrogated classy and found out our next lead is that the you store in here in town we need to infiltrate it tonight tonight is that why not because that you stored entrance is all lava the whole thing is [ __ ] lava [ __ ] there has to be a way to get past it there is toolshed toolshed what's that dunkey [ __ ] have to do it anything remember it's one of his super powers Hey and toolshed said that he owes the new kid a favor well looks like you're gonna come in handy again my lord super cranky right and and I'm gonna see now the tool shed tell the new kid is ready to have its favor return everyone else go home and get in bed we meet at the you store in tonight nice friends are on the case if all goes according to plan tool shed will meet up with you later just be careful toolshed is a two-faced backstabbing butt sniffer not a port sniffer change out of costume I think it's time I think it's time to head to bed [Music] cute All Right see you later Eric bye fun hanging out tell your mommies head bye okay heading to bed are we gonna learn more about the kids family now at nighttime this is my house not my house is down further my house is a red house this is my house I'm home they're arguing again but upstairs aren't they man why would you tell the school principal what race we are I didn't tell him our child did but you confirmed it when the principal called you how long before they find out everything our child is confused don't you get it first asking the counselor about sexual orientation then talking to the principal about race confusion was the point the more our child learns about the truth the more dangerous it becomes you stupid [ __ ] your dinner is on the table pumpkin then straight to bed you have school tomorrow tomorrow yeesh don't even think high right now whatever's in these things are making you crazy crazy like telling the world who our child is that we took so long to hide Who am I what the hell is going on is there gonna be some like super twist wouldn't want to go to bed hungry I got a punch holy [ __ ] I guess that was supposed to be checking that every now and then huh oh my Jesus I got so much stuff I didn't have that I was like I got these and then I couldn't put them in a nice lot and then I got confused yep see didn't craft them dumbass oh whoa there are these suits I could be Tupperware if I want to that'd be funny going into battle with the same stuff I don't like any of these I mean I probably should craft them just so I can have them crafted the Norse suit that's a good one consumables revives here how many do I have in inventory twenty oh okay I guess I don't use these very often oxide craft - each time no no no no powers artifacts here we [ __ ] go okay they're still not there ah here we go uh this gives me because we bonus ally health yes and then this gives me a critical strike damage I don't really mind what they do I just like having a lot of might I have a [ __ ] fidgets spinner in this one I have nothing else that goes in my epic slide how lame is that okay 256 mate I am pretty dang strong and I have all the character sheets as well but I can go through cheesing Gerald first allies good lord okay I read all that in my own time right okay down to get so boy who's still not but first are you feeling blue new kid feeling sad parents pieces of [ __ ] we've all been there music so sad as well but something South Park is always pretty good about I a lot of people like to give satisfaction because it's in your face toilet humor a lot of the time and that is true but it's offset by some really terrific satire sometimes with like really powerful emotional moments and it always tries to bring things like it never does stuff just for the sake of doing it really old South Park used to do that but modern South Park usually pokes full of things really really well while also having the toilet humor and also making a really good point at the end of it it's a fantastic show and the fact that they've kept it going this long is just insane it doesn't get enough credit for what it does okay after bed hey kiddo listen I know we never talked about it but your mother and I are very proud Irish people night-night bumpy too Irish strong Irish blue it night falls upon the town like a fat slimy turd at the stink of greed corruption crime rises from the gutters and fills only one thing can deal with that turds I love the art style lemurs [ __ ] freedom oh man I really does feel like you're playing an episode doesn't it so cool oh come on Gibbs feel it's still updating can I pick up my parents sleeping no okay goodbye mom and dad forever oh Jesus Christ what the [ __ ] okay time to stop that it's time to stop time okay let me just get this key Thank You silver padlock key okay got it all right one lock down find the gold key and find the car key hey there's the gold key again why do we have so many keys on our house I my dad like mr. and mrs. Smith my watch damn it it's not safe is that we don't get high all the time because he's trying to forget something why all the locks who you afraid of are you afraid of letting someone out or afraid of letting someone in okay out we go oh so hard what's up toolshed so we meet again new kid I have to put our petty differences aside there's something happening to this city and it needs tools [ __ ] follow me - professor Casas lair you'll probably want to know about my superhero backstory you see when I was just a child my father was in the garage working on a project there was a huge storm and lightning blew my father off his workbench I ran to help him but at that moment another blast somehow fused his power tools onto my body I became a superhero while my father was left mentally impaired Randy get in here right now and stop keying my car okay but this is different my father's acting even stupider than ever before perhaps toolshed wants to help his father because he feels he could have saved him all those years ago hey break it up break it up okay nothing breaks it up Jesus Christ is it party night so we can frame to get rid of all the lava that's been around the place your backstory did something happen with your parents - don't want to talk about it okay that's okay if you don't talk about it it must be very painful yes it is okay he's trauma still lingers okay how do we do buddy not lucky he's right here can you fix it the home of mysterion he has a shortcut to the north of town Wow wait is that your tool in this area you might know what is the intent here and smile did you know human hearing works as a fertilizer for marijuana cultivation smells like somebody cultivated on that couch okay I'm talking about toolshed toolshed is a big [ __ ] trader don't let him trick you dude can you lay off he's helping us out here oh sorry kite didn't mean to insult your lying but [ __ ] traitor boyfriend Oh amazing okay what are you not unlock just god damn it do we get some sort of electrical friend got mac and cheese dog but see the important questions is do your mac and cheese your to fork or a spoon down we go super meth Jesus Christ start trying headband nice kunal them outfits this is Kenny's room cute Kenny's family's poor in the show so let's raise house is all rundown that's in a really shitty part of town and then one of the episodes they came in and gentrified the whole area I think I can show you tool sheds most mighty tool sandblaster whoa ooh what about this thing see I got mighty tools as well it's called mice with the force it generates it can clear nearly any obstacle do it turn it on and I'll show you my power whoo I can't wait to see this is mysterion secret tunnel dude there was leis epic so I should be able to do that around town now cuz just weren't afraid of the bank there's one blocking off the road I think that might be it Oh No homeless people there's got to be a way to get through them no oh yes combat advantage they blew them up here we [ __ ] go jackaboy man cool [ __ ] I guess it was kind of a stretch okay here we go you there's only so many tool base one-liners in the world you know I get you man it's tough life you're gonna burn [ __ ] it's a good one but first I lost time I lost time I beat the [ __ ] out of some dudes [ __ ] oh yeah I didn't get another one today did I damage him a lot is it is he dead no do they do it okay Chuck screwdrivers for damage and knock-back damage along two diagonal length okay um I think maybe this one gotta clear the path to move I wanted to use earlier it Pierce's in both directions neat huh spare some change you've beaten up the trash cuz you confuse cuz you're okay no he's on fire dumpster I didn't I didn't do anything you here we [ __ ] go nice to meet you [ __ ] yeah those are my dad so I'm gonna need them back at some point right new kid you're up okay I got it what's this what's this you wanna see some cool that's us you are you guys did something cool I can't do it this is my cool thing ending my turn haha okay I know you can do this one that's awesome okay nevermind I must fight win my party hold here we go Hey you're no match for my toolset you're up to bat nuke it see how I did that with the power of jackie-boy man can overcome all obstacles take that up your sphincter man I love the art style it's so atmospheric looking surprisingly wait is there one of these next to all of them oh no it's cool trader actually showed up hey whoa whoa I said I'd help the new kid not you losers yeah well the new kid is a [ __ ] friend and [ __ ] friends work together douche come on we need to get inside this fence yeah to a shed that's what the new kid wants fine as long as there's a power generator nearby I can use my dad's sand blaster to clear almost any obstacle wow that is cool let's get one thing straight [ __ ] I don't trust you you make one move out of line and I'll shred you I'm only here for the new kids fat ass after tonight we're sworn enemies again facility B help me out hippie the lava it was a trap kitty kitty k-k-kitty hmm what's in here oh those are like septic ice you store it back room key okay at the back here no champion suit do didn't even have to put in the safe code raising I wanna see what the champion suit looks like which one is it campy maybe you should just read the names instead of looking out for champion see there it is let's count it's kind of lame this one's awesome oh I like this one and I can have a unicorn head ah dude I'm super cool now yeah you wish you look like this oh yeah jackaboy man alright moving on I can't see it oh [ __ ] I hate more the booth I thought being a kite meant you could fly misses oh no oh [Music] go to Paris to get a penile enhancement [ __ ] oh no it's gerbils they're like gerbils put in bowls I love boners boaters is one by far one of my favorite characters in the show but hey there's a dude up there where'd you go oh that's dead there oh that was a high school musical episode wasn't it with the dad space free trippy [ __ ] man you miss all that stuff as well if you turn off towelie's tips turn off towelie's tips it's a lot of alliteration going on there we shouldn't set off so many fireworks indoors huh okay today just oh wait there is something up top [Music] do that there I like this music again continuum enforcer oh that's that is a good one is that powerful one oh hell yeah it is then on the might I have wait how much weight do I have Lori it says above your head they're mine pencils - ah can I do this again time powers go yeah dude [Music] bolt of cloth mm okay this is all just collectable items moving on what's up fellers yeah here kitty-kitty oh hey dude hey how's it going thanks for waiting around for me impenetrable this [ __ ] get out from there I'm gonna do something with this toolshed Oh diabetic rage never mind vodka said I got diabetes yeah you just tipped that thing into our path that's true I will wait how do they ever explain that to each other [Music] sure did that was cool Kyle you're awesome hey I'm gonna go over here for a sec you guys wait up it's locked okay I'm back [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] butters actually if somebody gave you a bunch of money by law that money belongs to our franchise all of us Luc more cash means Oh No Oh No take the fight all these you know what no [ __ ] problem okay I'm gonna make some changes human kite you're out for uh for Jimmy yeah and Cartman you're out for super Gregor's come out cousin hmm I'm asking Scott malkinson he hit my he my a he my friend he cool I like to come back with a guy diabetes okay nope time to pause this ish and push the [ __ ] out of some dogs okay do as much damage as you possibly can almost got him alright okay I know I did if you because you're dead now but that works haha I'm about to beat your I forgot that he does it on all the squares fast pre-need Oh nice be sure I am doing better than that I'm kicking the [ __ ] out of them watch this oh [ __ ] all right boys we can't just sit here and let him keep messing up our teammate it's cute again did he hire Mexicans alright it's time to do battle once again okay let's bring in Gerald on these guys yes he go come to me Gerald use the power of hallucinations [Music] do it Jerry [Music] little bit it's all like different art style for the explosions as well that's cool yeah I gotcha say wow he just football kicked me in the stomach okay I want to do this to you because maybe you'll attack your friend before you attack me yeah I know what he's doing to me I got some protection I also got more protection thanks man [ __ ] yeah we did it we defeated the Mexicans god only knows you guys take the alley over there super Craig and I are hitting the rooftops okay but what's happening what's going on it's in here boom sequence ooh secret fortress this has explosives let's attack okay ten paws yes it was a tough one but by the power of my sphincter I will accomplish anything that's a lot of TNT Christ I was a big boom bang how do I get up there oh I could just claim wasteland soon oh yeah dude getting all the outfits you don't scare me hey I'm huh - I'm not scared foot fungus detection kids Oh Severson fire core come on Kyle super Kyle super kite sorry why you making this needlessly complex bye he's gone no he's my friend oh wait go across as I hit this thing but not yet silly so glad I have the power of ass it's a useful tool in the fight against crime nice oh Jesus Christ ah and then I can get something up there I get it dum dee dum dee dum oh [ __ ] my hit the wrong button I hit the button off my table where's this face tendrils cost you that's kind of cool I mean wasting my time but whatever look at all these boxes to break Stan I need you I mean tool toolshed what's over here super great okay let's go this way first but he not yet look he's he's doing it already fine what's up super Craig why would Kaos like to wrap an entire truck in a little bit of oil that's not the problem is aluminum foil really what you guys are concerned with kinda who the [ __ ] is that this new kid the owner is a part of a new crime syndicate who does [ __ ] is that I have no idea well she's not in the Union excuse me are you on to Instagram there's someone new in town he's for the crime families together okay cool thank you bad you mean like a kingpin you guys do not say anything we're not playing with her check out storage facility 50:16 new kid and here take this sweet new phone call me if you need me I think you're gonna need all the help you can get so I guess now any [ __ ] [ __ ] thinks they can be a super hit come on let's just find scrambles and be done - [ __ ] minions everywhere I claim this this waste block and there's no air compressor we'll have to find a different route it's kind of name to have a superpower that only works when an air compressor is around this isn't Legend of Zelda dude [ __ ] you [ __ ] here you sit I don't see anyone else around here with the power to move lava [ __ ] use it to claim up this first hope [Music] okay I can't it's just it's just resources and [ __ ] anyway so whatever there you go now we can keep going amazing box work right there real clutch thanks dude I tried my very best you guys see crambles here no that's a lot of red Lego [ __ ] dude careful he's a ginge do you know what Professor chaos has planned for this city your butters are taking this way too far yeah it's time to teach you a lesson that won't be as easy as you think okay okay to feed general disarray okay got it good team good team okay here we go okay he can't he can't do anything yet so I'm not gonna waste my thing here okay [ __ ] hit anybody here hit you which is what I want that's top secret okay I'm using it now I'm too far away though I'm not gonna get enough punches in my toolset okay nice another minion only 843 left demo chaos midgets [ __ ] so many of them we can do it you deserve this we're all the times you look down upon it oh oh thanks for letting me borrow your dick suck when did you borrow that like five seconds ago screams oh oh [ __ ] I just walk myself into it autumn stupid oh here we go here we go kick the [ __ ] out that kill him no damn it somebody's about to get fixed who they're gonna beat I'm a hit all of you yes yes [ __ ] pretty [ __ ] cool more like cool shed okay so I need to kill before general disarray is next move could i potentially confuse him or is he gonna be immune to that I [ __ ] [Music] okay it was it was way before that way Matt Telmo you won he's a but [ __ ] that's what I wanted bring the terrifying death machine known as the mecha minions dr. what Oh model no minions vamonos this focus sucks man okay okay [ __ ] I need to take our general disarray quick yeah yeah I'm trying but I can't get near yes diabetes gonna get hurt baby he's gonna get hurt [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] just do this real quick [ __ ] can i okay don't know if I can actually stop the thing from coming down but I can certainly rate the [ __ ] out of this guy that's a lot of damage don't know [Music] [ __ ] I didn't know where miss him already what'd you get her Thanks what if I what if I what if I what if I [ __ ] almost he's one move left and the world shall be chaos and love shall cover the earth of course he's immune god damn it okay you try to keep up here we go here we go here we go here we go okay fine I'm using my olds on you go fast e-pass use those legs those crutches to kill your enemy in the name of fiery day nice one yes victory comes good I like that one that was a good fight nice oh [ __ ] I think that's the last of them don't count on it we should make it wait wait super cake oh my god super Greg know you guys are here no way I can remove that lava hang on super Craig we're gonna fight it's not just you you and I both know I've already dead no super Craig we're gonna find a way to save you do something Jewish yet there's nothing here mice and Buster needs compressed hair to work get the one from the entrance the game slammed in lunch not remember it's okay guys we all knew when we signed on to be [ __ ] friends that it might end like this stay calm super Craig we're gonna get you home sorry dude but it looks like this was a one-way trip no super picnic tonight I'm starting to remember things in my past that can I do something uh what do we do what do we do what do we do what do we do oh my shoes I can't turn my way passes lava can I match phone okay my ass is an air-compressor oh [ __ ] are you crazy do you know what kind of flower power someone would need to make that work oh don't you [ __ ] worry don't you [ __ ] worry I'm gonna try and stabilize Super Kick it's kid [ __ ] without you [ __ ] it's an intra cardiac injection super Craig I had to stabilize you are you [ __ ] serious right now [ __ ] kill me who the [ __ ] did you get that Cartman online super Craig just stay still you suffer tonight you guys go ahead I'm gonna just try and stabilize him hey that was really cool back there now we can clear love and whenever we want we make a great team but Lord awesome you're with me but Lord okay well I'm gonna leave this episode of fighting crime here as a fine writing [Music] we're making some excellent progress we're getting to the bottom everything we're gonna find out what is the seedy underbelly of this town but for now thank you guys so much for watching this episode if you liked it punch that like button in the face like your boys and hey Zorro shh shh thank you guys I will see all you dudes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [ __ ] up my man
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,470,945
Rating: 4.9278617 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, South Park: The Fractured But Whole, south park game, south park videogame, sequel, south park gameplay, south park playthrough, walkthrough, guide, lets play, South Park: The Fractured But Whole jacksepticeye, rpg, south park rpg, pc, pc version, funny, funny game, controversial, episode, south park episode, super heroes, parody, satire, super hero parody, jackieboy man, jackaboy man, jacksepticeye jackieboy man, butters, professor chaos, general disarray
Id: 38_6aoI_PRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 30sec (3990 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2017
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