Saving a Corrupted Villager

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what if I told you that there's a corrupt villager traveling with infinite momentum across the nether roof but then all of a sudden he vanished [Music] realistically if there were any other villager I probably wouldn't bat an eye but I mean this dude has the ability to like steer himself and I don't know I just like the idea of having something unique in our world and I don't want to lose that so if I'm going to rescue this guy it's best to start my investigation at the beginning I was just curious if you had any information on that villager you know the one that is glitched off to Infinity let me take you on a journey wenzo showed me around the scene of the crime and even pulled up footage from when it happened okay so this is when I first was catching the Villager like I mentioned and then now all I need to do is push a mankind Tim but you see what happens here oh he's gone on backwards and I'm a bit confused now and look he's just driving off the last sighting of who I'm gonna call Gary the glitched villager was well over a month ago and every signing a shown no pattern to predict his movement so if we're gonna find this guy I uh well I'm gonna need Chiefs mob and pop detective shop that rhyme was intentional now that I make this entire detective agency just as an excuse to interview one guy yes I did his name's bacon waffles part bacon part waffles and has been spending a lot of time on the nether Roo so if anyone knows where to find this villager it's him have you seen a villager by chance in a boat on another roof whipping around at all no I don't I don't think I have you know what it's gonna be fine I'm gonna search then at The Rook myself and I'm gonna find this guy all right so I think the first thing I want to do is find some holes in the nether because I feel like it's awfully possible the Villager just like fell in one of them here's our first little hole now if the Villager came through here oh well freaking Grand I didn't find Gary but aimlessly wandering the nether roof is pretty boring and gives a guy like me time to think and listen to some sweet jams oh my God this is this is a Bop dude this song smacks I gotta share it with you but don't worry I'm still responsible and I came up with an idea so I got this backup copy of the outcast world it's about two months old right around the time when the Villager first went missing and I'm hoping I'm gonna be able to find Gary here Mr villager oh Mr villager you around here at all wow this is really barren hello Mr villager okay well this is when he first got lost dude the test world just looks so different my goodness I everything is just like not where it normally it [Music] okay I found [Music] man you are yeah you are making break neck Pace buddy slow down you're gonna get a ticket but we're not out of the woods yet remember this is test World Gary not real world Gary this is approximately his trajectory so he's heading 122 degrees Westward okay so I think that's that's worth a shot okay follow me we have to get to this way [Music] we searched Gary's last known location for I mean what felt like ever but weren't having any luck and started actually considering the reality that our special little friend here may actually be dead but then because you know Gary you know Gary the glitch villager yeah yeah I I kidnapped him I had nothing to do with this Chief I I from on my mother's life now you're probably wondering how Tazo managed to find Gary yeah you and me both my dude but I do know that his motive was because I got bored one day and I kind of stole his house uh not my proudest moment I have set up something for you to find Gary again that I will give you in due time but in order for me to give you the first clue I need you to help me with something specifically three individual tasks as payback for me stealing his house and if you're wondering what happens to Gary if I don't comply dude what do you think will happen this is a hostage situation so for now I'll play along in my first task is a shopping list okay first on the list is a bunch of cobblestone so I'm gonna go get some of and that's the Cobblestone acquired now I need Redstone Dust sucker didn't even stand a chance I'm actually talking about Redstone I'm I'm ridiculous okay so now if I head back to my house a bottom disc I can craft up the rest of the stuff that I need who's materials all right time to meet with tazzy I hear that you have my items Chief yeah I got your items I I don't you worry boo bear I I got your items everything you asked for I think that's assuming I did the math right with task one complete only two more to go now sure I don't know what they are but Taza said he'd fill me in and I'm sure he'll get back to me pretty soon oh any day now I need you to screen share um okay sure uh because something I need you to do for me yeah sure sure do you have a redstone torch uh no but I can make one pretty quick this is something that no one knows about so you're gonna it's gonna be very surprising for you but go to my um statue on the hillside oh my wait a torch statue is there a secret entrance somewhere oh my God I'm gonna be literally like actually I was gonna send you this the redstone torch on a wall this is gonna be easy man absolute Cake Walk we're watching learning Tazo can I have a hint it's within 10 blocks of the statue within three blocks of the statue oh God I'm so stupid okay um looking for a dirt block oh [Music] I constructed this secret meeting room but if you notice there's also a bunch of shulker boxes I helped us with a few additional things and before I knew it task 2 was complete and as promised Tazo said if I can complete this final task I can see my boy Gary again looks like just a screenshot of the world whoa well this is extremely high def what the heck okay so there's a village here a ruined portal over here another ruined portal this way in a Mesa desert and then there's something going on here I don't know how Tazo managed to get a screenshot like this but if we take every major structure notice location put the seed into chunk base and filter out all the biomes okay this lines up almost perfectly with this location and and the water the water match is the same all right what what are these chords I gotta head to that's gonna be a long way away better get some obsidian make another portal out there okay negative 950 negative 375. [Music] oh [Music] my oh my okay if zombies I might actually be in the right spot I don't know why zombies would have spawned unless this wasn't already loaded chart I think we're in the right spot Maybe oh that looks right that looks just right out of the screenshot we did it what a view has seven even with the Spy class you can barely see the Village from the next clue so task 3 is a riddle solve the seven Clues and get Gary back maybe I should start by making a spy glass there's some amethyst shards I'm gonna make a spy glass there we go okay so now that I got my spy glass I should just be barely able to spot the clue I'll be frank I'm not seeing much maybe if I get a little more altitude oh okay okay all right all right that shouldn't be there I'm pretty sure this is my next clue the clue read miles once a tiny man loved to do one thing in one thing only which means absolutely nothing to me but there's only one man that could answer this question and it's detective miles [Music] it's detective miles yeah I know one thing tiny miles is my Alter Ego for sponsored segments specifically farming ads where he said and I quote tiny miles loves farming and subscribing to my YouTube channel he definitely said that so the way I understand it if tiny miles loves farming it makes sense that the next clue is at one of the farms on the server and you know what yeah we were completely wrong like literally wasted two hours of my life with nothing to show for it I had to take an ibuprofen because I got a headache looking too hard but it's not all that bad I mean after all my buddy wenzo offered to help and sure I did have to give him an IOU for his services but he promised me until from Tazo so you know it's a pretty sweet deal if you ask me and after a few hours of brainstorming we had a plan when did we get Tazo and a bunch of the other outcasts to play a game of Truth or Dare wenza would then use this game as a ploy to force the Intel we need out of Tazo but to keep tazo's suspicions at Bay miles and I couldn't be seen anywhere nearby so we get to hide in wins those basement whoa yeah this is gonna seem very very random essentially because it's gonna come out of nowhere but for something I'm working on all of us for are going to be playing a game of Minecraft Truth or Dare I'm sure you're all familiar with how Truth or Dare Works anyone want to volunteer to go first okay waira [Music] Tazo you gonna whoa [Music] what is the answer to the second riddle in the scavenger hunt you set up for chief you must answer tassel you know the rules answer um the answer what he loves to do most he likes to farm ones though oh okay so that so they we've came to that conclusion already but apparently they say they've searched all the farms on the server I'm not really involved in this hunt by the way I'm here for my three Chief IOU tokenzo yep I mean this is my this might be something that's gonna make this this operation difficult for you but there's a piece of content that you don't have access to that I only sent to Chief and I don't know if you've heard but like I sent him a screenshot to how he originally found the area every clue is in is a screenshot every single clue yeah well and he didn't know that he he didn't know that or he does know that he I guess doesn't know that I have absolutely no idea yeah well first of all that one that went very well that wouldn't well it went well but like I'm still not in the best it was actually like we're on track now at least true we do know so this is the screenshot this was the first clue over here um I see why it's so big now so wait if I have to do everything by the farm oh yeah look at The Farms then have you looked at all this like this image not to this detail I've zoomed in to like I want to analyze the terrain but I've never bothered looking at it does that mean the clues are like the clues are in here I'm a little confused yeah I don't think it hurts to try oh it says bomb there yeah well actually that could be it then I found that but there it is oh yeah oh dude wait we found it are you kidding me tiny miles dude it's tiny tiny miles it's dynamite dude the brave squid let's go dude let's go oh oh my God it was epic yeah yeah okay there it is easy baby easy the last clue baby the last clue oh no that's the wrong Village run hopefully Gary hides under the Fletching table ah Fletching table [Music] 236.99-33 that's like right by spawn oh I'm so excited but nervous Gary I'm Gary Gary Gary you're not Gary I told Tazo that the joke wasn't funny and asked for the real Gary back but to my complete disbelief tassel claimed this was it and naturally I didn't believe him but once he showed me the proof it was tough to debate now did this zombie kill Gary well I'll leave that for you to decide but I firmly believe that our little glitched friend isn't truly dead [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: That Chief Guy
Views: 194,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, that chief guy, chief, chief minecraft, outcasts
Id: NBokI8bn-Qc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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