Building Sheep Until the Server Stops Me

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this is me my pet sheep and this is a statue of me he's cute he's handsome but not very impressive but if I build some more statues and more taxes the whole server will finally know Meep and His True Glory by the end of today's episode I want to build a thousand of these sheep statues now this task doesn't sound difficult on the surface I mean each Meep statue requires only 36 wool blocks nine white terracotta blocks two black concrete blocks and a single pink concrete block which is just large enough to punch a hole through the ceiling of my house that's all good just gotta go outside and build the meeps in a wide open field literally gonna be the easiest video I've ever made I only have enough materials to build one and a half statues and to make things even worse 1 000 sheep statues requires one thousand pink concrete 2 000 black concrete nine thousand terra cotta and 36 000 wool all of these chests need to be filled up with their respective material the thing I need most is wool and it's coincidentally the hardest material to get yeah we're gonna work towards that first I need to make a massive sheep farm since manually sharing hundreds of sheep will be much faster and cheaper than making an automatic wolf arm but until I begin placing statues around the server I need to keep my operation a secret now since my house is on top of this massive pillar I had the funny idea of creating a secret complex running through it I can hide my sheep farm inside I can hide it inside of this chunk and even if people are using replay mod they wouldn't be able to find it unless they intentionally flew into this wall so I dug out the first room of the complex and then designed a secret entrance to get in what I don't know what I'm doing wrong so difficult it's such a small amount of space to do this it's cool that feels so insane for that to finally work getting out of the complex is a bit scuffed but it's fine now I can actually build the sheep farm one two three four five rooms for sheep to roam and eat grass and then two floors below that to farm wheat for breeding the Sheep after adding Spruce trap doors around the water elevator for maximum space it's time to rescue Meep but at this point you guys don't even know why I'm building sheep statues so before I rescue Meep I need to tell his tragic backstory see I got my pet sheep all the way back in episode one and he was absolutely disrespected foreign it's incredibly sad I know which is why retaliation I spent all of last episode trying to get people to do something nice for me and I ultimately fail but I have a plan B build 1000 Meep statues all over the server how's it been overlooking these structures for an entire month the only thing Meep likes to say on camera is subscribe for some reason spinning he's breakdancing drop them from here into the water okay I think this is working yes he's up and I think I just found his future wife also I unlocked my brain and realized that the spruce trap doors look super suspicious so I'd remove them that's enough about me though I've been making super good progress on getting the wool but it's time to turn my focus to the other materials I'm black and pink concrete and white terracotta now normally I would just use the duping machine on the server for the black and pink concrete but the end Dimension is a super high traffic area for Server members I mean there's the concrete duper I want to use and also the void trading system the Enderman XP farm and copper Farm it would be way too dangerous for me to use the duping machine if I want to keep this whole thing AC secret so I need to mine for the sand and gravel and craft all of the concrete manual but this is where it really gets bad if you've been paying close attention I've actually been using iron gear for the entirety of this video that's because I made a bet with six server members in the last episode if I managed to travel 60 million blocks in 24 hours they would have to give me the respects he deserved but I've lost and was forced to give away all of my items to those who had bet against me these members are the very reason that I'm placing 1 000 Meep statues all over the server now to get the thousands of materials I need I will have to get my tools back somehow but while I think of ideas I have enough resources to build the first 10 meeps let's go baby thank you until I place more sheep I'm just hoping that everyone thinks that this is some weird prank and not know that it was me but it's time to get back to work if I want to upload this video before Christmas I'm going to need my netherrite shovel to mind sand and gravel for the concrete and my netherrite pickaxe to mine the 9000 white terracotta luckily I happen to give away both of these tools to one person foreign isn't that scary but the challenge he offered me to get my tools back is my man working on a massive project removing a huge chunk of the Nether and he offered to give me my pickaxe and shovel back if I helped him mine a portion of it you see the progress so far the progress from yesterday is insane I had an idea if he have you got the Xylo as well you saw that like the the top one in the bottom strip I had an idea we could have like a race to see who could break all of that first I had literally no chance of winning is what a loser would say even though miles sent me a TNT duper that I had no idea how to use for the race it's gonna blow up oh oh nope yes oh no it's gone after grinding for two hours I won I don't know how miles lost by the way maybe he had to clean his room or do the dishes miles and I thought I was gonna win one year when your thing broke I mean it was still really close but like I mean yeah it wouldn't kill him we got them quite fast silky silk silk and your spoon for cereal yeah what what happened to the original they're like in like a thousand different pieces what did you do what I I might so you know like the team team machine well that was quite the tangent yeah in case you forgot this is actually a video about Building 1000 neap statues statue so let's get back to work over the past few days my sheep farm has been working passively generating me just over a double chest of wool with all of the white terracotta collected along with the sand and gravel for the concrete I actually have enough materials to build 90 sheets bringing the count to 100 total progress is finally being made baby thank you [Music] the reason I chose to build the first 100 meme statues here is actually because this is the place that I first found me this area is also a couple hundred blocks from Spawn so the chance of people finding these sheep are low hopefully see I want miles and wenzo the people that bullied me to give an official apology to him and then and only then will I stop building these Meep statues but only a hundred sheep is not going to be enough to convince them so it's time to build more but in order to do that I'm going to need 30 000 more wool as well as pink and black dye for the concrete well the pink dye was easy but the same cannot be said for the final two material my sheep complex has been doing a good job of getting me wool but it's simply not fastened the design is also a bit flawed oh my God keeping me pet Look Away now do not worry I have been formulating a genius plan [Music] filled a giant sheet pen outside and give up on the sheep complex but there is another reason that I did this I need 500 black dye for the concrete and spending days of my life causing the neck squid genocide does not seem very fun but ink sacks are not the only way to get black dye in Minecraft with a rose is a flower that can also be turned into black dots dropping when a Wither kills a passive mob so I can get the 36 000 wool from the sheep farm then spawn a wither and let it kill the Sheep it also destroys the evidence which is a nice bonus thank you it seems like I can fill up a shulker box with wool roughly every 15 minutes and I need to fill up like 22. I think I'm going to ask someone not involved with this whole Meep situation for some help he's my pet sheep though I mean you're new to the server so that's fair you don't know but if you fly right over here I have a sneaking suspicion that there might be a few meep's bloodline is a bit questionable this year's sound effect is gonna be in my nightmares oh my God I think you should go back to wool Duty I think we have enough sheep of stuff is this the fastest way to get wool no no hey why don't you use the string deeper wait wait let's see how much wool you get from like 10 seconds one stack two stack wait what oh Mega I may or may have not forgotten that you can make a string duper in Minecraft like really easily four string makes a wool block and that's 36 000 wool now before I spawn the wither and kill the sheep for the black dye the final material I want to build more meat I'm actually addicted but I thought it would be fun to take my Meep lifestyle to somewhere other than the outcasts see I was invited to join my friends s p for one hour and I thought the best use of my time would be building 10 meeps to confuse them are you building a sheep oh [Music] look at the roof oh my God oh my God can we please keep that that's awesome oh yeah and if you're wondering why I have a face cam all of a sudden well it's actually because I streamed this event on my second Channel I've been streaming most of this very video there as well guys guys I'm planning on streaming and releasing exclusive videos on this Tazo live Channel a lot so if you like my videos make sure to go subscribe to it when that channel hits 10K I'll eat a ghost pepper on stream in order to spawn the wither and collect the Wither roses safely I'm going to need some assistance Asana has also proven that I'm gonna need all the help I can get to pull this operation on and there's still a lot of members on the outcasts that have never disrespected my board even know that he exists I'm currently on a on a mission I'm basically just recruiting people now I mean you've seen the meeps popping up all over spawn haven't you Eve has been disrespected I don't know if you saw what the people did on in my first Outcast video way back I did it was just horrible it was it was absolutely the worst thing ever so now wherever they go there they must see me okay I want to be a meepster a meepster [ __ ] I'm asking aeon to help me with the Wither because I'm really scared to accidentally blow up spawn or myself go for it wait I gotta name it I gotta name it yes I'm getting it with the Roses I got a stock bow hold on we have enough we have enough now we start killing It Go please oh it's gonna be so close my sword sucks balls yes yes oh my God we decided to build a giant Stone meme to serve as a memorial to all of the sheep that had helped us get the Wither Rose definitely not because we didn't want to repair the landscape after this incredible bonding experience Gathering the final materials for the 1000 Meep statues aeon and I decided to build 150 sheep in celebration bringing the count up to 250 total to place this many they literally had to go everywhere [Music] for the last two sheep we should race three two one go oh done dude you've got too good at it I actually found it awesome how invested aeon was with my operation I mean it must just be how handsome Meep is but this gave me the confidence that I could convince more people to join the meepster because it's becoming evidently clear that I need to speed this process up people all around the server have began taking a notice to the Meep statues everywhere some are even being destroyed or set on fire people were also surely catching on by this point that I was behind all of this so I need to build all of the remaining Meep statues at spawn as a final message but to pull this off I'm going to need to do it quickly and efficiently the first thing I did was see how many Meep statues one person could build in an hour [Music] with 20 seconds to spare I build the 100th meme so now the Overworld has 64 more meeps and the nether has 36 more mutes that's a pretty good day's work based on my testing a team of five people could build the 500 remaining Meep statues in under an hour so after going out and recruiting two more members to the meepsters I have a plan aeon is going to host a game show a thousand blocks away to move everyone from Spawn then I will meet with the meepsters with the materials and build as many statues as possible until the game show is over Pretty Simple Plan actually get all of the materials in the shulker boxes there's so much you guys are officially a part of the meepsters okay you have the honor of being my second in command I got you I got you can be 17th in command you can't count I'm gonna go I'm gonna go you gotta go I believe anyone else feeling particularly nervous I just wish that I could see what they were doing honestly yeah [Music] we're gonna ask a question and then it is your job to try and score the highest up on the board okay I asked one Google search what the most active Minecraft countries are uh UK United States [Music] I want one last thing from you guys okay specifically miles and Windsor I will stop building sheep if you personally say sorry to me go down into their end of the secret lair oh God this is MEEP In the Flesh this is the very sheep that you sheared and punched in episode one why isn't me pet hair me Pat's move you're not coming yeah come on again you're not gonna help progress the story we are very sorry [Music]
Channel: tazoh
Views: 2,178,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tazoh, outcasts, echocraft, minecraft smp, minecraft survival, building sheep until the server stops me
Id: J273pT77Gxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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