I Secretly Hacked in My Schools SMP!

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I'm gonna secretly hack behind my school friends backs to get revenge see on the first day I was killed by my school friends before we were even allowed to start naturally I wanted my revenge so when the s p finally started I decided I would hack to kill every single player one issue though the s p was only open for five days so I had to kill every single player before the time was up and so I quickly gathered gear and got ready to use my first half oh my God first hack I'll be using is trace this allows me to see players from really far without them being able to see me this will make it easier to find random players and that's when I start with a pawn two players in the mine this was my chance to get some kills and some free loot since I you know I died one thing I didn't account for though was how much they out geared me about I couldn't take them in a fight head off I had to play it stealthy like a fart silent but deadly oh my drip Zone just fell from the sky and there's Cobblestone up there what the heck there's someone is actually falling from the sky oh you did it see that was actually yeah oh oh it's here he's here Ron I think I'm far away now I see your name tag stop I think you're coming towards it because you're coming towards me no no that's someone else that's someone else crouch crouch crap oh yeah that's that's Albert where are you I thought you guys were leaving yeah we are um I'm trying to I'm sorry okay I just bought another Warden oops I hope you die that was wow I got my first kill out of the seven players in the server bringing me one step closer to my goal I didn't chase and kill jumper though as many players started getting full iron and I still had nothing so I actually for full iron and got food until someone died in chat meaning there was a chance they spawned at World spawn I quickly turned on fly hacks and had to spawn hoping to get a free kill you did a free kill it's fun come on give us oh that's you he's not here he's not here actually actually I think you have to kill me you've already killed me enough time why are you here jumper oh my God oh my God things were going in my direction okay jumper okay jumper I know what you're thinking [Music] blatantly hacker I'll get caught hacking again so I began x-raying for much better gear and one of my school friends gave me a Godda which is insane I decided I wouldn't kill them since they gave me goods and offered me useful trades but I put all my focus on killing jumper because after she killed me I was so mad I just couldn't let that slide but finding her was so difficult I searched from border to border while flying and even asked her to 2V1 even though I was heavily out geared but nothing was convincing her and then she eventually logged off while flying around I stumbled across her teammate you're Republic put your stands one nation Republic of Pooja stuff who is buddhistamine I forgot you can make a portal with a bucket of water yeah yeah yeah yeah I was going to kill him but I realized I shouldn't as I would compromise his face and dumper wouldn't come here anymore so I made the last minute decision to just leave and hope Cameron doesn't see me if you guys find any uh illegal potatoes please report to me or matt858 oh that's nice but before day one ended I wanted to get one final kill so I flew across the entire map and found this player in the mines it grows exactly it grows and it definitely shows at the end as well there is no average a lot of people play clay just randomly disappeared like I don't I don't know why it just magically vanished even though I couldn't get the kill he had dropped tons of gold and full diamond armor so you know I joined some of the free boots now we're on day two which was really emotional for me and you'll see why later it started when I spotted Jumper near That Base I found earlier I thought I could just mind out a jumper and get a free kill since I was overly stacked from my friend's death because I mean where is she gonna run she saw me I don't know how but this Twitter post seems kind of sussy you should follow my Twitter by the way Link in the description [Music] she got away like instantly while underground so I used a hat called freaking which lets you go in spectator mode while in survival mode to see through blocks [Music] no way no way or nothing nothing nothing can you add pokeballs to this going on a whole Adventure trying to find a sheet we're gonna hold this adventure trying to find a person please [Music] please don't worry about it don't worry about it especially not you don't worry about it he's catching jumping no I don't know where either of them are nowhere What The Hell she's already gone I just got out yes I did she couldn't have gone far he managed to get away meaning I had no leads on where to find her and her base was now compromised but I gained a spark of hope when dumper planned on doing a trade with some of my school friends who were peaceful and wanted to know it she was in their town area would you say that five iron is enough for 26 sugarcane or yeah an iron or something yeah I think 10 is good okay there's your shirt there's a sugar cane I would have jumped them by now but since these players were so peaceful they had banned PVP in their land meaning I would have to wait for jumper to finish her trade and then follow her or her teammate all right thanks you wait jumper you got leather yeah I have I have one cow in here if we could get another I could get I just need five more leather do you want me to tell you where my vision is what is your vision is it the 20 20 Vision I do have 27 how much wood oh my gosh okay [Music] okay I'm gonna do that with we because I do need it I'm gonna sleep I just flew into him that's so bad that's so bad he's moving closer to me okay first off I lost jumper and second I flew right in front of Jumper's teammate and if he realized that I was flying I was destined to be banned within about an hour which is horrible if I'm banned off the server I can't kill every player so with a huge burden of knowing I could be banned at any moment I continued my journey a little more cautiously and probably the biggest opportunity raised itself my good friend Ryan joined the server and I convinced him to make a fake alliance with Cameron jumpers teammate in order to lure him to spawn this way I can take Cameron hostage and jumper would be forced to confront me although it is kind of morally ambiguous I think I'll accept a witch to be part of the Divine now Trinity hey hello hello so you wanna okay okay so Cameron is simply gonna die to skeletons so you died from a high place you're kidding me yes you're kidding me yeah this guy just killed himself because he was literally trying his best to piss me off and not gonna lie it was working when he came back to get his stuff and I got him in an obsidian box okay so now you are stuck in an obsidian box which is absolutely nothing okay Cameron's going through it right you are in an obsidian box with absolutely nothing so now literally your own the only way you're getting out is with jumper saves you like I'm just gonna stay here till I die well you simply will not be able to die you can't even die from Hunger since camera was completely stuck in an obsidian box jumper had no choice but to come in safe and wanted to look at that it's jumper oh let's look straight down Ryan come here come here and stay shifted the whole time you don't notice anything strange no not really did you place this when I came down here I was breaking everything with my fist oh whoa wait wait a minute wait a minute simply did a break that's such a strange thing there's a person here always as if there's a person here can you not starve to death no what almost as if there's a person here this is not a fight you can take jumper I'm sorry this is not a fight right don't die again because there's these games with your stuff I can tear up Dunford just accept defeat now just accept defeat now just accept defeat now why would you come you're not surviving bro really how did you I had I hadn't got it why didn't you kill me you had a god Apple yes Ryan free gear for you after two days and hours of trying to kill jumper I had finally done it knocking off one of the hardest kills on my list and bringing me one step closer to my goal Ryan also let me kill a meeting that's uh two steps closer to my goal and now we're on day three this is the Midway point and I'm exactly halfway but I need to pick things up flame tracks is one of the best pvps even being given the title Immortal so if I wanted to kill him I would probably have to save him for last and go all out with the hat but then I saw a flame on my base I mean he doesn't know I'm here this could be a free kill okay okay okay okay okay okay reviewing this are we doing this because he know I'm here it's time it's time bro it's time okay so I just got that achievement it's time no why does he have a Riptide Trident why do they have a Riptide Trident what go Google oh my God oh my God oh my God oh no what did he put what did he pot Liberty pot oh my God oh my God he does so much damage oh my God oh my God please please don't die of the Pearl don't die to The Pearl I actually died to The Pearl [Music] no no no no this is not happening he's not farming if he oh my god do I do oh my God that is such I died to a pearl that was slowly going away in water I just lost all my stuff and my base but luckily I had back up here so not All Is Lost but my gear wasn't nearly as good then I came with an idea that could kill two birds with one stone I challenged my friends who are really bad at PVP to a 4v1 and if I win they give me the like seven God apples that they have ensuring I Wouldn't Die to Flame meaning I would hopefully have better gear and knock four players off of the kill list but then flame offered me a deal I couldn't refuse which would be perfect for the 4v1 I have a few armor sets and all the essential PVP things and I'm willing to give you these but the only deal is you're not allowed to have a spawn point it has to be at zero zero that's the deal you know what yeah I'll I'll take it you you set the deal Shake on it you can't have a small Point okay all right they pick it up pick it up okay there you go oh my God I don't have any other way for myself though so um but something wasn't adding up you're just giving me an unearthly amount of gear and the server has only been open for like three days curious on how I got all that gear I decided to follow him back while I Envision while flying I'll see you later come on bye oh my God oh my God oh don't do that don't do that don't do that don't do that I hate this so much he's a butt where is he going where he's just running in circles I'm like what what is he looking for seriously oh is he going to the nether no freaking way please don't tell me he's going to the nether he's going to the nether dude I'm trying going as well oh my God this is so bad this is so bad no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no pearl Pearl where did my Pro go where did my Pro go where did my Pearl go please land oh my God oh my God oh my God wait he he followed the floor he followed the floor go go go go go go go go go oh my God oh my God oh my God how did he know I was coming how did he know I was coming he went back through the nether I can't do this I literally can't do this he's gonna try the same thing again okay okay I'll just time up this time [Music] okay here's the plan right oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God what is he doing go back to your base I'm not I'm literally Never Gonna how did he know I was following him dude what the he has an elytra claim Noah was following him so I had to leave ending day three on a loss but hopefully day four would be different as it was the day of the 4v1 no wait let's stand in front Okay yeah oh my God something wasn't adding up like a Diego these people were armorless and now they were in maxed out nether but regardless even with the odds stacked against me I accepted the duel but obviously I had to crank up the hacks of it auto crit loves your crit even when you aren't jumping preach well I'm gonna hit people from six blocks away but these hacks really did not help at all oh my geez all right ready okay all right one two two three oh okay oh my God oh my God oh my God that's in my pretties oh my God oh my God oh my god dude I need to like split you guys up oh my God how do you have tried it yes oh my God [Music] bro oh my god get him he has a swiftness no [Music] no it's just a waiting game is Ranger cover recovery is your coverage yes I'm good oh my gosh very very low very low stop doing this [Music] he's going for me going for me oh I'm gonna I'm Gonna Keep On Healing [Music] um oh my God you're not living you're not living it's over it's over it's over I win this fight I win this fight I win this fight oh my god ah damn oh my God after winning the duel knocking four kills off of the list and basically tearing up my friends had finally given me all the god apples and I almost had all the gear I needed to fight flame pause I need subs I'm gonna Summers with my good friend here to 100K and if I win she does a backflip so please sub we're kind of losing okay anyway then on day five or the final day flame had offered me another deal considering it was the last day I assumed it was going to be some type of duel so I tested one of the most broken hacks killer which allows me to hit flame without even looking at him just in case I needed it and with that I was off to meet up with flame so basically this all all the gear in here can pretty much last you into the finale of the server but the deal is you have to fight me right now I'll let you equip this stuff and stuff but you have to fight me here no running so do you accept the deal you know what I think it's worth it for the gear all right let's go all right so everybody got a quick dropped yeah we're about to get quick drop how are you doing something you want to get quick drops I think you're better than this but you're actually like just playing bad right now I'm gonna have to use my master plan what are you talking about you're playing so bad right now you've been playing so bad all right bro it's really hacking what do you even oh my God oh my God what is that what is that oh my God is my thingy not working I mean what I mean all right bro it's a confirmed hacker bro what do you mean yeah the cat was kind of out of the bag so to end off the server in a bang I started flying and turned on killer but I didn't realize how much this would actually backfire okay whatever where are you where are you nowhere oh actually you already know I can't okay [Applause] so what's happening right now so what's happening right now bro are you are you gonna start running now are you gonna start running now what's happening bro yeah you think that's gonna save you oh my God oh my gosh I'm faster you're actually not you're actually not you should not faster bro you want to please kill Aura is oh my God it's missing how is it missing it's not working for you this is not working for you you don't want to do this bro you know what you know wait where are you going what the hell is this where are you wait why am I gonna hit you why can't I hate you what the hell [Music] is here what what did you do why why can't I hit why can I hit you no I actually just can't hit what did you do what the the sky hype command blocks that set him in and out of creative so all I needed to do let's look the lever to the survival mode command block and kill him but remember all it takes is for him to flick the lever of the other command block it's just so unbelievably weird oh my God oh my God oh my God wait stop stop stop stop stop stop what the oh my gosh even after dying I didn't want to give up so I kept regathering gear and fighting him for a total of three hours until I'd finally run out of gear and lost the fight I failed to kill every player on the server and Flame had succeeded his goal of book Banning me off the server even though I had hacks oh my gosh what did I just do yeah 33 hours yeah not my proudest moment but uh Hey a thousand likes and I'll do another school with some P videos so I'm gonna sell out now join my Discord server and follow my Twitter or I'll I'll eat you okay bye foreign
Channel: TruOriginal
Views: 2,138,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: truoriginal, tru, minecraft, truoriginal minecraft, tru minecraft, minecraft but, lifesteal smp, minecraft smp, dream minecraft, why i got banned on my school’s minecraft server, roshambogames minecraft youtube, roshambogames minecraft, school smp, levels smp, dream smp, awaken smp, youtuber smp, school minecraft server, minecraft hardcore, minecraft 1.17
Id: k3HGnUraOCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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