Breaking Minecraft with your Dumb Ideas

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what is the fastest way to crash Minecraft yes you're responsibly timed if it is chosen alt f4 alt f4 alt f4 also four altar four alt M4 alt 10 4 alt f4 for making a Superfly World telling TNT to height limit and placing redstone blocks nope you're all disqualified but I do want to see how long this takes 19 minutes 19 minutes I stood Here For Your Entertainment you're definitely disqualified today I'm breaking Minecraft with your dumb ideas but today it's all about speed each comment will be timed and depending on how fast you crash my game I'll place you on a list Whoever has the fastest time by the end of this video will have this tiny little purple crab named after that why a crab you may ask uh well I got one make a couple block deep hole one by one put a redstone or at the bottom and then use a command block to summon a bunch of experience orbs on top of the redstone ore make sure your particles are on you may need to run it for a little bit oh wow I like this idea let's do it right here Redstone and a repeating command block that someone's experienced bottles I figured it's faster than just regular experience orbs right Mr Chicken all right here we go maybe I do hold on let's just try it with the experience orbs look at all the particles so it's going but the fact that the particles are all just disappearing means that it's not really gonna crash my gaze this is three times the number of experience orbs this is uh a few more that looks more like it that looks like it's freaking out a little bit oh yeah that's that's fun it's not really it's not really doing much though I'm not really seeing many results Just Gonna Keep placing these that's uh it's a lot of experience orbs it seems like um but it doesn't it it's really not changing anything I'm pretty sure there's an XP orb cap uh so there I I can't I can't do it so after five minutes unfortunately this one is disqualified it's kind of a shame I was kind of looking forward to that one okay so first you gotta go to the main screen then hit quit game all right we're just gonna Boop oh hey what would you look at that if you don't know already I'm partnered with Apex gaming PC we've created three simple and effective PC configurations that are really good at General gaming but are especially good at playing Minecraft don't like the configurations we picked out not a problem at all I'll just go cry in the corner it's all right you can switch up any parts you want with their PC configurator to create the exact computer to fit your needs Apex gives you the ability to get the gaming PC of your dreams while also giving you the peace of mind that parts are coming from trusted manufacturers and that the computer itself is being built by professionals so you won't have to worry about which wire goes where and what fan needs to be here and how many graphics cards go there they've got it covered so if you're ready for an upgrade head down to the link in the description to finance or purchase your computer today and if you want up to 250 off your next purchase you can use my code narfi at checkout that's all I got for you let's head to the next comment install a 4K texture pack with a high resolution Shader on full render distance and then reload the chunks as fast as possible oh boy this is let's see if I can even open a world if this world loads I will be so impressed come on you can do it come on joining world oh my gosh wow this is running better than I thought it would oh what how is this running enable connect texture uh we're gonna ignore the sand for now look at these leaves this is the most high resolution resource pack I have ever seen it is a 256x version resource pack which is already just insane wow that's a dead Bush oh my word but the goal is to reload all the chunks so let's do that holding up three press a I'm gonna start my timer and go go reload I'm just reloading it over and over and over and over and over I'm still clicking it but it froze this could be good I'm still going I'm still going away well it's definitely very broken uh oh yep there's there's a there it is stop one minute and 20 seconds ladies and gentlemen we have our first Contender for the winning there it is baby incredible who's next the fastest way to crash Minecraft is to not be subscribed to narfi subscribing makes it so you can't crash it's true I take all the crashes for you you but hey seriously subscribing is free I promise you won't regret it but if you do regret it you can just unsubscribe but please don't do that that would make me sad so spawn hundreds of entities then make them teleported to you and then to a set of coordinates Etc please do this instead of teleporting them all to me I'm actually just going to teleport them to two separate places on top of this big old mountain and this is gonna be wild there's already a bunch of entities in this regular world so let's just uh oh wow yeah that's working this just summons a bunch more bats so I'm just gonna add to the chaos in fact let's change this from bats to like Enderman oh geez this is weird oh my gosh you can see like Minecart chests in there that's awesome everything is just dying I'm gonna set the max entity cramming to 500 so we could just get a ton of mobs in here oh my God look at all the Enderman what is happening this is crazy I'm sure it sounds wild too wait what happens if I just summon uh Withers oh yeah oh oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah well all the Endermen are dead now so that was fast the Redstone is just Frozen yup this is working incredibly well all right you all know what we're gonna do next Ender Dragon go oh geez oh my gosh what a shot this could be the thumbnail geez one thing I will say though is that it's not crashing yet there was a close squid did you see that it was amazing oh my gosh look at the glow squid it's ascending where is it going where is it going what is what is happening and this ladies and gentlemen is why you watch my videos oh wow oh the glow squid the all-powerful glow squid the course no no know if this is gonna crash it I think it's just gonna perpetually go at a certain point things are just going to entity cram and die and it's just not gonna it's not gonna continue it's also been considerably longer than a minute 20 so I think we're just gonna end it here well done well done that was absolute chaos five minutes and nine seconds not quite enough to win but still a good effort Sunny is still in the lead 200 IQ move press alt and F4 at the same time nope we already talked about this you're disqualified get in there punk TNT flat world in an Enderman holding a redstone block maybe not the fastest but it's pretty funny if you ask me I agree it is quite funny uh but seeing as the last one took 20 minutes I definitely don't think it'll be fast let's do it anyways let's see how long it takes before he decides to end the entire universe hey buddy how's it going that's a pretty dangerous thing you got there what's your plan huh what uh what what you thinking you're gonna do where is it gonna go where is it gonna place it where is it gonna put it down it really doesn't want to stay next to me he just keeps teleporting away where are you going what what's your plan brother just waiting for it it's gonna happen for the entire universe as we know it is going to suddenly disappear because of that man it's been like a minute and a half come on keep it going I'm gonna stop the timer whenever he places it down I'm just chasing after him so he doesn't like run too far away come on do the thing do the thing this is going well well buddy if you won't do it maybe one of your friends will oh gosh I did not I did not anticipate that I wouldn't be able to reach the command block back there who's gonna be the first one to place the Redstone Block four minutes and 25 seconds that's how long it took but add another 20 minutes for this all to blow up and uh yeah this is a long one indeed quite funny even if it wasn't competitive so well done regardless ask your father if he loves you you mean in comparison to your brothers hmm it feels like a setup it does it does feel like a suit but who's my favorite the Betrayal hold F3 and C for exactly 10 seconds I'm not gonna lie I've actually never tried this one and I'm kind of curious what happens a few people have told me to do this so let's try it out I know f3c copies your location so I'm curious if that uh that's why so three two one go this will crash the game unless released oh so it it literally just it literally just crashes the game it it uh okay to be fair 14 seconds so I guess you're in the lead man if someone can beat that time I'll be very impressed the slash crash command this is definitely real and not made up if it isn't real I'm disqualifying you and we'll just place you right down there with the disqualified hit account named Jeff with a c pickle hey Jeff you don't mind if I just uh two in a row huh use a repeating command block to spawn lingering potions over water that is a few blocks deep with soul sand at the bottom for the bubble boost once you have enough potions destroy all the potions by placing a sticky piston and a block and activating it so it makes all the lingering potions trigger at once I guess it's Contraption time water particles all right and oh my gosh circles in Minecraft Mr can't be afraid I'm kidding I can't compete with that guess that wasn't nearly enough let's try this again excellent excellent you know when this cube of water is all particles that we have more than enough it's a geyser yeah three two one wow wow it actually got less laggy well I guess this one doesn't work either I do really like the circle thing though that is so sick well it was a good effort but unfortunately it did not crash my game I feel bad putting people in the disqualified category when they just like didn't finish it but technically it's still true so sorry that you have to live with these guys that's by Smashing the Subscribe button hey yeah we actually already did that bit so uh sorry appreciate it though uh subscribing is good this was years ago so it might have been fixed but I remember making a super flat world with only snow carpet nothing under it I broke one and Bam game Crash well only one way to find out watch it crash immediately upon loading started oh okay I'm falling into the world I set it to survival why did I do that help oh no I'm stuck in the snow and blinding you if you're watching this in the middle of the night all right so this is all just one layer of snow as you can see uh let's just see what happens whoa why did all of those break they're not broken is it fine is it working okay I think it's working unless something somehow is just not loading in this is fine why did it do that original thing though that was weird what if I just blow up some oh wait a minute wait a minute it is glitching out what's happening look the TNT doesn't it just disappears when I right click on it so it's not crashing it but it is completely bugging everything out oh my gosh what happens if I set this to noon can I change the time nope that everything is just it has already been like a minute and a half uh but it's uh this is interesting let me just leave this for a little bit and just see if anything happens all right it's been a few minutes I don't think there's much happening I I am curious though what happens if we try to leave the world how long will this take to save or will it save at all will it just crash who knows all right so it didn't crash it but it did successfully break it so I am going to say that you crashed it with the time of five minutes so it doesn't mean that you won but I do think you did a good job so well done let's move on I don't know at least they're happy about it you know make every spawn another arrow works like a charm can also be done with other entities arrows are just my favorite because you can shoot one and all the rest rain down I do like this idea let's try it I've got a repeating command block doing this and uh let's see what happened whoa that's so cool this is very cool let's try it again this is so wild looking this is just so strange I did also add a command where the arrows will be deleted when they hit the ground so that helps a little bit but and then this happens so you know but here's what we can do to uh crash the game very quickly I'm gonna remove the one that removes the arrows on the ground because uh we want more arrows and then we just keep this on and remove the limit and now I'm gonna start my timer and go yeah yeah that's that was yeah let's see if the game just fully disappears I am getting the little loading bar it's been 30 seconds I don't think I don't think we quite did oh hey there it is yep that's uh that was a nice 45 seconds well done pretty awesome time you didn't quite beat the first place one but you did get second place so congratulations can I be in video please no but this does mean that sketchy is the winner you found a feature I didn't know existed and used it for your personal game love that sell this crab shell forever henceforth be called sketchy and it shall live here in my background with all the other crabs if you want to grab named after you leave a comment down below about how I can break Minecraft next and be sure to check out the rest of the breaking Minecraft series because I'm looking for original ideas also big shout out to my dad for dropping in two of us doing the same thing is so funny is that your real dad yeah exactly you're too higher that's right yeah that was my rental dad [Music] good [Music]
Channel: Knarfy
Views: 760,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Knarfy, Knafy, Minecraft, Mods, Funny, Showcase, family, clean, safe, minecraft, mods, funny, breaking, break, breaking minecraft, minecraft chaos, chaos mods, immersive portals, modded minecraft, minecraft popular mods, showcase, minecraft update, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, mod showcase, minecraft meme, minecraft funny, funny commentary, best minecraft mods, mod, minecraft fabric, minecraft memes, java, chaos, minecraft custom, no swearing, family friendly, memes, challenge, ad
Id: s2IhApcJkHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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