Testing 100 Minecraft 1.20 Myths in 24 Hours

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most people believe you can only ride pigs horses and camels but you could actually use this easy trick to ride any mob in Minecraft everyone thinks myths are fake clickbait but did you know there's a new secret room in the desert temple and no I'm not talking about the TNT trap underneath the pyramid that everybody knows about apparently we have to look for said is that it no way all right we've got to dig this up and there is nothing here oh my gosh a step what is this is a passageway big is this secret room we're gonna keep digging and find out I could honestly imagine building a secret base inside of this room camels can survive the warden hey no way this thing is the strongest boss in the game I can even kill a player with a full netherride armor in a single attack right the warning's going up let's see will the cattle survive bro he's just smiling this man is taunting the water and ain't no way dude's living you can ride on both sides of signs or what so you're telling me if I ride sus meme 69 on this side I can turn around to the other and write down the IP of my server where you guys can come play Minecraft with me play.eoiserver.com no way okay so it's on this side and now we check the other new update you can actually edit your signs but if you click them with honeycomb that way your friends can't mess with your signs and prank you desert Wells have a secret room please people have been using this clickbait since the very first version of Minecraft I guarantee you yeah there is nothing here even if we switch into spectator mode nothing at all wait that sand looks different so there isn't a secret room but they have added a new secret way for you to get loot through the suspicious sand camels make you invincible to Zombies bro what kind of God is this first is the mutual wardens and now you're telling me he'll protect me from zombies all right let's try this out we're gonna jump on his back here switch into survival mode and ain't no way yeah this seems capped to me I've been looking around here for a good 15 minutes and no snippers I also did a Google Search and it said that sniffers can only be hatched from sniffer eggs which are brushed from suspicious sand in Ocean ruins you can get illegal items in the creative inventory like command and barrier blocks I mean they're not here at the moment but apparently we need to go options controls and then operator items tab on what does that mean check this out bro in the past you could only get these with commands and now you can get them in the inventory piglens can wear mob heads so does that mean we can have added cost of piglet hold up we're giving this man a creep ahead bro we're about to have a creeper Piglet a piglet what is that look at this Steve one hold up can we what happens if he wears his own head he just gets a thicker head he just gets a fat head bro gold blocks are hidden in the trail ruins and yes I know it doesn't look like much but this structure was added in the newest update and it's all hiding underground even here it's pretty hard to see so let's go ahead and replace all the stone with air and what we're supposed to be looking for is this suspicious gravel which apparently only in the trail ruins can we find gold blocks is that it no I got so excited it was just yellow dye maybe in here oh and emerald Emerald take me forever to sweep all of this oh wait no there's actually a chest as well there it is the Guardians have a secret armor trim that you can only get by killing them well I'm sorry man but this is in the name of science what the hell bro okay this is gonna take this is gonna take a little bit there we go finally and what do we got here got some prismarine and is this it the brand new smithing template the tide and then we can use this to customize our armor three people can ride a raft you those are clue there's not enough space on this run for another person we adventuring without hey wait no no it's because you have to ride a camel instead how much isn't even a raft you bought yeah but you're riding the camel and the camel can ride the Rams It's Magic wait but how do you use it and then well well I can sit right here at the bottom and I'm the captain of this ship now come with me sniffer eggs hatch faster on Moss blocks well I guess the only way to test this is just to wait and watch foreign let's switch into survival mode and nope that just completely destroyed the soft Scrabble all right we'll try again it nope absolutely not it looks like the only way that you are getting anything out of this stuff is by using the brush which is crazy because literally every other block can be used with silk touch Trail ruins are only found in jungled tiger and Birch Forest so I began creating tons of new Minecraft worlds and I searched through hundreds of biomes and believe it or not only found these brand new 1.20 structures in those biomes you can duplicate armor trims ain't no way so we put in our armor trim then we surrounded in diamonds and we use a matching blockade wait this is this is real I really don't understand so if this is a prismary one and we put that dark prismarine did that work no what about normal prismarine like that there it is okay so you have to figure out which block mattress to your Armature in but if you do you can duplicate it one chiseled bookshelf can hide six different secret bases one for each of the individual books no way but apparently this works by sending a redstone signal for each book and the more books the more powerful the Redstone signal so I've hooked up this Redstone comparator to detect this on the other side of this bookshelf and let's see this in action bang there's our first a secret base and our second one it's actually working our third one all right let's try the fourth our fifth one and the sixth one's here let's see this in action Boom the nude pitcher plant is the only one that can craft to die and yeah that's true but we said it was the only one so I've got a bunch of different flowers here okay so these individual flowers They're All only giving one die I think this is true guys I think we can confirm this one in the back that cross to die hold up hold up so does the peony wait hold and the rose bush oh every double flower bush now crafts two dies so technically it's cap but also all of these new ones have been updated so you can get two dies as long as you have a double flower camels can jump a distance of 12 blocks no way rabbits only jump two and even horses max out at five blocks all right Jerry Moment of Truth can you jump this distance we need to get this buff fully loaded and bang those blocks can make mob sounds if this actually works it would be the perfect way to prank your friends alright so what we need to do is Crouch and while you're crouching place down the head of your choice Perfect all right let's try this that would be perfect to prank your friend freak him out with a creeper heads up pigland the zombie the skeleton and what does a player make huh doesn't seem to make any sound what could that mean this potion will increase your luck bro it says plus one luck what does that even mean I guess Down the Hatch it goes and look this is the brand new effect look so I guess we just need to find somewhere where there's some good loot here a shipwreck perfect surely there'll be a chest in here what kind of loot experiment we have a regular chicken egg the turtle egg the stiffer egg and of course the frog eggs the Frog spawn so let's try the regular walk test and well the chicken egg definitely failed that one now we'll try the jumping test all right the Frog spawn seems to be doing fine the sniffer egg seems pretty Invincible let's try the turtle eggs here oh there it goes now we're gonna try the Anvil test this is a giant hunk of metal let's see if any of these survive oh there it is the Frog spawn did not make it through but the sniff rag is still here okay final test can we light this thing on fire this egg is cursed camels can jump over fences wait they can literally just walk over you don't even need to jump emeralds are most common in a cherry cherry biome so if you want to trade with villagers come here now with that function we should have ripped out a giant bit of the world and look at this on the left we have the cherry tree buying where you can see what one two three four five six seven eight nine ten a lot of emeralds all right and then in the planes by him side that there's just one Emerald chilling people are saying that hanging signs are better than regular size but I think that's cap because look we could only put 10 letter A's on the top line of a hanging sign but on a regular side we can do a total of 15. you can ride so much more on the normal side you will always get a Wither Style on your second try using this seed well loading in and let's see whether this is real because in previous scenes luck was completely randomly generated but apparently in the new update luck is actually dependent on the seed that you use so you could literally have an unlucky C all right let's see all right so nobody Skeleton on the first one let's see if we get ahead on the second no way that's super rare item second shot you can now choose which painting to use no wait when I play some paintings I just get random ones so if I search page the role here and it tells me what they are so this one's the void and I actually get it this is so cool I can actually decorate properly now and Wanderer awesome you can build voice activated doors and all we need is the calibrated stock sensor attached to a redstone comparator and depending on which page it will test for different sounds so page one will test for any movement landing on any surface you can have a look at those pages for yourselves but basically you can test for any sounds you want including well technically voice like drinking and eating so now if I switch into survival mode the door isn't opening but when I eat my Apple bang check this out the door opens rain is invisible in Black stained glass it's a weird one but it's true camel heads are invincible look at this point I'm convinced this man is gone look at he's not even taking a single bit of damage so we've got a normal skull Shrieker all right yep that thing is definitely making a gut-wrenching sound and now we cover it up and fill it with water and let's try and reactivate it now no sound you can ride any mob so apparently there's this new secret command you just look at a mob and you go slash ride and then your username and then Mount and then there's this like random string of numbers and you have to make sure you're looking at the animal and you want to click that string of numbers and hit enter and I'm riding a cow oh that is so dope and then apparently if you can't look at the mob the other way you can do this is slash ride type equals and you write in what you want so in this case let's say we want to ride the alley then we need to do limit one hit that end this is so stupid and I love it hanging signs can float how does that make sense okay so try it on the ground and yep nothing is happening there can't place it on the ground so let's try hanging it from a block here and see if that works all right it's hanging now we'll break the block that didn't work either guys I think this might be cap last thing to try on the side of a block end we broke it that's how you do it turtle shells can have armor trims okay so let's use this Coast smithing template we're gonna trim it with a bit of gold put that head in that's so cool sunflowers no longer face the Sun but they would always look at it I mean that's what sunflowers do my man is disrespecting the sun I guess the only way we can test this is with a time lapse [Music] and that's it that is every single block man that took forever higlin heads flap their ears bro I don't I ain't seeing no flapping maybe if we activate it with like a redstone signal oh it's so cute wait what if I put it on my head well will I flip hat flip ears I don't even know what to describe oh yo if I walk it also goes flap flap everyone knows that if you type underscore Jeb on a name tag and put it on a sheep the Sheep turns the rainbow but will this work on a sniffer as well I'm actually really interested because I've seen a ton of screenshots of this online and it would be so cool all right let's grab that and put him on my dude's just sitting there no surely not okay does at least dinnerbone work can we turn them upside down okay we can turn them upside down and it looks so it's so stupid look at his little wings wiggle wiggle wiggle but fortunately no rainbow snever
Channel: EYstreem
Views: 1,064,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eystreem, eyestream, eystream, minecraft, family friendly, roleplay, funny, troll, prank, secret, hidden, tutorial, minecraft phone, minecraft bedrock edition, testing 100 minecraft myths in 24 hours, busting 100 minecraft myths in 24 hours, testing 100 minecraft myths, real minecraft hacks, trying minecraft hacks, minecraft viral, minecraft secret, testing 100 minecraft secrets, testing 100 minecraft 1.20 secrets in 24 hours, minecraft 1.20 update, minecraft 1.20
Id: Lz5l1Iyz6Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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