I Got 2000 of the Rarest Axolotl in Minecraft

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blue ax lottos are the rarest mob in Minecraft but there's a chance that these axolotls make one oh okay well never mind some YouTubers have gotten 100 even 200 blue X models but that's not enough for me see I am going to get 2 000 which is the world record for the most blue axolotls anyone has ever had but first I need to get one and with them having a 1 in 1200 chance of spawning that might take a while so I need to make a giant pit where I can breed all my ax love now I could either do this by mining out the entire area by hand or using some TNT and I think that the obvious choice is to okay this is a little bit weirdly shaped um but I think we could make it work okay I'm just gonna make this twice as deep like bam I I don't know if that worked well anyway it's done it's done we did it so the freed axolotls you need to use tropical fish but unfortunately watch what happens when an axolotl is in a room with a tropical yeah it kills it it didn't even let me finish my sentence and the dead tropical fish aren't any use to breed the axolotls the fish have to be a lot so write down this convenient hallway I'm gonna build a tropical fish pond so that I can get all the tropical fish I need so that I can feed to the axolotls uh so I can get one that's slightly differently colored alright guys I finished the tropical fish why are there no tropical fish in here what the heck there's only six which is a bit of an issue because if I want to breed thousands of axolotls I'm gonna need even more thousands of tropical fish but I don't wanna have to deal with that right now so breeding transition bam I just did a bit of breeding and we now have around 45 axelon I can actually track the exact amount that I breed with this for some reason I already had 800 animals bred so everything after that is going to be Axolotl but I still have a problem the tropical fish pool is far too empty and the axolotls are hungry so I need to somehow make fish spawn uh which is kind of hard it's really hard being a Minecraft Youtuber you know it's a really difficult job but someone's got to do it someone's got to breed two thousand blue axolotls I otherwise the world would probably just explode my first strategy was to build a farm that I saw on YouTube let's see some fish let's see some fish let's see some fish I'm gonna be honest guys I don't see any fish oh there's one annoyed that nothing was working I decided to investigate okay so I'm using replay mod to look around my base and I think I realized why the tropical fish aren't spawning there were massive water caves surrounding my base and because there's tropical fish spawning over here there's no room for them to spawn in my tropical fish pit so I'm now trying to drain every bit of water near my base that tropical fish can spawn it it is really satisfying I will admit it's just so nice to watch the water flow down it was a little less nice is then looking where it's flowing into which is a massive Ravine of water that I need to fully get rid of we do get one reward and that is but I realized that I may have bit off a little more than I could chew oh my God there's a whole ecosystem under here bro this is insane okay I have an idea what if I just connected my base to one of the water case like I can see tropical fish swimming around over there so maybe that's just where I should get them from is this stupid is this dumb there we go we've hit water I don't really want the water going everywhere dude so now we can just swim around and grab our tropical fish this is definitely a better idea than the tiny pond I built um I'm not sure why I didn't think of this sooner all right guys I have good news if you look at the entity counter we have reached like 200 axolotls like over 200x models the bad news is that none of them are blue but it's okay because we're still trying and the trying is what matters now I do think that I can make some improvements to my Axolotl breeding process because currently what I have to do is run down this hallway run up these stairs I'm probably gonna cut the video at some point but this does take a while go in this big pool of water and then just run around and grab fish but if you notice I'm swimming kind of slowly and that's because I don't have depth strata so I need to go back to my base real quick let me grab some depth Strider because this will be very helpful one sec there we go and Bam now we can swim faster this is a massive Improvement but I still need a way to get from here all the way up to the big fish pit up there I don't know what I should call it uh fish fish hole no that's that's worse so here's my idea this is an ender pearl stasis whenever I want to be teleported back here I just click the trap door and okay I know that doesn't make a lot of sense how am I gonna flick the trap door if I'm standing here but that's the thing you don't need to flick the trapdoor because with the magical power of redstone look at this I have a little Escape path all I need to do to get back is go here and Bam if um I didn't actually put a pearl in there that probably would have been smart to pull a pro to put up okay let's try this again so pretend I'm just over here I'm like oh it's one of my rare fish that I'm collecting it's a lot bam grab my fish I'm like okay I'm done I go over here bam press the lever boom I'm teleported back it worked I'm a genius I'm a genius then I can go over here boom take your tropical fish boom take the tropical fish boom boom that's that's all that ones I have so now I just have to build whoa what what what dude dude get out of dude yeah that's what I thought all right we're not gonna try and make any Grand escapes around here all right anyway now we have to build one that teleports us from here to there okay well okay no no wait wait no stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it okay so let's see if this actually works so I've got an inventory full of buckets and Bam okay we're stuck in it's fine it's fine to work we first have to do is immediately throw a pearl into here I gotta get a little bit used to that and now we collect our tropical fish and now with our depth Strider we can collect them way faster oh they're dodging me they're actually they're actually dodging you know whenever I run out of tropical fish I kill a glow switch turn around there's tropical fish it always works I don't know why it's but it definitely does work it's definitely a real thing all right we got a full inventory so now all we have to do come over here and I actually realized that I should probably replace this with a button I need to break this and then before the Redstone signal happens I need to place the button I did it okay that that's only because it didn't work Why didn't it work what what went wrong here I think I know what's wrong I just walked up and down a flight of stairs just so I can use a stasis that will take me back to where I just came from but it doesn't matter it doesn't matter we don't need to think about that because when I press this button it worked it worked I'm a genius I think I've created the fastest uh mode of transportation to get tropical fish into axolotl's mouths I don't know who else would have even tried but okay all the axolotls have been bred in record time I think this is now the fastest Axolotl breeding uh creation I've ever made so now we're at around a thousand forty animals bread that means that we've bred around 250 axolotls which is pretty good but not as good as it could be because I need to breed a lot more so I guess I need to get on that see any blue act oh dude this has happened every single time okay even with the Axolotl sabotage I now have around 360 axolotls breath hopefully I don't have to breathe that many more before I get a blue one but I really do not know dude oh this is a baby Axolotl that did it bro these guys are nefarious these guys are absolutely nefarious Frozen nefarious that's wild it's nefarious in 2022. Bros nefarious Nancy Rose nefarious Nicholas dude okay I'm just gonna block this off I think it's finally time to block the song okay axolotls no more coming up all right that'll take they can get up here they can't mess with my stasis anymore even though the axolotls seem to be doing their best to stop me we have bred around 460x lottos now so we did do something productive none of them are blue though right let's do a quick look over now I'm pretty sure I'd be able to see if it was blue you guys are never gonna guess what I do next yep I don't see a blue ax Lotto yeah it's right there in fact I was so committed to not seeing it that I ended my recording and so didn't capture the part where I actually found it luckily my friends had some advice for me put it back bacon put it back I'll put it back I'm gonna do a dramatic Recreation oh what the heck wait there's a blue ax Lotto this is the craziest thing I've ever seen in my life oh my goodness well wait okay wait come here how did that get there let's go we got it look at this blue Axolotl bro it's so cute I I love blue axolotls they're so awesome no I wanted to get another one that one was just for oh wow I have a lot of I have a lot of new blue axolotls it looks crazy guys I lied to you it's actually a texture pack no we still have we still have the normal blue Axolotl guys this is Real This Guy's real I'm not gonna burn him alive guys I'm gonna be honest I was in VC with people when like I got this blue Axolotl and I I was just more surprised than anything this is massive all right we got the blue Axolotl in like half the time that I thought it would this is sorry he looks really sad in this one block place but now that we have this one blue Axolotl it is going to be so much easier to get every other blue axolot I'm gonna name him all right because I want my first blue Axolotl to you know be someone special so uh guys give me a name twinkle Subs Prince Zam bet here I like that actually we're gonna name it subs Prince Sam bet here all right Subs Prince zambet here uh you are my first blue Axolotl you're the start of something massive so now that we have our friend Subs Prince zambetier um we do have to clean off all these other axolotls because they're no longer very useful to us and while I'm doing that I might as well start breeding Subs Prince zambet here I mean I need to get 2 000 of them so I might as well start now also you might have noticed that my heart count has been changing and that's because I'm on the lifestyle something you kill someone you steal a heart you know the deal and usually the reason for these changes are too boring for anyone to actually care but if my heart count changes because of anything interesting I'll let you know anyway you are going to be bred with this ax law and hopefully you guys have a blue Axolotl child please guys please make a blue ax little child yes we got it we got a blue Axolotl child you are no longer necessary and now I'm gonna breathe this little baby blue Axolotl once it grows up with this blue Axolotl um we don't think about the family tree of this situation because it starts to I don't know it starts to enter it we don't need to think about it anyways I need to put all these axolotls somewhere and I was thinking I should build a cool Axolotl storage and I want to put it in the failed tropical fish pond bam Bam Bam all right tropical fish um it looks like your home has been destroyed okay so let's turn this room into an axolotl storage place I'm not entirely sure are we gonna do this but I will do my best guys building is really hard okay I don't understand how people do it but this is what I've created so far honestly I think it looks pretty good back the room looks like this though so I'm just gonna try and speed her on this and then we gotta move on because I got blue axolotls I need to breed which Speaking of I'm gonna make our third black slot here we go there's our baby third blue Axolotl he is he's very cute guys I'm gonna be honest I've spent way too long on this like actually I've spent over an hour designing this thing and you know what I'm pretty proud of it I think it looks pretty nice it looks like a lush cave and that's kind of what I was going for if we turn around this wall is super bare but that's because this is where we're gonna put all of our chests which is where we're actually gonna store the axolotls um because that that was actually the point of this room in the first place all right placed a bunch of chests uh now we just gotta start putting in the Axolotl first bam okay we have our fifth blue Axolotl this is starting off pretty slow but once we get like 10 this is gonna get fast real quick I think probably I don't know right it is Axolotl grabbing time get in the buckets guys we have no choice all right let's start filling up our Axolotl chest we have like 30 down and a few hundred more to go all right guys the final Axolotl and I know a lot of you guys were wondering about how much of each color was in the Axolotl pit and luckily I have answers for you so there were definitely the most yellow axolotls there's two chests and like a little bit more of that for the cyan ones there's about a chest and a little bit for the pink ones there's about a chest and a little bit and for the brown ones there's a little bit less than a chest um that's that's been your Axolotl update I'm gonna throw some axolotls in the uh in the ponds just so you know they have some like frolicking around and stuff I think that's fun and we can finally move all the axolotls into the true Axolotl Sanctuary you guys can go and and eat your your tropical fish there's like a point zero two percent death rate but it's still like it's so annoying because it's throat like you use your throat every second um what size all right we have gotten around 100 blue axolotls we're making some good progress here but this Axolotl Pond I have going here still looks awful I don't know how I've gone so long with it looking this fast so I think it's finally time to build these axolotls an actually nice place to swim around so it looks like in real life axolotls only live in one Lake in Mexico called Lake social and this Lake honestly it just looks like there's grass around some trees definitely not the cave that they're currently living so let's see if we can make their little Lake sort of look like this so I want to put mud on the bottom so to get mud I think the easiest way I don't know where a mangrove swamp is I'm just gonna use the the water bottle Strat this this may not be the most efficient way to get it but honestly if it works it works you know guys I'm gonna be so real with you right now this floor is absolutely mudded up bro look at this I have completely mudded this entire floor and I have nine mud to spare there's actually one place I haven't mudded and that's down here and I feel like that's because I should make down here out of like stone or something because it's under all the mud it'd be a little bit weird if it was mud all the way down you know like I don't know what I'm saying I don't know how Lakes work do you guys know how Lakes work we completed this thing down here I it doesn't even look that nice but the ACT levels seemed to really like it so I made it out of clay because they like clay they eat it in their little mouse and now that we finish with the floor of this we can work on the exterior which looks like this there's a lot of nice trees it's really an open landscape I don't know how open we're gonna get because we're underground but there's a lot of trees and stuff it's very nice looking so we're gonna just try and build a lot of greenery okay I realize if I want this to work I'm gonna need to mine out the entire ceiling and then replace the ceiling with like blue concrete or something is that worth it I'm not entirely sure this actually looks a lot more open I feel like I don't know like I feel like this could actually look a lot better after I do it but I actually need to do it for the entire thing first so maybe I shouldn't speak too soon I need to start lighting this place up dude dude dude dude dude dude dude nope dude please please this is crazy I promise I'm gonna try my best okay we got him let me play some torches down all right I think that's actually everything mined out that's crazy this took a very long time and now I can finally collect the rewards of of my work this was all worth it for the 23 diamonds but now we actually have to design this whole thing which should at least be more fun than mining it all out okay we have fully placed down the grass and the Moss honestly it's definitely starting to look much better than how it looked like it legitimate transformation from what it used to be so now I gotta add the trees the details and then the walls and the ceiling which I am not looking forward to because how am I supposed to do like outside walls we're kind of treeing this place up does anybody else agree okay I have successfully treed the entire area which I think was the easy part because now I have to make it all look good and do the ceiling and do the walls but at least there's trees everywhere now all right guys I got bored and I started reading axolotls again and right now we have it's like almost 200. we do seem to have an imposter you are not blue I'm very sorry to say but this is where almost every other YouTuber stopped they got 200 glue axolotls and they're like that's enough not me though wow I'm so zoomed down personally this is not enough I need more about 10 times more actually I probably shouldn't get too distracted by breeding though because I still have to finish this room hold up let me get in a good place all right three two one bam I hope that that transition was good because I just spent an hour doing moss on the walls some little details of drip leaves and small drip leaves and I at least started on the concrete on the ceiling I really want to make it look like a sky so it really looks like we're outside even though um all you guys are trapped in a case I do think I'm gonna need just a little bit more concrete than that though okay this should be enough concrete powder this is so many stacks of concrete powder this is also a lot of stealing though it's gonna be an immovable Force versus an Unstoppable uh Unstoppable Force versus it it's gonna be concrete against a roof I think that's the best explanation okay it wasn't enough concrete but it was almost enough because all we have to do is fill in this middle part and it will be completely blue concrete okay I think that that's everything so I'm gonna add some clouds maybe a bit of a sun and then uh we can figure it out from there all right guys I think this is actually done got the walls we got the we got some glow berries we got the trees we got everything I I'm actually like super proud of how this turned out I think this legitimately looks like an axolotl sanctuary and I know it might seem a little bit unproductive to spend like two days building a room just to put all my axolotls when the point of the video is just to get as many axolotls as possible but honestly this has been the most fun part of this like I wouldn't say I'm very good at building but I do just like trying and then getting results that at this point I'm pretty happy with but yeah um we're done with that which means it's now time to get a bunch more axolotls oh okay whoa whoa whoa whoa oh dude all right that is around 500 axolotls this this is a lot of axolotls we're a fourth of the way there which I would say is pretty good honestly there are a few things that are really annoying me uh this room right here like this place is so nice and then we just go in here and it's just it's so ugly and so is this hallway over here no like this room's nice and this room is pretty nice too but once we go right in this hallway it's just the most ugly thing ever created so let me get on that real quick but first check out this Axolotl now it might not look that special uh except for the fact that it's blue but I'm gonna give complete ownership of this to all of my subscribers everything about this Axolotl its name what I do with it is gonna be decided by my subscriber so if you want to own like a fourth of a pixel of this Axolotl then hit that subscribe button and yes um this is legally blind all right guys I finished the base updates and I'm actually like really proud of them so let me just show it all first you'll notice that there's a little bit of a different entrance to the main like storage room that I got going on here and check this out all right I got a 3X3 piston door I designed it myself that's a lie I did look at this inside you know it's just like a lab I didn't really know what to put so I just added some sea pickles you know that's like average Lab thing they got the pickles on the ground they got the crafting tables on the side you press this button Boom the door opens oh it's so sick it's like you're going into like an axolotl containment center but that's not all because if I turn around you'll see that I made this into like an actual cave like over here you just walk through an actual cave it it doesn't look like the best it looks a little bit janky but it looks like an actual cave compared to like the tunnel that it was before and it leads right into here and look it like feels kind of natural with this dude I'm I'm like actually hyped like this looks so much better now and now that I'm finally done with this because let me tell you guys this took longer than it should have it's mostly because of procrastination but it still did I really didn't want to work on this cave but now we actually still have one more problem I kind of destroyed the stasis so how am I going to get to the tropical fish luckily I think I thought of a solution and it doesn't have to do with ender pearls instead I'm just going to use some more simple Minecraft mechanics it's a water elevator I'm using a water elevator all right I'm gonna do an axolotl breeding cycle on uh what I'm going to call the the hyperloop and we're gonna see it's probably it's gonna be the exact same as everything else right like there's no way it's any slower faster it's just gonna work the exact same we're still going to test it though because of science all right let's go we're going up and now now we're in the exact same tropical fish place that we always are all right now we go down here oh we drop bam we go swimming and now we're swimming we're going we're going this is really not that fast we're out we're out and now it's time to breed axolotls this is also not change I'm done with all the tropical fish and I think we can conclude that this was nothing special however it uses a lot less pearls which is good because there's now a scarcity of ender pearls on the server because we can no longer access the end I don't know man it's a long story um and I'm not gonna get into it and I think this Pond is getting a little bit overfilled so I'm gonna take out some axolotls put them in the Axolotl storage room listen I know how bad axolotls storage room sounds but like look at this this is a nice storage room you know they'd enjoy being in here I like to think that they're very comfortable inside their buckets and in the chest it's just like a nice little nice place all right we have almost two double chests of axolotls filled up this is like around 100 of them I think now that we have like 100 double chests that should be a little bit more manageable maybe for like five Axolotl breeding sessions and then I'll need to do this again oh my God there's gonna be so many of them so the way axolotls work I'm pretty sure is that if you pick them up the bucket they'll never despawn and I think I've picked these two up with buckets because this guy has been sitting staring into this corner um like basically for my entire time tropical fish fishing all right this should take me up to a thousand animals bread and let's see there we go with that two two thousand animals bread a thousand would actually be pretty pretty terrible whenever I have to go to spawn or something I have to travel all the way back there on the nether roof and so I got a horse to make my journey a little bit easier I named it clown Pierce's horse so that if anyone saw it they wouldn't kill it because they'd be scared of clown Pierce all right in here we have like almost 700 axolotls plus we got a around 200 in these double chests which means that we're almost halfway there we're almost to one thousand blue where did this come from did I did I place this now I may have started going crazy at this point because after breeding more axolotls I recorded this all right it looks like we have 700 axolotls in the pit we got 200 in the chest that means we are 100 axolotls away from being halfway there even though I had just bred axolotls the count stayed at 900. and after putting a bunch of axolotls in storage I finally realized that something was up all right there's now a total of exactly 400 blue axolotls in all these chests and so with 400 blue axolotls there and we have around 400 here we have 800 total I think the Axolotl count is going down I'm not sure if the axolotls despawn red Axolotl shouldn't despawn I'm really not sure what the problem is so maybe we should just like once we breed them just put a lot in buckets so that they won't disappear I guess I need to breed 200 more axolotls though oh also I'm now at four hearts and I said I would tell you if something interesting happens so basically there's this endomite with strength 100 that appeared somehow his name is poopy's um and he killed me oh this guy's just been waiting over here what are you doing he doesn't follow me back to the pond he just sits there I guess I don't know okay I assume this guy just escaped in here hey dude don't eat the tropical fish dude he was sitting there and waiting I guess I maybe he was hungry for more tropical fish we're going to return this Axolotl back to his home all right no more escapes for you I think we're about to hit a thousand blue axolotls it hit 600 I'm counting that we are at 1 000 blue axolotls guys and now we're at 1001 and 1002 oh my God this is so great we are we are only halfway there though honestly guys I've been putting a few too many hours into breeding axolotls this is taking like way too long so I think I need some way to speed up this process and I can't really think of anyways um other than forced labor see I don't have much but I do have some friends who owe me a favor from me helping them breed pigs and build traps and stuff so if I can get them to work for me I can get these axolotls bread in like three times the speed they're actually probably significantly worse at this than me maybe 1.5 they're also a little stupid baby maybe this will help a minuscule amount but I can't take them back to the basements like this because do you know what my exits like right now also show you guys my exit path currently because it's a little embarrassing I take my pickaxe I mine into the wall and then I replace the block and you might say okay that's fine now you just leave no I go over here there's another little secret entrance I walk all the way up this scaffolding you're wondering it's boring oh I just broke and after that long and treacherous Journey now we get to here we're still not out I think I ran out of scaffolding here the only way to get out throw a pearl and hoped that I threw it right I did I'm the Pearl goat and now we're finally out get back in you just do that but reverse if I try and take my friends through this they're gonna get bored halfway through and leave all right and I need some actual help with these Axolotl I can't have them leaving while they're going through the entrance so I guess we have to start with a bubble elevator okay finish the bubble elevator but uh there's a little bit of a problem so you know you go up it like normal I come up and I'm in the middle of this I don't even know what this is and I want to do like a Cool Secret Base that would like lead into the entrance but I legitimately have no idea how I would fit a secret base in in here okay does this look kind of weird yeah it doesn't really look that much weirder than like everything else I walk past in this TNT destroyed Creator I want to show you guys a new way to unlock a door [Music] I call it the Axolotl now I just have to make this inside look um a little bit okay I really don't know about other YouTubers but I know what I'm designing room sometimes I'll just come up with the most horrid combination of blocks ever and that'll just have to be like wow I I just never want to look at this again all right I have now fully designed the entrance room um is it a masterpiece of Minecraft building yes yes no this is probably the greatest thing I've ever built so now I just need to make these a little bit more secret and the entrance a little bit cooler so all right I finished the secret entrance so you just gotta spin this item frame then you gotta come over here and take the Axolotl out of the chest and then boom the door opens it's you just come down also I'm now at three hearts that's because I released poopy's the endermite onto a lifesteal auction and was then killed for it I still don't regret it now I could finally invite my friend to come tour the base and do some manual labor all right check this out all you need is an axolotl whoa okay so yeah this is my base I've worked really hard on why do I feel like there's gonna be like something cooler I actually guessed it yeah dude don't take my ender chest press that button which button oh my whoa whoa wait this is actually cool what the heck I'm trying to get 2 000 blue axolotls I think it's going a little bit slow so yeah I need you to help me out uh okay you come through here okay uh so just grab fish and drop them off here when your inventory is full I only got this many no I you definitely got more how how do you like this do you feel like this is uh this is really really boring but I'll do it okay well this is what I've been doing for the past week so after an hour of breeding I counted up the Axolotl in an hour we've got about 150x left I think that's pretty good it's more efficient than normal if you do it with two people what okay well I was just I was just I was just telling them you telling me if two people do the same time I went back to reading axolotls on my own but then okay though it may be down a totem I do have some good news 3 000 animals bread let's go that means we've read over 2 000 axolotls oh my God dude not the piston door bro this could have been anything but they got the piston door I'm gonna worry about this later right now I'm gonna get water breathing potions so that I don't keep drowning yeah that makes sense that's a normal place for Brewing stands to be I feel like these are going to make my life a lot easier I'm gonna be honest this is like really really nice like I'm so used to just having oh my God bro bro I'm just trying to swim I'm so used to having just like Get Air every single five seconds and this this is pretty convenient maybe I should have done this earlier we now have 16 double chests full of blue axolotls and an extra 36 to make it exactly 900 blue X love around 300 in the pit which means we're at 1 200 total at this rate it might only take me like a week more to get 2 000 blue X Lotto so that's pretty good at this point I've I've been spending a lot of a lot of time breeding axolotls guys I have big news all right I think I found the bacon waffle fish it's just like me bro it's just like me hey come back here let me put it in here right here we have the bacon waffle fish I've decided that I'm going to finally fix a three by three piston door this has been a very difficult decision but I think it's ultimately the right one did I fix it the test it's better than it was because now something happens well it worked now yes let's go let's go let's go and now close and now close all and you guys are never gonna guess what I'm gonna do next all right I'm gonna build a fully automated Wither Skeleton Farm I'm just kidding I'm gonna breed some more axolotls what is this bro dude I I do not like that okay here's the Strat I press the button I back up and I kill it let's go bam all right it's dead it's dead we got it that was that was kind of easy I'm not gonna lie how does that even happen this is big all right we have 25 double chests of blue axelon 25 and almost 26 because this is exactly 1 400 blue ax models in here add in the axolotls from the pit we have almost 1 700 Axolotl as long as nothing bad happens we are like 300 away from getting to 2000 and breaking the world record so try and finish out the axolotls I invited my friend Jaron to come out all right oh my gosh I got a blue Axolotl that's not a blue xl that's a white axle this looks cool you got all the very common blue axolotls no they're actually why didn't you try to get the really rare white ones that I found blue ax levels are actually the rarest axolotls no they're not I have like 100 of them she looked how are they rare if there's this many also a planet Lord came to bacon how do I get in again you rotate one of the inner frames and you take an axolotl out of the Middle top chest and then put it back just like take it out put it back oh my goodness what this is so much and I just like mine in no don't mind it why is it so complicated complicated so nobody else can get in plan it that's the point it's a secret base that's the point of a secret base what are you doing but after like five minutes of breeding jiren left to watch Jake Paul's boxing match I think it might just be better if I do this myself if I'm being honest oh he's staring at me not entirely sure what he's doing um I'm just gonna go read Axel what is he doing why is he doing this I feel like I'm a tropical fish right now and he's about to put me in a bucket and feed me the ax a lot maybe if I ignore him for long enough he'll just like get bored and go away what is he doing he's just watching me I don't think this is like a normal thing to do normal he's not even like helping he's just staring off and oh it's been 15 minutes he's still following me around now he's taking damage and he might he might die I have no idea what's going inside of his head after some more breeding I hit another Milestone we just hit 4 000 total animals breath that means we're at like 3 200 axolotls Brad um which really means that I should be at 2 000 blacks lottos at this point but I think that like hundreds of them have despawned and after even more breeding 1900 blue axolotls 100 more and we're at 2 000. 500 more we've been we that's too much now I know I have a lot of axolotls stashed away but just to be safe I'm gonna make an axolotl doomsday Barrel in case of an emergency there's always two blue axolotls here that can repopulate the entire Axolotl population I hope I never have to use these axolotls but in case I ever have to rebuild Axolotl Society I'll have a way to do it I have big news all right 400 blue axolotls in the pit 29 and two-thirds double chest full of blue axolotls in the storage room um I had to add more chess uh because of storage reason so 6 300 axolotls in the storage room you add those together and guys we're at 2 000. except I'm gonna be honest guys I don't know how much I trust this entity counter thing all right it's been wrong before so I'm gonna make sure to get them all into chest first but before I even get them into chess I just want to do one more thing all right unless my entity counter is lying to me we should have 500 axolotls in here now and that's because I want to get 2 100x models because 2000 blue X models is what the other guy got and I gotta beat him all right I gotta beat the world record I can't just just tie it I don't want to be the co-world record holder okay I'm I'm beating it I'm beating the world record holder but I have not fully gotten it yet okay I'm gonna put all these guys in the chest room and then we're gonna have an accurate count of exactly how many blocks levels we have all right the final blue axolotls uh we still do have a couple stragglers in here oh wow dude how many how many blue ax lottos are in here there's one last one over here I think oh okay it's finally time to chest them away and get the exact count let's do some counting that's 10 20 26 28 33 37 38 and a little bit 38 times 54 plus 40 is 2092 blue ax models I officially have broken the world record but now let's put all 2000 axolotls into the pool this can only go well oh wow okay yeah they're dying in here they're dying in the pit I need to cover oh my God this is all the ones um that survive this is an absurd amount of axolotls I'm at 30 frames oh my God what these ax levels are breaking the game Life still might not be able to handle my axolotls but it's fine okay it's fine [Music]
Channel: Baconnwaffles0
Views: 2,050,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: twKAPwLvBuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 34sec (1954 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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