I Trapped this player FOREVER!

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this is spoke player who has never broken a single rule basically I have been breaking tons of rules this Minecraft chunk is illegal craft fault is a left weapon is a bit of a rule breaker spoke is taking it way too far Mass duping items what beams we're going to yeah killing any faction that stands in his way he knows what the server would look like if he continues on his Rampage so it was simple all I have to do is alright here's the plan we're gonna use this really fancy Redstone Contraption to trap him forever and let me tell you this was the easiest trap I've ever made in my entire life please please just work okay this was really hard it took me like 10 different prototypes you might be wondering how this works well the core principle is Honeycomb blocks you might already know this but a honeycomb block is the only block that can be broken in the same time period by all tools by utilizing these blocks and by pushing the player back and forth we can stop the player from mining the honeycomb blocks at all but we still need a way for the player to get inside the track so that's what this part is used for if a player stands on these three blocks Contraption will push them out of the way making them fall into the Trap then it closes shortly after and with the chap finished it was time for the most epic plan you've ever seen I edited that Tumbleweed in for dramatic effect by the way you know to nail the point that we have no plan at all until I got a DM vortex this is Vortex and he's also against spoke just like me I can't pull off this complex Trap by myself so we needed Vortex and luckily he's here because my plans well they generally suck but Vortex is a brain genius so obviously this would be the floor genius plan to be like everyone there is an actor but I had a cherry on the top second game being Vortex set up this master plan and it was called the lifesteal Olympics I know I know it it sounds really stupid but trust me the Olympics consists of three very relaxing Minecraft games although each of the games within it are just vehicles to manipulate the contestants trust game one only used to gain the trust of the ones closest game two secretly a massive trap hidden underneath the event to trap a player forever and game three uh uh never built and never used but game three was crucial in creating a facade of a real Olympic event also who would think that game two would be the real track most likely contestants would think that the Trap would be on the third game but Vortex had already thought of that and with the completion of the greatest plan ever made it was time to build something foreign with games one and two completely finished all we needed was some contestants to play game one and tell everyone on the server that this is a normal totally not a trap Minecraft tournament then once we build up a good reputation by getting a bunch of people to play both games one and two then we take spoke to game two which you'll think is a normal event but that's when we pull the Trap so we got some contestants to play game one and it turns out that spoke was the first person to show up would you like to test the game for my video yeah do you know where zam's fishing business is yeah uh but spoke was really suspicious the entire time oh this is what game one was meant to do to gain spokes trust but if he's still suspicious on game two everything could go wrong Parkour Tag before right so yeah bro spoke was obviously suspicious bespoke never trusts this game then he's gonna be way less likely to trust game two which is the exact game we need him to trust so we can pull the Trap spoke wasn't buying it all right hold on a second I gotta do my replay mod check gas I watched the Mr Cube video so man I know a strategy what if I died like spontaneously like what does that happen already I'm ready I'm ready I'm gonna start the timer three two three how could you lose oh bro I don't know thank you that was cool even though spoke didn't really trust game one we needed to stick to our plan of building a good reputation by getting as many people as possible to play the games but right now with how that went things are not looking too good regardless we moved on to game two let's just hope this time the contestants are not suspicious we got Rick rap and yeah Jaren to test out the second I would also be participating to gather Intel and well because we couldn't really find anyone else all right you guys want to run this yeah all right Rebecca want to give us a countdown three go go go go go go go go hey hey hey he was hitting me oh yeah yeah hey hey hey hey hey hey hey targeting me you're you're winning let's go let's go okay it was actually really fun okay okay all right well uh good luck with the rest of your stuff okay all right yo dude that went better than I was expecting that went so much better than we could have ever imagined but right after the event I got a private call from Wreck rap in yeah jiren oh my gosh okay wait wait wait wait wreck and Jaren just called they're calling me okay I'll be right back I'm I'm gonna join their call okay yo what's up oh what's up Cube what do you think of vortex's thing um I don't know I kind of thought it was like a little sus but I don't know I thought it was really cool though overall yeah gotcha I thought I was gonna die the whole time I didn't even pay attention to the game I was just looking for the opportunity to equip my Pearl you want to know what both me and Jaron got sent as messages right before the event what you see the screen did you say did you actually say be careful like literally right no way I checked um at three there were no TNT Minecarts in the loaded shunt there was nothing at build lemonade Aaron checked underneath all right all right peace this uh was not looking good wreck literally chopped up our entire plan into pieces and spoke a guy that we want to trap and the guy that we want to trust the games was the one that told them to be careful in the first place after getting this information we knew we had to change our plan but with no time left and most people having already played all of the games we knew this was our last chance to trap spoke and with just one day left before game day we rewrote our entire plan with that much time left I built the entire trap on the serve right under where the Archer would stand but then it became apparent any contestant could break two blocks and the trap would be exposed this was becoming really rich but after building the Trap and changing the entire plan only one day before the final game it was time to trap spoke oh let's go the spokes on oh my gosh dude okay and now it's just me alone in a call waiting for a DM this is super sketchy the lower suspicions Vortex would be hosting game two all by himself then right when spoke is standing over the Trap Vortex will message me to log on and I'll activate the Trap from a secure location so now it was all up to Vortex to play spoke in the trap zone but things wouldn't go so easily I found it oh spoke I've already done my extreme tag right so now we're this is shooter Ron let's do a quick practice run practice one ready three two one goggle I think I said oh oh she's gonna shoot clutch we can shoot him we can shoot him bro what what is my aim oh my God bro I hit one person hey bucket let's go baby oh yeah well your aim is awful actually why don't you come down I can I can get better I promise all right no all right we'll come down I don't know I'm all the way down oh bro that's good that's weird so it's easier because your aim is you think you can hit your shots yeah [Music] all right guys let's try it now let's try it now three two one I think I can solve a Rubik's Cube in this time so the cube is scrambled and let's go ahead and see if we can solve this in the time it takes Vortex to message me okay so oh shoot oh God okay Vortex is messing me right now oh my gosh okay wow that was literally I had no time all right uh who wants to go next who wants to go next all right okay give the thing to smoke yeah bro I literally had no time to solve the Rubik's Cube okay things are cheating up bro oh my gosh all right guys line up line up all right this is round three all right okay okay guys line up line up get ready get ready this was it it somehow spoke was seated right over the track like you might have noticed that I didn't tell you how we changed our plan what I didn't tell you is that everybody except spoke we're all actors they rehearsed what to do just days before the Trap it was all planned to make the first game way too hard what is my aim oh my God bro I hit one person it was planned to have Boogie come down to the bottom oh yeah well your aim is all actually why don't you come down it was planned to break right next to the trap to show spoke that there was seemingly nothing there I don't want to be down here it was planned to add a minecart to ensure the Archer was standing directly over the trap zone I feel like if you get it on Minecart that seems fun and it was all planned from the start to have spoke in a minecart over the machine that would trap him forever all right ready and three okay Vortex is about to message me bro oh my gosh one go oh my God okay we just pulled it [Music] [Music] oh we got him we got him [Music] the server [Music] what wait how did you get up what do you say about the microwave [Music] okay [Music] wait this was a setup nah nah dude after spokes escape the lifesteal s p slowly descended into chaos thousands of duped items were created bedrock and command blocks appeared all over the server and eventually entire Inn cities spawned in the Overworld sometimes I think about what the server could have been if we had just ended it right then and there but there's no point because all we can do now is watch the end of lifesteal season four hey if you liked the video then please make sure to subscribe if you want to see the visual effects breakdown on how this was actually created and click on this video right here and if you want to see the raw recording of what actually happened click on this video right here anyway I really do appreciate it and thank you so much for watching and goodbye
Channel: MrCube6
Views: 277,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lifestealsmp, lifesteal smp, minecraft, redstone, minecraft redstone traps, lifesteal, smp, redstone trap, minecraft honeycomb trap, imprisoning a minecraft player
Id: 6Ooh7WJCzcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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