The Rise, Fall, and End of Minecraft Monday - A Documentary about Keemstar's Minecraft Tournament

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minecraft Monday was one of the most influential weekly eSports events of all time sparking widespread internet memes and causing channels to reach 1 million subscribers hosted by a keemstar hosts of the internet news show dramaalert the event brought together some of the biggest Internet personalities to compete for cash money mr. beast James Charles PewDiePie ninja grande de and TDM CaptainSparklez you name it the event sparked a lot of drama in its time but also brought a lot of people together after 14 weeks worth of competition the event has pretty much come to an end it will be a crime to forget about this tournament and its impact so today I will be talking about the history of Minecraft Monday you you [Music] 20-19 has been a pretty interesting year to say the least it began in sort of a weird state big means our big chunga sand mafia city the most popular game is fortnight most of all the Internet's attention was fixated on the most influential internet war to date beauty pie vs t series if you never heard of it you had to be living under a rock this was a widespread internet campaign to make sure that the most subscribed youtuber wasn't overtaken in subscribers by the Indian music label company t-series all YouTube data analysts were expecting t-series to overtake PewDiePie in late October 2018 but then something unexpected happened mr. beast uploaded a video on October 26th 2018 where he bought a lot of ads in his hometown all these ads were to promote PewDiePie although these advertisements themselves probably didn't have much of an impact on people who encountered them in real life they served a greater purpose for mr. beast to invigorate fans to subscribe to PewDiePie like crazy this trend cut on and inspired a lot of the biggest content creators of the time to get their fans to go out there and support PewDiePie content creators like markiplier Logan Paul and so many more however no trend can last forever each trend on the Internet must at some point come to an end by February it was becoming increasingly clear that the end was near PewDiePie needed to do something and fast this is when he decided to livestream the holy trinity of children's games fortnight roblox then minecraft this helped PewDiePie stay afloat for a short amount of time in the race in the short run PewDiePie's livestream was simply another live stream it only put a dent in minecraft popularity but this event was also the first wave of one of 20 19 s biggest phenomenon minecraft nostalgia people who haven't cared about Minecraft and years were suddenly reintroduced to the game even if for the short amount of time PewDiePie live stream this first wave was very minuscule compared to what was to come in April of 2019 the great crabber war was finally caught off there were many reasons for this one of the largest being Felix's unwanted association with the March New Zealand shooting the Internet's obsession with the war came to an end while all this was going on minecraft was making a comeback in the background and one man seemed to take note keemstar announced the creation of a weekly fortnight tournament on March 7th 2018 this was a massive event in collaboration with umj studio where big youtubers and streamers would come together and compete for a cash prize on May 6th he made a Twitter announcement about when everyone can find out about the events details not before long Friday fortnight became a staple event not only in the fortnight community but also around the entire Internet as the event went into full swing Teamster dropped a joke about a fake event on July 12 2018 what was this fake joke event called minecraft Monday in the tweets Commons there were people who actually wanted to see this become a real event keemstar took notice and made an announcement that if his tweet reached 5,000 retweets minecraft Monday would turn into an actual event in the course of 3 hours the tweet reached over 6,000 retweets however it doesn't appear that anything actually came of this and minecraft Monday remained to live on as a fake event made up as a joke some of teamsters followers kept telling him to actually make Minecraft money a real thing on - he actually responded in a tweet on April 3rd of this year keemstar said I don't know why you keep asking me to do minecraft Mondays but I know this if I did a Hunger Games tournament it would bang again not much came of this but it did attract the attention of some youtubers eventually On June 11 keemstar posted a tweet to get an idea of how many people actually wanted Minecraft Monday to be a thing this week up massively popular accumulating over 23,000 retweets just one day later team announced up minecraft Monday was finally going to be a real event keemstar was now on the hunt or who to invite to his minecraft home games tournament he reached out to numerous large youtubers that he had contact with even attempted to hunt for youtubers who were popular around five years ago all the while some decently sized YouTube channels expressed their interest hoping to get invited to the first ever minecraft monday was set to begin on June 24th just 13 days after it was declared a real event keemstar kept on hunting for participants needing 10 more players four days before due to interest it didn't take long before he decided to expand the number of participants Teamster ran into some issues finding a sponsor a minecraft server scanned him but then G fuel stepped in and sponsored $10,000 this meant that the people on the winning team had the ability to win $5,000 each a large sum of money for playing Minecraft the at the time roster was released on June 22nd later that day game star made a big announcement that ninja the huge fortnight streamer would be participating who would he team with mister beast an hour before the event the full roster was released to the public the event was being hyped millions of people were eager to watch and many large youtubers and streamers were all ready to play nothing could spoil the moment right wrong not only was a start delayed but the first round broke that's to keep our sky in alcohol's on the left there get off to the right what it's okay the issue was resolved but it also showed that team stars event was far from perfect still everyone was into the idea of an event where sky does MINECRAFT go head-to-head against mr. beast while running away from Skippy the first week was a success not everything was perfect with ninja Midway but there wasn't any major complaints of drama as a matter of fact if anything this event brought attention to a certain Pig minecraft II duper throughout the first week people and the streamers stream Jets were warning the participants about techno blade at first the players didn't really seem to take this too seriously yo Jeff we should we should we watch out for Lee who do you guys know how large knowledge of Hunger Games I feel a lot of people are saying scat be inside no blade well every literally everybody's saying techno yeah techno or big I'm scared of it yeah no this is our plan to be fair techno blade wasn't the largest eg by any means he had around 600,000 subscribers far from the numbers others had such as Vic star in skydoesminecraft techno blade was very well known within the PDP and high pixel communities but didn't have much name recognition beyond that PvP for those unfamiliar player versus player or you know players fighting against each other and high pixel being the largest several minecraft by dominating the first week the viewers of all the other streamers were suddenly interested in technically searches for technically spiked while in the first week techno blade had a viewership of a few 10,000 at any given moment his viewership spiked to over 60,000 in the subsequent weeks minecraft Monday was a perfect storm for technically getting the spotlight not only that but this week also produced a meme that quickly spread across Internet call me Carson from SMP live went to open a chest but it ended up being a trap [Music] [Music] call me Carson's reaction spread around the internet with the addition of Joe from Family Guy added into the background in the end the winning team was technically and shotgun raids at this point keemstar announced that an official public server was going to be made the server was released on July 1st one of the major complaints about the event was the team bouncing wasn't really fair that some teams had two people with a lot of experience while others had people who had just downloaded the game keemstar decided to split the top five placing teams from week one these people now had to find new teammates techno blades shows his friend tap to play however keemstar kicked out Apple for being a Minecraft player and gave techno an hour to find a new teammate techno then chose iballisticsquid which was a bit of a controversial choice after all squid while not a full-on minecraft channel by that point had a lot of Minecraft experience still it was allowed the even bigger controversy came from Pizza Hut another one of the players who had to find a new teammate week one was Minecraft Monday's honeymoon period where everyone was excited that a bunch of big youtubers were competing against each other however everyone also ignore the fact that the host was keemstar a figure who got a lot of backlash in the past for things that he did and said Pizza Hut did not want to beat in an event associated with him he also decided to post a video describing his thoughts I will not be participating in any future my craft Monday tournaments and I've also deleted my POV of my minecraft Monday tournament both from YouTube and twitch the mistake that I'm referring to something that I broke would I call responsibility on YouTube as a social media influencer I've always said the beginning that I will only take up deals from people whom I trust I have to have some sort of mutual trust and respect for the person as well as know that their intentions are in the best interest of my viewers and that is something that I do not believe the organizer of my craft Monday keemstar is I do not believe that keemstar has good intentions for his audience or for mine I do not believe that keemstar is a good role model or influencer on any social media platform he's a part of and I frankly do not I do not believe in barely anything that he does our views are entirely contradictory team has done a lot in the past and it was my fault for participating in a tournament without realizing who I was promoting I believe I was in some sort of romance period some sort of butterfly phase where everything just seemed like peaches and rainbows I was invited to this wonderful deal that it seemed like this epitome of my career but that as an excuse my actions auditor my responsibility to own up to my mistake so again I'm sorry needless to say game star was not happy both of them got into a back-and-forth argument on Twitter where keemstar insisted that Pete was kicked out for not finding a teammate and was angry about that this drama did not really persist for that long but it also served as a reminder that the host is not the most well-liked figure on a more positive note the big news of the week was a certain team of big youtubers PewDiePie with James Charles everyone went after them hoping to use him as clickbait for views James Charles would continue to play in the event every week while PDP never played in it again the winning team was iballisticsquid and technically again people were very upset that they were allowed to team together so from then on out techno blades teammates were always heavily vetted to make sure that they don't even know how to jump in Minecraft okay that's aya purply but you get the point to balanced teams techno blade was paired with Chris for mr. beast in the following week moving on remember how I talked about the public server earlier well guess what keen sir announced that they would soon be ranks people who buy these ranks on the server would have an opportunity to join the event as fans this announcement wasn't immediately a big deal but it would have an impact on the tournament week 3 saw perhaps the biggest change in minecraft Monday history now there would be multiple different mini games there were viewers who were upset that by having 10 rounds of the hunger game people were good at PvP like techno blade and Vic star would always dominate the entire event now there were games such as bingo and find the button this did not stop techno lead from dominating the event but having Chris an on minecraft player as a teammate that meant that he would have difficulty carrying his team into first place in the end the winners were CS soup and super trebs week 4 is perhaps best described by the big controversy of the week minecraft monday has been making a bit of an effort to balance teams but they never really looked that much into the players made apparent by tapping being kicked out only an hour before week 2 it was then that big star cast an idea you see one big Minecraft youtuber who hasn't played in the event up to this point was pressed in place while Preston used to focus on just Minecraft videos in recent times E's diversified into roblox fortnight and real-life videos within the Minecraft community Preston has a reputation of being good at the game but people outside it don't really know that at least until watching this video Nick start told the people in charge to add Preston as his teammate calling him rusty insisting that Preston used to be good at the game but not anymore this got all the serious contestants upset not furious because it's just a game unsurprisingly Nick's star and Preston won as you'd expect dicks are impressed and we're split the following [Music] in Week five there was a new kid on the block you see as I mentioned earlier people who bought ranks from the Minecraft Monday server had a chance to compete in the real thing this week the team of randoms as they come to be known consisted of player and fire breath man fire breath man caught everyone by storm with people referring to him as the new technically he was the dominant player without a doubt of all the random players who've ever participated he's by far the most remembered wildfire breath man was dominating there was a certain team that finally was in a good position to win Skippy and bad boy halo for the past few weeks they've been trailing first place now it was their time to shine just as long as they could outplay the random after a hard-fought week the winners ended up being asked epi and bad-boy halo as usual for this tournament the week did not come without controversy you see techno blades teammate was call me Carson call me Carson was trying to make a joke that he would team kill techno blade for the greater good of all the other competitors but the joke was not that well executed and people actually believed it he also tried it to where he would only speak to technically to the resound board but a lot of techno blades fans also you don't like that joke don't give them any reason hello are you ready to win TNT run yes I'm ready to win video games they okay they changed they change TNT run of it in week four I don't know how but that blocks disappear of it earlier so just hold down space fire the entire time just never let go okay never let go sure glad we could come to an understanding yes this is a sound word no no hey techno blade oh god the second boards been set up no these are all cookie cutter responses to avoid you from calling me cringe excellent this is actually how I record my words videos I just have like eight memes that I can't think of new jokes so I just repeat them it's all soundboard chat it's all soundboard sure sounds good sure Carson this is really awkward all my viewers are going to leave these are all cookie cutter responses hard question you need to pick the content please please sounds good I'm just I'm just gonna deafened I can't I can tell on death and after tea and tea run I can't I can't do this welcome guys to another solo commentary I don't know what's going on man secta weed continued to play the tournament in a solo commentary Carson hovered around an other voice chat and got a lot of backlash from the viewers of another streamer in the tournament xqc Carson got a lot of hate and eventually decided to leave midway through the tournament after chatting afterwards techno blades said that Carson didn't really seem to care still it was a huge conversation amongst minecraft monday fans in other news for the week captive Wade won all three rounds of TNT run starting a win streak that a lot of people would pay attention to a lot of non-technical a fans were upset the techno blades was too good at all the minigames though keen sir decided to add build battle in the following week build battle isn't necessarily the most competitive game but technically told keen that he wasn't good at building so yeah that's how they decided to balance everything week six saw the one-off appearance of another notable integrator Jaden animations who was teamed with AI has cup quake other than that the week was relatively uneventful techno blade continued his TNT run win streak expanding it to six wins in a row not only that but tech the blade won again team with Jay slap from SMP live while week six was most unconference a week of minecraft Monday in a while week seven blew all the other controversies out of the water bill battle was broken which meant that most teams could have built keemstar declared for bill battle points to be removed but they weren't TNT run was changed to have decaying blocks in order to prevent techno blade from winning however this also ruined everyone else's experience in the process Skippy died in a Hunger Games battle because a healing soup was broken a lot of players were experiencing lag the rapidly growing youtuber dream made a video suggesting that a lot of the issues are made possible because of a hacker destroying everything on the public server causing the people in charge of the week to be too distracted to pick some problems in the actual event keep in mind that this is when the main developer late B was on vacation I could go on describing every little detail of what went wrong but in the end no one knew who the legitimate winners were in the official leaderboard Skippy and bad boy halo 1 if Teamsters announcement that build battle points would be removed was actually put into effect techno blade and junky jenker wood for me it was a huge mess so in the end the prize money just ended up going to charity in week 8 there were some strong teams such as Skippy and bad boy yellow CaptainSparklez and beige and Canadian Tecna blade and dantdm and the random TMC Morgan plays and needle XD in the end the winners for the first ever time were the random this got them into a lot of controversy you see for the first few rounds they played using the bad line client while none of the contestants were a set or even had any objections to this a lot of the viewers went ballistic and sent them hate thing is other players have use about lying client in the past and they were declare the legitimate winners but that didn't stop them from being bombarded still a live one week nine ran relatively smoothly one new game mode added in this week was sky wars which was not super well received due to it having a big map still this was an intense competition he also got to see the first person to participate to have previously made a video about the event dream in the end the victory was taken by Skippy teamed a big star making it their third and second wins respectively week 10 fixed the sky wars man which noticeably resembled a map on the hypixel server network fills ax and Tecna blade Amon ated not only winning all three rounds of sky wars but also winning the entire event by now minecraft Monday had gained a reputation as the must joint event for any minecraft interpret however you worship kotas were not being met keemstar had made a rule that all participants must either a have at least 2,000 concurrent viewers per street or beat team with somebody who gets a ton of concurrent viewers such as 10,000 thing is these rules were not being enforced just like with Apple keemstar made some adjustments hours before the event began kicking people out including ex historia time deal and a 60 some people had no idea if they were being allowed to participate such as bad boy halo a 60 found out that Kingdom want him in anything else hosted by him so a60 rebelled and played in the event anyway keemstar acted like he never kicked out a 16 which got a 60 upset this led to a back and forth on Twitter between a 60 and keemstar keemstar kept insisting that a 16 was never kicked out while a 60 kept on providing his evidence we're having been kicked up this led to anyone having strong connections with a 60 deciding that they would never participate in minecraft Monday again included his Skippy a 60 himself bad boy hallo shotgun raids spy pee and dream a 60 also made a highly viewed video but not too like two hours before when every everyone saw is already hyped about it I it just ruined the whole Evans at that moment I got kicked out of the group and I never had any conversation in private or public with keemstar everyone starts the stream their stream except me but I don't really know why I got the idea to sneak in since I was still why existed I show up nowhere even on the UM G team list on under stream then something kind of funny happens I get a message saying are you actually gonna play I was told you were out of anything him related that just made me want to start my stream and and just stand up against this guy that is Kim so I started streaming I went back today in the um G even VOD and then I see in the chat something from him a sixty and Skippy are teaming I didn't know at that point because I was on stream on my side I got up to 4k hoover's at the beginning and see the message in my chat from team from viewership GD I don't know if you actually just tried to pretend like nothing happened and just be like oh he got the viewers I never kicked him out but that kind of me off at the moment even if I was like hiding it on my stream like he was literally two-faced like youtuber pika clicks who hosts an event called winner-takes-all decided to begin a new event called minecraft Sunday it was eventually changed to minecraft Saturday but the important thing to note is its aim was to be like minecraft Monday but better with staff that are actually paid and can put in a ton of time thing is it would take a while for this event to begin and there were mixed thoughts about it at the time at the end of week 11 the winners were German streamers bas DG HD and aqua the cheater however the event would never be the same again week 12 is better organized with keemstar announcing the participants during the week notably xn-- astoria who was kicked out from the previous week was now set to play the a 60 vs keemstar drama continued but not to the same extent as the week before in the end the winners were xqc and Moxie a team that has significantly improved from the first time competing week 13 was different from all the other weeks because of one person mr. beast hey guys I just got off the phone with mr. beast and he is making a video on minecraft Monday today so if you are lucky enough to be participating in today's minecraft Monday mr. beast is going to be jumping on the discord in issuing individual challenges to some of the players to win thousands and thousands of dollars in donations so super excited about it just want to let you guys know Minecraft Monday starts in two hours mr. beast announced that Tecna bleed would be bounty for $15,000 a greater amount of money than the actual prize pool whoever killed techno laid in the last round of Hunger Games would get that money however if techno won he himself would get the money after some intense fighting the winners of the bounty ended up being beige and Canadian and Jerome ASF also just like the last week xqc and Moxie won the event little did anyone know but that marked the last full week of Minecraft Monday the following week was canceled by keemstar due to twitchcon then keemstar realized that twitchcon was actually the next week so the next week was canceled too during this time the main developer Lake be left to pursue other things with the developer for pretty much the events entire history now gone the new person would have some big shoes to fill this takes us to week 14 the week of disaster each team went into the first round which was split they didn't really like the map which redesigned to prevent exploits that some of the competitors messed around with the previous time around not to mention the ice from the floor melted causing the game to turn into a stalemate of people hiding in water just as no one thought anything could get worse the same hacker from week 7 went in and banned everyone in an ironic twist of events James Charles noticed that the hacker showed his own IP during the stream so the hacker ended up getting D dust the participants played on hypixel instead which the viewers seemed to enjoy not that long after all this went down team started out at minecraft Monday would be on hiatus until November there's this misconception right that I'm making thousands of thousands millions of dollars doing these tournaments no no bro I'm putting in hours and hours and hours in each week like people don't understand the amount of work to organize something like this is insane so why would I do a ton of work and like not get paid basically do anything because it's fun because I love it but I like putting on a show for the community I like that you guys love this and you know I just I love it but quite frankly like we've been cutting so many corners on minecraft Monday like money should be spent here and there and same thing with Friday for tonight and the reason why we don't spend the money and put money into it is because we're not making anybody so basically what is happening now is I have to two companies maybe three companies that are fighting over taking over my tournaments and replacing UMG that are offering some crazy money and like last Friday and today's minecraft Monday all could have been like way better if I had money so I feel like it's just stupid to just keep doing these events on a shoestring budget when like in a couple months I'm gonna have a lot of money I'll be able to raise my price pools I might actually get paid for putting all this work and to do these tournaments so I'm thinking the return of Minecraft Monday and Friday fortnight will be in November some of the players from minecraft Monday decided to play an organised game of battle dome to substitute for the event they even invited Lego Meister a minecraft mod a news channel after battle dome they went onto the hypixel server and essentially had a repeat of the previous week ever since all this went down people have been pretty much silent minecraft Monday Lake Oh maestro continues the tradition of Minecraft Monday hi pixel with big youtubers although all the actual minecraft Monday players have pretty much just stopped doing it at this point a couple weeks ago this spotlight was taken by minecraft Saturday that events I talked a little about earlier it had a lot of the same participants as minecraft Monday not only that but another event called minecraft Championship has also appeared stay tuned for news on that and that event also attracts a lot of the same people needless to say the golden days of Minecraft Monday are over keemstar was recently asked when the event is coming back and he responded by stating that he wants more people to ask for it back although many people were hopeful that minecraft money would return this month it appears that it won't be returning anytime soon now the community's attention is fixated on other events that are better organized and aren't associated with controversial hosts technically it is possible for the event to return but only if everyone bans together for the cause even then with the event ever be the same no trend can last forever each trend on the Internet must at some point come to an end it was only a matter of time before we saw the end of Minecraft Monday without Minecraft Monday the internet would certainly be different some channels wouldn't have seen massive subscriber growth a big meme wouldn't have existed minecraft tournaments today as we know them wouldn't exist even more than that without such big names coming together under the same minecraft event minecraft wouldn't have ever seen as big a resurgence popularity as we saw happen so what do you think should minecraft money return let me know down in the comments anyways that's it for this video if you'd like to see more documentaries like this be sure to subscribe if you hated it don't forget to leave it it's like please follow me on twitter at scythe on YT also please join my discord linked in the description besides all that be sure to check out some of my other videos you can click on the video to the left to see a documentary about sexy Zek a minecraft youtuber who was popular years ago you can also click on the video to the right for a documentary about the day minecraft trolling almost anyways that's it see apiece
Channel: Zyphon
Views: 2,447,627
Rating: 4.9163489 out of 5
Keywords: Zyphon, Minecraft Monday, Minecraft Saturday, minecraft monday drama, minecraft monday drama a6d, minecraft monday drama callmecarson, minecraft monday callmecarson crying, callmecarson crying history, minecraft monday history, history of minecraft monday, mc monday history, mc monday, minecraft monday technoblade, technoblade, minecraft monday pewdiepie, minecraft monday hacked, minecraft monday hack, minecraft monday week 11 drama, minecraft monday week 7 drama, a6d, skeppy
Id: l9AtdKyXvJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 33sec (1833 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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