Strangely Wrapped Gifts | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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welcome all of you to church today and all of our campuses were so thankful that you've decided to join us today for the last message in our series acres of diamonds I want to thank you for your support of helping us get the message of our brand new book acres of diamonds and it's it's out there and it's touching many tens of thousands of lives already we're humbled by that thankful for the response we've been getting and today I want to focus in particularly on how diamonds are made and how that relates to our life you know we mentioned in the first session how that diamonds are transported from deep inside the earth through lava that is hot volcano liquid that takes those diamonds from being hidden in darkness under pressure and heat and it brings them up to surface and I believe that God uses fire and heat and unusual things in our lives like fiery trials and situations that we don't understand to bring to surface his purpose and his plan in our life I want to talk today about the story of Joseph in the 50th chapter of Genesis and there's two verses that I want to Center in on in verse 18 then his brothers also went and fell down before his face and they said Behold we are your servants Joseph said to them this is very important do not be afraid for I am 4 am I in the place of God but as for me you meant it for evil against me but God meant it for good in order to bring it about as it is this day to save many people alive I want to talk to you today about this story Jacob the old father had died and the scripture said that when he died that his brother were terrified that Joseph being in the powerful position that he was in Joseph the man that they had done so wrong they had thrown him in a pit they had sold him into slavery they had put him through hell for 17 years and they were convinced as soon as the old man died that Joseph was going to take revenge on them and so they made up a story this is in your Bible and didn't have time to read it but they made up a story and they said our Father said to make you promise that you wouldn't hurt us after he died as a matter of fact his last dying words were tell Joseph not to harm any of you and Joseph knew when they said that that that wasn't the truth that his father didn't say that and that's when that famous verse was born in his heart that we've quoted through many trials and tough times he said you don't need to fear and you don't need to be afraid I'm not gonna hurt you I know father has passed away and I could I could get my revenge but you don't understand what you put me through the trial that you took me through the fiery furnace situations that that you used that you wanted to destroy me God used it as lava to transport me to the highest position in Egypt that I could go to I would have never been sitting in the second seat of the most powerful nation in the world had you not meant it for my evil but God used what you meant for evil as that which would transport me to my place of destiny just like the lava it the heat the pressure the pit the the hell you put me through is what God used to take me and place me in that place of destiny I remember reading the story and hearing this story and in research for the book I found out that it came from columnist by the name of Dear Abby many of you who are my age will remember the Dear Abby columns they were very famous she tells the true story that she had researched of a father and how that this father lost his wife and they only had one son and the son was was a good boy but he missed his mother and the father was a very successful businessman and he did everything that he could to build his business so he was distracted a lot from the boy and the boy what came up in high school and finished high school and he and the father kind of grew apart but you know they were there and he was raising the boy doing the best that he could but the father was becoming more and more wealthy and successful then the boy goes off to college and they kind of drifted apart but toward his senior year the son started reaching out and trying to get some more relationship with his father and sure enough they got a little bit closer his senior year and here's what happened the son only had wanted one thing from his father really one special request he had outstanding grades he had been an excellent son he had always shown respect and honor to his father even though they didn't have that close intimate relationship probably that they should have had because the dad was so busy with his business that he didn't really have the time for his son and the boy had an empty place in his life and but he he was trying in that senior year he said I'm dad I only want one thing for my graduation and certainly the father was able to give it to him he was so wealthy and he said I won't this certain sports car and he told him where the dealership was and they went over and they looked at it and even test drive the car and the boy loved it and the father thought it was gorgeous and beautiful he said dad if I get straight A's would you consider getting me this car for my graduation and the dad said I sure will I sure will son I'll think about that and on the day of graduation they all go to the a to the college graduation and the father says come to my home after graduation and he and they're in that beautiful mansion that he had they go into the study and it's a beautiful study and it's full of books and just a office where he did his big business deals and they're on the table the father had a package for the son and it was a wrapped gift and he pushed it across the desk to his son and the son was already taken back just a little bit because that's not what he was expecting he knew the gift he wanted wouldn't come in a package like that he knew the gift that he had asked the father for which certainly you know my I know my father loves me and I know my father can't afford unlike anybody probably to buy me this car it was nothing to him to buy that car for his son this is a true story and so when he won't been he was already a little bit ticked off because when the father said I got you something for your graduation and he knew that there's no way the car I want is in that package and he tore it open already had a little bit of an attitude and when he took the lid off after he tore I opened the wrapping and took the lid off of the box there was a Bible inside a Bible that had his name engraved in bold letters on it and he just looked at it he couldn't believe it he lost it he didn't handle it well at all the sons temper got the best of him and especially since his dad had not been over overly religious the whole time that he lived with him he would go to church occasionally but for some reason something had happened to him and and and he got him a Bible for his graduation and he wrapped it in a box and gave it to his son and he had his name and bold letters on it the boy got furious he shoved the package back across the table at his father and let him set a few words and stormed out and the dad said wait son wait and he slammed the door went out left never to return he never came back home went off after he had graduated from college he used his dad's name to pull some strings got him a job got a better job invested became very successful they never were communicating the father had reached out and reached out the boy wouldn't have anything it was pent-up anger he was mad because he just all the things through the years that he had felt neglected about and finally the boy fell in love got married he didn't invite his dad to the to the wedding and and had his first child a couple years later when that child was born it was a son and it touched the the son's life so much that relationship that he had with his own son that something began to shift and he said I need to I need to make things right with my dad and so he he decided to surprise him and he told his wife and his family were going halfway across the country were gonna drive and we're gonna go to my dad's house and I want him to meet his grandson for the first time and I want us to build the bridge back to Dad's life even though he didn't give me what I thought that he should have given me and when they were coming across the country he got the message that was sent to him a tragedy has taken place in your father has died and when he got there you can imagine he was heartbroken they went to the funeral and the father left his son everything that he had in his vast fortune and empire that he had built in a beautiful mansion that he lived in everything was left to the son Betty that and they hadn't spoke for years and years and when he walked into that mansion he had a hole in his heart the size of a battleship it was truly broken and grieving to think that he had been driving and it was so excited he couldn't wait to wrap his arms back around his father and now he knew he would never get that chance he walked into that same office where he and his father met for the last time and when he walked in he was just kind of fumbling through the papers that were left even some of the business deals that his dad was working on and untied things that you know that he was finishing up when he met his unfortunate death and the sons just kind of browsing through and walking through and it was emotional and he looked up on the shelf and there he saw that same box that same gift in the wrappings and the paper and the he knew that what was in it was that Bible and he pulled it down off of the shelf and of course it had been torn open and it still had the wrapping paper on it he reached Stan this time and when he saw his name that his father had had imprinted on that Bible as a gift he picked that Bible up the tears began to flow and and and and it was only one place in the Bible that was marked and it had a Bible marker in it and he it fell open to Luke chapter 11 and I think it's the 13th verse where it said if you if you being evil give good gifts to your children how much more will God give the Holy Spirit if you ask and boy it was about more than the son could take he began to weep and he took that Bible that was open in that place and it was underlined the only scripture that was underlined in the whole Bible as if the father really wanted him to get that message that day and when he held the Bible up to his chest in that office and failed to his knees and began to weep and cry something fell out of the Bible and it was a key and he couldn't believe it he recognized the key because it had the name of the car dealership it was a key to the car that he had asked his father for and sure enough he went out into the garage and there under a covering of dust was that car that his father had bought it was there all the time his father had provided it it was waiting in the garage when he had stormed and shoved the gift back to his father he had exactly had received exactly what his father what he asked his father for but he didn't recognize it because of the package the strangely wrapped package that the gift came in and I want to tell you today that when God when we ask God for something when we ask God to use us when we ask God to do something powerful in our lives he answers our prayers we have a father who hears and answers prayers but he sends those answers many times it's been my experience that he will wrap those answers in strangely wrapped gifts and if you're not careful you won't recognize what God is doing because it doesn't show up the way that you thought it would show up it doesn't look like you thought it would look it doesn't it doesn't it's not what you thought and what you expected it would be what he got what he wanted but he didn't like how it was wrapped he didn't like what it looked like the father gave him exactly what he asked for but he didn't like the package it came in so he rejected it not realizing listen carefully he was rejecting everything that he asked the father to give him ladies and gentlemen we have a Heavenly Father who still gives strangely wrapped gifts to his children I'll speak for my own life when I remember it like it was yesterday it's funny I'm 57 now but I still remember when I was 16 years old 17 years old and how God began to deal with me about ministry and one particular time I was sitting in a service and a man by the name of Ronnie Brock was preaching and he really spoke a message that night that touched me I was sitting in the back of a church service a camp-meeting really in North Carolina and it stirred my heart now but I was weeping I was crying I was so moved by the message when he gave the altar call I could take you to the place I walked down the aisle as hundreds of young people did and I found a part of the building that Bing and I knelt behind it and I just sobbed then I knew and I didn't tell anybody but I knew that I said God if I want your will to be done and I feel like while he was preaching you were saying that I would do that one day but I'm scared and I don't feel like I could ever do that I remember the battle that I fought at that at that beam that was holding that building up I cried out to God and I came to that place where I said I'll do whatever you want me to do Lord but but but I'm afraid and I said but God if you want to use me then I give I give myself I'm not gonna tell anybody yet and I wouldn't tell anybody for a couple years but you know what that was a major place in my life but something strange happened I thought well you know God will open the doors and one thing to lead to the other and everything will be fine and I was you know 16 almost 17 years old that's a very important age and you know you care about everything and popularity and how you look and all those things really matter to teenagers and something happened to me I I started getting balls all over my face all over my head all down the back of my neck all over my body all over my chest my back all over my body it was the most horrible thing you can't imagine my eyes would swell my nose would swell my lips would swell and on certain days I would look like a monster and it was almost like a joke I couldn't believe it and we went to doctors and we tried to get help but it would they couldn't help it they didn't have the answer to what was needed during those times and nothing helped it and it went on not for a week or a month or three months or six months in a my schooling it affected my self confidence it affected my self-esteem I felt like I couldn't became a hermit basically I became very recluse I stayed in my bedroom I wore big thick coats when I did have to go to school people teenagers are cruel and they would laugh and make fun and I felt humiliated I didn't know that in that time in that time of my life and it went on for over a year and I would sometimes when I was really broke out bad all over my body with these bowls I would be too embarrassed to go to school and I would take a key and I would go over to my dad's church and I would go up in the balcony and there in the balcony was the sound system and I would skip school and I would lay up under that sound system all day long and I would listen to cassette tapes of preaching because a woman in the church named Rachel Joyner started seeing something in me that God would use she would come up in the middle of those times when I would just get in church sit on the back row with a big thick downes coat on up to here so nobody could see my face and I would go back home as quick as I could get home and go to my bedroom and I was in deep depression would hear the voice of the enemy in the night season say just give up it felt like a cruel joke I said God at one time I remember saying why did you why did you tease me why did you own in that spot in that meeting when Ronnie brought preach how could I ever get up and preach look at me I look like a freak I look like a I look like some kind of people would laugh at me I'm gross look at how I look but my calling in my ministry came wrapped in a strangely wrapped gift I didn't recognize that had that season not happening as I would lay up there under that soundboard all day people would walk through and they didn't know that I would be up there listening through a Walton man into my ears hearing the word of god I had a Bible and I began to read it for the first time in my life for myself I had a dad who preached but I didn't have that kind of relationship I just depended on his faith and mom's faith but but during that season when everything went dark when nothing was going right God was giving me exactly what I asked him for but it would come in a strangely wrapped gift and in those hours when I would pray and in those hours when I would lay up there weeping and crying and feeling like an outcast like a leper like someone who would never be normal again God was going deep in me and teaching me that he is someone who's near people who are hurting near people who are broken near the rejected near those who sit at the table by themselves near the kid in the lunchroom who eats all by themselves near not just the kids who are running with the popular crowd but he allowed me to go through that solid year and three months of my life because to this day when I put sermons together to this day when I get up in preached the Holy Spirit will take me back to the loneliest most hurting broken awful questioning God's season in my life when up to that point I've had a few since then but as a teenager you can imagine all of my friends are having the time of their life graduating heaven and I don't have a friend I don't have anything I don't have a date I don't have anybody in my life it was in that time that I started playing the saxophone four or five six hours a day practicing the piano learning chords in one year I learned to play the piano and the saxophone I practice it was I didn't I would have never done it before I was popular I was running all around and I was starting to party and get with the wrong crowd but I didn't understand God even through my suffering even through my even through my rejection of friends even through my sorrow even through the nights at 3:00 in the morning when I laid in the bed and cried and well he was giving me everything I asked him I asked him for a ministry I asked him to use me to touch people's lives I asked him and he said I'm gonna send it I'm gonna give you exactly what you asked me for but it's gonna come in a strangely wrapped gift you're gonna go through some things that you never dreamed you would go through but out of the pain and out of the brokenness and out of the loss and out of the rejection will come the anointing will come compassion will come a sensitivity to people who hurting and whose lives feel like they're falling apart then I began to see it in the Bible I saw people like Joseph God said I'm I'm gonna raise you up and I'm gonna use you and you're gonna see the bowing down of the harvest the bowing down you're gonna be in a place of destiny and then comes the strange we were having gift of his brothers tearing the code of colors off and throwing him into a pit and talking about killing him and he's pleading with tears please brothers please brothers and they have no mercy the only thing that saved him by the way was one of the boys one of his brothers named Judah the Bible said they were going to kill him but Judah which means pray said no don't kill him selling to the omission to the Ishmaelites when you're in the pit sometimes the only thing that will keep you alive is praise hallelujah so when you hear me sing these songs when I get up here you know where those songs go back to they go back to being up under that soundboard in the darkest hour of my life listening to Andre crowd sing through it all through it all and now when I'm standing here and I'm minister the Holy Spirit goes back decades and pools out of my own experience Minister others and Joseph is in that pit and Judas speaks a praise has to speak up when you're in the pits you don't know how to get out of the pits praise your way out hallelujah praise God let's give him let's give him a let's take a praise break right now and give him a mighty praise right where you are and the Bible said that he's raised up what a strange gift sold into slavery the issue might sell into Egyptians he ends up in Potiphar's house what is strangely wrapped gift and then as if that's not strange enough Potiphar's wife tries to seduce him and he rejects her he's doing the right thing he's he says no I can't sleep with you I can't do this and he she accuses him of rape and he ends up being in prison what a strangely wrapped gift and some of you don't understand why did not have a father why didn't my father leave her why did I go through that divorce or why do I have this physical diagnosis and why am I going through this why did my child die why didn't I why didn't my life why is my life in such turmoil telling you that we have a father who gives his children strangely wrapped gifts sometimes you can't see it but before God was through with Joseph he would pull him out of the pit and out of the prison and in 24 hours after he interprets the dream of the butler he's sitting in the second most powerful seat and the most powerful nation in the world and the only way that he got transported from the pit and the prison to the place of destiny was it took the lava it took the fire it took the strangely wrapped gift that he questioned and wondered is there even a God who hears my prayers but when he gets to that place of destiny he says you meant it for my evil I know the devil minute for my evil and I know the people my family who rejected me you meant it for my evil but God has used it for my goo that many might be saved everybody I thought about Moses his name means drawn out his mother would would hold him and say son your name Moses means drawn out and one day you're gonna draw Israel out of Egyptian bondage you're a child of destiny God has preserved you and he thought that day had come when he saw an Egyptian beating and Israelite and he slew that Egyptian and covered him in sand and someone the next day got in an argument with with Moses brother Aaron and Moses spoke spoke up for his brother and the man said what are you gonna do slay me like you slew that Egyptian and he knew oh my god word is out I covered it up but word is out and so listen he flees to the wilderness it's a strangely wrap gift I'm sure for 40 years when he was in the wilderness he questioned God's call called out how am I gonna deliver Israel how am I gonna set God's people free how in the world am I gonna ever be used mightily of God to break the chains of slavery to for millions of people how's that how's God going to use somebody like me I'm in a desert nothing's happening none of the prophecies are taking place it's 40 years of nothing I don't see any signs but God was teaching him desert life God was teaching him where the water holes were God was teaching him how to survive the heat God was it's intense heat and pressure that gives birth to diamond and God had him in the desert and it was a strangely wrapped gift he didn't know what he was doing but before God could bring him out into the wilderness for forty years with the Israelites he had to make sure that he had the confidence to lead them and the only way to do that is let him go through that wilderness first and after 40 years of burning bush says now go bring my people out he brings them out and when he had him in the wilderness he knew where every waterhole was he knew where every shade was he knew where all the poisonous snakes were he knew everything about the desert because he had been in it God gave him exactly what he promised him the Father sins strangely wrapped gifts and I don't know who I'm preaching to today but you need to hear this message job God's gonna send some hideous gifts to your life you're gonna lose everything you're gonna go through the trial of your life you're gonna lose ten children in one day you're gonna lose your best friends they're gonna call you a hypocrite a liar you're gonna go through darkness like you can't imagine but when it's all said and done you're gonna write the first book of the Bible and people are gonna read your words and when they're going through trials and when they're going through tribulations they're gonna read how the story ends because in the end God gave Jobe double and in the end God gave him ten more children he had ten in heaven and ten on earth and in the end God would use him and there's a beautiful verse in Jobe I think it's the 42nd chapter that says and after this job lived a hundred and forty years and had children and children's children and children's children and children's children listen to me if God has you in a place where you're hurting and you're broken I'm telling you that he uses strangely wrap gifts to deliver your destiny your calling your purpose and some of you've gone through things and you don't understand why and you don't know why and you don't have any answers and you may never completely get the answer but I would just say to you today remember this message remember what God is saying and what God is doing because he's gonna use what you've been through his good Moses you say you want to see my glory you say you want to make it into the Promised Land and then he's smart he's smart he hits the rocks Mike's the rock and God says you're not going into the you're not going in to the Promised Land it was a strangely wrapped gift he didn't understand that he represented the law and the law can't take you into the blessing and then the one that was coming after him would be Joshua and Joshua is Hebrew for Jesus he was saying what the law can't do in type and shadow I can't let you like Moses take them into the Promised Land I'm gonna have to let Jesus do it he didn't understand all of that and God was sending the strangely wrapped gift but listen God's faithful because the Bible said that when Jesus was on the mountain of Transfiguration Elijah and Moses came down and when Elijah and Moses came down even though people say Moses never got to go into the Promised Land that's not true because the Bible said he stood on the mountain of Transfiguration that's the holy land he made it he made it hundreds of years after he died and his bones were buried in Jordan he made it to the promised land but God used to strangely wrapped gift to get him there and now he's standing on the mountain and he asked God for two things he said I want two gifts I want number one the gift of making it into the promised land and it looked like it wasn't gonna happen and then he said I want to see your glory and it didn't look like he sold the glory he died and his bones were buried in Mount Nebo in Jordan but now 1,500 years later Moses and Elijah are standing on the Mount of Transfiguration he made it into the promised land Jesus is standing there so guess what he's seen the glory of God it just didn't come packaged and wrapped in a way he thought it would happen boy I really feel today that people are listening to this message and the Lord wants you to know he hasn't forgotten your Heavenly Father sees what you're going through he's allowed and he's gonna perform and fulfill everything he's promised don't throw away don't take the gift when you don't understand it and shove it back into the face of the Father the very thing that you can't understand the very package and gift that you've been giving that you would have never personally chose that gift if God has allowed it to come into your life is to work into you that's what Paul said the beatings the suffering the imprisonment that strikes beyond measure but he said I've learned to take pleasure in the wrapping of the guilt because his strength is made perfect in my weakness he said I prayed three times take this gift and I shoved it back at God three times take this thorn of the flesh and I shoved it back at the father and three times the father shoved it back and he said no no I'm gonna give you this because you'll be exalted above measure unless I give you a strangely wrapped gift that keeps you humble and broken and needing me I just want you to know boy they tell you the presence of the Lord is in this room right now everything God's promised you he's gonna bring it to pass and listen to me carefully in this life we will have sorrow and we will have pain but God will take what we go through God will take the sorrows the tears the pain the suffering the loss the funerals the bankruptcy the divorce he'll take the pain that we go through and he will use it in our life one day we're all gonna stand in the ultimate acres of diamonds a place called heaven no more sorrow no more pain no more crying no more we and we'll understand it better by-and-by so I think God for the mountains and I thank him for the valleys and I want to stand here and thank you for the pain he's brought me through 45 never had those problems I'd never be standing here telling you he can solve those problems I'd never know [Music] what faith in his world could lift your hands right where you are saying through Oh through it all I've learned to trust in Jesus I've learned to trust in God I've learned to trust in God even when I get gifts that are wrapped in strange packages through it all through it all to depend upon his word as you're standing at every campus no one leaving no one moving it's an unusual anointing here this morning just bow your heads for a moment some of you have been through things that you don't understand you ask God for some things the next thing you knew was at your doorstep was delivered a strangely wrapped package I promise you the gift is still in there I promise you that God is faithful I promise you that even out of the tears and the suffering and the loss and the bad things that happen to good people he's working he's working when you don't understand he's working when you can't see it he's working all things together for the good you meant it for my evil but God meant it for my good and if you're in this house today and you would say pastor Jensen I need to get it to the feet of the cross I need to get this hurt this bitterness I need to get this this maybe you've questioned and maybe something was so severe that happened in your life that you walked away from God that you said it's over if how could God allow that to happen he I don't want to serve a God I don't want a God who would who's to let my child die let my son be killed let something like that happen I promise you if you'll bring that brokenness to the cross he'll get glory out of your life you'll make sense out of some things that come around and strangely wrap gifts this is your altar call so with every hit ballet we are close pastor Jensen pray for me I need to get right with God today I want Jesus to be Lord of my life right where you're standing right there in that room at every campus if that's you just lift your hand high the Spirit of the Lord is touching you the Spirit of the Lord is speaking to you so just surrender it to him just say God I don't care what I go through I don't care what I face I'm not gonna let go of you I'm gonna hold on to your strong hand I'm gonna lean on you and if you'll do that I promise you he'll get you through it sometimes he doesn't rescue you and take you out but I promise you he'll take you through so just lift that hand right where you're standing just raise it high that's wonderful raise it high at every campus don't be ashamed raise it high cost Jesus sees that hand keep it up keep it high everybody look around if you see someone with their hand raised gently put your hand on their shoulder we're gonna pray right where we are as a matter of fact I think it would be powerful if you just reached over and touch somebody on the shoulder right now would you do that and we're gonna pray one for another cause all over our buildings and every campus there's people who have been receiving strangely wrapped gifts you've almost cursed it you've almost felt angry at God wanting to shove it back at the Father and bitterness but now I want you to say God I don't understand but nothing can come in my life as a believer that you don't allow and so either you're going you've allowed it and you're gonna get glory out of it are you going to absolutely remove it with victory in my life but either way I am an overcomer through the blood of Jesus Christ and what the enemy means for my evil God will turn it for my good it's a pray right now this prayer everybody say these words Lord Jesus I give you my life I surrender everything to you I don't understand why this has happened but I have a strangely wrapped gift but I lay it at your feet I don't have to have all the answers I don't have to know every thing in every answer to my question I surrender and I say you're my lord and I give you my life use me and everything I've been through for your glory he hears your cry today and he's doing a work in your life that's going to change you for eternity your name is being written in the book of life and you are registered for a party in heaven on acres of diamonds our pastors are coming at every campus but I think it would be in order if we just put our hands together and we lift it up a mighty shout of praise to God even in the midst of our affliction either in the midst of tough times even in the midst of things that are unexplainable the unexplainable absences of God which you lift up a shout that says I still believe I still praise you I still thank you and a steel in Jesus muddy come on one more time let's just give a shout or praise up to the Lord right now for those strangely wrapped gifts come on you can do better than that all of Heaven is rejoicing right now come on let's not let this moment go by just with a very small hand clap and let's rejoice like they are in heaven right now come on someone's name just got written in the Lamb's Book of Life right now and we got to be a witness of it with all of heaven right now you know there's a quote that says that God's gift to us is our life but what we do with our life is our gift back to God and there's nothing more that we can do than presenting our life back him as a matter of fact the Bible says Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 12 it says I beseech you that word beseech you means as the strongest urging that you would present your body a present present your body back to the Lord and how do we do that it's by worshiping him can we just one more time just lift our hands up and just worship Him for a moment come on how many of you feel the presence of the Lord in this place we worship you today Lord we thank you listen if you prayed that prayer today we want to get some information from you we want to give some material in your hand that will help you whether you walk with God and to let you know that there's a whole bunch of people that are rejoicing with you it's going to be praying for you and believing the best for you right there at home you too you just go online tell someone what God's done in your life we're so proud of you listen can I pray for you before we go how many of you thankful for pastor Franklin this amazing series acres of diamonds it's been a game-changer for me personally and I can't wait to see my loved ones I miss my papa I can't wait to see him in heaven on those acres of diamonds in heaven one day and listen God's doing amazing things in our church I can't wait to see you back here next week let me pray over your father I pray that you'd put your angels to watch over us let no weapon formed against us prosper and may we boldly proclaim the good news the gospel the joy the hope that you've given us everywhere we go and we'll give you all the praise in Jesus name and everybody said we love you we'll see you next week right here at free chapel [Music] I do encourage you if you have not yet picked up your copy of HS and diamonds you can get it wherever books are sold Barnes & Noble Amazon whatever is most convenient for you but make sure you get that copy and get a copy for Flint not only that but as you know foreign conferences just around the corner June is quickly approaching us and if you haven't purchased your ticket yeah we would love to see you there you can get a Fulton conference not party get your ticket today but if you would also like to serve as a sponsor you can go through the same registration process and get a ticket for someone a young student that may not be able to get to that conference that conference themselves so again go to Bullock on dot o-r-g we would love to see you there we know that God has been administer the thousands of young people from all across the world but again thank you so much for joining us here today we love you we appreciate and regrettably this week and we can't wait to see you next Sunday [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 29,180
Rating: 4.927978 out of 5
Keywords: Faith, Spiritual Warfare, Spiritual Growth, Direction
Id: H0syZaFAA8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 56sec (2816 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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