Virtues of Adoption and Fostering with Sh Omar Suleiman

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[Music] sonarak nano he-man hamdulillahi rabbil alameen wa sallahu salam o allah Vasudha here Kareem Ali he was like me he was sullen to sing and kathira I want to welcome you all on site and online from daily life for what I believe hopefully will be a completely perception changing you know seminar in our community in chat lots are that I hope will be looked up 5060 years from now and charlotta and be used as a tool and a basis for employing people to really take on this abandoned Sunnah which is unfortunately leaving children abandoned leaving leaving Muslim children and other children in very difficult situations and inhabited that you know I want you know this is also the credit of the brothers and sisters who have been really trying to push for the seminar for a very long time I think the implications of it are very are very big indeed and we're going to try to cover all aspects of it in chocolate on all aspects of this topic and really address it some ways that are spiritually enabling in some ways that are practically enabling in chocolate ila and intended that we have with a sister sada harih from new Star Cafe de agency and she will be able to give us sort of that logistical roadmap in chocolate art to actually be able to go forth with this practice for those of us who are interested in Charlotte ila and if anything you know everyone leaves this room renewed and everyone leaves the seminar renewed with the Sunnah and charlotta and we have changed our perceptions and even if we can save one Muslim child one child that's in a difficult situation then I would consider it a success indeed I have a PowerPoint I'm not usually a PowerPoint type of person but inshallah it makes it easy for those to follow along to take notes those that want to take notes in shot Lata when we talk about adoption and foster care just to sort of give you the way the seminar is going to play out in Shella for the first hour to an hour and a half we'll see in Selma how quickly I and how much I'm able to cover in the first session we're going to focus on the virtues and when I say the virtues I want us to be spiritually enabled because I do believe and I think it's part of our tradition that if the heart is angled right then everything else will fall into place and I know that we go we've been to a lot of fundraisers about orphans and you know sponsoring an orphan over season I'm not taking I'm not undermining that at all in fact many of these a hadith do in fact talk about the finance the reward of financially sponsoring an orphan I think there's always room for that and we should grow in that and I only hope that the seminar would only push you further towards that inshallah tada but hopefully by going in depth into the virtues of this entire subject of taking on an orphan of offering that that service of adoption foster care inshallah tada we feel more at ease with it within our hearts and we feel like we're enabled then we'll go into the filthy aspects of it the legal the legal questions surrounding this particular issue and then inshallah we will go into the practical aspects of it where sister sada will take over in shout Lata and there will be questions that will arise throughout the seminar anyone that is that's online the hashtag for this is adoption seminar so any tweets with with gems reflections blessings questions you can use the hashtag inshallah tada which is adoption seminar so again I'm not a PowerPoint person but we're going to go through that anyway the big picture what makes this subject so important from a philosophical perspective as Muslims why is this so important and how do we fit it into the overall scheme of our religion number one the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam says in the loonie third wathah seek me out amongst the weak seek me out amongst the port now typically speaking the word guava is translated as weak but what it really means is vulnerable it's not that a person is weak but rather a person is vulnerable in their society and the prophet sallallaahu rd Misenum said seek me out amongst the vulnerable you will always find me amongst the vulnerable of your society so how did it totals Okolona what Valona in Lavvy Loretha ekam are you granted victory or help or sustenance from allah subhana wa ta'ala except by the way that you treat the most vulnerable of your society what that means is that we have as part of our philosophical understanding of the way the world works what's embedded in our religion is this idea that Allah treats us the way that we treat our most vulnerable as an Ummah so if we are good to our most vulnerable then we who as a whole and to invoke Allah illallah you are those that are completely dependent upon a loss of Hannah Matata and in need of Allah when you are in need of Allah Allah subhanAllah Chadha will be in your service and Allah is in the service of the believer as long as he is in the service of his brother we also take this concept from the Quran various concepts various times in the Quran particularly when it comes to the orphan a loss to Panama to Atta tells us in surah confession he tells us about the whining and the complaining of an individual in their own life about why life is giving them a bad end or a good end and how they're equated their sustenance or what their measure of worldly success with their success in the heart and the sight of allah subhanaw taala or whether or not Allah is pleased with them so an Melanson o yama burta de la bufa a Croma who when anna failure who do not be a common a lot of an entire says that verily meant when a loss of Hanna to a detest him not with a stroke not with losing his job not with any family tragedy when a lot tests you with sustenance and Allah tests you with honor and Allah tests you with a good reputation that you suddenly have to live up to when Allah tests you with ease say a kohlrabi acraman this is what's called the prosperity doctrine that person says My Lord has been generous with me my lord has honored me my Lord has made me dignified and noble and he's not saying this in the context of what I'm a banana it all because I had it which is to say at hamdulillah and thank law for the blessings upon you he's saying it in the context of boasting just like the man with two gardens incident and caliph who thinks to himself that because I'm doing well in this life that is to be equated with the pleasure of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala with me while I am who did to eat out I'll be and even if I need Allah on the day of judgment then I'll find even better what than what I found in this world so when Allah tests you with ease you say My Lord has given me dignity and honor and made me Noble well ma a dhama Berta la cara de hereis say a kohlrabi Ahana that same individual if allah test him by restricting his sustenance by taking away his job reducing his salary by a little bit of hardship in regards to his or her reputation that person turns to a loss of panama Thailand says Rabia Han and my lord has humiliated me in essence they blame God for their misfortunes rather than blaming them out their own selves and they become bitter and dejected towards religion and towards faith lamina nasi minyak guadalajara hope there are some people that worship allah on an edge if things are good they stay if things are bad they spiritually jump off the cliff they leave the religion so they equate their religion with their worldly success their own measure of worldly success and worldly failure what is Allah answer this person can LaBella to criminality Allah says you don't deserve to be honored because you don't honor the orphan you don't deserve honor and dignity in this life because you don't dignify the orphan Cal Bala - Kleem una dia team well as to how muna Al Azhar I'm in miss keen and you do not seek out to feed the poor to make way for the port so Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says you don't deserve goodness in this life because you are not showing it to those that are vulnerable now realize it's very it's very sequential in this in this in these I ask that Allah subhanAllah mentions risk sustenance and dignity Allah mentions that a person when they're given money they say it happened it allowed laws giving me money and when they're given fame or success or reputation they would say that Allah has honored me which one of the two is more important which one does a law some kind of it's out of preferred which one does Allah say is more important before our law says well that's a how going on a farm in the scheme you don't feed that you don't feed the poor person Allah says you fail to dignify and honor the orphan meaning economically a team to honor the orphan so a lot connected it to your own desire to be honored and I'm not connected your own desire to be wealthy with your efforts or lack thereof of feeding people that are in far more dire need than you are so we find the sequence in the Quran in certain budget we also see that within the Quran Allah constantly mentions and any sequence that will pull back when the otama when my second Allah mentions the orphans before he mentions the poor and the scholar saved and this is really really powerful because it's in every single sequence in the Quran every single surah in the Quran Allah mentions the ateam before miss keen mentions the the orphan before he mentions the poor person that emotional support and honor is far more important than financial than financial dependence amis keen in this area is someone that that possesses less than half of the wealth required for their needs meaning they are in poverty that's literally a fakir is someone that's over but still barely making it but they're over half the required amount necessary for their needs miss keen is someone who's very poor and I'm not belittling feeding the poor or taking care of those that are in poverty what I'm saying is that a loss of Hana Matata gives preference to the dignity of a human being because a human being wants to be dignified and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says well I'll cut cattle um not any other we have honoured the children of Adam black white uh you know rich poor whatever it is we have honored the son of Adam so you need to maintain that dignity for the son of Adam it's also something that we see that a loss of Hannah Machado says to the prophet sallallaahu are us Elam as a favor upon him Allah meeya jiske a teaming say Allah didn't Allah find new ya muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as an orphan halwa and he granted you refuge through who through Abu polyp so Allah gave you the refuge of Apollo and strengthen you in that vicious Society when you were an orphan Wawa's Edeka wall and Tejada and Allah found you searching for guidance and Allah guided you wah wah jeddak era Eden fadna and you were you you were barely making it you had meager wealth and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala enriched you and that is through Khadijah love the allahu taala and her so through Abu Talib the prophets y Salam was honoured by a loss of Hanoi to Allah taking in as an orphan Allah Himself guided the Prophet twice a time when he was seeking answers and a loss of Hannah Matata enriched the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made him financially independent through Khadijah of the allahu khairan what was the first one mentioned in the sequence from the favours of Allah he found you an orphan not only that what's the first thing of the only thing Allah so parents are the only word a lost continent mentions twice when Allah mentioned so now you should repay society that Amalia team Astana Tocqueville now when you meet an orphan yada solo luck do not make that orphan field repulse do not make them feel despise honor them dignify them you see some ham Allah once again Allah is addressing this not as a financial burden a lot of saying look at the way that you treat an orphan because look how you were treated as an orphan by a loss of Hanoi town and it's the only thing you know if you connect through the through disorder Allah meeya disk' a team and for our family a team fnatic ah voila jazak allah and sahaja one massa inna peloton hub Allah found you looking for answers and he guided you so lost planet Allah says when someone comes to you asking do not reject that person so look at the way that you treat someone that comes to you seeking guidance why am I being Arimathea because I had this and asked for the blessing of your Lord upon you then speak of it praise all awesome for say alhamdulillah for what a lawsuit Canada has provided to you so the only word mentioned twice and the sequence is yeah team some of the scholars say that of the honour of an orphan is that the only specified orphan in the Quran is none other than hydro Alcala none other than the best of all creation of a sort of Lhasa Allah Hardy who so that's the honour of an orphan of a team that the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam is the only one that is specified in the Quran as an orphan and he is the best of all of the creation of Allah we also find this as a tradition of all of the prophets it's a tradition of all of the prophets in our Abrahamic faiths rasoolallah allah narrates that Dawood ideas set up and this is actually an authentic hadith inaudible ma flood that there would I read his saddam says couldn't Aleeah team to ever Lehane that from the wisdoms of Dar es Salaam he said be to the orphan like a merciful Father couldn't Lilia Team Canada Rahim we also find that the Prophet I said on one of the descriptions of him by his uncle Abu Talib and this is narrated in Bukhari by a banal model the allahu ta'ala anhu this is a non-muslim praising the prophets why son for his characteristics the prophets why salaam was called similarly etana iris Martin Leland Romani which means that he was similarly Attalla means he was the guardian of all the orphans of his society he felt compelled to Lala and he was from his entire life to take care of all of the orphans in his society to be a source of emotional comfort for them there is Martin little alimony and he was for lala haria salaam a source of refuge for the widows so one of the defining traits of the prophet sallallaahu hani who saw them even before islam we know he had amazing kalokhe amazing character was particularly the way that he honored the orphans and the way that he honored the the the widows the prophets weiss and I mentioned in an authentic narration when he praised the women of Christ the two qualities that he praised the women of chorus for more than anything else he said that they are kind to their orphans and that they are loyal to their husbands that was how the prophets life that I'm actually praised the women of course there's interesting hadith from abajo title of the allahu ta'ala anhu as well and it's not Santa Cadiz I told you that Loretha week means what what does it really mean the words what I thought linguistically translates into week but what does it really mean vulnerability so a person is not necessarily weak but they're vulnerable in a society perhaps due to an unjust system ok perhaps due to an unjust system the Prophet place that I'm studying this authentic hadith and this was one of the last things he said to a loss of Hanna who it's Adam meaning he's testifying to Allah he says Allah who in me or hardly juha kawaii thing oh Allah bear witness that I have warned the people concerning fulfilling the rights of the two vulnerable ones as a team well Imran the orphans and the women he wasn't saying women are weak women were vulnerable in that society because of the way they were mistreated so the prophets wife Elam is actually testifying to a lot before he leaves this world Ya Allah I did my job bear witness I told the people to treat their orphans well I told the people to treat their women well recognizing that these were two parties that were wronged in the society that they lived in now why does this become so important for us as an umma number one rasool allah salallahu alayhi wasalam called this oma octoroon amamiya Tana he said from Allah who are you I said I'm that the nation of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam would have more orphans than any other Ummah so we talked about the need to step forward for the sake of our children that are being lost we as an Ummah have more orphans than any other OMA and that was meant by a loss of Hanoi Dada to give us a chance to stand up for them to be a caring Ummah and unloved empathy and only that treats its vulnerable well and by virtue of that is treated well by a loss of panama Todd okay now how do we define an orphan in Islam the Arabic language is very very very rich your team in the Arabic language actually means alone so linguistically speaking yes means alone a lot of times these names actually convey something about how that person would be feeling the last Juma of the month is called a German Aliyah team right the alone Gemara Rajab is called the team month from an usher column from the sacred months so your team means alone isolated okay now in the Arabic language we also find that there are different categories for orphans so for example ya team for a human being means a child that lost their father this is the meaning of your team in the Arabic language for humans it's a child that lost their father for animals it's a child that lost its mother okay a child that lost its mother a human now this is probably all irrelevant but for the most part I'll just kind of give it to you guys quickly in chocolate I'm a child that lost its mother is called month ik someone that is cut off or called the ID which also carries the connotation of completely cut off because yeah team losing a father is not as great as losing a mother so every one of these categories falls into being a a team but not every a team falls into some of these other words there's also another word which is love clean and mal team in the Arabic language means that you've lost both of your parents and you can go on and on there are many definitions there is lucky which is very common luckily it is actually a child that's been abandoned by its parents sadly still happens in the Muslim world where some people will drop off their babies in front of a message it because they can't financially bear the responsibility and they'll just hope that someone will pick up the abandoned child the practice still exists in some countries unfortunately so there are many different ways that this is conveyed through the Arabic language but yeah team what is your team mean someone that lost their father someone that lost their father okay if someone lost their mother there also fall into that category because that's even a greater tragedy but obviously that's something that's conveyed again linguistically that it's someone that lost their father we also have in our understanding in religion that a person can only be considered a a team until the age of puberty meaning once a person reaches the age of puberty they are no longer yatama they are no longer your team even if a person grew up as a team once they reach that age they're no longer considered to be a team however in our literature remember in our religion it's all about the NIA and it's all about the intention it's all about the spirit and fulfilling the spirit of something and really trying to make sure that you are fulfilling the same objectives that the prophets life of them had when he promoted certain virtuous acts in society your team also figuratively refers to other people so if figuratively for example refers to a widow as well sometimes sometimes the widow is called Yeti as well aurilla tema as well sometimes a person that has no tried to protect them like abdullah bin Massoud or the Aloha is called the ateam as well right because figuratively speaking they're alone they're isolated they've become vulnerable in their societies and we find the prophets life that I'm subhanAllah even in his acht macaque in his wedding contract and you know this is really amazing he was referred to as the ateam of Abu Talib so the prophets like them had a nickname of being the orphan of abu paula body his philosophy and what a great honor again to all of the otama that the prophets why salaam would be referred to as a team even as an adult though technically speaking again he's no longer an orphan but still he's referred to as the orphan of Abu Paula now there are some Sahab and this is really I just kind of wanted to glance over this because our religion is one where when you're reading through all of the various Sciences you're finding great sympathy and great emphasis on taking care of the orphans we our economy yatama so we're the nation that has the most yatama the most orphans throughout history what happened to these orphans where they just taken care of and put in shelters and you know people hoped for the best what became of these orphans so I actually just wanted to quickly run through some of the famous orphans probably the most famous one after the prophet's lifetime is uploaded all of the allotted on above all a lot the one who narrates the most hadith from the prophets lahardee who saw them he was an orphan and in fact he used to frequently say he would tell his life story to the family members around and he would say I grew up in orphan I made his law as a poor man I was hired by the daughter of a husband in return for some food and just the chance to ride her camel or ride her horse just for a chance to get a ride basically somewhere and he said I used to gather firewood for them and when they stopped to camp he said that I would urge their camels along for them I'd keep their camels going by by singing to their camels he's just trying to portray to you how humiliated of a life he had how difficult of a life yetiz but I used to have to serenade the camels to move along with that tribe and then he used to cry and he used to say alhamdulillah he la-de-da-de-da palana wahala ahora te mama so then hamdulillah Allah made this Deen prevail and he took a person like me and made him into an imam of the people like somehow my circumstances I would have amounted to nothing in society had it not been for the advent of Islam and a signal molecule of the allahu taala animal also was an orphan his father malik passed away and that's why I'm so lame when he was a child married abu talha so Anna said nomadic or the ilan saadon who grew up an orphan the disciple of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and one of the 10 promised paradise as related man alam love the allahu ta'ala anhu he grew up as ignore Sophia the son of Sofia because he didn't have a father is available on Thailand who was an orphan and look what he became through this religion the disciple of the Prophet twice Allah he didn't marry just anybody who did he marry anybody know who's obeyed his life is a SMAT bint ABI Beckett he married the daughter of Abu Bakr became the father of of the loudness of it I mean Subhan Allah you think about the honour that was given to him to society he married the daughter of the best human being on the face of the earth after the prophets and he was elevated in this religion he was put on the shoulder Omarosa Pavel the alotta hands were considered for kunafa despite the fact that he was an orphan growing up and so you amongst the Sahaba this concept even amongst themselves that many of them were orphans themselves and so they had a great sympathy towards the orphans I saw the allow an Hill is not an orphan but I shall be alone and huh was a woman that used to love to raise orphans she actually used to bring orphans into her home and raise them so for example we find in physica actually it's interesting because in physica some of the most prominent narrations are from the children of al-qasim even muhammad even abu bakr and awesome bin muhammad the nabi better Muhammad evening I'll be back in was the brother of Aisha and he died and he left behind for orphans ah he shall obey Allah and I raised them all by herself and she used to control their affairs of zakah so they narrated what she took the calf from and what she didn't and that became of the foundational text the foundational narrations to understand become the ruling go to the cat so you have this concept of taking in orphans amongst the Companions raising them looking after their affairs the Companions most of them were either orphans themselves or they themselves raised orphans or they were both as though they it'll be alone there's a lot of stuff I'm just going to move on Michela but as the way this is the last one he became a caffeine he became a caretaker for the orphans of seven other companions including the children of Earth madam in Assam will be allow I know his children's obeys took care of them he became their caretaker he became their caffeine I'm beloved Masood when he passed away as the later became the caffeine of his children so he was an orphan he got it he understood it so he took care of seven orphans himself so it was actually a culture amongst Oklahoma that you either grew up in orphan or you took care of an orphan or you were both now what about me other sciences in fact the founders of the mossad Maddock ash a fairy Ahmed a Saudi and oh sorry all orphans all lost their fathers either before they were born or when they were very very young and were all considered yatama were all considered orphans so the that comes in that regard obviously about orphans is going to be very very emphasized and there's a soft spot there because they themselves actually went through that hadith who's the most famous collector of hadith of all time an imam in Bukhari was Al Bukhari not an orphan he was an orphan who's the most famous interpreter explainer the shouta available Hadi the one who explained so he had Behati I teach it every Tuesday here who is it man that's bad I'm really doing a very bad job then who is he does anyone know what the most famous explanation of my Buhari is by even Hadassah Palani that's her daddy even hazard was an orphan so you had the collection of hadith the most famous collector of hadith was an orphan in our religion the most famous explainer the most famous interpreter of that collection of hadith was an orphan as well so within hadith and the most famous narrator on the prophets wife Ellen Alvarado was an orphan as well in tests Kia how many of you knew an imam al-ghazali was an orphan rahimullah tonic he was an orphan an amount of a fellow chief Nigel Izzy Rahim o Allah to Allah abdomen of New Jersey was the most prolific writer possibly in Islamic history he was an orphan as well so our spirituality has great emphasis the tax have great emphasis on taking care of them as a means of test kiya in tough seed and obviously many other subjects in Angela Edina saluted him Allah Ta'ala grew up in orphan most of our scholars were in a situation like this and so through all of the sciences you have a great emphasis on this and that's something that comes from the prophets lies them and of course even you know again there was nothing that put them down they were considered the most vulnerable in society they were elevated in status I mean you think about the Society of the Prophet SAW a solemn where you were nothing more or you amounts it to nothing more than your name your tribe an orphan doesn't have anything to cling on to but this was a religion that sets the grounds for some of the greatest leaders not just in the scholarly sense even in authority to rise despite being orphans how many of you have heard of thought the odds of him a lot on he was an orphan right imagine Dean as inky Mahima whole lotta the first warrior against the Crusaders leader of the son was an orphan so we've had orphans throughout our history that were that not only were taken in and spent upon they grew up in caring loving households they were empowered in society Islam put them at the head of their societies in the religious sense in the political sense in every way possible so I just wanted to kind of give you an overview of that now about the rewards about the rewards of taking care of an orphan of becoming a keffiyeh the prophets like Sam says this is the first hadith that I'll mention Asahi a little manatee will Misaki and Kelly Mujahid if Isabella okay let er Somen aha Oh Kelly yakumo lake the prophet slicin have said the one who strives in the path of the widows and the orphans is like the one who fights for the sake of a lost planet I know who goes out in the path of allah subhanaw taala or the one who fasts every single day yes Suman aha another narration the Prophet Isum said lay your stuff he never breaks his fast ok levia kool-aid or is like the one who spends the entire night in prayer without sleeping now the prophets like them never uses empty expressions most beautiful interpretations of this hadith that I read was that what is the goal of energy how the visa bead Allah accept to secure a just society a society where the most vulnerable are the most honored and what is the goal of the amal aid of standing up at night in prayer except to awaken consciousness inside of you and that's why allah every single time allah mentions the amal in the quran the next ayah is young people enough in nevada they spend in the way of allah during the day so what is the point of PMLA except to enable you to awaken your consciousness to where you stand up and connect yourself to Allah at night and during the day you serve his creation and what is the purpose of fasting except to teach you empathy except to teach you about the great blessings that you have from a lost Panama to Allah so that you feel connected and you feel you feel responsible for providing for those that don't have those things so subhanAllah this hadith is actually very profound because it says that all of the goals of the Sharia are practically met when a person goes forth and strives for it the most vulnerable in his society being the widows and being the orphans and that's why by the way you know I wanted to start off I kind of tried to categorize all the hadith about rewards and I know that it would be very hard for you to believe me after I finished this entire presentation but I actually skipped out probably an equal amount of a hadith because I just wanted to give you a gist of what is mentioned in our tradition in our to talk about taking care of the orphans in Islam first we start off with the impact on society then we start on the impact of your heart profit-wise on themselves in the field adjusted the medulla there is a piece of flesh inside of you these are solu hats if it is good everything will be good and if it is bad everything will be bad LLO here called verily it is nothing but the hearts there are numerous narrations where the prophets light salem encourages people to strive in the way of the in the path of the orphan for the sake of their own heart it's not just to the benefit of that person you are helping you will soften your hearts and a soft heart is all you could want on the day of judgment Ashley I wanna be light well javi Kylie been Monique you come to a lot with the heart that is at peace a heart that is tranquil a heart that submits itself to a loss of Hanna mozzarella being in charity and being in service is one of the greatest means to soften your heart because when you become greedy you become disconnected from Allah and you become disconnected from the people you become narcissistic self-absorbed so the only time you'll even engage in anything outside of your self the realm of yourself is to get props for yourself to further enable you to grow your own self right the Prophet sallallaahu Hani who has seldom look at how he addresses this about the Donald Aloha he says that a man came to the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam complaining of the hardness of his heart I see some of you taking pictures of the slides will provide it to everybody so we get everyone's email and we'll send them to everyone and she'll attack and of course the video will be recorded with the slides and everything like that but a man came to the prophet sly some complaining about his hard heart their numerous narrations of this sort one of them from Abu Huraira Scheck Evangeline Elena de la laaa is some of the hustla technology a man came to the prophet slicin and complained that his heart was too hard Lajo and Yamcha Hadassah deity and the narration of Abu Huraira the Prophet slicin told him to stroke the hair of an orphan which means a company and orphan in this hadith which is authentic it's very beautiful the prophets ylm said to the man he says a two head bow and eulogy at Baalbek were totally chaotic do you want your heart to really be soft and do you want to find that your needs will be fulfilled by a loss of Henry Tejada he says it'll Hannity a team first and foremost realizes the spiritual and emotional show mercy to the Orson be merciful to the Orson one second delicacy and caress his hair now does this mean you should just start walking up to orphans and start playing with their hair no this means a company that laugh with them joke with them be friendly with them right it's time to show Matt I love the Prophet slicin I'm actually with children in general the prophets like some would put his hand on their shoulder or he put his hand on their head most of the narrations if I was like some put his hand on their head and he starts to play around with them he tickled them so Allah Hardy who saw them that's what the meaning of one so deity to wipe the hair of an orphan don't make that person feel like a burden on your society don't make that person feel like they should apologize to you for being an orphan in your presence makes that person feel special so first show mercy second go beyond mercy show it son show excellent start to joke around with that person start to show them love and the Prophet slicing ourselves well up on em hope min flaw Amica feed him from your food why min thought Amica the emphasis on your food don't feed him your leftovers don't just put some stuff to the side feed him from the same food that you yourself would eat include that orphan in your own food and in your own drink he says yet in Pali Boca your heart will be softwa totally chaotic and you will find that your needs are being fulfilled by a loss of panama town in another narration this is a weak narration but it's used by Albahari rahimullah time others as supplemental evidence because we do that with our virtuous acts that the prophets lifetime says mom Lamia teaming pecan Athena focaccia he walketh Illuminati who can Allah who hijab and minun REO mil qiyamah omen Meza hiya Dahua ever see a team can Allah who we could lease Atherton husana so the prophets wife Ellen says that whoever takes in an orphan and he spends upon him and make sure that all of his needs are fulfilled that orphan will be a hijab will be availed for that person from the Hellfire on the day of judgement woman Masada who had about see a team and whoever wipes the hair of an orphan Canela Hobie Sheraton Hashanah with every hair is a good deed every hair that you stroke there's a good deed from a loss of Hanuma times so it starts off with the impact of your heart their society your own heart this is how you draw closer to a loss of kind of asana and then of course the ultimate goal that a person could possibly want which is more focus on Ibiza lala haria he was summed up to be with the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Jannah the very famous hadith anawa calculate a team he said gymnastic AHA saying I am the one who takes care of an orphan we'll be in Jannah like these two fingers now here's the thing there are a few things to take from this the prophets Weiss and I'm a Chaba bill mu sub D hat well it was fun this this finger is called the MU sub behind you know why it's called the Mesabi huh the one that glorifies Allah because it's your Shahada finger so it's called and it's also called and mu sub Baba just because you harm the shape on with it because the Prophet place I mentioned that yours when you do your Shahada nothing is heavier on the shape on then when you are doing your Shahada it's not a physical one so you don't have to like do this when you're so how do like take that right but by your insisting on la ilaha illallah it's some it's more sub behind it's Musa Baba it is harming it's glorifying a lot it's harming the shape on so the prophets like them called this finger and mu sub D huh and the other one is the middle finger is called it was thought in the sorry there's nothing profound about it or his profits why some said I and the one who sponsors an orphan who takes care of an orphan Kathy Lily 18 carat a needle Gemma we are like this in paradise if in bhopal who writes one of the famous shoe Roja blue Bihari he says Oh goddamn and Sameera has a hadith and yaar melody he he a corner of the economy sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Jenna what a mandala to fill after Phil asked about the Opera lemon garlic he said it is an obligation upon anyone who hears this Hedy like this Hadid should do something to you that's what he's saying and even bottle is a scholar and he doesn't write emotionally right he just writes technical explanations of hadith pieces we'll listen whoever hears this hadith should act upon it so that they could be the Rafiq they could be the companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in general and he said what station is better in the hereafter than that there's absolutely nothing more you could ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala for on the day of judgement then to be the Rafiq of the prophets Allah Allah and gentlemen there are beautiful explanations of this hadith houses of been has over him Allah Ta'ala he said that what we learned from this hadith is that the difference not only are you close to the Prophet I son like this but the difference in your dolla jaw the difference in your degree in your station in Jannah is no greater than the space between your index finger and your middle finger that there is no space in the double jump between you and the prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasalam other scholars they said that when a person wants to say that he's my best friend she's my best friend that's my defeat they'll say me and him are like this me and her like this so the prophets why Selim is conveying a muhabba he's conveying a love to that person as well that me and that person are like this that is my close friend that is my defeat even if I have never met that person now there are other a hadith that mentioned similar things by the way other a hadith that we can take from that mentioned similar things but every time the Prophet slicin mentions this reward of being with the Prophet placed on like this there's a similar trend and you guys can identify it it's not just with the orphan who else is it with the hadith is not just with the orphan who else is it with your own children your own children the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said they're too authentic Rd managed area Taney had had to Drita the hull to an Abajo of his general tika attained whoever raises two young daughters until they come of age then we will enter general like these two fingers another hadith in Sahih Muslim when one birth will attain whoever raises two daughters lakhs and it'll be a Tahoma and he excels in raising those two daughters so you're an outstanding parent an exceptional mother an exceptional father Yakunin merciful gem not iike hassein he will be with me in paradise like these two fingers so it's an to your own children asan to the orphan these are things that guarantee that you're this close to the prophet sallallaahu there are other hadith as well one other hadith the Prophet SAW says Anna when Martin societal had gained in brockton a madman xoda hafez la batalla Larabee Hawker hurricane leaf in general the Prophet play some sudden this hadith which is from Anoka bin Malik it's weak inaudible more fraud it's authentic in Muslim in my measurement the reason I say that is because if he went too soon or calm or one of those websites and search engines because a lot of people they do that hadith we mention was weak authentic min ji hyo's Allah from another direction it's authentic in Senate and mutton in Muslim Imam Ahmed so the chain and the texts are authentic Muslim I'm Ahmed it's weak in the chain that's used inaudible north lot that the prophet slice and I'm says I and a woman who is widowed and is patient with her child meaning a woman a single mom that has to raise her child by herself she's patient patience with her child will be like these two fingers in general there are other hadith there like that why in any case you're raising young vulnerable children you're in there cause whether they're yours or not yours because in essence a single mom they come to the capilla and that way she is the one she's playing the role of mother and for her child she is getting that reward by virtue of doing that there are other hadith and these are some of these are hadith really need to be looked at through the lens of a cultural historian you've got to understand what the culture was like at the time why because there's another narration where the prophet's lights on I mentioned in mattoon that Aman sleep in pajamas have a Sat Navs aha Allah otama haha - Anna - Obon so the Prophet slyzer mentions a woman of great beauty great status she held herself what that means is that she stayed unmarried so her husband passed away or she became widowed she stayed unmarried and was patients with her children the prophets why Selim said despite again being a beautiful woman and someone that would not have trouble getting remarried she stayed patient with her child that the prophet's life that i'm says that she would be with me in Jannah like these two things now here's the thing in that society in that culture there is a fear because everything works on lineage and how is this child going to work for me and how is this child going to honor his tribe and so on so forth there was an inherent fear that when a woman got remarried that the stepfather would mistreat that child the child would not be treated like his own it was actually common in the Arab world that's why even in a comma Palach the rulings of divorce the standard default ruling is that a woman takes care of the children unless she gets remarried then she ought she forfeits that right that's standard nuances there because the imam makes the ultimate decision looking at the circumstances where it's better for the child and so on so forth but the standard ruling was that why because it was common that the father comes in and because it's not actually his child he will mistreat that child so the prophets like some was praising the women who because of that fear decided to stay patient and raise their children for the sake of a loss of Hanna horchata and did not get remarried is it encouraged for a woman whose husband dies to not get remarried I'm sad Amato below I have told her husband when he was passing away she told her I will he told him I will never marry anyone after you I swear by Allah I won't marry anyone after you Abu sediment said I'm going to give you something and I want you to testify to it she said he said swear by Allah that you will remarry so he forced her and subhanAllah with that materialized in was the prophet sallallaahu Hani who is some who of course with the exception of that he shall be alone huh all of his wives were previously married many widows all of them again with the exception of Aisha previously had husband so it's not a general thing but the Prophet place I was talking about a very specific cultural context there is another beautiful narration that the prophets like them and this is a week this one does in fact have a week narrator but it's a very beautiful one and it's used again a supplemental in this chapter that the prophets licenses an element yes Deborah Jenna I'm the first one yes Deborah Jenna to open the gate of paradise Aida blah attuned to bad deed only there is a woman that would be racing with me so cool mint empty I would stop her and I would say who are you FATA Cole Anna and waa - I am - auda a time and me I am a woman that was left with orphans and I stayed patient with a lot and I raised them well so that's something that existed the only reason I mentioned these hadith is to show you the reward of this is not limited to orphans your own children as well it's taking vulnerable young children and raising them what's the wisdom of it because the Prophet slicer never says anything out of out of just empty expression what's the wisdom of it the prophets lie center is essentially the Orson that adopted the world he adopted us how did he adopt us the role that the prophets my son played for this Ummah is that he cared for this Ummah he raised this Ummah and we are like flies trying to jump into a fire and the prophets like them is holding us back trying to stop us just like we do with our children try to stop them from running in the tables and stuff like that right but the idea is the prophets like some spiritually care trusts he spiritually in them an electron beam anzhela - I am to you like a father or a limo come I teach you so because the prophets lie some employed us spiritually and without the prophets lights on teaching us our religion we would have been spiritually forever vulnerable and handicapped the prophets lifetime is saying the same reward belongs to some who strives in the way of someone else who is vulnerable and in need and you stand in their way you stand for them and you raise them and you give them the tools to succeed in society a loss of kind of hood either puts you with the prophet sallallaahu hardy who is Allah together another narration the prophesy son mentions man Lamia teaming being a Muslim means that affilorama he was a lobby he had a Estonia an who was about love agenda to a better the prophet slicing him says whoever joins an orphan amongst the Muslims and his food and drink meaning you bring them to the table you bring them into your home you eat with them you drink with them until that person can provide for themselves he is assured to enter paradise there is nothing that that person would do that would cause them to fall out of paradise you summarize that hadith with the hadith of North Africa with a hadith of companionship with the prophets why sila the scholar is mentioned here that you know all of the other ways so you want to be with the Prophet slice of them the Prophet slice them says to one foe hobby that you should support me in your cause be careful at this salute by making lots of suits so such the cat litter sujood constantly prostrating is a way of having the companionship of the Prophet slicing them prophesy them says I had been nasty Haleakala blocka blocka many young men Fiamma the most beloved of people to me and those that are closest to me on the day of judgment are those who have the best character the best felucca the prophets place I mentioned catharsis fellow odds to constantly say along with allah wa sallim ala nabina muhammad that those that would be closest to the prophet slice em in jannah would be those who constantly say salawats those who invoke salawats on the prophet sallallaahu hardy who is some not even hear you from you sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will be closest to him in the afterlife some of the scholars mentioned here that all of those all of those measures right are not very tangible in the sense that you can you know you can fall short in all three of those but the most sure way and certain way is to raise a Atene in your house to actually bring a team and why because there's not there's really no ifs and buts about that you've actually taken an organ in its the most tangible weight and the most measurable fashion to gain the companionship of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and of course as we said raising your own children he also mentioned to us all a lot he was said on protection from Hellfire in numerous narrations and again it's not just I already mentioned one of them which is that that a team that worsen would be a hijab free from the Hellfire it would be a veil for you from the Hellfire there are numerous narrations in this regard one of them the very famous narration of aisha radi allahu anhum that a woman came to her asking for charity and she was given a date for herself and her children were hungry for that date so before she ate that date she split it into two pieces and she gave it to both of her daughters she told the Prophet slice of them what she saw on the Prophet slice time said whoever looks after these girls in any way and is good to them will have them as a hijab from the fire will have them as a veil from the Hellfire they will serve as complete protection for that person from Hellfire now what is it about particularly bringing an orphan into the house why isn't this just financial I already mentioned that if you notice even the connotations of the Quranic ayat are far beyond financial support they do they do move beyond that they do go to kindness and dignifying and honoring and so on so forth and in fact again the very word yet team which conveys loneliness you know the scholars of the Arabic language they say you know Falcon up he doesn't have a father you're that evil who well you are a e to raise them and to play with him and so on so forth right so it does indicate being with that child as well there are a few narrations here in this regard of having a child in your house in particular or things that would be impossible without having a child in your house one of them Allah back live in house he narrates that of the love in Oman would not eat a meal unless an orphan ate with him that's a beautiful trait to have he refused to have a meal unless there was a that was with him and in fact al-hasan al-basri he narrates that there is an orphan that used to always eat with our beloved no model the allahö china i know so one day of the love and all mother came home and he wanted to eat but he couldn't find that your team said love no model or the allow china and whom he he waited for a little bit then he ate his food and then when he saw the when he saw that the child was coming he called for some more food and eventually he was brought some sell week an asset so he was brought some honey and he was brought some some some light bread and some dips basically just a very simple meal and i love normal was panicking because he ate without that yeaa team and it wasn't his habit to do so so he served the food to that orphan and he says do not get how they said this is for you he says so allah he mat Hovind he said i swear by allah that i didn't teach you like he's afraid that allah subhanaw taala would punish him he said here's my food for you i swear by allah you were not cheated i swear by allah you were not cheated how I look at that fear and look at that all and it happened when he narrates this hadith he says webinar all model Allah hemoglobin he said and I swear by alive in all model was not cheated by Allah meaning just as he did not cheat that orphan Allah did not cheat him the same kindness and love that he showed to that child allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala verily would show it to him we also find from naphtha while the allahu ta'ala anhu and this hadith by the way is one of those other hadith and other been Wilfred I actually put it here it's weak in other word Muslim it saw here in the hilly of a burner aim with the Senate and a boomerang the next one is narrated by not there he said that abdullah bin ahmad never turned down the request to be a caffeine to be appointed as a guardian meaning if anyone passed away and they wrote in their mafia they wrote in their will that even on what becomes the guardian of those children even all not never turned that down and this is the man of course who copied the prophets Lysanne who emulated the prophets lies numb with all of his actions more than any other human being in history literally everything about him was an emulation of what the prophet slice i'm used to do and he applied that in every way that he could only allahu ta'ala anhu there's a hadith from above arrival of the aloha other flood where the profit place time says high latencies muslimeen baton fee he a team and your senator leahy the most beloved of homes the best of homes to a loss of hand hotel is a house that has an orphan that's being treated well not just has an orphan has an orphan yoshino a leggy and he says that shuttle they the worst house is the one that has an orphan that's being mistreated right and even bethought said if that's the case if the worst house is a house that has an orphan that's being mistreated what about a house that never had an orphan in it at all or if the prophets lifetime is condemning a person who has an orphan and is not treating it with justice not treating that boy or girl with justice then what about a house that has never had an orphan within it at all on the profits my son says and I'm a capital D a team if his agenda TK attain that I and the one who sponsors an orphan the guardian of an orphan will be in Jannah like these two things sense of responsibility upon society and as a community I'm going to let sister sada talk about how much we lag behind as a community it's not pretty it really is not it's actually quite embarrassing that this is our tradition and this is how far we lag behind in the subject what's the sense of responsibility upon an entire community imam hassan busty was reminiscing he said i remember a time amongst the muslims when the men would shout out to their family meaning they were orphans amongst their families and they would shout out to their families yeah alia yeah idea yeah team a community Makram o my family o my family take care of your orphan take care of your orphan yeah alia Alia muskie Nokomis kina come o my family all my family take care of your poor one take care of the poor one and he said yeah yeah yeah via jolla kong java comb your neighbor your neighbor meaning this is what our community used to be like he's reminiscing and again i tell people it's all time that subhanAllah every generation in our ummah not it's not even excluding the Sahaba thought that yeomen piano is around the corner like they all thought it because they saw traits in their society that they thought were so evil and unprecedented that it must mean Yama Yama is around the corner it hasn't mostly is one of them and who does he live with the tab marine and he's like there are things that we do that are just so out of control so he's saying I remember this time and he said that every single day okay time has been Swift so time is moving quickly and every day you become more disgraceful as a community we become more disgraceful we move away from the qualities and the values of X done that were taught to us by the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and that responsibility is a responsibility that everyone in the community felt towards these orphans it was not one family it was everyone it was literally what was in the mind of that of that mother when she lost her husband was who's going to write you know is it would I be better off raising my children alone and being patients or would I be better off marrying someone and it better be a person of X and that's going to treat my children well it was what was in their minds how do we take care of the children of our OMA the very famous hadith of job that have not did not old the alongside animal well so lost my son came to job it'll be a long time anyone job but was a young man he said Java did you get married I heard you got married job who said now I'm yellow solo yes Oh Messenger of Allah usually this hadith gets cut off a lot of had he to do that prophets like some said did you marry a young woman or did you marry an older woman he said I married an older woman the prophets like sunset why did you marry an older woman wait a minute the prophets like some Mary Khadijah will be alone her and he married older woman sallallahoalyhiwasallam he married who knows what the the second wife of the prophets life Ilham what her name was so done he married older woman fellow lahardee who seldom that had children so if you read the hadith like that you cut it there you go oh my god what's going on here and I've seen it passed off on websites with the deceiving dot where the hadith does not continued the prophets license said why didn't you marry a younger woman that that you could have fun with you're still a young guy she's a young woman and so on and so forth you know what job had responded Javed said that my dad was killed on the day of orchid you know my father died in Auschwitz and he said I have nine sisters subhanAllah these aren't his children he said I have nine sisters he said I thought to myself instead of marrying a woman that's going to be the same age as my sister's and that's just going to you know play around with them and hang out with them I thought to myself why not marry an elderly woman that could help comb their hair and look after them as well and the prophets life Selim smiled and he said I thought he did the right thing it's Panama so that's the full hadith if you ever hear that hadith cut off the full hadith the Prophet slicin praised the action of jabot and it shows you where his heart was my dog my sisters are orphans now I wanted some help for them instead of me going and marrying someone very young I wanted to marry someone that could help me with my sisters because they are now orphans we also find the very famous hadith the fatima zahra or the allahu anhum when she was struggling and she asked for some help she asked for some servants ideal of the aloha animal he told her why don't you ask your father for some servants someone that can help you one of this one of the captives of that that can come and give you a hand they can help you you could use that she was too shot when it came to the prophets why Selim one of the things the prophets item says he says Sabah Kakuna yatama does it he says before you were the orphans of budge meaning those who had priority to be helped and to have those servants which once again there's a reason why I did the entire class on slavery and those types of things once again it shows you what the purpose was and so on so forth those servants the prisoners of war went to the orphans first to help them with their affairs the orphans of budget in particular that was the justice of the prophet sallallaahu idea was sudden so there was an entire community responsibility everyone was thinking about the children everyone was thinking about what do we do with the children right whether it was an issue of marriage whether it was an issue of war whatever the issue was what do we do about the kids now it's the opposite right narcissism we're self-absorbed now the kids are the last part of the equation right so as a community we care for these children those are our children that are going into foster horn homes where they're not going to be cared for those are your children your respond - before them that's a sense of responsibility that each and every single one of us is supposed to have most of the ions in the Quran there over 20 I don't remember the exact number but there are over 20 ayats in the Quran about a via team are not only about you know taking care of the otama they're actually warning people not to wrong the orphans which shows you that this goes far beyond giving an orphan something to eat or drink or just just to take care of things so you actually have the what what uh you know what's constantly mentioned obviously financially one of the major sends the seven destructive senses the movie odds are a commodity a team to consume the wealth of an orphan Anna prophets I some said in terms of treatments he said ah his salat WA Salam Akira Mohonk a calamity illogical well up Larry muhammadun treat them with honor and love the same way that you treat your actual biological children which shows you that there is no separation between them give them the same level of Akram and generosity that you give to your own biological children and feed them from the same food that you yourselves eat so they should be fully integrated into your households where they are not going to be looked at in isolated fashion or treated any differently even are vastly alotta and who says when Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala revealed the ayah well taco double malaria teen eel ability he action hat a beluga assured de who wove ability in last economist ola circle distraught when a lost pants are said one and do not come near the orphans property except to better it except to improve it until he attains the age of full strength and fulfill every covenant verily the Covenant is one that you will be questioned about that the 34th eye of circular saw even abbas of the allahu ta'ala anhu said and then allah revealed in surah nisa in edenia Karuna Anwar Elliott Anna Bolena those who consume the property of an orphan unjustly even adults that when these two ayats were revealed those who had orphans in their homes they rushed to their homes and they started to separate their food and separate their property from the orphans to make sure that they had a little bit more that their food was not being taken from them that their other kid we're not taking any of their property that the jugs even the vessels that they used to eating drink from that the organs had their own dedicated jugs and their own dedicated plates so that no one was going to mix with those things and they mentioned that to us unless I sell em so it was an actual hysteria in the community what do we do with our orphans were so afraid of being amongst those who have consumed wrongly the wealth of an orphan what do we do yatta sort a lot and so they came to the prophet sallallaahu re Wasilla and wedded Allah revealed certain baccala why yes loo muneca an idiot Anna they ask you concerning orphans I've actually heard a whole hoopla from chef Solomonov see how about Lots add-on yes a noon Academy Itano that they ask you about the orphans meaning it wasn't just just a Luna candle how many what message they ask you about alcohol and gambling they ask you about their orphans they were concerned that's the thing those are the concerns they were coming to the prophets lights and I'm with as well how many of us bother to inquire to ask to try to see what we could do better yes I do I can an idiot Anna pull Islam hide the lost panna cotta said that that if you if you mix your affairs with theirs then it is okay what into hadith room 4x wanna comment if you mix your property with them as long as they are your brothers they're your brothers the meaning of the ayah is that as long as you're not wrong in them and giving them less of the equation you don't have to go to these extremes to separate them make them eat separately you know make sure that your other kid doesn't grab a chip out of you know his plate or her plate you know or fry or something like that or don't touches his cup you know no you can mix your wealth with them mix your food with them mix your drink with them but the point is it's one of them they're your brother's don't wrong them they are part of your community as well and don't wrong them there are other narrations in this in this regard as well I'm just going to kind of move forward because of the the time that we have a snot Ventura beit el dia lahore on how this isn't other than the flood as well she said I said to even Saleem rahim allah o allah i have an Orson in my care what do I do what's the context of the hadith the Companions feared wronging they're orphans so much that they let him get away with not being disciplined so they disciplined their own children but they didn't want to touch the orphans they didn't want to touch the otama because they were afraid Allah would punish them on the day of judgment if they did so they only discipline their biological children and this became a problem that's why I insulted the law and how there's another narration she said that I have orphans and I disciplined them until they start crying on the floor don't feel bad they're your children you raised them like your children so she said I asked if in city Mahima la Ilah what do I do I have an orphan in my care I've been sitting on a Morlock he says treat them as you treat your own child and discipline them as you discipline your own child now they're in a mess eh that sounds you know you might think that sounds harsh why is it not harsh because the point of discipline is not to inflict pain or anything of that sort the point of discipline is to protect them in the spiritual sense as well and you also have to give them a good upbringing and a righteous upbringing which is going to at times require a level of discipline so you should not fear that if I if I say something to my adopted childhood to my foster child that I'm going to go to hell for disciplining my child I'm doing that child a favor just like I'm doing my other kids a favor I'm trying to make sure that they stay protected so this is actually a chapter in our books of 15 hadith about disciplining the orphan being permissible because the Companions feared the implications of that otherwise you let them become corrupted your you might be protecting them in dunya but you're ruining their ask Allah you're ruining their Hereafter you don't want them to be spoiled brats on the other hand you want them to be normal good righteous children just like all your other little angels in the house Misawa right I know those sarcastic sorry all right but your goal is to protect that child in the worldly sense and protect them in the sense of the hereafter as well and this is something that's narrated we also find from I Bernard Baskerville allahu anhu that the prophet alayhi salam insisted that the guardian has no right to force the previously married woman into a marriage and an orphan girl should be consulted with her marriage why because obviously sometimes if you have a charity case another problem you'll start treating that child like a charity case so someone comes to ask for her hand in marriage and you say you know hey so-and-so is here to ask for you and she says I don't like that person you can't say get out of my house I've had you for so long you need to marry that person some people do that with their actual daughters right now no less so the prophets like Simon saying the orphan girl has a right that's revolutionary in that time by the way because even the non orphan girl did not have a right to choose who to marry she didn't have a right to consent at the time of the Prophet place I'm forced marriage was the norm and the time of the Prophet Elisha so prophets like some said the orphan girl has the right just like your other daughters to consent to who she wants to and who she does not want to marry the last hadith here that I mentioned some Han Allah as we go on the conclusion of virtues the constant charity in your homes an imam canal joseon whole lotta al-assad that those that have orphans in their homes are never free from the melodica standing salawats upon them and preying upon them why you're literally living charity so Han Allah you are literally living sadaqa every moment that you feed that child every moment you hug that child every moment you kiss that child every moment you say something every moment you do homework with that child every moment you are living Salah you're living charity and the melodica would not part from you they would literally stay with you sending prayers upon you and praying for you as you're in that state of charity so it's a beautiful way to really conclude that I'll give you guys three stories insha Allah and I actually finished comes out on the virtues much faster than I thought I would believe it or not I thought I was going to take two hours on virtue is another way now I'm going to go fast so we only have six after this and then we have the practical side so we're good on time and she'll three very beautiful stories that show you the the way that society was changed the Prophet sallallaahu he was how many of you have heard the story of Buddha and a fundraiser I will deck that the one who narrate who who gave six hundred palm trees Mendel ideological Don has an a so on so forth very common story right the extended version of that narration unless of no matter called the allow annually narrates he says there is an orphan at the time the prophets life of a team and when his father passed away and they were sort of doing the divisions and trying to figure out their property he determined that his boustan his garden which was connected to a much larger garden was actually a very small area so he wanted to build a fence to preserve that area because again in that society people were vicious with the orphans they didn't have tribes to protect them or fathers or so and so forth to protect them so the when you read a hadith of an orphan building a jido building a fence it was for a very real purpose that if a person walked into the garden of the Bustan of an orphan and started to eat from and the earth and said what are you doing the person would say what are you going to do about it that's how society function that's why there's such an emphasis on Eckerman India team consuming the wealth of an orphan no one was there to protect them so he started to build a fence around his bush done around his garden as he's building his fence he realized there was a tree literally on the line you know any of you have ever had like a really rude neighbor when you tried to build with I've had that experience right it's not fun trying to negotiate with that neighbor and explain where the property line is you got to go pull out this you know the survey it doesn't work that way back then right the tree is in the middle of the line where he's going to build his fence he's already built his fence for the most part up until that tree he thinks to himself well this neighbor mashallah has all this area of trees and garden I have a little tiny garden he's not going to mind just giving me that tree in the first place so he went to his neighbor and easy a team so he's expecting some sort of compassion never does the SHA have this habit of 10 year old kid a ten year old so how long he has to take care of the situation so he goes to that to that his neighbor and he says to his neighbor look I'm building a DDOT I'm building this fence he said would you mind giving me that tree the neighbor says can't have it so he was shocked he said what's it going to hurt you like you've got mush on the hundreds of trees you've got so many other trees why not just give me that tree he said no I'm not giving it to he said okay well fine if you're going to be that way can you at least sell it to me he said no it's my tree I'm not selling it you either he said what about my fence he said that's your problem not mine I didn't tell you to start building a fence very cruel neighbors have had a lot and the this orphan goes to the Prophet so I said I'm and he tells the Prophet he's a ten year old boy says Allah so Allah I was building a design around my garden I'm building a fence around my garden there's a tree that belonged to my neighbor and he said that I went in he has a huge garden I said king just give me that tree he said no I said can you sell it to me he said no so the Prophet place on he said to him would you who Alea tell him to come to me go call your neighbor and you guys both come to me so the orphan goes and he calls the neighbor and he says that also laughs like I said I wants to talk to you now you think at this point like being summoned by the prophets lights on this like the principal's office if not worse right as a child seriously you're summoned by the prophets light son for being cruel to an orphan and he was an orphan so lights on and this isn't going to go well for you right but the prophets arm also recognizes her poke and writes at the end of the day it's his tree so the neighbor comes the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam says is this he basically confirms the entire story with him so he says the entire story as the orphan gave it to him he says this true the neighbor said it's true the pump applies I'm so sorry had the inoculated iake give him this one tree it's your brother give this one tree to your brother you know what he said he said let yellow saw one he said no o Messenger of Allah the prophet slicin was shocked he asked him again he said just give him the tree the man said three times no yato sold a lot no yellow sold a lot no yellow sort of luck it's my tree the Sahaba were just shocked that this man has this much stubbornness about his tree like he's trying to prove a point that I'm not going to be bullied out of that tree even by the prophets my son and the ax team is there you know this is very painful to watch and for the Prophet place of them you can really see that he's not used to this type of response from a companion for such a simple request so the man after saying that the prophets like some just kind of looked at him and everyone was quiet then he got up and left the man went back home end of conversation prophets like son felt so bad and he couldn't do anything about it this is where a Buddha comes in with the Aloha and he says yellow soda later and shallots and knuckler to have said the other saw blood do you see that if I manage to purchase that tree he says I'll play to her Olivia team and I give it to that Orson he says yacon or nd knuckle attempts agenda it will be from me a tree in general now why did he say that I forgot to mention one narration the profit slice um the second time he prodded him he said to him go ahead and give the orphan that tree you will have a treat and gentlemen you know what the man said back to the profits lights on he said I don't want the tree in Jena that's my tree it's con Allah this is by the way a Muslim from the narration probably a really stubborn Bedouin but he's a Muslim all right so I would access to the prophets lie Santiago Sola if I'm able to buy that tree do I still get the tree in general meaning does the offer transfer over to me as well like if I'm able to get that tree and give it to the orphan the Prophet slicing them says that Naraku knew like an elephant and gently said you will have that tree in paradise if you're able to do it you'll have that tree in paradise so I would - went to the man's house and he said listen you know my boo Stan you know my garden 600 trees the man said who doesn't know your garden everybody knows your garden 600 trees everyone knows the garden of a Buddha has a huge beautiful garden 600 palm trees you're talking about millions of dollars of investment there that's not a small garden to have that's humongous you can imagine 600 healthy you know palm trees in that society how many miles that stretches for how beautiful that is he said everyone knows your garden yeah I would - I would that - said would you exchange that one tree for those 600 trees the man sold he looked at him he says at SLB are you making fun of me like are you joking dr. garrison no I'm not making fun of you I'm serious he said of course he said take it the tree has no Bonica in any way the prophet's life and I'm you know argued with me over it so it's probably not going to grow anything anyway meaning this tree is done anyway I'll take the 600 trees of course double-deck - says fine he got witnesses he literally exchanged his garden of trees for that one tree then he went to the ateam he went to the Orson and he said to the orphan javi in Nakhla 2min de Leite hood ha he Burton Minnie lately wet Chillicothe he said this is a this tree it's from me to you take it as a gift from me to you for the sake of Al I don't want anything from you so he gave the tree to him and he went to the Prophet so I sell him and he told him and the prophet sallallaahu Hardy who seldom said about that he kept on saying to him and this is really really really beautiful as he's constantly the Prophet eyes have looked at him and he said to him that you know how many trees how many palm trees in general for a bodega how many trees did Abu - just give himself in general meaning it was not only one genre 10 min there is skin about that and the ugly dead a contingent how many gardens of palm trees Arabic - and gender understood no monocle of the allow and who said he didn't say at two or three times the prophet's place i'm just kept on saying it how many palm trees did Abu Dharr just get himself in Jannah for that one act of kindness to the orphan of course he had to go home and tell his wife that's the one that you do here at the fundraiser that he had to go home and tell his wife and when he went to his wife they were truly eating from the dates of that tree and he says yeah I'm a duck - she said now he said look Rudy get out of the garden she said what are you talking about he said that I sold it bitter - ha she said to whom he said lillahi wa Leila sudhi - a lot into His Messenger so she responded and she says what we had there yeah a bodega it's a profitable transaction at a bodega and she knocked the date out of the out of the hands of her of her children two more stories and this was obviously talking more about the the honor that was given to that one orphan for the sake of a loss of Hannah horchata that he was he was literally you know put in this situation where he's forget where he's forgiving where he's given trees and Jenna just for making it easy for that orphan there's an emotional impact here as well this wasn't just about the tree there's an emotional impact that that orphan should not feel like no one's going to and up for him and that's one of the reasons why that story is so significant but the profits lights on them is actually stressed out over that worth and not feeling like society is going to get away with mistreating it two more stories in charlotte sada and then we'll break the first one the profit slice and I'm after Islam and by the way the next the next two stories I'm going to give you both have 650 implications as well they have legal implications as well how many of you have heard of the story of a young child on the day of our eighth orphan and the prophets light Sun went and comforted him not many of you okay usually with those types of stories they get into books they get expanded exaggerated in all types of things of that sort but there is actually a child that fits a description that could be that child this child his name is Bashir even al kaba the she is even al kaba interesting story the sheet of an alcohol that says that my dad accepted Islam when I was like a little infant I was a little child so he said when we went to the prophets why some to accept Islam he said the prophets life that him smiled at me and he said come forward he said so well done w sahla hard he was something the other who are not see the Prophet slice and put his head on my hand and he started to play with me and he said my stomach what's your name I said my name is VII so the prophets license said no your name is mushy mushy it is a bearer of glad tidings from the prophets place I'm used to love to change people's names to something beautiful something with a good meaning especially if the meaning was bad so he said no your name is Bashir so the prophets like some changed his name to be she's been Alcala though she'd been October says an authentic narration which is narrated by Bukhari and Teddy hood Kabir so it's not in Swahili Hadees in that's adequate Kabir because Bashir is a narrator he's Alawi he said that my dad died in the battle of ofit my dad passed away in the Battle of hoods he was killed and he said and I was a young child and I used to cry a lot so had a lot that I would literally be seen I just sit outside and I cry because he used to love his father and it's very clear Subhan Allah from the context that his father used to include him in everything right taking him to the Prophet place and when he went to accept Islam and so on so so I had a good dad a dad that loved me and used to take me out in those types of things Li's said I used to frequently cry and he said the prophets lie son came to me one day while I was crying physec tetany he quieted me down Shh so he went to the shed and he quieted him down and he said Emma table and a corner and a book why he said to um Luke wouldn't you love that I be your father and I should be your mother close to Bella the other well only auntie Alice would Allah and of course me my mother and my father be sacrificed for you O Messenger of Allah and the prophets lice and I'm said so from now on it is as such I'm your father ah it says your mother so kind of lump the compassion of the prophets lights I'm seeing this young boy out in the streets right crying knowing that his father passed away quieting him down not telling him come have a meal with me saying you know what from now on you can call me your father and you can call out you shut your mother which is Metheny this is an incident in Medina later on in Islam it has filthy implications which I will talk about in shall lock and because of that mashita then appraoch became a narrator of hadith because he obviously interacted with the prophets of life on them and his biography is in etiquette kabir to the collection of an abominable hottie of the biographies of narrators the last one is one that's before islam but it also has two key implications they didn't had ISA or the allahu ta'ala anhu the beloved one of the prophet sallallaahu houston and head will Rasul Allah the beloved one of the prophets Lysander used to literally call him the beloved one of the Prophet place on a tragic story he was kidnapped as a child sold into slavery from silk a little card which was the marketplace he was purchased and the person that purchased him eventually was hacking the Azam it went to Khadija Hadid Zelda law and her had days when the Prophet slicin and married her and Khadija games they'd as a gift to the prophets why Selim so they'd at that point again this is before Islam all pre-islamic xig was considered a slate by all means his father was looking for him for two decades and his father did not give up the search so panel on that's really something significant for twenty years his father searched for him trying to see what happened to his sons eight and he authored a very famous poem became to Aladeen when I'm a dreamer how you in Fallujah I'm not a doing Ahuja oh Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah like about the subtle Amharic al-jabbar which means the cato alize even well another thing not that I'm crying over Sayed I don't know what's happened to him I hire you in Fallujah I'm not a doing alleged is he's still alive and I can still hope for him like her my just delusional has he already passed away so Allah he madly when he lets that you don't I don't know I swear by Allah I don't know what's happened to Allah like about the Sun oh my god I can jump it if I accept that you die I want to know how you died were you crushed by a mountain or were you just did you die a natural death what happened to my son so his father used to cry over him and ask about him and so on so forth the entire times days was being raised in the house of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and finally and Haditha heard from some of the people from been who killed which was their tribe that saw the prophets lights on with Zaid they heard that Zaid was found so hadith it goes to the prophet sallallaahu i need to assemble at the katha this is all before islam and he tells the Prophet faisal him is it true that you have Zaid and the prophets i some said yes i have they and how he that says he started to cry out of happiness I'm his father I want to take him back and the Prophet fly Selim went and he got date when he when he got Zaid he brought saved back to his father and he easily recognized his father right even though he was a kid he actually recognized his father and when his father saw him in that situation and they saw him he embraced and then the Prophet slice and I'm told xate you can go if you want to go with him you can go back to your parents now it's okay he'd been with the prophets lifetime for so long he said you can go back to your parents now they said the little king America no I want to stay with you yah yah Muhammad I don't want to go back to my parents not because he was abused not because something was wrong but because the prophets like some showered him with such love and treated him indeed like his own child that he said how this all I want us it's not even a solo solo life in him at that time it's just ya Muhammad I want to stay with you they's father who's been looking for him for two decades he says to him Yas ate at a Stoddard Budhia to either Virginia are you going to choose slavery over freedom you want to remain a slave in his house instead of being freedom and he says why that a dko only caliber a decal kalmyk and you choose this over your father your mother your tribe your land you choose you choose all of this and they double the law and who says in the code about a to man has allegedly say one an ability of a vehicle who Avada he said I've seen something special from this man and I don't know what it is yet that I've seen something special from him he said I'm not going to be the one to leave him meaning if he gets rid of me that's fine I'm not going to be the one who's going to leave him the prophets why some recognized the tension that was going on so the prophet placement made a suggestion he said how about I freeze eight officially and I make him my son I adopt him and howdy thought was was happy with that he just wanted to make sure his son was safe he saw the son was in good hands the prophet Flite son took his aide to the cabinet to the steps of the cabinet and at that point at that time that's where the legal contracts used to take place and he called out to the people ash hadu and Honda even e-everyone bear witness this is my son why he thought well no rules he inherits from me i inherit from him he is my child just like any body else and Haditha was at peace with that so that was the way they solved the problem at that time so they came into the house of the prophets like them first as a slave but in reality he was never treated that way by the prophets lifetime even before Islam before Islam the Prophet slicin adopted him and he was called they even Muhammad now the question that's asked here as we go into the legal rulings did anything when the prohibition of tab enemy came which to Benny is to make someone your son or your child did anything change with Zaid other than legal rulings and technicalities and the answers absolutely not did the prophets why some treat him with any less love did he come into the prophets white sons house left did the prophet slice them treat his son Osama any less now because he's not technically his grandson anymore because he's a didn't had eaten now no in fact the prophets life son still included the sound of news 8 even on the last heads of the last year the prophets lifetime had him with him and it has been an interesting and the prophet slicin appointed him in charge of the muslim army so there was a change in the technicality and the legalities but the behavior towards they did not change and that's an important thing to note as we move into inshallah tada the fifty rulings after our break you
Channel: Yaqeen Institute
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Id: u0BidbbUScc
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Length: 87min 23sec (5243 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2017
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