Don't Be Sad : Allah Knows

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One of my favorites. Thank you.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/greengrasser11 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 16 2015 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Best video against all forms of depression!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/uchicha15 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 16 2015 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hey in this world you will never truly be happy no matter what allah gives you you will never truly be content this place is designed to break your heart it was designed that way if you're looking to be happy in the dunya you're in the wrong place how could you feel worthless my dear brothers how could you feel worthless my dear sisters you're not the servant of allat or al-uzza you're not the servant of fashion or money or fame or beauty or power or position you are the slave of allah allah has chosen you from amongst the billions of human beings allah chose you and blessed you with islam pain and suffering only becomes negative if it creates a barrier between you and allah subhanahu wa but it becomes positive pain becomes positive a motivation for you when it brings you back to allah o my slave come back to your lord oh my slave this is a reminder for you that i want to bring you back to me on them shall be no fear nor shall they grieve don't get stressed out muslims over things that haven't happened yet that's fear and don't get stressed out over things that's already happened everything has been decreed the most difficult pill for the muslims to swallow is article number six of our deen the condor of allah we don't want to admit it we forget about the power of allah we forget about the presence of allah we forget that we came from a clot and we were because we weren't doing anything right and we get so afraid because we forget we fear and we forget that allah is in control surely we shall test each and every single one of you with a loss of wealth with a loss of life with a loss of profit and trade so give glad tidings to those who are patient those when they are tested they say to allah we belong and to him we shall return upon those people are the blessings and prayers of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and indeed those are the ones who are truly guided so if you have allah you have everything you desire if you don't have allah nothing you desire will make you happy nothing it'll all in the end bring you misery and that's the truth it's not a lie my dear brothers and sisters i would like to dedicate this talk to every individual who was abandoned by their father who has loved someone in this world yet for one reason or another was left abandoned who has lost someone to death and they couldn't figure out why there are people across this world who are living in pain and agony different types of pain different types of agony but it always comes down to the same conclusion that shaitaan somehow or another finds a way to get the better of them and derails them from the path to allah and this lecture is dedicated to all of those individuals we all have problems in our life brothers and sisters and that's the reality life is a test we are going to be tested indeed allah says do you think that you will be left alone saying you believe without being tested like those who came before you were tested and even the prophets of those who were with them said when will the help of allah come when will the help of allah come and then allah says the meaning of which is verily the help of allah is always near subhanallah so yes we will be tested there will be hardship there will be difficulties and that is the reality of life and then you have to realize everything that's happening is from allah you know you don't get depressed if you forget about allah you end up getting depressed you think things are black and they're gloomy and no we don't believe this we believe in happy endings no matter how bleak it looks out there it's dunya you're in the lowest dunya means the lowest place a dunya we're on the bottom there's only up from here really there's only up this place will lie all of you i'll give you sincere advice and myself this place is designed to break your heart it was designed that way if you're looking to be happy in the dunya you're in the wrong place trials and tests from allah are not just the calamities that strike us in terms of death in terms of loss of wealth but there are also blessings that allah gives us that we don't thank allah for and we don't use them in their appropriate means if you are not being tested by allah if you do not see that test then now is the time to realize that you're either being tested by pain or you're being tested by pleasure they both need the exact same result you turn back to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala the one who is being tested by pain he seeks allah's help and finds the recourse out the one who is being tested by pleasure he thanks allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala for those blessings and he uses those blessings to get closer to allah how many wealthy people do you know that have a lot of wealth who have children that are in tribulation who have sons that are completely wayward or really look out there people are in tribulation you think you're looking at him because he has a big house he has nice mercedes if you were in his shoes you might say i want to be back in my old shoes even though they have holes in them because at least i can sleep at night in his shoes i have to take all these pills to go to sleep when it comes to tests and trials from allah you have one of two choices you can either deal with the pain right now and get closer to allah or you can delay dealing with the pain seeking the pity of others seeking help from others and prolonging the pain without any recourse and it's very important to understand the cycles that individuals go through when they go through pain when they lose someone that they love when they feel betrayed by an other individual the very first reaction they have is to isolate themselves they want to be alone now this is more significant when it comes to men because men naturally like to deal with their own pain they don't like to speak about it women naturally like to speak about their pain and suffering and that's why their first reaction is going on the phone going to see their mothers going to see their friends however when it comes to true pain at one time or another you will try to isolate yourself and this is the first thing you need to recognize that this is not what you want to do this is not a natural reaction but rather it is shaytaan telling you that you will feel better when you're alone because you're the only one that understands what you're going through it is a deception from shaitaan so while you may need to be alone for a little while prolonged isolation is very harmful and detrimental to your situation what you want to do at that time is that short period of time once you've gotten over that initial rage that initial pain then after that you need to get around the believers you need to get around people who are going to remind you of allah and he is the prophet the messenger of allah he went through stressful moments what was the solution that allah gave his beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam did psychologists and counselors so you could relieve your stress go on anti-depression tablets get a high dosage of that because this is what happens these days not that i'm against it saying it's right or wrong that's not my topic but i'm saying that the best relief and the best cure and the best medicine for depression and stress is the one that allah gave muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and gave to the entire ummah so allah azzawajal gives him the kill and he says glorify him prostrate to allah and pray to him continue worshiping the lord until you meet your last moment in life and this is what every individual who's going through pain and suffering needs to realize that this point of pain and suffering is not that allah wants to punish you but rather this is a calling from allah o my slave come back to your lord o my slave this is a reminder for you that i want to bring you back to me and this is one of the wisdoms of trials and tribulations that while we call each other on the phone while we text message each other the calling of allah comes through trials and tribulations and you can react one of two ways either you can deal with the pain at that moment and decide to get closer to allah or you can decide to just restrict that pain to yourself not do anything about it and then you'll see what it does to your deen and this is the last stage of the cycle of isolation that once you're isolated will see that eventually your deen starts to disappear the content of your salad it disappears your ability to recite the quran is no longer there your ability to fast during the day it gets taken away what did you do differently what you did differently was you gave yourself into shaytan and shaytaan's promise is that he will lead you astray he will lead you away from the path of allah so in times of trials and tribulation you need to seek out the believers you need to seek out the righteous and let them be your guide and help to allah everybody has their tribulations and it's very rare people that have happy time wonderful life all that those people are rare but even abbas said the foundation of dunya is tribulation the best worship is waiting for the ease from allah to come when you're in hardship so if muslims would just have that perspective they would realize that if i'm just patient here with all these tribulations i'm in aribata you could just be sitting in your house and if you're with allah you're in ibadah but if you're there complaining and woe is me and everything's horrible and it's doom and gloom and it's all black and it's all dark allah will give you more things to complain about and he'll give you some real things to complain about because there's a hadith if you complain about small calamities allah gives you great calamities trials and tribulations are a means of purification there are a means of purifying you so you can go to the purest of places the punishment of allah is not out of anger and wrath the punishment of allah is a means of cleansing you of your sins the punishment of allah is a preparation that you can go into noblest and purest of places and this is why allah sends trials and tribulations and that's why even who said that in every nickma there are three nema in every tribulation there are three blessings and the first one is that it could be worse than it is that it's in your worldly matters and not in your deen like if you lose money is money but if you lose deen you lost everything so that's i mean if you think about he didn't say let's go do you see the dua he didn't say let's don't give us any calamities he said don't give us tribulation in our deen we're going to get tribulation and we know that because that's the nature of dunya so you're going to get tribulation but don't make it in deen make it in dunya so that's a nema you lost your job alhamdulillah i didn't miss my prayers alhamdulillah i didn't lose my iman alhamdulillah there's wudu and a place to pray because jobs come and go but dean once it's gone allah adam if you'll ever get it back and then the final one it's in this world it's dunya as long as the music is in this world it's enema because the real music is the music in the next world so if you look at that and realize we're in blessing well the whole lot of us some maybe more than others outwardly more observable but the whole ummah is in blessing palestine kashmir everywhere we're in nema and you have to see it you have to see it because we have you know the people of kaffar they have no lord we have allah subhanahu wa and as long as you have allah they can't take anything away from you everything you desire exists with allah so if you have allah you have everything you desire if you don't have allah nothing you desire will make you happy nothing it'll all in the end bring you misery and that's the truth it's not a lie in this world you will never truly be happy no matter what allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gives you you will never truly be content you can have the most amount of money in the world you can have the biggest house you can have the most beautiful spouse you can have everything that you desire and you'll never be happy true contentment and satisfaction comes in the ahira alone it comes when we are in paradise all this is about perspective and how you deal with the situation and that is why it is very important that an individual who goes through a trial he changes his perspective of the trial it's not a punishment from allah it's a means to get closer it is not a punishment from allah it's a calling from allah that he wants you to come back to him he does not burden a soul more than it can bear a lot of the times when we go through trials and tribulations it feels that this trial is so great that there's no one being persecuted more than us at that given moment but the reality of the situation is that is not the case there's always someone who is in the worst predicament than you now the situation is already as difficult as it is you're going through a trial why make it worse by not being patient because you're only incurring the wrath of allah and an individual who's patient and remembers that they are the ones who are truly god when you are stressed remember allah azzawajal when you are depressed pray to allah and ask allah to relieve your stress when you are so worried during your moment of stress say subhanallah subhanallah why is it when someone gets angry they will utter with every single word that comes across their mind except saying subhanallah you know why because the moment they say subhanallah they will come down subhanallah subhanallah the close servants to allah there is no fear on them and there is no sadness for them what's the point of having all the money of this dunya and the luxury of this world and the comfort of this world and the strength and the power and the influence and the influence that anyone that can obtain in this world and allah is not happy from you what's the point of it what's the point of course you said of course you said you are sad because allah is not happy from you please allah allah will make you happy but you want to commit the sins during the day or not and you want to be happy and allah is happy from me that's impossible you want to disavow allah and you want allah to make you happy and return that will never happen you want to fall into the haram and you want allah azzawajal to make you happy that would never happen and that's why my brother and sister when you are sad and depressed ask yourself that question before you look into your bank account how much money you've got there and before you make an appointment with a psychologist or a doctor and before you see and speak to this person that person ask yourself what's your relationship between you and allah because of that relationship you are sad because of your tongue being dry from not remembering allah you are sad wallahi from the moment you remember allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala from the moment you knock on the gate of allah and sawajana and pray to him you filter the taste of happiness in your heart because darkness in the heart brings sadness the darkness in the heart brings sadness darkness in the heart brings depression darkness in the heart brings stress but light and brings happiness light and brings comfort light and brings calmness and tranquility we have the wrong understanding of comfort and tranquility we think that money is happiness we think that power is happiness knows no one is happy with just money and no one just happy with fame you hear every single day the richest people commit suicide why the most famous people on drugs why if they were happy why do they go on drugs for if they were happy with the money they had what do they keep saying we sought for dunya is their worry dunya is their stress dunya is their concern but subhanallah you're a believer that's your concern every single day is how to please allah azzawajal you sleep the best sleep you wake up the best you eat the best your heart is the best your comfort is the best when you please allah azzawajal allah puts happiness in your hearts when you please allah subhanahu ta'ala makes you content when you please ta'ala allah azzawajal will bring you satisfaction when you please allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allah subhanahu wa ta'ala makes you from amongst us who is happy allah will relief your stress allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will take away your depression allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will make you concerned and matters are worthy to be concerned allah yes there are moments that we are stressed wallahi my brothers and sisters our only way of happiness a relieving stress from us is the place to please allah do the righteous deeds and actions and allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will give you happiness if you are stressed for your life allah subhanahu wa will make an opening for you if you are stuck in a problem feed allah subhanahu ta'ala will take you out of that problem if you are depressed fear allah subhanahu wa allah azzawajal will make an opening for you out of that depression rely on allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and you've got everything rely on allah azzawajal allah subhanahu that if any of you is ever tried by a tribulation then let him remember his trial and tribulation through my calamity for indeed it is the greatest of trials what is happening here the prophet sallallahu alaihi is alluding to the death of the prophet sallallahu alaihi it is the greatest trial that every muslim goes through without even realizing it and let's look at why you look at the status of the prophet sallallahu alaihi sallam he was every man's best friend so people lost their best friends people lost to their consolers the wives of the prophet lost their husband the muslim community lost their leader the old women in the community who had no one to tell their problems to they used to tell it to the messenger of allah they lost the ones who would hear them out now imagine the greatest of all trials the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was our direct link to allah the prophet sallam was our direct link to allah in times of trials and tribulation you have a decision to make either you can get closer to allah and that is your way to paradise or you can decide to live with your pain seek the pity of people and let the pain get worse and create your own destruction he who has allah has everything i pray that allah alleviates the pains of every believer and every muslim and that he makes it a path to get closer to allah rather than a path that leads away from him that i hope you are in a very good state and i hope that you have um high man i want to tell you don't ever be sad because of love with you this life is not well worth being sad so you should always smile even sometimes you feel sick i also feel i spent a lot of time because i really just want to go home to journey and i want to listen to good and i want to read godan all day if you ever feel sad you should just go just jesus dude and you should remember that you're from the muslim ummah that means that everyone is making doubt for you including me so just keep your head high and be strong because because after hardship is ease just like allah promised in quran when you feel sad religious life is just a test and soon you'll be over and you'll be happy forever and journey you won't be sad everything that's meant to happen to you allah wanted it to happen to you so be happy for that don't be sad you're muslim and i'll love you so love him back i know i'm just a little girl please listen to me when i talk when you get to your genuine even remember these times and um when something bad happens to you or you get hurt alone take the bad things away inshaallah you'll find your way sorry about that sometimes i like test drugs with hardships but a lot of the people that he loves so he loves you and i love you too so much i hope this made you happy sama like allah
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 5,954,883
Rating: 4.9225626 out of 5
Keywords: pain, suffering, trials and tribulations, through hardship there is ease, why god Allah allows pain, have patience in Allah, test of allah through pain, dealing with suicide, how to overcome, reasons for pain, allah knows, difficulties of life, benefits of tribulations, Muhammad went through pain, when will the help of Allah come, powerful reminder, Allah (Deity), Muhammad (Founding Figure), Sadness (Symptom)
Id: 5pyZkY93B2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2013
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