The Six Promises Of Allah

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[Music] [Music] you and i know certain people in this life who've built for themselves such a reputation of honesty that they would prefer to die as opposed to failing in a promise that they had given if such is the status of a promise in the eyes of some human beings what then is the status of a promise in the eyes of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala himself who has given himself names like al-haq the truth and al-barr the ever doer of good and al-karim the most generous what would he do subhan he has made a promise look at what he says in the quran in answering this question allah never failed in his promise and allah subhanahu wa he said what you have been promised is true and allah he said in surely what you have been promised has come to pass must come to pass subhanallah why is it that people break their promises to begin with it's usually because of either the promise itself was a lie to begin with or number two because of an inability later on to act upon the promise that you had made in the past and this is precisely why allah subhanahu wa never fails in the promise that he had made because number one allah almighty is above lying and hence lying is not a possibility number two he is able to do all things and therefore being unable to act upon a promise is also not a possibility and this is why allah who said woman who is truer to his covenant than allah subhana wa and the implied answer is nobody with that said let us take a look at some of the promises of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala all of which must come and will come to pass if the conditions are met promise number one allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala has promised those who practice islam inwardly and outwardly a pleasant happy life in no era in human history have the means of comfort and welfare ever been so within reach like they are today and never has the knowledge of the world's complex mysteries and our ability to sub new nature's unfriendly elements ever been attained like they have today and despite these remarkable achievements at so many fronts and in spite of possessing all of the means for a better life that goal that objective of reaching and living a pleasant life and feeling mental happiness has never drifted further away from our shores like it has today i know that you will agree when we say that the 21st century has taught people how to fly in the air like birds and how to swim in the oceans like fish but how to walk on the face of the earth as happy and content satisfied individuals many of us still don't know how to do this now the variables there there are many but according to muslims there is one chief variable in unlocking and finding this gem called happiness where is it to be found allah subhanahu wa he said and those who believe focus on the conditions those who believe and they do righteous deeds and they believe in that which was sent to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam as it is the truth from their lord what will allah do for them look at the end of the ayah he will erase from them their sins he will improve their state that is a promise from allah and allah [Music] whoever does good whether male or female and he is a believer we will most certainly make him live a happy life whoever believes that happiness can somehow be found in other than allah's obedience has shown the worst of thought and the worst of expectation regarding allah take it as a rule in your life dear brother dear sister your soul's fatigue is according to how far or close it is to allah subhanahu wa and this is precisely why the reason why prophet muhammed he said to his servant when they were traveling looking for a man called al-khadr musa began to feel tired he said to his servant bring us our morning meal because we have suffered so much in our journey and we are experiencing fatigue commenting on this statement of prophet musa our prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam he said musa only felt tired the moment he had passed the area that he was commanded to go to musa was commanded by allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala to meet a particular person in a particular destination most however did not realize that he had accidentally gone past that particular place where allah wanted him to be and it was at that point when he had crossed this area that his soul began to fatigue it was a sign therefore dear brother dear sister say the same to your soul oh my soul if you have fatigued then it is a sign that you have crossed allah subhanahu ta'ala's limit somewhere and that you're standing where he does not want you to stand as for promise number two allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala has promised those who live a life of islamic practice love within the hearts of people where is that promise found this is in surat maryam when allah he says surely those who believe allah said and they do good deeds allah will bring about for them love what does this love refer to i hear you ask abdullah gives an explanation he said it means that the people in this world they will love him and the words of our prophet muhammed establish this exact same meaning he would say in a beautiful narration he would say that there isn't any person except that they have a reputation in the heavens and therefore if his reputation there in the heavens is good it will be placed on earth as well but if his reputation in the heavens is a bad one it too will be placed here on earth therefore what people are saying about you today is a reflection of what you are being spoken about above and the opposite by the way is just as true and that is why uh any person he said who does good or evil allah will clothe him with the garment of his deeds so in other words what you are insisting on doing behind closed doors dear brother this is whether it is something good in private or something evil and treacherous in private it's only going to be a matter of time before allah subhanahu ta'ala makes it public that is promise number two promise number three allah almighty has promised that islam will remain until the day of judgment listen to this prophecy dear brothers and sisters that you are about to hear a prophecy of our messenger that really couldn't have come at a better time a narration which muslim narrates on the authority of the companion through man the prophet said sallallahu alaihi wasallam allah drew the ends of the world for me to see and i have seen its eastern and western ends and i saw that the kingdom of my ummah will reach those ends that i saw east and west allah has also given me the two treasures the red and the white and these are in references to places that the messenger allahu alaihi wasallam's kingdom would eventually reach and i begged my lord for my umna that number one it should not be destroyed because of famine and i begged my note number two that it is never to be dominated by an enemy who is not from it who would then eradicate them and now allah is about to give the prophet sarah the outcome of his dua his request was it granted or not o muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam whenever i make a decision i allah make a decision and it cannot be changed and so i have granted for you that your ummah your nation will never be destroyed by means of famine subhanallah what about the second duha that he made listen to the answer and i have decreed that you will never be dominated you and the muslims by an enemy who would not be from them even if the entire world were to join hands with the intention of doing so allahu akbar so this is a promise that couldn't have come at a better time for our brothers a promise from allah subhanahu wa that is fulfilled by the way in several ways you may say to me how is it that allah almighty will ensure decree that this religion will remain until the end of time i say to you consider these several mechanisms number one by the frequent sending of revivalists and that's why the prophet salallahu he would say allah almighty sends he said for this ummah at the end of each 100 years those who will revive the religion revivalist may allah meet you and i from amongst them that's one mechanism by way this religion will be preserved till the end of time what else he may say to me number two by allah almighty taking it upon his divine self to preserve the quran allah said we were the ones who revealed the quran and we shall be its guardians it shall never change and it can never change in its meaning nor can it ever change in its wording promise from allah number three a third mechanism by protecting a particular group of muslims who will remain upon the truth till the end of time even if the masses end up becoming corrupt the prophet sallallahu alaihi he was telling he would say speaking about this he said there will always be a group from my umla who will be prevalent with the truth and they will not be harmed by those who let them down till the command of allah comes to pass therefore the muslim who believes these promises will not despair regardless of how great the hostility that islam and muslims may face why because allah almighty never fails in his promises that is promise number three promise number four the resurrection must happen this day the last day the final day is so certain that one of its names is the promised day allah said you allah said i swear by the sky that is containing the great stars and i swear by the promised day that promised day is the day of judgment abdullah ibn abbas the companion he would say in explanation of this ayah allah almighty has promised the inhabitants of the heavens and the inhabitants of the earth that they will all meet on that day always in a state of repentance having realized that ahead of us is a very long journey that awaits that begins with death it begins with death that is promise number four the resurrection is on its way it has to happen promise number five allah almighty has promised those who courageously reject a sinful practice with that which is better ya allah this is a promise that provides so much strength and peace and solace and reassurance particularly to that young muslim man or that young muslim woman who may be struggling with a specific addiction of some sort or a particular private doing that they know will distance them from allah and will distance them from success in the hereafter abu qatada and abu dhabi they said we came to a bedouin man they said and we said to him have you heard any knowledge from the prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam did you ever hear him say anything he said that i heard him say there isn't anything that you leave for the sake of allah except that he will replace you with something better what is that that is a promise dear brother dear sister now don't get me wrong such a replacement may be delivered to you in an obvious fashion right so you have a prohibited relationship of some sort that you cut out and so allah replaces you with a wonderful pure halal relationship or an impermissible business dealing that you cut out and so allah replaces you with a better business dealing right and so on but at the same token the form of the reward the replacement it may arrive in different fashions it may in the come in the form of health for your children or cure from an illness that was on its way of to you to you or a beautiful unrighteous spouse or an ability to pray at night that you were maybe previously struggling with allah may replace that sin that you left for his sake in an obvious way and he may replace it in a way that is better for you and that is because allah almighty knows what is best for you and therefore the reward for your courageous rejection of the haram is tailored for what you need most even if you don't realize that you need it make the courageous decision from this moment onwards to make amends to those habits those relationships those secret doings that you know need evicting from your life dear brother the sister and then realize that the better replacement from allah has already been dispatched and it is on its way allahu akbar as for our sixth and final promise this is the following the outcome of patients will be paradise that's patience by the way in all three of its forms patience towards what has been decreed for you as more patience towards the obligations of islam patience towards the prohibitions of islam all three of these levels they require so much patience and your struggle with them will eventually drive you to paradise why because allah almighty has promised that let us read the ayah so that they may soothe our hearts on [Music] everything that they may wish for will be there for them living inside eternally and then he said this is a promise binding upon your lord that must be fulfilled and allah almighty he said allah mentions that those who have feared their lord were conscious of him they shall be given high mansions above them higher mansions built for them one above the other beneath which rivers flow and then allah said this is the promise of allah and allah will never fail in his promise and allah almighty said the angels will meet them on that day saying to them this is the day which you have been promised allah allah therefore has made the promise you have heard them and now it's upon you and me to meet the conditions with patience we ask allah almighty to make us from amongst those people
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 130,847
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Id: AC61LsuXUtc
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Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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