Abandoned and Forgotten Church Graveyard Found In The Woods Of Georgia

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all right this time all right oh yeah let me grab my flashlight pass you that what was that you forgot what now hold on i don't have i have the flashlight i don't have the brush with me today but i do have the flashlight so that that counts for something right so this is absolutely incredible cemetery that daniel and i are at today i've been looking for this one kind of sort of looking for this one for a while we finally located it today there was a really sketchy bridge that daniel and i had to drive over to get to this cemetery and a local historian named sally has been telling me about this cemetery for a while i've always wanted to find it and film it and document it and today we actually ran into a logging crew that's logging this section of woods right here and has no idea that there's a cemetery back here because we asked them if they could point us in the right direction but randall a friend of mine had made me a map of cemeteries in this county and one of the pins that he dropped was this cemetery here so between sally pointing me in the right direction randall giving me the pin on the map and daniel being brave enough to drive over that super sketchy bridge and this giant diesel truck right here we found it today so we're gonna get in there and document it well this is incredible so this is an old church cemetery here and somewhere in these woods was a church it was torn down a long time ago and this cemetery is all that remains now something that is neat to see here is somebody has been out here within the past several decades and has marked what would be unmarked graves with those white crosses you see out there i am just i'm really excited that we found this today and i can't wait to get in here and read some of the names all right so here we have the grave of saffronia f osborne wife of thomas l williams born may 9th 1833 and died may 3rd 1900 at the bottom it says dearest mother thou has left us and our loss we deeply feel but it but tis god that bereft us he can all our sorrows heal over here you can see where that grave would have originally sat but it's broken off and a very large indention right there now unfortunately this looks like it's pretty sunk in the ground so we're not going to be able to get all of the information off of it is that thomas thomas l williams let's get the handshake it says born but i don't know we might be able to get in the grave maybe at least get a born date born april 17 18 27. over here we have at the top of the stone it says looty in memory of thomas james second son of rg and t.a williams born june 12 1867 and died october 6th 1871. suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not four of such is the kingdom of heaven this footstone actually says this guy's initials tjw but it also says buddy up top which is i've never seen that oh wow must have been a like a nickname yeah something well usually you see foot stones and you see the initials i've never seen anything else put on them like that yeah me either that's neat this is sacred to the memory of mary t daughter of t l and s f williams born august 8 1857 and died august 3rd 1873. the epitaph reads weep not for her who meekly led a life of petty and love whose unassuming virtue shed a hallowed influence from above the fallen dewdrop deeds must dry inhaled into its native sky and held into its native sky i was doing a little rough count while robert was talking and uh there's 54 55 marked graves out here wow which is pretty pretty impressive this little bitty area um but it's pretty neat somebody's come out here within the past 10 years probably and mark some of the ones that were unmarked with the little white crosses and it's amazing as usual we're out here in the middle of the woods where it looks like there's been no one living out here and well no one's been living out here for a very long time but you've got this amazing amazing very large cemetery out here that speaks that this used to be a community out here it's now just woods top of this one says thy will be done thaddeus beale lawson born july 9 1821 and died march 24th 1878. oh wow it says an amiable father here lies at rest as every god with his image blessed the friend of man the friend of truth the friend of age the guide of youth this is lovina lawson born november 23 1852 and died october 19 1869. born from this world air sin could stain or sorrow blight the opening flower the name is actually on top of this one gertrude lawson born july 1 1871 and died september 21st 1873 on the back it says sleep on sweet babe and take thy rest god called be home he thought it best and something that's interesting to see is the stone that's on top of this that's a pretty nice pretty high quality stone right there and like daniel just said a minute ago it's amazing how how elaborate this cemetery that's just now in the middle of nowhere in the woods really is now this one is pretty interesting right here it says major baker 31st georgia regiment i was noticing on a lot of these out here a lot of them had their own little gates around them like the very first one we shot had the marker around where this the fence used to be but there's some over here we'll get to had a fence around it that one up there had a fence around it i don't know if it was a small little family plots they were dividing them off or what but the sad part is you know somebody over the years people have stolen all the metal out of here to scrap or whatever so but to be in the middle of nowhere is very elaborate little cemetery [Music] here we have the grave of jesse kimbrough no birth date or death date and then again you can see where these white crosses are marking graves that were previously only marked with field stones so here we have the grave of susan coleman gerald born april 17 1833 died june 13 1875. here's the grave of ashbury cowell's 31st georgia regiment it is it is amazing as always to see just how many unmarked graves are out here and of course in this case we can see them pretty well because they're highlighted by these wooden crosses and previously would only be field stones and of course as you can see the crosses are going to rot back into the ground eventually and they will no longer be marked with anything other than a field stone or an indention in the ground this is s m streetman georgia militia and over here we have john h son of j a and m s sherling born january 12 1893 and died march 9 1893 at the bottom it says at rest these graves over here seem to be largely unmarked but we do have two more that are marked over here and something you can see that daniel mentioned a minute ago is where rod iron fence used to be around this plot here so this is the grave of rufus allen born in fort valley houston county georgia may 23 1833 and died in millageville georgia march 30th 1902 he giveth his beloved sleep it's pretty interesting that it says millageville georgia there was a mental asylum in millageville and i wonder if he died there or if he simply died in the town of millageville either way we're we're pretty good distance from there so he made a little bit of a a trek back here back home to be buried or maybe it was his home i guess it was his home if he was buried here there's a piece of wrought iron fence looks like this is all that's left of what was out here i'm on the back side of the cemetery um you can kind of make it out right about there just looking to see if i could find where the church used to be um there's some pretty good-sized oaks in here so i'm thinking it sat somewhere about where i'm standing that's a good size one right there that big stone i was videoed earlier i think that's where uh you know mark the the walking path to walk up to the church so this is kind of in line with that so i was just taking a little a little adventure through the woods to see what i could find all right so this stone right here looks like it would have been a foot stone but the headstone is missing or buried under the ground it says h-a-a on it so there's another piece of cast iron fence right there there's another piece right here that's where the gate probably would have been so this is the grave of a doctor also in the sonic grave says dr neil gillis born july 27 1830 and died april 18 1907. here sleeps an honest man over here is mary elle wife of n gillis born june 2nd 1846 and died january 10 1922. the bottom it says in god we trust right there is an invention in the ground another unmarked grave and over here is christian mccaskill wife of angus mccaskill born in scotland february 12 1805 and died november 30th 1890. and here is angus gillis born in scotland great britain february 1st 1800 and died november 4th 1886. and isn't that just absolutely amazing to see that here he was obviously an early immigrant to america being born in great britain and is buried here in the in the woods of georgia that's just i think that's pretty neat and here is christian gillis wife of angus gillis born in scotland 1902 died march 16 1883 all right this looks like the last marked grave that's out here also a masonic grave and it looks like a confederate veteran so we have here captain dan gillis born april 2 1838 died march 22 1924 a gallant confederate soldier and a mason 42 years master of his lodge there's one right here i believe it's knocked over we're going to clean it off and see if we can't see what says mary gillis born in north carolina december 8 1831 about october 18 1918 she was ever faithful let's actually get a dub up top here's the base tour stone you can see where it fell over it's probably not gonna be able to put it back up either the other thing is leaning too far in so [Music] all right everybody i hope you enjoyed seeing this cemetery with us today this is absolutely amazing thanks to daniel for coming out here with me today i didn't know but provide the gas and and the bravery to drive over that bridge yeah yeah the brevity to drive that old man under the rickety bridge we almost became the old man under the reiki degree we did we did but we found it today and this place is absolutely amazing this was kind of on my bucket list of cemeteries to find out in this area ever since sally told me about it and it kind of bugged me that i had not found this one yet but i really enjoyed coming out here and seeing it today i hope you guys enjoyed seeing it too don't forget to like share and subscribe and i'll see you on the next adventure you
Channel: Sidestep Adventures
Views: 41,845
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Keywords: abandoned cemetery, abandoned, cemetery, haunted cemetery, abandoned places, abandoned cemetery philadelphia, abandoned house, abandoned cemetery house, exploring abandoned places, abandoned cemetery in wales, abandned cemetery, abandoned cemetary, abandoned grave yard, abandoned graveyard, cemetary, abandoned cementery, girl abandoned at cemetery, abandoned cemetery in the woods, exploring abandoned, abandoned cemtery near me, african american cemetery, abandon, old cemetery
Id: XXIPihBZ_m4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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