Forgotten Homes, Abandoned Car and My Great Great Great Granddad's Grave | Forgotten Georgia

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[Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] this is a very very windy day out here see you guys I have to excuse the wind noise but when I was a kid this house was standing I went inside of this house and explored it and when I was a kid these were all woods out here and I'm about to show you why we're here I'm just some kind of a no I haven't been to this place in 20 years or more and it's changed unbelievably aside from the fact that the house is not standing anymore these were these were woods and I just don't recognize it at all anymore it looks so different but we're here today to visit my great-great-great grandfather's grave and thankfully there are no woods I was worried about finding it but because there are no woods I could spot the gravestone from the road so I didn't have to go through the woods and try to locate it and I tell you it's just it's unrecognizable from when I was a kid it's kind of amazing really of course it was so long ago that I barely remember what it looked like but singing now is just it's different so I hope you guys can hear me alright with the with the wind noise GoPro is usually pretty good about buffering out wind noise but uh it sounds kind of funny sometimes so here we have Amanda Norris Dobbins wife of yn Bryan who was born 1829 and died 1895 and I think I remembered this stone as a kid because it's it's a newer stone and that stuck out to me even even when I was a kid the fact that there was a newer stone out here and but I remember there being more stones out here possibly three so I'm a little bit concerned about the fact that I don't see any more although I could just be wrong but right here right here is my great-great-grandfather shady joiner or his name was Shadrach jointer but he went by Shady so Shadrach jointer or shady jointer he was in Company B 47th Georgia infantry and Confederate States of America now unfortunately I don't see of course on these Confederate stones because he was a soldier in the Confederacy they don't have a birth date or death date and I thought he had a civilian stone as well but I don't see one I also I talked to my mom earlier today when I was gonna try to find this place and she said that he was buried beside his second wife she thought and so I don't see another marker out here and of course it's been so many many years since I was out here that I could be remembering wrong and a land looks completely different but I was almost sure that there was another another grave out here a third grave but I don't see it unfortunately so I'm gonna look around just a little bit alright guys why had the camera off I was looking around and she's kind of soaking in the experience here because again it is so so entirely different from what I remember as a kid in the fact that the land is clear-cut and it's just it's amazingly different also I'll tell you one thing when I was a kid and we were out here walking through these woods there were all of these old cars all through these woods like old model tees and trucks from the 30s and 40s that were in these woods and had trees growing up from and that sort of thing and I thought that was so cool I was hoping they were still here so I could show them to y'all there actually is one car over there we'll look at before we go but there's just a another interesting thing so the house that we looked at when we first came up here that's on the ground we'll look at it again when we start to go out and leave the cemetery that house belonged to a man named Greene Norris and shady joiner who's buried behind Greene Norris's house here remarried his second wife was named Emily Norris so that's why he's buried behind Greene Norris's house and it's interesting because he was supposed to have been buried beside his second wife Emily here and she could just be in an unmarked grave site and that's probably what it is but I was I was almost certain that she had a tombstone from when I was a kid but I looked all around I had the camera off and we're just kind of soaking it in and I don't see anything so shady Joyner I don't remember his birth date or death date I put a call in to my mom so she could remind me so Shady's grave was actually lost in the woods for a very long time before my family found him out here and it's kind of interesting the way that they actually located Shady's grave here they were driving down here and there was a man sitting on top of a barn who is named Clyde Smith if I recall correctly and I guess my mom pulled over and they asked if he knew where shady joiners grave was and he did and what's super interesting about that is that he Clyde Smith actually remembered Shady Joyner because they were alive at the same time and so around the time that Clyde Smith was five years old he had remembered Shady and knew him as a real character which is pretty interesting but it's really amazing to know that someone that was alive in my lifetime actually remembered Shady Joyner who was alive a very very long time ago and Clyde Smith is of course himself passed away now because he was very old back then Shady Joyner was originally from Randolph County Georgia and when he was old and senile he was always trying to catch a train from down here in the cut-off and to get back down to Randolph County Georgia and also when he was senile he would sit in the rocking chair and look at the reflection of the fire in the window and curse those Damn Yankees again which is interesting to know obviously a sort of PTSD as we would call it now from the Civil War from fighting in the Civil War now over here Amanda Norris Dobbins I don't know anything about her unfortunately I probably should she's the wife of yn Bryan and I don't know those names don't sound familiar to me at all I do would love to know who else is buried out here I'll have to just dig up some some family information for that and see what I can find and I'm probably stumbling all over the place in this video because this is lot of stuff that I'm trying to remember and and also I've just it's amazing it's really amazing to be here again and I was actually worried about not being able to find it but of course the fact that the land the clear cut around here made it very very easy so we'll walk over here to green norris's house really quickly and this is a sad sight I wish it was still standing because I remember going in it when I was a kid walking through it and it was just in the woods as many many of these places are and is now on the ground in a field so not only is the house down but the whole landscape has changed as well and shady didn't actually live in this house here he actually lived across the street and a house that has been gone for a very very long time but doing this as a kid with my mom kind of is why I do sidestep adventures today as my mom was really heavy and to our family genealogy and so coming and exploring places in the woods and finding our own lost family grave sites way back when was always something that I found very fascinating so it inspired doing this sidestep Adventures today in this site directly inspired sidestep adventures which is pretty interesting to be back here and doing a video on it so Shady's buried right over there in the woods there's green Nora's house and then there's this great great old car over here is that of course I've had to show you guys it's an old Chevrolet deluxe now that doors not gonna open but that edit super cool I wish I knew who the landowner was I would drag it home and you have to wonder what happened to this car why it just wound up in a field was it just driven here and parked one day never to be started again tried the door again didn't work or you know how it wound up here and what stories it could tell the sorts of pieces of broken glass and pottery all around his house I remember the house had lots of old blue or cobalt bottles around it when I was a kid that's some Depression era glass right there and I don't see any of those blue bottles today I spoke too soon there's a piece of pottery but there's a piece of one of those all blue bottles that I remember as a kid just a piece they've probably all been broken except for the ones that we have to have permission to dig up we're gonna walk up here and speak with Shady him one last time and we're probably gonna get back on the road oh look there's a there's another piece of blue glass there's another older bottle this would be a great place to dig and metal detect [Music] alright guys so it's super super fascinating for me to be sitting here with Shady joiner again my great-great great-granddad and it's just it's pretty Alling in many ways not only because it's out here visiting family but it kind of puts things in perspective of time passing by when you think that JD Joyner lived his life and he never would have imagined that his great-great-great grandson would be out here filming his grave for a youtube series it's a interesting perspective on life and time moving on I think I hope you enjoyed seeing this today don't forget to Like share and subscribe and we'll see you on the next adventure [Music] [Music]
Channel: Sidestep Adventures
Views: 69,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ghost town, ghost, town, ghost towns, ghost town lyrics, abandoned ghost town, adam lambert ghost town, this town is coming like a ghost town, ghost town song, 24 hour ghost town, lyrics ghost town, madonna ghost town, haunted ghost town, modern ghost towns, ghost town lyric video, my heart is a ghost town, ghost town music video, cheap trick ghost town, chinese ghost towns, ghost town adam lambert
Id: 4VtpyNM6nYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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