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today's video is sponsored by dashlane welcome to our slash pro revenge where revenge is a dish best served poisoned I hope this is the right place for this so I was getting out of the military and there are two options that service members have for their move when they get out either you can rent a u-haul and throw everything you own into your car and truck and drive home and get reimbursed for the gas or you can get a moving company that is contractors in military to move your stuff for you I was moving a small duplex from California to Colorado so I opted to have the company moved me I recently underwent major spine surgery and I was in no shape to be moving anything myself as I was still recovering all the things were loaded up and I got my delivery date the delivery day came around and no one showed up I had taken the day off from my new civilian job and was upset that I was missing out on work for them to not even contact me about not being able to make the delivery this was just the beginning of the downward spiral that was to occur I called the company and they assured me that they would deliver it a week later and gave some BS excuse for not making it I take off work yet again for them to not show up I call again and learn that they aren't delivering my stuff because they've lost my paperwork and can't locate my shipment they literally lost my stuff great I spend the next three weeks trying to get to the bottom of where my things are I've spent almost two months with an empty condo and I'm getting impatient but I also understand that if I lose my cool it's just going to make them not want to work with me so I keep my cool after three weeks of basically feeding me BS they finally found my shipment finally all of the BS is over and I can get my things or so I thought they tell me that the following week they'll make the delivery I explained the situation to my job and thankfully they were extremely understanding and let me offer it third time to be there when my things were arriving the day before delivery it rained all morning long this will be pertinent later the following day I'm sitting around all day waiting for the shipment that's supposed to come midday they don't arrive until 9:00 p.m. I could have worked a full day and been home which annoys me but hey at least I'm getting my stuff finally they start opening the two large wooden crates with my stuff when they find that one of the crates has severe water damage severe remember the rain from the day before well in this company's infinite wisdom they were loading my things up the day before when it was raining and supposedly they ran out of room on the truck just as they got to my stuff their solution don't bring the crate back into the dry warehouse just leave it out in the rain all morning long thankfully most of her clothes and really important things were in the dry crate that had been left in the warehouse and they weren't destroyed there was however our couch that was completely destroyed by water damage we ended up just having them take it back with them because we didn't want a nasty smelly wet couch in our condo we make a list of the things that they destroyed with the movers and they gave us instructions to submit a claim now a little bit of backstory on the couch we bought it used off Craigslist for a hundred and fifty bucks and originally we were trying to sell it before the move and weren't able to so we just kept it we did take pictures of the couch with a fold-out bed option shown they had to pay for the full value of the couch and we eventually found that brand new this couch was twenty three hundred dollars from Crate and Barrel we were ecstatic because we felt like it was karma for the moving company screwing us over all the time but it gets even better the moving company gets our claim and insist that we picked the wrong model because our couch doesn't have a pullout bed at this point they're just trying to avoid paying for the full price and try to get us to take less money thankfully I still had pictures with the bed pulled out to prove that it was indeed the pull-out version finally they just accepted that I was right and we agreed on a settlement a month later the check came in and wouldn't you know it the check bounced not only was it frustrating sending a bounced check of over two thousand dollars or something like that was technically a crime that I could have pressed charges for at this point all I cared about was getting my money and never having to deal with this company again so I didn't want to into a drawn-out legal battle I call to inform that the check bounced and they assure me that'll be taken care of soon a week goes by and I hear nothing so I call and as soon as they find out it's me on the line they say they're going to transfer me and then hang up they do this every time I call for the next two weeks I send them a written notice requesting payment within 10 days of receiving the notice and still nothing I'm several months in from all the BS this company has put me through and I'm fed up at this point so I try an idea my dad gives me I contact my local CBS News station they have a segment dedicated to helping out people in the community and they are thrilled to help out a disabled veteran especially after they hear about the BS that I've gone through the reporter comes to my house and does a 5 minute interview that's aired that Monday night I cite the fact that these companies are paid for by the government using taxpayer money and they're screwing over our service members and that's about it nothing really exciting or anything but it's worked wonders the next morning the vice president of the company calls me and make sure that I get my money wired to my account before the end of the day finally I'm done with these buttholes but now it gets even better the military has been notified of the story and a colonel from the Marine Corps headquarters in the Pentagon calls me the next day and I explained everything that happened for him he thanks me for the information and says that he'll be following up with me later a week later he calls back and informs me that the company has lost its contract with the military and is undergoing further investigation by the military so not only did they get terrible publicity from my story being run on CBS they also lost what I assumed had to be a very lucrative contract with the military that was probably paying them well above regular price from what they would originally charge all in all it took months of patience and keeping my cool and making sure that I had a solid paper trail of evidence that showed that I had given them every opportunity to do things right and that they had asked me over every time in the immortal words of Colonel jessep you [ __ ] with the wrong Marines it's 20/20 and to be honest did security has never been more important as a youtuber I take my digital security super seriously if someone got my YouTube password they could just completely take over my channel and do whatever they wanted that's why I use dashlane to create and manage passwords and no I'm not just saying this because they're my sponsor I actually do use them every single day - LAN can create completely unique and highly secure passwords for each and every website you visit and the best of all you can install dashlane on every single one of your devices if you're the type of person who uses the exact same password for every single website then you really need - lean all it takes is for one of those companies to have a data breach and suddenly all of your accounts are in danger you didn't get - lean on your first device by hitting - - link comm slash are slash and then to upgrade to premium use my code are slash our next reddit post is from WTF Jana my older sister let's call her RIA and our mom have always had a very difficult relationship ever since I could remember RIA has always been headstrong and not afraid to ask questions my mom was a very traditional devout Christian who put family above everything first bit of background my mom was the second eldest of nine children and move from the Philippines to the US she grew up to hurt poor in a small province and experienced firsthand the hardship that comes with taking care of a big family she was the first of her family to graduate college and has always valued education as a means to get out of poverty she's paid for four of her siblings to go to college only two actually completed and went on to find jobs and has also paid for several of her siblings children to go to good schools in the Philippines RIA had more exposure to the extended family than I did she was born in the Philippines I was born in the US seven years apart as she got older she was very outspoken about how she didn't agree with my mom financially supporting some of her family because riaf elders though they were abusing my mom's generosity especially since mom was frugal with our expenditures here in the US when RIA was in her last year of high school she had a bad falling out with my mom and moved out they didn't speak for five years although my dad and I kept in touch with RIA in that time really worked full-time and paid her way through college without any help from my parents at all fast forward a few years to my high school graduation I invited RIA she attended and ended up reconciling with my mom things were still rocky but they had a much better relationship two years ago my mom passed away unknown to me at the time RIA had quietly taken over the continued financial support and cost of living from my mom's younger sister Jana and maintaining the college fund for Jana's daughter she also took care of the funeral arrangements and handling the estate dad was a mess at the time last year RIA and I decided to spend the holidays in the Philippines one of our visits was to Jana's place little did I know that the poo was about to hit the fan when we sat down for dinner after small talk the topic of my mother came up and this was how the conversation went details may be lost in translation so just writing the gist of it my Aunt Jana said such a shame your mom passed away we'll miss her my sister RIA said yes RIA why did you stop talking to her why did you leave her you should be ashamed that's not how you treat family now your mom could have raised you better you always were too headstrong you know that's not ladylike you shouldn't be so aggressive you need to be softer how are you going to get a man otherwise she goes on to say more stuff along these lines andrea doesn't say anything on jana turns to me don't be like your sister okay be a good daughter do you have a boyfriend yet you don't want to get too Oh like Rhea and not have your own family that's not following God's plan before I could speak Rhea asked her own questions why did she drop out and decide to get pregnant when mom was paying for your college did you really think that that businessman would leave his wife and take care of you if he wanted to be a trophy wife you should have just said so instead of wasting your mom's hard-earned money at this point I just decided to watch because Gina was starting to piss me off and riah had been known to do epic takedowns my aunt who was now enraged how dare you come into my house eat my food and disrespect me technically it's my mom's house you have food because my mom has been supporting you for the better part of 15 years and you disrespected her by wasting all the opportunities she worked hard to give you I don't need your attitude oh you're be as I don't need anything from you you disrespectful get the hell out of my house Rhea gets up in smiles you sure you don't need anything from me you don't want anything from me I want to confirm that I heard you correctly I don't need from you I can take care of myself and my family and how dare you imply otherwise get the hell out of my house and your father will hear about this really look at me you heard her let's go now I was surprised by how calmly Rhea was taking the diatribe because I've seen her and my mom get into massive shouting matches more confused than anything I followed her to the car you heard her right she doesn't need anything from me it begins to dawn on me what my sister is about to do yeah okay we get back to the hotel and my sister promptly stops the auto transfer of funds for Jana's account we then spend the rest of the week lounging by the beach and hanging out with the other cousins yesterday I was talking to one of my cousins and I heard that Jana is just now realizing what actually happens when you run out of money I called up reassured Lee after to give her an update what she ran out of money that quick there was enough in there to last her the year oh did you tell her that yeah basic math will she lose the house yeah it's paid for as long as she doesn't do something stupid she should have a roof over her head did you also close her kids college fund nope not gonna punish the kid for her mom stupidity but that's all she gets so if she F supp she F supp so yeah it'll definitely be interesting how this plays out in the next few months I have a feeling my sister probably won't give a damn one way the other though our next rated post is from throw away this happened a few years back in China at one of the universities they're here I was studying Chinese language and I shared my language class with some people from France and Belgium the french-speaking part our Chinese teacher was a really nice little lady that happened to also speak French so often whenever the French speakers had a question they would ask it in French now I didn't really mind it all that much but at some point it got to the point where about half of the questions in the class whereas in a language I didn't understand obviously that's detrimental to my own learning experience since understanding the questions is important for me to learn the language so I politely asked them if we could just do the class in English because about half of us didn't understand what was being asked Lao Shi the teacher was very nice about it afterwards and asked the students if they could rephrase the question in English when they asked it in French but apparently the French and Belgian girls and guys didn't take it so well they were constantly glaring at me and whispering among themselves in French well I just shrugged and moved on however outside of class they were always sticking together in their own little group doing things together at first they would just walk past me when I was sitting down having a beer with my friends and they would simply glare but at some point it came down to them cursing talking smack about me to the other students and spitting on my lap when I was sitting in the park obviously I was seething so I might have called them a few words which were a bit too unsavory anyhow they didn't take it well on the next day I found out that they had scribbled all sorts of things on my dorm room it basically said eff your mother as well as the name of a certain German political party that was popular in the 1940s that I won't say the name up on YouTube I don't actually know why they put that one I think they thought I was German which I'm not obviously I was pissed but I didn't really know what to do so I reported it to the international student office the office was really nice and understanding but told me they can't actually do much unless I provide proof that something is happening thus I went on Taobao and bought a little recording camera looked a bit like a dashcam it had the time and date and everything after the University I painted my room door over they couldn't get the markers off a parent I hung the camera up in a corner of our dorm corridor and pointed it at my door then I left and made sure to loop around a little bit to walk past a group of French and Belgians so that they knew I was leaving campus towards the metro station I had some nice dumpling soup and a beer and when I came back lo and behold once again they were hardly creative with their insults just more the same but this time I had proof I checked the video and I was very pleased five out of the seven of the group were actually there and all wrote something on the door with permanent marker one of the guys even kicked the door which caused a crack at the bottom these doors weren't very sturdy they seemed to have a lot of fun doing it now of course the school was properly pissed when I showed them the video normally the students would just get a stern warning but because the International Students office was aware that they were doing it before and also about the fact that they were harassing me all the time I reported everything to them when it happened they were less than understanding this time and suggested that the board expelled the students and so they were all of this took place over the course of a couple of months so we were nearing the end of the semester the five students who scribbled at my door got expelled just before their exams which meant that all the time they spent at the university was effectively worthless since they didn't receive any credits for it but it gets even better after this whole ordeal I sent a neat anonymous letter in Chinese one of my Chinese friends helped me write it to the Public Security Bureau that these students had engaged in vandalism at our university a few weeks later after I returned home I was told by a friend of mine who was on good terms with their group that some of them had booked tickets and hostels to travel in China at the end of the semester however their visa extension was denied by the Public Security Bureau on the basis of their misdemeanor at the University I'm not sure if the second part was caused because of my letter or simply because of the university informed the police but I like to pretend that it was the former so I was just laughing my butt off as they slaved away half a year in courses for which they received no and had to cancel thousands of dollars worth of travel plans that truly was a sweet sweet feeling that was our / / revenge and if you liked this video then let me know by hitting that like button because it really helps my channel grow
Channel: rSlash
Views: 941,982
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, pro revenge
Id: 1DgP3GJoGrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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