r/Prorevenge How I Sent an Entitled Karen to Prison for 6 Years!

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welcome to our slash pro revenge where karen gets a six-year prison sentence our next reddit post is from california old timer okay this happened years ago in 1985 to be exact so after my second retirement i started doing property management i bought this 2500 square foot luxury home with the sole intention of renting it out now i didn't know how bad the hoa was but when i became the owner i soon found out this took place in two years time karen the president of the hoa would literally have a problem with everyone in the neighborhood trash cans left out fined loud music after 10 pm find yard sale without permission find removing dead plants and replanting without approval you get fined it went on and on like this now the community could run for the hoa board but the hoa board chose the president six out of the ten members on the board liked karen so she always kept her job her husband was in the medical field so he made a lot of money it got to a point where she was called queen karen in the neighborhood for dishing out hoa fines now i used to go in person to collect the rent because the people that rented the house were good friends of mine i did this for months so i would park my car by the front of the garage my friends and i were having some music on but it wasn't that loud queen karen came over driving her golf cart and said excuse me yeah you have to turn that music down it's too loud i told her that it's 8pm and that even loud music can be played until 10. she wasn't having it and demanded that i do so now my friends and i kept the music going and we were enjoying ourselves she proceeded to get angry and find me now most people would just take the abuse and pay the fine but not me i went to the hoa board contested the fine and won from that point on queen karen made it her personal mission to destroy me she would complain and fuss about every little thing i fought what i could but i did end up paying for some of it she also went after my tenants which made things worse for me i had to sit down with my friends one night to discuss the problem when i parked my car queen karen came over in a robe and said i have to park somewhere else i did because i didn't want to start anything we see her go back into her house and embrace a man who isn't her husband we were being nosy and we came to the conclusion that she was cheating on her husband spoiler alert she was my friends and i told queen karen's husband i'm sure he did some investigating because three months later they divorced and he was moving his stuff out now according to the gossip queen karen got nothing because she was the one who cheated and she didn't have a job so she wasn't entitled to the money from this point on queen karen had a massive decline in the quality of life that she had she sold her car and got a cheaper one and she adopted different dressing habits but even after the divorce she never got a job and she was still living somewhat better than everyone else fast forward a year later in february queen karen and the hoa have been giving out fines for very obscure things and increased monthly dues having trash cans out a couple of hours early or after the trashman left would result in a fine they were targeting people who had older or dirty cars and on and on me and the other people of the community were sick of the stunts that she and the hoa were pulling so at the next meeting we showed up to voice our concerns queen karen said that the community had been falling behind on repairs and that the dues had increased in fines were necessary especially if people weren't maintaining their own property she said that it was in the yearly budget report and that we should have read it the other pissed residents and i go to read the statement now none of us read it because we take it as junk mail and disregard it but we read the whole statement cover to cover queen karen had increased the hoa budget 15 and where that extra money was going remained unknown we went over to her house the next day and demanded to know where the extra money was being spent but she refused several times she closed the door and went back to watching tv we filed a joint lawsuit to find out where the money was going in june we found out cue the revenge queen karen was living off of the hoa fines and dues the dues increase was because she was running out of money she still didn't have a job so she embezzled from the hoa so she wouldn't have to get a job she gets busted we called the police on her for embezzling the money she was charged with fraud and extortion the neighbors and i filed a joint lawsuit against karen to get reimbursement as well she had no money so she had to mortgage her house to pay us all she later went to federal prison for six years with no parole because she went away no one was paying on her house the bank foreclosed on it and it was bought by someone else so when she got out in 1992 she was homeless honestly the majority of us didn't want to ruin her life like this had she toned down the excessive fines we would have let her be but she had to double down and steal from us because she didn't want to get a job like everyone else as someone who professionally reads reddit posts for a living i've learned that i will never ever buy a house that's part of an hoa our next reddit post is from vicodin first up some backstory during my gap year between studies i decided to work for company inn company inn was run by a husband dave and wife karen with their son and basically treated their staff like a small family all was well for about two months until i realized i had to ask for a day off since i wanted to attend the last slayer concert the band would give in my country there was about a month to go so i sent an email asking for the day off and explaining why this is where everything started to go downhill i got a reply from the karen and her reply was weird she stated that's not how asking for a day off works i was confused to say the least not sure what to do i thought you wanted a more formal way of asking so i wrote a formal email asking for the day off she shot an email back that i really had to think through what i was doing which made even less sense to me but i was hopeful since i never really got a specific no the next work day rolls around i arrived lock up my bike and hit inside for work i immediately started looking for dave to ask for answers before i could even open my mouth he asked me do you still want to go to that concert i didn't expect him to ask this so quickly so i answered yes the only thing he said back was okay take off your vest and you can go home i was stunned and while the words started to sink in i looked at my colleagues who were just preparing for opening when it finally sank in anger flowed in i'm not a confrontational person so i simply took off my vest and gave it to dave without a word i left and started biking home when i got back home i told my mother what happened we started sending emails for extra information and got very karen like emails back after a couple of emails which went basically nowhere i looked up the laws for immediate dismissal after reading up about it i learned that in my country somebody can be immediately fired when they're caught stealing committing fraud the person isn't able to do the work or refuses to do the work i didn't do any of these a day or two later i met with my attorney and began the steps to sue company in i told my lawyer what happened in detail and he was very confident that i was in my right and they were not so after trading even more emails between the three of us we went to small claims i came prepared in a suit with my attorney in tow and karen showed up alone i guess she assumed she won because she thought she was in her right the trial began and i was as professional and objective as i could be karen was the same well for about half of the trial when she realized evidence was piling up against her she resorted to calling me a spoiled brat among other things that i don't know the english translation for it's safe to say that that was the point the judge ruled in my favor as per usual i had to wait a month before i got the verdict back in the mail but i won it may have taken about six months from the moment i was told to go home to the point that those six months of pay were transferred to my bank account but it was a hundred percent worth it in the end i went to the concert and it was the most awesome and most profitable concert i've ever been in my life so we don't know what country op lives in so it's hard to estimate how much he got paid for this but let's just say for sake of argument that the average salary in america is something like forty thousand dollars so six months would mean half of that which is twenty thousand dollars so that means essentially that this entitled couple paid this guy twenty thousand dollars to attend the concert not too bad our next reddit post is from relatively sorrowful for context back in 2013 i was a graduate student pursuing my master's degree that was my last year in the program we had 24 months to finish all the work in the dissertation my advisor was my professor who was very well known and experienced on my field of work let's call her janet janet and i had worked together with research since my college days as i became part of the undergraduate research with her at that point we had been working for about four years together and as with any advisor student relationship we had her disagreements quite often janet was used to doing her experiments in a certain archaic way i knew there were better uses of our grant money and always tried to push towards a more advanced method especially correlating data collection and statistics however our relationship was always good i knew her husband and had been to her house numerous times she was a little set in her ways but we've managed to make good progress in our field anyhow by the end of 2013 i presented my dissertation to the department and was approved with flying colors my data still wasn't published in any paper as i wanted to have more analysis in different areas to make a more robust and better paper with that said my dissertation was published and it's my work and my experiments after i got my masters i decided to pursue a phd while i was still going to work in the same field i wanted to use different techniques and thus talked with janet about going to pursue a phd under a different professor in another university she always encouraged me to do better and look for ways to diversify my views i went ahead and contacted a professor outside of my country and another university to pursue my phd i got approved and soon moved away for the next two years i still kept contact with janet but on the third she stopped responding initially i thought she had changed her email or something but didn't think much of it time flew by and in 2017 while reading papers and writing my own i came across a paper that was strangely similar with my research interested in it i opened it up and read it to my shock it was a paper by my ex-advisor she and one of her master students were listed as authors of that paper reading the title i thought hey that's neat she continued researching it but boy was i wrong reading the paper i got increasingly angry that wasn't new research it was my research my data was all in that paper even my graphs and tables initially i thought oh well she's also an author and if she's citing it there shouldn't be a problem but unfortunately that wasn't the case my name was nowhere near that paper and they claimed the research was original now i was livid i sent an email to janet confronting her which she never replied to however i am not a pushover and will never allow people to claim my own work as theirs she made a mistake by using my data i'm a researcher and i keep everything i ever worked on saved in external ssds encrypted into my own possession all catalogued with data entries and even had my own dissertation to prove my work in my country research is financed by government grants i wrote an email to the dean of the grants institution explaining the situation with proof of everything i also sent an email to the journal in which that was published contesting their paper and explaining everything it didn't take longer than 15 days for me to get a follow-up the institution responsible for the grant was furious they cut all financial aid for her and her student and made a formal requirement to the university requesting her immediate termination the journal retracted the paper and is now suing her for plagiarism now after all these years i learned that she was indeed fired and hasn't been able to work in the field ever since i never met her again and had no intention of ever doing so now my work is published and i'm recognized by my contributions in the field maybe that was a petty thing to do but i couldn't allow people to get away with claiming my work as theirs op that was not petty that was straight up theft that professor had it coming to her and i sincerely hope that she has nightmares about you our next reddit post is from tylock when finishing up my degree in criminal justice we had to learn about how the justice system works and how sometimes it doesn't for about two weeks we studied a case from the early 90s of a woman who had killed her husband because the case is public record and a very interesting read look up betty freeburg in 1993 the setting was small town iowa and the husband was the town drunk everyone in town knew him for a drunk a brawler a womanizer and overall just a bad person his wife was a stay-at-home mom as she wasn't allowed to work or leave the house aside from getting groceries he would go home beat her and violate her and the cycle would go on and on and the whole town knew neighbors were a quarter mile down the road but would still call the police when they heard noises it was well documented and because he was never a threat to their daughter the police did nothing aside from taking to jail like a revolving door every time he got out he'd beat her up again their daughter was away at college but came home for thanksgiving while the father was at work the daughter told the mother that her father had violated her and that she had even had an abortion because of it this was the breaking point for the mother she got her revenge 100 fold when the daughter went back to school after the holidays and the husband came home she killed him with his gun at the kitchen table the table is important because it was a big farm table used for chopping up deer and other livestock oh my god doing the butchering was her job and she was good at it if you could find the case report it has pictures of the table and clear marks of chopping she chopped up her husband and scattered his body over the neighboring farms and fed what she could to her livestock and cleaned up months went by and winner came and left police investigating his disappearance even questioned her while sitting at the table drinking coffee she explained the marks on the table by explaining that she butchered her own meat and showed the officers her deep freezer the investigation went on for months until finally a neighbor's dog brought back a body part they identified it as belonging to him and she was arrested on the spot she pled not guilty and refused any offers it went to trial and 12 of her peers judged her not guilty due to extenuating circumstances she confessed to the crime explained why she did it and how and that she had no real choice because no one was going to help her the farm was hers and she refused to give it up as it had been her family's home she was let go entirely for the murder charge the next week we had betty as a speaker to the class to discuss the case and she was awesome at the time she ironically sold dismemberment insurance for affleck i feel like betty would be the best dismemberment insurance salesman on planet earth well when i chop my husband up into little pieces boy do i wish i had gotten dismemberment insurance first my daughter would have gotten so much insurance money and i might have been able to use some to defend myself in court so if you're thinking about chopping up your husband i really recommend the premium deluxe decapitation package that was our slash for revenge and if you like this content then check out my patreon where i publish extra videos also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit posts every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,029,773
Rating: 4.9392347 out of 5
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Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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