r/ProRevenge - Never ending greed

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hello everyone I have some crazy content coming so buckle up the background I lived with a group of people who I thought were my friends they were two couples and we all lived in the same house for almost two years until I recently moved out there was David and Tina and Brittany and AJ I was the only single person there there was debate on how we should pay the bills but we all decided to give the money to the person whose name was on the bill David paid the mortgage Tina paid the water and electric / gas and I paid the Internet it came to the point to where I was paying close to 80% of the mortgage by myself the entire water bill about 75% of the gas and electric and I was paying the Internet bill by myself I was giving the money still to the person in charge of the bill but came to find out about 10 days before I moved out that the mortgage was defaulted on in the house was in foreclosure also the water gas and electric bills were in constant threat of being shut off and that the only up-to-date bill was the internet while they all saw me struggle to pay these off they were mindlessly spending money during the day which is when I sleep do the working third shift so I never saw the mindless things they spent money on nor did I ever see the mail since they grabbed it before I woke up Brittany never paid anything as she was having her check garnished due to unpaid student loans but she always had expensive makeup AJ never held a job for more than two weeks David and Tina were always calling into work knowing that I wouldn't allow them to go without a home due to our history one day I woke up while they were all out and about doing something or other so I went to go check the mail as I was expecting a package when I saw the bills in the mail so I decided to investigate I opened up the gas and electric bill as they are by the same company to see a total amount of almost $400 and in risk of being shut off I was shocked and pissed I knew right then and there what was going on and I vowed to screw them over as hard as I could the revenge I had just interviewed for a new job that paid almost double what I was making and I knew that I interviewed well with them I told myself that if I got the job I would give them a 30 day notice and move out as it was close to the end of a month and I had already paid them I would be moving out before the first of February I got the call with a job offer the next day which I happily accepted I did the paperwork for the background check and it all came back clean the same day I accepted the offer I typed out a 30-day notice and recorded myself with my phone in my breast pocket handing it to them explaining that I was moving out I started my job in my hunt for an apartment close to my new job which I found within a week of starting I took almost the entirety of my checks set them aside for rent deposit and basic things that I would need I was asked several times to help with the next month's bills to which I said no as I was saving for my own place they also had plenty of time to come up with the money between the four of them because I was doing it all by myself pretty much on a meager pay rate of $11 an hour before my new job there were a lot of scowls passive aggressive behavior and flat out attempts to take or use my things or foods without permission the day came when I finally went and got my u-haul and had a few friends help me move free beer and free lunch or the best payment ever as they shared it all with me I was determined to get it all in one go so I got the biggest one they had and we got everything packed up I took everything that was mine down to my pizza stone which they loved my expensive kitchen knives which they would use and never clean even my toilet paper that I had bought three days prior because I needed it a few rolls went missing very quick after moving everything I sat down on my couch looked around my cat in my lap and breathed a sigh of relief I happen to be good friends with my previous neighbors we smoked each other out frequently and asked them to keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary for days go by and I come to find out that the gas electric and water have all been turned off and they were asking to fill up some buckets to manually flush the toilets bathe in etc now both couples have dogs which my cat hated as they were both hyperactive as hell but I loved them so I decided that those dogs were in a dangerous situation as they had no water no heat in the middle of winter and probably no food as I had bought the last [ __ ] about two weeks prior I hate to see an animal hungry so I called the local humane society and left an anonymous tip about the dogs and how I was worried about them the next day my neighbor Todd texted me telling me that the dogs were removed from the home that my previous housemates were being charged with neglect and because of the lack of utilities that these were not civil but criminal charges this was enough for me to smile but I wanted more I knew that David was divorced and had a child I also knew that he wasn't paying child support I then contacted the local courts and made them aware of the flagrant non support and that maybe they could help the agency looking for him I provided the address that we lived at and that the homeowner was the one who that was being looked for from there it came to light that he was almost $25,000 behind which is a felony in the state where I live he is now living with someone on their couch as Tina left him the house has been foreclosed on and he has nothing to his name while facing multiple criminal charges moral of the story don't take advantage of a friend who knows all your dirty secrets after my wife and I got married last year we decided that we should both get on the same phone plan we went down to the AT&T store and met with a rep who told us we'd both be on an unlimited plan for $70 per month all in including taxes and fees I was very specific about getting the all-in price for the service it seemed like a decent deal so we signed up two days later I log into the website and see that there's already a bill for $139 I call up a rep to see what's up and they tell me that between the activation fees taxes and surcharges the bill was correct I told them what the salesperson told me and they basically told me to pounce and I promptly told them I wanted to cancel the service and one of the $139 waived they said they could cancel the service but could slash would not waive the bill they also told me if I cancelled immediately my wife and I would lose our phone numbers which is true so I figure since I already have to pay for the month and I don't want to lose my phone number I will just get a new carrier and cancel when I'm ready so I do my research and find visible which is excellent and we make the switch call back to AT&T and inform them that we have switched carriers and want to cancel the service I again ask for a refund the rep informs me that since I have had the service for four days that I am not entitled to a refund he tells me to read the fine print on the contract which indeed tells me that I have three days to cancel for a full refund I'm now fuming because the first CSR that I talked to on day two denied me a refund if I cancelled I asked for the next level of CSR and they send me to a customer care and retention person I explained the entire fiasco to him and how I feel that I have now been lied to twice by AT&T reps sales rep and first CSR he is a really cool guy and apologizes and says he'll take care of it and will completely waive the bill I am very thankful and hang up thinking that this is finally resolved fast forward a month and I get an AT&T bill in the mail saying my payment was not received and is now late I again pick up the phone and call AT&T I eventually make my way through to CSR reps until I get back to the customer care and retention department this time I did not have a chill dudeee instead I got a very smart woman who said that the bill was due and I know the entire amount I asked her to please check the CSR notes and that the last guy told me he would waive the amount she put me on a ten minute silent hold and came back and said she'd escalate the matter to her supervisor she said I should receive an email by the end of the week with a resolution two weeks go by no response I call again this time I get a very nice lady that is sympathetic she says she'll waive the bill she comes back and tells me that she can't do anything because the bill has already been sent to collections she said not to worry and that she'll send a letter to collections to have them waive the debt I asked if this will go on my credit report and she says no and that they'll take care of it six months later I get a letter in the mail from CMS at solutions out of Georgia trying to collect on the 139 dollars I immediately send them a letter via certified mail demanding that they verify the debt since it's obviously bad I hear nothing for two months and then I get an alert that I have a negative mark on my credit I go in and sure enough see Quian has indicated that the amount is in collections I immediately write letters to all three bureaus requesting that they remove the remark a month goes by and every single one of the bureau's removes the mark thank God another three months go by and then I get a letter from sunrise credit services and then why again trying to collect on the debt this is truly unbelievable because it appears that ce qui m couldn't verify it so instead of apologizing and waiving the debt they just sold it off to another collection agency I send another certified letter to sunrise demanding verification I get nothing in reply so far they have not attempted to put a mark on my credit that's where this part of the story ends who knows what will happen next I could file a lawsuit but the filing fee alone would be more than the amount owed here's the thing I am NOT cash-strapped I am blessed enough that I could easily pay the 139 dollars without making a dent in my budget I have lost 5 X that amount an hour spent on the phone and writing letters but I am determined to go to the mat with AT&T on principle alone this brings us to the revenge stage you see in addition to my day job as an attorney I am an elected city councilman in my town and when I was going over our monthly expenses I noticed that we were paying AT&T close to $6,000 a month for our phones internet and TV services we're a fairly small town so it was pretty obvious that we were being bent over by these clowns and that we could save a ton of money by switching I started working with our city manager and IT director on finding other solutions we discovered that by switching to various carriers and providers that we could save half I never would have looked that closely into our telecom expense at AT&T not jerk me around two weeks ago the resolution to switch was put on our meeting agenda and the council voted to pass it we decided to completely cut ties with AT&T our city is saving a ton of money getting better service and with the money we saved from switching we were able to hire another part-time animal shelter employee which we desperately needed I highly doubt our city would have considered switching if I didn't make such a stink about it AT&T will end up losing hundreds of thousands over the coming years because of this I hope it was worth it eight TMT here is some back story for you several years ago my mom was dating this nice man with two kids my younger brother and not like the boyfriend himself but his kids were another story his kids were entitled jerks that always got what they wanted constantly stole our toys and were generally a nuisance to be around I always tried to be a better person but my brother and I were constantly getting into arguments with them due to their pettiness they weren't even the worst part of the relationship the boyfriend's ex-wife was from my perspective I felt that she was the type of person that if she couldn't have him nobody could she made my mothers and our lives hell constantly filing false complaints about our side of the family generally pointed at my brother and I from harassment to claiming I had stolen the sons toys which was the other way around and going after the boyfriend claiming he was an unfit parent several times she'd try and ruin any plans we had come up with for example after spending months planning a trip to New York last minute she blew a fuse and demanded we cancelled the trip so that she could take her own trip with them we had already gotten written agreement from her one time she even demanded the older son and I visit a family therapist after pointing all the blame on me I told my side of the story it resulted without the therapist fully implying that they agreed I was in the right and them storming out of the room among many other reasons even after my mom and her boyfriend had gotten engaged the ex-wife was one of the biggest reasons why mom had decided to call off the engagement the harassment and drama were just too much for us it broke her heart to do so but she made us the priority and got us out of that situation a few years after the break-up my small family and I were living happily I never saw the kids or the dude again my mom had still kept in touch with the former boyfriend but after some time apart she's seen the faults in him too I was in the eighth grade and living life happily that was until the ex-wife stepped in to gym class one day apparently since the break-up she had gotten her teaching degree and became a substitute teacher she was now replacing our normal gym teacher who was on maternity leave as well as acting as the assistant teacher for our health sex ed class basically I now had to see her pretty much every other day for the rest of the school year at first she didn't recognize me puberty had hit me hard changing my appearance drastically especially for someone who hadn't seen me in like five years eventually she recognized my name and that's when the harassment began anew all of it was snide remarks about my appearance constantly pointing me out as an example as to what puberty can negatively do to you pimples facial hair voice cracking that sort of stuff to the class as if I was the only one dealing with it the main health teacher didn't know about it either basically everyone in the eighth grade was taking sex ed at the same time it was technically one extremely large class but split up into male and female groups and wasn't i lucky that the ex-wife got the male half mine I told my mom about it immediately and she was livid she sent multiple emails to the school requesting that they switch teachers or at least let me take the class online it all fell on deaf ears until with the help of the ex-boyfriend we showed them dozens of emails phone calls and messages all spouting harassment of my family and others resulted in her being fired from the school and basically being blacklisted from our school district and the surrounding area if she wanted another teaching job she would have to find it elsewhere this resulted in a major legal battle between her and the ex-boyfriend because she had tried to move out of state with the kids without his nor the court's permission apparently she lost custody of the kids and had to go back to her old job don't know what it was all in all it was an interesting experience we cut all ties with that entire family after the whole ordeal and went on with our lives I'm now a sophomore in college waiting out the lockdown in my state while my mom still hasn't had a long-term relationship since then mostly sticking to online dating but she's happier than she's been in a long time what did you think what would you have done differently share your opinions in the comments and if you enjoyed the stories slap that like and subscribe button for more of them and don't forget to support the original writers with an upvote links are in the description peace out and catch you tomorrow
Channel: PerStories
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, ProRevenge, ask reddit, ToadFilms, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ask me anything
Id: 7g9IK31_mRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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