r/entitledparents - Most disgusting aunt EVER

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good afternoon folks I hope you're hungry for some juicy stories and joy disclaimer this post talks about suicide and abuse etc these events have affected the course of my life so greatly that I think it's time to write it down I've learned the whole truth of these events through bits and pieces over the years because my family doesn't like talking about it and I finally have all the parts of this mess of a puzzle my accent crystal is horrible entitled and careless about other people's feelings she lies so well that I think she ends up truly believing those lies herself she makes everyone in my family sick to their stomachs just thinking about dealing with her garbage when my dad's brother my uncle James not his real name engaged Krystal and brought her into the family she seemed like a normal and sweet woman but she soon revealed her true colors here are a few things that give a basic idea of the kind of person she is when she and James were getting married his parents were moving into a new house they had to be out of the current house in less than a week and were scrambling to get out when they told the couple they couldn't make the wedding Krystal threw a tantrum and cried about how my grandparents were ruining her special day in their married life Krystal would bully James complaining to him about everything calling him a deadbeat and at one point pressured him to steal money from his work because she needed money for insert unneeded thing here keep in mind James was a soft-spoken loving man who just wanted everyone in his life to be happy he would do anything for his family and Krystal took advantage of that Krystal was also a proud shoplifter when my mother was pregnant with my younger sister Krystal was coincidentally also pregnant a month later and tell my mom things like see we're both pregnant now she's always hated my mom eventually she got tired of James and kicked him out divorced him and took custody refusing visitation of my cousin from him or my family when I was 10 I learned that due to his depression over losing his wife and kids my uncle James had turned to hard drugs like heroin he was living on the streets and most of the time we didn't know where he was until he at some altercation with the law and the police told us meanwhile crystal was giving birth to James second kid and as soon as the baby popped out CPS was called because the baby was suffering from withdrawals the moment she was born it was discovered that crystal was abusing the percocet she was prescribed for her back while she was pregnant CPS immediately seized both my cousin's on account of the drug abuse and the fact that crystals house was disgusting and we got to social workers knocking on our door a few nights later asking us to foster them both those months were hard crystal would constantly call my mother in a hysterical rage accusing her of stealing my babies meanwhile my already financially struggling family was taking care of a five-year-old and a newborn baby I learned later that my mother would cry herself to sleep sometimes during her visits with the kids crystal would lie circles around the poor five-year-old telling him we were evil and that Mommy didn't do anything wrong this further confused my cousin meanwhile the newborn suffered developmental delays due to being an opioid baby after about six months crystal lied her way through court claiming to be off drugs she was in BTW and somehow regained custody she still hates us despite practically raising her baby for the first six months of her life and always is saying she's afraid we're gonna steal her kids from her James went to rehab and remarried everything seemed fine fast-forward I was in sixth grade when I was pulled out of school thinking we were going on vacation or something I was excited that is until my parents sat me down and broke the news to me uncle James had died that morning I remember being so shocked I threw up sweet kind humble James was dead he had killed himself I was 16 when I finally read his note he left behind it was all too much for him the funeral was on my 12th birthday I remember during the services and obituary crystal burst into the church with her kids in tow and sat right next to James new wife she loudly complained I couldn't find the right shoes these ones are too tight and these things are so long and boring am i right at the luncheon following the service I overheard her bragging to anyone within earshot about all the things she would be inheriting from him because of the kids and how she'd be getting paid money from life insurance each month she still gets that money and instead of using it for the kids she wastes it on herself later he broke down into a full-on five year old kid style sob fest begging people to comfort her over her loss I remember even back then thinking in that moment this is all her fault if she wasn't in our lives maybe James would still be alive if she wasn't so terrible and disgusting this wouldn't have happened I hate my birthday now because of what that day reminds me of and all these events made me sad and anxious and even to this day six years later I feel the repercussions of it I've never told anyone this but I fully blamed Krystal I no longer consider her family I try and contact my cousins when I can but I will never forgive Krystal in my eyes she killed my uncle she took advantage of him and shamelessly bragged about it at his funeral disgusting I'm sharing this story not only for my own sake but to maybe help others who have had similar things happen reach out to people if you think they might be thinking about suicide because you never know I don't blame Krystal for all my problems maybe one day I can forgive her but today's not that day because writing this out years later I still shake with anger Krystal if you somehow find this screw you you tore a family apart and now I need therapy I don't remember every detail because I was 5/6 when this went down but I do remember how bummed kids were after okay so when I was 5/6 1997 I rode the bus to and from school our bus driver was an older lady named Marge I only remember her name because of pee-wee's big adventure and she was a super nice lady she didn't have kids so I think she thought of kids on her route as her makeshift grandkids she got to know most of the kids that rode routinely and would give gifts on birthdays and special presents to some kids not all on Christmas or Hanukkah now we all knew about the special presents the older kids had told the younger kids and it seemed like a general rule that some kids got small wrap gifts like the size of an iPhone box nothing big and the rest of us got candy canes I don't remember exactly what year this event happened I think I was maybe in the first grade because I was very aware of the special gifts and I know I had gotten a Barbie doll from her on my birthday which landed just before school let out for summer break anyway this happened just before Christmas break Marge had already given special presents to the kids she always gave them too it was after school we were being dropped off at the bus stop it was raining really hard and I was already in a grumpy mood because the wind blew my umbrella inside out Marge pulled up at the sidewalk reminded us to put on our jackets and hoods which caused her to take a few seconds to open the door that's when this crazy entitled mother starts wrapping her knuckles on the door like really hard Marge pulled that lever that opens the door and even before it could open all the way this M shoves the door open and stomps on and according to my mom shouts why do you give presents to four kids and not my kids I honestly don't remember what this woman had said I remember her yelling and all of us are silent and watching my mom hears Marge say excuse me this M begins on a tirade of calling Marge a predator and accusing her of nepotism which made her look extremely uncomfortable as my mom said she looked like she was shocked in odd way the M then says are you touching these kids is that it you're a molester she's a goddamn molester that's when someone's father gets on and Yanks that crazy [ __ ] off I remember seeing her vanish like a magic trick and then looking at Marge who was crying my sweet old bus driver was openly weeping and sobbing it was sad and uncomfortable because of my age I didn't know what to do and I barely talked so I didn't know what to say or if I should say anything to Marge Marge allowed us to get off I kept my head down as I passed her feeling this icky achy feeling in my chest outside the M was yelling that it wasn't fair that only for families riders that Marge knew almost personally got gifts for Christmas and her two kids only got a stupid ducking candy cane I do remember that part I remember thinking lady we all got candy canes so my mom walked me home and just as we turned the corner a cop car came up the street his lights weren't on he kinda like crept by if that makes sense my mom had shaken her head and said can you believe that crazy [ __ ] is she sick in the head the next week last week of school we had a sub driver we had him until February Marge returned and she seemed to have lost her chipper Ness like she didn't come off as open and sweet like before she stopped giving gifts altogether and she didn't get involved or ask us about our home lives or our families anymore either she was my bus driver until I moved three years later I wonder if she's still alive that entitled mom didn't show up after that one time I don't think I ever met her kids or knew who they even were but yeah that crazy woman kind of murdered my bus driver spirit when this happened me and my mom were at Target now being the oldest kid how was my mom's slave and had to hold and carry everything she was interested in now we were almost done shopping and my mom decides to go look at some clothes for herself I'm just sulking and closing my eyes and disgust because all around me are bras women's underwear and pictures of women half naked my mom ends up liking some clothes and asked me to hold them as the cart was full we end up looking around for about another five minutes during this time I noticed a woman and her child constantly looking at me with death glares and stink eyes but I didn't think much of it now my mom goes to a mirror and starts holding clothes up on herself and keep in mind I'm passing her the clothes as the carts full now I'm not passing anything like bras or underwear to my mom just things like shirts jackets and pants my mom puts down the clothes and says hey I'm going to the bathroom stay here and watch the card okay I say okay and she walks off about a minute after my mom left Karen and her hell demons start to walk towards me cast em in titled mom II D entitled daughter mom my bad mom Dez yours truly am excusing me yes she stretched the word Dez yes ma'am M why the hell are you touching women's you pervert Edie yeah you weirdo why are you even in here to look at women I was taken back instantly they saw me here with my mom and me passing close to her now I have ADHD and because of it I take this kind of bull very bad I get very angry and say all this a little loud Dez what are you insane I'm here with my mom you weirdos leave me alone EMM yeah right I know what you're doing here when she was saying that she was walking towards me pushing me into a wall her daughter Snickers and I decide alright you want to fight come at me des alright listen you idiot I have done nothing to you now get out of my face and leave before I get security involved you touch me again I will hurt you I am try a kid will press charges des really I say snickering that camera up there will suggest otherwise my mom comes back and later I figured out she came back a little while ago and was watching try to figure out what was going on mom excuse why are you talking to my kid EMM your son has been touching all the woman's bras and underwear and has been asking my daughter inappropriate questions Edie yeah and he's been trying to touch me too mom okay so you didn't call my son a pervert push him into the wall and threaten him when he tried to protect himself em what no yo mom shut the F up and get the hell out of here before I call police for assaulting my son M you wouldn't dare now I'm in all my mom never talks like this and thinking jeez my mom's bhatta mom yes I would you have 10 seconds to leave me and my child alone now go the a man dead both Huff and walk away me and my mom laughed like crazy after and now I hold my mom in higher respect this is a relatively mild encounter but also mildly infuriating I work for a small chain of adult stores it's a really fun job that surprisingly involves a good amount of education most encounters I have our absolutely hilarious and some even heartwarming this was not one of those times enter em with her toddler on her hip our state has very strict policies when it comes to minors and sex shops like ours absolutely no one under the age of 18 is allowed inside even if they are accompanied by an adult the conversation went a bit like this me ma'am I apologize but we cannot have minors in the shop em this will only take a minute me ma'am it is against the law for anyone under 18 to be inside the shop em I don't see why you're making such a huge deal about this he's only 2 he's not going to remember any of this me personally I couldn't care less what you decide to expose your child to but I could lose my job and the store could face large fines it's technically considered child endangerment am on Emily verbal and then proceeds to go back to her car put her toddler in his car seat alone and walks back in that is when I actually get pissed off it's illegal to leave children under the age of 12 unattended in a motor vehicle for a reason multiple reasons actually mind you this was in the southern United States in the middle of August it's hotter than topless al you card from Castlevania me ma'am you need to leave it's also against the law to leave your child alone in the car em now I know you're lying because there's no way that's a law you're probably just a lazy worker that doesn't feel like helping customers I found that hilarious because it's basically a summer social-media staple of people bashing in windows to save young children and animals from cars that can register over 120 degrees on the inside me it is a Class B misdemeanor for the first offense and if any harm comes to your child that's felony child endangerment we have the law printed and posted in the back room because this is such a frequent issue I will gladly get it and read it to you em I don't understand why you're being so unreasonable about this he's only going to be by himself for just a few minutes you need to mind your own damn business and the only reason you're giving me crap about this is because I'm a single mom me first off half of our staff are mothers and they all know better than to leave their young children unattended in a ducking car get out of my shop now or I will call the cops something told me that this wasn't the first time she's had an incident regarding Leos and her objectively bad parenting because as soon as I mentioned the cops her whole demeanor changed she muttered under breath calling me a fat ducking Beach and left but not before rummaging in her backseat and dumping used yes used diapers in our parking lot before speeding off out of random luck my coworker had a grabber in her car from volunteer cleanup she did for her apartment complex naturally both of us were just left flabbergasted we've both dealt with white trash before but she took the freaking cake or in this case dirty diapers and littered all over our storefront moral of the story it's okay if you're horny just hire a f---ing babysitter what did you think what would you have done differently share your opinions in the comments and if you enjoyed the stories slap that like and subscribe button for more of them and don't forget to support the original writers with enough vote links are in the description peace out and catch you tomorrow
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Id: DFvvI6zzEpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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