r/ProRevenge - Petty, Pro and... NUCLEAR??

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hello everyone I have some crazy content coming so buckle up my ex and I used to go to a Cancun resort every year with a bunch of our mutual friends I found out my ex was cheating on me when I accidentally got a flight confirmation email that he booked tickets for himself and the other girl it was rough tried to have a civil breakup but he refused to pay me for the Cancun vacation that I had already prepaid I tried to get my money back but he refused after our breakup it took me several weeks to find a new place to live and move my things out of his house on the last trip to the house I asked him one last time for the money and he again refused so I accidentally packed his current passport in my last box of things and left my expired passport in its place since he has already booked the tickets he apparently didn't check the passport until he was at the airport and was denied the international flight because he didn't have a current passport I never did get my money but I did get immense satisfaction that he didn't get to go on vacation my husband and I are in our late 30s and child-free my husband and I had been saving up for almost a decade to move to a tropical paradise about two years ago we bit the bullet and moved to our dream location housing here is super expensive like Hawaii prices so all we could afford was half of a duplex it is beautiful and on the water with places for a boat unfortunately Karen billy-bob the boyfriend and her three gremlins live in the other unit setup there is some period of time we just went for a week here and there but we live here full-time now the entire duplex was owned by an older gentleman who rented out both sides the sides do not match at all one side is a 5-bedroom 3-bath the other side of the duplex is a two-bedroom one-bath we bought the five bedroom on our side of the property we have 90% of the backyard a gazebo and dockage about 150 since it is on a corner the other side has a small backyard patio and maybe 15 of dockage the rental leases say the renters are entitled to their specific backyards but there were no fences or anything so all the renters shared the entire backyard after we bought the house Karen immediately try to throw her weight around that they expected to continue with that privilege I told her if she asked politely we would try to accommodate her she thought this meant she could use our backyard whenever she wanted party incident one day my husband and I are enjoying some drinks outside when a delivery truck shows to set up a giant blow-up thing in our back yard I asked Karen WTF she thought she was doing and she said it was her kids birthday then she had the gall to say it was a family and friends only event so we had to stay inside our house not wanting to be a total butthole and ruin some little girl's birthday I told Karen after this she had no access to our backward period Karen shrugged and kept setting up for the party during the party a drunk adult wandered into our house which shocked us all I said Karen's house is the other side and he said Oh Karen said she owned the whole property and to use whichever bathroom was available I directed him to Karen's bathroom and soon after she came storming into our house screaming about how dare we make her look bad to her friends and how selfish we are we couldn't even spare one bathroom she said we didn't deserve all this space with just us I told Karen to get the hell out of my house or I would be calling the cops she finally left and the party wrapped up shortly after backyard remodel after the party incident we decided we needed to clearly define the backyard and build a fence while we were spending the money we decided to update the patio put in a fire pit and an outdoor kitchen while the contractor was on site nosey Karen had to come investigate since the fence would be the last thing built I was vague and just stuck to telling her about the patio update you could see her face light up because of course in her mind what's ours is hers when the workers started on the fence Karen came out screening for the work to stop I went outside and told the workers to keep working and told Karen to butt out of course in true Karen fashion she called the cops what happened next was hilarity on my part after explaining to the cop that we were building a fence on our property in the landlord of which Karen was not knew about it when the cop gave Karen a stern lecture I thought her head was going to explode she went back into her house and slammed the sliding door so it sounded like something cracked we got our fence and I thought that would be in the end but of course not the boat incident one day billy-bob entered the picture and he was as much a terrible neighbor as Karen he would throw cigarette butts and empty beer cans over our fence for disrespecting his woman I didn't know paradise had trailer trash but Billy Bob is the epitome of the stereotype Billy Bob has a boat a thirty fishing boat to be precise of course that side of the duplex only has 15 of dockage since we have so much dockage and only one boat we rent out the other dockage spots as month-to-month people come and go so if we don't receive rent from them by the end of the month and the boat disappears we think nothing of it we had a renter who tied up their boat on the property line but Billy Bob wanted to park his boat and needed that space Karen and Billy Bob posed as us we were out of town told the renter's to be gone at the end of the month and then parked Billy Bob's boat on the dockage I only found out about it weeks later because the renter left a nasty review on the rental site we use they said we were rude and went back on the verbal agreement to let them stay for three more months I was like what the Frick is all this after a phone call I quickly put two and two together I called the cops who told Karen and Billy Bob they need to move their boat or it would be towed the equivalent of it anyway Karen and Billy Bob started screaming the boat is fully on their property it isn't then change to no one can own the water true but a sea wall is deeded then said that we are liars and at some point Billy Bob punched a cop and went to jail I felt bad for the cops so took them all snacks the next day with a note apologizing for neighbor drama I ended up winning my small claims suit against them for lost rental income but of course haven't seen a dime I eventually convinced the dockage renters to come back and gave them a few months free as compensation final revenge if you've made it this far congratulations get ready for a juicy Justice boner so with the collapsing market we were trying to figure out what to do with our savings when a perfect opportunity opened up the landlord who owned both properties was in desperate need of some cash and tired of managing the property from 2,000 miles away because of course Karen is a Karen and called him weekly for every little thing his only stipulation was we let the poor single mom who has been his renter for eight years finish her lease which is up in July since we just have money we were trying to reinvest and because now we get to control our neighbors hekia we jumped on that since we didn't need a realtor or mortgage and an inspection had been done just a year ago for the old landlord to refinance everything closed in just under two weeks Karen was aware of a change of ownership we registered the property under an LLC but didn't know who until eight days ago I went over to Karen's house and knocked on the door Karen answered with a what the Frick do you want clitoris I smiled handed her our landlord information and sweetly reminded her rent was due by Friday but she could just hand me the check if that was easier I've always heard descriptions of people's faces turning white but this was the first time I have actually seen it I told Karen that we are honoring her lease until the end of July but afterwards she had better make plans to move because we instead to remodel it before these next tenants moved in bye harlot boss er II kind e kindergarten where you learn as a small child not to run with scissors also we're a lifelong acrimonious relationship is formed with glue not clag glue though that crap was tasty scone a delicious flour based baked treat grandma scones are the best with cream and raspberry jam the scones you try and make yourself for excellent hockey pucks secret squirrel a cartoon I liked when I was a kid a squirrel secret agent who has a mole mate they have gadgets and adventures Nick Cave Australian Renaissance man Nick Cave is mostly known as a singer / songwriter excellent revenge planning music relay logic was used to run elevators before there were computers so many things have relays little electromechanical wonders I love them okay so a relay has a coil in it that you energize this creates a tiny electromagnet and pulls a piece of ferrous metal down this changes the state of the contacts easy huh just like a light switch but without the need of fingers the story over the years my job has been pretty diverse I enjoy all the master electrician and instrumentation work but building and maintaining networks has been a joy as well there are so many pretty blinking lights all the testing and commissioning tools are fun to play with as well there are also lasers one thing that never gets old is seeing people's faces who don't know me that well when I rock up in high vis clothing to start messing around a network cabinets Here I am a slightly scruffy looking older guy blue and resin on work boots knocking about a nightie it's pretty funny and handy sometimes blue and I haven't been on good terms since candy I don't know why as an apprentice I managed to get half a bottle of blue conduit glue in my hair for Fricks sake tom was a junior guff system administrator working at a regional IT department when the position of IT manager became available at a 2000 student guff high school tom was encouraged finesse / manipulated / conned to apply see tom was a bellend as a wanker of the first order in the four months that he'd been there after transferring in Tom had pissed off the whole gov't IT team you know that person who has to comment on everything thinks they know everything thinks they are always the smartest in a room but is actually only about 67 percent competent and a bit lazy this was Tom the principal was so glad to have a guff sysadmin apply for the role that they changed the job title from supervisor to manager to entice him the role had an office and to support staff it was also arranged that Tom would be given more control over the school network than previous supervisors I heard later that his then gov't IT director may have suggested the title enhancement to the principal as part of the finesse Tom had his own fiefdom it also didn't take him long to piss the principal off either as well as the admin staff and most of the teachers I done work with Guf tighty for some time before Tom showed up and knew everyone though only gotten to know him peripherally he had yet to rub me the wrong way we had two biggest jobs at the high school about a year after Tom started their change at a crap-ton of key door locks for a brand new stand-alone network door access system we would install and maintain and change out existing room lighting for energy-efficient LED panels these two jobs would each be done during a two-week term break either side of a 10-week school term I would get to run both jobs in the planning phase of the door access network Tom made it known that he would be trained on the new door system and be in charge of it since it was a network in his school the principal made it known whose school it was and that Tom would stay right the eff away from it since it was standalone and had nothing to do with him tom was not happy about this one Tuesday a little over five weeks since the door system had been live I was driving to a job when I got the phone call that kicked off this tail high school called they're having trouble with a new door system turning the car around I wasn't sure what annoyed me more that my sing-alongs with blink-182 had just been interrupted or that I would now miss out on scones fresh from the oven at the system operator terminal PC in an admin office I hear that there were two issues some teachers couldn't open some doors this morning and some other doors that the admin staff tried to change functions on weren't responding I suspected the regular user teething issues we were five weeks into the ten week term at this stage they went on to explain that they looked and found the teachers door access had been changed to remove some doors they'd riad idli doors and fix that but the doors they were trying to change functions on weren't responding looking in the system on their user login they were right they'd riad ADIZ doors correctly for these teachers but why wasn't the system updating the door changes logging in as the admin I see that apart from the hub in this office the other 18 network hubs are not responding hmm weird unlocking the cabinet I see that the fiber-optic patch lead which connects to the other hubs is dangling in space very weird these take some doing to unplug they don't just fall out reconnecting the patch lead and rechecking the network I see the other hubs are responding so I push the door changes through there are still questions though so I open the system log I see that the changes to the teachers access was made by one of the admin users at 5:30 3:00 p.m. and the hub's went offline soon after strange because the admin staff finished at 4:30 p.m. the log also showed that someone who is not admin staff entered this office at 508 p.m. Tom I sat there and thought about asking the admin staff some questions but decided against it I suspected that Tom had insinuated himself here over the past couple of weeks to get the gist of how the door program worked and had gotten a user login to boot if I kicked up a fuss he might be able to IT doublespeak the teacher changes also the patch lead being out could be waved away as incompetence on my part as I was thinking the admin staff said that Tom had been in earlier and had overheard the issues they were having he'd said something to the effect of that's what you get when you let electricians manage a network oh ok he was being pissy about being banned from this system my crystal ball went through a variety of scenarios and I decided to let sleeping dogs live for now three days later on the Friday I got another call about the high schools door system checking in and checking it out I found that the issues they had were almost identical to the first except that only four hubs were offline after going to one of the affected hubs and plugging the patch lead back in I opened the system log again to find it empty what the flying duck the daily backup file had been deleted as well only my admin login could do these things and how the f did he get that checking that the secondary backup on an external drive was still intact I dumped that into my laptop and had a swivel on the chair for a few minutes yep this backup showed that the admin login had been used to do the teachers changes this time and delete the system log all after the admin staff had left yesterday this operator console PC had been provided by Tom it was one of the school assets the gov't image was supposed to a been wiped and a clean operating system put on so it couldn't be connected to the guff networks maybe Tom had a keylogger in there somewhere I gave it a good spark ego but couldn't find anything I even checked for cameras after changing the admin password I left and put on some Nick Cave in the car that evening while misters cave and Daniel's kept me company I looked up key loggers and then went through my boxes of spare parts toys it was secret squirrel time on Monday I timed my arrival to the school just as the admin staff were leaving I just wanted to check some things on the system they left and left me to it I placed one small camera under the desk to see the back of the PC tower one on a shelf looking at the screen and one on top of a corner cupboard to see the room happy with my work I went home that Thursday same thing again different teachers affected and different hubs offline but the same thing admin login used to wipe the logs and backup I changed the admin password again four reasons after coming back that afternoon to retrieve footage from the cameras I figured out what he was doing the first time he used the user login to make changes pulled the patch lead then installed a key logger device on the keyboard USB cable into the tower it looked like a little black USB adapter thingy he used this to get my admin log in to wipe the system log and delete the backup so there'd be no evidence of his card accessing the room what he was doing was a freaking stupid way to go about it his ego must be a thing of wonder the contempt he must have held for my abilities as just a sparky to figure things out even without the cameras was bottling I maintain systems and networks far more complex than this like the school security system for example for a similar door access system in a much much more secure facility ok f er game on over the next four weeks Tom and I went through these dance steps four more times I heard all about him suggesting that if he ran the system a professional society there wouldn't be issues like these I didn't mention to anyone about the logs or backups I just kept collecting video and secondary backups because through my association with guff tighty I've learned a few things about their policies and wanted to eff with Tom and maybe collect some more ammunition before I absolutely fricking rectum purposefully using keyloggers on a guff tacit is a big no-no the next two-week term break was here and we began changing out light fittings it was easy work and I had a team of eight once I kicked them off I went to work I added a relay card to each of six specially selected security system expansion points in six different buildings these buildings were where the people work to dislike Tom the most I've worked at the school long enough to know all about it relays are wonderful give me enough relays timers and contactors and I can make your wildest electrical / control dreams come true a relay is a switch that's all like a light switch that you can turn on / off without being there here's a thing about data cables that not a lot of people know data cables connect the data socket in an office to a patch panel in a network rack there are eight wires inside but they each have very specific jobs for are commonly used to carry data traffic to or one pair for upload to for download another pair for power to a Poe device like a wireless access point say you figured out a way to get one specific pair of these eight wires into let's say a relay you could then maybe interrupt the upload wires or download wires or power wires any of these would cause issues for your computer's ability to communicate if you could turn the relays on and off at opportune times for selected people perhaps via a security system you had remote access to you could maybe introduce weird intermittent faults in a network if you could do this without it looking like the cables in a network cabinet patch panel had been touched you might now have a method to cause grief without it being traceable through IT magic sure a competent IT person would assume the cable was damaged and go tested but what if when you went to test it was all ok it would maybe look like a network system issue that a competence of sad man should be able to diagnose and fix a critical part of all this would be if you had a job as an electrician to make alterations to a building's lighting you could then turn some power circuits off so that the network cabinet in a building was unpowered for a while you could then take data cables out of patch panels without it being noticed by Asus admin you could run a new length of data cable and terminated into the patch panel and make a nice couple join of the two cables in the ceiling then split off some pairs two relays this could be done over two days you could then begin switching the principal's relay on the third day of the two week student break it would be pretty easy keeping track of Tom's whereabouts so you could make the cable appear okay for testing once the principal was good and pissed off at Tom for not being able to fix their issues you could start switching the admin managers relay the next day you could go to work on the head of English in another building then the head of science in another having Tom out of his office and you having a legitimate reason to be in their lighting job would mean you could have a real good look around and find that the USB key logger standing in Tom's office I took a picture of the key logger among the mess on his desk it might have been hidden in a drawer before that then I called my mate Tom's old boss the regional director of guff tighty I told him about the issues I'd had with the door access system the videos the key logger he came down took his own picture and called the principal on my laptop in the principal's office I showed them the videos of Tom's vandalism on the door system the director examined the key logger it was so much worse than I thought they found not only my system info on it but info from the school accounting department directors Department and more Tom had so much incriminating evidence on it from all kinds of government departments that he was bent over no Lube Frick when Tom answered the summons to the principal's office I couldn't help smiling at him I know that's mean but I'm only human sometimes he had no answers to the questions he tried to claim the key logger wasn't his the director shot that down it had too much stuff from places Tom had access to it couldn't be anyone elses then I showed him the videos that look he gave me was priceless he'd figured out I'd done this to him and it was glorious a simple electrician go F yourself Tom he wasn't prosecuted because that would have caused too much of a public stink but Tom got flagged and would never again be able to work in any guff job anywhere in the country not as a janitor or as a contractor doing deft work and since graduating uni he'd only ever worked in guff sorry private industry he's all yours now I did say something stupid though after Tom left principal's office that revealed a principal asked director if they could send someone competent to look at the school's Network issues without thinking I said nah I'll fix that I blame having too much fun after they had me explained what I'd done because I needed Tom out of his office I had to cross my heart promise not to do it again principal didn't fully understand what I'd done but director said I was like some evil MacGyver I put the network cabling back in place and took all my toys home thank you for reading again Fu Tom what did you think what would you have done differently share your opinions in the comments and if you enjoyed the stories slap that like and subscribe button for more of them and don't forget to support the original writers with an upvote links are in the description peace out and catch you tomorrow
Channel: PerStories
Views: 8,723
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Id: _4o3hpuQ-eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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