r/ProRevenge - Mess with the mailbox, you get... arrested?

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good afternoon folks I hope you're hungry for some juicy stories and joy disclaimer this happened a long time ago but still makes me giggle to this day so way back in the day mid-90s or so my family lived in a log cabin on 10 acres of land in a rural area 10 minutes or so out of town it wasn't totally the sticks but you could definitely hear banjo music in the background sometimes at the end of our nearly 1/4 mile long driveway was one of those roads that was also technically a state highway in the am I trudged down to wait for the bus when I got home I grabbed the mail and carry it back until one Monday morning when I went out and noticed the mailbox was gone on closer inspection looked like it had just been ripped out of the ground dad was obviously not pleased he went to talk with the county sheriff who happened to live a mile down the road turns out it had been happening up and down the road for months someone was tossing a chain over mailboxes and yanking them out with their vehicle he suspected a guy down the road with his great big lifted 4wd truck but couldn't prove anything usually happened on Saturday and Sunday nights with people finding out in the morning also seems the nicer the mailbox the bigger a target and many had been hit multiple times people had tried digging deeper using more durable wood etc the guy just took it as a challenge and ripped them out again soft sandy ground and his truck was a monster well dad said challenge frickin accepted a bit about my father he's a steel worker with an engineering background and graduate degree built like a bear with fur arms the size of my frickin legs most people looking at him would never think this monster of a man is also brilliant but he is the calm cool type that never almost never loses his temper but wronged him and God help you so dad goes to Lowe's and buys the fanciest prettiest mailbox they sell he then proceeds to install it on top of an eight feet long cylinder of three inches diameter hardened tool steel but he wasn't done there after digging down with post holders and dropping it in he then filled it in with quick-set concrete to really sell it he then used some strips of half an inch wood to cover the steel core of his now indestructible mailbox of doom primed and painted them so it looked like a standard four inches post and even had my mom decorated it with flowers and such he wanted it to be as tempting of a target as possible didn't even take a week I went out for school in the morning and found the mailbox right where it should be attached to it was 30 feet of chain and an entire hitch assembly ripped right off the trucks framed sheered the bolts it was marvelous to behold sheriff gets called over dies laughing when he sees it he went to the house of the guy that was suspected and sure enough verified the damage to his truck matched funfact ducting with a mailbox is a federal crime as in you go to federal prison not those cushy state places dad was unofficially rewarded by the Sheriff's Department with a few cases of beer and some venison and after that every deputy in town would flash him a thumbs up whenever they saw him when my grandpa was growing up he didn't have electricity this being rural Kansas what they did have was a wood-burning stove at one point firewood that great-grandfather had been storing began to disappear a thief was afoot my great-grandfather getting tired of the firewood disappearing hatches a plan great-grandfather takes some of the logs and drills them out leaving a cavity he then put some gunpowder in the cavities and plugs the holes to hide his handiwork that night he tells my grandpa that he would bring in the firewood of course he knows what logs he's messed with now this is the funny part and I wish I knew how embellished it was but stranger things have happened the next day great-grandfather is walking into town and comes across a gentleman also headed into town and they get to talking it turns out the gentleman is going into town to make a purchase the item he seeks a new stove he says to my great grandfather I don't know what they're putting in the coal these days but it destroyed my stove know whatever went missing again I'm a 31 male and currently serve in the British Army I come from a very poor and broken family my brother is 30 who also serves in the army but a different Corp to myself he lives directly opposite my father house and live around 250 miles away I wasn't raised by my parents and brought up by my grandparents who were both retired and living off their state so money was hard but they did what they couldn't unthankful I ward on a local farm since I was twelve to get what other kids had and often enough money for food my brother Martin was raised by my father and stepmom who provided for him well I have have several other siblings who my mom raised there's eight of us in total I know get a hobby watch the TV or go outside I only talked to one of my siblings which is my half-sister Sara Martin is everything I hate in a person cocky big-headed bloats and the world of alls around him all my mail goes to my father's house this is normal for people who serve over the 10 years I had managed to save just under 35,000 pounds which is a huge amount to me I have lived a simple life saving where I can and volunteer to deploy on operations which we get a bonus for doing I have officially spent over 4.5 years not sleeping in my own bed to achieve this in my dream of owning my own home which is something unheard of in my family upon returning from my last operational tour the time came to start looking for a home I set my budget got an ape agreement in principle and found an area I liked when the time came to start moving my money to a separate account to my shock and horror I discovered my account had less that 50 pounds in it I felt sick horrified and crushed I called my bank hoping it was just a mistake it wasn't there had been a number of withdrawals and transfers made over the last six months that had cleared the balance the only information they could give me was a statement showing the account at left and the account number that it was transferred when - I spoke to my stepmom who is the info of my account to find out if she had moved it as she went through the account she had noticed the account number was my brother's my blood is boiling now I called him and let loose down the phone and after a swift exchange of insults he admitted to taking it for those wondering what his excuse was and I crap you not you don't need the money you don't have a family probably wouldn't ever have one either and it's selfish having all that money and not sharing it there was other things said - which I do not wish to share and to put this into context for people in gay and he's was saying I will not have kids therefore did not need money or my own home he earns above national average lives comfortably shoves in people's faces for example when it comes around to Christmas him and his wife like to post on social media how much they bought they literally lay it out all over their living and dining room floors stacked high and there is no room to walk as a means to gloat to people who do not have the means by as much as them here comes the revenge I'm back into no contact with him however I am fully aware of a few things Martin's wife claims he lives with Meis mother so she can claim state benefits for her and his three kids I took leave from work for three weeks and Doe visit my father and stepmom I record my brother stopping at his house every single day and wrote a log of when he left and returned my stepmother also informed me he isn't working much because he has told his surgeon major his wife and one of his kids are seriously ill and he needs to be home to care for them to clarify they are not they are in good health in the British Army you get paid full whether you're off work ill family issues etc perk of the job I sent this information to the Department of Work and Pensions and they launched their own investigation asides from been a benefit thief I then call his surgeon major after a discussion and a few emails of a link social media which is covered in videos of Martin and his wife always drinking parting and a lot of geo-tagging he is called back to work immediately from what he has told my dad he was given a two-year promotion ban and 1800 pound five I do not know how long he had been doing this for he was also moved camp very quickly after this his wife has also been ordered to repay a year's worth of benefits back to the taxpayer big win for the little people lastly he also wrote off his shiny new car which is probably where it all my money went as for what he's stolen from me I've spoken to a legal expert in fraud who seems willing to take my case and I want to fully press charges and reclaim what I can my father on the other hand has told me not to take this route and for claims if I do it it will undoubtedly affect his kids and his ability to get work if he ever left the military due to gaining a criminal record he has suggested we talk of a repayment plan as he's been punished enough which I know it will never be repaid him at odds with the guilty feeling in order to take it to court ID have to lodge a formal complaint however I am bitter it's crappy I've grafted over all years these to improve my situation in life just to have it pulled for me I'm thankful I've still got my health but life's not been easy and I feel like just giving up you know who you are one of you is at every goddamn show I used to tour with a band and we had around 200 concerts a year at least 200 times a year someone would yell free bird and laugh like they said something clever I don't understand why it's funny and hearing it every day for thousands of shows yep still not at all funny so one day we tried to find out the deal when the free bird guy of the day yelled we invited him on stage to answer a few questions why do you yell free bird because it's funny why is that funny look of confusion and shame okay so we didn't get any answers but we certainly came up with one nobody comes up with ridiculous ideas like a group of 20-somethings who spend 15 hours a day in a van together first thing we had to do was buy a sampler this is a small piece of equipment that you can pre-program with any sounds you want and press buttons to trigger them they are pretty expensive the one we bought for the prank was $1,200 side note we were staying all five members to a single hotel room every night and eating nothing but dollar menu garbage and ramen because even if your band is doing good you're still broke I just want you to understand how ridiculous it was for us to spend a grand on this as far as I'm concerned it was worth it ten times over the next thing we needed was a folding table with chairs for all of us some tea cups in a newspaper or two we would set these up next to the stage and no one would even notice it was there so we found a 16 minute long version of Free Bird and loaded it onto the sampler the trap was set sure enough someone yelled free bird at the next show this time our lead singer acted really interested what's that you say free bird do you want to hear free bird the audience cheers loudly so just to be clear you want us to stop playing our set and instead Freebird they cheer again in approval and now the freebird guy clearly looks like he's never been so proud of anything he's ever done in his life we all step to the center of the stage in a very serious-looking huddle we made it a point to go comically long discussing Freebird and sometimes we would just talk about movies we liked for a while or make fun of each other sisters when we felt like it had gone on long enough and we were terrible about making jokes go way too long we all nodded and made it clear that we had just agreed to play Freebird all right folks you asked for it you've got it here we go Freebird while the crowd went absolutely nuts the singer went to the sampler and like an old man fumbling to use a remote he found the button and pressed it as anticlimactically as possible Freebird begins to play and we all put our instruments down and sit around the table we sip on pretend tea and browse the newspaper quietly at first everyone thought it was hilarious but after a few minutes they started to revolt chanting for us to come back and all we would look at each other in a very confused manner and shrug it off a few times before the singer would finally go back to the mic what's going on you don't want to listen to this anymore no you want us to play our stuff again yeah dot well what about that guy who yelled free bird that guy sucks and then the booing would start for that poor free bird guy we did this for an entire tour and it absolutely never got old I'd like to think that after that year tens of thousands of people stopped yelling free bird at every show they go to at least for me that makes the world a slightly better place what did you think what would you have done differently share your opinions in the comments and if you enjoyed the stories slap that like and subscribe button for more of them and don't forget to support the original writers with an upvote links are in the description peace out and catch you tomorrow
Channel: PerStories
Views: 3,468
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, ProRevenge, ask reddit, ToadFilms, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ask me anything
Id: KcR0beKd7zU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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