r/NuclearRevenge - Fiance and friends, all gone

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what's up y'all let's dive head first into today's stories the players are myself fiance fiance's mom time frame 2013-2016 it has obviously been several years since the incident and i literally have never told anyone in my new life about this tonight i have some good wine to drink and figure i'll let my fingers do the talking i thought i had met the perfect woman we met in the last year of college we met at a party and hit it off instantly she was a beautiful blonde with sun-kissed skin and she could have been a model thing kate upton tight figure she was kind compassionate sympathetic good listener and had an active life with many friends she liked my friends and it was awesome over the three years we knew each other and how our friend groups merged several of our friends began dating each other it was some of the best times of my life i was on for a post-grad in finance and she had a degree in contractual law this is just to say we ended up being successful in our own rights but i'm no slouch in the looks department either 5 11 190 pounds and liked the gym i wasn't a super athlete but let's just say i was built but i was slash am very shy and didn't have a lot of prior relationships prior to meeting her the first evening we met we were smitten first night we talked all night then it went to texting slash phone calls daily then dates weekly then after a year when i started working my new job she moved in i loved her family and her family loved me mostly her mother as her father was standoffish as he was to everyone it was a whirlwind romance after two and a half blissful years of overseas vacations hiking trips and luxury vacations i proposed to her she said yes i was over the moon she was doing all the planning for the wedding we were talking about our futures together buying a house children and family trips that we were going to take together and all such things like that then it happened one evening after we both get home to our apartment she is a little distant i think i noticed it right away as we were always very affectionate towards each other this would only happen about once a week for the first month after proposal then it was more frequent i would have been none the wiser except that i used to listen to a lot of reddit on youtube so i waited and observed these bouts of ignoring me would only last a couple of hours then she would be right back to normal but after six months wedding in a year she was like this almost every night sex was still great relationship with her parents still great but over thanksgiving at her parents home in louisville kentucky we live just north of dc she was standoffish towards me in front of her mother now her mother was a very observant woman she pulled her daughter aside to talk to her and i could hear them arguing after some heated but muffled words they returned to the rest of the family and carried on like nothing was going on i figured i could ask her about it later and did she was not willing to talk about it and asked me to wait till we were home to discuss it i agreed as i loved her deeply and thought we could work through anything her mother was an older version of her same stunning looks just a few grays in her long thick blonde hair this is important later back home i asked her about it and she was unwilling to discuss it when pressed on it for a week she finally confessed that a guy at her work was trying to get to know her better she wanted to be forthcoming so she showed me her phone and as i looked through it i noticed that all the text that would have happened during the time she was withdrawing from me were removed there was nothing untoward in the texts but i did go into her phone settings and turned on her locator on her phone as we shared the same phone plan and i honestly thought it would make me see that she was not doing anything wrong was i wrong that second weekend after thanksgiving she had a company christmas party i had planned on going but came down with food poisoning and had to back out she had a girlfriend pick her from our apartment as they planned on drinking a lot a had a dd for the evening we had planned on going out all night so i told her to have a blast and i would see her in the morning so as i'm puking my guts out and barely able to get off the toilet for more than 30 minutes i grabbed my phone and watched her location first it was a restaurant then the venue of the company party then a bar none of this alarmed me until i saw her phone stop in a downtown hotel at this point i was miserable in more ways than three projectile vomiting out my butt mouth and now soul i finally fell asleep due to sheer exhaustion at 2 am at 7 am i awoke and saw she was still at the hotel at noon she finally comes home and i am on the mend she loves me up and i asked her about the previous night without mentioning anything about knowing her locations she talks about the restaurant party the bar but then says she went to her girlfriend's house to crash for the evening first lie for the next three months she has to start working later and later three to four days a week as i start asking her about it she becomes more and more defensive i talked to her mom one evening when fiance didn't come home until late i asked her mom about the thanksgiving conversation and she admitted to me that she thought her daughter might be stepping out of our relationship because of how she read her body language she also said that her daughter was being more and more distant with her in their weekly texting conversations with all this speculation that was going on in my mind i kept it to myself two weeks later at work i ended up getting a new project at my company that was going to require me to fly to the midwest monday through friday for the next five weeks starting in two weeks it came with an increase in salary and as i broke the news to my fiance she was delighted for me i didn't think though that she was excited for the same reasons i was so i went online and ordered four motion activated spy cameras for my apartment i put one in the living room slash entry area one in the kitchen one in our bedroom and one looking down our hallway they were very small and connected to the internet via a hidden network so they couldn't be spotted on the wi-fi network i secured the cams with a password and waited on my first week out she had girlfriends over the first two nights and never worked late once the third night a guy came over i was enraged i'm sitting there in my hotel room screaming at the monitor and calling her every name in the book then they went all the way first on the couch then in our bed she bent for ways for him that i didn't know were possible what was the worst was as i am watching them get it on i call her to see how her day went she hears her phone ringing and holds her hand up for him to stop giving her anal and answers the call i ask why she is breathing heavy and said she was at the gym working out as soon as the call is over she goes right back to doing the dirty when i got home friday evening i ignored her and went right to bed and early saturday got up and went cycling i was so upset that i didn't even realize that i biked over 50 miles from our apartment the furthest i had biked before was 30 miles but that day i went 105.6 miles getting back absolutely exhausted i showered then she and i went out that evening and had fun with our friends and had a lot to drink is it break up sex when the one you're going to break up with is oblivious i was bursting inside heartbreak anger rage feelings of betrayal all swirled around in my heart and mind she who used to be so attentive was oblivious to all this it hurt so much because i loved her so much i finally confided in one of our mutual friends and he told me that they all knew about it for months i was finally told they all felt sorry for me but no one again said a damn thing to me which is why they stopped inviting us out with them i hadn't noticed it before but i could look back and see that about three months prior they gradually invited us slash me less and less so i figured i would try and win her back the next weekend i planned the entire weekend as a complete weekend of spoiling her in every way whined and dined pampering massages rubs and talking to her about future plans and about how much i loved her i knew i was starting to break through when after her fourth glass of wine she started to cry and i could tell the guilt was coming up to the surface i asked her what was wrong but she would choke up every time she tried to speak i then told her that if she did something in her past or was having some kind of conflict in her mind that she needed to speak to me about that i was more than willing to talk with her about it and if forgiveness was needed then i was more than willing to forgive and move on the only words that came out of her mouth and her was how much she loved me it actually hurt to hear that from her as i now had four separate videos of her and the other guy in our apartment getting it on over the next eight weeks of traveling to the midwest the trips lasted for what would be 10 weeks i recorded over 41 hours of her having sex with what i found out was her co-worker she never worked late once while i was gone i tried every weekend to be extra attentive and each week she got more and more distant after watching this for eight weeks i was done so i devised a 12-step getaway plan one gather evidence 2. get her out of the way in order to execute my plan i scheduled a two-week exclusive getaway trip for us at an all-inclusive resort barbados she was ecstatic then a week before the trip i claimed i had to back out and told her to take a friend i knew it was over when she showed no disappointment that i couldn't go she scheduled co-worker to go with her 3. terminate our apartment lease it would expire three days into her trip and i was the sole signature on the lease 4. find a job in another town the company i had been assisting in the midwest had offered me a job at with a slight increase in salary 5. find a new place to live i got an apartment in the above set location when she is gone perform the following 6. take her to the airport go back home and pack all her things same day saturday 7. get a new phone number phone slash email cancel all social media monday 8. separate us completely in regard to finances withdrew all monies from our join accounts and then close them i put all her money in an envelope and packed it in her things monday 9. have the movers pack all my things up and ship it west monday 10 take all her things to her mother's house 600 miles away all my fiance's belongings fit into the back and bed of my f250 crew cab tuesday through saturday 11. give her mother the evidence 12. start my new life i didn't want to do anything that was illegal so i made sure that nothing of hers was missing it was so hard to pack all her stuff nice and neatly away i never cried so hard in my life i have read so many times on reddit about so saying they will never do it again when caught but they don't stop my hope was that she would genuinely confess so we could forgive and move on she never did twice she came really close but her secret was too hard for her to reveal tuesday morning i left our apartment north of dc for the last time it took 10 hours to get to her mom's house what happened when i got there i was not prepared for i arrived at her mom's house around 8 in the evening i figured she would be surprised to see me since i was coming down unannounced since they lived in a gated community i had to buzz her house from the front gate so she was waiting for me outside when i drove up i could tell that she had been crying when i walked up to see her i asked her what was wrong and she hugged me balling that she thought her husband was cheating on her with a much younger skinnier and prettier woman dumb founded i just held her for what was probably 10 minutes she soaked my right shoulder with her tears and snot when she finally composed herself i asked if we could go in a talk we went in and i asked where her husband was and she indicated that he said he was going fishing with his buddies at a remote cabin an hour away then she said he hates fishing she gave me all the indications that she had picked up on and apparently it had been going on for about a year so doing a little bit of research we found a credit card hold charge for a five-star hotel that was only 20 minutes away one call later confirmed her husband was in fact there for a four-night stay cheating with his mistress two peas in a pod i said what she responded two peas in a pod i said again your husband is cheating on you and your daughter is cheating on me that's why i came here to drop her stuff off and move to forex i showed her the evidence in a binder on screen captures i had made after looking at the first three or four pages she looked at me dumbfounded we both hugged and cried for a good 30 minutes at that point she said stop crying and looked at me and said well tonight there is nothing we can do about it except for you and i to knock out these three bottles of moscato and duck in every room of the house she grabbed two wine glasses and a bottle of moscato wine and walked out to their private pool deck saying are you coming out here or are you going to get ducking revenge now i won't go into much detail because i don't want to get blue balls but that night and for the next three days we duck non-stop i put myself in every hole her beautiful body could offer i must have been in or on her 25 plus times in that period after those days were over we passionately said goodbye and i drove to my new destination she kept me informed as to everything that happened when now ex-fiance got back the day fiance got back was epic i cancelled my phone the morning of the day she got back so when the plane landed and she called for a ride it indicated the phone was disconnected she apparently had her lover take her home he dropped her off and left when she came to the door a strange couple new tenants answered the door and she freaked out i can't tell you how many times she tried to call me because again the number was no longer valid she went to her girlfriend's to stay for a time his co-worker was already married when she called her mom in a panic her mom told her that i had come down and dropped off all her things and mentioned that all her monies were down there as well 600 miles away her mom didn't tell her that she had me more in three days than fiance and i had in the last six months but she did tell her that she knew that she was cheating on me and i said i had found a new job place to stay a new career far away from her and all the friends we had and that her mother was separating from her father due to infidelity apparently she cried for days and took a week off of work but alas she found comfort in the arms of her married lover her mom never let her know where i was at i had completely cut off that part of my life the only link i had to that old life was fiance's mom and she has kept our secret to this day fiance was ghosted the mosted aftermath my ex-fiance's mother efm kept in touch with me for several months afterwards since we had a mutual loss of relationships and shared in a revenge of sorts against our sews however neither of our respective sews found out what happened between efm and i efm eventually came out to see me after seven months in my new location but much to many of you guys disappointment we only talked we both actually regretted what we had done together but acknowledged that it was in the past and in the heat of the moment days of heat in moments she said that her daughter knew that she efm knew where i was and was very upset that she would not divulge my location efm asked if she could tell ex-fiance where i was and give her a way to contact me but i asked that she not tell her as i was in my new life efm and i talked extensively about the possibility of her and her so staying together and work it out efm said her husband was extremely remorseful and came clean on everything efm said it was a lot to take in and had asked him what he was going to do to earn back her trust he gave her all his digital passwords and let her see everything he had ever done to hurt their marriage efm ended up being very angry but recognized that he was actually trying to repair the marriage efm set her forgiveness to him would come in time but the trust would take longer what caused him to snap back into reality was that she confronted him about the affair and showed him the evidence of what his daughter had done to me also efm was an amazing woman in every way imaginable she also stated that if he went outside the marriage then she would be allowed to do so again he picked up on the again phrase and asked her what she meant she told him that as soon as she found out he was cheating that she [ __ ] the first eligible guy she found he was devastated efm said they cried a lot and agreed to separate for a short time to give each other time to articulate their thoughts and see if they both wanted to fight for the marriage eventually they went to marriage counseling and are still together as of may 2020 as for ex-fiance well she was devastated by what i had done to her when she finally went to her parents to gather her things she was shown the evidence of the affair and was extremely embarrassed efm had to edit the binder so that when her father saw it he would not see pictures a father should not see of his daughter regardless ex-fiance was crushed she did not find out that her mother had my contact information until months later ex begged her mother for my information and it put quite the strain on their relationship but her mother also told her that if she had tried to find in or contact me that all the evidence would be released forever on the internet by me this insistence of ex-fiance to divulge my information is what prompted her to come and see me she was also upset about her parents having trouble in their marriage according to efmx fiance was depressed for several months and sought counseling she had immediately broke off the affair with co-worker once she returned from her parents place in louisville kentucky and look to find a new place of employment recently dec 2019 i found out that she was married and has two beautiful twin daughters with a stand-up guy and still lives in the dc area according to efm she now worked from home and was loving her new life i'm glad that she was able to write her foundering ship and have a happy start in life again i recently destroyed all the incriminating evidence i had on ex-fiance as i didn't want to be that guy who would hold her hostage for the rest of her life i did ask efm to let ex-fiance know this if i had been on the potential receiving end of that information bomb then it would have caused me many sleepless nights as for myself well let's just say i am satisfied with my current life efm and i talked every few months initially but now we talk one slash maybe twice a year usually it's a short note updating each other on life's little changes the only question that remains unanswered for me is that if efm and her husband were able to repair their marriage would it have been possible for ex-fiance and i to have repaired ours but i never gave it the chance one can only speculate our lives are on vastly different planes now what did you think what would you have done differently share your opinions in the comments and if you enjoyed the stories slap that like and subscribe button for more of them and don't forget to support the original writers with an upvote links are in the description peace out and catch you tomorrow
Channel: PerStories
Views: 14,871
Rating: 4.8779173 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, ProRevenge, ask reddit, ToadFilms, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ask me anything
Id: k2tnXJk8Q14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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