r/NuclearRevenge - Cheating wife destroyed in divorce

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found my best friend's wife's secret social media account she was sleeping with one of our other friends I told my friend about it he just kind of shut down a few weeks later he told me never to tell anyone I knew she was cheating or that I knew about the account I would casually ask him how the two of them were every now and then always great every time I saw them together they were a happy couple nine months later he confessed he had lost everything they had to a gambling addiction a year before they both had cars that were paid off he had sold them and leased new cars the money he made selling them he not to gambling their savings in 401 KS were essentially gone all lost on gambling the condo they lived in was rented they had essentially no assets she immediately filed for divorce they had no kids similar incomes divorce was finalized without him owing alimony her cheating was never brought up she got all the furniture and pots and pans he kept his secret hoard of gold coins I don't know for sure but I'm guessing it's at least dollar sign 200k worth some backstory when I was about 11 or 12 I started get hobbies which included rock collecting and dance farming important later I also started babysitting my brother at the time so it was a normal Saturday that consisted of me babysitting my little brother taking care of my aunts I was let my brother play on my ps3 until the doorbell rang I opened it and saw these annoying little kids that always asked if I could play but every time I would say no normally they would just leave but this time they just sat there and just kept on ringing the doorbell it went on for about ten minutes until it stopped I thought it was over until I heard them start giggling then they started throwing rocks at my house they even cracked one of the windows I opened the door and they just knew it wasn't going to be good also at the time I was probably about five feet nine inches so I was kind of scary I walked outside and told them to go home or I'll call the police fast forward about two weeks and it happened three more times at this point I was done playing around I knew they were gonna do it again so at the side of my house where they were getting the rocks I had accidentally spilled my fire and geranium with probably about 1,500 to 2,000 fire ants on the rocks so the next day comes around and the little brats were ringing my doorbell and I could almost taste it sweet sweet revenge after the ring stopped I heard the thuds of the rocks hitting my house all the sudden it stopped and I could hear them start to cry I looked out the window and the little boy was sitting right on the rocks they all ran home oh but it's not over their mom came out of the house and over to mine I put on my saddest face and told the mom they broke my and farm after that the mom gave me ten dollars and I never saw them again I'm almost starting to feel bad but they shouldn't have messed with my rocks a few weeks later they started doing things like taking toys from my backyard ringing our doorbell and stealing our rocks I told their parents but they just kept on doing it even after the farhampton this time I was so alone that I didn't hold back I took one of my book bags and filled it with legis 'pls dolls etc but that wasn't it I had one of my subterranean termite farms and emptied it into the bag I gently put my book bag in the grass and waited I went to feed my brother lunch and when I came back it was gone fast forward a couple of months and their house was on quarantine for the bug infestation karma is a [ __ ] I also wasted almost $500 worth of bugs [Music] [Applause] the background a few years after I started University a friend of my mother's who we will call cook start in what can be generously called restaurant in a small town a couple hours outside of the city we lived in it was really a glorified hotdog stand in a golf course my mother had invested money into this business so she had a personal stake in ensuring its success that meant that she would often enlist us back and my brother and I to wait her when she could not do it herself and my brother hated this guy though I don't blame him cook had no idea how to run a business and he was completely uninterested in learning he was also completely computer illiterate and had me set up the goggle account for his business and in order to get us to work in his business he would pick one of us up from our home drive us to ours or sell out of town and we were basically stuck there until we would live in back due to the fact that neither of us had a driver's license and since my brother had problems with this guy legit concerns that were brushed off as him having a bad attitude I was the one who more often than not had to spend two to ten days at a time they're stuck in a barely livable house until I was laid back home my mother was no better she would often Valon tell us that we would be working two days in the middle of a week making job hunting a very difficult thing for my brother and I furthermore she treated us not as employees but as her children thus any mistake was clearly our fault and not because neither of them could train staff be use a computer at all see manager business at all D utilized my brother and I in the most effective way considering my brother had already graduated University and I was working towards a double majoring business furthermore they were completely unprofessional they would host shouting matches in Chinese we're customers to here and the kitchen was filthy despite cooks insistence that the kitchen was the cleanest place in a restaurant yeah right an ice rink was less slippery than the ground in there and he would routinely touch cooked food after handling raw meat and I distinctly remember sweeping up what I thought was a green bell pepper only to realize it was an oldy onion ring even the stove area was dripping grease literally a biggest drop landed on my arm one time they could not train staff at asterisk ALL they had hired five people in the first year and none of them came back the next cook in particular was especially two-faced and how he handled customers he would smile at them and greet them remembering details from previous conversations and then turned to me and say in Chinese about how they're all stupid stingy retirees with too much money and the free time on their hands all of this left a great feeling of resentment for both me and my brother not only was it effectively trapping us too for this completely incompetent individual we would get basically nothing out of it this was particularly frustrating for me because as a business student at the time I could see all the was the place could improve I even offered to write up some policies do some inventory management and take a look at the administrative side just to help out and get some experience for myself they kept insisting that they didn't need it sure we will pay bare minimum and the guy did know how to cook but we have to bear the brunt of their frustration while hiding the fact that we were sick of helping out until we couldn't anymore the incident last year I graduated University it was not as happy over time as it should have been because my grandpa passed away the week before I couldn't even celebrate the night before I walk the stage because ER I had to give part of the eulogy the previous day and B I had to mediate an incident between my brother my mother and cook because my mother couldn't know pre-graduation shots for me because I was stuck on the phone for three hours listening to how insensitive cook was over the fact that my grandpa just passed away but I figured that once I walk the stage and I had my diploma I could spend that next week job hunting no dice immediately after I graduated on the Monday after words my mother voluntold me that I had to work ten days in the house turrent I lasted six before it happened by all accounts it wasn't that busy other day to start off with there was a breakfast brunch for father's day that barely anyone attended and most people that did show up wanted to order off the menu but both cook and my mother were incredibly stressed out and both of them were taking it out on me my mother spent the day micromanaging me and finding flaws in every little thing I did like cleaning an empty table over clearing plates from a table out on the deck to not immediately refill in coffee or water win a glass or mug was half-full to not table touching every five minutes cook just shouted a lot and gave contradictory orders every two minutes but it was the combination of my mother and cook screaming at me for a mistake I didn't even make something about a source that a customer requests but they got mad about refusing to listen to me literally shutting me down when I opened my mouth and cook mockingly for breaking down in tears I remember him saying you're 25 you should know better than to cry over a stupid mistake made me realize that not only could I not handle it anymore but I wanted to burn the place to the ground I booked a flight out of the province that day and left a week later I didn't even tell my mother when or why I left the revenge remember how I said that not only were they completely unprofessional but also completely computer illiterate see despite the fact that I was no longer in the province I still had all the lajjun information for the business furthermore because I knew all the laws that he blatantly refused to learn I knew all the violations that he had committed in the business for the first part of my revenge I signed out his computer from the goggle account I don't think it was really necessary since he never used that computer in the first place for anything other than born but I want to make sure that he and my mother wouldn't be able to stop me before I left the province I claimed the business in review sites using vml and the business phone number then I blasted every single review positive or negative with all the [ __ ] he used to say about customers any negative review was immediately marked any positive review was left with a note of thank you you cheap me any questions were met with hostility and it basically boiled down to I'm right you're on I also make mentions about how he didn't wash his hands in the kitchen and the stuff that they are yelling in Chinese are insults about uppity customers given that it was a tourist based town I'm fairly certain that deep dip of sales that my brother mentioned later on was because of all those and no one suspected a thing because my mother and cook didn't know how to work the internets and my brother didn't care enough to look up the business next I meticulously documented all the complaints that I had between my brother and myself as well as the ones from the few people Cook had hired but never kept because he could not train them I reported the two times that I slept in his incidents where he refused to wash his hands in between handling salad and raw meat because it took too long and I handed those off to the Health Services Department I also anonymously informed the tax revenue agency that he was severely under reporting income as employees were instructed only to write down the credit debit receipts to report in sales the third part of my revenge wasn't really my part to be honest rather it was because of his own incompetence as I said before he was completely computer illiterate I didn't even have to lock out the person he hired to do accounting because he didn't bother reporting his expenses except had them a garbage bag full of receipts to be honest I felt kind of sorry for them but because their hands were tied they couldn't dispute any of the claims that I made what I did do however was text them all the things that my mother and cooks it about them so that they wouldn't bother trying to defend his ass they quit a month before the [ __ ] hit the fan meaning that cook was left holding the bag so naturally given that the business wasn't making near as much money to make rent let alone pay off all this fines that he was slapped down with the government repossessed everything from everything in the dinky little house that he was renting for business purposes to every single fork and knife he boards because of all the health code violations he couldn't find a job as a cook again which was his only job for about 30 years and because the tax revenue agency knew how bad he was with managing businesses they naturally denied him when he requested a permit to open up a growing operation as far as I know he's no longer in contact with my family but his brother-in-law who is my mom's hairstylist mentioned that he had to move somewhere else to get away from all the bad reputation my mother mostly got off scot-free because all of the business permits and licenses were under his name but she lost quite a lot of money and last I heard my family had to move into a smaller house and no one knew that I was the one who was doing it my brother suspected as he relayed details of what had happened to me but I never confirmed it not that he would tell my parents because honestly [ __ ] that hellström as for me I'd like to say that everything's sunshine and roses but my decision to impulsively move provinces had its ups and downs I did manage to find a place to live and a place to work so at least I'm alive it's hard but I'd rather be doing this than going back if you enjoyed the stories slap the like and subscribe buttons for more of them and don't forget to support the original writers with enough votes links are in the description peace out and catch you tomorrow
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Id: W1EgawXBO8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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