r/ProRevenge - Psycho got deported

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[Music] how we got to have our evil neighbors evicted buckle up this is a rather long story we wife and I live in a townhouse complex for anyone outside of my country it's like a row of houses in a gated community our complex has three rows with six houses and one row with five need room for that community pool the two evil neighbors in question lived across from us the one right across from us unit ten and the one to their right unit 11 not real numbers for obvious reasons what you need to know is the driveway separating each of the rows it's wide enough to fit two cars okayish if both cars traveling slowly they can pass each other with ease when they first moved in we got along okay with them I even played games with their kids three each per unit when walking past to my house from the car park I thought they were good families as when the kids did something like kick balls at our wall and not stop I would tell the parents and the kids got punished I explained this cause in just one day they went from a nice family to assaulting my wife we came home from an event I think the movies one night another neighbor of ours made it to the driveway before us so he was first the people in number 10 whom I will now refer to as psycho Beach and a-hole husband had their family van parked out front of their house across from my house kids were getting in and out of the van while PB was keeping an eye on things our other neighbor who lives on our side of the complex right next to us moved his car slowly past PB in the van first we will call him an N for nice neighbor for now when an enslaved pastor van there was no problem at all my wife was right behind NN and did the exact same thing slowly moved her car passed in full view of PB the strange thing is that nothing happened my wife made it past without even a glare I got out and opened the garage door for her to park the car we reversed the car into our garage and I was about to shut the rolling door when PB come screaming over and yelling accusing us of trying to run over her kids she barged into our garage right past me and banged on the driver's side window to the point my wife had to roll the window OPB would have broken it she started pointing a figure and yelling about how dare my wife try and run over her kids I want to point out that from the time my wife passed of until the time P became raging over was two minutes why didn't she blame an N and why didn't she say anything as my wife moved the car past the van it's like the worst delayed reaction in history and to this day we still don't know the real reason they had it out for my wife and I if the real reason was running over the kids PB would have been in in hens face or in my wife's face while she moved the car past the van my wife felt cornered and scared and I was about to drag PB out of our gaggle winner a whole husband came storming over and threatened me to not touch his wife so I had to leave my wife conned and defens Lass's to hold off our in the driveway after a few minutes of screaming at my wife PB went too far she slapped my wife hard across the face and her sharp nails left multiple scratch marks and bleeding that was the last straw for me as my adrenaline kicked in in NOT a violent guy I like to think him normally smart by having a policy of the best defenses to not get into a fight in the first place I stormed over to PB but I grabbed my shoulder from behind and demanded to know where I was going I turned round and gutted R in the stomach with a right hook then ignored him as he went down I grabbed PB from behind us she was still wailing on my wife and threw her to the ground outside of our garage I told them to rack off the light way I said it and leave us alone we went inside and called the police to file a report the police took notes and photos I even said I punched her in deference of my wife I got nothing to hide the police didn't do much apart from take notes and that was it the jekyll-and-hyde 180 they pulled on us from nice Labor's to assaulting my wife really took us by surprise in the weeks and months that followed we got him selves glaring and threats from units 10 and 11 as 11 joined their friends in condemning us most others in the complex took our side as they either saw or her what happened one thing was clear units 10 and 11 had to go we own our house and we ain't up and leaving our lives cause PB wants to start drama with us first I called body Cork they manage the complex kind of like a commercial Hauer but not a Hauer is not run by residents of the complex but a company and filed a report about both 10:00 and 11:00 showcasing all our documented proof of the harassment and threats towards us next I talked to their landlord who owned 10 and 11 and about five other houses in the complexes he is a good friend he seemed concerned but not enough to kick the mouse guess he really wants rent payments so I decided to get rid of them myself first I found their whiffy Network and before I shut them out of it I got their ml address then locked them out of their own internet connection I had their phone number from when we were good neighbors and got myself a burner phone I signed them up for every spam ml I could find order to Kira to be paid for on delivery every night of the week I made sure their mailbox was stuffed with advertising I even had men knocking on the door for promised fun only to leave angry and had our NPV at each other's throats I made sure their phone was ringing little hours of the night they even threw the phone out the window as a final favor I had a friend who runs a dog washing business come around pretending they booked her when they explained they had no dogs and told her to duck off she finally understood what we've been dealing with they kept berating her to leave throwing in racial slurs bad idea she took out the hose meant to wash the dogs and sprayed PB and r and inside the house all over their carpet I think they finally got the hint and moved out only a month later number 11 followed than a few weeks after the entire complex had a huge pool party in celebration but I wasn't going to let them off that easy that psycho wailed on my wife for no good reason prepare to lose it all from when were on good terms with terms with PB and r I knew they were on Tempe tzer's while trying to apply for permanent residency I made sure to mention to immigration where they had moved to thanks friends in the rental market and handed over the police report of them assaulting us in our own home for no good seems Pb didn't make her own police report so ours was the be-all and end-all and was enough to get them kicked out of the country I know the country they come from it's hard to get work why a lot of people from that country move here I feel zero remorse booting them out zero zip nada in the college student and I desperately needed to find a sublease for this past spring and summer so I ended up finding one at a pretty nice apartment complex in my city the guy we will call him Bob seemed cool we had a mutual friend everything went great however Bob wants to do the sublease under the table without the office getting involved okay no worries I've done this before it's a 44 with three other male roommates this is important for later I have a two-year hound mix she's a great dog that she gets terrible anxiety during thunderstorms one day him at work and we have probably the biggest thunderstorm we've had this year she flips out and tears up the edges of the carpet to my room my dad has a guy who came and did an estimate of the damages told me it would cost between two hundred four hundred dollar sign to recarpet the room cool no problem I can afford that Bob sees the damages and I tell him LLL cover all the damages caused by her anyways I move out in July a month passes I'm on vacation with my family and this mother for Bob decides to call my dad and mom repeatedly then his mom calls them I have no idea how they even got my parents numbers they tell my parents that the apartment complex is charging them four thousand dollars to carpet a 10x10 room that I have until the end of September to pay it or they will take me to court my dad is pissed because he knows the damages sholdn't cost that much he contacts the leasing offices and asks them for a breakdown of the damages I don't know but he managed to get them to tell him the carpet damage in my room only cost two hundred and seventy three dollars all the other charges were for damages the original tenant and his rumored state so we contact Bob and he I saying that the other three roommates was porting his claim that my dog had caused all the damages in the house firstly can someone please explain to me how it's my dog's fault that they caused a bottle of wine to explode on the ceiling of the kitchen or how she managed to destroy the dishwasher or one of the guys bathtubs my mom calls her lawyer my parents the lawyer and we have a little pow1 denny document making me an official resident of the apartment therefore I wasn't liable for any damages whatsoever however because him not an a-hole I was still willing to pay for the carpet damage we contact Bob and he refuses the offer of payment his mom says that she wants me to pay for everything but no I'm not going to because I'm petty though I contacted the leasing office I gave them all the documentation agreement for me to live there payment history to him all of it of me living there and now the office is not only charging Bob and the other roommates the four thousand dollars they are suing for a breach of contract because he had an illegal tenant shoulder just taken the two hundred and seventy three dollars dude thank you for watching slap that like button and comment your opinion on these stories below I'm waiting write that comment seriously have you written it yet if you don't comment you make a bunny cry somewhere you're not that kind of person I know anyways peace out and catch you tomorrow
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Id: gRwrHF4dDrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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