Robert Madu "The Beauty Of Being Stuck"

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[Music] come on who came to church expecting God to do something in this place today come on that's a cute golf clap I dare you to praise I'm like this is the day that the Lord has made come on let's rejoice and be glad in it are there any glad people in the house today how many glad that you came to church today if the choir song didn't wake you up well you ain't got a pulse you did certainly God's presence is here today I'm excited to preach the word today there is no place like home I don't want to waste any time I'm gonna ask you to stand to your feet to honor the reading of God's Word because if you feel like hearing it like I feel like preaching it something's gonna happen in here today how many got a Bible with you if you got a Bible with you wave it in the air like I just do care come on somebody some of your Bob's are glowing get charged up your Bible thank you for that look at the book of Acts today Acts chapter three one illuminate verses 1 through 10 service today it's absolutely amazing all my mom's sisters would you help me think off of our family who's join me there right there on a second y'all just kind of wave come on if y'all don't say Amen they gonna say Amen and help the preacher out today Acts chapter 3 starting at verse number one when you're ready to read it say yeah you need some time to find it say hold up alright I'll wait for those hold ups even though it's on the screen actually starting at verse 1 and it says one day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer at 3:00 in the afternoon now a man who was Elaine from birth was being carried to the temple gate called beautiful where he was put every day to beg from those going into the temple courts when he saw Peter and John about to enter he asked them for money Peter looked straight at him as did John and Peter said look at us so the man gave him his attention expecting to get something from them then Peter said silver gold I do not have but what I do have I give you that verse right there does almost made me do cartwheels in my living room that verse is just pregnant with power I almost preached a message just on that verse alone because I think and I was gonna title it the haves and the have-nots that'll be for another time because so much of your life it's really gonna work is you being aware of what you do not have and what you have Peter goes silver and gold I do not have but what I do have I give so many of us are so preoccupied with what we do have do not have rather that we never step into the power of what we do have but look at your neighbor say you got something you got something God wants to use and you just gotta give what you have look at what it says he goes in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth walk taking it by the right hand he helped him up and instantly the man's feet and ankles became strong he jumped to his feet and began to walk then he went with him into the temple courts walking and jumping and praising God and all the people saw him walking and praising God they recognized him as the same man who used to sit begging at the temple gate called beautiful and they were filled with Wonder and amazement and what had happened to him can you say a man well that's good stuff I want to preach long today probably about four and a half hours I just want to talk to you using this as a subject the beauty of being stuck the beauty of being this is gonna be good let's pray before going through this gotta be a long prayer I just bear with me god you're awesome speak today amen you may be seated in the presence of the Lord the beauty of being stuck has anybody been to an airport lately let's see your hand if you've been to an airport lately quite a few if your hand that you are acutely aware of the fact what I just asked was has anybody been to purgatory lately yes ladies gentlemen airports are the new purgatory after about let's see 14 years of traveling spending 50 weeks out of the Year at the airport I am fully convinced that if you really want to test your faith just book a flight okay just look a flight if you really feel like you flow in the spirit just book a flight wit Spirit Airlines okay it is hard out here to travel the Bible says that the fruit of the Spirit fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace patience kindness goodness gentleness faithfulness don't forget the last one self-control if you are a believer then that fruit should be evident in your life hope you're here today you say Robert I got all that fruit but you've never flown say this I don't believe you I don't believe you because the airport is designed to suck the fruit of the Spirit out of you the Hall Airport is orchestrated to make you lose your sanity and your Christianity people the lost baggage claim desk is just a test to see if you won't say words that you're not supposed to say yes the reason the person behind the counter is moving at a glacial pace and it's typing one word per minute and seems to be undisturbed and unperturbed by the fact that you paid them a fee to lose your bag it's because that person wants to giggle on the inside when they make you go off in public and speak in a tongue that needs no interpretation come on does anybody know traveling rule I'm traveling ruling that is I do non-stop flights non-stop I don't want to connect anywhere give me a non-stop flight from Dallas to my destination nonstop flight problem with that rule is the real and raw reality that there are just some places in life if you are gonna go you will have to stop and make a connection that appreciation come you know you can't get no direct flight to Camden Arkansas there are some places you gonna have to stop and make a connection is late so I live in the airport and I have two minutes to get to the next day to take my flight problem is I landed again a once and my next flight is that gate z-99 when that happens it's a lot of frustration and pressure cuz I got about three options at that point I can just miss my flight I can call for a car to take me to the gate or I can just run like Forrest Gump to the gate miss my flight call for 34 last week I'm still a young chocolate brother I'm not gonna take no card I'm going to run as fast as I can to that game this has happened several times where I'll be running full speed full speed let me know that God is still good as I am running to the gate I will see something no but let me know God is still in the miracle-working business I will see something like this I will see one of those moving walkways you ever seen one of those moving walkway I love the moving walkway cuz the moving walkway to me it's like the favor of God because if you just get on the moving walkway it'll expedite your trip it'll make you get there faster than you would have if he weren't on the moving walk with emphasis on the moving walkway the only problem with the moving walkway are the people the moving walkways this annoys me this is a big deal people cuz they even have to put a sign up to distinguish us because you understand they have a sign about the moving walkway that says if you're going to walk go to the left and if you go stand get on the right only problem is the moving walkway is about this big so I wish they would change the sign to say if you're gonna walk stay on the left but if you're gonna stand go home and never try frustrates me people walk away and I think my real frustration with you it's not that you're standing if you on the side of something I could deal with you instead you're standing that you have brought stagnation to a mechanism that was made for movement anytime you have stagnation all kinds of frustration come on that's why you lose your mind and traffic that's why you go crazy so I don't mind sitting down looking out a window listening to the radio in my house sitting on my couch in my car I gotta be somewhere stationary but God is actually trying to take you somewhere come on is anybody that knows that God has a place that he has already prepared for you and he is trying to move you into your purpose move you into your destiny move you into something new come on you're trying to go from strength to strength from glory to glory from way to faith God is trying to take you where your God is a God of movement somebody push your neighbor and say move move it move it god it's a goddamn uber since creation we see he is a God of movement I'll give you some scripture for Genesis chapter 1 we find out he is a God of movement Genesis 1 the first first it says in the beginning God created the heavens in the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness covered the face of the deep and the Spirit of God was come on somebody moving Genesis who creation narrative it was really just the commencement of a symphony of God the cosmic conductor who pulled out his baton in the beginning and this melody of movement everything God created water shows up don't you get snagged now mosquitoes and flies until God breathed on the inside of him living so he's making sure that the same beat that started in Genesis is still going he's just some of y'all is going because you're acting like God and giving you a heart the Bible says you gotta give praise present your loss come on how many are thankful he's a god it's always been a he's a god of movement 2/3 of God's name is going in your life when he said go into all the world just get stuck in the same place everything that is wrong with the world today is because Adam and Eve got stuck they didn't keep it moving they got stuck at the wrong tree listening to the wrong voice so they made the wrong choice all of us are reaping the ramifications of the sickness we are today to put him in this position the mother or the father that brought his lameness into the earth because we were all born spiritually lame watch this at the gate the gate of the temple where God was all of us were born spiritually lame with no access to the presence of God and all Peter and John then is what God did he reached down and pick you manatee up so we could get up and we don't have to be spiritually bankrupt packing my father got stuck at the wrong tree listening to the wrong you see what I see yeah they stuck can't get themselves out to get themselves so what are y'all gonna have to move the Holy Spirit like about you doing ain't nobody move like you move spirit why don't you go down there and do some spear look back and say huh no Jesus don't even play like that we've been talking about this since before the beginning you know that I'm Acts chapter 2 that's my cameo appearance you Matthew chapter 1 they'll be trying to jack up the Bible Jesus we gotta keep it in order say you're right I'm trippin I'm sure if it can't nobody get them out like me I'm a savior and Jesus stands on the balcony of heaven jumps off fast-forward 40 two generations later all of a sudden Mary we just moved Merced yeah that's what he does he's always been a God that mows you'll remember after that Mary called it over and went to go see her pregnant cousin Elizabeth she gets out the open water and a lesbian comes out waddling to it she gets out the uber and this was it girl you ain't gonna believe what happened when you step my baby just started moving Mary said yeah that's what he does he's always moving I can't believe you took over down here your bravery supposed to be in the over there say yeah crazy John the Baptist is standing in the Jordan River between us in the water you know this dude yes before we were in the cross and when he gets the Holy Spirit yeah the Holy Spirit lands in the upper room tons of them in the house the Holy Spirit would be the witness to the end they started walk-in to the temple start walking to the temple Peter John Peter and Cha Peter John walking together to church quick question what in the world are Peter and John doing together Peter and John walk in the church come on one of these things is not like the other understand Jesus has already ascended he's already left the only thing they had in common Jesus John is a millennial John is younger what are these two doing together Peter was an extrovert put his foot in his mouth John Jesus he put his head on his chest just cuddle with Jesus when Peter got ready to prove his love for Jesus he put out a switchblade and Gandhi the things in the culture that would separate you in the kingdom are actually the things that make us stronger the things that make us better come on how many thankful we could come in here today with all our differences but humming is thankful we got one thing in common and that's how we need that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father is his blood like you walk like you talk like you its frustrated pictures are different I need a whole lot of light I mean that Oprah lights when you take a picture of me she don't need them we are some differences is the collaboration and make us think that our contradictions could call controversy and conflict but if we can have a realize our place of contradiction it's actually a collaboration and it makes us more powerful oh come on somebody I'm preaching better y'all are talking in here today you can sit down can I can I take it further when they put it online because I would not say this anywhere else it from a home Church it was not past the Hennessy by way of this illustration I'll never forget before I proposed to Taylor yeah her she's white aha he said you go ahead gage but let me just tell you it's a pastor and there's a leader there that's actually going to affect your ministry you know how America is and how people view things we've come a long way but we got a long way to go he's like I just quietly giggle on the inside thinking about what pet pastor says don't limit you I really giggled a few weeks ago when Taylor and I got a phone call from the executive producers of TBS they said hey we got a new show coming out it's called how we met said we've already got our guests lined up the show is gonna help people in their marriages we'll talk to some Christian couples and see how their marriages work said we already got our guests we got John Victoria Osteen we got Dave and Joyce Meyer we got all I guess we've been looking for a house we're looking for a host a couple to host the show and we came across y'all's Instagram and we said yeah the perfect couple to host this show it's gonna be in a hundred million homes we start filming in about two months marriages they're gonna be rich so I'm trying to tell you what the enemy is telling you is a contradiction of John notice the lay man but the courage of Peter they say yo you gotta get up here walk I still got my switchblade I wonder in I wonder if if this miracle was a divine collaboration between one believer who had a big heart and another believer who had a big mouth collaboration produced the miracle I'm almost done to watch this I think we gotta flip the lens downward to the lame man because if you've ever considered what it would be like to be lame to be paralyzed this is what I do and I preach a text like this I just sit and I'll and I think we struggle to find the context because many of us don't even understand what the disabled people in our community today go through wheelchairs there are no walkers if you were lame you just get comfortable cuz this was gonna be your position for a long time everything else heart was still beating his entire life it's funny how one thing it affects so many other things it affected his economy here's the bag now for money it affected his social construct can tell me you know when you are lame and you are stuck the only people you can really talk to people [Music] people love to have stopped people conversations the only people he can talk to well the people who are laying in the same condition around him let me say the way I want to say it lame recognizes lame stuck people always stick together every conversation was right here that's the only level here and I just want to pause right here and speak to somebody who God has raised you up out of something but you used to run with stuck people and every time they come around and you come around them they're like oh you changed something different about you now you pusci you stuck up no I'm not stuff up I'm just up you stuck God's done something in my life so I can't have conversations on this level when God has taken me come on somebody he's taking me to a new place no I'm not stuck up I'm just up you start conversation had changed this man developed a system of his stuckness to survive system of his stuckness and the Bible says he dropped at the temple gate to pick every think they were dropping not in a sanctuary in the parking lot ooh I love this a parking lot miracle every day they would just drop him every day he got dropped at the church parking lot that means there are two people in this text who are not mentioned but they had a collaboration - can I make this thing playing Paul would you come Danny would you come see there's two people who had a collaboration and they were mentioned in the text we hear about Peter and John we'll hear about another group of people Paul you've been the lane man Lane people usually don't stand up and to people the Bible says that every day they dropped him at the church popularized which I'll go ahead and pick him up real quick yeah just get this you're perfect and just just come bring him over here to the church parking lot and they would drop him yeah he would beg you to come and then they will go home and then they will come back then they pick him up uh-huh and they take him back home okay put it down all right that was just Sunday everyday everyday they did this that just Sunday Monday they pick him up [Laughter] take me to church parking lot drop him go home you collect his money come back pick him back up you don't think he was getting CrossFit today this you pick them up jump no here's what I think I think maybe at the beginning they did out the kindness of the heart said man let's help this man out do this something in his cup honey think what happened come on pick him up drop him temple he would get his car it gets filled up when they came back to pick them up one day they say hey man we're gonna be picking you up every day for free we see you got a cup on money go ahead get your cut get your cut go ahead get your cut it's funny how in your life when you are stuck there will always be a Peter and a John that will empower you but there will always be a billy and a Bob that will enable you they don't want you to get up they don't want you to get better because they're actually making a profit off of your stuckness I'm in your house today I know you don't want to say a man that can some of you sitting next to Billy and Bob right now and they are enabling you from being thank you so much I'll give them a hand and all of a sudden this man is stuck later in the text will find out that this happened watch this for 40 years every day for 40 years system you picked up hold out my cup make a few bucks give them a cup go home picked up hold out my cup make a few bucks give them their gun go make a few bucks yeah they could go home that's your job jobs work get my check go home every day a system stop this everyday a system of stuckness wears for 40 years you're just a robot they're just mechanical you picked up what up look up make a few bucks give them they're good go home you know you're stuck when you stop looking up your big top hold out my cup make a few bucks take your cut go home every day until one day and I'll tell you the beauty of being stuck the beauty of being stuck is you can have a one day all it takes come on somebody is one day one moment in the presence of God one day that can change the trajectory of your life one day he was in his regular routine his regulus picked up oh my god and all of a sudden he hears a voice full of the Holy Spirit that says look at us they broke his system they messed up the system of get picked up hold up my cup they interrupt us at look you do know that's what God wants to do he wants to break the monotony of your mundane life he wants to mess up your system he wants you to open up your eyes to the attention just pay attention pay attention how many people for 40 years just walked over that dude until 2 men full of the Holy Spirit notice something that the other churchgoers didn't see that God does miracles in the parking lot you ain't gotta wait til you get to the sanctuary God doesn't miracles any time the people of God get together you ain't gonna have a worship team you ain't gonna have a preacher you wonder the Holy Spirit can stand up and let your hand be the conduit of a miracle pay attention they forced him to pay attention sometimes we're so busy living our lives that we don't even pay attention if God can get your attention he can exceed your expectation for that I'll tweet I'm gonna say it again if God could just get your attention he could exceed your expectation keep playing we're about to get his attention understand look at what Peter says he says silver and gold I do not have that's his opening statement now you shout cuz you know how the story ends but imagine you're the beggar all he had was a context for money so you see the beggar he's like this gonna be a good payday today they don't just feel sorry for me they see me they see me understand you think this man was thinking he was gonna get up no he didn't think he was gonna get up he was not lacing up his Nikes he was getting his cops ready because he was expecting to get something but he wasn't expecting to move see this is the danger of downgrading your dream to your reality some of you and have downgraded your dream to your reality because you don't think that you could ever move again but how many is thankful that God wants to do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask or think Peter said I ain't got no money and I love it because in that moment he had to be disappointed cuz all he had was a context for money I mean it awesome that his greatest miracle that changed his destiny was preceded by his greatest disappointment when you got the wrong dream you got the wrong dream God will tell your dream no because you've downgraded your dream to the reality of your circumstance not that we aim too high rather that we aim too low and reach it Peter said I got something better than that I got some movement in the name of Jesus oh come on I wish I had somebody gonna hear that knew there was power in that name what I do have I give you in the name of Jesus I love Peter he's a classic preacher cuz Peter is an ain't rappin you know preachers like the name tribe oh I know this humans like to name job but if you gonna drop a name you ought to drop a name that could actually get somebody back up again if you ever gonna drop a name drop a name that causes blind eyes to open and deaf ears to hear drop a name that defeated death hell and the grave hello somebody he dropped a name that could get him back up in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth hit up I don't know something you can't shout if you don't know the power in the name there's power in the name is power in the name but sometimes you need an experience to connect you to the reality but there is power in the name I'll tell you mine I never forget Tom I went to Nigeria to preach a crusade preaching a crusade and so many people showed up for the crusade and so I went to Nigeria so many people told me about the witchcraft that was so pervasive in the region and heard stories of witch doctors trying to put curses on people the people demon possesses slither like snakes up to the preachers I heard all that I found the prayer closet real quick praying for God to show up in those meetings in Nigeria now never forget every time before I would get up to preach I would say a phrase in my father's native language ebo whatever I would say a phrase I don't speak it but everyone say a phrase people would just go crazy so he's not the crusade I'd be like dad give me a phrase never get one time getting ready to get up say dad give me something say okay what you say cool a blue chilly can do a new chin again I say that one more time so cool a new chimney don't you cheat again la noche de la noche about to shut it down this is gonna be good hosts a true story blank I completely forgot phrase anything coca-cola Acura like couldn't even think of it totally forgot so us I'm not have to say to mess this up I just keep on preaching keep on preaching halfway during my message the Holy Spirit reminds me of the phrase I wish I'd show you the video it was so abrupt in the middle of I just went going on new chimney cake I saw new chimney cake in the middle of the message when I said that few people in the crusade got up and started clapping their hands and and giving God praise I said Who I hit something now I said again I said no Ginny new chin again goal I knew cheating the more I said it the more people kept clapping and going crazy the whole place erupted giving God praise off the stage that came up to me said son come here son yeah [Music] he said why did you say : oh chill you chicken in the middle of your message instead of the beginning I said dad I forgot I blanked out I'm just getting coca-cola Acura I don't want to mess it up I said but in the middle of the message the Holy Spirit reminded me of the phrase so when I got reminded I just said it well that's it sorry but you don't know is that the first night of the crusade one of the lead practitioners of witchcraft in this community his son responded to the altar call and got saved he said this witch doctor was so upset that his son got saved he said I'm gonna go down to that crusade and I will put a curse on that preacher where Robert might do he said I'm not gonna go in at the beginning of the crusade almost sneak in in the middle so nobody will see me and when I sneaking in the middle then I'll put the curse on them the only problem is the time he snuck in was the exact same time then I started shouting whole new Chinni cake oh come on y'all don't even know it amazing you shout can I tell you what it means means give God some praise praise the name of Jesus I'm trying to tell you there is power when you call on that name somebody that knows there's power in the name would you get on your feet and get that name [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] call that name anytime I feel the enemy coming against you I got a story that I go back to stay standing we've done that connects me power that name in the name of Jesus come and walk all of a sudden straight came to the man's legs he didn't just get up he started running and jump in and leap it oh come on somebody nobody even how to walk no heaven churches you so he walks in jumping and leaping and clapping you can search people are they were looking at him like something out looking at some people who are jumping and shouting when we were seeing a Turner you know who doesn't really take all their you don't know what got turns in their life don't jump somebody's praise when you don't know the hell they've got [Music] is that the same man that used to beg bother - it's yesterday recognize you as the same oh not the beauty of being stuck beauty of being stuck is one day you can't get up and watch this God allowed people around him to see him in his bagging season and they also saw him in his a leaping Caesar oh come on and they know he was the same man come on don't get upset when people start talking about your past and your chump you oughta start leaping and it created such a commotion in the temple Peter preaches his second sermon watch this with the man hanging on him and John and the Bible says 2,000 people got saved and Peter and John used the man as a sermon illustration the beauty of being stuck you want to talk about the buddhafield stuff it got so crazy they locked Peter and John up put him in prison for a miracle took them out the prison and then they get an appointment with the ruler of the synagogue's I want to show you I can't do it justice I'll show you what they said when they got out of prison and met with the pretentious religious people says they had Peter and John brought before them and began to question them by what power or what name did you do this then Peter oh I love a big mouth person filled with the Holy Spirit said to them rulers and elders of the people if we are being called to account today for an act of kindness shown to a man who was a lame and are being asked how he was healed then know this you and all the people of Israel it is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth whom you crucified but God who God raised from the dead that this man stands before you healed it gets even better Jesus is the stone you builders rejected which has become the cornerstone salvation is found give it to mankind by which we must be saved they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized they were unschooled ordinary men they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus I came to get to universe 14 but since they could see the man who would be healed standing there there was nothing Thank You second yes that man was like what you gonna do [Music] beauty of being stuck the God can raise you up get unstuck because there's somebody on the other side of your stuckness come on that is waiting for a breakthrough that is waiting for a miracle st. Saviour that did it for that man is willing and able to do it in this place today lass every head bowed every eye be closed please nobody move it if you can't we're all be stopped I didn't know who I came forward today here today and you be so honest to say you know what I'm stuck it's crazy sometimes you just get in a system a system get up hold out the car make a few bucks take their cut go home God did not create you to be stagnant he's taken you somewhere but heads bowed and eyes closed all over this place today if you'd be song to sing no huh I'm stuck but I some of you this message God is getting your attention he's taking you somewhere but you say you know what I'm ready to get out of the stuckness let's step in to what God asks me if this is for you would you just leave this place - thank you Jesus - Jesus lift it up put it right back down I think even just by you lifting up your hand just by lifting up your hair come on this man stop looking up you got to know where your help comes from just by lifting up your head come on God's strength its power is coming to you today just real soft just real soft again I want to I want to give real specific gets to about I'm still closed you here today and you say you know what I've never taken the first step which is to say Jesus my life is yours please believe believers can get stuck there's a difference between a believer getting stuck in somebody's and have for taking the first step to say I'm tired of being stuck in my sin I need to receive this Magnus named Jesus this person as my Lord and my Savior heads bowed eyes closed muted and you've never surrendered your life to Jesus maybe maybe there's a season in your life you are going after things of God but you've gotten cold and your heart has gotten hard things got gonna get a rededicate recommit your life to him today yes you would you just lift up your hand right where you are I didn't say I won't care was just one person lifted up long enough to where I can see it thank you Jesus thank you Jesus cuz all this if you lifted up your hand that second time that second time say I need to give my life I'm gonna ask you to do something so bold and so brave I want you to get out of your seat and come find a place at this altar this is your day to step into all that God has to you if you lift up your hand you should have when I count to three I want you to come one this is between you and God - don't worry about what somebody else is gonna think three would you come would you come wherever you are whether you're up in the balcony I want you to come all the way down saying this is my day to give up my life come on I want you had a church that would celebrate come on those who are covered wherever you are would you come say it today's my day today is my day oh come on Church why y'all clap it like it's a cute golf clap but you give God praise for those who are kind thank you Jesus thank you Jesus come on anybody else anybody else come on come on come on this is your day this is your day I love to wait at these moments because like I said sometimes you can have such a system of stuckness you don't even think there's hope for a new day but I will wait a little bit longer if somebody says I got to I can't I can't keep living life like this I can't keep going through the same routine I'm tired of being stuck come on come on come on thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you while some friends stand behind each and every one of these people at this altar thank you Jesus thank you Jesus this altar just see if you can't just lift up your hands effect let's all do it just as a sign of surrender can you lift up your hands I love this cuz this is just a sign that said God I don't know what to do my I'm stuck I can't get myself unstuck I know the beauty of being stuck is you can lift me up I just want you to pray this prayer and say it from your heart would you say this they do Jesus come on let's all declare it come on say dear Jesus thank you so much for dying on a cross getting up from the grave for me God thank you that you did not create me to be stuck you have a purpose you have a destination a place you're taking me to Jesus I thank you that no matter the detours you can still get me to my destination I admit today that I made you come into my life forgive me of my sins wash me clean from this moment forward I'm walking I'm running I'm leaping I'm jumping with you in Jesus name Amen amen come on can we give God the biggest Handclap of praise today come on church you can do better than that would you give Jesus a praise today [Music]
Channel: Trinity Church Cedar Hill
Views: 145,461
Rating: 4.915391 out of 5
Keywords: TrinityChurch, Trinity, Church, CedarHill, Robert Madu
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 59sec (3179 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 02 2018
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