Robert Madu "You Can't Handle The Truth"

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oh there's no place like family it is a tailor and I was privileged to be a part of this family how many know community is everything communities everything I would rather have cheese and crackers with a kind person then steak and lobster with a jerk a man community is absolutely everything and we're honored to be a part of this community and and I'm excited to preach God's Word today are you ready to hear it come on if you feel like hearing it like I feel like preaching I feel like God's gonna do something in this place today it's gonna be good and I want to take a moment as well because we are a house of Honor to thank God on this Father's Day for the father of this house pastor Hennessy has a book coming out you know he gave me the privilege of writing the foreword for the book and in the foreword I said if I could define pastor Hennessy in one word it would be consistency so many different words I could say but consistency I've watched over the years I've been here since I was 3 how faithful and consistent he's been we live in a culture where everybody quits is it normal to quit but I just am thankful for a leader that is just stupid enough to stick with it and it's amazing to see what God has done because of your faithfulness can we thank God for pastor Hennessy for the father of this house come on Church you could do better than that if you all live watching in your bathrobe come on we honor you we thank God for you I love you I appreciate you and again thank you to all the mighty men in the house today would you stand with me to honor the reading of God's Word we're gonna be in the book of Acts today acts 26 and because I have the microphone I can also honor my father Robert Madhu's senior the one who I give the privilege of doing his voice anytime that I can and I think God for my Nigerian father and I think at 13 I was taller than him but no matter how tall I get I still look up to you and I'm thankful for who you are you are the greatest man of God that I know so help me thank God for my dad okay acts 26 we're gonna start at verse number one and go down to verse 25 I hope you brought your good shoes today and I'll try to edit it but I need all of it for you to get where we're going and I'll read fast plus it was my birthday yesterday so it's my prerogative plus this Father's Day but when you ready to read it say yeah you need some time to find acts 20:6 a hold up all right it's on the screen come on so as it says then then a group this is the Apostle Paul on trial and then King Agrippa said to Paul you may speak in your defense so Paul gesturing with his hand started his defense I am fortunate King Agrippa that you are the one hearing my defense today against all these accusations made by the Jewish leaders for I know you are an expert on all Jewish customs and controversies now please listen to me patiently as the Jewish leaders are all aware well aware I was given a thorough Jewish training from our earliest childhood among my own people in Jerusalem and if they would admit it they know that I have been a member of the Pharisees the strictest sect of our religion now I'm on trial because of my hope in the fulfillment of God's promise made to our ancestors in fact that is why the twelve tribes of Israel zealously worship God night and day and they shared the same hope I have yet your majesty they accuse me for having this hope why does it seem incredible to any of you that God can raise the dead I used to believe that I ought to do everything I could to oppose the very name of Jesus the Nazarene indeed I did just that in Jerusalem authorized by the leading priests I caused many believers there to be sent to prison and I cast my vote against them when they were condemned to death many times I had them punished in the synagogue's to get them to curse Jesus I was so violently opposed to them that I even chased them down in foreign cities but one how many thankful that with God you can have a one-day come on you I'll never give up don't commit suicide one day can change the trajectory of your life one day I was on such a mission to Damascus armed with the authority and commission of the leading priests about noon your majesty as I was on the road a light from heaven brighter than the Sun shone down on me and my companions we all fell down and heard a voice saying to me an aramaic saul saul why are you persecuting me it is useless for you to fight against my will who are you lord i asked and the lord replied i am jesus the one you are persecuting now get to your feet for I've appeared to you to appoint you as my servant and witness tell people that you have seen me and tell them what I will show you in the future and I will rescue you from both your own people and the Gentiles yes I am sending you to the Gentiles to open their eyes so they may turn from darkness to light from the power of Satan to God and then they will receive forgiveness for their sins and be given a place among God's people who are set apart by faith in me and so King Agrippa I obeyed that vision from heaven I preached first to those in Damascus then in Jerusalem and all throughout Judea and also to the Gentiles that all all must repent of their sins and turn to God and prove they have changed by the good things they do some Jews arrested me in the temple for preaching this and they tried to kill me but God has protected me right up to this present time so I can testify to everyone from the least to the greatest I teach nothing except what the prophets and Moses said would happen that the Messiah would suffer and be the first to rise from the dead and in this way announce God's light to Jews and Gentiles alike suddenly Festus shouted Paul you're insane too much study has made you cry great Paul replied I am NOT insane most excellent bestest when I am saying is it the sober true Oh ascus on me let's go home happy Father's Day that's good I'll buy it it's oh I love it I love it usually at this moment I would give you my title but since it is Father's Day I'm gonna allow a few good men to give you my title so let's pray father you're amazing speak today amen you may be seated in the presence of the Lord if lieutenant Kendrick gave an order that Santiago wasn't to be touched then why did he have to be transferred colonel lieutenant Kendrick order the Code Red Dimmie because that's what you told you to do you don't have to answer that question I'll answer the question you want answers I think I'm entitled you want the truth you can't handle the truth thank you Jack Nicholson that's my title today I want to talk to you for about six hours from the thought you can't handle the truth in here ever been through a trial come on I see your hand have you ever been through a trial come on I'm talked about a long trial come on talk about the trial that made you pray I'm talking about the trial in court okay everybody's had just quit I love church people I love us because there are certain words that went said we cognitively connect to something else okay so as I said trial you were in opposition church people do this all the time true story a friend of mine even posted a couple days ago he posted always real does anybody have power and some church people respondent said yeah Holy Ghost power he's like no like my power went out a bit this storm does anybody haha so when I said trial when I said trial you immediately went to opposition who took my Toyota ten minutes to start today yes huh I'm going through a child no I'm talking about hy I'm talking about a Matlock Perry Mason Judge Judy Johnnie Cochran OJ trial where you are on the witness stand a judges to your right there's a jury to your left and Tom Cruise it's in front of you saying I want answers I want the truth anybody been through that trial okay a few of you okay I have not I have not nor do I plan to and I plan to be on the witness stand because I don't think I could handle the pressure of being prosecuted oh how do you know just the pressure of being prosecuted and asked intense questions whether you're guilty or innocent sometimes just the pressure of being prosecuted and asked tough questions can make you sweat no don't put me on the witness stand I don't know if I can handle the pressure of the questions being put on trial it is pressure when you're being questioned come on this Father's Day Father's be honest be honest all the married man have you ever circled around your driveway a couple of times before you pulled in because you knew you knew that when you walked in the house that your living room was gonna turn into a court room and you married to the prosecuting attorney and she got some questions for you as soon as you walk excuse me oh the court and your kids would like to know why you thought it was okay to go to Orangetheory fitness for an hour well I'm by myself with all three kids now you'll be healthy I'll parent the kids no further questions your honor they're the questions sometimes just to be questioned can elicit a feeling of guilt even when you're innocent and how many you know I don't need a scientist to prove this you just need a Netflix account and you can see documentaries and true stories of people who were innocent but when they were pressured with questions said they were guilty of crimes they never even did why does humanity feel guilty I think it goes back to the first trial come on you remember the first trial in the book of Genesis that historic case that jacked-up humanity for all eternity come on courtroom Garden of Eden defendant Adam co-defendant Eve and what was the charge you remember their charge was the charge eating eating fruit was that the charge for real that's what messed up all of humanity that they ate fruit that's what sets humanity into depravity for if that is the case shut down every fruit section and whole foods and sprouts come on it's deeper than the fruit the fruit was just the fruit it's even deeper than their disobedience because if we reduce the fall of man to simply disobedience then we reduce our God to some preeminent omnipotent parole officer who was just standing over us and created humanity so that we could fall in line and do what he tells us to do and I'm g.od with the capital G I said don't touch the tree so do what I tell you we can't reduce God to disobedience it was deeper than that because how many you know with every commandment God gives you his Commandments are intrinsically and cohesively connected to his character God's commandments are connected to his character you cannot separate God's commandment from his character in the same way you cannot separate wet from water they are connected he says don't lie because he's the truth he says don't murder because he is the life his Commandments are connected to his character and the enemy was subtle enough to know this so he attacks God's character and when he attack God's character he knew if I can get you to Vout his character you're gonna break his commandment so before the fruit was ever in their mouth there was a lie in there and here was the lie that God is not good and he is keeping good from you and once that lie got in their mind sin entered the world and all of humanity got on the trajectory of a trial and we had to be questioned oh you remember the questions where are you they're butt-naked in the courtroom hiding behind the please who told you you were naked God had quit did you eat of the tree that I told you not to sin put humanity on trial you don't believe me even their kids ended up in the courtroom oh yes Cain committed the first first-degree murder and here is Cain being questioned by God and here's the question where is your brother Abel where is he question why does God as humanity questions not to get information not even to get the truth how many know when God asks you a question he's not trying to get truth from you he's trying to show you that truth is in front of you because he is the way the truth and the life come on God will only ask you a question that he's saying I'm the one that can answer it because truth is right in front of you he is truth personified your problem with us is we can't handle the truth you can't handle I can't handle the truth so it's easier to live with the lie if you ever live with the lie because you couldn't hand on the truth as a matter of fact you can tell yourself a lie long enough that it becomes your truth in fact I think the only thing scarier than a lie is a lie that has become your truth and this is the culture and society in which we live because everybody screaming this is my truth truth is subjective I got my truth you got your truth there's no right there's no wrong you got a truth I got a truth you pick your truth I pick my truth okay don't ask about my truth worry about your truth because my truth is different from your truth okay your truth is that there's gravity that's not my true I believe I can fly excuse me jump off a bridge but hum you know there's some stuff that is just truth and truth has the power to transform you truth can change you but don't clap too soon it will take you off before it transforms you so if Jesus is truth personified if you haven't encountered Jesus how many you know you won't just be moved you might get mad because people do not like the truth and yet we serve a God who says I am just like yoga pants toddlers and drunk people meaning I always I'm gonna give you the truth some of you don't get that joke tomorrow but it's funny somebody just got it Anna the Apostle Paul in our text today is on trial Paul is on trial and Paul watch this in art X has been in prison for two years under the governor Felix it's been in prison for two years in Caesarea in fact I leave for Jerusalem tomorrow I will be there and Paul's on Troy's been in prison wrongly accused for two years a new government there comes into place Festus and Festus is going to send Paul back to Jerusalem so the Jews can kill him on the way Paul is a citizen of Rome so he appeals to Caesar says oh no you're not sending me back to Jerusalem to kill me I appeal to Caesar so all of a sudden watch this at the moment Paul appeals to Caesar King Agrippa Herod Agrippa comes into town he comes into town like Aladdin after he met the genie okay it was a huge brigade that came in King Agrippa is the great grandson of Herod the Great you remember the Herod that thought by killing the young babies that he could destroy Jesus but how many know you can't handle the truth you can push truth down it's gonna come right back around at king agrippa comes into town and it's have a meeting with Festus if Esther says I got this problem with Paul they can't find any charge that'll stick and they want me to send her back to Jerusalem so they can kill him he said but they don't have any legit charge and I can't send him to caesar without a real charge what should i do i can't gripper goes i want to hear about this Paul he said well great his trial is tomorrow you got to see this because this is a major motion picture so Paul walks into the courtroom chains on his hands and as he walks into the courtroom King Agrippa is there Festus is there every prominent leader every sage of the age every world leader every powerful political person is in that room when Paul walks in and he looks around the room and he sees King Agrippa and he sees Festus and he sees Oprah and he sees Warren Buffett and it sees Mark Zuckerberg and he sees the Kardashians and he sees LeBron and as he's walking around the room he goes oh [Music] boy this is my trial but this trial is not for me this trial ain't even a trial this trial is a trap to tell the truth the whole of a sudden he realizes this is my trial but this trial has nothing to do with me God set this trial up so this audience around me can see the power of what Jesus can do when he comes in your life come on I don't know who I'm preaching to but your trial is not about you people are watching you they're trying to see if you don't praise God in spite of the cancer in your body they trying to see are you gonna trust them even when you don't have the money Paul says all I need is one like I'm about to testify and get my car boy testimony right now he says I'm gonna tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth and God set up disappointment for Paul to tell his story never underestimate the power of your story and where God has brought you from never underestimate the power of your BC life see don't come into church and act like you're in the witness protection program and try to dress up your story and that's like you've been saved your whole life come on there's actually a generation that needs to know you used to be in the club too so you can tell him no no no I ain't it worth it trust me I tried some of but God just tells a story for 25 verses he's innocent but never defends himself he just tells the story of how God changed his life and he does it in three parts and let me give him to you very quickly because we all got some barbecue today for Father's Day the first thing Paul reveals in his testimony in a story it's something that made me go to target and 9:15 last night Paul first talks about he talks about the cover notetaker I want to talk about the cover talk about the cover it's so funny Alec I'm gonna call him out he helped me with the sermon because I told him I was gonna open up this umbrella for an illustration he goes you go open up an umbrella and I'm soaked I said all you set up my sermon you set up my sermon too good thank you for saying that because here's what the cover is the cover is the truth that you stand under the cover is a truth that you stand under tell me no I love an umbrella because the only way an umbrella works is if you stand under it only works if you stand so you under the cover is the truth that you stand on and all of us have truths that we stand under he said you will open an umbrella inside because there is a cultural truth that that's bad luck but that is not the truth that I stand under I don't stand under the truth of the luck I'm already blessed I stand under the truth that no matter what happens to me God is sovereign I stand under the truth that all things work for the good of them that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose no matter what comes in my life good or bad God still has his hand on me I might not like it but I'm gonna get through it that's not the truth I'll stand under so hello I've got Mary Poppins I don't care I'll do this what's the truth what's the truth you stand under the truth you stand under is critical because the truth you stand under governs your decisions the truth you stand under shapes your understanding my scope of perspective is connected to the circumference of this umbrella this is what I see this is my truth and Paul begins his testimony saying for most of my life I was standing under a truth there was a lie from the time I was born I interned at the synagogue I thought Judaism was the way I thought I was under the right truth to the point I was willing to kill people for my truth but all of a sudden I realized the truth I was standing under was a lie I wonder if the truth you're standing under is a lie and sometimes you don't even know it's a lie until God shines a light and shows you that the whole time I've been standing under a truth that was a lot I feel like preaching here today because this is deeper than faith this is deeper this spirituality this connects to your relationships the truth you stand under in relationships the truth you stand under about people will affect your relationship if the truth you stand under all men are dogs I love them that's the truth you standard well no wonder you can't find a good man because that's the truth that you stand up you're looking for Bow Wow because that's the truth that you stand under people do this about people group says the truth that they stand under and until you have the humility to see the real truth not a truth but the truth you'll be blinded by a truth I'm gonna stay right here the people will do this relationships and how they talk about other people how they talk about other people Chris will you help me real quick do this when you talk when they talk about people watches have you ever seen this where somebody told you something about somebody else under there truth about that person so here's our word you'll call I'll call Chris under heels like huh let me tell you about Larry Chris right there on now stay under here it's just you and I now I normally wouldn't say this to people but I'm gonna say this to you because I trust you so maybe you can pray for him but Larry ah you cannot trust that he's a backstabber he talks about now stay under here he talks about people I'm telling you can I trust him Chris now you just do it you want with that pray about it I'm just telling you that's how he is but I told him that under my truth but all of a sudden if he gets out from under my children actually has a conversation with Larry and me Larry he found the wait a minute Larry's the kindest person on there from my Toyota broke down and Larry picked me up that's not true of course it wasn't true it was my truth I'm just wondering are you standing under the truth that's actually a lie and you're proud of your truth this macho singing it laughs you know just because you sing loud doesn't mean you got the right lyrics I didn't give this the first service I would give it to you just cuz you lab don't mean you got the right lyrics something else super saved you only know Amazing Grace but you don't have more accurate song cuz you'll always be my baby and we're League of our time cataracts the feeling is your time to shine for years until one of those friends who you have accurate tally who got a fax for everything I know actually actually it's time can't erase a feeling this strong I said you a liar in the devil is alive she goes to look up the lyrics I've been singing time what is time cataracts I don't know if Mariah had our issues but that's what I thought she was saying and I'm singing a lot time cataracts the feeling this song well wrong lyrics just wondering if the truth you stand under is a lie I had to bring this umbrella to because you know Taylor now we have a marriage problem and a huge and I found out about our honeymoon it's really is he for real or not for real that on our honeymoon we have a huge marriage problem and it happens every summer cuz we go to the beach or the pool have huge problem here's problem that is unique to our marriage and we go to the pool a beach I'm going to chill swam there she's going to be changed I am content with the tone very content and the melanin with which I have she is going to get darker so we have a challenge this winter bougie hotel and they want to set up a place at the pool and they go y'all want an area with Sun or shade and we look at each other and go Bo she wants the Sun I want the she does not exist shade is just shelter so anytime you see me and Taylor at the pool this happened yesterday we're in Miami anytime you see us a pool you will see three chairs you'll see one chair in the Sun for Taylor one in the middle for space and then my chair and next to my chair it's the umbrella because I need the umbrella to block the Sun but how me you know even though my umbrella is blocking the Sun it is not denying the reality of the Sun although I'm in the shade shipping on lemonade I better not get too comfortable because just cuz I'm blocking the Sun doesn't mean I'm denying the reality of the Sun and so many of us think that we have our own truth and this is who I am and you think you're blocking a God who is the Sun as oh and of the Living God how many you know your truth might try to block it but it doesn't deny the reality of the sign and God wants to remove the cover so that you can be changed Paul said all my life I had the cover was until I saw a bright light but I realised I had a cover I had a truth but I've seen D true and I love it because when you saw the bright light it blinded him only God will use light to blind you weak I don't like to see God says I'm a little light to blind you and Paul is blind and yet for the first time he can see he's no longer holding the opinion of what he thought and now he's relying on the very ones he was killing and he couldn't say theologians have many debates as to what Damascus actually means but I think maybe the reason he was on the road to Damascus because that's what God has always been trying to do he's been trying to D mask he's been trying to get us to get rid of the cover so we can see him he was to be mask us I feel this present somebody today is your day to get D masked so you can see the truth not a truth cuz if you get D mass if you move the cover you get to the second step that Paul tells in his testimony you go from the cover to the conversion to the conversion quick question and I'm landing at the plane when was Paul converted when was Paul converted how does conversion take place when was the moment that Paul was converted some of you would say well brother it's quite easy I mean look at the Bible you know when he was converted on that road to Damascus he was killing Christians he was a persecutor and then it became powerful preacher of the gospel in that he saw the light and when he saw the light at that moment he was converted maybe but to reduce Paul's conversion to the Damascus Road would be to reduce having a baby to just the delivery room how many know the magnitude of the moment in the delivery room is preceded by a process that is just as powerful understand when we found out we were having a baby Taylor was so early that they did a blood test to find out we were pregnant and as soon as we found out as soon as we found out we were pregnant I merely got in my car and drove to the Nike store just found out what's it like a story and I said I need the smallest pair of Air Jordans let's rock it didn't even know we were have it and they go how old is your baby I go one day I said and you're here I said no not like born like we just found out today it was a proper nesting we're creating all of that led up and then finally there was the magnitude of the moment in the delivery room Paul's Damascus moment was the climax of moments that had preceded it I'll prove it to you in the text in our version we read when Paul hears the voice from heaven who was God saying Saul Saul why are you persecuting me it is hard for you to kick against my will another version which I've read for years but didn't know what it talked about it says Paul Paul it is hard for you to kick against the goads that goes what was a goat a farmer when he was plowing his field had cattle and a gold was a stick and the farmer whenever the cattle was getting out of line filling himself and said I'm gonna do my own thing the farmer would take the goat and just and just poke the cattle to get the cattle on the right path he would just poke the cattle just a little note don't forget who your daddy is just okay come on can we be real has God ever just been oh why you and the more the cattle resisted the more the goat hurt the more he fought back the more it hurt God said with Paul I had been poking you a long time and you've been fighting against me some of you God's been trying to get your attention for a long time and the more you fight it the more it hurts God had already been working on Paul before the Damascus Road the Damascus Road was the delivery room so that means watch this while Paul was killing Christians God was turning him into one while Paul was arresting Christians God was arresting his heart while he was locking them up he was listening to the praise songs they were singing in the cell don't you ever judge what God is doing in somebody's life by the external you have no idea when it could've version has taken place at a wall unto the church and we judge people by external appearances when the person who wrote 2/3 of the New Testament God wasn't working on him while he was killing Christian you don't know what God is doing in somebody's life while he's killing them God speaking and I think it was in the way that they died I think Paul is watching them die even Stephen and he's watching the smile on their face as they're being stoned he's watching the same songs as they're being beaten and whipped because this just can't be faked you don't think this and death this has got to be real God was speaking to his heart it's what made a Centurion on a cross one day who had seen several crucifixions but all of a sudden one day when Jesus was crucified there was something different about the way he died and he says surely this man was the son of God this is the power of conversion spoiler alert you about to see the power of conversion right now you're gonna see some man with signs and on one side you'll see the consequences of sin on the other side you'll see the reality of the savior on the front part of the cardboard II it'll be pretty short cuz we don't have that much cardboard it'll also be edited to sit on the front it'll be edited cuz you can't handle the truth huh oh come on if they show their real testimony what they really went through some of you can handle the truth but yet they're about to display for us the power of conversion when the cover is gone then God can change you watch this I declare over the men of the church that they would walk in faithfulness Lord for we know that you honor faithfulness so I declare that the men of Trinity Church will be faithful husband's faithful fathers faithful givers faithful in serving their church and faithful to their God [Music] people come together strangers names is one children generations every nation can come don't let your heart be troubled hold your head up high don't feel evil fix your eyes on this one God is madly in love we so take courage hold on be strong cause for [Music] man of Trinity Church today and I bless you with an intimate and intense relationship the Holy Spirit you by His grace [Music] into your true identity there's a purpose to the God a spiritual leader in her home and it goes to influence in your city [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] alcohol drugs pornography and any other addiction I speak over you today a new addiction to all things God my mind the spirit of bondage and I loose liberty and freedom in this house addiction may have formed when I speak over you they the promise of God this is it will not prosper so today the walls built up by addiction are coming down deep free in Jesus name I declare over the men of Trinity Church to have the confidence to be the fathers that God has called you to be to cherish every moment that you have with your families that you understand you don't have to be perfect you just have to be present and that you would grow in Christ every day for your family disease creepy [Music] Oh God jeez [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] boy [Applause] Billy a-hole children be blessed may our children be filled with the speed of the vehicle or will you be the man of God that God has ordained you as a father children you stressed abundantly amazing audience translation [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] his [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is he dumb comm hallelujah come on can we give God and the power of his transformation some praise in this place today come on you could do better than that [Applause] how does how does somebody who used to persecute Christians kill them end up writing two thirds of the New Testament how does an atheist go from being a blood mob believer it's the power of conversion when you remove the cover and not settle for your truth with the truth you will be changed conversion watch this it's not just in a moment this is the edited Wikipedia version come on if we gave them the mic they could tell you some stories conversion it's a mystery but it's also undeniable there's a moment where everything shifts and change in every moment leading up to it is just as significant after paul removed the cover after he had the conversion God didn't just save you for you to come to church and sing songs off a screen like his Christian karaoke consider your blessed assurance but he got the call a call said I want you to go watch this to the Gentiles and tell them declare they've got a switch from the power of Satan to the power of God watch this Paul is a Jew he gets converted Jews were the insiders he gets converted becomes an outsider God had sent him back to the insiders he's into the Gentiles the outsiders to tell the outsiders y'all can be inside us and they went to the Jews who were the insiders he said your insider but you still got a repent of your sins otherwise you an outsider even though your insider so he's telling the insiders you're not just the inside of you an outsider cuz you need Jesus telling the outsiders you're not an outsider doesn't disqualify you you can be an insider is confusing that's what the call is God's call is confusing God's call watch this is uncomfortable Paul was whipped and beating beaten just because your call is uncomfortable and confusing doesn't mean it's not critical because where would we be without Paul Paul tells us I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me Paul tells us all things work for the good of them that love the Lord and a call according to his purpose Paul says we shall not all sleep but in a moment and a twinkling of an eye we will be caught up to heaven all that is Paul's lyrics imagine if he would have given up on his call just because it was uncomfortable and it wasn't clear some of us think because our call is uncomfortable it's not clear that it's not your call your call is still critical and if you don't do anything but stand and declare what God has done in your life to somebody around you you've accomplished it I'm gonna ask every head be bowed eyes be closed I believe this is a Damascus moment for somebody here may have a learner don't know I just turned 35 it's not super old but it's enough to know that I don't always judge the reaction of a message not what's happening externally it could be sleeping be rolling your eyes sucking your teeth but the reality is sometimes conversion is happening on the inside when you don't even realize it and all of a sudden there's that moment you say I'm tired of fighting this is hurting me to keep fighting against the goads and I just want to give on this father's day somebody a moment to say today the mask is coming off the cover is it being removed I gotta be converted I gotta be changed somewhat heads bowed eyes closed nobody's moving nobody's leaving you hitted and you be so on to say today's the day today's the day I need to surrender my life to Jesus I am tired of fighting I am tired of running I'm tired of being stubborn about my truth today the covers coming off I'm coming to the truth you can't handle the truth but the truth can handle you and his name is Jesus heads bowed eyes closed would be so hard to say that's me today today I need to give him my life I'm coming home today would you just lift up your head I don't care if it's just one person Paul was one man that turned the world upside down I'm telling you you have no clue what's on the other side of your surrender would you lift your head estimated me today today today I'm giving in my life given my life hands are going up in the balcony on the main section anybody else just lift it up you can put it right back down thank you Jesus heads are still bowed eyes are still closed maybe you're here today you say you know what I am a believer I have converted however I'm not stepping in my call when was the last time you told somebody about this God you believe in and serve God has a call on your light you were not at that job on accident how dare you not declare the goodness of God God set you up at that job so you would be a light in the darkness don't you not open up your mouth for God just because it's uncomfortable he's calling you to declare what he's done in your life and best you and you say that resonates with me I need to step into the car if I don't do anything but tell my BC before Christ story today's the day I'm stepping in the net would you just lift up your hand as a sign you know who I'm talking soon to say that's me today just lift it up and put it right back down thank you God thank you Jesus if you lift up your hand for any one of those this is not to embarrass you I believe that the Mascis moment is about to happen at this altar if you lift it up your head or you should have when I count to three I just want you to get out of your seat and come to this altar and as you do you're gonna become surrounded by a crowd of witnesses who are gonna just start giving God praise as soon as a person gets to this altar when I count to three I want you to come without fear of what somebody's gonna think about you one this is your moment - this is your day - remove the cover three would you come from the balcony from the sides wherever you are I want you to come all the way up to the front Kobol this is your day this is your day this is your moment come on come on whatever you are this is your moment come on church would you give God some praise like the angels are in heaven come on come on come on today's the day I'm gonna be changed from the inside out come on don't stop giving God praise until they stop coming something is happening on the inside come on I'm going to create an atmosphere for somebody I'm tired thank you Jesus anybody else today's the day I surrender how are wait just a few more moments so know the enemy loves to come in your mind and say no you can't come down there what are people gonna think who cares what other people think this is about you how long do you want to walk around with that comfort this is about you being changed anybody else I want you to come I want you to come yeah thank you Jesus thank you God thank you God hallelujah come on can we lift up your hands if this altar just lift up your hands pretend like you're the only person in here in fact let's join them all of us today and let's just pray this prayer some friends are coming behind you for some personal prayer I just want you to say this from your heart this is your moment say dear Jesus thank you so much for loving me and I'll pay the price for my sin Jesus today with my hands lifted I surrender your will not my will you are the truth I can't handle the truth but you can handle me so I surrender forgive me of my sin and make me brand new from this moment forward I'm following you and I step into my call I will declare that you have brought me out from darkness into the light in Jesus name Amen a man a man come on can we give God praise today oh come on you could do better than that can we give Jesus praise today [Applause]
Channel: Trinity Church Cedar Hill
Views: 56,615
Rating: 4.8737173 out of 5
Keywords: TrinityChurch, Trinity, Church, CedarHill, Robert Madu, Madu, Robert, Sermon, fathers day
Id: 0Z3b6L_I8SE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 56sec (3236 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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