Robert Madu "Start Back At One"

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I just sent to your feet pastor Becky takes mirror this morning she said take as much time as you want tell the story says she said the church needs to know what God is doing on Greenville Avenue and I hope you see yourself a part of this vision I hope you bought in through prayer through your giving she didn't share this there's actually even opportunity for us to get into a building right next to the Granada Theater and actually be able to provide for children there so that people can bring their kids so you know have you ever seen like a company you're like man I wish I could have invested way back there like this picture reminded me of what we're doing the chronology show that picture real quick look at that right there that's just besos bill in there how many would've loved to have been in his garage by the way and invested way back there that Amazon but you probably wouldn't look to him and said man what is Amazon I can't even pronounce that that's stupid you would have a whole lot of money in your pocket right now if you would invest it way back then if you up to the Granada it almost looks like that right there but I just believe that if you invest right now I'm you know we're gonna see the most incredible harvest so let's get on board right now with this vision it's gonna be good you could take that down are you ready for the word anybody if you don't like this word I feel like it's gonna speak to somebody but if you don't like it come back next week pastor here to see we'll be back he will fix whatever I mess up but I really believe I've heard from heaven and this is gonna bless you amen go with me to Matthew chapter 25 Matthew chapter 25 I wanna look at verses 14 through 30 Matthew 25 started verse 14 this an incredible story from the greatest storyteller ever Jesus and we'll start at verse 14 when you're ready to read it say yeah if you need some time to find this a hold up all right let's the people who still bring their Bibles to church come on and find it now we got the big Bible on the screen look at what it says this is Jesus talking about the kingdom of heaven and he says for it will be like a man going on a journey who called his servants and entrusted to them his property to one he gave five to another - to another one to each according to his ability then he went away he would receive the five talents when and wants and traded with him and he made five talents more so also he would received the two talents made two talents more but he would receive the one talent when in dug in the ground and hid his master's money now after a long time the master of those servants came and settled accounts with them and he would received the five talents came forward bringing five talents more saying master you delivered to me five talents here I've made five talents more his master said to him well done good and faithful servant you have been faithful over a little I will set you over much in turn to the joy of your master and he you also had the two talents came forth said hold up wait a minute look at me master you delivered to me two talents here I made two talents more how many you love people to just get the job done don't you love effective efficient people who just get her done I love these two servants and the master said to him well done good and faithful servant you've been faithful over a little I will set you over much enter to the joy of the Lord he would also received the one talent came forward saying we'll see what happened was people people that make excuses have the longest explanation for why they didn't do what God called them to do watch how much scripture this servant has gone waste given his excuse for not working what God gave him see I knew you to be a hard man reaping where you did not sow and gather where you scattered no seed so I was afraid and I went and hid your talent in the ground here you have what is yours but as a master answered him you wicked and slothful servant you knew that I reap I have not sown and gather where I scattered no seed then you ought to invest in my money with the bankers you got at least gone to Chase Bank and am i coming I should have received what was my own with interest so take the talent from it and give it to one who has ten talents for everyone who has will more be given if you will have an abundance but from the one who has not even what he has will be taken away and cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth all the drama and this Jesus story started with the guy who got one Talent I want to preach today using this as a title start back and one start back some of y'all are super safe because this is first service what is this like there's a Samba one of my favorite artists by the name of Brian McKnight and it like starts off with numbers I don't know something some of y'all you just know Sunday school buddy you know it looks like one you're like I just know worship [Music] yeah you sound beautiful you sound beautiful that's what I want to talk about today start back let's pray that you can sit our Father thank you for your word oh thank you that we can sing Brian McKnight in church and we're still good thank you that you're gonna speak to our hearts today we give you permission do whatever you want to do in this place in Jesus name everybody said amen you may be seated in the presence of the Lord start back at one Taylor and I we have three kids three little humans and their ages are 5 3 & 2 those numbers should tell you a lot about the season of life that we are in right now their ages are 5 3 & 2 in fact I say this all the time and people think I'm just saying it as a joke but it's not 5 3 & 2 are not just their ages it's also the times that they wake up through tonight every single night my kids are 5 3 & 2 and also tell you their ages because of an article that I recently read in which a Harvard base child psychologist conducted a study and in that study he found that between the ages of 2 & 5 a child will ask approximately 40,000 questions some of you missed a statistic i'ma give it to you again between the ages of 2 & 5 a single child will ask approximately 40,000 questions my kids right now playing a game of a hundred and twenty thousand questions just being bombarded with questions we're in the questioning season every day is a new question why what's that why what's that how come why what's that a play what's that a car was that grass what color green wow I don't know in your face ask a question what's that milos what's that my pee what's that skin what's under that nurse what's nurse what you getting all right now quit 120,000 questions just inundated with questions and I'm glad I kept reading the article because the article said that basically kids ask questions because of three reasons number one they could be asking a question because they're being defiant being defiant and I know about that one like my son know where my Buzz Lightyear outfit to school no why why why because I said so why why because I'm about to knock you to infinity and beyond you better put your uniform on being to fire this one another reason they have has questions is because they're seeking attention seeking attention and sometimes this dad needs to get off of Instagram and they're asking questions because they want my attention I kind of pay attention but thirdly and perhaps the most important reason they ask questions is simply because their brains are developing so they're not asking questions to be annoying they are just being thrown into a world that is new to them and because their brains are developing they want to know why why is this and why is that it is as you engage those questions with them that their brain and their cognitive ability is actually being developed it's interesting that the Bible says that if you're going to understand the kingdom of God you must become a little child and this picture that Jesus is portraying and this parable this story is actually being painted on the canvas of questions starts with questions and Jesus is in really the end of his ministry he's coming to the end of his life he's about to go to the cross the cross is imminent and he's trying to get his disciples to understand one of the hardest things for people to understand that is transition he said there's about to be a transition check this out I have been doing stuff for you you've been great height man go Jesus go Jesus go ID do the miracles you do the clapping he said there's about to be a shift he said I am going away I'm no longer gonna do the miracle for you but I'm gonna do the miracle through you you gotta be on the forefront you gotta cast out the demons now you gotta heal the sick now there's about to be a shift I'm leaving I'm coming back but as I leave I'll put my Holy Spirit in you to do what I've called you to do and when he dropped that bomb on them that he was about to leave like toddlers to their parents they started hitting him with questions how will we know when you're leaving give us the Blue's Clues give us the sign what will be the sign of your return they wanted to know and I'm so glad that Jesus didn't dismiss their questions he understood that their spirit was being developed and they needed to understand his kingdom so he takes the time to teach them with stories can I just work this thing a little bit today I feel like preaching three stories he gives them he tells a story about ten bridesmaids tells another story about some sheep and goats then he tells a story about a master that had three serve ten bridesmaids sheep and goats master with three servants I've never been a bridesmaid not a big fan of sheep or goats but I do have three kids five three and two so I'll pick the story about the master with the three and it's interesting because anytime you see a story in the Bible anytime you see a story if you really want to get and unearth what Jesus is saying in that story you need to ask yourself three questions of any story Jesus is telling ask three questions number one what is the context of the story number two who are the characters in the story number three what is the crazy in the story because whenever Jesus told a story because he's explaining his kingdom that is so transcendent from our kingdom how many know there's always a crazy part in the plot so you got to ask yourself what's the context who are the characters and where is the crazy tonight a social night I'm doing a different message and I'm talking about the prodigal sons the prodigal sons I'm you know the context of that story was that Jesus was hanging with some ratchet people and as he's hanging out with ratchets peep wretched people the religious people want to know why are you hanging out with ratchet people that was the context so he tells a story that has the characters of a father with two sons those are the characters how many know Jesus is the father and these two sons represent the two groups of people that were there in the room the prodigal was the one who was ratchet and the elder brother represent the religious and here's the crazy part in the story is that when the ratchet was out in Vegas partying it up doing crazy outlandish things when he comes back home after being in the Pigpen of life the Father does not give him a speech and spoiled him and say I cannot believe you wasted my inheritance the father doesn't bring shame the father doesn't bring condemnation the father didn't even let him get to the front door but starts running after that boy and hurts him and says here's my response to people who are far away who've messed up who missed the mark here's my response DJ start a party somebody get him some brand new clothes somebody get a steak and filet mignon that's the crazy part why do you a party but somebody who messed up because that's what grace does I'm preaching it here today that's the crazy part you get a party for jacking up so in this text today there is a context there is a context to this story in the context is Jesus is about to leave he's about to depart so look at the story he says there's a master who was about to depart for a long journey and he called his servants unto Him the master called his servants we got the context Jesus about to depart he says a master calls his servants well let's look at the characters there's only two categories of characters there are servants and there are masters so we got to ask ourself class who is the servant and who is the master is Jesus the master and we are the servants or is Jesus the servant and we are the Masters now some of y'all looking at me like Robert I mean come on - oh tit in here today I had communion for breakfast I already know the answer to what you're saying of course Jesus is the master and we are the servants how many know a lot of us say that with our lips but when it comes to our lives I think that we have inverted the story and we actually think that Jesus is the servant and that we are the Masters I know you wouldn't say with your life with your mouth but sometimes we say it with our life with our lips am I the only one that has ever come to God and say God here's the dream that I have here's what I want to accomplish can you just co-sign on this dream am I the only one that has ever written a script for my life and ask God to just be the executive producer and then when the script doesn't come to pass I got the nerve to get it dude to get mad to say god this is not what I planned out in my movie God said of course it's not what you planned out because you've been verted the story you think I'm your servant and you're the master but that is not the gospel the gospel is not me following you the Gospel as you push say everything and follow me I'm gonna preach it in here today you gotta get that part of the story at the onset if you think that you are the master and he is the servant you will always struggle in your faith you will always struggle in your walk with God because right at the onset God says I am NOT interested in being your sidepiece your side dinner your side dish or your side chick I am Lord of all otherwise I am NOT Lord at all let's just get this straight you are the servant I am the master there's an order to this Jesus says I am NOT interested in being in addition you're gonna understand this story if you understand my kingdom we must first establish there was only room for one master but there were three different servants said I'm the master you're the servants so here's the mindset of the master the mindset of the master is everything is mind everything is mind you are my servant if you'll read in some text it'll actually say slave it'll say bond serve it and I know when our contemporary context slave can really have a negative connotation but you understand in biblical context a bond servant had no rights at all it was not a negative context but a bond servant understood that everything you had was because of your master in fact Jesus establishing that perhaps the greatest slavery is when you are my slave because God says if you are my slave it is actually my captivity that is the only captivity that will bring freedom God said if I hold you hostage my hostage me don't you have to actually bring you freedom God is the only person that will capture you in order to set you free he says and the master you are the servant the mindset of the master is everything is mine but the mindset of the servant if you're gonna be a servant you got to get point number one that is so clear in the story and that is this you ready you don't own anything you don't own anything okay something y'all lookin at me like I'm crazy I want you to look at your neighbor I want you to get in their face get in their personal space and just say neighbor I know you look good I know you got it going on but newsflash you don't own anything oh come on tell the other neighbor the one you completely ignored come on say other neighbor oh I know you but I got a wife for you just let that sit right in your spirit right there you don't own anything I know your name is on the car I know your name is on the house you took a picture I put it on Facebook but I want to be clear right here you don't own anything this is the first principle I believe to even be a good servant and a good believer is to live your life from the context of I don't own anything the Bible says that the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof the world and everything that dwells in it Bible says in James that every good and perfect gift comes down from the family father of life whom there is no shadow of turning do you know what that means whether you even acknowledge it or not every good thing in your life came from God and it's for God I almost say that again every good thing in your life came from God and it's for God it is all gods you don't own anything some of y'all still look confused let me make it real practical the fact that you walked in here today guess what that's the goodness of God the fact that you rolled in here today guess what that's the goodness of God the fact that you got clothes on that's the goodness of that was the goodness that's the goodness Oh can we take a praise God don't get it twisted you don't own anything the day you think you own something that's the beginning of the end the day you think you are the owner that's when everything will go down in your life I don't even need Bible for this I don't even need about life we'll teach you nothing your life is a permanent possession oh you think all those clothes you think all you own is really yours I dare you to die your stuff will be on eBay your stuff will be on Amazon ha your kids will be fighting over that coat you love do you think your health is yours get a bad doctor's report do you think the wealth is yours let them say we're downsizing that a recession come do you think the house is yours let a natural disaster hit like well I'll just build another one well guess what you're gonna need some wood to build another house and guess who made the trees you don't you don't understand that if you don't understand that it's a slippery slope because we are not owners we're actually managers managers are stewards over what God's own this has always been his attention all the way from with the Garden of Eden he created everything Adam and Eve woke up to what God owned but he placed him in the garden because said I'm allowing you to manage what I own and how many you know they got it twisted and thought they were the owner instead of the managers and they took things into their own hands and that's when all hell broke loose held that we are still reaping the ramifications of because they made a shift and said I'm an owner when they were just managers so the first thing you got to understand is you don't own anything you are actually just a steward of what God has given you look at the beauty of stewardship thank God I'm not an owner but I get to be a manager there is a grace to stewardship thank God I get to steward what he gave me wait a minute what's the context of the story he's about to depart who are the characters he's a master where the servants what's the crazy oh I smell some crazy in the story since when does a master and trust his wealth and goods two servants that's when does the nanny get the inheritance over the child why is the servant being entrusted something this must be a good good master he's allowing servants to be blessed with wealth how many thankful that you serve a God who is so good that even servants in the household of God get entrusted with stewardship I love stewardship because it gives you access as a servant to something you know you don't deserve you know it Taylor and I'll tell her now we are we went to was that New Year's Eve we went to a friend of ours had a party in Miami and he's like man pastor friend he's like no we're having a party in Miami I want you to come out that's like hey you're my homie I'm there well I started looking up hotels on New Year's Eve in Miami and the cheapest hotel I found was about twenty-five hundred dollars a night twenty five dollars a night so we call me back it's like you come to the party I said man I looked at the hotels and my bank how to set up I can't really really had a place I'm balling on the budget I really can't do $2,500 a night my friend said blue my money said Robert don't worry about it the person who were having the party with his house he's actually a billionaire not a meal a billionaire he said he owns condos in Miami he said I'll talk to him you can just stay at his condo in Miami I said man you sure cuz he knows you he doesn't know me he's good don't worry about it I said you sure he knows you he didn't know me I'm Taylor he said don't worry about it it's cool so he set it all up he said okay his sister's gonna email you with all the details to give you access to the building so I'm nervous because you sleeping on the street here comes to this condo we walk up to this drive up to this is this comfortable because I was just a manager for that night I was not an owner so I said hold on Taylor don't sit down on the white couch too long Zedan own it I was just a manager the joy that I had when I was in that condo should have been the joy of all three of this the servants in our store today and unfortunately only two had joy one didn't let's look at why y'all bored yet says there one servant was entrusted five talents another one two talents another one one talent a talent it's not how we describe talent is actually a weight of measurement that that weighed something that was very valuable so don't think like a coin or ability or so think like a gold weight like a bar that's what they were given one got five one got two another one got one so as I heard that I'm a millennial so you know I smelled the injustice I said hold on five two on one that'll make sense but then I had to do my due diligence and study and found out that a talent just one talent was worth three months of work this is a good master so just one you got three months paid vacation start studying some more found out that most scholars actually believe that one talent today would be worth approximately one point four billion dollars there's a good master one got five one got two another one one it also says that these talents were given by the master to the servants according to their ability whether given arbitrarily it was according to their ability let's think about that ability must be assessed I don't know your ability until I assess it which means I have to be aware she means I have to watch that means before the master dispersed these talents he was watching he was looking maybe when the service didn't even realize he was looking a servant one servant to come to work on time every day servant three I always got some excuse every day where's traffic every day he was watching he was watching seeing how they were stewarding what they already had see somebody to understand God is watching everything Jonel said how can you be begging God to give you more resource well you're not even being playful for what he's given you he wants to see what are you doing with what I've given you right now he was watching him the whole time and he gave it to him according to their ability he knew this dude could handle five he knew he could handle two and he knew he could handle one and because talents were weights he knew that they could handle the weight of what he gave him how many know this is your year to stop being jealous and stop hating of others on other people how many you say I just want what I can't handle God don't give me too much but give me what you and your sovereignty and your wisdom knows that I can handle one got five one got two another one got one what is the common denominator it's not the amounts oh here's the common denominator it's number two and that is you have been gifted with something every single person got something they might not have got to save them out but they all got something and I'm wondered a do you know that you have been gifted with something something that you gotta work for something you don't have to pay for but something in God's grace he just gave it to you do you know what you've been gifted with because you'll never do what God has called you to do until you are aware of what he's given you come on this is the year of the mouth so I got to make you declare some things come on with you just declare this say I have been gifted with something say it like you believe it say I have been gifted with something ah there's something God has given you to do what He has called you to do I wonder if you know what it is you've been gifted with something it's a matter of fact I want to do an exercise if you are on the front row shout out to the front row people okay if you're on the front row in any section okay you know any section I need you do me a favor and you should look under your seat look under your seat fill up under your seat if you on the front row and if there is something under your seat I need you to come here real quick yeah yeah there we go yeah there it is you got something oh come on come on up yes now come on y'all make some noise don't be jealous don't be bad yeah don't open it yet don't open it don't open the year but I just want you to hold it yeah you know what I love about that I love that I knew that was under those seats before you even walked in here and it felt good to know that you know what else I got to tell you about what you're holding you're gonna find out in a minute but what you're holding is incredibly valuable something valuable and what your whole effect hold up I think I got something too in my illustration let me bless me with something tell and I wanted them to illustrate what it feels like to be sitting on something of value and not even know it the whole 20-something minutes I've been preaching hallelujah Oh 20 something minutes I was sitting on something of value and they didn't even know it was under there do you know how many people about what he got in she got not understanding that right in you and something God has given you somebody's [Music] got some ability he's given you something all of us got something your gift your talent your ability now I wish I could just stop right here and understanding that you got something and there's something's in the envelope how many know we got to open up this envelope to see what's in it we got to discover it this is all life this is trying to discover what he gave you this is all your life some people find out at 4:00 even in my kids right now I'm watching I'm watching don't let me hit one good no don't let it go throw this on my hold on is that is I watching how they interact with you because I know they got something everybody has something I'm watching I'm watching them I'm trying to see what's in them because they have been given something do you know what you have because he's given not a single servant receive nothing they all got something but here's the tension and the text before we open it the tension in the text that really made me had have empathy for surfer number one is I wish I wish the master would have called you privately in his office given you your talent then you walked away then called you in privately giving you your talent walked away and then call servant number three and give him his privately in the office or maybe even better direct deposit in the bank account direct deposit that's not what he did the tension is that he called them all can we get a little closer come on like we love each other you called them all together so that means servant two and three had to watch him get his would you open pull it out quickly cuz you know my time is going show it okay how much is that a hundred dollars hey come on somebody and people say the church wants your body you got blessed today actually I need that back we got another service afternoon I'm not even playing but hold it up can you just hold it up yeah hold it up got a hundred you open yours what'd you get dear oh she got something out his life yeah let me open line [Applause] I got something I get hunt dollar my illustration I get a dollar what you get what you get yeah working about $4 server one love what he got immediately went to work back at his seat to work what got gamble servant number two received it gladly and immediately went back till you see weren't you got third servant couldn't get over the fact that he got one he got a hundred she got to you what can you get what $1 immediately instead of looking down and saying I better go work this he made the scariest look to the left to see a hundred Dean and why I'm worth more than what comparison stopped him from seeing the value you know what he got and nothing will stop you from seeing the value of what God has given you good bye look at him what somebody else God [Applause] because God not hold you accountable for what somebody else got but he will hold you accountable here's what here's what you don't hear in the text but his actions scream 110 1 that's not if you want to see somebody get in a funk let something not be fair I'm amazed how my kids as young as they are break it off a cookie and one of them just come [Music] they already understand this concept at a young age that this is not you want to see somebody get in a funk let something not be fair you never really graduate out of that is just different scenario the older you get crazy how we scream for fair the only sick person and as I'm driving on the highway I know always know the exit for the hallway it's always gonna be bad so you got to pretend like you didn't know the exit was coming up you gotta skip all those cars squeeze in not only sit person that does this but then when I Drive and somebody tries to get in front of me and don't let it be a nice car you don't know you don't get in front of me excuse you yeah yeah we want there we want there but I hate to break the news God it's not fair our whole gospel is centered on unfairness the cross was unfair never did anything wrong who healed the sick dad was first on the cross so that we who did the same experience life and grace and joy oh you want to spell grace you in f/a I that's how you spell grace spelled across you in FA I could just got so nervous I feel like I was on a spelling bee it's like is that okay yeah unfair he'll put you in such a funk because instead of seeing him as a gracious master okay from something now he is mad that the master didn't give him what he thought he deserved and you'd be shocked at the people sitting in this room right now who had been in a funk some of you for years cuz you don't see the value of what he's given you you're screaming at God this is not oh yeah and God told me to preach this message to wake you up to see the value of what he's given you you don't want to see the value of this dollar she'll think this dollars valuable this is so valuable it's a soap I could take I could take somebody to coffee for this dollar a business person to coffee and just ask you questions about how you started your business this is a value but some seeds with this dollar and plant those seeds in my backyard start me a tomato business Roberts Tomatoes I'll be in the parking lot right after service you want these tomatoes bottom with a dollar the seat start me an enterprise you all know the bassy something I only go to Target you bushi let me show you the value of the dollar [Applause] I'm going shopping after service today you don't know the value of what he's given you you don't know the value you have a misperception about the master when you don't value it look what he did he buried it can you see this fool look they call him lazy at the end but if you really think he's not lazy because he's taking the time to dig a hole to bury what was given to him what and you know you're not being a faithful steward of what he's given you when you're exerting energy in the wrong area some you exerting energy on something that God hadn't even called you to do because you don't see the value of what he's given you buried it you mistrust the master because he thought it wasn't fair mister trust always starts with misperception he didn't see it right and when he buried it and forgot about it I honestly think he didn't think the master was going to ever come back master left by jerk one dollar worth at least 200 Oh Darien live my life do it I want to do live in his life and I think after years down the road years after you forgot he's at a party dancing do what I want you stay in that master looks at his cell phone he's got a bunch of missed calls from serving one servant to the excellent has him saving his phone it's jerk one jerk to this is how salty he is why they call him me whatever don't keep calling reads a text message and the words shake him to his core the text reads the Masters back the Masters back and serving one and serving two because they were working what God gave them they're actually excited that the Masters coming back look I wait to show him what I did with what he gave me but um you know surfing through his heart is beating out of his chest because he's about to be hit in the face with the reality of number three you will be held accountable service gotta know number one you don't own anything number two you have been gifted with something but number three you will be held accountable do you realize this is the only part of the story that hasn't manifested today everything the story has happened the master has gone away just an amazing exit he levitated to the heavens we're still waiting on his return he has given you something happened he has it come back so my question is are you working what he gave you or have you buried it because you don't see the value of what you got you will be held accountable worship team join me do you realize we live our entire lives on earth to hear two words well everything we do is to hear two words well done and some of us were healed well done some of us were here we're just here well we didn't see the value what he gave you it calls them into account serving father's excited master you know the kid would always do they answer they're like Oh pick me you gave me five here's five more well done good and faithful servant in turn to the joy of the Lord sir from number two Oh hold up move move move my turn my turn he gave me too guess what here's two more well done good and faithful servant now forgive me this how I read the Bible I messed up if I'm sorry for number five number one and I got five and you say the same thing to serve Him number two they got to ten he's got four she's not got like a well well good and faithful servant how you giving the same words of encouragement it's different amounts God says not in the way I look at it because both of them doubled it it wasn't the same amount but both of them doubled it because they were both faithful and I don't know who I'm speaking to but in this year of 2020 God said this is your year doubles do you know what it is for you just to be alive to see a year with double 20/20 is there anybody in here that says this is the year that I got a wife but God is giving me God did not save me and redeem me let me just the come to church and sit on my blessed assurance but God I know there's more in me if something I gotta work there's something I gotta stir up come on double it it might not be what you are but I'm gonna give it the same effort I might double it well done in this last servant says master I knew you to be a hard master reaping where you have not solved do you see the misperception of the master which caused the mistrust he said here take what is yours take what is yours at the end of his life he's making a declaration of what he should have known from the beginning that it was never yours in the first place and now you want to say take what is yours you should have known it wasn't yours from the beginning and it worked what I gave you and seen it as valuable it's going says take it from him give it to the one who has ten who has much more will be given and he who has even what he has will be taken away from him cast is serving out there will be darkness weeping and gnashing of teeth can you see that servant watching the master take that one and give it to the one with ten and cast them out watch this with them will be weeping and gnashing of teeth now if you like me you've been raised in church as soon as you hear weeping and gnashing of teeth maybe your mind goes to what hell there are verses with that but I don't know that's necessarily what this verse is talking about this is about stewardship and working what he gave you and how many no you don't earn salvation by works salvation just comes from grace through faith I'm not working to get into heaven as soon as I make a confession of the pain and put my faith in Jesus quite I am saved not by my works this is about stewardship do you know what the phrase weeping and gnashing of teeth signifies the original context is actually weeping and grinding of teeth it's the image of regret if you have deep regret weep you crying your teeth told you my kids of five three and two you got a lot of tensions going on a few weeks ago Evie who is five was storing the biggest fit getting ready to go to school the night before we went to Sprinkles Cupcakes got three cupcakes for all three of them five three and two and he's used to getting you know we're trying everything time out pop on the bottom just whatever it is so we said you need to change your attitude don't change my attitude okay Evie you get back from school today cuz you acted like this you're going to Tom out and you're not getting your cupcake cupcake okay Evie after school you're going to Tom out you won't get your cupcake Evie goes to school has an awesome day comes in from school happy conversation this morning what conversation we had a bad attitude Eve you got to go to timeout you're not getting your cupcake she had to sit in a corner and watch her younger brother and sister eat the sprinkles cupcake and you know they were the worst cuz they're like oh I got my cake is good and guess what she had and Tom out weeping [Music] to us gnashing of teeth the regret wish I would've obeyed the reason I called this sermon start back at one that servant is in the dark weeping Manistee I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I went over I wanna start back at one we're still in the beginning of a new year start back at what he gave you don't bury it out of fear this is your year to stir up what he gave you could you stand to your feet all over this place today Father thank you that you are a good master Lord we're honored to be your servants father we declare that you are the master we are the servants father we will not invert the gospel trying to get you to follow us Lord we will follow you we give you permission and this year of the double I give you permission to wreck our lives our routine brake systems of comfort where we settled but I pray for the person who's buried what you gave them because they didn't see it as valuable let this be the moment right now where your Holy Spirit opens up their eyes to see the value of what they have as God it is a worth in for your kingdom and for your glory heads about other clothes all over this place today but if you be so on to say pastor Robert this is this is for me I don't know which point of the message hit you but I know this is for somebody maybe you bury what he's giving you out of fear maybe you've buried it out of comparison because you felt like you don't have anything I'm here today you say you know what the only part of the story that hasn't happened as the master has not come back he is coming back but the fact that you're still breathing and you still have a pulse means that you still have an opportunity to work what he gave you so heads bowed and eyes closed for you here today and you say that's me would you just lift up your hand as a sign to say Lord that's me that's me just lift it up I'm gonna be a faithful steward of what you give to me thank you Jesus hands are going up all over this place today thank you God you can lift it up and put it right back down heads are still bound also still closed Theater Dan you've never taken that first step with you to say Jesus my life is yours right now you are the master of your life and you see where that's taking you [Music] and your response today is say Lord I'm tired of being the master from my life I need a surrender to you and you don't gotta fix yourself you don't have to get yourself together to come to God you come to him just as you are so what heads bowed and eyes closed you here today and you said you know and I haven't surrendered my life to Jesus but today today I'm giving about life today come on this is a good master it is his captivity that will bring you freedom is his hostage him holding you hostage actually brings you hope and peace and healing that's you today you see I need to give him my life would you just lift up your hand high enough long enough to work and see if maybe need to rededicate your life to Him if that's you I want you to lift it up thank you Jesus lift it up and put it right back down thank you here's what I want us to do we have another service but these authors are gonna be opening after our pray but can we all just as a sign of surrender lift up our hands to heaven let's just pray this prayer this is the year of the Balthus declare this would you just say this we're all going to say it but specially if you respond and say dear Jesus my hands are lifted because I surrender all that I am is yours Lord I declare and how available to you Jesus I know you're a good master so I accept you as the Lord of my life you can have it all coming to my life make me brand new from this moment forward I'm walking with you show me the value in what you gave me and I will use it I don't own anything but I will faithfully steward what you have given me until you come back for me in Jesus name Amen amen amen come on if you man what you pray would you give God praise oh come on you can do better than that would you give Jesus praise today
Channel: Trinity Church Cedar Hill
Views: 72,569
Rating: 4.9113035 out of 5
Keywords: TrinityChurch, Trinity, Church, CedarHill, Robert Madu, Taylor Madu, Social Dallas
Id: ta_1DaPpnw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 56sec (3416 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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