PERSEVERE! | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch | Sept. 16

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hello thank you so much for joining me for give him 15. the title of our post today is persevere yesterday's post was about staying the course today's is on the same subject perseverance persistence staying the course i don't know why these things happen to me like the time i was expertly postulating on the subject of mind renewal in detroit michigan saturday morning was the final four hours of a 10 hour intensive at about three hours into my captivating dissertation a lady to my right could persevere no longer my greek words deep revelation and incredible presentation finally pushed her into slumber land my words do have a calming effect i don't like to brag but not everyone can produce such mind-numbing revelation and soul tranquilizing truth peace that's what it is it takes years of study and learning to mature to this point in public speaking to make the situation much more meaningful this lady was a snorer obviously a professional the room wasn't all that big there were probably a hundred people seated around tables that accommodated 10 people each meaning everyone was within earshot of this message confirming endorsement of the highest order her first snore wasn't all that impressive just a small warm up hurt only by those of us within 20 to 30 feet of her those seated next to her were polite enough not to awaken her so that the full effect of this nasal applause could continue less discerning people would have foolishly roused her robbing us of this blessing but those seated around her were sharp they let it continue the second snore was better becoming more worthy praise of my glorious teaching reaching two-thirds of the room those around her appreciating the stunning effect the these snorts of praise would produce again allowed her to continue i was amazed no one was rude enough to nudge her awake the third snore reached full volume the kind of z's dreams are made of one for the record books awakening everyone everyone to the profoundness of my deep stirring words all eyes were now on this peaceful woman this i shouted seizing the moment is the kind of deep tranquility i'm speaking of let the power of my word so stir each of you hallelujah the lady awakened by my shouting set up with a start and grunted aloud amen which added increased weight to my words savoring the sweetness of the moment i decided it was a good time for a coffee break i could tell by the smiles and soft chuckles everyone agreed a recording of this presentation entitled sounds of serenity can be ordered from my product department and that's a true story by the way several years ago in oklahoma another lady helped me with one of my messages i was teaching on the following verses hebrews 6 12 that you may not be sluggish but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises hebrews 10 35-36 therefore do not throw away your confidence which has a great reward for you of need of endurance so that when you've done the will of god you may receive what was promised emphasizing the need for patience and endurance if we are to receive answers to our prayers i shared the following story one night a man had a dream in which an angel gave him a guided tour of heaven he saw the golden streets beautiful mansions and millions of saints in this wonderful place then he saw a huge building miles long which looked out of place what is that he asked the angel that's god's warehouse was the response it's where god stores the things he had prepared to give people in answer to their prayers before he released them however the people gave up hope lost their faith and doubted his promise their unbelief prohibited him from giving them these things so he stores them in his warehouse wow said the man can i see inside sure said the angel and proceeded to show the man a building filled with money houses cars boats clothing food just about everything you could imagine just as i was about to make my powerful point don't give up don't cast away your confidence stay the course you don't want your provision stored in god's heavenly warehouse just before i made that profound statement a little lady on the front row spoke up in a quiet mischievous voice she asked were there any men there i don't believe i was able to regain control of that meeting i lost it i don't know if god has a warehouse and if he does i doubt there are any men in it but i do believe it's possible to ask god for something and failed to receive it because we wavered in the waiting period we need perseverance in our intercession we must stay the course there are two words i want you to listen closely if you're doing something while you're listening to this you might want to put it on paul's so you can be careful to follow me there are two words in the new testament that are related to the concept of staying the course one is found in hebrews 4 14 therefore since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens jesus the son of god let us hold fast our confession the words hold fast come from the greek word crate oh the word kratos has the meaning of power strength might and vigor the concept of this word is regarding the strength with which one is holding on to something holding on vastly the verse tells us to hold strongly to our confession a word which means say the same thing that's the literal meaning of confession there homologia say the same thing therefore holding fast to our confession means with all your strength hold on to what god says and say it the other word is found in hebrews 10 23. let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering for he who promised is faithful both verses have the phrase hold fast to our confession in this verse hold fast is a different word it's not crate oh it's kateco the root word here echo simply means to have or hold the prefix kata making it kateco is what intensifies the meaning to that of holding onto something securely or firmly nothing too profound about that but this word became a nautical term meaning to set one's course or hold to a course so that boat that ship sets its course and stays on it holds fast to it it's used that way in acts 27 40. holding on strongly to what god says saying it decreeing it confessing it enables us to stay on course we are kept from wavering from being blown off course by adversity adverse winds opposition as we say what god says this is why i repeat some things in these posts over and over for example america shall be saved every time we say it we are keeping ourselves on course one other thing that occurs as we hold fast to our confession is that we become pregnant with his words god's words are seeds that produce faith in us the root word echo again catecho is actually one of the words for being with child or being pregnant matthew 1 18 it's used that way regarding mary therefore holding fast to what god says causes us to become pregnant become pregnant with what he says until we are finally able to give birth to it as my dad used to say thou preach for years william wilberforce pushed britain's parliament to abolish slavery discouraged he was about to give up his elderly friend john wesley heard of it and from his deathbed called for pen and paper with trembling hand wesley wrote unless god has raised you up for this very thing you will be worn out by the opposition of man men and devils but if god be for you who can be against you are all of them stronger than god oh be not weary of well doing go on in the name of god and the power of his might till even american slavery shall vanish away before it wesley died six six days later but wilberforce fought for 45 more years and in 1833 three days before his death saw slavery abolished in britain so today friend stay the course let's pray father thank you for your promises you cannot lie your word is true your promises are unfailing your words contain power you said they accomplish what you sent them to do you honor your words above even your name you have told us america shall be saved you have told us the greatest revival in history is beginning you told us you were building an ecclesia that the gates of hell could not prevail against we hold fast to those words they are growing in us we are pregnant with these promises and through the power of holy spirit we will give birth to them we ask you once again for a billion souls and decree it again one billion or more souls are coming into your kingdom in this revival we decree once again that miracles are coming in great numbers we decree that nations will be transformed we decree that people from every tribe and tongue will be in your family we decree that no force can stop this and we decree according to the word of the prophets this has begun and our last decree today is we decree that the words of god will never pass away they are eternal all-powerful and that through them we will stay the course amen thank you so much just to honor the publishers portions of today's post were taken from my book the essential guide to prayer stay the course see you tomorrow
Channel: Dutch Sheets
Views: 30,895
Rating: 4.967381 out of 5
Keywords: An Appeal To Heaven, Appeal To Heaven, America shall be saved, Dutch Sheets Ministries, DSM, Give Him 15, Give Him Fifteen, GH15, Daily Prayer
Id: 3bIMduRj6nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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