Partying Without Wine | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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who came hungry come on who's hungry in this place in here today [Music] mixing [Music] we will not be [Music] he is overcome [Music] i will not die power of christ alive in me and i am free in jesus name [Music] he is [Music] [Music] this morning [Music] we're gonna declare that god is on your side and he's pushing back the darkness in your life [Music] shout it out come on you sing god [Music] is me [Music] is [Music] jesus is [Music] come on somebody felt like you got victory here this morning come on you got victory here this morning my assumption is that the 11 o'clock service is maybe the younger more modern people like me right you look more modern you look cooler right well i grew up in a real pentecostal church and whenever we said in the name of jesus in the name of jesus satan would have to flee so i don't know if there's any some old pentecostal people in here maybe that know the power in the name of jesus and now that you can look hell in the face and still declare god is fighting for it you say god is [Music] that was cute when i say like you got the holy ghost [Music] is [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] in this place we declare the victory of god the victory that happens the triumph that happens when we declare the name of jesus we enter his gates with thanksgiving his [Music] [Music] [Music] i met a man and he told me that i was not alone he picked me up forever [Music] got no choice but you believe my doubts are burning you can just keep it moving he picked me up [Music] he set me free you set me free [Music] help me [Music] i who i am free [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on are we responding out of a place of being redeemed are we responding from a place of being set free are we responding from a place of being a son being a daughter forever changed forever changed forever free this is my story come on can you sing this is your testimony i needed a rescue my sin was heavy but james break got the weight of your glory [Music] when i was broken [Music] [Music] got the broken you were my healing you pick me up [Music] he changed [Music] [Music] come on just sing it out [Music] oh we praise god we praise god holy praise god [Music] come on every hand lifted in this place just look to him look to him as the author of your faith the author of your story the one who's changed everything pour out praise to that king pour our praise to that jesus he's in this place deserving of glory deserving of honor deserving of praise look at what he's done look how good he's been we praise god we praise god we praise god we praise god [Music] come on and if you're going through something today if you're going through something the invitation is not to shove it to the side the invitation is to worship through amen the invitation is never to say i don't know what my problems are i gotta ignore what's happening in my heart no it is to worship through it it is to worship through all things in every season we pour out praise in every season i am grateful i will continually rejoice i will continually give thanks and i will pray without ceasing and my father will know that i am faithful to him no matter what i'm facing come on can you just sing that one more time listen to what he's done he picked me up he turned me around he placed my feet on solid i thank the master i thank the savior you've healed my heart and you've changed my name forever free i'm not the same i think the master i thank the savior i thank god i thank god [Applause] [Music] yeah why don't you just sit in this moment for a second just look to him look to him as a father as the one who's pleased when you look at him the one who's pleased when you worship him lord in this place we let thanksgiving flow from our hearts before we ask you for anything before we pull on you for anything we just say thank you for who you are we bless your heart in this place we want to please your heart in this place we want to make you smile in this place we want to make your heart glad and your heart full of joy that is our focus that's our priority that's what we've come to do is to bless and honor the name of jesus so be exalted here be exalted in this [Music] place [Music] [Music] and i exalt thee just because you're worthy so we pour our praise in this place and i exalt thee and i exalt me [Music] come on one more time can we shout it in this place pour our praise at his feet [Music] [Music] [Music] today [Music] king jesus [Music] to the one who is able to the one who's conquered it all we place our faith in this king we put our trust in this king all our hope in this king [Music] and they say this mountain can't be moved they say these chains will never break but they don't know you like we do and there is power in your name we've heard that there is no way through and we've heard the tides will never change but they haven't seen what you can do and there is power in your name we declare it now so much power in your [Music] [Music] god we believe god we believe for it from the impossible we'll see a miracle god we believe god we believe for it [Music] break the unbreakable [Music] [Applause] [Music] god we [Music] oh you are the way when this seems to be no way we trust in you god you have the final say we trust [Music] foreign will be a miracle oh god we believe foreign confident in our god we are confident in our core we believe for it one more time just declared in this place god we believe full of faith we see [Music] movies [Music] [Music] we believe because of what you've done because of who you are oh it's easy to believe because i've seen you move you move the mountains and i believe i'll see you do it again you made a way where there was no way [Music] [Music] come on this could be costly for some of us why don't you stir up your faith stir up your heart [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] do it again [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] i believe [Music] one more time i feel faith in this place today why don't you sing it [Music] [Applause] [Music] again [Music] let's really give god a great praise this morning nothing's impossible we praise you god you can you will you are we praise you we praise you we praise you we praise you bless your name jesus bless your name jesus bless your name jesus i believe you mean that i believe you're singing like you mean that the presence of the lord is here so strong this morning and we honor him the king of kings the lord of lords the answer the only answer is jesus the comforter the healer the one who understands the one who bottles our tears to the book of revelation the one who said i'll never leave you i'll never forsake you i'll never abandon you i'll never say too much i walk away the one who died for you carried your sin in his body died in on the third day he did get up he did triumphantly come out of the grave and he said because i live you can have the peace and assurance that anyone who trusts in me and puts their faith in me they'll live also death where is your grave where's your sting and grave where's your victory we are overcomers we have peace through christ today and i love him don't you smile at someone tell them you look better than the last time i saw you i don't know what you're doing but it's working i love you give me the key for i love you i love you i love you lord today i love you i love you i love you lord today because you care for me in such a special way that's why i praise you i'll just lift you up i've come to magnify your name that's why my heart is just filled with praise you know it's singing oh i love you i love you i love you more today even today because you cared for you cared for me in such a special way that's why is [Music] hey [Music] um whoa [Music] no matter what's going on in my life you care for me in such a careful way and that's why i pray oh i lift you up oh i magnify your [Music] that's why my heart is nothing in this heart of mind but prays for the lord that's why my heart is filled with praise [Music] oh hallelujah let's just take a moment and worship him right now just raise the hand as a witness if he's cared for you in a special way you can look back and you don't know how you made it you don't know how you made it but he carried you you didn't even recognize it when you were going through it but he was watching you carefully loving you caring well yes he was we are standing on the holy ground [Music] all around so let us praise [Music] jesus [Music] we are standing in his presence on holy ground [Music] sing one more time i love you i love you i love you lord sing it as a little prayer of gratitude oh because you care for me it's such a special way that's why [Music] i gotta play it just one more time i really love the lord today huh [Music] everybody's singing now lord i love you i love you [Music] [Music] if you'll praise him he'll do it oh i magnify your precious name [Music] that's why my heart is [Music] give him a mighty praise this morning hallelujah praise the lord if you have your bibles you may be seated thank you so much the presence of the lord is here his presence is powerful i'm reading today from john the second chapter what a beautiful group of people i told them in the first service that you are the fruit that remains i think covet was supposed to wipe the church out but look at this place it was this way in the other service too we don't have room enough people are in the overflow and it's fruit that remains and we thank god for each of you we appreciate each of you john chapter 2 is where i want to begin reading on the third day was the wedding in canaan of galilee the mother of jesus was there now both jesus and his disciples notice this were invited to the wedding and they ran out of wine and the mother of jesus said to them said to him they have no wine in verse six now there were set six water pots of stone according to manner of purification of jews containing about 30 gallons apiece jesus said to them fill the waters water pots with water they filled them up to the brim and he said draw some now take it to the master or the governor of the feast it's important when the governor or the dignitary of the whole community tasted it the water that was made wine and did not know where it came from the master of the feast called the bridegroom and he said every man at the beginning of a party sets out the good wine and when the guests have well drunk then he brings the inferior you have kept the good wine until now one translation said you've kept the good wine until last this was the beginning of the signs of miracles that jesus did in cana i want to talk to you about this story in the new testament the first miracle that jesus ever performed and i believe it's a picture of what the holy spirit wants to do for every person under the sound of my voice if i had a title i would call this what the holy spirit wants to do for you because he really has he really has sustainable joy no matter what you go through in life i'm going to prove it to you in the scripture in the hebrew culture it was very uh normal for marriage to be more than a ceremony of ritual and kind of you know just just something that you do for about an hour like we have wedding ceremonies now it was a huge part of the hebrew culture that they would turn it into an event they lived in small villages the whole village would turn out people would come nobody in the town would probably hardly be excluded it would be a huge celebration p it would go on for days and the story of the uh ten virgins in the new testament it was a party that was going on for days and you read this throughout the scripture and it was very much so happening on this occasion you could not just have a legal ceremony a transaction some sober somber legalistic thing that was not a marriage in the hebrew culture and still isn't to this day but it was a party and jesus was invited to the party he had not yet begun his miracle ministry he had performed no signs no wonders the first thing that he did that would initiate the first miracle that would start and lay the foundation for every other thing including our salvation would begin not in a temple not in a church but at a wild party jesus was invited to the party and what got me is holy sanctified jesus accepted the invitation to a wild party they invited him and he went to the party i could just see in my mind jesus getting dressed and he comes out and he's all decked out and the disciples said where are we going jesus we're going to synagogue we're going to church we're going to pray for the multitudes you're going to do a new teaching up on the boulder over there on the mountain what are we going to do no we're going to a party when he got there there was the bible doesn't doesn't fit little christians religious minds all the time when he got there there was a huge celebration going on everybody who was anybody was there the bible makes it clear that the governor or the the the the people who were most famous and known perhaps the the dignitaries we would call them they were at the head table all of the important people all of the invited guests the governor of that region powerful people wealthy people people who had the best of everything they were sitting at the table of honor what's strange about it is they didn't even know who they had invited to the party they thought the guests of honor were at the table of honor but the guest of honor the real the way the truth and the life was out in the midst of the party on the dance floor standing around while people were backing it up and and hooping and hollering and having the biggest party you've ever seen and jesus got right in the middle of it and they didn't even know he was there isn't it funny how you can be in the presence of god and not get the benefits of god until circumstances arise that only god can handle sometimes god allows circumstances to come into our life to bring a new awareness that we need him that he's there he could be there and we treat him like somebody out don't call me i'll call you until we need a miracle isn't it funny how something can happen and all of the sudden you need him and when you need him you develop an appetite for him god has a way of allowing life to bring us to a point in circumstances to come in our life to where we just really need him that all the stuff that was entertaining us and all the stuff that had our attention and all the stuff that we thought would make us happy and give us what we want somehow somehow it's not enough nobody was praying at the party just folks dancing just folks drinking just folks having a huge celebration and right in the midst of celebration and partying god knows how to get a generation's attention he was there at the party it ought to make a shudder it ought to make us tremble to think of the times that jesus was there when we were doing things and we were in places and we were involved in situations and he was there all the time quietly observing not condemning us just watching us do our own thing mock his name mock his word and he was there not even aware they were not even aware that he was at the party he was there at your party he was there at the club he was there in vegas he was there at the dog track this is where the story gets interesting at some point what the world has to offer its very best the bible said and they ran out of wine don't ever tell your children there's nothing the world has us any good those people are miserable sin is fun for a season but there comes a time when the party always every time runs out of wine and you find yourself partying without wine they were dancing they were hooping and hollering and carrying on but they ran out of wine and the mother of jesus said they have no wine wine in the bible represents listen to me carefully sustainable joy something has happened it was fun it was exciting it was intoxicating it was amazing it was a thrill but always what the enemy offers you it starts out amazing and he gives you the best first but they ran out of wine something had gone out of the party and i was thinking about this as i was studying this story and that's really what happens is every time something goes out of the party it's just a matter of time it's just a matter of time i don't care who you are i don't care what you have i don't care where you live i don't care how much money you have it's not enough to sustain joy at some point in this life circumstances come and if your if your joy is centered in money and titles and power in party and people in popularity and fame and fortune it will run out of wine there is no sustainable joy in anything in this life do you know what it is to have something go out of it still celebrating still partying and the run the wine runs out still laughing but the jokes aren't funny now still acting like you're having a good time and going through the motions but really you just wish you could go home still in the arms of somebody who you thought would be enough but now you're finally waking up that the wine has gone out of the party you're partying without wine that job that you thought you couldn't live without and if i could just get that position that career that job oh that will be my source of joy and happiness and success in life but you're partying without wine now the job's not enough that car that home that career that paycheck now it's dull something has gone out of the party the party is not what you thought it was every time i don't care who you are i don't care how much fun you're having there's pleasure in sin for a season but there will come a time when the party will not be enough the part is not what you thought it was and what blessed me about this story is the extreme patience of jesus he's watching people curse his name he's watching people mock he's watching people and doing things and involved in in things and with extreme patience he comes to our party not to condemn us not to get us not to hurt us but he sits there and he waits patiently in line as we try this and we try that and we replace him with this and we replace him with that he'll just sit in the corner and let you carry on until you find out the party scene is not as great as you thought it was the money doesn't have the power you thought it had to give you joy the person doesn't fulfill you like you thought they would they're having a wedding but they're partying without wine it was only then that the party ran out of wine that the spotlight hit jesus up until that point everybody's looking at the bridegroom and the bride and look at that celebrity and look at that person wow so-and-so's here whoa he's so rich look at her look at that outfit they're all noticing that but as soon as the party ran out of wine suddenly the spotlight hits jesus and isn't it funny how we can focus on everybody and everything until we run out of wine and suddenly there's an emergency all of the sudden the party crowd the joy is not there the the champagne is being replaced with real pain something's gone out of the party and we're laughing but i remember when i was in sin i remember when i started feeling something go out of the party i couldn't get high enough i couldn't get drunk enough i couldn't get far out there enough because something was missing and i've come today to announce that the church has come to the world's party if covet 19 has done anything to the world and especially to this nation america it has caused us to realize that we're partying without wine even as powerful as hollywood is down the road something's going out of that party even the powerful clubs and a a culture that thrives on the party life and the scene and the vibe something has gone out of the party and we've been overlooked as christians we've been not noticed we've been laughed at mocked by talk shows ridiculed by movies and even in history the christians were thrown in snake pits and burned alive and crucified upside down but we are still at the party and it's a time now like never before for us to take the spotlight and put it on the only one who can offer a broken world sustainable joy i'm not talking about joy because your life is perfect i'm not talking about joy because you've got a beautiful everything in your life and and i'm talking about a sustainable joy that when the trials come when the heartbreak comes when the pain comes of life and it comes to all of us there is something that can sustain you you do not run out of wine when you have jesus i'm not always joyful out of my mind but i have a deep settled joy down in my soul that says what i have the world did not give and the world cannot take away somebody clap your hands and say that's my jesus put the spotlight on him if you're in sorrow if you're in pain put the spotlight on him if you don't know where to turn to and you're depressed and fearful and you feel no hope and you're addicted and you put the spotlight on him he is the sustainable source of joy what you're missing only jesus can give you verse 6 said that jesus then said to them when his mother made him he didn't want to do the miracle his mother made him his mother pulled the trigger on his destiny and that's something his mother he said he called her i didn't i didn't read the verse he said woman what have i to do with you i i don't this is not time trying to talk to his mama like that his mama said just he turned she ignored jesus and said whatever he tells you to do do it send it to the servants and then she looked at him and said boy don't make me and jesus the son of god but the son of mary said bring me the six everybody say six water pots and fill them with water up to the brim those ceremonial water pots were old religious pots that were used the high priest would wash and the people would wash before they went into the holy place they had been around for decades six of them six is the number of man six is the number of sin the antichrist number six six six he said fill them six of them with water what i want you to understand is god can take old pots and perform new miracles god can take old things and you may have been in this a long time or you may be going through a lot of things and you've accumulated a lot of sorrow in life but god knows how to bring new miracles to old pots god knows how to bring new wine to old marriages god knows how to bring new wine to old situations that have been prolonged and going on a long time god can take something used and abused and he can turn it into a miracle and he said bring me bring me the water and i'll give you wine they brought these huge these huge barrels we would call them or ceremonial pots six of them filled with water to the brim filled with water to the brim that's so important and and jesus said i'll turn the water into wine if he would have turned grapes into wine that's one thing if you want orange juice you need some oranges it needs to be the same component if if you want apple juice you need some apples but jesus was saying when he said i don't need grapes to make wine i want you to fill them full of water he said i'm not asking for anything that remotely resembles wine i'm going to make it into what it cannot make itself wine is weak our water is weak wine is strong water is cheap wine is expensive water is tasteless wine is intoxicating and jesus said there's nothing in the water that can make it from weak to strong from cheap to expensive valuable there's nothing in it that can make it from tasteless to intoxicating and powerful i'm the only one bring it to me and when you get in the power of my presence i can turn weak things strong i can turn cheap things valuable and expensive i can turn weak things into powerful things just the power of my presence i'm telling you you're in the presence of the lord in this room right now suddenly he said fill those pots to the brim i don't want any room for anything else in there you know what you know what that represents he said and once you get them filled bring them to me when you know what you're full of and six is the number of sin i don't want you approaching me talking about you're a pretty good person and you're better than so and so and at least i tried and no i don't want you a pro i want you to come to me and approach me like this i know what i'm full of i'm full of self i'm full of rebellion i'm full of sin i'm full of lies i'm full of deception i'm full of adultery i'm full of of of evil i'm full of wrong i'm full of it and here i am just as i am without one plea but that thy blood was shed for me i come and when you recognize what you're full of and you bring it to jesus he's not afraid of what you're full of if you're full of lust if you're full of uncleanness if you're full of addiction if you're full of drugs if you're full of alcoholism if you're full he's not afraid but he wants you to recognize what you're full of and when you get honest and when you get pure enough to say i'm full of it he says now that you're in my presence i can turn water into wine and when you see that you can't evolve into what god wants you to be you're full of it you can't evolve into the dad god wants you to be you can't evolve into the person god wants you to be you can't get a self-help book that's going to change you to make you the dad the mom the husband the wife the person that god's called you to be there's nothing in you that can evolve from water to wine it takes the personal power of jesus presence and and when they put that water in front of its creator the water blushed in the presence of its creator and the water turned to wine because if he wants it that's what i become he made me he can make water out of wine turn to somebody and say i know what you're full of i'm almost done can i preach five more minutes what got me about the story i preached the whole sermon just on this po on this next point one time jesus said something strange after the miracle happened he said he said take the first dip of this new wine that i've made this sustainable joy that and i want you to go to that governor i want you to go to that powerful guy that dignitary that celebrity that person who who who is used to the best that person who actually thinks in their mind they have a preconceived idea that what this pitiful little thing from jesus is offering me compared to the bigness of my world in my life this is pathetic but i'll give it a sip and they took that to that powerful man and when he sipped it he was astonished he said usually they bring the best wine he's given you a clue in how the devil works he offers you the best thrills first and the longer you stay at his table the more he waters it down and waters it down and waters it down and brings it till that the end is pitiful you end up in the pig pen like the prodigal eating slop the governor had a preconceived idea and he said man whoa this is what jesus offers let me hit that again whoa man i'm so this is better than what i expected actually i've never tasted anything like this i didn't know this brand of jesus juice i did not know that it could do this for me i thought my money my money my power my titles my prestige i thought it but compared that compared to this i want to tell you the church is not what you think it is i want to tell you walking with jesus is not what you think it is you think it's some little thing where you just come pray a little prayer and then you go live your life and do your thing no when you really encounter the power of the presence of jesus and when you feel his love invade you and when you feel his holy spirit begin to fill you with a sustainable joy that is not from this world and i can i can go through hell but i can have peace in my mind i can go through grief but i can have a joy that is unspeakable i don't even know how to proclaim how i have this but i have this settledness inside of me this is better than i thought it was it exceeds my expectation he saved the best for last if it's ordinary it's man if it's extraordinary it's god i can't compare it i don't have anything to compare what jesus can do for you it's not a fake thing it's not a pretend thing the stuff that we've walked through as a family this year the only thing that has sustained us is jesus the power of his presence to turn weak into strong cheap into highly valued weak and tasteless into intoxicating it's not mind over matter it's the power of his presence and when you get in his presence there's hope and when you get in his presence there's a joy that begins to come and when you get in his presence there's a lifting of the heaviness of life and the burdens of life and the sorrows of life it's all in his presence and and what i'm praying for is that somebody will take a sip this morning because everything you it's better than you think it is you you have a preconceived idea of what jesus is and christianity is and you've never you cannot know it up here you have to experience him i closed with this but jesus walked and talked with his disciples from that day forward after he performed that first miracle he would he would do massive major miracles multiplying of food raising the dead all kinds of miracles but finally he died and he rose from the dead and he turned to his disciples and his resurrected body and he said now i'm going to leave you and they said lord we've had such a party and and this party is just getting going now that you're resurrected i mean we're no i'm leaving you but i've saved the best for last i'm going to go away but i'll send you listen to the word in john 16 or john 14 i'll send another comforter who is it he's called the holy spirit and he will dwell and live with you forever and he will notice the comforter jesus ascends on a cloudy elevator the hundred and five hundred but only 120 stayed for 50 days in the upper room on the day of pentecost and while they're in that upper room they've been up there but they're partying without wine they're bartering they're partnering partying they're they're they're going along they're singing they're they're worshiping they're praying but there's no wine because jesus is gone there's no miracles because jesus is gone they're partying without wine but acts chapter 2 verse 1 says and when the day of pentecost was fully come suddenly there came a sound from heaven as a mighty rushing wind and it filled all the place where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as a fire and it set upon each of them and they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak in other tongues as the spirit gave them the utterance and simon peter said this is that which was spoken by the prophet joel that in the last days saith god i will pour out my spirit on your sons and your daughters and and and this is that blessing this is it this is what it is this is new wine this is the comforter this is the holy spirit and he will never lift and he will never leave until the trumpet sounds we're going to leave this world and the world will be partying without wine then but right now we have the holy spirit and he says i can help you carry the load and make you an overcomer and i can even take the most painful episodes of your life because i'm not through writing your story i'm not through with your family i'm not through with your pain i'm not through with your loss i'm not through with your heartache i'm not through with your children i'm not through with your grandchildren i am the god who brings and turns water into wine and i give sustainable joy i caused even what the enemy meant for your evil to turn out for the good how i don't know how but he knows how and he's there
Channel: Free Chapel OC
Views: 6,853
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: inspirational stories about jesus christ, inspirational stories about jesus, stories about the holy Spirit, stories of hearing God's voice, inspirational stories about following jesus, people who have heard God speak, Live every day for God, Live a life of significance, voice of the Holy Spirit, how to hear God's voice, free chapel orange county live stream, free chapel orange county, free chapel in orange county, Free chapel oc live stream, free chapel, jentezen franklin
Id: 0ZlG8VElQIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 32sec (4292 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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