Robert Madu - Victory Conference '17

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we are so honored to have our friends Robert Madhu with us but before he comes up here robert has preached here for the last four years I believe three or four years and he came and spoke at our young adults conference first about four years ago and just from there continued the friendship the relationship and I feel like he's family here at Victory how many have heard him preach before raise your hand huh here's another one how many have never heard Robert preach before raise your hand man you're in for a treat it's going to be so powerful so good hey we say something every week just to get our hearts ready for God to speak and we're not a crowd we're a family and so if it's your first time to this family join us and lift your neighbors hands up because you never know what people in your row have been walking through and let's declare this victory confession before Robert brings the work together on the count of three we're going to put the words on the screen if you don't know what today just say something but here we go on the count of three one two three I'm here on purpose because I have a purpose my heart is open my mind ready to receive because God is not finished with me yet my best day all right front of me and I have big grin my life because [Applause] come on somebody lift up the name of Jesus tonight a couple victory covers you can do that is action we have just a name that is above every name come on I'm talking about your car come on up coming about the king of team and the Lord of lords come on this effect the atmosphere for the whole week and turn up the volume on your face but we bless you today we met about you have your way in is great before you take your seat would you do be on paper and look at the person next to you get in their face get in their personal space and just say neighbor I got to feel it that tonight it's going to be a good night just in case their neighbor was stuck up and then won't talk to you find another neighbor come on find another neighbor say other neighbor I'm telling you I've got a feeling that tonight it's going to be a good night come on if you believe it you've got one more hand careful play you may be seated don't get comfortable you might be back up again come on whoo how many are these since God is doing something in that this fear ease and right now I absolutely positively woke up this morning with ridiculous ripple expectation for what God's going to do in this place a wedding before the service started I woke up this morning expecting God to do something fact I did something kind of strange kind of unusual I went to Google and I googled how long I've been alive in days have you ever done this if you just want to feel real old in seasons to see how long you've been alive in days found out that I've been alive now 12,000 107 days so that means as I stand before you I have seen twelve thousand one hundred and seventy some of you going to Robert that's not a big deal who cares but I think that's a real big deal because of what my Bible says the Bible says that the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases that His mercies are new watch this and three morning that's why I couldn't come to victory conference quiet and acting like I'm in a library when I'm in a sanctuary I'm standing here today on twelve thousand one hundred and seven seas come on this why the older you get that out of your fries are the kids come on Joseph brings out on your birthday how do you know you woke up today with something to shout about come on you've got new mercies you might not have a new car but you got new mercy and I just I just believe this theme of a let there be it's not just a cute conference title it's indicative of what God is going to do in your life this week there is going to be a Genesis moment and whatever the enemy thought you could do to stop you or destroy you come on serve notice on the devil this is your Genesis week come on let there be whatever you need so then I am honored to be here as special Paul said I really do feel like I'm family here I almost had them skip the introduction it's just good to have my chocolate face back in the place I absolutely love this church in fact I told Paul in the back I will keep coming until y'all get sick of me coming to this church because this is this is no ordinary Church this is an extraordinary Church come on it is absolutely monumental what God has done and what he's doing here and I don't I don't say that lightly in fact I think if you look in the dictionary and you look at the word legacy you'll see Daughtery right under there and consider what's been built and pastor Sheeran and what has continued to be done through my friends pastor Paul and Ashley who I think are the best of the best before I say anything I want you to help me give honor to our honor is doing thank God come on for their heart but their vision but their leadership come on can you let them know how much you love them come out here little know how much you appreciate go come on I want them to turn red in the face come on shuffle up and then my wife and I absolutely love you guys we celebrate you we thank God for the gift that's only inside of you you leave with such grace such humility and I love you I will cut somebody for them I'm telling you that's how how real it is but it is an honor to be back I never travel alone I'm actually here with my hero the greatest man of God that I know my father is here with me I think it's the first time here the victory come on how many think God from my dad Robert McKee we're honored to have him here in the place and not too much has changed with me I still bring you greetings from the great country of Texas somebody lived there my entire life I'm still married to the finest woman on the planet her name is Taylor we're an amazing but busy season we have a two-year-old daughter a one-year-old son I think I've put their pictures up before and I've been here so it'd be redundant and ridiculous to put up their pictures again I would never do that that would just be crazy so you're gonna worry about me doing that victory come on this is dumb be preachers Jesus not you seeing my kids so that's that's cool we good we're good we're good Oh y'all got the picture go ahead hey come on victory I made that now I made that that's my baby girl that's my baby girl on the left every Lea dear Madhu I call her easy she is the reason that I pray Laura and I have a shotgun back because that's my son on the right Robert mcdu the third my legacy my manchild my name's sake and put up the pictures everywhere I go because I believe fatherhood is the best hood there's nothing like being a dad in fact so much so believe it or not we are having baby number three this October three kids under three frankly a boy price pot so we're excited life is awesome it's good but hey I'm excited to kick off when I believe is gonna be a supernatural week can I just urge implore and beseech you I'll go King James make sure you don't miss a night this week come on especially I mean you're gonna be blessed I know every preacher that's going to grace this pulpit today don't pick and choose just make it a decision that you're gonna come here no matter what ready to receive and I believe no matter who's preaching God's will have something special for you this week amen amen I'm gonna jump straight to the word God has given me and if you feel like hearing it like I feel like preaching it something's gonna happen up in here you have a Bible with you you have a Bible if you're on a Bible wave it in the air like I just do care also some of your Bibles glowing you charged up your Bible I want to look at two passages of Scripture tonight I would look at numbers 11 verses 1 through 6 Uncle Bobby in John chapter 6 verses thirty to thirty five numbers 11 one through six John chapter six 30 to 35 now know I've been here quite often but I still have to give my disclaimer if you never heard me preach before you just have to know this I am a hollaback preacher okay all that means is over these next few moments we have together it is illegal for you to sit there just go interesting no okay if anything I say resonates with you or you feel in it you could say a man you could say preach that you could grunt you can say that's good you can literally stand up in the middle and go that was from me could also stand up in the middle and go oh that was for you for you except any one of those will work numbers 11 starting a verse number 1 and it says now when the people complained it displeased the Lord it's already preacher look at your neighbor say don't complain well the Lord herded in his anger was aroused so the fire of the Lord burned among them and consumed some in the outskirts of the camp then the people cried out to Moses when Moses prayed to the Lord the fire was quenched so he called the name of the place to Bearer because the fire of the Lord had burned among them now the mixed multitude who were among them yielded to intense craving so the children of israel also wept again and said who will give us me to eat we remember the fish which we ate freely in Egypt the cucumber's the melons the leeks the onions and the garlic but now our whole being is dried up there was nothing at all except this manna before our eyes a quick little context to the text of a reading this is during a time in the history of the children of Israel where God has done a supernatural miracle he has set them free from the chains of slavery he brought them out and I love God because he can just bring you out regular he brought them out with style and in grace I mean come on people he split a Red Sea it was a Genesis moment a let there be moment there now in route to the promised land there in route to the place that God has prepared for them and in route to the promised land they say Lord we want to go back to Egypt we want to go back to slavery and here's why they want to go back so they can get some meat some onions some garlic some leeks I don't even know what that is this is what I was it go back to slavery just to get some meat to eat almost named his message hunger games cuz he'll of the world could you want to go back to slavery just to get some meat to eat what the hell that is crazy then I found out that I I can't can't laugh at the children of Israel you shouldn't either you ought to check yourself before you wreck yourself because isn't it funny how often when God does something powerful about there's something supernatural in our lives now sometimes it is the human tendency and proclivity to gravitate right back towards it the very same that God brought us out of that they were sick of the manor the manor which was the bread that came down from heaven so real quick let's look at this John chapter 6 verses 30 to 35 because Jesus talks about that man and says therefore they said to him what sign that him is Jesus what sign will you perform them that we may see it and believe you what work will you do our fathers ate the manna in the desert it is written he gave them bread from heaven to eat jesus said to them well so surely I say to you Moses did not give you the bread from heaven but my father gives you the true bread from heaven would you like hash tag you don't even know what you're talking about he says for the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives a life to the world then they said to him Lord give us this bread all wings jesus said to them I am the bread of life he who comes to me shall never hunger and he who believes in Me shall never thirst come ok you say a man tonight I want to use perhaps a title and a message she would normally preach on an opening night of a conference especially when the whole thing and whole vision is let there be and having a Genesis moment but tonight it's my son to talk to you briefly from the thought faith for the Middle's faith for the middle do me a favor look at your neighbor one last time and say neighbor and that was the first night but on these safes for the middle come on found one more neighbor found one more neighbor come on look at them right in their face say other neighbor you're my second option but I want you to know I need save for the little come on if you believe God's gonna speak to you tonight what you're given to pray okay I feel like preaching come on let's pray it's gonna be a long prayer but just bear with me would you bang your head god you are awesome speak tonight amen faith for the middle just ask just by a showing of hands if anybody been to an airport lately your hand keep into an airport lately part of your hands you can put it down if you lifted up your hand and you are acutely aware of the fact that what I just asked was has anybody been to purgatory lately here oh yes ladies and gentlemen airports are the new purgatory airplanes are the new purgatory I don't need a viral United Airlines video to know that sometimes when you are traveling on a plane life can be a drag yes some of you get that tomorrow is you know the Bible says the Bible says that the fruit of the Spirit the fruit of Spirit is love joy peace patience kindness goodness gentleness faithfulness don't forget the last one self-control if you are believer then that fruit should be evident in your life however if you're here tonight you say Robert I got that fruit I got that fruit but you've never flown how do I say this I don't believe you I don't believe you okay because the airport is designed to suck the fruit of the Spirit out of you the whole airport is constructed to make you lose your Christlikeness and go off on people but the lost baggage claim desk it's really just a litmus test to see if you won't say words that you're not supposed to say oh yes yes yes the reason the person behind the counter is moving at a glacial pace and is typing one word per minute and seems to be unperturbed and undisturbed by the fact that you paid them a fee to lose your back is because that person will so quietly giggle on the inside when they make you speak in a tongue that needs no interpretation come on can we be real okay ha out of a trouble and if you wonder now I have all this travel knowledge just because I am an avid traveler to say the least for the last 13 years of my life there's not been a single week but I've not been on an airplane or an airport going somewhere to preach the gospel for the last 13 years of my life now I'm not going to act like it's all bad I'm not going like it's all back come on let's be honest I am now executive platinum with American Airlines some of you like Robert quit bragging about the executive plasm all executive platinum means is that get a half inch more legroom and I get to prowl privilege to say I got on the airplane before you which if you think about it is equivalent to saying I got to prison and for you so big of a deal however over the years victory I've developed a few what I call personal plane pet peeves okay and I got a whole lot I'm just going to do a few tonight and a lot of my personal playing pet peeves has to do with the feet that are on the plane feet set on the plane is one I don't like that my feet back has to be in the upright position for takeoff and landing this annoys me people some of the best sleep in my life and I can't is when I'm on the plane and I've been sound asleep on the plane to our students wake me up and say yeah wake up I'm like what what what I'll be questioned now I just need your seat back in the upright position before we take off really is it the matter of national security it's not like the seat goes all the way back this kind of lazy boy the state only goes back about this much so in excess what the stewardess is paying to me is that mr. safe this ain't safe this is a key this is just a few personal play baby I got more it's gonna be a long night Oh another one another one has to do with the person that gets on a plane a person that gets on the plane in and he's always ladies always ladies like ah well man almost missed the flight I'm so glad I have time to go to Mickey D's and pulls out a burger with extra onions and extra cheese and the pungent odor is permeating the fabric of my clothes like that get you some granola man I don't think it's fair I don't think it's fair that before I got on the plane if you ask me my fragrance I will tell you g Moshi but when I can off the plane you asking my fragrance I say a number three I'm wearing a number three because he made a bad decision on the plane I don't know when this is going to get me kicked out of the conference I mean if you're going to be mad about this one but I have to be honest I don't like to sit next to the lady with the crying baby I'm sorry I'm sorry I gotta be honest I don't like to sit next to the lady with the crying baby doesn't have off button - true story true story I'm on the flight a couple weeks ago and I'm sending this lady with this crying baby this baby just screaming at the top of his lungs drooling on my iPad and I'm trying to study and to play with that fool fall because the stewardess a fit man do you mind if I switch my seat the stewardess said your executive plant them of course you can switch your see so I changed my seats on the plane after the flight see the lady with the crying baby and can you believe this lady got mad at me because I changed my seat on the plane he openly she had in order to get an attitude with me just cuz not change my seat on the plane can y'all believe my wife Taylor got mad at me just cuz I [Applause] getting back crying baby even if it's mom but here we pick Tarakan I can handle I can handle crying baby I can handle the guy with the burger I can handle my seat back up I can have all of those aforementioned annoyances hear me so long as I am NOT in one scene there was one seat that I cannot fit on the plane before every flight I check it I've already checked over them all to make sure I don't have the seed and that is the seat and I can't do it I cannot fit in the middle I don't mind sitting on the aisle I'm gonna go to the rest of whatever I want I'm a monsoon by the window I could take a picture of the clouds put it on Instagram hashtag God is the greatest artist but hey I don't want to sit in is this seat in the middle oh you don't even get an armrest when you sit in the middle you know that those aren't for you this is you in the middle trying to figure out how in the world did I end up right here and yet ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters beginning to find out that a life of faith is often lived out in the middle seat I know you came to victory and I know you're excited about your new beginning but I'm wondering if there's anybody in here today that knows what it's like to feel like you are stuck in the middle that you are rustling with the weight of being in the middle watch this that you are not where you used to be you are not where you're going to be but you are wrestling with the frustration of being in the middle come on come on it knows what I'm talking about Tomas it is the middle seat of life you nervous that makes you uncomfortable that makes you cry out to God and then who did beat us on it because I did not think I would be right here in this moment and in this season of my life hello God we have way through with a year this will be a good time for you to come to pass on all those promises I've been believing God does anybody know one is like to be stuck in the middle it's the part of you don't post on Instagram it's the part of you don't put on Pinterest when you are wrestling with the complexities of being stuck in the middle this brings me to my text today because the children of Israel are stuck in the middle and no wonder we see their frustration we see what they feel like because they are grappling with the complexity of being stuck in the middle they are not in Egypt where they used to be they're not in the Promised Land where they're gonna be but they are stuck in the middle and you'll be shot at what comes out of you when you're stuck in the middle so I'll talk about that middle perhaps I should go back a little bit and expound upon their beginning the beginning really emanates in Exodus 14 so the Exodus 14 is a significant chapter because scholars and theologians are almost unanimous in their declaration that in Exodus 14 we did one of the clearest biblical pictures of what happens when you put your faith in Jesus then Exodus 14 we get a clear biblical picture of what it actually means to live a life of faith and that is this that is when the children of Israel are walking through the Red Sea out of Egypt in a route to the promised land that seemed like there is one of the clearest biblical pictures of what happens when you put your faith in Jesus as my back if you're believing today you ought to read Exodus 14 every day just read is just as fun and watch brief about their walking through the Red Sea if you want to read it go old school watch the movie you could do Ten Commandments with Charlton Heston come on or you can do a new school Bible series and all you got to do is watch them on through the Red Sea rewind it once you run through Rwanda want to run through while it watching run through Rwanda watching walk through or wander watching one-third Rwandan watch one-third walk closer on when you were wounded close your eyes because you want to see anybody back climb okay you don't want that are you conscious yes watch the walk through the Red Sea because that is the clearest biblical pictures of what it means to put your faith in Jesus and here's why here's why because for 400 years 400 400 that's a long time for 400 years they were in bondage for 400 years they were in slavery and in one moment they went from being slaves to being saved in one moment they went from singing songs of sorrow to singing songs of joy in one moment they went from being in Chains and thinking they were defined by the current certain fast to being set free and understanding I'm a child of the Most High God in one moment after 400 years how dare you come to victory conference and had the nerve be audacity the unmitigated gall to say Robert I don't know if God can bring me out of what I've been struggling with because I've been dealing with this for a long time has it been 400 years come on somebody when God was to bring you out he will bring you out with a mighty hand oh we got to the rock there peace he will bring you out in a moment after 400 years oh come on somebody give God some praise in this place you can smoke in it when God wants to bring you out he will bring you out after 400 years they got the victory in one moment oh never negate a moment in the presence of God you don't know what God can do in just one moment they got the victory after 400 years now we're going to ask ourselves as thinking cognitive individuals what was the catalyst what was the cult agent of their salvation you'll first know it was not their morality oh yeah one like God came down with the Ten Commandments it stood for the Red Sea instead do all of you solemnly swear to keep all these Commandments otherwise I'm not going to split the water do y'all promise you better put your head off this waters cold had nothing do with immorality so wait would this notion that you have to get yourself together before you come to God tell me no you can't get yourself together you are - hashtag jacked up - get yourself together that's why you need a Savior I always laugh and people that have this notion that they're going to fix themselves and get themselves together really how you go get yourself together nothing but I didn't want to get a good laugh at the bookstore guess what section I go to self-help really could help how you go help you set yourself is the one that got you in the mess in the back are you going FPL how does that even work yeah I'm doing this thing called self-help really how does that work I just help myself get myself out of the mess that I got myself into whack okay help yourself you need a Savior didn't even say them according to them around and washes he didn't even save them according to their level of faith for you spiritual people can tell you know there's a lot of people walking through this red sea so you got different levels of faith there are some people who are walking through with great faith with robust faith it's a rule I told you God will don't fail us we did not tell you last week I knew we were gonna get the picture I told you we're getting out here they were walking out with great faith but you know there were some people who are walking through with little or no pain and they're like hold on Moses I can't swim don't drop your hand walking to be mistaken according to the level of faith what did he saving this to save them because they have been crying out to a god that they had heard about but had personally experienced and that God responded not to their deeds but to their need he responded to their need who if you came in here today with the need I got some good news for you you are a candidate for God to do something awesome in your life come on your God is mighty know God is powerful you don't need anything but if there's anything he needs he just needs your need he just needs you to come in here and not act like you got it all together and kool-aid coming out of your water fountain and you floated in the room it had communion for breakfast but he needs you to come in here desperate if they caused us some things in my life then I'll believe in this week you're going to say let there be and it will come to pass the four hundred years he set them free in a one moment now how about I bore you tonight but but I need you understand that we cannot approach this takes like it's acute sunday-school story because there's so much revelation in this text in fact this is the Old Testament passage of Scripture it's Old Testament passage of Scripture and if you're student of the word you understand that the Old Testament is simply a shadow of what Christ is in the New Testament just a shadow for example those are kind of close to the front can y'all see my shadow being cast down here see my shadow it's an awesome channel how do you know my shadow has to do what I do okay I'll lift up my hand with shadow better lift up his hand okay I start dancing my shadow better day that's okay I'll start dancing in my shadow goes you have to find another preacher for tonight okay drop the mic and run it back to Dallas Texas okay shadow has to do what I do my shadow is proof positive of two things number one I am real real object and there is a light in this room because Jesus Christ is real and because he is the light of the worst he cast a shadow which is the Old Testament the Old Testament just a shadow of what Christ is in the New Testament all right stay with me come you know if you look at my shadow you cannot get distinctive features like you can't look at my shadow no my hair color you can't look at my shadow no my eye color you can't look at my shadow normal-type the brother you know why because it's just mine that's why there's certain individuals that we read about in the Old Testament that do incredible exploits for the kingdom of God and they are not Christ but they're just given us previews of a coming attraction they're just setting out what Jesus is going to do when he steps on the scene so this brings so much revelation to this text because we begin to understand that the children of Israel are a shadow of the church and the believer say Rho is a shadow of Satan Egypt is a shadow of sin which is what they roll wants them to stay there Moses becomes a shadow of Christ because he was born for no other reason than to bring salvation Redemption and liberation to an entire generation come on about it it's just a shadow of which crisis of reality the Old Testament passed over that was instituted under Moses where they were taking lamb an innocent lamb back and then killed that lamb and then sprinkled the blood of lamb on a wooden door post so when the Death Angel saw the blood of the Lamb it would pass over that house that's just giving you a preview of another Lamb who is going to be slain but his blood will not be shed on the wedding to uphold it's going to be shared on a wooden cross so when you are signified with the cross of Jesus Christ come on somebody how many wrinkles that death has to pass over your life disease have to pass over your life sickness has to left over your life poverty has to pass over your life depression has to pass over your like to come to the power that's in the blood of Jesus it's just just the shadow to the shampoo the recipe that they walk through that's just one big baptism party oh yeah because it is when I go through this water the old me is staying in Egypt but the new me is coming out of this water ready to step into everything that God has to leave now if that'll make you praise God something's wrong with you for real Boehner does exactly what the children of Israel did they came through that water and they saw if they roll all the sources of his being shining their water they started praising God it's Zubrin late they turned all the way up they got a tambourine and started shouting whoo that's why I can always tell in the church service somebody that is fully aware of where God has brought them from and where they should be because come on that person don't need a piano they don't need a guitar they don't need a worship leader can't come on and prepare know that person just needs a flashback to where I could have been and where I should have been if it had not been for the grace of God and play will just to run out of the mountain out of the heart come on I'm at sea and emotional oh come on somebody somebody that knows where you could be if God had stepped into your life would you just take a second and get him some praise oh thank you for bringing me from that thank you to say the nipple departments idea where you brought me from oh they started praising God they start of lifting up holy hands they started shouting they started dancing you know my mind I see Moses get behind the pulpit going free at last free at last thank God Almighty we're free aisle and healthy to my mind and they're not the Negro International Version is a different different translation that's not a book source anyway was a awesome moment a powerful moment the Genesis moment but hear me after the waters receded after the lights were turned off smoke machine stopped after they unplugged Moses microphone they're now faced with a real question a real question that you have to ask yourself anytime you've had an encounter with God that question is this Who am I now Who am I now I know no longer a slave and now I'm saved but how do I walk in that especially when I've been a slave for so long there's another way I know them out of Egypt but how do I get Egypt out of me this is what a lot of church people don't like to deal with they don't like to do with the fact is you can be out of Egypt but not have Egypt out of you and when you're out of Egypt but Egypt is not fully out of you it is frustrating it is exasperated it is the middle seat it makes you feel like you're schizophrenic here because you know you had an encounter with God you know it was undeniable you saw the waterpark you know you had an encounter with God but you still got some Egypt mentality you still have some Egypt behavior this is what you still make it what I call if I then why statements can everybody gets I then why favor it's like if I have the peace of God then why am I so stressed out it's like like if I have the mind of Christ then why do I have things coming to my mind that I know Christ Mary Joseph the Angels the wise men and the donkey would not be thinking about come on on the only one in here okay if I have to hold the Jireh my provider then why is my money funny my change is strange and I got more bills and I got income come on can we keep it 100 at victory conference had you ever made a if I can right statement is indicative of the fact that you're out of Egypt but Egypt is still coming out of you and a lot of people don't understand about Christianity that is critical is that initially initially Christianity is a change of status more than it is a change of behavior initially Christianity is a change of status more than it is a change behavior and if you're ever going to step into the effulgence of what God has for you you got to be committed to the process the process cool that word that we like in theory but not in reality the process of becoming who God is created and called you to be watch this they were in Egypt they were slaves in a moment God set them free they're now saved the chances before they get to the promised land is how do I give my behavior to come into alignment with my new standards and that is the process I wish I wish it was the process I wish it was not for us can you imagine how easy would be to be a preacher in to learn a process well I was walking with God was like hot pockets come on somebody 2 minutes and 22 seconds you got an amazing milk I'm out it's not like hot pockets I wish it was found out actually God is a lot more oven and he is microwave if you ever gonna be what he's caused you to be you got to be committed to the process and just keep walk-in and not get off the plane just because you're in the middle see I'll feel like a preacher better they all are talking in here today almost done but part of the reason this message is critical because it is a trick of the enemy to come into your mind and make you think you are not a citizen in the kingdom of God just because you're in process I'm sorry even tonight you try to enter in the way you wanted to enter in but the enemy kept reminding you of the Egypt that would still end you and it hindered your worship and it hindered your praise and you've tried to make you think that you're not a citizen in the kingdom of God just because you're in process but you still are even though you're in Russia okay I'm come down my dance here tonight is that my desk here tonight don't get me for this story but but you'll forgive me later um well my father I believe this October will celebrate and commemorate 37 years 37 years - my dad has been a citizen of these United States of America okay part of seven years consider citizen that came from Nigeria came from Nigeria here to America came from Africa to America like Eddie Murphy in the movie he met my mom who's American so you know where your dad's a skinny mother's American that makes you african-american which is what I am and my father first came to this country he was not a citizen he had to apply for citizenship I'm not sure what the process was I think they interviewed him asking some questions I don't know what happened every day stamped his forehead when it was all said and done he was deemed a United States citizen ok how many not to being deemed a United States citizen my father did not wake up the next morning and go hello my name is Robert Madhu senior and I am now a United States citizen how many know he did not go down like that ok it's not if anything if anything my dad woke up the next morning and he said hello my name is Obama rafinha and I am a Jew logistic Knesset okay no citizenship was traded enacted what what there was United States 17 I was a citizen he had never seen a football game before never seen an NFL game for he's watching his first NFL game looking at the screen going what I do tedious to you this is now football the football I know as you take a ball and you kick it with your foot what is this never say over for all you're worth Mattel is human hi be safe citizen he had never had pizza before I think since um I said you want some pizza he goes what you dad I don't know peace I have no good I know chicken I don't know peace I'm okay this never happened before my dad was United States citizen he had never seen snow before emcees know they can't be shot at there come on have you been in Africa especially Nigeria doesn't snow in Africa it is hot and not sure I have preached open-air crusade it is hot and Africa so we all been complaining about the weather here I like slow touring here today in Tulsa this is a cool breeze and that's should be okay I just stepped off the plane my nose hairs got singed ha ha oh my bad he had never seen snow before and because he had never seen snow true story he thought that his snow landed on you it would hurt you that would hurt you and of all places he lands in New York City in the wintertime people I can't make this up this is my dad walking through New York as snow is coming down oh my goodness all I couldn't don't let the snow get scared snow now you laugh you laugh but that was 30-plus years ago today man knows more about football than I do you'll be at my house throwing pillows at the flatscreen going be Pittsburgh Steelers on stealing from my Dallas Cowboys the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy what you're going all we can see is crazy grabbing us from our in our championship he knows well that football now we watching the Cowboys again frustrated which can happen a lot and you watch the game over here goes ton I can't watch this anymore please order me some pizza knows about pizza now now just come on not too distant past real or ice storm comes to balance a little ice storm because my dad is a servant in the greatest man of God that I know after the ice storm he was not just shoveling the ice on his driveway he was shoveling the ice on everybody on his streets driveway saying I don't want anybody to fall and get hurt let me some of this shoveling something that he used to be afraid of see the enemy loves to come into your mind and make you doubt your citizenship in the kingdom of God just cuz there's areas of weakness in your life but come on you better talk back to the enemy let's say you are liar God is not do with me yes perfect under the protective posture and sooner or later I'm going to become everything that God has called me today trouble all the citizens in the kingdom of God would you give God I can have what is that back in half and two letters call me you know hallelujah the Ascension in the kingdom of God you feel like it was my assignment on the first night to tell somebody who feels like they're stuck in the middle don't you give up just because you're impressed just keep walking just keep walking keep don't quit just because you feel like you're stuck in the middle I'm almost done but can I tell you part of the reason is a process part of reasons the process is simply because of the way you were created how many know you were craving the image of God you know that God is three in one no sound effects dogs make preaching better he's three and why because you're creating the dimmest guess what you are three in one it's the three of you sitting in that seat right now you're like oh that's why with you in that voice this Martin oh you just might be crazy I'm player play the story of you I'll show you what's this you you are spirit housed in a body and you have a soul my spirit soothes up with my faith in Jesus my spirit comes aloud that is instantaneous that's coming out of Egypt come on that's why peers are going this way it's not going the other way you look like a hurricane hit your face because that rich was head and immediately comes to life immediately comes like a spirit that's instantaneous my body oh not so much not so what I wish there was a prayer you can pray at the altar that would take you from a one pack to a six pack I wish there's a bracelet you can pray to get all the wrinkles out and take all the tail light off that wouldn't that be awesome but it's not going to happen you got a way to heaven to get your new body till then go to the gym and review Krispy Kreme Doughnuts and the cheese's okay my body does Jackie's body doesn't change my soul well that's the middle teeth that's where I got my past got my emotions I got the things that have been done to me got the things that I've done all of that is warring in my song I've got to allow the same spirit of god that changed me in a moment through a process I've come to the house of God and I just come to be a spectator of being a participator worship in I'm getting in the Word of God now just come on my favorite preachers preaching the week of victory conference will come every night and through a process all of a sudden I am transformed to who God has created and called me to be 14 in controlling God takes them out of Egypt before you can get into the Promised Land he's going to get Egypt out of them because it's a process who God takes them through the wilderness do the wilderness for the promised land I won't even reread mr. Dale's like God why did you take them to the wilderness let's a messed up place to take somebody the wilderness we'll talk about let there be never in the Genesis narrative you ever hear God go let there be wilderness dry in the wilderness son comfortable in the wilderness some of you in the wilderness right now I found out sometime God will let you go through a wilderness season and he'll remove watch there's your resources so you'll know that he's your source he will let people walk away from you so you know that he is a friend that sticks closer than a brother he will let people that you thought you needed leave she wants to see where your trust is will you trust them in the wilderness and boy wasn't he their source in the wilderness Oh Eileen got time to talk about it I mean Moses hit a rock Fiji water starts coming out of the right people Panera Bread starts falling from the sky welcome to the world of the Bible says their clothes never wore out their clothes never wore out I think I got that in the wilderness nobody's looking at him he's like I still wanted to look good though come on that scripture for shopping I'm just saying I'm just saying he's there GPS system he was there God he was everything they needed she would think after all those miracles he did you would think after sustaining them bringing them out of Egypt every morning they would have gotten over said God thank you so much for setting us free God thank you so much we're not slaves but snow but they did Elmo says they said Lord want to go back to Egypt what would make somebody cry out to go back to the thing they cried out to get out what I call the frustration of freedom frustration of freedom is this it is so much easier to walk back to what you've always known and to trust God for what's ahead it is so much easier to walk back to what is familiar than it is to walk forward by faith but hearing victory conference God has not called you to walk by what is familiar come on he has called you to walk forward by faith come on in spite of what the enemy's done to you there's greater in front of you you just gotta keep on walking don't give up just because you're in the middle see I know what the children Israel felt like I know what they mean when they say take us back to Egypt yes it was slavery yes they got beat every day but they're like hey at least it was a schedule I mean come on I'm on get a beating at 12 o'clock believe I like to get my beat in and then go on and check my Instagram and do what I have to do but this whole thing of walking in the wilderness and Moses doesn't know what he's going it is frustrating to walk by faith and not about what's familiar God's not called you to walk by what's familiar he's called you to just keep walking forward by faith no forget victory and I'm done every dress Bob closes this is my real one now forget hearing about this this dog this police dog this police dog specialized in high-speed chases whenever they were chasing a suspect they would send this dog after the suspect when they'd his dog bolts out the middle of a busy intersection cars are flying by car didn't see the dog slammed on his brakes it was too late car hit the dog the impact was so intense the car completely crushed the dog's hind legs effective dogs walk dog survived the accident but it caused the dog to walk by flailing its front legs in front and dragging its hind legs behind fillet on its front legs in front and drag its hind legs behind come to find out when the dog got hit by the car it was pregnant with puppies dogs about the accident gave birth to the puppies puppies were beautiful healthy nothing wrong with the puppy's legs when the puppies got ready to walk guess how they walk by flailing their front legs in front and dragging their hot legs behind and the veterinarian had the hardest time trying to get his focus to realize laughs nothing wrong with your legs you've just been walking out the dysfunction that was modeled in front of you veterinarian began the process of teaching these puppies to walk the way they were created to long each of these puppies to walk the way they were designed to walk teaching these puppies to walk the way the creator's saw them walking when they're created him come on somebody you know why you had to be here at the first night of victory conference and why you ought to be here every night because every time you come into the house of God every time you lift up your hands and worship it come on every time you hear the word of God and you press in even in spite of your pain and what you're going through do you know what God's doing he is teaching you how to walk it the way you created to walk keep giving you supernatural strength to say there is greater in front of you then what there behind you you can't go back to what familia just keep walking come on is there anybody in this place tonight this is is not going back dr. player in front of me do it again [Music] come on get up on your feet again Oh got the brain to Magga left pages this time ah [Music] your hands over the side [Music] [Applause] [Music] I ha [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] come on declare come on that worship on [Music] thank you Jesus Oh Oh [Music] Jesus up thank you tonight you're not done with us yes cos thank you tonight that we're starting something to give us the strength and the grace to just keep walking Jesus I'm praying tonight for my brother on face of my sister feel stuck in the middle the enemy's trying to get them to give up walk off the plate just because they got the middle seat making the thing that you haven't called them to do what you call them to do just because there is a min over god I thank you to give us strength in the middle to just walk in I thank you that our destiny is so much greater than what's happened in our history just got to be committed to the process thank you that we're still citizens and the kingdom of God even if we're in process heads bowed eyes closed all over this place tonight and hit a night it these are lost to say you know what I am in missile something those of you would say like you know he's been so loud in your ear trying to get you to know back to what is civilian something somebody who didn't even want to come tonight still he was loud in here say man you came last year look at where you are today don't you give up just keep walking give it a day and say man I am in the middle and I these supernatural strength grace - just keep walking I believe the gospel do that for you tonight on this first night as you just lift up your handset SB that's made s holiday Halloween Halloween has gone of all over this place today now thank you that your strength comes to us even when we feel like we're in the middle anybody else say that's me head still down I'll still close get hit a day in we've never even taken that first step we should say Jesus my life is yours there's one thing to have left Egypt behind it to be on a journey with Jesus and have the enemy trying to get you to go back it's another thing to have never taken that first step did you say Jesus my life is yours maybe one hearing you say man I've been trying to fix myself and get myself together first before I come to God can I tell you you can't fix yourself come till just as you are to hit an IED you say Robert would you clear this program to see the surrender my life to Jesus tonight I need to leave Egypt behind trying to do life on my own I need to come home to the Savior who loves you so much and pay the price to your soon which is that I was close we're here today and say I just need to surrender my life to Jesus number do it on this first night of let there be eventually would you lift up your hand right slip it up - see his run bass worship teams going to sing this again you split the fee so I can walk right through it this is not to embarrass you this is to empower you if you lifted up your hand for either one of those saying you know what the enemy's been loud in my ear trying to get me to go back I mean strength just to keep walking - not going back to what is familiar or saying I just need to surrender my life to Jesus when I count to three I want you to get out of your seat without fear or intimidation and come find a place at this altar and I believe it as you come to this altar and leave where you are come on this is yours let there be moment all old things have passed away behold all things are becoming brand-new come on when I count to three if you lifted up your handle you should have I want you to come one come on this is your night to come over this is your moment the first night come on three would you come with your love from the balcony pull the ties wherever you are hallelujah [Music] we're comin Oh [Music] the back [Music] you think about the bombings declare it [Music] in spite of what I'm facing in spite of what I'm going through [Music] father the attack will be gonna be on my identity I am [Music] - afford to mafia traffic ticket Urkel bed ah Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] or just at his presence we think straight tonight just as presents receive healing tonight now for sake of you he's now walked away in trust of in the middle he's never gonna never gone [Music] trust me [Music] Oh [Music] believe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] somebody give out cacao so crazy [Applause] [Music] but a prayer in a moment as I passed the particle back up just before we pray want me to preach after I preach but uh real soft and honestly when I was reading this text and I saw how in numbers I was as the anger of the Lord burned among them because he was upset that they were ejected the manna the bread that came down from heaven I wanted to go back to Egypt to get some meat to eat I was reading that I was like God I think you kind of overreacted just a little bit so God like I like me I'm immediate area why did you get so angry I want to go back to get me I said they were just sick of the matter which was the bread came down from heaven and I remember the Old Testament shadow what Christ is in the New Testament reason I read the scripture in John chapter 6 because people came to Jesus they were trying to get Jesus to authenticate the validity of his ministry said hey we know Moses was the man because of the bread that came down from heaven Jesus like the other said you don't even know what you're talking about some will do International Version says guess what I am that bread that came down from heaven you looking at the bread right now come watch this that means when the children of Israel were rejecting the bread guess who they were rejecting Jesus they were saying Jesus you're not enough for me and I'm stuck in the middle I don't trust your goodness even though I'm in a situation it has me frustrated in the middle and that is the slippery slope in which the enemy calls you to give up and walk away I'm telling you if you can lead this week and leave this night knowing if you don't have anything but God that Jesus plus nothing equals absolutely everything but come on you might be stuck at the middle seat but as long as I got him in the middle seat come on I'm gonna be all right i'ma just keep walking I might not understand what I'm going through but God I'm not going down your goodness cuz I know that all things work together for the good of them they love the Lord called according to his purpose it's amazing supernatural we could let there be I believe that God will speak to you but it's going to start do you know what he is every single thing that you need you keep feeding on him you keep taking him in come on every night you keep receiving you don't get you to your place come on somebody believe that tonight come on with every hand listed should we just pray this closing prayer come on I'm gonna give you the words but you say it from your heart would you declare this for the front of the back say dear Jesus thank you so much that you are everything that I need Jesus tonight I surrendered all of me for all of you I know you came to earth live the life that I was supposed to live by the best that I was supposed to die we took my place so my response to give you all the things I trust you in the middle I trust you in the middle I will not go back to what's familiar I will walk forward by saying trust for you for what's ahead in Jesus name a man a man and man come on let's give our team one more head level play wow what a powerful message right here from our victory conference maybe you've just tuned in on pastor Paul Doherty hi pastor our church victory here in Tulsa Oklahoma you've been watching part of our conference with amazing speakers Stephen verdict Robert Madhu John Bevere Charlotte gamble Samuel Rodriguez dr. Billy Wilson it's been so incredible but I want to encourage you right now you'll miss the most important part of this conference here's the most important part it's time for you to decide it's time for you to make a decision to change in that area of your life the messages that you heard just now are messages encouraging you inspire you to make a decision that you're going to start trusting God you're going to start following god you're going to stop living in the world and one foot in the church you're going to start going all out for Jesus you're going to start doing the things that God's already calls you to do those steps of obedience whatever decision you need to make I'm encouraging you right now yield to the whole experience I'm telling you when we give God an inch if you go all we have to do is just open the door he's already standing at the door knocking saying if anyone will let me in I'll come and bring life and life to the fullest I want to encourage you if you're watching this from your home your apartment your laptop your iPad your iPhone maybe you're at a restaurant right now maybe you're at your house but right now make a decision open up the door say god I'm ready to change I surrender I'm all yours the theme of our conference this year let there be maybe you just need to say let there be life it's kind of my heart darkness has to flee let there be hope where there's been depression let there be joy let there be peace let there be restoration in your marriage restoration in your family let there be a fresh start of Genesis week in your life pray this prayer with me say Jesus I surrender I'm all yours God I trust in you Lord I'm putting my faith in you as my stake my lord I repent from all sin and I received your forgiveness thank you Jesus we're doing a fresh work in my heart amen hey thanks so much for watching the conference thanks so much for being a part of what God's doing if you're ever in Tulsa Oklahoma ever drive it through the Midwest come see us right here victory and false Oklahoma check out our website victory com we love you so much we pray for God's blessings on your life
Channel: Victory Tulsa
Views: 22,341
Rating: 4.8709679 out of 5
Keywords: Victory Conference, Robert Madu, Faith, 2017
Id: rr9O-j4QXGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 19sec (4399 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2017
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