Can You Hear Me Now? - Robert Madu | Awakening

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[Applause] hallelujah come on let's make some noise for Jesus again this afternoon come on awakening you can do better than that are y'all tired are you asleep come on hallelujah may be seated how y'all doing are you good I'm telling you if awakening conference ended right now how many know it's already been phenomenal but I got good news it's gonna keep getting gooder and gooder and gooder look at your neighbor say neighbor the best is yet to come if you believe it give God some praise [Music] [Applause] how many were absolutely incredibly minister to by that word pastor rich just brought man I'm telling you that's one of those messages if you kind of sit there and it didn't relate to you just get the DVD trust me you gonna need it later but I was just sitting back first of all cuz the minister to me but also because I knew what I was preaching and I just love how the Holy Spirit is an incredible seamstress and knows how to put stuff together and so we're just gonna go to a whole nother level this afternoon hey man did you come expecting I think you got to look at your neighbor again there's still kind of waking up look at your neighbor one more time and say neighbor any neighbor just look at him say neighbor I like you I helped some of y'all out cuz you been want to tell somebody that anyway so neighbor I like you but I did not come to awakening for you look at him to say I can't I gotta say like I had a to say I came together everything that God's got for me if you believe it makes some noise [Applause] man stand to your feet we're gonna go to the word if you got a Bible let's go to mark chapter 7 mark 7 we're gonna look at verses 31 through 37 mark chapter 7 how did you actually did what I said last night you actually took the hotel Bible anybody do that somebody in the balcony there's always one yep part seven starting at verse 31 says then Jesus left the vicinity of tyree and went through Sidon down to the sea of galilee and into the region of the Decapolis there are some people brought to him a man who was deaf and could hardly talk somebody say deaf come on say it like you got some passion say death come on say it like you're awake say deaf come on say it like you had six Red Bull say dev yeah you know he couldn't hurt you anyway he was deaf and could hardly talk and they begged him to him as Jesus they begged him to place his hand on the man after he took him aside away from the crowd Jesus put his fingers to the man's ears then he spit and touched the man's tongue things that make you go hmm he looked up to heaven and with the deep sighs said to him epithet at this the man's ears were open his tongue was loosened he began to speak plainly Jesus commanded them not to tell anyone but the more he did so the more they kept talking about it pause for Robert module commentary real quick here's what I love about Jesus when you look at the Gospels there are certain instances where Jesus will come in contact with a person do this incredible supernatural miracle then after the miracle he looks at them and says something that's kind of crazy goes get on Twitter and Facebook and just started blowing it up and telling everybody tell me you know whenever God does something incredible in your life your natural reaction is to share it with somebody else and I hope you know you haven't come to Awakening just to get something to come to you you come to Awakening for something to happen to you and ultimately happen through you so you can share it with somebody else when you leave here let me just set the record straight awakening is not Vegas something like for show uh what happens in Vegas how many know what happens at awakening cannot stay at awakening it's gotta go to somebody else first 37 it says people were overwhelmed with amazement I bet they were he has done everything well they said he even makes the death hear and the mute speak can't you say a man I want to preach in this session like I said I'm telling you the Holy Spirit it's just so perfectly putting all this together cuz this really correlates to what pastor rich just said I want to preach from the subject I'm stealing from Verizon can't you hear me now can you hear me now look at your neighbor one last time and say neighbor God is asking can't you hear me now let's pray before we go into the store would you bow your heads with me and imma warn you upfront it's gonna be a long prayer but uh just bear with me God you are awesome have your way today amen you may be seated in the presence of the Lord can you hear me now as pastor rich was so beautifully sharing the Word of God in the previous session he started talking about turbulence as soon as he said that my mind flashed back to the not-too-distant past or when I was at a place that really has become my second home which is dallas-fort Worth Airport because I'm always going somewhere to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ I'm not forget it's time being at the airport and boarding my plane that was on the plane and getting ready to take off and I just pulled out a magazine because I wanted to take my mind off of the flight sounds perusing through this magazine all of a sudden my attention was arrested by an article that was in this magazine I was reading the title of the article was what happened when my pilot passed down I don't know if I told you I'm on the plane getting ready to take off and I'm looking at an article that says what happened when the pilot passed out I started reading this article in great detail and they began to talk about a man who was a pilot it just acquired his own private plane after getting this plane he thought of nothing better to do than to call up one of his good friends to take him on a flight so here these two men take off on the runway there they are suspended in the atmosphere chillaxing in the stratosphere when little did they know tragedy was about to strike several thousand feet above sea level their worst nightmare was about to occur what you must understand is that this pilot was a severe diabetic and in the hustle and the bustle and the excitement of getting ready for this flight he completely forgot to pack his insulin so as this man is in the middle of the flight all of a sudden he starts shaking profusely all of a sudden his eyes start rolling in the back of his head and he starts sweating this friend does what any of us would do he got nervous and he looked at his friend he said are you okay are you okay but there was no response at all all of a sudden this man started shaking more violently and ultimately passed out in the pilot seat of this plane this friend got so nervous in panic he started screaming wake up wake up wake up but there was no response at all this man was completely passed out in the pilot seat of this plane the friend frantically went to the back and he searched for a first aid kit and got some ammonia put it on a cotton ball and tried to wake him up but none of that was working and his heart got nervous because he could feel the plane starting to descend he frantically grabbed the headset with the radio and started shouting please please somebody help me please please somebody help me he sadly waited for a response there was no response at all and seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to a couple of minutes and all of a sudden the cold fear beginning to grip his heart at his last moment it's gonna be on that plane all of a sudden he feels the plane started to descend he frantically shouts please please Mayday somebody help me all of a sudden faintly over the radio he hears hello I hear you he said yes please please somebody help me I need help I'm in this plane the voice from the control tower said sir are you a pilot he said no I'm not a pilot I'm just a passenger I don't know what I'm doing please somebody help me the voice from the control tower says sir I need you to calm down I can see your exact location if you will calm down and listen to me I will show you how to land this plane how many you know the next few moments in this man's life were critical how many you know he didn't argue with the voice from the control tower Tom are you sure you want me to hit their button cuz I like this button better no he was totally submitted to that voice from the control tower and the article concluded by saying this man landed that plane with ease and perfection simply because he obeyed the instructions from a voice he could hear but could not see okay I'll share that story with you this afternoon because I think that story is a lot like life cuz I don't care whether you're eight or 80 in this room how do you know none of us are an expert on life come on there's no class you can take on life you can take a class in English and learn how to conjugate a verb in and now you can take a class on trigonometry but there is no class called life and how many know life has a way of hitting you it's unexpected things that you weren't expecting and sometimes it feels like life is about to crash and everything is going crazy around you but I think God sent me from Dallas Texas to tell you you better get a radio called prayer and start saying Lord Mayday Mayday I know you're in the control tower of heaven and you see my exact location God speak to me tell me what the next step is for my life cuz I'm gonna crash if I can't hear your voice it is the subject that I want to talk to you about today and it might be one of the most important messages you're ever gonna hear because hear me if you're ever gonna be what God's called you to be if you're ever gonna do what he's called you to do how do you know you've got to learn to hear his voice hearing God's voice is the hinge upon which your faith is gonna have mobility you want to know how you make it during the turbulent times it's when your ear is open to hear what your heavenly father speaks to you when life is going crazy you gotta learn to hear his voice elbow your neighbor has said you got to hear his voice you need to hear his voice so much so you know his voice almost more than you know his word it's good to know his word but you got to know his voice to see if you know his word but you don't know his voice you know what you become a Pharisee we talked about last night see the Pharisees they knew the Word of God but they didn't know the voice of God and so even though they knew the word when he showed up they called Jesus a devil because they didn't know his voice on the other extremity if you know his voice but you don't ground it in the Word of God how many you know you're not a Pharisee you're a fanatic you're crazy like those people that come up and say oh the Lord told me that you're gonna be my husband and you're looking at him going now God would have warned me before that there are they you didn't hear that from God there are two things please don't miss this that are critical to guide you to the place that God has for you that is his word and his voice his word and his voice if you know his word and his voice you will walk in the totality of what God has for you his word and his voice okay some of y'all aren't kidding me um it's like this his word is like a road map but his voice is like a GPS system in a car but I really love my GPS system in my car I love sister-girl in my car love my GPS system because here's the thing about GPS systems GPS systems are concerned with just two things that is your current location and your destination that's all they care about is your current location and your destination can I tell you God GPS God's positioning system he cares about your current location and your destination and here's what I love about the GPS system is that whenever I put in my destination the GPS system how do you know it does not give me the directions all at one time she does not go go down this highway and make it right here make a left there when you get to this exit I mean if she shouldn't give me the directions all at one time because I wouldn't be able to handle it and some of you wonder why God doesn't reveal everything he wants to do in your life at one time if God showed you all he was gonna do in your life you wouldn't be able to handle it it would blow your mind if you saw all that God is gonna do in you and through you so God just like the GPS system wants you to trust him each step of the way by his voice so he'll speak to you ago go straight here walk down the steps here turn right here turn left here give your dad a high-five here you'll just speak to you and here's what else I love about the GPS system is that sometimes even when I disobeyed the GPS system and it says turn right here and I keep going this way turn right here and I keep going this way dummy turn right here and I keep going this way here's what I love about the GPS system is that even after I was disobedient and I've gone a long way the wrong way if I will finally listen to the GPS system how many you know every GPS system knows how to recalculate your route and can still get you to the destination that you're supposed to get to oh that's good news for somebody in here because the enemy wants you to think that just because you messed up just because you made some mistakes that God's purpose has been cancelled over your life but how many know the devil is a liar God can recalculate your route and still get you to the place she was supposed to get to [Music] love he bruised chapter 11 Hebrews chapter 11 it's awesome reading when you get to the career it is the Hebrews Hall of faith and all throughout the text in Hebrews 11 we hear these awesome men of God and it talks about all the things that God did in them and through them it says by faith Abraham went out to a land that he was gonna see by faith Sara believed and conceived by faith Enoch was taken up to heaven anybody that ever did anything great for God did it by oh come on did it by faith now what is faith faith is the substance of things hoped for it is the evidence of things not seen Bible also says that without faith it is we got some people that know the word up in here without faith it is impossible impossible a to please God that means faith must be pretty important then right okay then how do I get faith faith comes by jumping up and down at my favorite worship song right faith comes by doing the Harlem shake and the Holy Spirit dougie whenever I hear my favorite song right speaking in more tongues than the United Nations say comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God that means the confidence that I have that God is who he says he is we'll do what he says he's gonna do it's predicated upon my ability to hear st. Augustine in the early church father he says everything that we believe comes through either sight or hearing he says sight is often deceived but hearing serves as a guarantee hearing is a guarantee if you're ever gonna step into the promise of God you got to learn how to hear his voice and this week I'm believing he's gonna speak to you like never before it's gonna be awesome his voice I know I took the survey I know I took the survey last night let's take it one more time how many you been raised in church one more time gonna see how you've been raised in church okay awesome got the right crowd again um if you've been raised in church then surely have you heard somebody say this to you this is an interesting subject here in the voice of God because if you've been raised in church surely somebody has come up to you and said these famous words the Lord told me the best one the Lord told me to tell you how about has anybody ever said that to you if I had a dollar for every time I heard that in church I'd be like as rich as Oprah okay and and hear me don't get me wrong please please believe that God can and will use other people to speak to you he will but more often than not he uses that person to confirm something he's already been trying to get through your thick head that you didn't get the first time rarely does it use somebody to introduce new information but he can the subject of hearing the voice of God is interesting because it's funny the things that people say the Lord told me like I had this friend in Bible College and I won't say his name because I want to protect him Freddie um this guy uh anytime he broke up with a girl any time he got ready to break up with a girl rather than looking at her and saying you know what we've reached a point of this relationship we just need to go our separate ways so I'll always have a dear place for you in my heart but let's just make this relationship more amicable instead of amorous instead of saying that he would say hey boo you know I love you and I would be with you but the Lord told me to end this relationship you know what's crazy it'll worked every time they never got mad they never slashed his tires they never drove their keys into the side of his pretty little souped up four-wheel drive told me but let me be the one to argue and tell you that a lot of people that are saying the Lord told me have not heard jack squat it's a greek word jack squat look it up because how do you know we serve a god please don't miss this that's the first time he speaks in the book of Genesis he speaks the world into existence think about that God could have done a I Dream of Jeannie and just wiggled his nose he could have snapped the world into existence he could have clapped the word into world into existence but he cares about words so much that he began to speak the world into existence how many know God whenever he speaks he don't speak like two people at Starbucks sipping on a mocha frappuccino that don't have anything to talk about tell me what you gonna do today the same thing I did yesterday what'd you do yesterday nothing that's now God whenever God speaks he's gonna speak to you and give you a word about how to change your world he'll speak to you about how to change your school he'll speak to you about how to change your family he'll speak to you about how to change your generation things that don't matter he doesn't have a problem speaking we have a problem hearing which brings me to my text today are you bored yet brings me to my text today Bible says that there was a man who was deaf and could hardly talk he was deaf he could hardly talk and I need you to do something that I do whenever I read a particular passage of scripture I need you to put your feet in the psychological shoes of this man think with me this man cannot hear at all he has never heard his mother's voice never heard his father's voice it's never heard that amazed or felt rather that amazing feeling you feel whenever your song comes on the radio you know how it is whenever your song comes on the radio that that's a good feeling I don't care what you're doing you could be brushing your teeth and all of a sudden you're sound you know what he heard every single day silence can hardly talk he can't even communicate I'm a communicator for a living I cannot imagine having a joke and not being able to tell this man would sit back isolated watching people talking and laughing and wondering what are they talking about and deep down inside he knows he's missing out on something because of this disability and hear me I cannot relate with him in the natural but I can relate with him in the supernatural because how do you know whenever you cannot hear the voice of your father you are missing out on something you are missing out on clear direction and perspective he can give you to change your life Hubble says he was deaf and he could hardly talk death and could hardly talk real quick let's make this a dialogical I want to ask you a question I'm deaf and could hardly talk how many disorders is that hell are just asked you a question this man was deaf and he could hardly talk how many disorders is that how many - he was deaf and he could hardly talk how many disorders is that - actually it's one it's one I used to think it was - he was deaf and he could hardly talk until actually found out that people that have problems communicating it's actually nothing wrong with their mouths although they speak with their words slurred you think there's something wrong with their mouth there's nothing wrong with their mouth all those faculties are intact the problem actually goes back to their hearing the reason they can't speak right is because they can't hear right and make their mouth make the necessary movements to articulate and enunciate the words it has nothing to do with the mouth it has everything to do with their hearing in it's funny how when you can't hear the voice of God there will always be a stutter in your life always be something you can't hardly do whenever you can't hear is for some of you hear me you are the best witness and preacher your school has yet to see but you know why you can't get the words out because you haven't really heard his voice to hear when he's speaking to you and what to say he could he was deaf and he could hardly talk and the Bible says check this out that the crowd brought him before Jesus the crowd brought him before Jesus Jesus crippled come on the duke a walk why does the crowd have to bring you before jesus oh jesus hook a brother or you know do silently with your son but now the Bible says the crowd had to bring him before Jesus and it interesting how whenever you can't hear the voice you start depending on the crowd you start depending on other people instead of getting to the presence of God you say hey what does my friend think about this something's wrong if your friend is the first person you call to give perspective on the situation how many know we need a generation that wants to know God what is your way on this situation God what is your thought God where do you want me to go to school what is the next step for my life this man he depended on the crowd and the crowd brought him for Jesus and the crowd is begging Jesus too you know some ghetto people in the crowd we're begging Jesus to heal this man I love Jesus reaction to the crowd actually let's pause before I give you Jesus reaction to the crowd I got to share something with you about me if I wants to take just one literary genre of scripture to hold on to I actually love the Gospels the Gospels are my favorite a literary genre in Scripture I'm telling you Matthew Mark Luke and John that's what you call them but their close personal friends of mine I call him add Marky Mark uncle Luke and Little John I love the Gospels the Gospels are my favorite cuz I get to see the Ministry of Jesus Christ himself I love that in the Gospels these four Gospel writers they're talking about the same Jesus but they do it in totally different ways and today we're from the Gospel of Mark and Mark is distinctly different from Matthew Luke and John stay with me because Matthew Luke and John they primarily focus on what Christ said machi mark is totally different his focus is on what Christ did he is concerned with the actions of Christ that's why mark happens to be the shortest gospel because he wants you to see the actions of Christ why are the actions of Christ so important well because of something that John says and his gospel that we read last night John says in the beginning was though and the Word was with God and the Word was God was a word like he was a word like if there was no red letters in your Bible and Jesus showed up on planet Earth and all he said was this he still would have been preaching because he was the Word made flesh Jesus could have wiggled his big toe and there's more revelation and power in him wiggly is told than any preacher that would ever grace a pulpit to excavate and extrapolate the complexities of a position I'm telling you he was the Word made flesh so whenever you read the Word of God don't just focus on what Christ said also focus on what Christ because his actions will speak to you there's revelations and what he did I love Jesus reaction to the crowd because he doesn't look at the crowd and say do you want to see a miracle I said - you wanna see a miracle when I say member could you say Jam and then light started no he didn't do that old-school preacher you know that has veins popping out of his neck and has an organ behind no you can't hear but I'm about to touch your ear so don't have any fear cuz I'm gonna touch your ear and then you'll be able to hear I just saw a deer matter of fact I find it intriguing that he didn't even say a word to him bob says all that he does is he takes this man away from the crowd the crowd of Jesus takes him away from the crowd almost as if he was saying through his actions I'm not so much concerned with putting on a show for them as much as I'm concerned with having a one-on-one encounter with you took this man away from the crowd how many know when that man got away from the crowd he was alone in the presence of God he got away from the crowd and alone the prince of God there's something to write down if you want to hear the voice of God get away from the crowd and get alone in his presence get away from the crowd and get alone in his presence get away from the crowd and get alone in his presence in the presence of God because home you know we all have crowds in our life crowds that seek to distract us from hearing what God would say to us crowds that stop us from having that alone quiet place with God I have a big sign in my office and I look at it as soon as I walk in I have to see it in my office and on the sign is this plaque somebody gave me gave it to me and it says make time for quiet moments because the world is loud and God often whispers you gotta get away from the crowd and alone the presence of God so I want to ask you to awakening have you identified what your crowd is cuz everybody has a crowd something that stops you from getting in the presence of God where he can speak to you what is your crowd some of you your boyfriend or your girlfriend is your crowd they're your crowd because you spend more time talking to them that you do in the presence of God what you doing girl you know that's how guys do we always drop our voice whenever we talk to a girl we like I'm giving you a clue hint about God lady I don't care how high-pitched his voice is whenever he talks to a girl he likes he will drop his voice I'm telling you I'm telling you where he could be playing the video game oh my goodness I've never been this far on this game before then his girlfriend calls so come on I get that's my girl hold on thank you how you doing you doing all right what you doing girl you know I'll think about you on the phone you still there anything I just want to hear you breathe what how is on the phone but you just was singing about how much you loved his presence I got saying do you love my presence just that conference on a Wednesday night or do you love it every day what is your crowd there are all kinds of crowds in this room that can stop you from getting in the presence I've got something you are sitting next to your crown and you have permission and awakening to stop sitting next to them if they're stopping you from hearing the word of God ministry can be a crowd you can be so busy doing the work of the Lord that you don't spend time with the Lord of the work you're doing don't ask me how I know what is your crowd everybody has a crowd and God's saying get away from the crowd and get alone and my presence because it is in my presence that I speak to you it's itchin one thing I do love about getting to travel as I travel and I meet all kinds of people I'll never forget I was traveling a preaching and I I think I was in California and I met a guy who was a bus driver he'd been a bus driver for several years and his job as a bus driver was just to pick up these high school teams athletic teams he would take him to the event once the event was over he washed him did they do their event he'd go grab a burger or something then once the event was over he'd go back and pick him up he said Robert I want you to hear this he said this one day I went to go pick up this team and I knew I was taking them to attract me take him to attract me but when I got to the school I thought that I got lost because plastered on the wall of the school it said school for the blind licked my map I said wait a minute this can't be the high school in school for the blind how in the world are blond boys gonna run and attract me but he said sure enough all these boys came out of the school and got on my bus he said oh yes this is for real so he starts driving to the track man he said Robert that day I did not go get a burger he said I had to see this for myself I'm thinking to myself how in the world are some blind boys gonna Ronnie said this is gonna be crazy they're gonna be running into each other this is just gonna be chaos I'm gonna get sued what is what is this he said he sat there and he washed she said Robert is one of the most incredible things I've ever seen he said each one of those boys got their started stretching and they got on the starting mark and he said they ran in a perfectly straight line from start to finish uh-huh I said how you said let me finish he said standing at the finish line was each one of the boys coaches and you know what the coach was doing he was standing there going here-here-here hair hair and because each one of the boys had spent so much time with their coach they knew their coach's voice so even though they couldn't see they understood I'm not running this race by sight I've spent so much time with my coach that as long as I just go where my coaches call it I'm gonna get to the finish line and to the place that he's standing come on somebody that's why the Bible says my sheep know my voice and the stranger they will not follow and God is at the finish line of your destiny singing here here here is your purpose here here here's your husband here here's your destiny but you won't hear your coach's voice till you spend time in his presence you gotta get in the presence of God here's what I love about this man is that as soon as he got in the presence of God guess what Jesus did he took his finger and put it in the man's ear she put his holy finger and that man has a nasty air almost saying if there was actions that's not gonna be the same when I'm through with it you need to clean the two up he put his finger in the man's ear you know what that lets me know is that God touches you in his presence there's something about the prints of God where he touches areas of your life that aren't working the way they're supposed to work have you ever done it before not in church have you ever been at home and you just shut everything down and got in a room and just started putting on some worship music and just started a worship and have you ever felt like his presence just came in the room of before you know when tears started flooding your face and he just touched you that's what I love about the Friends of God is that he touches you in his presence now that would be a good sermon right there I can shut it down right there get away from the crowd get alone the presence let God touch you by the bing bada boom let's call it a day and go get some chicken for lunch chicken you already knew anyway I can't stop the sermon there because there's a problem I have with this passage because one would think if you got away from the crowd alone the presence of God and Jesus touched you Jesus touched you I mean how many know this is a holy finger if there ever was one this is Jesus touch you not your aunt with the moustache this is Jesus how did you know you would be healed right oh come on you would think a touch from Jesus would bring your healing I'm gonna come there as a woman and we talked about last night a little bit there's a woman who pressed her way through the crowd just touched his clothes and she got healed you would think a touch from Jesus would get you healed but I find it intriguing this man got away from the crowd got alone in the presence of God got a touch from God but the touch did not bring the healing this is a picture of many people in this generation because there's a lot of young people who love to come to church love to come to conferences and get a touch from God but they leave the same way that they came in they love to come and have the awesome worship music and the lights and the smoke and tears coming down your face and snots going everywhere you look she leave the same way that you came in how many know you need more than a touch from God if you just had a touch and it stops here at this conference we have wasted our time you need something deeper than just an emotional experience come on somebody need something deeper than a touch you know what you need you need Jesus to spit on his fingers and touch your tongue say it again you need Jesus to spit on his fingers and touch your tongue now when I said that some super spiritual people win hallelujah spit yes you know I was thinking about that bill today we need more spit in the church those you who are like me whenever you read the Bible I read it like for what it is oh come on can we be real enough in Rhode Island help me no that's nasty [Music] [Music] because Jesus sets it up so perfectly takes him away from the crowd he's like who says he gets alone in the presence of God Jesus takes his finger he sticks it Azir a tingle go down his spine Hillsong starts playing in the background that was me that was me you have lost your holy man you wouldn't be weirded out but let's just contextualize it for you a little bit today can you imagine you go to youth group one Wednesday night you go to your youth pastor Oh pastor rough week really been struggling can you pray for me and your youth pastor let's say you say all the pray for you but hold on one second Tom with some spirit yo that would be your last night at that youth group has lost his holy mind to you understand something about spit and fingertips I wish I had somebody that watch CSI Oh in your spit is something called your DNA it's the very components of who you are if you were to leave awakening today and kill somebody I pray you don't because if you did I probably just retire from preaching oh but if you were don't spit at the crime scene they will find you and we will watch you own cops because in your spit is your DNA it is who you are as a matter of fact let's look at your fingertips real quick everybody look at your fingertips real quick everybody look at your fingertips can I tell you this six point six billion people on planet Earth you are the only person with that fingerprint it is unique and distinctive to you that's why you all not try to be anybody else you ought to be glad to be who God has created you to be you are the only person with that fingerprint it is your identity so what I believe Jesus is saying in the text is don't just get away from the crowd don't just get alone in my presence but he said I want my spit I want my DNA to be down on the inside of you I want what's in me to be down on the inside of you because how many you know if what's in me gets in you you will change your world if watching me gets in you I want my DNA on the inside of you and we need a generation of young people hear me who live with the daily awareness that Christ's DNA is on the inside of you because you'll forget the touch how you know you won't ever forget when he spits on his finger touches your tongue he says I want my DNA to be down on the inside of you I want to challenge you live with the daily awareness that Christ is in you everywhere you go not just in church because it's easy to do it in church is easier do it at conference are you kidding me this atmosphere so electric it's easy in here I mean in here when we somebody says highlights on my own says lujah in here's some isis praise that somebody else says the lord you don't count you need it out there when you say Haleh if somebody says forget you man that's when they need to know the Christ's DNA is down on the inside of you how do I live with that awareness that he's on the inside of me I'm almost out of fact somebody could have come start playing I love it or just come get ready how do I live with that awareness that he's on the inside of me I'll tell you how you do it look at what Jesus does a next Bible says after he gets this man away from the crowd along this presence he spits on his fingers touches his tongue the Bible says that he looks up to heaven I'm glad that even Jesus knows where his help comes from come on sometimes you don't need to look to the left look to the right you just need to look up i'm says he looks up to heaven the Bible says he lets out a deep sigh he just yeah I was like lord why in the world would you sigh were you frustrated with the man I know where would you say not said to me Robert you sigh and I still don't get it said Robert sigh again I went I got a fiddle did it get it this I again I don't get it I said you know I got to preach come on Days sigh got it whenever you saw all you're doing is breathing in and breathing out and when you breathe in breathe out if you haven't brushed your teeth hum you know is just bad breath ever you see the breath of God in Scripture you know what it is a picture of the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit is the one that gives me that awareness that Christ is on the inside of me every single day everywhere I go how many know we need a generation that is full of the Holy Spirit of God so they can go out and change the culture without a deep sigh the Holy Spirit gives me that awareness that is in me then it looks at the man just pause real quick you stopped playing that was awesome I just need you for that moment it makes me sound spiritual you know whenever somebody plays the keys you sound more spiritual it's true watch this God loves you okay try it again would you play God [Applause] [Music] she means be open Bible says immediately men's ears get open its tongue gets loosened he starts speaking plainly that what your Bible says Bob says he looks at the man and says epithet which means Bob says immediately the man's ears get open his tongue loosen he starts speaking plainly he looked at the man and says epithet which means immediately the man's ears get opened his tongue gets loosened and he starts speaking plainly trouble more time which means open get solution a supernatural miracle okay all of a sudden he said for he looks at me and says epithet which means immediately the man's ears get open his tongue get solution and he starts speaking plainly I love church people you say something loud enough of passion I finally they're like okay then I started thinking about it said wait a minute the man is death death Jesus looks at a deaf man and says epithet which means and then his ears got open the question is why is Jesus talking to a deaf man okay right about now I have to issue a warrant for your intelligent arrest my homie I met him earlier awesome name hello Denzel he's right there sick a row awesome haircut - which means and zimmy's ears get open so why is Jesus talking to a deaf man I hope I don't make anybody go crazy and shout over this can I tell you something about the God that you serve how many know he was looking at that man but he was not talking to that man he was speaking in the supernatural so there was a manifestation in the natural and you got to understand that sometimes you got to look crazy and speak to some things that are closed and be open and when you speak it and faith in the supernatural how many know it will manifest in the natural somebody say be open oh he was speaking to every demonic force that had that man's ear shut and tongue shut for years all of a sudden man's ears were open his tongue was loosened and if there was a verizon commercial around I think Jesus would have looked at him and said can you hear me now can you hear me now God wants to open ears so you can hear what he has to say to you but speaking of hearing okay can y'all hear me okay are you sure the whole time I've been preaching sound people I've been here like this buzz in the monitors I don't know if you can help me but can y'all hear me all right can you hear me are you sure I've just been hearing this noise [Music] you that illustration to show you what your life looks like see the whole time I was preaching and trying to talk you couldn't hear what I had to say because there was so much noise going on and God said that's a picture of your life you got so much noise so many things going on but I think this conference we need to say God just like that man I'm getting away from the crowd I'm getting away from the distractions my only purpose is to hear you speak God open up my ears come on what you lift up your hands all over this place turn that up come on come on turn it up come on this is your moment to shut everything down to say God to worship you I live I want to hear you speak come on God open up our ears today God we need you in this place today God we get away from the crowd away from the distraction so that you can speak to us you come on the worship thing is just gonna play but come on can you make this your place you say god I'm getting away from the crowd tell you God wants to open up the ears of a generation so they can hear him speak not only hear his voice but boldly declare who he is God we need you today god I thank you that just like that man you had us here at Awakening 2013 so that we can hear you speak God we get away from every distraction every crowd will stop us from being alone with you come on in your own words can you just begin to worship Him come on just pretend like you're the only person in here just begin to give them your worship right now whatever that crowd is in your life say God I'm getting away from that God I when they hear you speak
Channel: AWAKENING Church
Views: 24,389
Rating: 4.7948718 out of 5
Keywords: awakening conference,, #awakeningconf, awakening conference robert madu, robert madu, make jesus famous, new life worship center, rich wilkerson jr, bible, mark 7, God's word, God's voice, robert madu preaching, elevation, awakening, awakening church, full sermon, can you hear me now?, preaching, funny, illustration, new, christian, religion
Id: thLsHJalXhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 56sec (3236 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 16 2015
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