r/Natureisf***inglit | Comically Large Bird

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okay nature stop with the two prettiness that's making it real hard for us to meet your standards of beauty okay you and your perfect color palettes [Music] hey fellow earth dweller welcome back to mk it's me jake and did you know the earth is freaking lit no not in the sense of climate change in the sense that it's cool what you don't well sit down you foolish fool and learn otherwise as it's time to find beauty in the earth and nature is freaking lit personally i hope this content is 90 australia so i don't have to travel anywhere overseas starting off alaska ah damn it why do you have to be pretty alaska why can you not be over here you and yet blue crystal clear beautiful waters i'm not jealous the size of a full-grown albatross ah a mega duck came across two beautiful albino deer this morning i've never seen one let alone two thought it was picture-worthy hey professional animal photographers you see this you see this photo op you will never experience this you have a nice day now these amethyst geodes are huge lies that man is just very very tiny so anyone want to pitch in with me to buy that one that looks like he could turn into a nice hot tub by the scale's probably only like you know like fifty thousand dollars the margae is adapted to a life spent mainly in trees it is the only cat that can rotate its hind leg 180 degrees and it is the cutest spotty of spot kids 18. also wait 180 degrees they got ah oh they're contortionists baby aunt eater you have been dominated duck stuffed toy thing i'm not really sure what you are what do we think though does anti declassify as cute no well how about this arctic fox ah gets to the ball it's a perfect little curly ball chip what's that not sweet enough for you honey badger there have it look snowy look at each of those things whatever their berries wait no are they berries either way i doubt the honey budget care so neither should we sloth bear mama with coops in related news i've recently discovered that there's a thing called a sloth bear like why are they called sloth bears one google later it was a european zoologist george shaw who named the sloth bear for its long thick claws and unusual teeth he thought the bear was related to the tree sloth due to these features ah so he assumed well george you see what assuming does it makes an ass out of you and the bear okay not really the bear the bear's just an innocent victim either way they do look ugly though so moving on wild beehive oh i was expecting like strobe lights and you know raving sticks but okay that's pretty crazy too is it just me or does this hive look kind of like an avocado like there's like the middle seed and everything hey guys free shivakadu try some of our fresh sweetened avocado it's got a little bit of a sting at the end too bohemian waxwing eating berries you know for creatures that lack actual showers and you know regular hygienic schedules they look gosh darn clean and pretty like dude come on seriously is it so bright and blue this is so pretty what shampoo do you use two brothers and a waterfall icky land this better not be something like two girls and one cup oh it isn't it's just two gorgeous creatures caressing each other while sometimes eating each other's poo seriously though how do you get these kind of photos did they get trained to do this on command i imagine the photographer was here for like hours getting this shot okay so you always hear how delicate butterfly wings are but just look at this they are clearly trampling on each other's wings you might think this is beautiful to look at but this is a civil war going on right now they are murdering each other the double spiral in this corrage yo that ain't natural no way no whoa that is really trippy i feel like the op took this photo just to be extra sure it wasn't only them tripping out over this hey reddit you guys see this right i didn't just eat too much carrots if you look carefully there are four birds here one two three and also if you think about it that bird's nose that looks kind of like a bird as well someone asked for phallic canyon too bad you're getting it extra hard now i don't want to encourage stereotypes but just notice how the darker ones are much more thicker and bigger this cattle of the mandari tribe of south sudan their necks must be so sore also really interesting that the sudanese people are able to carry around demons like that seriously man how are they not the dominant predators of the land there they did an elephant get too familiar with one of their ancestors or something if he senses danger a chicana dad will bundle his chicks into his wings to keep them safe [Music] i thought this was nature was freaking lit not nature is freaking terrifying i get that it's trying to be a good dad but come on man it looks like you're just collecting bodies a white ghost cicada well i've just discovered that insects can be absolutely beautiful provided they look like buggy dalmatians here's a large cat thing is it a very pixelated image or is it just that furry ultra cumulus cloud cleric alta kim like the alto cumulus cloud club how to cumulus cloud cover you stupid words ah beautiful looks like a giant bed sheet over the world i'm very snug wow amazing how nature itself can create amazing works oh who cares about that look there's a cat look at the cat oh hello cat yes hello give me your attention now please mother nature's color palette is legit boom western australia hell yeah boy is this what i'm talking about some little aussie represent oh wait that's broom it's like the other side of the country for me i'm good oh it's really pretty too room you suck why can't you bring that beautiful natural scenery to eastern australia where it's overpopulated and more industrial and polluted extremely rare white cougar highlights a quirk of the species another white cougar may not appear in my lifetime i swear albino animals are like just super rare cards door to the world sedona arizona that is incredible if it was in australia because it's not though i couldn't care less mainly because i don't want to be so stressed out about the fact that i can't access this place because it's too far away no it's not fomo shut up wood duck that's wood get out of here that wow that is really good detail mandarin duck oh i was kind of expecting it to be made out of mandarins but this is so good it's still very pretty again i do have to ask what shampoo do you use left hand rail bald eagle bald eagle bald eagle right hand rail thing from dark crystal bald eagle bald eagle i like to imagine this is what your president wakes up to every morning if it was australia our prime minister would wake up to kangaroos and knowing kangaroos he'd likely have to fight them off his porch who deleted the moon layer again someone get the control set find the controls cassowary's eggs are green hello you australian dinosaur yes another adorable fact their feet can literally gash out your entire stomach and intestines another fun fact my country lost an entire war against them ah we trekked down the culprit who got all those sudanese cows extra horny yeah yeah here's some tobacco hornworm caterpillar feet for everyone oh oh they're so cute they're so cute and tiny they're like little toes the red avadavits uh darvitz navidavis ava david david with is also known as the strawberry finch okay i'm just gonna call it that okay yeah i can see why geez even the beak is red what is what color scheme is this are you trying to hide from something or become very very obvious presenting the new psychopath test will you walk through these flowers in rare cases dead organisms will be filled in with opal rather than muddle stone creating these mesmerizing fossils wait so technically opal is just withered corpse glue i'm not sure if that disgusts me or just makes me find it even cooler red shoulder hawk with his little friend oh i was expecting like a baby bird that's even better oh my gosh oh my gosh i want an animated series about this now and a darker twist on things maybe this bird's just following the frog home so we can find out where more food is okay i think i lost him yeah yeah you lost him bro you should probably head home and tell everyone what you saw good idea loud intimidating brain voice vietnamese mossy frogs non-smokeable what oh oh i see ah thank you for the heads up no i mean uh i i mean are you sure have you have you tried it yet you don't know presenting earth's nipple also known as mount fuji i guess you know if you want to see more subscribe to earth's only fans forest light mushrooms are among the 100 fungi species that are bioluminescent they are usually found in scr you know the more we see about nature and understand it the more i completely understand why so many people back in the day believed in magic hexagon rock formation giant's causeway in northern ireland okay that's way too far away from australia i'm sorry that's not good enough side note wow what the heck is genuinely curious to all those islands out there who are watching right now can you take these home icelandic horse and volcano okay can we get a little bit less badass please starting to think this is less a legitimate photo and more so a just a band cover album oh look these lizards are hugging you mean yiffing hugging eagle on ice well someone get him to a rehab center but just look at him his hands are all twisted ah bro i am tripping so hard right now 150 foot iceberg passing through iceberg alley near ferryland newfoundland canada e yo don't mind me just dying from the sheer insanity that it would be to experience this i mean you're literally seeing a continental piece just pass on by that is insane american kestrel checking out the humans hello would you like to take a moment to know about our lord and savior jesus bird house by the lake in the winter wonderland it's a blend of peaceful tranquil and no one could hear you scream if you got murdered oh sorry ruining it i made a lamp from a wasp nest yo that ain't a lamp that's a dragon ball man here's a leopard to remind you that their freaking skin tone stuff is just insane look at that coat seriously though why that coat for all the better to lick you with my dear oh mom that segway sucked ah so that's the shampoo you use who the hell are you ah good to see they're filming the next thor movie now a black throated loon now remember whenever you see a name of an animal you're not sure what it is it's always a duck thing it's always a duck thing a seriously damn good manic good duck thing my goodness well look it comes with a barcode too i wonder how much it costs kingfisher perched on a lotus leaf also johnson was the photographer you know give him some credit oh damn credit deserved wow that is an incredible color scheme palette thing i don't know whatever the terminology is i'm not a photographer okay i just know what looks pretty baobab trees in madagascar ah yes the trees that do make me question what the hell nature seriously amazing how just slightly different areas of the earth can look like complete alien planets a 12 million year old praying mantis encased in amber you know kind of disappointed was expecting it to be a lot bigger and intimidating though seeing videos of how they hunt i am very thankful they are small jaguarundi i'll just rely on someone else in the comments to tell me how i said that wrong a mini cat that looks more like a weasel oh i thought the platypus looks like a photoshop job that is i'm sorry to laugh at you weasel cat but just look at you you look you look so silly but also kind of cute but silly cute the moon disguised as saturn captured by francisco sergio on that guitar gosh these words akatenango volcano look let's just accept i'm gonna say some of these wrong okay whoa that is insane serious dude that is incredible live wow wow i i'm seriously blown away by this an incredible masagate god from java indonesia the moss is actually inclusions of dendrites and iron trapped in the gate during its formation resulting in this beautiful garden-like scene wow that is incredibly beautiful kinda looks like a bunch of mashed bees and crushed strawberries but they're still pretty meets the aardwolf the littlest murder machine that looks like a weaponized chihuahua oh cute and terrifying sadly at the same time seriously considering chihuahuas are kind of considered one of the most aggressive breeds i'm quite fearful of these guys oh bull that looks like it has a nebula inside oh how nice the meaning of life in the universe inside the sun a little opal try not to shake it too much mike put our gravitational pull out of whack oh you got some of your green hair stuck on the top of it now you freaked out the moose flora de panther on the hunt yes it probably doesn't feel that inconspicuous considering there's a person with a giant camera following it around oh my god just go away please i'm hungry los glaciares national park pantagonia argentina okay no that is not real that's a painting it's got to be a painting please be a painting well hello there little boy remember those carrots you left out for me and christmas night neither do i because you didn't you didn't leave me any carrots so i'm gonna have to eat something else a rather innocent looking seal with a freshly killed baby shark in its mouth oh oh how cute i just say that does not work i'm sorry your puppy dog eyes do not work when there is a literal shark screaming in agony in your mouth yo dawg i heard you like shells so i got some shells in your shell so you can chill out while you shield it the view of the sky saturn and jupiter in the background oh hey there little guys presenting snake no not toy real why can't australia have pretty colored snakes like this i'll take the pretty colors over the extremely tender venom any other day lynx's large pores work like snowshoes just as snowshoes keep people from sinking in the snow link's paws support twice as much weight on snow okay at what point do they turn from just being paused to mittens they're just giant mittens also this lynx looks like it has the most humble smile obviously can't say the same thing for this tiger though it looks like he just got a really well timed shot from the links spring that flows through a living tree and if you're not going to tell us where okay thanks a-hole siberian flying squirrel that's a lot of not flying there sorry squirrels no you look cute as heck but you're not flying so what's the point okay what the heck how was no what how i am confused how to photographers achieve this i mean i struggle to achieve a decent selfie every day but this an elephant stretching in the morning in today's news i've just discovered elephants are more flexible than me [Laughter] this is called an australian surprise okay okay hang on i am australian i should know what this is then the fact i don't is kind of concerning about my legitimacy okay i'm going to say it's a drop bear or like a snake curled up somewhere in like a boot oh no oh i was even worse than i i could really forget about this one oh man like okay i don't have a fear of spiders but like if there is one right near my hand nah dude that is too furry [Music] shivering okay look maybe i do have a pair of spiders okay i thought this upside down tree overcoming adversity to grow in a brick tunnel was really impressive how about you i think there's always one who just has to try and stand out all the other trees in the background are just like dude what are you doing i'm being spider-man a turtle riding a jellyfish oh that's so cute and kind of concerning for that jellyfish's choices because i'm pretty sure turtles eat jellyfish try marissa come on gemerosaurus in solaris is a venomous pit viper subspecies found in indonesia and east timor landed at first go don't you even dare ask me about my other 67 takes oh and he's so happy to see us look at that cheeky gritted furry wait do snakes have furry tongues that is actually really creepy hey can you guess where the most soil rich parts of this land is do you need a clue are you good okay by the way here's a willow see now this is blending in with the surroundings not being bright red and pink with a strawberry finch learn to stick in with the crowd you weirdo check out these translucent wings don't understand the evolutionary aspect towards this at all but hey it looks cool creating a pretty rainbow effect on the wings there maybe that's maybe they're trying to be pretty obviously this that this is what you call beauty seriously though aren't parrots just the best they're just so cool except when they bite you of course that that yeah that is sort of fun speaking of fun why not jump into this relaxing hot river go on no it's definitely hot see the steam there that's steam that means it's hot and also hey look the sun's out that means it's warm no i'm not attempting your murder again after failing to do it at the log cabin before so be ridiculous now what is ridiculous is you finishing this video and getting to the fanarts area yay fanart today's fart is by paint stained hands ooh dirty it's their first post they've loved the mk channel for years and finally got around to making some fan art oh let's check it out and hot diggity damn that is just some well damn good work honestly incredible detail so much well done effort there whether you worked hard or you're just talented at it that is just an incredible piece of work there paint stained hands good job thank you for finally gifting us with what you deserve to show to the world now if you're intimidated by this don't be we're not this isn't a place for the best of the best work it's just to show appreciation to the channel and to highlight you guys showing some love use us as like a practice space to develop your own skills you can submit your work on the mk subreddit as always as that's where we see them and put them onto the newest videos so seriously don't be shy i love seeing your work it's fun to check it out but speaking of checking out it is time for the end of this video today so thank you as always for watching it's been an absolute pleasure enjoying the beauties of life with you as well as the traumatizing horrifying things like spiders and cars if you're this far in the video clearly you enjoyed yourself so why not like it to show your appreciation and hey if you're new to the channel welcome why not subscribe to quite every minecraft youtuber out there these days it's free and you can always unsubscribe but anyway let's actually do what it is and say farewell so farewell my name's been jack you've been a lovely person to talk to as always i'll see you for the next one and until then you have a lovely day bye-bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 405,730
Rating: 4.9647064 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, natureisfuckinglit, r/natureisfuckinglit
Id: 67T5pEZ3668
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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